My simplistic blogfile generator

This is a relatively simple blog generator that uses mako and pandoc to produce html pages with MathJaX includes.


python3 -m blog-gen <infile> [-b <base-template>]

The input file is any old pandoc markdown file. The base template is specified relative to the template lookup's root: it defaults to "base.html". Running this command will spit out a static page that contains the rendered markdown. The cool thing about this is that pandoc will convert Latex math expressions like $x_2 + \frac{1}{2}x_{1}^{2}$ into the MathJaX equivalent: if you run this file through the blog generator, you'd get: \(x_2 + \frac{1}{2}x_{1}^{2}\) (for example, see [raw/master/processed_README.html])



The only prerequisite that cannot be installed with pip is pandoc, which can either be installed via cabal install or from your distribution's package archives.


  1. run
  2. copy contents of pyandoc_mods to lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandoc/
  1. for now, the generator must be run from the repository's root directory