(in-package :cl-user) (ql:quickload :cl-markup) (ql:quickload :cl-oid-connect) (ql:quickload :colors) (ql:quickload :lquery) (ql:quickload :plump) (ql:quickload :postmodern) (ql:quickload :sxql) (ql:quickload :clack-middleware-postmodern) (ql:quickload :dexador) (ql:quickload :spinneret) (ql:quickload :ubiquitous) (ql:quickload :iterate) (ql:quickload :jonathan) (ql:quickload :cl-actors) (ql:quickload :simple-tasks) (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 2))) (push (cons "application" "rdf+xml") drakma:*text-content-types*) (push (cons "application" "rss+xml") drakma:*text-content-types*) (push (cons "text" "rss+xml") drakma:*text-content-types*) ;(load "utils.lisp") (load "rss.lisp") (defpackage :whitespace (:use #:cl #:whitespace.utils #:whitespace.feeds.rss #:whitespace.tables)) (in-package plump-dom) (defmethod serialize-object :around ((node element)) (when (string= (tag-name node) "iframe") (make-text-node node)) (call-next-method)) (in-package :whitespace) (ubiquitous:restore :whitespace) (defparameter *app* (make-instance 'ningle:)) (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/login" (params) :app *app*) (cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (s) (:html (:head (:title "Login")) (:body (:div :class "login-button facebook" (:a :href "/login/facebook" "Facebook")) (:div :class "login-button google" (:a :href "/login/google" "Google")))))) (handler-bind ((warning #'sb-ext::muffle-warning)) (let* ((feed-urls (ubiquitous:value 'feed 'urls)) (plump-parser:*tag-dispatchers* plump:*xml-tags*) (docs (map 'vector (lambda (x) (plump:parse (drakma:http-request x))) feed-urls))) (defparameter *feeds* (map 'vector (lambda (x) (make-rss-feed x)) docs)))) (defparameter *db-connection-info* (ubiquitous:value 'db 'connection 'info)) (defmacro with-whitespace-db (&body body) `(postmodern:with-connection *db-connection-info* ,@body)) (defmacro wc (&body body) `(with-whitespace-db ,@body)) (defmacro with-xml-tags (&body body) `(let ((plump:*tag-dispatchers* plump:*xml-tags*)) ,@body)) (defmacro def-markup (name (&rest args) &body body) `(defmacro ,name ,args (alexandria:once-only ,args `(cl-markup:markup ,,@body)))) (defmacro item-markup (item) (alexandria:once-only (item) `(let ((,item ,item)) (cl-markup:markup (:li :class "link closed" (:section :class "link-header" (:h4 (rss-item-title ,item)) (:p :class "link-info" (:a :target "_blank" :href (rss-item-link ,item) (:span :class "link-url" (rss-item-link ,item))) (:span :class "link-date") (rss-item-pub-date ,item))) (:section :class "link-content" (:div (cl-markup:raw (rss-item-description-raw ,item))))))))) (defmacro feed-markup (feed-v fc-v) (alexandria:with-gensyms (feed fc) `(let ((,feed ,feed-v) (,fc ,fc-v)) (cl-markup:markup (:section :class "feed closed" :id (format nil "feed-~a" ,fc) (:section :class "feed-header" (:h2 (rss-feed-title ,feed)) (:h3 (rss-feed-description ,feed))) (:ul :class "post-list" (:li :class "link closed" :ng-repeat (format nil "item in feeds.result[~d].items" (- ,fc 1)) (:section :class "link-header" (:h4 "{{item.title}}") (:p :class "link-info" (:a :target "_blank" :ng-href "{{item.link}}" :class "link-url" "{{item.link}}") (:span :class "link-date" "{{item.date}}"))) (:section :class "link-content" (:div "{{item.description}}"))) )))))) (defmacro feedlist-markup (feedlist) (alexandria:once-only (feedlist) `(cl-markup:markup* `(:ul :class "menu" ,@(loop for feed across ,feedlist count feed into feed-count collect (list :li (list :a :href (format nil "#feed-~a" feed-count) (rss-feed-title feed)))))))) (load "base-template.lisp") (defmacro defun-from-value (name value) `(setf (symbol-function ',name) ,value)) (defun-from-value jsonapi-encoder (jonathan.helper:compile-encoder () (success result) (list :|success| success :|result| result))) (defmacro neither (&rest forms) `(not (or ,@forms))) (defmacro neither-null (&rest forms) `(neither ,@(loop for form in forms collecting `(null ,form)))) ; ; ; Ultimately, this will only serialize the feed if the client (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/feeds/add" (params) :method :post :app *app*) (ningle.context:with-context-variables (session) (let ((user-info (gethash :app-user session)) (result '(302 (:location "/"))) (api (string= (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr "api" params 'string=) "yes")) (url (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr "url" params 'string=)) (plump-parser:*tag-dispatchers* plump-parser:*xml-tags*)) (cl-oid-connect:require-login (when (neither-null params user-info) (handler-case (let* ((doc (plump:parse (drakma:http-request url))) (uid (slot-value user-info 'id))) (multiple-value-bind (added-feed dao-feed) (store-feed doc) (subscribe-to-feed uid (slot-value dao-feed 'id)) (when api (setf result `(200 (:Content-Type "application/json") ,(jsonapi-encoder t added-feed)))))) (cl-postgres-error:unique-violation () (when api (setf result `(400 () ,(jsonapi-encoder nil "Feed already saved")))))))) result))) ;;; TODO: add needs to return the new content, so that angular can append it (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/feeds/json" (params) :app *app*) (ningle.context:with-context-variables (session) (let* ((user-info (gethash :app-user session)) (*feeds* (if user-info (deserialize user-info) *feeds*))) `(200 (:content-type "application/json" :cache-control "private, max-age=300") ,(jsonapi-encoder t *feeds*))))) (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/feeds/:feeds/html" (params) :app *app*) (ningle.context:with-context-variables (session) (cl-oid-connect:require-login (let* ((feedlist-s (cdr (assoc :feeds params))) (feedlist (mapcar #'parse-integer (split-sequence:split-sequence #\SPACE feedlist-s))) (*feeds* (gethash :feeds session *feeds*)) (*feeds* (make-array (list (length feedlist)) :initial-contents (loop for x in feedlist collect (elt *feeds* x))))) (base-template-f))))) (defun login-callback (userinfo &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (postmodern:with-transaction () (let* ((received-id (anaphora:aif (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :id userinfo) anaphora:it (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :sub userinfo))) (db-user (car (postmodern:select-dao 'reader_user (:= :foreign-id received-id))))) (if (not (null db-user)) db-user (progn (let ((name (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :name userinfo)) (first-name (anaphora:aif (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :first--name userinfo) anaphora:it (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :given--name userinfo))) (last-name (anaphora:aif (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :last--name userinfo) anaphora:it (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :family--name userinfo))) (email (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :email userinfo)) (gender (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :gender userinfo)) (link (anaphora:aif (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :link userinfo) anaphora:it (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :profile userinfo))) (locale (cl-oid-connect:assoc-cdr :locale userinfo))) (postmodern:make-dao 'reader_user :foreign-id received-id :first-name first-name :last-name last-name :name name :email email :gender gender :link link :locale locale))))))) (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/demo" (params) :app *app*) (base-template-f t)) (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/" (params) :app *app*) (ningle:with-context-variables (session) (cl-oid-connect:require-login (cl-oid-connect:redirect-if-necessary session (let* ((user-info (gethash :app-user session)) (*feeds* (deserialize user-info))) (base-template-f)))))) ;;; this will be bound by calls to with-palette ;;; probably should be refactored out (defparameter *palette* nil) (defparameter *colorscheme* (make-instance 'colors:colorscheme)) (defun get-theme-css () (colors:with-palette (*palette*) (flet ((combine-unit-q (quant unit) (format nil "~d~a" quant unit))) (let* ((header-height 9) (main-right-margin (* 0.618 (- 100 header-height))) (height-units "vh") (ss (lass:compile-and-write `(* :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg *colorscheme*)) `(body :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-bg *colorscheme*)) `((:or h1 h2 h3) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg-highlight *colorscheme*)) `(.feed-header :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-bg-highlight *colorscheme*)) `((:or h4 h5 h6) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg-highlight *colorscheme*)) `(header :border-bottom "thin" "solid" ,(colors:colorscheme-accent *colorscheme*) :height ,(combine-unit-q header-height height-units) :font-size ,(combine-unit-q (* 0.75 header-height) height-units) :line-height ,(combine-unit-q header-height height-units) (.flip-button :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg *colorscheme*) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-bg *colorscheme*)) ((:and .flip-button :focus) :outline none) ((:and .flip-button :hover) :font-size ,(combine-unit-q (* 0.25 header-height) height-units))) `(main :border-left medium solid ,(colors:colorscheme-accent *colorscheme*) :height ,(combine-unit-q (- 100 header-height) height-units) ("#add-form" :box-shadow "0em" "0em" "0.2em" "0.2em" ,(colors:colorscheme-accent *colorscheme*) ((:or input button) :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-bg *colorscheme*) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg *colorscheme*)) ) ) `((:or a (:and a :visited) (:and a :active) code.url) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg-highlight *colorscheme*)) `(section#sidebar :transition opacity "0.5s" ease (ul.menu ((li + li) :border-top "thin" "solid" ,(colors:colorscheme-fg-highlight *colorscheme*)) ((:and li :hover) :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-hover-highlight *colorscheme*) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg-highlight *colorscheme*)))) `(.feed :border-bottom thick solid ,(colors:colorscheme-accent *colorscheme*) :border-left none) `(.link-header :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-bg-highlight *colorscheme*)) `(.link :border-top thin solid ,(colors:colorscheme-fg *colorscheme*) :border-bottom none (.link-info :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg-deemph *colorscheme*) :border-bottom "thin" "solid" ,(colors:colorscheme-fg *colorscheme*) ((:or a span) :color inherit) ((:and a :hover) :color ,(colors:colorscheme-fg *colorscheme*)) )) `((:and .feed-header :hover) :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-hover-highlight *colorscheme*)) `((.link.closed .link-header) :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-bg *colorscheme*)) `((:or (:and .link-header :hover) (.link.closed (:and .link-header :hover))) :background-color ,(colors:colorscheme-hover-highlight *colorscheme*))))) (declare (ignorable main-right-margin)) ; TODO: use this!!! `(200 (:content-type "text/css") ,ss))))) (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/theme/dark.css" (params) :app *app*) (colors:let-palette (make-instance 'colors:palette) (eval '(get-theme-css)))) (cl-oid-connect:def-route ("/theme/light.css" (params) :app *app*) (colors:let-palette (colors:invert-palette (make-instance 'colors:palette)) (eval '(get-theme-css)))) (defparameter oid-mw (cl-oid-connect:oauth2-login-middleware *app* :facebook-info (truename "~/github_repos/cl-oid-connect/facebook-secrets.json") :google-info (truename "~/github_repos/cl-oid-connect/google-secrets.json") :login-callback #'login-callback)) (ql:quickload :clack-middleware-postmodern) (defun update-feed (url) (with-whitespace-db (postmodern:with-transaction () (upsert-feed (make-rss-feed (with-xml-tags (plump:parse (drakma:http-request url)))))))) (defmacro amapcar-with-body (list &body forms) (alexandria:once-only (list) `(mapcar (lambda (it) ,@forms) ,list))) (defun update-all-feeds () (with-whitespace-db (let ((urls (postmodern:query (:select 'fetch-url :from 'rss-feed-store)))) (amapcar-with-body urls (restart-case (apply #'update-feed it) (continue-updates () (warn (format nil "Skipping feed with fetch-url: ~s" it))) (use-value (v) (update-feed v))))))) (defun minutes (minutes) (* minutes 60)) (defun continue-updates (e) (declare (ignore e)) (let ((restart (find-restart 'continue-updates))) (when restart (format t "continuing") (invoke-restart restart)))) (let (update-thread stop) (defun start-update-thread () (setf update-thread (bordeaux-threads:make-thread (lambda () (loop (handler-bind ((drakma:parameter-error #'continue-updates)) (update-all-feeds)) (sleep (ubiquitous:value 'update-frequency)) (when stop (return-from nil nil)))) :name "Whitespace Update Thread"))) (defun stop-update-thread () (setf stop t) (setf update-thread nil))) (let ((handler nil)) (defun stop () (clack:stop (pop handler))) (defun start (&optional tmp) (let ((server (if (> (length tmp) 1) (intern (string-upcase (elt tmp 1)) 'keyword) :hunchentoot))) (push (clack:clackup (lack.builder:builder :backtrace :session ;:csrf (lambda (app) (lambda (env) (postmodern:with-connection *db-connection-info* (funcall app env)))) (:static :path "/static/" :root #p"./static/") *app*) :port 9090 :server server) handler))) (defun restart-clack () (do () ((null handler)) (stop)) (start))) ; vim: foldmethod=marker foldmarker=(,) foldminlines=3 :