(defpackage whitespace.utils (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:iterate)) (in-package whitespace.utils) (defun ensure-mapping (list) "Make sure that each item of the list is a pair of symbols" (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (symbolp x) (list x x) x)) list)) (export 'ensure-mapping) (defun alist-string-hash-table (alist) (alexandria:alist-hash-table alist :test #'string=)) (export 'alist-string-hash-table) (defun make-pairs (symbols) (cons 'list (iterate (for (key value) in symbols) (collect (list 'list* (symbol-name key) value))))) (export 'make-pairs) (defmacro copy-slots (slots from-v to-v) (with-gensyms (from to) `(let ((,from ,from-v) (,to ,to-v)) ,@(iterate (for (fro-slot to-slot) in (ensure-mapping slots)) (collect `(setf (slot-value ,to ',to-slot) (slot-value ,from ',fro-slot)))) ,to))) (export 'copy-slots) (defun transform-alist (pair-transform alist) (iterate (for (k . v) in-sequence alist) (collect (funcall pair-transform k v)))) (export 'transform-alist) (defun %json-pair-transform (k v) (cons (make-keyword (string-downcase k)) (typecase v (string (coerce v 'simple-string)) (t v)))) (export '%json-pair-transform) (defun %default-pair-transform (k v) (cons (make-keyword (string-upcase k)) v)) (export '%default-pair-transform) (defmacro default-when (default test &body body) (once-only (default) `(or (when ,test ,@body) ,default))) (export 'default-when) (defmacro transform-result ((list-transform pair-transform) &body alist) `(funcall ,list-transform (transform-alist ,pair-transform ,@alist))) (export 'transform-result) (defmacro slots-to-pairs (obj (&rest slots)) (once-only (obj) (let* ((slots (ensure-mapping slots)) (bindings (iterate (for (slot v &key bind-from) in slots) (collect (or bind-from slot))))) `(with-slots ,bindings ,obj ,(make-pairs slots))))) (export 'slots-to-pairs) (defun normalize-html (html) (let ((plump-parser:*tag-dispatchers* plump:*html-tags*)) (with-output-to-string (ss) (prog1 ss (map 'vector (lambda (x) (plump:serialize (plump:parse (plump:text x)) ss)) html))))) (export 'normalize-html)