;;;; cl-oid-connect.lisp #| |Copyright (c) 2015 Edward Langley |All rights reserved. | |Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |are met: | |Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | |Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | |Neither the name of the project's author nor the names of its |contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |this software without specific prior written permission. | |THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS |"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT |LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS |FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT |HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, |SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED |TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR |PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF |LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING |NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS |SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. | |# (in-package :cl-oid-connect) ; Should this be here? (setf drakma:*text-content-types* (cons '("application" . "json") drakma:*text-content-types*)) (sheeple:defproto =service-info= () ((client-id nil :accessor t) (secret nil :accessor t))) (defvar *FBOOK-INFO* (sheeple:clone =service-info=)) (defun load-facebook-info (loadfrom) (setf *FBOOK-INFO* (with-open-file (fbook-info (truename loadfrom)) (let* ((data (yason:parse fbook-info)) (client-id (gethash "client-id" data)) (secret (gethash "secret" data))) (sheeple:defobject (=service-info=) ((client-id client-id) (secret secret))))))) (defvar *GOOG-INFO* (sheeple:clone =service-info=)) (defun load-google-info (loadfrom) (setf *GOOG-INFO* (with-open-file (goog-info (truename loadfrom)) (let* ((data (yason:parse goog-info)) (client-id (gethash "client-id" data)) (secret (gethash "secret" data))) (sheeple:defobject (=service-info=) ((client-id client-id) (secret secret))))))) (load-facebook-info #p"facebook-secrets.json") (load-google-info #p"google-secrets.json") (defmacro string-assoc (key alist) `(assoc ,key ,alist :test #'equal)) (defmacro assoc-cdr (key alist) `(cdr (assoc ,key ,alist))) (sheeple:defproto =endpoint-schema= () ((auth-endpoint nil :accessor t) (token-endpoint nil :accessor t) (redirect-uri nil :accessor t))) (sheeple:defmessage get-user-info (a b)) (sheeple:defmessage get-access-token (a b)) (sheeple:defreply get-user-info ((a =endpoint-schema=) (b sheeple:=string=))) (sheeple:defreply get-access-token ((a =endpoint-schema=) (b sheeple:=string=))) (defun discover-endpoints (service-info discovery-doc-url &key (gat nil gat-p) (gui nil gui-p)) (let ((discovery-document (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (drakma:http-request discovery-doc-url))) (schema (sheeple:object :parents `(,=endpoint-schema= ,service-info)))) (setf (auth-endpoint schema) (assoc-cdr :authorization--endpoint discovery-document)) (setf (token-endpoint schema) (assoc-cdr :token--endpoint discovery-document)) (if gui-p (sheeple:defreply get-user-info ((a schema)) (funcall gui a))) (if gat-p (sheeple:defreply get-access-token ((a schema) (b sheeple:=string=)) (funcall gat a b))) schema)) ; This probably should eventually go? (defvar *endpoint-schema* nil) (defmacro with-endpoints (endpoint-schema &body body) `(let* ((*endpoint-schema* ,endpoint-schema)) ,@body)) (defun goog-get-access-token (endpoint-schema code) (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (drakma:http-request (token-endpoint endpoint-schema) :method :post :redirect nil :parameters `(("code" . ,code) ("client_id" . ,(client-id endpoint-schema)) ("client_secret" . ,(secret endpoint-schema)) ("redirect_uri" . ,(redirect-uri endpoint-schema)) ("grant_type" . "authorization_code"))))) ; goog is well behaved (defvar *goog-endpoint-schema* (discover-endpoints *GOOG-INFO* "https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration" :gat #'goog-get-access-token)) (setf (redirect-uri *goog-endpoint-schema*) "http://srv2.elangley.org:9090/oidc_callback/google") ; fbook needs personal attention (defproto *fbook-endpoint-schema* (=endpoint-schema= *fbook-info*) ((auth-endpoint "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth") (token-endpoint "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/oauth/access_token") (userinfo-endpoint "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/me" :accessor t) (redirect-uri "http://srv2.elangley.org:9090/oidc_callback/facebook"))) (sheeple:defreply get-access-token ((endpoint-schema *fbook-endpoint-schema*) (code sheeple:=string=)) (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (drakma:http-request (token-endpoint endpoint-schema) :method :post :redirect nil :parameters `(("code" . ,code) ("client_id" . ,(client-id endpoint-schema)) ("app_id" . ,(client-id endpoint-schema)) ("client_secret" . ,(secret endpoint-schema)) ("redirect_uri" . ,(redirect-uri endpoint-schema)) ("grant_type" . "authorization_code") ("") )))) (sheeple:defreply get-user-info ((endpoint-schema *fbook-endpoint-schema*) (access-token sheeple:=string=)) (let ((endpoint (userinfo-endpoint endpoint-schema))) (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (drakma:http-request endpoint :parameters `(("access_token" . ,access-token)))))) (defvar *fbook-mw* (lambda (app) (lambda (env) (with-fbook-endpoints (format t "~a" *client-id*) (funcall app env))))) (defvar *goog-mw* (lambda (app) (lambda (env) (with-goog-endpoints (funcall app env))))) (defun do-auth-request (endpoint-schema state) (format t "~%client-id: ~a~%" (auth-endpoint endpoint-schema)) (drakma:http-request (auth-endpoint endpoint-schema) :redirect nil :parameters `(("client_id" . ,(client-id endpoint-schema)) ("app_id" . ,(client-id endpoint-schema)) ("response_type" . "code") ("scope" . "email") ("redirect_uri" . ,(redirect-uri endpoint-schema)) ("state" . ,state)))) (defun gen-state (len) (with-output-to-string (stream) (let ((*print-base* 36)) (loop repeat len do (princ (random 36) stream))))) (defvar *app* (make-instance 'ningle:)) (defmacro def-route (url args &body body) `(setf (ningle:route *app* ,url) #'(lambda ,args (declare (ignorable ,@args)) ,@body))) (defmacro check-state (received-state then else) (alexandria:with-gensyms (saved-state session) `(let* ((,session (context :session)) (,saved-state (gethash :state ,session))) (if (equal ,saved-state ,received-state) ,then ,else)))) (defmacro require-login (&body body) (alexandria:with-gensyms (session) `(let ((,session (context :session))) (if (not (eql nil (gethash :userinfo ,session))) (progn ,@body) (progn (setf (gethash :next-page session) (lack.request:request-path-info *request*)) '(302 (:location "/login"))))))) (defmacro with-session ((var) &body body) `(let ((,var (context :session))) ,@body)) (def-route "/login/google" (params) (with-session (session) (let ((state (gen-state 36))) (setf (gethash :state session) state) (with-endpoints *goog-endpoint-schema* (setf (gethash :endpoint-schema session) *goog-endpoint-schema*) (multiple-value-bind (content rcode headers) (do-auth-request *goog-endpoint-schema* state) (if (< rcode 400) `(302 (:location ,(cdr (assoc :location headers)))) content)))))) (def-route "/login/facebook" (params) (with-session (session) (let ((state (gen-state 36))) (setf (gethash :state session) state) (with-endpoints *fbook-endpoint-schema* (setf (gethash :endpoint-schema session) *fbook-endpoint-schema*) (multiple-value-bind (content rcode headers uri) (do-auth-request *fbook-endpoint-schema* state) (if (< rcode 400) `(302 (:location ,(format nil "~a" uri))) content)))))) (def-route "/oidc_callback/google" (params) (let ((received-state (cdr (string-assoc "state" params))) (code (cdr (string-assoc "code" params)))) (check-state received-state (with-session (session) (with-endpoints *goog-endpoint-schema* (let* ((a-t (get-access-token *goog-endpoint-schema* code)) (id-token (assoc-cdr :id--token a-t)) (decoded (cljwt:decode id-token :fail-if-unsupported nil))) (setf (gethash :userinfo session) decoded) '(302 (:location "/"))))) '(403 '() "Out, vile imposter!")))) (def-route "/oidc_callback/facebook" (params) (let ((received-state (cdr (string-assoc "state" params))) (code (cdr (string-assoc "code" params)))) (with-endpoints *fbook-endpoint-schema* (check-state received-state (with-session (session) (let* ((a-t (get-access-token *fbook-endpoint-schema* code)) (id-token (assoc-cdr :access--token a-t))) (setf (gethash :userinfo session) (get-user-info *fbook-endpoint-schema* id-token)) '(302 (:location "/")))) '(403 '() "Out, vile imposter!"))))) (def-route "/userinfo.json" (params) (with-session (session) (require-login (with-endpoints (gethash :endpoint-schema session) (cl-json:encode-json-to-string (gethash :userinfo session)))))) (def-route "/logout" (params) (with-session (session) (setf (gethash :userinfo session) nil) '(302 (:location "/")))) (def-route "/login" (params) (cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (s) (:html (:head (:title "Login")) (:body (:div (:a :href "/login/facebook" "Facebook")) (:div (:a :href "/login/google" "Google")))))) (def-route "/" (params) (with-session (session) (if (not (null (gethash :next-page session))) `(302 (:location ,(gethash :next-page session))) (require-login (anaphora:sunless (gethash :counter session) (setf anaphora:it 0)) (format nil "~Ath visit

" (gethash :counter session) (alexandria:hash-table-alist session) (alexandria:hash-table-alist (context :session))))))) (setf *handler* (clack:clackup (lack.builder:builder :session *app*) :port 9090))