 #Release 1.2 — January 11, 2012
 * Fixed a bug with nested columns in the SCSS version by implementing @daffydowden's gridsystem-width() function
 * Switched from the `.offset()` mixin to `.push()` and `.pull()` mixins instead, in response to Issue #20
 * Added a fix to the sub-pixel rounding bug occurring in fluid layouts in IE6 & 7. See
 * Applied @dwbm and @designerbrent's fixes to `.offset()` so that it works correctly in both pixel and percentage modes
 * Renamed `_gridsystem-width` to `gridsystem-width` on @adamstac's recommendation
 * Changed rows from `inline-block` to `block` on @levito's recommendation
 * Added .SCSS stylesheets to the examples
 #Release 1.1 — October 12, 2011
 * Added `.offset()` mixin to indent columns
 * Switched from `overflow: hidden;` clearing to the micro clearfix
 * Removed clearing from *inside* columns
 * Updated `html` and `meta` tags so that examples pass validation without warnings
 * Added support for [SCSS]( with the help of @jpmckinney, @bobbymarko, and @hlidotbe
 * Added support for [Stylus]( thanks to @dmmalam