Raw Blame History
ZSH Completions for Nix and NixOS ================================= This project aims to provide a highly complete set of ZSH completions for [Nix](, [NixOS](, [NixOps](, and the surrounding ecosystem. NixOS ---------------------- Set `programs.zsh.enableCompletion = true` in `/etc/nix/configuration.nix` and either add `nix-zsh-completions` to `systemPackages` or install it locally: `nix-env -iA nixos.nix-zsh-completions` Oh-My-ZSH Installation ---------------------- ```zsh git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/nix ``` Then add `nix` to the plugins list in `~/.zshrc` Antigen Installation -------------------- Add the following to `~/.zshrc` ```zsh antigen bundle ``` Plain ZSH Installation ---------------------- Clone this repository and add the following to `~/.zshrc` with the path to `nix-zsh-completions` updated as necessary. ```zsh source $HOME/nix-zsh-completions/nix.plugin.zsh fpath=($HOME/nix-zsh-completions $fpath) autoload -U compinit && compinit ``` ZSH Completions Tutorial ------------------------ [zsh-completions-howto](