Raw Blame History
#compdef nix-instantiate

local command_name=nix-instantiate


# --no-location: undocumented arg
# --repair: undocumented arg
_arguments \
  $_nix_boilerplate_opts \
  $_nix_common_opts \
  '--xml[Print output from --eval as XML]'\
  '--json[Print output from --eval as JSON]'\
  '--add-root[Register result as a root of the garbage collector]::Path (Hint /nix/var/nix/gcroots):_files -/'\
  '--indirect[Allow roots to be stored outside of the GC roots directory]'\
  '--parse[Just parse the input files and print their abstract syntax trees]'\
  '--eval[Just parse and evaluate the input files, and print the resulting values]'\
  "(- *)--find-file[Look up the given files on Nix's search path]:*:Files:_files"\
  '--strict[Cause --eval to recursively evaluate list elements and attributes]'\
  '--read-write-mode[Perform evaluation in read/write mode]'\