Raw Blame History
#compdef nixos-rebuild


local -a _1st_arguments
  'switch:Build, activate, and update boot default'\
  'boot:Build and update boot default without activating'\
  'test:Build and activate without updating boot default'\
  'build:Build without activating or updating boot default'\
  'dry-build:Show what store paths would be built or downloaded without building'\
  'dry-activate:Build and show what changes would be performed by the activation'\
  'build-vm:Create a script which starts a VM with the built configuration'\
  'build-vm-with-bootloader:Like build-vm, but boot using regular boot loader'

_arguments \
  $_nix_common_nixos_rebuild \
  '--upgrade[Fetch the latest version of NixOS from the NixOS channel]'\
  '--install-grub[(Re)install grub on the configured device]'\
  "--no-build-nix[Don't build Nix package manager]"\
  '--fast[Equivalent to --no-build-nix --show-trace]'\
  '--rollback[Roll back to the previous configuration]'\
  '(--profile-name -p)'{--profile-name,-p}'[Profile to use to track current and previous system configurations]:Profile:_nix_profiles'\
  '1:: :->subcmds' && return 0

case $state in
    _describe -t commands "nixos-rebuild subcommands" _1st_arguments