Raw Blame History
* Unfinished faces!

#+CALL: get-face-grid()
| FACE                                  | PARENT                             | FOREGROUND        | NEAREST FG       | DISTANCE | BACKGROUND     | NEAREST BG       | DISTANCE |
| cider-error-overlay-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | firebrick      | zenburn-red-6    |    22.16 |
| circe-fool-face                       |                                    | grey40            | zenburn-bg+2     |     0.68 |                |                  |          |
| circe-highlight-nick-face             |                                    | #82e2ed           | zenburn-cyan     |     1.53 |                |                  |          |
| circe-prompt-face                     |                                    | Black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | LightSeaGreen  | zenburn-blue-2   |    22.40 |
| circe-server-face                     |                                    | #5095cf           | zenburn-blue-2   |    11.43 |                |                  |          |
| compilation-mode-line-exit            | compilation-info                   | ForestGreen       | zenburn-green-4  |    18.37 |                |                  |          |
| compilation-mode-line-fail            | compilation-error                  | Red1              | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |                |                  |          |
| completions-common-part               |                                    | lightblue         | zenburn-blue+2   |     0.43 |                |                  |          |
| cua-global-mark                       |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | yellow1        | zenburn-yellow-1 |    98.63 |
| cua-rectangle                         | region                             | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 | maroon         | zenburn-red-4    |    13.37 |
| cua-rectangle-noselect                | region                             | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 | dimgray        | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| custom-variable-obsolete              |                                    | light blue        | zenburn-blue+2   |     0.43 |                |                  |          |
| diary                                 |                                    | yellow1           | zenburn-yellow-1 |    98.63 |                |                  |          |
| dired-broken-symlink                  |                                    | yellow1           | zenburn-yellow-1 |    98.63 | red1           | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |
| edebug-disabled-breakpoint            |                                    |                   |                  |          | #335533        | zenburn-green-5  |     0.34 |
| ediff-current-diff-A                  |                                    |                   |                  |          | #553333        | zenburn-red-6    |     1.93 |
| ediff-current-diff-Ancestor           |                                    |                   |                  |          | #004151        | zenburn-bg-05    |    13.45 |
| ediff-current-diff-B                  |                                    |                   |                  |          | #335533        | zenburn-green-5  |     0.34 |
| ediff-current-diff-C                  |                                    |                   |                  |          | #888833        | zenburn-green-2  |    14.42 |
| ediff-even-diff-A                     |                                    |                   |                  |          | dark grey      | zenburn-fg-1     |     3.78 |
| ediff-even-diff-Ancestor              |                                    |                   |                  |          | dim grey       | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| ediff-even-diff-B                     |                                    |                   |                  |          | dim grey       | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| ediff-even-diff-C                     |                                    |                   |                  |          | dark grey      | zenburn-fg-1     |     3.78 |
| ediff-fine-diff-A                     |                                    |                   |                  |          | #aa2222        | zenburn-red-6    |    17.91 |
| ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #009591        | zenburn-blue-3   |    29.57 |
| ediff-fine-diff-B                     |                                    |                   |                  |          | #22aa22        | zenburn-green-3  |    36.98 |
| ediff-fine-diff-C                     |                                    |                   |                  |          | #aaaa22        | zenburn-fg-1     |    38.36 |
| ediff-odd-diff-A                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | dim grey       | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor               |                                    |                   |                  |          | gray40         | zenburn-bg+2     |     0.68 |
| ediff-odd-diff-B                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | dark grey      | zenburn-fg-1     |     3.78 |
| ediff-odd-diff-C                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | dim grey       | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| edmacro-label                         | bold                               | light blue        | zenburn-blue+2   |     0.43 |                |                  |          |
| elisp-shorthand-font-lock-face        | font-lock-keyword-face             | cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| epa-field-body                        |                                    | turquoise         | zenburn-blue     |    22.93 |                |                  |          |
| epa-field-name                        |                                    | PaleTurquoise     | zenburn-blue+2   |     1.67 |                |                  |          |
| epa-mark                              |                                    | orange            | zenburn-orange   |    74.32 |                |                  |          |
| epa-string                            |                                    | lightyellow       | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.69 |                |                  |          |
| epa-validity-high                     |                                    | PaleTurquoise     | zenburn-blue+2   |     1.67 |                |                  |          |
| epa-validity-medium                   |                                    | PaleTurquoise     | zenburn-blue+2   |     1.67 |                |                  |          |
| error                                 |                                    | Pink              | zenburn-red+2    |     4.49 |                |                  |          |
| escape-glyph                          |                                    | cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| evil-ex-info                          |                                    | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |                |                  |          |
| evil-ex-substitute-replacement        |                                    | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |                |                  |          |
| eww-form-checkbox                     |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | lightgrey      | zenburn-fg       |     1.01 |
| eww-form-file                         |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | #808080        | zenburn-green-1  |     3.61 |
| eww-form-select                       |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | lightgrey      | zenburn-fg       |     1.01 |
| eww-form-submit                       |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | #808080        | zenburn-green-1  |     3.61 |
| eww-form-text                         |                                    | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 | #505050        | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.01 |
| eww-form-textarea                     |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | #C0C0C0        | zenburn-green+3  |     5.76 |
| eww-invalid-certificate               |                                    | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |                |                  |          |
| eww-valid-certificate                 |                                    | ForestGreen       | zenburn-green-4  |    18.37 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-emphasis-highlight-words         |                                    | yellow            | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 | black          | zenburn-black    |     0.00 |
| gnus-group-mail-1-empty               |                                    | #e1ffe1           | zenburn-fg+1     |     2.80 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-group-mail-2-empty               |                                    | DarkSeaGreen1     | zenburn-green+4  |     2.49 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-group-mail-3-empty               |                                    | aquamarine1       | zenburn-cyan     |     8.32 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-group-mail-low-empty             |                                    | aquamarine2       | zenburn-cyan     |     7.67 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-group-news-1-empty               |                                    | PaleTurquoise     | zenburn-blue+2   |     1.67 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-group-news-2-empty               |                                    | turquoise         | zenburn-blue     |    22.93 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-group-news-low-empty             |                                    | DarkTurquoise     | zenburn-blue-1   |    58.07 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-header-content                   | gnus-header                        | SpringGreen1      | zenburn-blue-1   |    99.31 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-header-from                      | gnus-header                        | PaleGreen1        | zenburn-green+3  |    12.75 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-header-name                      | gnus-header                        | SpringGreen2      | zenburn-blue-2   |    85.78 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-header-newsgroups                | gnus-header                        | yellow            | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-header-subject                   | gnus-header                        | SeaGreen1         | zenburn-blue     |    36.00 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-splash                           |                                    | #cccccc           | zenburn-fg       |     2.69 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-summary-cancelled                |                                    | yellow            | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 | black          | zenburn-black    |     0.00 |
| gnus-summary-normal-ancient           |                                    | SkyBlue           | zenburn-blue+1   |     2.29 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-summary-normal-read              |                                    | PaleGreen         | zenburn-green+3  |    11.60 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-summary-normal-ticked            |                                    | pink              | zenburn-red+2    |     4.49 |                |                  |          |
| gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded      |                                    | cyan4             | zenburn-blue-4   |    26.10 |                |                  |          |
| helm-M-x-short-doc                    |                                    | DimGray           | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |                |                  |          |
| helm-lisp-show-completion             |                                    |                   |                  |          | DarkSlateGray  | zenburn-bg+05    |     2.70 |
| helm-ls-git-branches-name-current     |                                    | green             | zenburn-green-2  |   161.07 |                |                  |          |
| help-key-binding                      | fixed-pitch                        | LightBlue         | zenburn-blue+2   |     0.43 | grey19         | zenburn-bg       |     0.29 |
| holiday                               |                                    |                   |                  |          | chocolate4     | zenburn-red-6    |     9.63 |
| homoglyph                             |                                    | cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| hydra-face-amaranth                   |                                    | #E52B50           | zenburn-red-4    |    43.05 |                |                  |          |
| hydra-face-blue                       |                                    | #8ac6f2           | zenburn-blue+1   |     0.70 |                |                  |          |
| hydra-face-pink                       |                                    | #FF6EB4           | zenburn-magenta  |    11.77 |                |                  |          |
| hydra-face-red                        |                                    | #FF0000           | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |                |                  |          |
| hydra-face-teal                       |                                    | #367588           | zenburn-blue-4   |     3.69 |                |                  |          |
| icon-button                           | icon                               | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | #808080        | zenburn-green-1  |     3.61 |
| ido-indicator                         |                                    | yellow1           | zenburn-yellow-1 |    98.63 | red1           | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |
| ido-only-match                        |                                    | ForestGreen       | zenburn-green-4  |    18.37 |                |                  |          |
| ido-subdir                            |                                    | red1              | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |                |                  |          |
| image-dired-thumb-flagged             |                                    |                   |                  |          | Pink           | zenburn-red+2    |     4.49 |
| image-dired-thumb-header-file-size    |                                    | cadet blue        | zenburn-blue-2   |     0.68 |                |                  |          |
| image-dired-thumb-mark                |                                    |                   |                  |          | DarkOrange     | zenburn-red-1    |    76.55 |
| info-menu-star                        |                                    | red1              | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |                |                  |          |
| info-node                             |                                    | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 |                |                  |          |
| isearch-group-1                       |                                    | brown4            | zenburn-red-6    |     6.23 | palevioletred1 | zenburn-magenta  |     7.97 |
| isearch-group-2                       |                                    | brown4            | zenburn-red-6    |     6.23 | palevioletred3 | zenburn-red-1    |     5.84 |
| lazy-highlight                        |                                    |                   |                  |          | paleturquoise4 | zenburn-blue-3   |     0.42 |
| link                                  |                                    | cyan1             | zenburn-cyan     |    85.22 |                |                  |          |
| link-visited                          | link                               | violet            | zenburn-magenta  |     8.03 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-installation-buffer-face          |                                    | green             | zenburn-green-2  |   161.07 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-installation-finished-buffer-face |                                    | orange            | zenburn-orange   |    74.32 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-ui-doc-background                 |                                    |                   |                  |          | #272A36        | zenburn-bg       |     0.31 |
| lsp-ui-doc-header                     |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | deep sky blue  | zenburn-blue-1   |    72.94 |
| lsp-ui-peek-filename                  |                                    | dark orange       | zenburn-red-1    |    76.55 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-ui-peek-header                    |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | white          | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 |
| lsp-ui-peek-highlight                 |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | white          | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 |
| lsp-ui-peek-line-number               |                                    | grey25            | zenburn-bg-05    |     0.89 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-ui-peek-list                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | #181818        | zenburn-bg-1     |     0.62 |
| lsp-ui-peek-peek                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | #031A25        | zenburn-bg-1     |     2.76 |
| lsp-ui-peek-selection                 |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | white          | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 |
| lsp-ui-sideline-code-action           |                                    | yellow            | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol        |                                    | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 |                |                  |          |
| lsp-ui-sideline-symbol                |                                    | grey              | zenburn-green+3  |     5.89 |                |                  |          |
| lui-button-face                       |                                    | Cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| lui-highlight-face                    |                                    | Cyan1             | zenburn-cyan     |    85.22 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-0-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #585858        | zenburn-bg+2     |     0.68 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-10-face             |                                    |                   |                  |          | #006078        | zenburn-blue-5   |    12.01 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-11-face             |                                    |                   |                  |          | #006363        | zenburn-blue-5   |     9.54 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-12-face             |                                    |                   |                  |          | #3f568c        | zenburn-blue-4   |     7.37 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-13-face             |                                    |                   |                  |          | #853885        | zenburn-red-4    |    14.15 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-14-face             |                                    |                   |                  |          | #171717        | zenburn-bg-1     |     0.45 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-15-face             |                                    |                   |                  |          | #303030        | zenburn-bg       |     0.29 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-2-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #0000ff        | zenburn-blue-5   |   178.65 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-3-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #006600        | zenburn-green-5  |    20.24 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-4-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #b60000        | zenburn-red-6    |    47.35 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-5-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #8f3d3d        | zenburn-red-5    |     1.76 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-6-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #9c009c        | zenburn-red-5    |    61.48 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-7-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #7a4f00        | zenburn-red-6    |    15.76 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-8-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #5c5c00        | zenburn-green-5  |    17.38 |
| lui-irc-colors-bg-9-face              |                                    |                   |                  |          | #286338        | zenburn-green-4  |     2.10 |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-0-face              |                                    | #ffffff           | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-1-face              |                                    | #a5a5a5           | zenburn-fg-1     |     2.84 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-10-face             |                                    | #00b8b8           | zenburn-blue-2   |    45.11 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-11-face             |                                    | #00ffff           | zenburn-cyan     |    85.22 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-12-face             |                                    | #a8aeff           | zenburn-blue+1   |     3.92 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-13-face             |                                    | #ff8bff           | zenburn-magenta  |    16.98 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-14-face             |                                    | #cfcfcf           | zenburn-fg       |     1.81 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-15-face             |                                    | #e6e6e6           | zenburn-fg+1     |     3.21 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-2-face              |                                    | #9b9bff           | zenburn-blue+1   |     8.70 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-3-face              |                                    | #40eb51           | zenburn-green+1  |    58.41 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-4-face              |                                    | #ff9696           | zenburn-red+1    |     7.10 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-5-face              |                                    | #d19999           | zenburn-red      |     0.45 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-6-face              |                                    | #d68fff           | zenburn-magenta  |    12.11 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-7-face              |                                    | #ffb812           | zenburn-orange   |    54.69 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-8-face              |                                    | #ffff00           | zenburn-yellow-1 |    98.63 |                |                  |          |
| lui-irc-colors-fg-9-face              |                                    | #80ff95           | zenburn-green+3  |    20.67 |                |                  |          |
| lui-time-stamp-face                   |                                    | SlateBlue         | zenburn-blue-3   |    31.23 |                |                  |          |
| lv-separator                          |                                    |                   |                  |          | grey30         | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.05 |
| macrostep-expansion-highlight-face    |                                    |                   |                  |          | #222222        | zenburn-bg       |     1.34 |
| macrostep-gensym-1                    |                                    | #8080c0           | zenburn-blue-2   |    11.09 |                |                  |          |
| macrostep-gensym-2                    |                                    | #8fbc8f           | zenburn-green+1  |     0.61 |                |                  |          |
| macrostep-gensym-3                    |                                    | #daa520           | zenburn-orange   |    41.18 |                |                  |          |
| macrostep-gensym-4                    |                                    | #cd5c5c           | zenburn-red-2    |     9.68 |                |                  |          |
| macrostep-gensym-5                    |                                    | #da70d6           | zenburn-magenta  |     6.03 |                |                  |          |
| magit-diff-file-heading-selection     | magit-diff-file-heading-highlight  | LightSalmon3      | zenburn-red-1    |     4.99 |                |                  |          |
| magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection     | magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight  | LightSalmon3      | zenburn-red-1    |     4.99 |                |                  |          |
| magit-diff-lines-heading              | magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight  | grey80            | zenburn-fg       |     2.69 | salmon4        | zenburn-red-5    |     1.75 |
| magit-process-ng                      | magit-section-heading              | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |                |                  |          |
| magit-process-ok                      | magit-section-heading              | green             | zenburn-green-2  |   161.07 |                |                  |          |
| markdown-highlighting-face            |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | yellow         | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 |
| match                                 |                                    |                   |                  |          | RoyalBlue3     | zenburn-blue-3   |    32.54 |
| message-cited-text-1                  |                                    | LightPink1        | zenburn-red+2    |     1.91 |                |                  |          |
| message-cited-text-2                  |                                    | forest green      | zenburn-green-4  |    18.37 |                |                  |          |
| message-cited-text-3                  |                                    | goldenrod3        | zenburn-red-2    |    40.14 |                |                  |          |
| message-cited-text-4                  |                                    | chocolate3        | zenburn-red-3    |    27.32 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-cc                     |                                    | chartreuse1       | zenburn-green+1  |   115.16 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-name                   |                                    | green             | zenburn-green-2  |   161.07 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-newsgroups             |                                    | yellow            | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-other                  |                                    | VioletRed1        | zenburn-magenta  |    49.39 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-subject                |                                    | OliveDrab1        | zenburn-yellow-2 |    48.65 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-to                     |                                    | DarkOliveGreen1   | zenburn-yellow-1 |    23.64 |                |                  |          |
| message-header-xheader                |                                    | DeepSkyBlue1      | zenburn-blue-1   |    72.94 |                |                  |          |
| message-mml                           |                                    | MediumSpringGreen | zenburn-blue-1   |    84.45 |                |                  |          |
| message-separator                     |                                    | LightSkyBlue1     | zenburn-blue+3   |     1.24 |                |                  |          |
| mm-command-output                     |                                    | ForestGreen       | zenburn-green-4  |    18.37 |                |                  |          |
| mm-uu-extract                         |                                    | light yellow      | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.69 | dark green     | zenburn-green-5  |    19.70 |
| nobreak-hyphen                        |                                    | cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face           |                                    | grey50            | zenburn-bg+3     |     3.54 |                |                  |          |
| org-agenda-done                       |                                    | PaleGreen         | zenburn-green+3  |    11.60 |                |                  |          |
| org-agenda-restriction-lock           |                                    |                   |                  |          | #1C1C1C        | zenburn-bg-1     |     1.58 |
| org-agenda-structure                  |                                    | LightSkyBlue      | zenburn-blue+1   |     2.23 |                |                  |          |
| org-clock-overlay                     |                                    | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 | SkyBlue4       | zenburn-blue-4   |     2.41 |
| org-column                            |                                    |                   |                  |          | grey30         | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.05 |
| org-column-title                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | grey30         | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.05 |
| org-date                              |                                    | Cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| org-date-selected                     |                                    | Pink              | zenburn-red+2    |     4.49 |                |                  |          |
| org-dispatcher-highlight              |                                    | gold1             | zenburn-yellow-2 |    79.21 | gray20         | zenburn-bg-05    |     0.34 |
| org-document-info                     |                                    | pale turquoise    | zenburn-blue+2   |     1.67 |                |                  |          |
| org-document-title                    |                                    | pale turquoise    | zenburn-blue+2   |     1.67 |                |                  |          |
| org-done                              |                                    | PaleGreen         | zenburn-green+3  |    11.60 |                |                  |          |
| org-drawer                            |                                    | LightSkyBlue      | zenburn-blue+1   |     2.23 |                |                  |          |
| org-ellipsis                          |                                    | LightGoldenrod    | zenburn-yellow-1 |     4.79 |                |                  |          |
| org-footnote                          |                                    | Cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| org-formula                           |                                    | chocolate1        | zenburn-red-1    |    49.48 |                |                  |          |
| org-headline-done                     |                                    | LightSalmon       | zenburn-orange   |     7.41 |                |                  |          |
| org-headline-todo                     |                                    | Pink2             | zenburn-red+2    |     0.71 |                |                  |          |
| org-latex-and-related                 |                                    | burlywood         | zenburn-orange   |     0.71 |                |                  |          |
| org-mode-line-clock-overrun           | mode-line                          |                   |                  |          | red            | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |
| org-roam-dim                          |                                    | grey40            | zenburn-bg+2     |     0.68 |                |                  |          |
| org-roam-header-line                  |                                    | LightGoldenrod2   | zenburn-yellow-1 |     4.62 |                |                  |          |
| org-roam-olp                          |                                    | grey40            | zenburn-bg+2     |     0.68 |                |                  |          |
| org-roam-preview-heading              |                                    | grey70            | zenburn-green+2  |     5.07 | grey25         | zenburn-bg-05    |     0.89 |
| org-roam-preview-heading-highlight    |                                    | grey70            | zenburn-green+2  |     5.07 | grey35         | zenburn-bg+2     |     0.50 |
| org-roam-preview-heading-selection    | org-roam-preview-heading-highlight | LightSalmon3      | zenburn-red-1    |     4.99 |                |                  |          |
| org-scheduled                         |                                    | PaleGreen         | zenburn-green+3  |    11.60 |                |                  |          |
| org-scheduled-previously              |                                    | chocolate1        | zenburn-red-1    |    49.48 |                |                  |          |
| org-scheduled-today                   |                                    | PaleGreen         | zenburn-green+3  |    11.60 |                |                  |          |
| org-sexp-date                         |                                    | Cyan              | zenburn-cyan     |    84.41 |                |                  |          |
| org-table-header                      | org-table                          | Black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | LightGray      | zenburn-fg       |     1.01 |
| org-time-grid                         |                                    | LightGoldenrod    | zenburn-yellow-1 |     4.79 |                |                  |          |
| org-todo                              |                                    | Pink              | zenburn-red+2    |     4.49 |                |                  |          |
| org-upcoming-deadline                 |                                    | chocolate1        | zenburn-red-1    |    49.48 |                |                  |          |
| pulse-highlight-face                  |                                    |                   |                  |          | #AAAA33        | zenburn-fg-1     |    26.79 |
| pulse-highlight-start-face            |                                    |                   |                  |          | #AAAA33        | zenburn-fg-1     |    26.79 |
| rainbow-delimiters-base-error-face    | rainbow-delimiters-base-face       | #88090B           | zenburn-red-6    |    20.04 |                |                  |          |
| secondary-selection                   |                                    |                   |                  |          | SkyBlue4       | zenburn-blue-4   |     2.41 |
| separator-line                        |                                    |                   |                  |          | #505050        | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.01 |
| shadow                                |                                    | grey70            | zenburn-green+2  |     5.07 |                |                  |          |
| show-paren-match                      |                                    |                   |                  |          | steelblue3     | zenburn-blue-2   |    11.09 |
| show-paren-mismatch                   |                                    | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 | purple         | zenburn-red-4    |    30.71 |
| shr-mark                              |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | yellow         | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 |
| shr-selected-link                     | shr-link                           |                   |                  |          | red            | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |
| sldb-restartable-frame-line-face      |                                    | lime green        | zenburn-green-1  |    52.25 |                |                  |          |
| smerge-base                           |                                    |                   |                  |          | #888833        | zenburn-green-2  |    14.42 |
| smerge-lower                          |                                    |                   |                  |          | #335533        | zenburn-green-5  |     0.34 |
| smerge-markers                        |                                    |                   |                  |          | grey30         | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.05 |
| smerge-refined-added                  | smerge-refined-change              |                   |                  |          | #22aa22        | zenburn-green-3  |    36.98 |
| smerge-refined-removed                | smerge-refined-change              |                   |                  |          | #aa2222        | zenburn-red-6    |    17.91 |
| smerge-upper                          |                                    |                   |                  |          | #553333        | zenburn-red-6    |     1.93 |
| sp-wrap-overlay-closing-pair          | sp-wrap-overlay-face               | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |                |                  |          |
| sp-wrap-overlay-opening-pair          | sp-wrap-overlay-face               | green             | zenburn-green-2  |   161.07 |                |                  |          |
| success                               |                                    | Green1            | zenburn-green-2  |   170.18 |                |                  |          |
| textsec-suspicious                    |                                    | white             | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.79 | red            | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |
| tooltip                               | variable-pitch                     | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | lightyellow    | zenburn-fg+2     |     0.69 |
| trailing-whitespace                   |                                    |                   |                  |          | red1           | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |
| transient-amaranth                    | transient-key                      | #E52B50           | zenburn-red-4    |    43.05 |                |                  |          |
| transient-blue                        | transient-key                      | blue              | zenburn-blue-4   |   125.95 |                |                  |          |
| transient-disabled-suffix             |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | red            | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |
| transient-enabled-suffix              |                                    | black             | zenburn-black    |     0.00 | green          | zenburn-green-2  |   161.07 |
| transient-pink                        | transient-key                      | #FF6EB4           | zenburn-magenta  |    11.77 |                |                  |          |
| transient-purple                      | transient-key                      | #a020f0           | zenburn-magenta  |    93.97 |                |                  |          |
| transient-red                         | transient-key                      | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |                |                  |          |
| transient-separator                   |                                    |                   |                  |          | grey30         | zenburn-bg+1     |     0.05 |
| transient-teal                        | transient-key                      | #367588           | zenburn-blue-4   |     3.69 |                |                  |          |
| treemacs-marked-file-face             |                                    | #F0C674           | zenburn-orange   |     6.89 | #AB3737        | zenburn-red-5    |    10.18 |
| treemacs-on-failure-pulse-face        |                                    | #111111           | zenburn-bg-1     |     0.00 | #ab3737        | zenburn-red-5    |    10.18 |
| treemacs-on-success-pulse-face        |                                    | #111111           | zenburn-bg-1     |     0.00 | #669966        | zenburn-green-1  |     1.24 |
| treemacs-peek-mode-indicator-face     |                                    |                   |                  |          | #669966        | zenburn-green-1  |     1.24 |
| tty-menu-disabled-face                |                                    | lightgray         | zenburn-fg       |     1.01 | blue           | zenburn-blue-4   |   125.95 |
| tty-menu-enabled-face                 |                                    | yellow            | zenburn-yellow-1 |    96.51 | blue           | zenburn-blue-4   |   125.95 |
| tty-menu-selected-face                |                                    |                   |                  |          | red            | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |
| typescript-jsdoc-tag                  |                                    | SlateGray         | zenburn-blue-3   |     1.97 |                |                  |          |
| typescript-jsdoc-type                 |                                    | SteelBlue         | zenburn-blue-3   |     8.88 |                |                  |          |
| typescript-jsdoc-value                |                                    | gold4             | zenburn-red-4    |    33.10 |                |                  |          |
| vertical-border                       |                                    | slate gray        | zenburn-blue-3   |     1.97 |                |                  |          |
| warning                               |                                    | DarkOrange        | zenburn-red-1    |    76.55 |                |                  |          |
| which-func                            |                                    | Blue1             | zenburn-blue-5   |   178.65 |                |                  |          |
| which-key-posframe-border             | default                            |                   |                  |          | gray50         | zenburn-bg+3     |     3.54 |
| widget-button-pressed                 |                                    | red1              | zenburn-red-6    |   115.26 |                |                  |          |
| widget-documentation                  |                                    | lime green        | zenburn-green-1  |    52.25 |                |                  |          |
| widget-field                          |                                    |                   |                  |          | dim gray       | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| widget-single-line-field              |                                    |                   |                  |          | dim gray       | zenburn-bg+3     |     0.50 |
| yaml-tab-face                         |                                    | red               | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 | red            | zenburn-red-4    |    92.44 |

* Generate a table of faces with their distance from the theme's palette

#+NAME: get-face-grid
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports code
  (defun fwoar/tmp/zenburn-nearest-color (target)
    (rassoc (caar (cl-sort (fwoar/zenburn-with-color-variables
                             (mapcar (lambda (_)
                                       (cons _
                                             (color-distance target
                                     (mapcar (-compose 'symbol-value 'intern 'car)
                           :key 'cdr))

  (defun fwoar/tmp/get-prefix (v)
     (s-split-up-to "-"
                    (symbol-name v)

  (defun fwoar/tmp/break-by-prefix (tab)
     (reduce (lambda (accum next)
               (let ((accum-key (caar accum))
                     (next-key (car next)))
                 (if (equal (fwoar/tmp/get-prefix accum-key)
                            (fwoar/tmp/get-prefix next-key))
                     (cons next accum)
                   (list* next 'hline accum))))
             (cdr tab)
             :initial-value (list (car tab)))))

          (cl-sort (mapcan (lambda (f)
                             (let ((r (face-attribute f :inherit nil nil)))
                               (if (or (and (eq (face-attribute f :foreground) 'unspecified)
                                            (eq (face-attribute f :background) 'unspecified))
                                       (or (when (rassoc (face-attribute f :foreground)
                                             (or (face-attribute f :background)
                                                 (rassoc (face-attribute f :background)
                                           (when (rassoc (face-attribute f :background)
                                             (or (face-attribute f :foreground)
                                                 (rassoc (face-attribute f :foreground)
                                 (list (list f
                                             (if (eq 'unspecified r) "" r)
                                             (if (eq 'unspecified (face-attribute f :foreground))
                                               (face-attribute f :foreground))

                                             (if (eq 'unspecified (face-attribute f :foreground))
                                               (car (fwoar/tmp/zenburn-nearest-color (face-attribute f :foreground))))
                                             (if (eq 'unspecified (face-attribute f :foreground))
                                               (format "%6.2f"
                                                       (* (/ (color-distance (face-attribute f :foreground)
                                                                             (cdr (fwoar/tmp/zenburn-nearest-color
                                                                                   (face-attribute f :foreground))))
                                             (if (eq 'unspecified (face-attribute f :background))
                                               (face-attribute f :background))
                                             (if (eq 'unspecified (face-attribute f :background))
                                               (car (fwoar/tmp/zenburn-nearest-color (face-attribute f :background))))
                                             (if (eq 'unspecified (face-attribute f :background))
                                               (format "%6.2f"
                                                       (* (/ (color-distance (face-attribute f :background)
                                                                             (cdr (fwoar/tmp/zenburn-nearest-color
                                                                                   (face-attribute f :background))))
                   :key 'car)))

#+HTML_HEAD: <style>
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#+HTML_HEAD:     --zenburn-fg-plus-1: #f5f5d6;
#+HTML_HEAD:     --zenburn-fg: #dcdccc;
#+HTML_HEAD:     --zenburn-bg: #3f3f3f;
#+HTML_HEAD:     --zenburn-bg-plus-1: #4f4f4f;
#+HTML_HEAD:     --zenburn-bg-plus-2: #5f5f5f;
#+HTML_HEAD:     --zenburn-blue: #8cd0d3;
#+HTML_HEAD: #table-of-contents h2 {
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#+HTML_HEAD: a {color: var(--zenburn-blue);}
#+HTML_HEAD: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {margin: 0; margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;}
#+HTML_HEAD: pre {margin: 0; box-shadow: none; border-width: 0.5em;}
#+HTML_HEAD: pre.example {
#+HTML_HEAD:     background-color: var(--zenburn-bg-plus-2);
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#+HTML_HEAD: pre.src {
#+HTML_HEAD:     background-color: var(--zenburn-bg-plus-1);
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