Raw Blame History
(in-package :cl-user)

(defun read-evaluated-form (&optional (prompt-control nil promptp)
                            &rest prompt-args)
  (apply #'format *query-io*
         (if promptp prompt-control "~&Enter a form to be evaluated: ")
  (finish-output *query-io*)
  (list (eval (read *query-io*))))

(defun load-init-file (filename &optional (conf-dir ".lispworks.d"))
  (let ((fn (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,conf-dir)
                                            :name filename
                                            :type "lisp")
       (restart-case (if (probe-file fn)
                         (load fn)
                         (cerror "skip this init file" "file ~s not found" fn))
         (store-value (value)
           :report (lambda (stream)
                     (format stream "Supply a new value for ~S." filename))
           :interactive read-evaluated-form
           (setf fn value)
           (goto top))))))

(change-directory (user-homedir-pathname))

(load-init-file "editor-color-theme")

(editor-color-theme:color-theme "zenburn")

(setf (editor:variable-value "Input Format Default")
(setf (editor:variable-value "Output Format Default")
      '(:utf-8 :eol-style :lf))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp"))

(ql:quickload :lw-add-ons)

(editor:bind-key "Insert Space And Show Arglist" "Space")
(editor:bind-key "Indent Form" #("Control-c" "Meta-q"))
(editor:bind-key "Insert Parentheses For Selection" #\( :mode "Lisp")
(editor:bind-key "Indent New Line" "Return" :mode "Lisp")
(editor:bind-key "Compile and Load Buffer File" #("Control-c" "Control-k"))

(editor:defcommand "Move Over ()" (p)
  "Move past the next close parenthesis.
Any indentation preceeding the parenthesis is deleted."
  (declare (ignore p))
  (let ((point (editor:current-point)))
    (editor:with-point ((m point))
      (cond ((editor::forward-up-list m)
             (editor:move-point point m)
             (editor::point-before point)
             (loop (editor:with-point ((back point))
                     (editor::back-to-indentation back)
                     (unless (editor:point= back point)
                   (editor::delete-indentation point))
             (editor::point-after point))
            (t (editor:editor-error))))))

(editor:bind-key "Move Over ()" #\) :mode "Lisp")

(defun ed-asdf-component (system component)
  (let ((component (asdf:find-component system component)))
    (ed (asdf:component-pathname component))))

(defun utf-8-file-encoding (pathname ef-spec buffer length)
  (declare (ignore pathname buffer length))
  (system:merge-ef-specs ef-spec :utf-8))

(setq system:*file-encoding-detection-algorithm*
      (substitute 'utf-8-file-encoding
(set-default-character-element-type 'simple-char)