Raw Blame History
}: let
  common_home = import "${homeDirectory}/git_repos/dotfiles/nix/common.nix" {inherit homeDirectory pkgs;};
  dotfileDirectory = "${homeDirectory}/git_repos/dotfiles";
  homeDirectory = "/home/${username}";
  lisps = with pkgs; [ccl ecl gcl cmucl_binary nixpkgs-fmt];
  notmuchTag = pkgs.writeScript "notmuch-tag" ''
    notmuch tag -inbox -- tag:inbox AND NOT 'folder:"personal/Inbox"'
    notmuch tag +attend -- "folder:\"personal/Inbox/Attention Needed\" and -tag:attend"
    notmuch tag +receipt -- "folder:\"personal/Inbox/Receipts\" and -tag:receipt"
    notmuch tag +main -- "folder:\"personal/Inbox\" and -tag:main"
    notmuch tag +wine -main -inbox -- "(from:\"wine enthusiast\" OR to:\"\" OR from:\"garagiste\") and -tag:wine"
    notmuch tag +travel -main -inbox -- "from:\"priceline\" -tag:travel"
    notmuch tag +shopping -main -inbox -- "(from:nordstrom OR from:\"Julianna Rae\" OR from:\"D'artagnan\" OR from:\"\" OR from:\"\") -tag:shopping"
    notmuch tag +clutter -main -inbox -- "(from:\"\" OR from:\"Adobe Special\") -tag:clutter"
    notmuch tag +news -main -inbox -- "(from:Bloomberg OR from:\"The Epoch Times\" OR from:\"Grassfire\") -tag:news"
    notmuch tag +archive -inbox -main -- "folder:/personal.Archive.*/ and -tag:archive"
    notmuch tag +cigars -inbox -- "folder:personal/cigars and -tag:cigars"
    notmuch tag +sunpower -inbox -- "from:sunpower and -tag:sunpower"
  openssl = pkgs.openssl.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {meta = oldAttrs.meta // {outputsToInstall = oldAttrs.meta.outputsToInstall or ["out"] ++ ["dev"];};});
  packages = common_home.packages ++ ([pkgs.cachix pkgs.pass pkgs.direnv pkgs.emacs-git pkgs.glibcLocales pkgs.gron pkgs.libssh2 pkgs.lorri pkgs.zeromq pkgs.sqlite openssl (import (dotfileDirectory + "/nix/lpass-nix") {inherit pkgs;})] ++ lisps);
  syncMailNotArchive = pkgs.writeScript "sync-mail-not-archive" ''


    mbsync -l personal | grep -v '^Archive' | while read -r; do
      mailboxes=("''${mailboxes[@]}" "personal:$REPLY");

    mbsync -L -H --full "''${mailboxes[@]}"
  username = "edwlan";
  utils = common_home.utils;
in {
  accounts = {
    email = {
      accounts = {
        personal = {
          address = "";
          imap = {host = "";};
          mbsync = {
            enable = true;
            create = "maildir";
            patterns = ["*" "!tmp" "!dovecot" "!dovecot/%"];
          msmtp = {enable = true;};
          notmuch = {enable = true;};
          neomutt.enable = true;
          primary = true;
          realName = "Edward Langley";
          passwordCommand = "mail-password";
          smtp = {
            host = "";
            port = 587;
            tls.useStartTls = true;
          userName = "";
  home = {
    inherit username homeDirectory packages;
    stateVersion = "21.03";
    file = {
      "sbcl-source".source = utils.untar pkgs.sbcl.src;
      ".ssh/allowed_signers".text = "* ${builtins.readFile ./}";
  nixpkgs.overlays = common_home.overlays;
  programs = {
    direnv = {
      enable = true;
      nix-direnv = {enable = true;};
    git = {
      enable = true;
      userEmail = "";
      userName = "Edward Langley";
      lfs.enable = true;
      difftastic.enable = true;
      extraConfig = {
        commit = {gpgsign = true;};
        github = {user = "fiddlerwoaroof";};
        gpg = {
          format = "ssh";
          allowedSignersFile = "${homeDirectory}/.ssh/allowed_signers";
        init = {defaultBranch = "main";};
        merge = {autoStash = true;};
        pull = {rebase = false;};
        rebase = {autoStash = true;};
        user = {signingkey = "${homeDirectory}/.ssh/";};
    home-manager = {enable = true;};
    mbsync = {enable = true;};
    msmtp = {enable = true;};
    neomutt = {enable = true;};
    notmuch = {
      enable = true;
      hooks = {
        preNew = "${syncMailNotArchive}";
        postNew = "${notmuchTag}";
      extraConfig = {index = {"header.dt" = "Delivered-To";};};
    password-store = {
      enable = false;
      settings = {
        PASSWORD_STORE_DIR = "/some/directory";
        PASSWORD_STORE_KEY = "12345678";
    tmux = {
      enable = true;
      terminal = "screen-256color";
      escapeTime = 0;
      clock24 = true;
      newSession = true;
      keyMode = "vi";
      extraConfig = builtins.readFile (dotfileDirectory + "/tmux.conf");
  targets.genericLinux.enable = true;