# Drudge Report Reader # requires my rss2json script, my interface to python-goose, pandoc and my rss zsh plugin check_drudge() { rss2json http://www.drudgereportfeed.com/rss.xml | jq '[.[0].entries[] | {title:.title, link:.link}]' } read_drudge() { if [[ "$1" == "1" ]]; then check_drudge | jq -r '.[0].link' | xargs goosify | dump_html return 0 fi unset choice data=`check_drudge` cmd='echo $data | jq ".[].title"' if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then echo $data | jq '.[].title' | nl | head -n 10 elif [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then echo $data | jq '.[].title' | nl else echo $data | jq '.[].title' | nl | head -n "$1" fi echo -n "your choice? " choice=-1 read choice if [[ $choice == "" ]]; then return fi echo $data | jq -r '.[].link' | sed -n "${choice}p" | xargs goosify | dump_html } alias current_news='read_drudge 1'