GIT_3DP_DIR="${GIT_3DP_DIR:-"$HOME/git_repos/3dp"}" GITHUB_USE_SSH=${GIT_USE_SSH:-${GITHUB_USE_SSH:-yes}} GITLAB_USE_SSH=${GIT_USE_SSH:-${GITLAB_USE_SSH:-yes}} typeset -g -A FORGE_ALIASES function initialize-git-get() { set -x mkdir -p "$GIT_3DP_DIR" set +x } local alias_usage="alias_forge " function alias_forge() { local alias=${1:?the first parameter to alias_forge should be the alias you want to set} local forge=${2:?the second parameter to alias_forge should be the forge the alias points to} if (( $# > 2 )); then echo "$alias_usage" else FORGE_ALIASES[$alias]=$forge fi } function github_url() { local git_spec="$package" if [[ -n "$git_user" ]]; then git_spec="$git_user/$package" fi if [[ "$GITHUB_USE_SSH" == "yes" ]]; then printf "" "$git_spec" else printf "" "$git_spec" fi } function bitbucket_url() { local git_spec="$package" if [[ -n "$git_user" ]]; then git_spec="$git_user/$package" fi if [[ "$bitbucket_USE_SSH" == "yes" ]]; then printf "" "$git_spec" else printf "" "$git_spec" fi } function gitlab_url() { local git_spec="$package" if [[ -n "$git_user" ]]; then git_spec="$git_user/$package" fi if [[ "$GITLAB_USE_SSH" == "yes" ]]; then printf "" "$git_spec" else printf "" "$git_spec" fi } function git-forge-clone() { if [[ ! -e "$(basename "$package")" ]]; then git clone "$($1)" else echo "package already cloned" fi } function get_forge_function() { local forge="$1" local aliased_forge="${forge_aliases[$1]}" if [[ ! -z "$aliased_forge" ]]; then forge="$aliased_forge" fi echo "${forge}_url" } function get_forge_root() { local forge="$1" # echo "$@" >&2 shift if command -v "${forge}_root" &>>/dev/null; then "${forge}_root" "$@" else echo "$GIT_3DP_DIR"/ fi } alias_forge bb github alias_forge gh github alias_forge gl gitlab github_root() { local proj_dir="$HOME"/git_repos/github/"$1"/ if ! [[ -d "$proj_dir" ]]; then mkdir -p "$proj_dir" fi echo "$proj_dir" } function git-get() { local git_user local package forge=${1?Need a forge spec} shift if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then if [[ "$1" == */* ]]; then git_user="${1%%/*}" package="${1#*/}" else git_user= package=$1 fi elif (( $# == 2 )); then git_user=$1 package=$2 shift else echo 'usage: ' return 2 fi package=${package%.git} shift # echo "git user? $git_user package? $package" >&2 local target="$(get_forge_root "$forge" "$git_user")" cd "$target" local forge_url_function="${$(get_forge_function "$forge"):?forge not recognized}" git-forge-clone "$forge_url_function" cd "$(basename "$package")" }