 ;; $Id:,v 1.3 2006/01/30 18:26:39 layer Exp $
   (:use #:lisp #:excl)
   (:import-from #:excl #:base64-encode-stream)
 ;;; Supported transfer encodings
 ;; encoders
 (defun raw-encode-stream (instream outstream)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
   (let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent buf)
 	     (fixnum got))
     (while (/= 0 (setf got (read-vector buf instream)))
       (write-vector buf outstream :end got))))
 (defconstant *qp-hex-digits* "0123456789ABCDEF")
 ;; wrap-at is not a hard limit but more of a suggestion.  it may be
 ;; late by by 3 characters.
 (defun qp-encode-stream (instream outstream &key (wrap-at 72))
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (let ((prev 0)
 	(outcol 0)
     (declare (fixnum byte prev))
     (macrolet ((whitespace (x) 
 		 (let ((xx (gensym)))
 		   `(let ((,xx ,x))
 		      (or (= ,xx 9) (= ,xx 32))))))
       (labels ((check-linewrap ()
 		 (if* (and wrap-at (>= outcol wrap-at))
 		    then (format outstream "=~%" outstream)
 			 (setf outcol 0)))
 	       (check-deferred ()
 		 (if* (and (= prev 13) (/= byte 10))
 		    then ;; previous byte was bare CR.  Handle
 			 (write-string "=0D" outstream)
 			 (incf outcol 3))
 		 (if* (whitespace prev)
 		    then (if* (or (= byte 0) (= byte 10) (= byte 13))
 			    then ;; EOF, EOL, probable EOL.  Encode.
 				 (format outstream "=20")
 				 (incf outcol 3)
 			    else ;; Safe to print deferred whitespace
 				 (write-char (code-char prev) outstream)
 				 (incf outcol 1)))))
 	(while (setf byte (read-byte instream nil nil))
 	  (if* (or (and (>= byte 33) (<= byte 60))
 		   (and (>= byte 62) (<= byte 126)))
 	     then (check-linewrap)
 		  (write-char (code-char byte) outstream)
 		  (incf outcol)
 	   elseif (or (= byte 13) (whitespace byte))
 	     thenret ;; defer handling
 	   elseif (= byte 10) ;; LF
 	     then (write-char #\newline outstream)
 		  (setf outcol 0)
 	     else (check-linewrap)
 		  (format outstream "=~c~c"
 			  (schar *qp-hex-digits* 
 				 (ash byte -4))
 			  (schar *qp-hex-digits*
 				 (logand byte #xf)))
 		  (incf outcol 3))
 	  (setf prev byte))
 	;; Handle final deferred data
 	(setf byte 0)
 (defun mime-decode-transfer-encoding (outstream instream encoding)
    ((equalp encoding "quoted-printable")
     (decode-quoted-printable outstream instream))
     (decode-unmodified outstream instream))))
 (defmacro with-decoded-transfer-encoding-stream ((sym instream encoding) &body body)
   `(with-function-input-stream (,sym #'mime-decode-transfer-encoding ,instream 
 (defun decoded-part-body-stream-func (outstream instream part)
   (with-part-body-stream (part-body-stream instream part)
     (mime-decode-transfer-encoding outstream part-body-stream 
 				   (mime-part-encoding part))))
 (defmacro with-decoded-part-body-stream ((sym instream part) &body body)
   `(with-function-input-stream (,sym #'decoded-part-body-stream-func
 				     ,instream ,part)
 ;; The decoders
 (defun decode-unmodified (outstream instream)
   (let (line)
     (while (setf line (read-line instream nil nil))
       (write-line line outstream))))
 (defun decode-quoted-printable (outstream instream)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (let (line max pos char char2 softlinebreak)
     (while (setf line (read-line instream nil nil))
       (setf max (length line))
       (setf pos 0)
       (macrolet ((getchar () 
 		   `(if* (>= pos max)
 		       then (setf softlinebreak t)
 		       else (prog1 (schar line pos) (incf pos)))))
 	(while (< pos max)
 	  (setf char (getchar))
 	  (if* (char= char #\=)
 	     then ;; If EOL occurs during the attempt to get the next
 		  ;; two chars, it will be treated as a soft line break.
 		  (setf char (getchar))
 		  (setf char2 (getchar))
 		  (let ((value (logior 
 				(ash (or (position char *qp-hex-digits*) -1) 4)
 				(or (position char2 *qp-hex-digits*) -1))))
 		    (if* (> value -1)
 			    (write-byte value outstream)
 			    ;; We got some bogus input.  Leave it untouched
 			    (write-char #\= outstream)
 			    (write-char char outstream)
 			    (write-char char2 outstream)))
 	     else (write-char char outstream)))
 	(if* softlinebreak
 	   then (setf softlinebreak nil)
 	   else (write-char #\newline outstream))))))