Raw Blame History
#+(version= 8 0)
(sys:defpatch "mime" 3
  "v0: New module.  See documentation.;
v1: Improve default transfer encoding determination;
v2: make-mime-part: Default external-format is :utf8;
v3: add mime structure parsing support."
  :type :system
  :post-loadable t)

#+(version= 7 0)
(sys:defpatch "mime" 2
  "v0: New module.  See documentation.;
v1: Improve default transfer encoding determination;
v2: make-mime-part: Default external-format is :utf8."
  :type :system
  :post-loadable t)

;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: -*-
;; imap and pop interface
;; copyright (c) 1999-2002 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA - All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 2002-2007 Franz Inc, Oakland, CA - All rights reserved.
;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the AllegroServe
;; prequel found in license-allegroserve.txt.
;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;; $Id:,v 1.7 2007/05/31 23:13:08 dancy Exp $

  (:use #:lisp #:excl)
   ;; functions/methods
   ;; macros

   ;; classes
   ;; slot accessors

(provide :mime)


(eval-when (compile load eval)
  (require :osi)
  (require :regexp2))

(defclass mime-part ()
   (type :accessor mime-part-type :initform nil)
   (subtype :accessor mime-part-subtype :initform nil)
   (parameters :accessor mime-part-parameters :initform nil) ;; alist
   (id :accessor mime-part-id :initform nil)
   (description :accessor mime-part-description :initform nil)
   (encoding :accessor mime-part-encoding :initform nil)
   (headers ;; parsed headers alist
    :accessor mime-part-headers :initform nil)
   (parts ;; list of subparts (for multipart types)
    :accessor mime-part-parts :initform nil)
   (boundary :accessor mime-part-boundary :initform nil)))

(defclass mime-part-constructed (mime-part)
   (source-type :accessor source-type)
   (source :accessor source)
   (disposition :accessor disposition :initform nil)
   (disposition-name :accessor disposition-name :initform nil)))

(defmacro mime-get-header (header part)
  `(cdr (assoc ,header (mime-part-headers ,part) :test #'equalp)))

(defun message-rfc822-p (type subtype)
  (and (equalp type "message") (equalp subtype "rfc822")))

(defun multipart-p (part)
  (equalp (mime-part-type part) "multipart"))

(defun multipart-mixed-p (part)
  (and (equalp (mime-part-type part) "multipart")
       (equalp (mime-part-subtype part) "mixed")))

(defun mime-part-p (thing)
  (typep thing 'mime-part))

(defun mime-part-constructed-p (thing)
  (typep thing 'mime-part-constructed))

(defun generate-boundary ()
  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
  (let ((hex "01234567890abcdef"))
    (with-output-to-string (s)
      (write-string "----------_" s)
      (dotimes (n 32)
	(write-char (schar hex (random 16)) s)))))

(defun make-mime-part (&key content-type encoding headers 
			    (attachmentp nil attachmentp-supplied)
			    name text (start 0) end file
			    subparts (external-format :utf8)
			    parameters charset id description)
  (let ((part (make-instance 'mime-part-constructed))
	type subtype multipart textp filepath orig-text)
    (if* (and text file)
       then (error "Only one of :text or :file may be specified"))
    (if* (and text (null end))
       then (setf end (length text)))

    (when file
      (if* (streamp file)
	 then (setf filepath (ignore-errors (namestring file)))
	 else (setf filepath file)))

    ;; Select default content-type
    (when (null content-type)
      (if* filepath
	 then (setf content-type (lookup-mime-type filepath)))
      (when (null content-type)
	(setf content-type
	  (if* subparts 
	     then "multipart/mixed"
	   elseif file
	     then "application/octet-stream"
	   elseif (and text (stringp text))
	     then "text/plain"
	     else "application/octet-stream"))))
    (let ((pos (position #\/ content-type)))
      (if (null pos)
	  (error "Invalid content-type: ~s" content-type))
      (setf type (subseq content-type 0 pos))
      (setf subtype (subseq content-type (1+ pos))))
    (setf multipart (equalp type "multipart"))
    (setf textp (or (equalp type "text") (message-rfc822-p type subtype)))

    (if* (and subparts (not multipart))
       then (error "subparts may not be specified for non-multipart parts"))
    (if* (and (not multipart) (null text) (null file))
       then (error "One of :text or :file must be specified"))

    ;; Select default charset
    (if* (and (null charset) textp)
       then (setf charset 
	       (guess-charset-from-ef (find-external-format external-format))

    ;; For :text, break down to the final usb8.
    (when text
      (setf orig-text text)
      (setf text (if* (stringp text)
		    then (string-to-octets text :null-terminate nil
					   :external-format external-format
					   :start start
					   :end end)
		    else (subseq text start end))))
    ;; Select default encoding, which is always base64 except for
    ;; when :text was supplied as a string, in which case we scan to
    ;; choose between 7bit and base64.
    (when (and (not multipart) (null encoding))
      (setf encoding
	(if* (and (stringp orig-text) (not (8-bit-array-p text)))
	   then "7bit"
	   else "base64")))
    (setf (mime-part-type part) type)
    (setf (mime-part-subtype part) subtype)
    (setf (mime-part-parameters part) parameters)
    (if* charset
       then (push (cons "charset" charset) (mime-part-parameters part)))
    (setf (mime-part-encoding part) encoding)
    (setf (mime-part-id part) id)
    (setf (mime-part-description part) description)
    (setf (mime-part-headers part) headers)
    (if* file
       then (setf (source part) file)
	    (if* (streamp file)
	       then (setf (source-type part) :stream)
	       else (with-open-file (f file)) ;; make sure we can read it.
		    (setf (source-type part) :file))
	    (if* (not attachmentp-supplied)
	       then (setf attachmentp t))
       else (setf (source-type part) :usb8)
	    (setf (source part) text))

    (if* (and (not textp) (not attachmentp) (not multipart))
       then (setf (disposition part) "inline"))

    (when attachmentp
      (setf (disposition part) "attachment")
      (if* (and (null name) file)
	 then (setf name (excl.osi:basename filepath))))

    (if* name
       then (setf (disposition-name part) name))
    (if* multipart
       then (let ((boundary (generate-boundary)))
	      (setf (mime-part-boundary part) boundary)
	      (push (cons "boundary" boundary) 
		    (mime-part-parameters part))))
    (setf (mime-part-parts part) subparts)

(defun 8-bit-array-p (usb8)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
	   ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) usb8))
  (dotimes (n (length usb8))
    (declare (fixnum n))
    (if (> (aref usb8 n) 127)
	(return t))))

(defparameter *ef-nick-to-mime-charset*
    '((:ascii . "us-ascii")
      (:iso-2022-jp . "iso-2022-jp")
      (:koi8-r . "koi8-r")
      (:shiftjis . "shift_jis")
      (:euc . "euc-jp")
      (:gb2312 . "gb2312")
      (:big5 . "big5")
      (:utf8 . "utf-8")))
(defun guess-charset-from-ef (ef)
  (dolist (nick (ef-nicknames (find-external-format ef)))
    (let ((charset (cdr (assoc nick *ef-nick-to-mime-charset*))))
      (if charset (return-from guess-charset-from-ef charset))))
  (let ((ef-name (string-downcase (symbol-name (ef-name (crlf-base-ef ef))))))
    ;; Try iso-8559-x names.
    (multiple-value-bind (found ignore suffix)
	(match-re "^iso8859-(\\d+)-base" ef-name)
      (declare (ignore ignore))
      (if found
	  (return-from guess-charset-from-ef 
	    (format nil "iso-8859-~a" suffix))))
    ;; Try windows- names.
    (multiple-value-bind (found whole value)
	(match-re "^(\\d+)-base$" ef-name)
      (declare (ignore whole))
      (if found
	  (return-from guess-charset-from-ef
	    (format nil "windows-~a" value))))))

(defmethod mime-part-writer ((part mime-part-constructed) 
			     &key (stream *terminal-io*))
  (mime-part-constructed-writer part stream t))

(defun mime-part-constructed-writer (part stream top-level)
  (if* top-level
     then (format stream "MIME-Version: 1.0~%"))
  ;; First dump user-supplied headers.
  (dolist (h (mime-part-headers part))
    (format stream "~a: ~a~%" (car h) (cdr h)))

  ;; Now dump headers that are based on class fields.

  (let* ((type (mime-part-type part))
	 (multipart (equalp type "multipart")))
    (format stream "Content-Type: ~a/~a" type (mime-part-subtype part))
    (dolist (param (mime-part-parameters part))
      (format stream ";~%    ~a=~s" (car param) (cdr param)))
    (format stream "~%")
    (if* (mime-part-encoding part)
       then (format stream "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ~a~%" 
		    (mime-part-encoding part)))
    (if* (mime-part-id part)
       then (format stream "Content-Id: ~a~%" (mime-part-id part)))
    (if* (mime-part-description part)
       then (format stream "Content-Description: ~a~%" 
		    (mime-part-description part)))
    (if* (disposition part)
       then (format stream "Content-Disposition: ~a" (disposition part))
	    (if* (disposition-name part)
	       then (format stream ";~%    filename=~s" (disposition-name part)))
	    (format stream "~%"))
    (format stream "~%") ;; terminate headers
    (if* multipart 
       then (let ((boundary (mime-part-boundary part)))
	      (if top-level
		  (format stream "~
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.~%"))
	      (dolist (subpart (mime-part-parts part))
		(format stream "~%--~a~%" boundary)
		(mime-part-constructed-writer subpart stream nil))
	      (format stream "~%--~a--~%" boundary))
       else (let ((instream (if* (eq (source-type part) :stream)
			       then (source part)
			     elseif (eq (source-type part) :file)
			       then (open (source part))
			       else (make-buffer-input-stream (source part)))))
		  (let ((encoding (mime-part-encoding part)))
		    (if* (equalp encoding "base64")
		       then (excl::base64-encode-stream instream stream)
		     elseif (equalp encoding "quoted-printable")
		       then (qp-encode-stream instream stream)
		       else (raw-encode-stream instream stream)))
		    ;; cleanup
		(if* (not (eq (source-type part) :stream))
		   then (close instream)))))))

(defun mime-part-writer-1 (stream part)
  (mime-part-writer part :stream stream))

(defmacro with-mime-part-constructed-stream ((stream part) &body body)
  `(excl::with-function-input-stream (,stream #'mime-part-writer-1 ,part)

;; misc

(defun map-over-parts (part function)
  (funcall function part)
  (if* (multipart-p part)
     then (dolist (p (mime-part-parts part))
	    (map-over-parts p function))
   elseif (message-rfc822-p (mime-part-type part) (mime-part-subtype part))
     then (map-over-parts (mime-part-message part) function)))

(defparameter *charset-to-ef*
    '(("shift-jis" . :shiftjis)
      ("us-ascii" . :latin1)
      ("gbk" . :936)
      #+ignore("euc-kr" :iso-2022-kr)

(defun charset-to-external-format (charset)
  (setf charset (string-downcase charset))
  (block nil
    (let ((ef (find-external-format charset :errorp nil)))
      (if ef
	  (return ef))
      (if (setf ef (cdr (assoc charset *charset-to-ef* :test #'string=)))
	  (return (find-external-format ef)))
      (multiple-value-bind (matched x inner)
	  (match-re "^windows-(\\d+)$" charset)
	(declare (ignore x))
	(if (and matched (setf ef (find-external-format inner :errorp nil)))
	    (return ef)))
      (multiple-value-bind (matched x dig)
	  (match-re "^iso-8859-(\\d+)(?:-[ie])?$" charset)
	(declare (ignore x))
	(if (and matched (setf ef (find-external-format (format nil "iso8859-~a" dig) :errorp nil)))
	    (return ef)))


(defun decode-header-text (text)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3))
	   (string text))
  (let ((pos 0)
	(len (length text)))
    (declare (fixnum pos len))
    (with-output-to-string (res)
      (while (< pos len)
	(multiple-value-bind (matched whole charset encoding encoded)
	    (match-re "=\\?([^?]+)\\?(q|b)\\?(.*?)\\?=" text 
		      :start pos
		      :case-fold t
		      :return :index)
	  (if (null matched)
	  ;; Write out the "before" stuff.
	  (write-string text res :start pos :end (car whole))
	  (let* ((charset (subseq text (car charset) (cdr charset)))
		 (ef (charset-to-external-format charset)))
	    (if (null ef)
		(error "No external format found for MIME charset ~s" charset))
	     (if* (char-equal (char text (car encoding)) #\q)
		then (qp-decode-string text
				       :start (car encoded)
				       :end (cdr encoded)
				       :external-format ef)
		else ;; FIXME: Clean this up with/if rfe6174 is completed.
		       (subseq text (car encoded) (cdr encoded)))
		      :external-format ef))
	  (setf pos (cdr whole))))
      ;; Write out the remaining portion.
      (write-string text res :start pos))))

;; Stuff ripped off from aserve

(defun split-namestring (file)
  ;; split the namestring into root and tail and then the tail
  ;; into name and type
  ;; any of the return value can be nil if the corresponding item
  ;; isn't present.
  ;; rules for splitting the tail into name and type components:
  ;;  if the last period in the tail is at the beginning or end of the
  ;;  tail, then the name is exactly the tail and type is nil.
  ;;  Thus .foo and bar.  are just names, no type
  ;;  but .foo.c  has a name of ".foo" and a type of "c"
  ;;  Thus if there is a non-nil type then it means that 
  ;;    1. there will be a non nil name as well
  ;;    2. to reconstruct the filename you need to add a period between
  ;;       the name and type.
  (let ((pos (min (or (or (position #\/ file :from-end t) most-positive-fixnum)
		      #+mswindows (position #\\ file :from-end t))))
    (if* (equal file "") then (return-from split-namestring nil))
    (if* (and pos (< pos most-positive-fixnum))
       then ; we have root and tail
	    (if* (eql pos (1- (length file)))
	       then ; just have root
		    (return-from split-namestring
		      (values file nil nil nil)))
	    (setq root (subseq file 0 (1+ pos))
		  tail (subseq file (1+ pos)))
       else (setq tail file))
    ; split the tail
    (let ((pos (position #\. tail :from-end t)))
      (if* (or (null pos)
	       (zerop pos)
	       (equal pos (1- (length tail))))
	 then ; name begins or ends with . so it's not
	      ; a type separator
	      (values root tail tail nil)
	 else ; have all pieces
	      (values root tail
		      (subseq tail 0 pos)
		      (subseq tail (1+ pos)))))))

; we can specify either an exact url or one that handles all
; urls with a common prefix.
;; if the prefix is given as a list: e.g. ("ReadMe") then it says that
;; this mime type applie to file named ReadMe.  Note that file types
;; are checked first and if no match then a filename match is done.
(defparameter *file-type-to-mime-type*
    ;; this list constructed by generate-mime-table in
    '(("application/EDI-Consent") ("application/EDI-X12") ("application/EDIFACT")
      ("application/activemessage") ("application/andrew-inset" "ez")
      ("application/applefile") ("application/atomicmail")
      ("application/batch-SMTP") ("application/beep+xml") ("application/cals-1840")
      ("application/commonground") ("application/cybercash")
      ("application/dca-rft") ("application/dec-dx") ("application/dvcs")
      ("application/eshop") ("application/http") ("application/hyperstudio")
      ("application/iges") ("application/index") ("application/index.cmd")
      ("application/index.obj") ("application/index.response")
      ("application/index.vnd") ("application/iotp") ("application/ipp")
      ("application/isup") ("application/font-tdpfr")
      ("application/mac-binhex40" "hqx") ("application/mac-compactpro" "cpt")
      ("application/macwriteii") ("application/marc") ("application/mathematica")
      ("application/mathematica-old") ("application/msword" "doc")
      ("application/news-message-id") ("application/news-transmission")
      ("application/ocsp-request") ("application/ocsp-response")
      ("application/octet-stream" "bin" "dms" "lha" "lzh" "exe" "class" "so" "dll"
       "img" "iso")
      ("application/ogg" "ogg") ("application/parityfec") ("application/pdf" "pdf")
      ("application/pgp-encrypted") ("application/pgp-keys")
      ("application/pgp-signature") ("application/pkcs10")
      ("application/pkcs7-mime") ("application/pkcs7-signature")
      ("application/pkix-cert") ("application/pkix-crl") ("application/pkixcmp")
      ("application/postscript" "ai" "eps" "ps")
      ("application/prs.alvestrand.titrax-sheet") ("application/prs.cww")
      ("application/prs.nprend") ("application/qsig")
      ("application/remote-printing") ("application/riscos")
      ("application/rtf" "rtf") ("application/sdp") ("application/set-payment")
      ("application/set-payment-initiation") ("application/set-registration")
      ("application/set-registration-initiation") ("application/sgml")
      ("application/sgml-open-catalog") ("application/sieve") ("application/slate")
      ("application/smil" "smi" "smil") ("application/timestamp-query")
      ("application/timestamp-reply") ("application/vemmi")
      ("application/vnd.3M.Post-it-Notes") ("application/vnd.FloGraphIt")
      ("application/vnd.accpac.simply.aso") ("application/vnd.accpac.simply.imp")
      ("application/vnd.acucobol") ("application/vnd.aether.imp")
      ("application/vnd.audiograph") ("application/vnd.businessobjects")
      ("application/vnd.bmi") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.claymore")
      ("application/vnd.commerce-battelle") ("application/vnd.commonspace")
      ("application/vnd.comsocaller") ("application/")
      ("application/vnd.cosmocaller") ("application/vnd.cups-postscript")
      ("application/vnd.cups-raster") ("application/vnd.cups-raw")
      ("application/vnd.ctc-posml") ("application/vnd.cybank")
      ("application/vnd.dna") ("application/vnd.dpgraph") ("application/vnd.dxr")
      ("application/vnd.ecdis-update") ("application/vnd.ecowin.chart")
      ("application/vnd.ecowin.filerequest") ("application/vnd.ecowin.fileupdate")
      ("application/vnd.ecowin.series") ("application/vnd.ecowin.seriesrequest")
      ("application/vnd.ecowin.seriesupdate") ("application/vnd.enliven")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.fdf")
      ("application/vnd.ffsns") ("application/vnd.framemaker")
      ("application/vnd.fsc.weblaunch") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.fut-misnet")
      ("application/vnd.grafeq") ("application/vnd.groove-account")
      ("application/vnd.groove-injector") ("application/vnd.groove-tool-message")
      ("application/vnd.groove-tool-template") ("application/vnd.groove-vcard")
      ("application/vnd.hhe.lesson-player") ("application/vnd.hp-HPGL")
      ("application/vnd.hp-PCL") ("application/vnd.hp-PCLXL")
      ("application/vnd.hp-hpid") ("application/vnd.hp-hps")
      ("application/vnd.httphone") ("application/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.informix-visionary")
      ("application/vnd.intercon.formnet") ("application/vnd.intertrust.digibox")
      ("application/vnd.intertrust.nncp") ("application/vnd.intu.qbo")
      ("application/vnd.intu.qfx") ("application/vnd.irepository.package+xml")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.japannet-directory-service")
      ("application/vnd.japannet-verification-wakeup") ("application/vnd.koan")
      ("application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3") ("application/vnd.lotus-approach")
      ("application/vnd.lotus-freelance") ("application/vnd.lotus-notes")
      ("application/vnd.lotus-organizer") ("application/vnd.lotus-screencam")
      ("application/vnd.lotus-wordpro") ("application/")
      ("application/vnd.mediastation.cdkey") ("application/vnd.meridian-slingshot")
      ("application/vnd.mif" "mif") ("application/vnd.minisoft-hp3000-save")
      ("application/vnd.mobius.daf") ("application/vnd.mobius.dis")
      ("application/vnd.mobius.msl") ("application/vnd.mobius.plc")
      ("application/vnd.mobius.txf") ("application/vnd.motorola.flexsuite")
      ("application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/" "xls")
      ("application/") ("application/" "ppt")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.mseq")
      ("application/vnd.msign") ("application/")
      ("application/vnd.musician") ("application/vnd.netfpx")
      ("application/vnd.noblenet-directory") ("application/vnd.noblenet-sealer")
      ("application/vnd.noblenet-web") ("application/vnd.novadigm.EDM")
      ("application/vnd.novadigm.EDX") ("application/vnd.novadigm.EXT")
      ("application/vnd.osa.netdeploy") ("application/vnd.palm")
      ("application/") ("application/")
      ("application/vnd.powerbuilder6") ("application/vnd.powerbuilder6-s")
      ("application/vnd.powerbuilder7") ("application/vnd.powerbuilder7-s")
      ("application/vnd.powerbuilder75") ("application/vnd.powerbuilder75-s")
      ("application/vnd.publishare-delta-tree") ("application/vnd.pvi.ptid1")
      ("application/vnd.pwg-xhtml-print+xml") ("application/vnd.rapid")
      ("application/vnd.s3sms") ("application/vnd.seemail")
      ("application/vnd.shana.informed.package") ("application/vnd.sss-cod")
      ("application/vnd.sss-dtf") ("application/vnd.sss-ntf")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.writer" "sxw")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template" "stw")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.calc" "sxc")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template" "stc")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.draw" "sxd")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template" "std")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.impress" "sxi")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template" "sti")
      ("application/" "sxg")
      ("application/vnd.sun.xml.math" "sxm") ("application/vnd.street-stream")
      ("application/vnd.svd") ("application/vnd.swiftview-ics")
      ("application/vnd.triscape.mxs") ("application/vnd.trueapp")
      ("application/vnd.truedoc") ("application/vnd.tve-trigger")
      ("application/vnd.ufdl") ("application/vnd.uplanet.alert")
      ("application/vnd.uplanet.bearer-choice") ("application/vnd.uplanet.cacheop")
      ("application/vnd.uplanet.cacheop-wbxml") ("application/")
      ("application/") ("application/vnd.uplanet.list")
      ("application/vnd.uplanet.list-wbxml") ("application/vnd.uplanet.listcmd")
      ("application/vnd.uplanet.listcmd-wbxml") ("application/vnd.uplanet.signal")
      ("application/vnd.vcx") ("application/vnd.vectorworks")
      ("application/vnd.vidsoft.vidconference") ("application/vnd.visio")
      ("application/vnd.vividence.scriptfile") ("application/vnd.wap.sic")
      ("application/vnd.wap.slc") ("application/vnd.wap.wbxml" "wbxml")
      ("application/vnd.wap.wmlc" "wmlc")
      ("application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc" "wmlsc") ("application/vnd.webturbo")
      ("application/vnd.wrq-hp3000-labelled") ("application/vnd.wt.stf")
      ("application/vnd.xara") ("application/vnd.xfdl")
      ("application/vnd.yellowriver-custom-menu") ("application/whoispp-query")
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(defvar *mime-types* nil)

(defun build-mime-types-table ()
  (if* (null *mime-types*)
     then (setf *mime-types* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
	  (dolist (ent *file-type-to-mime-type*)
	    (dolist (type (cdr ent))
	      (setf (gethash type *mime-types*) (car ent))))))

(build-mime-types-table)  ;; build the table now

;; return mime type if known
(defmethod lookup-mime-type (filename) 
  (if* (pathnamep filename)
     then (setq filename (namestring filename)))
  (multiple-value-bind (root tail name type)
      (split-namestring filename)
    (declare (ignore root name))
    (if* (and type (gethash type *mime-types*))
     elseif (gethash (list tail) *mime-types*) 