Raw Blame History
;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: -*-
;; imap and pop interface
;; copyright (c) 1999-2002 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA - All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 2002-2012 Franz Inc, Oakland, CA - All rights reserved.
;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the AllegroServe
;; prequel found in license-allegroserve.txt.
;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;; $Id:,v 1.32 2009/03/25 22:46:02 layer Exp $

;; Description:
;;- This code in this file obeys the Lisp Coding Standard found in

  (:nicknames #:post-office)
  (:use :cl :excl)



   #:mailbox-flags      ; accessor
   #:mailbox-permanent-flags ; acc
   #:mailbox-message-count ; accessor
   #:mailbox-recent-messages ; ac
   #:mailbox-separator  ; accessor
   #:top-lines  ; pop only
   #:unique-id  ; pop only





(provide :imap)

(defparameter *imap-version-number* '(:major 1 :minor 14)) ; major.minor

;; todo
;;  have the list of tags selected done on a per connection basis to
;;  eliminate any possible multithreading problems

(defvar *debug-imap* nil)

(defclass post-office ()
  ((socket :initarg :socket
           :accessor post-office-socket)

   (host :initarg :host
         :accessor  post-office-host
         :initform nil)
   (user  :initarg :user
          :accessor post-office-user
          :initform nil)

   (state :accessor post-office-state
          :initarg :state
          :initform :unconnected)

    ;; time to wait for network activity for actions that should
    ;; happen very quickly when things are operating normally
    :initarg :timeout
    :initform 60
    :accessor timeout)

(defclass imap-mailbox (post-office)
  ((mailbox-name   ; currently selected mailbox
    :accessor mailbox-name
    :initform nil)

    ;; string that separates mailbox names in the hierarchy
    :accessor mailbox-separator
    :initform "")

   ;;; these slots hold information about the currently selected mailbox:

    (message-count  ; how many in the mailbox
    :accessor mailbox-message-count
    :initform 0)

   (recent-messages ; how many messages since we last checked
    :accessor mailbox-recent-messages
    :initform 0)

   (uidvalidity  ; used to denote messages uniquely
    :accessor mailbox-uidvalidity
    :initform 0)

    :accessor mailbox-uidnext ;; predicted next uid
    :initform 0)

   (flags       ; list of flags that can be stored in a message
    :accessor mailbox-flags
    :initform nil)

   (permanent-flags  ; list of flags that be stored permanently
    :accessor mailbox-permanent-flags
    :initform nil)

   (first-unseen   ; number of the first unseen message
    :accessor first-unseen
    :initform 0)

   ;;; end list of values for the currently selected mailbox

   ;;; state information for fetch-letter-sequence
    :accessor fetch-letter-offset)
    :accessor fetch-letter-number)
    :accessor fetch-letter-uid)
    :accessor fetch-letter-finished)

(defclass pop-mailbox (post-office)
  ((message-count  ; how many in the mailbox
    :accessor mailbox-message-count
    :initform 0)
    :accessor state
    :initform :invalid)))

(defstruct (mailbox-list (:type list))
  ;; a list of these are returned by mailbox-list

(defstruct (envelope (:type list))
  ;; returned by fetch-letter as the value of the envelope property

(defstruct (address (:type list))
  name     ;; often the person's full name
  mailbox  ;; the login name
  host     ;; the name of the machine

; conditions
; We define a set of conditions that are signalled due to events
; in the imap interface.
; Each condition has an indentifier which is a keyword.  That can
; be used in the handling code to identify the class of error.
; All our conditions are po-condition or po-error (which is a subclass of
; po-condition).
; A condition will have a server-string value if it as initiated by
; something returned by the server.
; A condition will have a format-control value if we want to display
; something we generated in response to
;; identifiers used in conditions/errors

; :problem  condition
;       the server responded with 'no' followed by an explanation.
;       this mean that something unusual happend and doesn't necessarily
;       mean that the command has completely failed (but it might).
; :unknown-ok   condition
;       the server responded with an 'ok' followed by something
;       we don't recognize.  It's probably safe to ignore this.
;  :unknown-untagged condition
;       the server responded with some untagged command we don't
;       recognize.  it's probaby ok to ignore this.
;  :error-response  error
;       the command failed.
;  :syntax-error   error
;       the data passed to a function in this interface was malformed
;  :unexpected    error
;       the server responded an unexpected way.
;  :server-shutdown-connection error
;       the server has shut down the connection, don't attempt to
;       send any more commands to this connection, or even close it.
;  :timeout  error
;       server failed to respond within the timeout period
;  :response-too-large error
;       contents of a response is too large to store in a Lisp array.

;; conditions
(define-condition po-condition ()
  ;; used to notify user of things that shouldn't necessarily stop
  ;; program flow
    ;; keyword identifying the error (or :unknown)
    :reader po-condition-identifier
    :initform :unknown
    :initarg :identifier)
    ;; message from the imap server
    :reader po-condition-server-string
    :initform ""
    :initarg :server-string)
    :reader po-condition-message
    :initform ""
    :initarg :message)
    :reader po-condition-arguments
    :initform nil
    :initarg :arguments))
   (lambda (con stream)
     (with-slots (identifier server-string) con
       ;; a condition either has a server-string or it has a
       ;; format-control string
       (format stream "Post Office condition: ~s~%" identifier)
       (unless (string= (po-condition-message con)
         (apply #'format stream
                (po-condition-message con)
                (po-condition-arguments con)))
       (when server-string
         (format stream
                 "~&Message from server: ~s"
                 (string-left-trim " " server-string)))))))

(define-condition po-error (po-condition error)
  ;; used to denote things that should stop program flow

;; aignalling the conditions

(defun po-condition (identifier &key server-string format-control
  (signal (make-instance 'po-condition
            :identifier identifier
            :server-string server-string
            :message format-control
            :arguments format-arguments)))

(defun po-error (identifier &key server-string
                      format-control format-arguments)
  (error (make-instance 'po-error
            :identifier identifier
            :server-string server-string
            :message format-control
            :arguments format-arguments)))


(defparameter *imap-tags* '("t01" "t02" "t03" "t04" "t05" "t06" "t07"))
(defvar *cur-imap-tags* nil)

(defvar *crlf*
    (let ((str (make-string 2)))
      (setf (aref str 0) #\return)
      (setf (aref str 1) #\linefeed)

;; returns values: socket starttls
;; server is a cons of the form:
;; (server-name &key (port 25) (ssl nil) (starttls nil) ...ssl-client-keywords...)
(defun connect-to-imap/pop-server (server-info server-type)
  (macrolet ((pop-keyword (k l) `(prog1 (getf ,l ,k) (remf ,l ,k)))
             (server-port (ssl type) `(cond ((eq ,type :imap) (if ,ssl 993 143))
                                            ((eq ,type :pop) (if ,ssl 995 110)))))
    (let* ((server (car server-info))
           (ssl-args (cdr server-info))
           ssl port starttls sock)
      (setq ssl (pop-keyword :ssl ssl-args))
      (setq port (or (pop-keyword :port ssl-args)
                     (server-port ssl server-type)))
      (setq starttls (pop-keyword :starttls ssl-args))
      (setq sock (socket:make-socket :remote-host server
                                     :remote-port port))
      (when ssl
        (setq sock (apply #'cl+ssl:make-ssl-client-stream
                          :external-format :iso-8859-1

      (values sock starttls))) )

(defun make-imap-connection (host &key (port 143)
                                       (timeout 30))
  (multiple-value-bind (sock starttls)
      (if (consp host)
          (connect-to-imap/pop-server host :imap)
        (socket:make-socket :remote-host host :remote-port port))
    (let ((imap (make-instance 'imap-mailbox
                  :socket sock
                  :host   host
                  :timeout timeout
                  :state :unauthorized)))

    (multiple-value-bind (tag cmd count extra comment)
        (get-and-parse-from-imap-server imap)
      (declare (ignorable cmd count extra))
      (if* (not (eq :untagged tag))
         then  (po-error :error-response
                         :server-string comment)))

    ; check for starttls negotiation
    (when starttls
      (let (capabilities)
         imap "CAPABILITY"
         #'(lambda (mb cmd count extra comment)
             (declare (ignorable mb cmd count extra))
             (setq capabilities comment))
         #'(lambda (mb cmd count extra comment)
             (check-for-success mb cmd count extra comment
        (when (and capabilities (match-re "STARTTLS" capabilities :case-fold t
                                          :return nil))
          ;; negotiate starttls
          (send-command-get-results imap "STARTTLS"
                                    #'(lambda (mb cmd count extra comment)
                                        (check-for-success mb cmd count extra comment
                                        (setf (post-office-socket mb)
                                           (post-office-socket mb) :method :tlsv1)))))))

    ; now login
    (send-command-get-results imap
                              (format nil "login ~a ~a" user password)
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                  (check-for-success mb command count extra

    ; find the separator character
    (let ((res (mailbox-list imap)))
      (let ((sep (cadr  (car res))))
        (if* sep
           then (setf (mailbox-separator imap) sep))))


(defmethod close-connection ((mb imap-mailbox))

  (let ((sock (post-office-socket mb)))
    (if* sock
       then (ignore-errors
              ; don't want to get confused by untagged
              ; bye command, which is expected here
              #'(lambda (mb command count extra)
                  (declare (ignore mb command count extra))
              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                  (check-for-success mb command count extra
    (setf (post-office-socket mb) nil)
    (if* sock then (ignore-errors (close sock)))

(defmethod close-connection ((pb pop-mailbox))
  (let ((sock (post-office-socket pb)))
    (if* sock
       then (ignore-errors
    (setf (post-office-socket pb) nil)
    (if* sock then (ignore-errors (close sock)))

(defun make-pop-connection (host &key (port 110)
                                      (timeout 30))
  (multiple-value-bind (sock starttls)
      (if (consp host)
          (connect-to-imap/pop-server host :pop)
        (socket:make-socket :remote-host host :remote-port port))
    (let ((pop (make-instance 'pop-mailbox
                :socket sock
                :host   host
                :timeout timeout
                :state :unauthorized)))

    (multiple-value-bind (result)
        (get-and-parse-from-pop-server pop)
      (if* (not (eq :ok result))
         then  (po-error :error-response
                         "unexpected line from server after connect")))

    ; check for starttls negotiation
    (when starttls
      (let ((capabilities (send-pop-command-get-results pop "capa" t)))
        (when (and capabilities (match-re "STLS" capabilities :case-fold t
                                          :return nil))
          (send-pop-command-get-results pop "STLS")
          (setf (post-office-socket pop) (socket:make-ssl-client-stream
                                          (post-office-socket pop) :method :tlsv1)))))

    ; now login
    (send-pop-command-get-results pop (format nil "user ~a" user))
    (send-pop-command-get-results pop (format nil "pass ~a" password))

    (let ((res (send-pop-command-get-results pop "stat")))
      (setf (mailbox-message-count pop) (car res)))


(defmethod send-command-get-results ((mb imap-mailbox)
                                     command untagged-handler tagged-handler)
  ;; send a command and retrieve results until we get the tagged
  ;; response for the command we sent
  (let ((tag (get-next-tag)))
    (format (post-office-socket mb)
            "~a ~a~a" tag command *crlf*)
    (force-output (post-office-socket mb))

    (when *debug-imap*
      (format t
              "~a ~a~a" tag command *crlf*)
       (multiple-value-bind (got-tag cmd count extra comment)
           (get-and-parse-from-imap-server mb)
         (if* (eq got-tag :untagged)
            then (funcall untagged-handler mb cmd count extra comment)
          elseif (equal tag got-tag)
            then (funcall tagged-handler mb cmd count extra comment)
            else (po-error :error-response
                           :format-control "received tag ~s out of order"
                           :format-arguments (list got-tag)
                           :server-string comment))))))

(defun get-next-tag ()
  (let ((tag (pop *cur-imap-tags*)))
    (if*  tag
       else (setq *cur-imap-tags* *imap-tags*)
            (pop *cur-imap-tags*))))

(defun handle-untagged-response (mb command count extra comment)
  ;; default function to handle untagged responses, which are
  ;; really just returning general state information about
  ;; the mailbox
  (case command
    (:exists (setf (mailbox-message-count mb) count))
    (:recent (setf (mailbox-recent-messages mb) count))
    (:flags  (setf (mailbox-flags mb) (kwd-intern-possible-list extra)))
    (:bye ; occurs when connection times out or mailbox lock is stolen
     (ignore-errors (close (post-office-socket mb)))
     (po-error :server-shutdown-connection
                 :server-string "server shut down the connection"))
    (:no ; used when grabbing a lock from another process
     (po-condition :problem :server-string comment))
    (:ok ; a whole variety of things
     (if* extra
        then (if* (equalp (car extra) "unseen")
                then (setf (first-unseen mb) (cadr extra))
              elseif (equalp (car extra) "uidvalidity")
                then (setf (mailbox-uidvalidity mb) (cadr extra))
              elseif (equalp (car extra) "uidnext")
                then (setf (mailbox-uidnext mb) (cadr extra))
              elseif (equalp (car extra) "permanentflags")
                then (setf (mailbox-permanent-flags mb)
                       (kwd-intern-possible-list (cadr extra)))
                else (po-condition :unknown-ok :server-string comment))))
    (t (po-condition :unknown-untagged :server-string comment)))


(defmethod begin-extended-results-sequence ((mb pop-mailbox))
  (setf (state mb) 1))

(defmethod get-extended-results-sequence ((mb pop-mailbox) buffer &key (start 0) (end (length buffer)))
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
  (let ((inpos start)
        (outpos start)
        (sock (post-office-socket mb))
    (macrolet ((add-to-buffer ()
                    (setf (schar buffer outpos) ch)
                    (incf outpos))))
      (while (and (< inpos end) (/= (state mb) 4))
        (setf stop (read-sequence buffer sock :start inpos :end end :partial-fill t))
        (while (< inpos stop)
          (setf ch (schar buffer inpos))
          (if* (eq ch #\return)
             thenret                    ; ignore crs
             else (ecase (state mb)
                    (1 (if* (eq ch #\.) ; at beginning of line
                          then (setf (state mb) 2)
                        elseif (eq ch #\linefeed)
                               (add-to-buffer) ; state stays at 1
                               (setf (state mb) 3)
                    (2                  ; seen first dot
                     (if* (eq ch #\linefeed)
                        then            ; end of results
                             (setf (state mb) 4)
                             (setf (state mb) 3)
                             (add-to-buffer))) ; normal reading
                    (3                  ; middle of line
                     (if* (eq ch #\linefeed)
                        then (setf (state mb) 1))
          (incf inpos))
        (setf inpos outpos))

(defmacro end-of-extended-results-p (mb)
  `(= (state ,mb) 4))

(defmethod end-extended-results-sequence ((mb pop-mailbox))
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
  (let ((buffer (make-string 4096)))
    (until (end-of-extended-results-p mb)
      (get-extended-results-sequence mb buffer)))
  (setf (state mb) :invalid-state)

(defmacro with-extended-results-sequence ((mailbox) &body body)
  (let ((mb (gensym)))
    `(let ((,mb ,mailbox))
       (begin-extended-results-sequence ,mb)
         ;; cleanup
         (end-extended-results-sequence ,mb)))))

(defun send-pop-command-get-results (pop command &optional extrap)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
  ;; send the given command to the pop server
  ;; if extrap is true and if the response is +ok, then data
  ;;  will follow the command (up to and excluding the first line consisting
  ;;  of just a period)
  ;; if the pop server returns an error code we signal a lisp error.
  ;; otherwise
  ;; return
  ;;  extrap is nil -- return the list of tokens on the line after +ok
  ;;  extrap is true -- return the extra object (a big string)
  (format (post-office-socket pop) "~a~a" command *crlf*)
  (force-output (post-office-socket pop))

  (if* *debug-imap*
     then (format t "~a~a" command *crlf*)
          (force-output t))

  (multiple-value-bind (result parsed line)
      (get-and-parse-from-pop-server pop)
    (if* (not (eq result :ok))
       then (po-error :error-response
                      :server-string line))

    (if* extrap
       then ;; get the rest of the data
            ;; many but not all pop servers return the size of the data
            ;; after the +ok, so we use that to initially size the
            ;; retreival buffer.
            (let* ((buf (get-line-buffer (+ (if* (fixnump (car parsed))
                                               then (car parsed)
                                               else 2048 ; reasonable size
                   (buflen (length buf))
                   (pos 0))
              (with-extended-results-sequence (pop)
                (until (end-of-extended-results-p pop)
                  (if* (>= pos buflen)
                     then    ;; grow buffer
                          (if* (>= buflen (1- array-total-size-limit))
                             then       ; can't grow it any further
                                   "response from mail server is too large to hold in a lisp array"))
                          (let ((new-buf (get-line-buffer (* buflen 2))))
                            (init-line-buffer new-buf buf)
                            (free-line-buffer buf)
                            (setq buf new-buf)
                            (setq buflen (length buf))))
                  (setf pos (get-extended-results-sequence pop buf :start pos :end buflen))))
              (prog1 (subseq buf 0 pos)
                (free-line-buffer buf)))
       else parsed)))

(defun convert-flags-plist (plist)
  ;; scan the plist looking for "flags" indicators and
  ;; turn value into a list of symbols rather than strings
  (do ((xx plist (cddr xx)))
      ((null xx) plist)
    (if* (equalp "flags" (car xx))
       then (setf (cadr xx) (mapcar #'kwd-intern (cadr xx))))))

(defmethod select-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox) name)
  ;; select the given mailbox
  (send-command-get-results mb
                            (format nil "select ~a" name)
                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                (declare (ignore mb count extra))
                                (if* (not (eq command :ok))
                                   then (po-error
                                         "imap mailbox select failed"
                                         :server-string comment))))
  (setf (mailbox-name mb) name)

(defmethod fetch-letter ((mb imap-mailbox) number &key uid)
  ;; return the whole letter
  (fetch-field number "body[]"
               (fetch-parts mb number "body[]" :uid uid)
               :uid uid))

(defmethod fetch-letter ((pb pop-mailbox) number &key uid)
  (declare (ignore uid))
  (send-pop-command-get-results pb
                                (format nil "RETR ~d" number)
                                t ; extra stuff

(defmethod begin-fetch-letter-sequence ((mb imap-mailbox) number &key uid)
  (setf (fetch-letter-offset mb) 0)
  (setf (fetch-letter-number mb) number)
  (setf (fetch-letter-uid mb) uid)
  (setf (fetch-letter-finished mb) nil))

(defmethod begin-fetch-letter-sequence ((mb pop-mailbox) number &key uid)
  (declare (ignore uid))
  (send-pop-command-get-results mb (format nil "RETR ~d" number))
  (begin-extended-results-sequence mb))

(defmethod fetch-letter-sequence ((mb imap-mailbox) buffer
                                  &key (start 0) (end (length buffer)))
  (let* ((num (fetch-letter-number mb))
         (offset (fetch-letter-offset mb))
         (uid (fetch-letter-uid mb))
         (buflen (- end start))
         (data (fetch-field num (format nil "body[]<~d>" offset)
                            (fetch-parts mb num
                                         (format nil "body[]<~d.~d>" offset buflen)
                                         :uid uid)
                            :uid uid))
         (datalen (length data)))

    (setf (subseq buffer start end) data)

    (if* (and (> buflen 0) (= datalen 0))
       then (setf (fetch-letter-finished mb) t))

    (setf (fetch-letter-offset mb) (+ offset buflen))

    (+ start datalen)))

(defmethod fetch-letter-sequence ((mb pop-mailbox) buffer &key (start 0) (end (length buffer)))
  (get-extended-results-sequence mb buffer :start start :end end))

(defmethod end-fetch-letter-sequence ((mb imap-mailbox))

(defmethod end-fetch-letter-sequence ((mb pop-mailbox))
  (end-extended-results-sequence mb))

(defmethod end-of-letter-p ((mb imap-mailbox))
  (fetch-letter-finished mb))

(defmethod end-of-letter-p ((mb pop-mailbox))
  (end-of-extended-results-p mb))

(defmacro with-fetch-letter-sequence ((mailbox &rest args) &body body)
  (let ((mb (gensym)))
    `(let ((,mb ,mailbox))
       (begin-fetch-letter-sequence ,mb ,@args)
         ;; cleanup
         (end-fetch-letter-sequence ,mb)))))

(defmethod fetch-parts ((mb imap-mailbox) number parts &key uid)
  (let (res)
     (format nil "~afetch ~a ~a"
             (if* uid then "uid " else "")
             (message-set-string number)
             (or parts "body[]")
     #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
         (if* (eq command :fetch)
            then (push (list count (internalize-flags extra)) res)
            else (handle-untagged-response
                  mb command count extra comment)))
     #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
         (declare (ignore mb count extra))
         (if* (not (eq command :ok))
            then (po-error :problem
                           :format-control "imap mailbox fetch failed"
                           :server-string comment))))

(defun fetch-field (letter-number field-name info &key uid)
  ;; given the information from a fetch-letter, return the
  ;; particular field for the particular letter
  ;; info is as returned by fetch
  ;; field-name is a string, case doesn't matter.
  (dolist (item info)
    ;; item is (messagenumber plist-info)
    ;; the same messagenumber may appear in multiple items
    (let (use-this)
      (if* uid
         then ; uid appears as a property in the value, not
              ; as the top level message sequence number
              (do ((xx (cadr item) (cddr xx)))
                  ((null xx))
                (if* (equalp "uid" (car xx))
                   then (if* (eql letter-number (cadr xx))
                           then (return (setq use-this t))
                           else (return))))
         else ; just a message sequence number
              (setq use-this (eql letter-number (car item))))

      (if* use-this
         then (do ((xx (cadr item) (cddr xx)))
                  ((null xx))
                (if* (equalp field-name (car xx))
                   then (return-from fetch-field (cadr xx))))))))

(defun internalize-flags (stuff)
  ;; given a plist like object, look for items labelled "flags" and
  ;; convert the contents to internal flags objects
  (do ((xx stuff (cddr xx)))
      ((null xx))
    (if* (equalp (car xx) "flags")
       then ; we can end up with sublists of forms if we
            ; do add-flags with a list of flags.  this seems like
            ; a bug in the imap server.. but we have to deal with it
              (setf (cadr xx) (kwd-intern-possible-list (cadr xx)))


(defmethod delete-letter ((mb imap-mailbox) messages &key (expunge t) uid)
  ;; delete all the mesasges and do the expunge to make
  ;; it permanent if expunge is true
  (alter-flags mb messages :add-flags :\\deleted :uid uid)
  (if* expunge then (expunge-mailbox mb)))

(defmethod delete-letter ((pb pop-mailbox) messages  &key (expunge nil) uid)
  ;; delete all the messages.   We can't expunge without quitting so
  ;; we don't expunge
  (declare (ignore expunge uid))

  (if* (or (numberp messages)
           (and (consp messages) (eq :seq (car messages))))
     then (setq messages (list messages)))

  (if* (not (consp messages))
     then (po-error :syntax-error
                    :format-control "expect a mesage number or list of messages, not ~s"
                 :format-arguments (list messages)))

  (dolist (message messages)
    (if* (numberp message)
       then (send-pop-command-get-results pb
                                          (format nil "DELE ~d" message))
     elseif (and (consp message) (eq :seq (car message)))
       then (do ((start (cadr message) (1+ start))
                 (end (caddr message)))
                ((> start end))
              (send-pop-command-get-results pb
                                            (format nil "DELE ~d" start)))
       else (po-error :syntax-error
                      :format-control "bad message number ~s"
                      :format-arguments (list message)))))

(defmethod noop ((mb imap-mailbox))
  ;; just poke the server... keeping it awake and checking for
  ;; new letters
  (send-command-get-results mb
                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                 mb command count extra

(defmethod noop ((pb pop-mailbox))
  ;; send the stat command instead so we can update the message count
  (let ((res (send-pop-command-get-results pb "stat")))
      (setf (mailbox-message-count pb) (car res)))

(defmethod unique-id ((pb pop-mailbox) &optional message)
  ;; if message is given, return the unique id of that
  ;; message,
  ;; if message is not given then return a list of lists:
  ;;  (message  unique-id)
  ;; for all messages not marked as deleted
  (if* message
     then (let ((res (send-pop-command-get-results pb
                                                   (format nil
                                                           "UIDL ~d"
            (cadr res))
     else ; get all of them
          (let* ((res (send-pop-command-get-results pb "UIDL" t))
                 (end (length res))
                 (next 0))

            (let ((coll))
                (multiple-value-setq (kind mnum next)
                  (get-next-token res next end))

                (if* (eq :eof kind) then (return))

                (if* (not (eq :number kind))
                   then ; hmm. bogus
                        (po-error :unexpected
                                  :format-control "uidl returned illegal message number in ~s"
                                  :format-arguments (list res)))

                ; now get message id

                (multiple-value-setq (kind mid next)
                    (get-next-token res next end))

                (if* (eq :number kind)
                   then ; looked like a number to the tokenizer,
                        ; make it a string to be consistent
                        (setq mid (format nil "~d" mid))
                 elseif (not (eq :string kind))
                   then ; didn't find the uid
                        (po-error :unexpected
                                  :format-control "uidl returned illegal message id in ~s"
                                  :format-arguments (list res)))

                (push (list mnum mid) coll))

              (nreverse coll)))))

(defmethod top-lines ((pb pop-mailbox) message lines)
  ;; return the header and the given number of top lines of the message

  (let ((res (send-pop-command-get-results pb
                                           (format nil
                                                   "TOP ~d ~d"
                                           t ; extra

(defmethod reset-mailbox ((pb pop-mailbox))
  ;; undo's deletes
  (send-pop-command-get-results pb "RSET")

(defun check-for-success (mb command count extra comment command-string )
  (declare (ignore mb count extra))
  (if* (not (eq command :ok))
     then (po-error :error-response
                    :format-control "imap ~a failed"
                    :format-arguments (list command-string)
                    :server-string comment)))

(defmethod mailbox-list ((mb imap-mailbox) &key (reference "") (pattern ""))
  ;; return a list of mailbox names with respect to a given
  (let (res)
    (send-command-get-results mb
                              (format nil "list ~s ~s" reference pattern)
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                  (if* (eq command :list)
                                     then (push extra res)
                                     else (handle-untagged-response
                                           mb command count extra
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra
                                   comment "list")))

    ;; the car of each list is a set of keywords, make that so
    (dolist (rr res)
      (setf (car rr) (mapcar #'kwd-intern (car rr))))



(defmethod create-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox) mailbox-name)
  ;; create a mailbox name of the given name.
  ;; use mailbox-separator if you want to create a hierarchy
  (send-command-get-results mb
                            (format nil "create ~s" mailbox-name)
                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra
                                   comment "create")))

(defmethod delete-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox) mailbox-name)
  ;; create a mailbox name of the given name.
  ;; use mailbox-separator if you want to create a hierarchy
  (send-command-get-results mb
                            (format nil "delete ~s" mailbox-name)
                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra
                                   comment "delete"))))

(defmethod rename-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox) old-mailbox-name new-mailbox-name)
  ;; create a mailbox name of the given name.
  ;; use mailbox-separator if you want to create a hierarchy
  (send-command-get-results mb
                            (format nil "rename ~s ~s"
                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra

(defmethod alter-flags ((mb imap-mailbox)
                        messages &key (flags nil flags-p)
                                      add-flags remove-flags
                                      silent uid)
  ;; change the flags using the store command
  (let (cmd val res)
    (if* flags-p
       then (setq cmd "flags" val flags)
     elseif add-flags
       then (setq cmd "+flags" val add-flags)
     elseif remove-flags
       then (setq cmd "-flags" val remove-flags)
       else (return-from alter-flags nil))

    (if* (atom val) then (setq val (list val)))

    (send-command-get-results mb
                              (format nil "~astore ~a ~a~a ~a"
                                      (if* uid then "uid " else "")
                                      (message-set-string messages)
                                      (if* silent
                                         then ".silent"
                                         else "")
                                      (if* val
                                         else "()"))
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                  (if* (eq command :fetch)
                                     then (push (list count
                                     else (handle-untagged-response
                                           mb command count extra

                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra
                                   comment "store")))

(defun message-set-string (messages)
  ;; return a string that describes the messages which may be a
  ;; single number or a sequence of numbers

  (if* (atom messages)
     then (format nil "~a" messages)
     else (if* (and (consp messages)
                    (eq :seq (car messages)))
             then (format nil "~a:~a" (cadr messages) (caddr messages))
             else (let ((str (make-string-output-stream))
                        (precomma nil))
                    (dolist (msg messages)
                      (if* precomma then (format str ","))
                      (if* (atom msg)
                         then (format str "~a" msg)
                       elseif (eq :seq (car msg))
                         then (format str
                                      "~a:~a" (cadr msg) (caddr msg))
                         else (po-error :syntax-error
                                        :format-control "bad message list ~s"
                                        :format-arguments (list msg)))
                      (setq precomma t))
                    (get-output-stream-string str)))))

(defmethod expunge-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox))
  ;; remove messages marked as deleted
  (let (res)
    (send-command-get-results mb
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra
                                  (if* (eq command :expunge)
                                     then (push count res)
                                     else (handle-untagged-response
                                           mb command count extra
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra
                                   comment "expunge")))
    (nreverse res)))

(defmethod close-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox))
  ;; remove messages marked as deleted
  (send-command-get-results mb

                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                 mb command count extra
                                 comment "close")))

(defmethod copy-to-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox) message-list destination
                            &key uid)
  (send-command-get-results mb
                            (format nil "~acopy ~a ~s"
                                    (if* uid then "uid " else "")
                                    (message-set-string message-list)
                            #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                 mb command count extra
                                 comment "copy")))

;; search command

(defmethod search-mailbox ((mb imap-mailbox) search-expression &key uid)
  (let (res)
    (send-command-get-results mb
                              (format nil "~asearch ~a"
                                      (if* uid then "uid " else "")
                                      (build-search-string search-expression))
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                  (if* (eq command :search)
                                     then (setq res (append res extra))
                                     else (handle-untagged-response
                                           mb command count extra
                              #'(lambda (mb command count extra comment)
                                   mb command count extra
                                   comment "search")))

(defmacro defsearchop (name &rest operands)
  (if* (null operands)
     then `(setf (get ',name 'imap-search-no-args) t)
     else `(setf (get ',name 'imap-search-args) ',operands)))

(defsearchop :all)
(defsearchop :answered)
(defsearchop :bcc :str)
(defsearchop :before :date)
(defsearchop :body :str)
(defsearchop :cc :str)
(defsearchop :deleted)
(defsearchop :draft)
(defsearchop :flagged)
(defsearchop :from :str)
(defsearchop :header :str :str)
(defsearchop :keyword :flag)
(defsearchop :larger :number)
(defsearchop :new)
(defsearchop :old)
(defsearchop :on :date)
(defsearchop :recent)
(defsearchop :seen)
(defsearchop :sentbefore :date)
(defsearchop :senton :date)
(defsearchop :sentsince :date)
(defsearchop :since :date)
(defsearchop :smaller :number)
(defsearchop :subject :str)
(defsearchop :text :str)
(defsearchop :to :str)
(defsearchop :uid :messageset)
(defsearchop :unanswered)
(defsearchop :undeleted)
(defsearchop :undraft)
(defsearchop :unflagged)
(defsearchop :unkeyword :flag)
(defsearchop :unseen)

(defun build-search-string (search)
  ;; take the lisp search form and turn it into a string that can be
  ;; passed to imap

  (if* (null search)
     then ""
     else (let ((str (make-string-output-stream)))
            (bss-int search str)
            (get-output-stream-string str))))

(defun bss-int (search str)
  ;;* it turns out that imap (on linux) is very picky about spaces....
  ;; any extra whitespace will result in failed searches
  (labels ((and-ify (srch str)
             (let ((spaceout nil))
               (dolist (xx srch)
                 (if* spaceout then (format str " "))
                 (bss-int xx str)
                 (setq spaceout t))))
           (or-ify (srch str)
             ; only binary or allowed in imap but we support n-ary
             ; or in this interface
             (if* (null (cdr srch))
                then (bss-int (car srch) str)
              elseif (cddr srch)
                then ; over two clauses
                     (format str "or (")
                     (bss-int (car srch) str)
                     (format str  ") (")
                     (or-ify (cdr srch) str)
                     (format str ")")
                else ; 2 args
                     (format str "or (" )
                     (bss-int (car srch) str)
                     (format str ") (")
                     (bss-int (cadr srch) str)
                     (format str ")")))
           (set-ify (srch str)
             ;; a sequence of messages
             (do* ((xsrch srch (cdr xsrch))
                   (val (car xsrch) (car xsrch)))
                 ((null xsrch))
               (if* (integerp val)
                  then (format str "~s" val)
                elseif (and (consp val)
                            (eq :seq (car val))
                            (eq 3 (length val)))
                  then (format str "~s:~s" (cadr val) (caddr val))
                  else (po-error :syntax-error
                                 :format-control "illegal set format ~s"
                                 :format-arguments (list val)))
               (if* (cdr xsrch) then (format str ","))))
           (arg-process (str args arginfo)
             ;; process and print each arg to str
             ;; assert (length of args and arginfo are the same)
             (do* ((x-args args (cdr x-args))
                   (val (car x-args) (car x-args))
                   (x-arginfo arginfo (cdr x-arginfo)))
                 ((null x-args))
               (ecase (car x-arginfo)
                  ; print it as a string
                  (format str " \"~a\"" (car x-args)))

                  (if* (integerp val)
                     then (setq val (universal-time-to-rfc822-date
                   elseif (not (stringp val))
                     then (po-error :syntax-error
                                    :format-control "illegal value for date search ~s"
                                    :format-arguments (list val)))
                  ;; val is now a string
                  (format str " ~s" val))

                  (if* (not (integerp val))
                     then (po-error :syntax-error
                                    :format-control "illegal value for number in search ~s"
                                    :format-arguments (list val)))
                  (format str " ~s" val))

                  ;; should be a symbol in the kwd package
                  (setq val (string val))
                  (format str " ~s" val))
                  (if* (numberp val)
                     then (format str " ~s" val)
                   elseif (consp val)
                     then (set-ify val str)
                     else (po-error :syntax-error
                                    :format-control "illegal message set ~s"
                                    :format-arguments (list val))))


    (if* (symbolp search)
       then (if* (get search 'imap-search-no-args)
               then (format str "~a"  (string-upcase
                                       (string search)))
               else (po-error :syntax-error
                              :format-control "illegal search word: ~s"
                              :format-arguments (list search)))
     elseif (consp search)
       then (case (car search)
              (and (if* (null (cdr search))
                      then (bss-int :all str)
                    elseif (null (cddr search))
                      then (bss-int (cadr search) str)
                      else (and-ify (cdr search)  str)))
              (or  (if* (null (cdr search))
                      then (bss-int :all str)
                    elseif (null (cddr search))
                      then (bss-int (cadr search) str)
                      else (or-ify (cdr search)  str)))
              (not (if* (not (eql (length search) 2))
                      then (po-error :syntax-error
                                     :format-control "not takes one argument: ~s"
                                     :format-arguments (list search)))
                   (format str "not (" )
                   (bss-int (cadr search) str)
                   (format str ")"))
               (set-ify (list search) str))
              (t (let (arginfo)
                   (if* (and (symbolp (car search))
                             (setq arginfo (get (car search)
                           (format str "~a" (string-upcase
                                             (string (car search))))
                           (if* (not (equal (length (cdr search))
                                            (length arginfo)))
                              then (po-error :syntax-error
                                             :format-control "wrong number of arguments to ~s"
                                             :format-arguments search))

                           (arg-process str (cdr search) arginfo)

                    elseif (integerp (car search))
                      then (set-ify search str)
                      else (po-error :syntax-error
                                     :format-control "Illegal form ~s in search string"
                                     :format-arguments (list search))))))
     elseif (integerp search)
       then ;  a message number
            (format str "~s" search)
       else (po-error :syntax-error
                      :format-control "Illegal form ~s in search string"
                      :format-arguments (list search)))))

(defun parse-mail-header (text)
  ;; given the partial text of a mail message that includes
  ;; at least the header part, return an assoc list of
  ;; (header . content)  items
  ;; Note that the header is string with most likely mixed case names
  ;; as it's conventional to capitalize header names.
  (let ((next 0)
        (end (length text))
    (labels ((next-header-line ()
               ;; find the next header line return
               ;; :eof - no more
               ;; :start - beginning of header value, header and
               ;;                value set
               ;; :continue - continuation of previous header line

               (let ((state 1)
                     beginv  ; charpos beginning value
                     beginh  ; charpos beginning header
                 (tagbody again

                   (return-from next-header-line

                     (loop  ; for each character

                       (if* (>= next end)
                          then (return :eof))

                       (setq ch (char text next))
                       (if* (eq ch #\return)
                          thenret  ; ignore return, (handle following linefeed)
                          else (case state
                                 (1 ; no characters seen
                                  (if* (eq ch #\linefeed)
                                     then (incf next)
                                          (return :eof)
                                   elseif (member ch
                                     then ; continuation
                                          (setq state 2)
                                     else (setq beginh next)
                                          (setq state 3)
                                 (2 ; looking for first non blank in value
                                  (if* (eq ch #\linefeed)
                                     then ; empty continuation line, ignore
                                          (incf next)
                                          (if* header
                                             then ; header and no value
                                                  (setq value "")
                                                  (return :start))
                                          (setq state 1)
                                          (go again)
                                   elseif (not (member ch
                                                       (member ch
                                     then ; begin value part
                                          (setq beginv next)
                                          (setq state 4)))
                                 (3 ; reading the header
                                  (if* (eq ch #\linefeed)
                                     then ; bogus header line, ignore
                                          (setq state 1)
                                          (go again)
                                   elseif (eq ch #\:)
                                     then (setq header
                                            (subseq text beginh next))
                                          (setq state 2)))
                                 (4 ; looking for the end of the value
                                  (if* (eq ch #\linefeed)
                                     then (setq value
                                            (subseq text beginv
                                                    (if* (eq #\return
                                                             (char text
                                                                   (1- next)))
                                                       then (1- next)
                                                       else next)))
                                          (incf next)
                                          (return (if* header
                                                     then :start
                                                     else :continue))))))
                       (incf next)))))))

      (loop ; for each header line
        (setq header nil)
        (if* (eq :eof (setq kind (next-header-line)))
           then (return))
        (case kind
          (:start (push (cons header value) headers))
           (if* headers
              then ; append to previous one
                   (setf (cdr (car headers))
                     (concatenate 'string (cdr (car headers))
                                  " "
    (values headers
            (subseq text next end))))

(defun make-envelope-from-text (text)
  ;; given at least the headers part of a message return
  ;; an envelope structure containing the contents
  ;; This is useful for parsing the headers of things returned by
  ;; a pop server
  (let ((headers (parse-mail-header text)))

     :date     (cdr (assoc "date" headers :test #'equalp))
     :subject  (cdr (assoc "subject" headers :test #'equalp))
     :from     (cdr (assoc "from" headers :test #'equalp))
     :sender   (cdr (assoc "sender" headers :test #'equalp))
     :reply-to (cdr (assoc "reply-to" headers :test #'equalp))
     :to       (cdr (assoc "to" headers :test #'equalp))
     :cc       (cdr (assoc "cc" headers :test #'equalp))
     :bcc      (cdr (assoc "bcc" headers :test #'equalp))
     :in-reply-to (cdr (assoc "in-reply-to" headers :test #'equalp))
     :message-id (cdr (assoc "message-id" headers :test #'equalp))

(defmethod get-and-parse-from-imap-server ((mb imap-mailbox))
  ;; read the next line and parse it
  (multiple-value-bind (line count)
      (get-line-from-server mb)
    (if* *debug-imap*
       then (format t "from server: ")
            (dotimes (i count)(write-char (schar line i)))

    (parse-imap-response line count)

(defmethod get-and-parse-from-pop-server ((mb pop-mailbox))
  ;; read the next line from the pop server
  ;; return 3 values:
  ;;   :ok or :error
  ;;   a list of rest of the tokens on the line
  ;;   the whole line after the +ok or -err

  (multiple-value-bind (line count)
      (get-line-from-server mb)

    (if* *debug-imap*
       then (format t "from server: ")
            (dotimes (i count)(write-char (schar line i)))

    (parse-pop-response line count)))

;; Parse and return the data from each line
;; values returned
;;  tag -- either a string or the symbol :untagged
;;  command -- a keyword symbol naming the command, like :ok
;;  count -- a number which preceeded the command, or nil if
;;           there wasn't a command
;;  bracketted - a list of objects found in []'s after the command
;;            or in ()'s after the command  or sometimes just
;;            out in the open after the command (like the search)
;;  comment  -- the whole of the part after the command
(defun parse-imap-response (line end)
  (let (kind value next
        tag count command extra-data

    ;; get tag
    (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
      (get-next-token line 0 end))

    (case kind
      (:string (setq tag (if* (equal value "*")
                            then :untagged
                            else value)))
      (t (po-error :unexpected
                   :format-control "Illegal tag on response: ~s"
                   :format-arguments (list (subseq line 0 count))
                   :server-string (subseq line 0 end)

    ;; get command
    (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
      (get-next-token line next end))

    (tagbody again
      (case kind
        (:number (setq count value)
                 (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
                   (get-next-token line next end))
                 (go again))
        (:string (setq command (kwd-intern value)))
        (t (po-error :unexpected
                     :format-control "Illegal command on response: ~s"
                     :format-arguments (list (subseq line 0 count))
                     :server-string (subseq line 0 end)))))

    (setq comment (subseq line next end))

    ;; now the part after the command... this gets tricky
      (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
        (get-next-token line next end))

      (case kind
        ((:lbracket :lparen)
         (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
           (get-next-sexpr line (1- next) end))
         (case kind
           (:sexpr (push value extra-data))
           (t (po-error :syntax-error :format-control "bad sexpr form"))))
        (:eof (return nil))
        ((:number :string :nil) (push value extra-data))
        (t  ; should never happen

      (if* (not (member command '(:list :search) :test #'eq))
         then ; only one item returned
              (setq extra-data (car extra-data))

    (if* (member command '(:list :search) :test #'eq)
       then (setq extra-data (nreverse extra-data)))

    (values tag command count extra-data comment)))

(defun get-next-sexpr (line start end)
  ;; read a whole s-expression
  ;; return 3 values
  ;;   kind -- :sexpr  or :rparen or :rbracket
  ;;   value - the sexpr value
  ;;   next  - next charpos to scan
  (let ( kind value next)
    (multiple-value-setq (kind value next) (get-next-token line start end))

    (case kind
      ((:string :number :nil)
       (values :sexpr value next))
      (:eof (po-error :syntax-error
                      :format-control "eof inside sexpr"))
      ((:lbracket :lparen)
       (let (res)
           (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
             (get-next-sexpr line next end))
           (case kind
             (:sexpr (push value res))
             ((:rparen :rbracket)
              (return (values :sexpr (nreverse res) next)))
             (t (po-error :syntax-error
                          :format-control "bad sexpression"))))))
      ((:rbracket :rparen)
       (values kind nil next))
      (t (po-error :syntax-error
                   :format-control "bad sexpression")))))

(defun parse-pop-response (line end)
  ;; return 3 values:
  ;;   :ok or :error
  ;;   a list of rest of the tokens on the line, the tokens
  ;;     being either strings or integers
  ;;   the whole line after the +ok or -err
  (let (res lineres result)
    (multiple-value-bind (kind value next)
        (get-next-token line 0 end)

      (case kind
        (:string (setq result (if* (equal "+OK" value)
                                 then :ok
                                 else :error)))
        (t (po-error :unexpected
                     :format-control "bad response from server"
                     :server-string (subseq line 0 end))))

      (setq lineres (subseq line next end))

        (multiple-value-setq (kind value next)
          (get-next-token line next end))

        (case kind
          (:eof (return))
          ((:string :number) (push value res))))

      (values result (nreverse res) lineres))))

(defparameter *char-to-kind*
    (let ((arr (make-array 256 :initial-element nil)))

      (do ((i #.(char-code #\0) (1+ i)))
          ((> i #.(char-code #\9)))
        (setf (aref arr i) :number))

      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\space)) :space)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\tab)) :space)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\return)) :space)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\linefeed)) :space)

      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\[)) :lbracket)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\])) :rbracket)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\()) :lparen)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\))) :rparen)
      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\")) :dquote)

      (setf (aref arr #.(char-code #\^b)) :big-string) ; our own invention


(defun get-next-token (line start end)
  ;; scan past whitespace for the next token
  ;; return three values:
  ;;  kind:  :string , :number, :eof, :lbracket, :rbracket,
  ;;            :lparen, :rparen
  ;;  value:  the value, either a string or number or nil
  ;;  next:   the character pos to start scanning for the next token
  (let (ch chkind colstart (count 0) (state :looking)
        collector right-bracket-is-normal)
      ; pick up the next character
      (if* (>= start end)
         then (if* (eq state :looking)
                 then (return (values :eof nil start))
                 else (setq ch #\space))
         else (setq ch (schar line start)))

      (setq chkind (aref *char-to-kind* (char-code ch)))

      (case state
         (case chkind
           (:space nil)
           (:number (setq state :number)
                    (setq colstart start)
                    (setq count (- (char-code ch) #.(char-code #\0))))
           ((:lbracket :lparen :rbracket :rparen)
            (return (values chkind nil (1+ start))))
            (setq collector (make-array 10
                                        :element-type 'character
                                        :adjustable t
                                        :fill-pointer 0))
            (setq state :qstring))
            (setq colstart (1+ start))
            (setq state :big-string))
           (t (setq colstart start)
              (setq state :literal))))
         (case chkind
           ((:space :lbracket :lparen :rbracket :rparen
             :dquote) ; end of number
            (return (values :number count  start)))
           (:number ; more number
            (setq count (+ (* count 10)
                           (- (char-code ch) #.(char-code #\0)))))
           (t ; turn into an literal
            (setq state :literal))))
         (case chkind
           ((:space :rbracket :lparen :rparen :dquote) ; end of literal
            (if* (and (eq chkind :rbracket)
               then nil ; don't stop now
               else (let ((seq (subseq line colstart start)))
                      (if* (equal "NIL" seq)
                         then (return (values :nil
                         else (return (values :string
           (t (if* (eq chkind :lbracket)
                 then ; imbedded left bracket so right bracket isn't
                      ; a break char
                      (setq right-bracket-is-normal t))
         ;; quoted string
         ; (format t "start is ~s  kind is ~s~%" start chkind)
         (case chkind
            ;; end of string
            (return (values :string collector (1+ start))))
           (t (if* (eq ch #\\)
                 then ; escaping the next character
                      (incf start)
                      (if* (>= start end)
                         then (po-error :unexpected
                                        :format-control "eof in string returned"))
                      (setq ch (schar line start)))
              (vector-push-extend ch collector)

              (if* (>= start end)
                 then ; we overran the end of the input
                      (po-error :unexpected
                                :format-control "eof in string returned")))))
         ;; super string... just a block of data
         ; (format t "start is ~s  kind is ~s~%" start chkind)
         (case chkind
            ;; end of string
            (return (values :string
                            (subseq line colstart start)
                            (1+ start))))
           (t nil)))


      (incf start))))

;  this used to be exported from the excl package
#+(or (and allegro (version>= 6 0))
      (not allegro))
(defvar *keyword-package* (find-package :keyword))

(defun kwd-intern-possible-list (form)
  (if* (null form)
     then nil
   elseif (atom form)
     then (kwd-intern form)
     else (mapcar #'kwd-intern-possible-list form)))

(defun kwd-intern (string)
  ;; convert the string to the current preferred case
  ;; and then intern
  (intern (case excl::*current-case-mode*
              :case-insensitive-lower) (string-downcase string))
            (t (string-upcase string)))

;; low level i/o to server

(defun get-line-from-server (mailbox)
  ;; Return two values:  a buffer and a character count.
  ;; The character count includes up to but excluding the cr lf that
  ;;  was read from the socket.
  ;; TODO: make it able to read from ssl socket
  (let* ((buff (get-line-buffer 0))
         (len  (length buff))
         (i 0)
         (p (post-office-socket mailbox))
         (ch nil)

        (flet ((grow-buffer (size)
                 (let ((newbuff (get-line-buffer size)))
                   (dotimes (j i)
                     (setf (schar newbuff j) (schar buff j)))
                   (free-line-buffer buff)
                   (setq buff newbuff)
                   (setq len (length buff)))))

          ;; increase the buffer to at least size
          ;; this is somewhat complex to ensure that we aren't doing
          ;; buffer allocation within the with-timeout form, since
          ;; that could trigger a gc which could then cause the
          ;; with-timeout form to expire.

             (if* whole-count
                then                    ; we should now read in this may bytes and
                                        ; append it to this buffer
                                        (multiple-value-bind (ans this-count)
                                            (get-block-of-data-from-server mailbox whole-count)
                                        ; now put this data in the current buffer
                                          (if* (> (+ i whole-count 5) len)
                                             then ; grow the initial buffer
                                                   (grow-buffer (+ i whole-count 100)))

                                          (dotimes (ind this-count)
                                            (setf (schar buff i) (schar ans ind))
                                            (incf i))
                                          (setf (schar buff i) #\^b) ; end of inset string
                                          (incf i)
                                          (free-line-buffer ans)
                                          (setq whole-count nil)
              elseif ch
                then                    ; we're growing the buffer holding the line data
                     (grow-buffer (+ len 200))
                     (setf (schar buff i) ch)
                     (incf i))

             (block timeout
               (mp:with-timeout ((timeout mailbox)
                                  (po-error :timeout
                                            :format-control "imap server failed to respond"))
                 ;; read up to lf  (lf most likely preceeded by cr)
                    (setq ch (read-char p))
                    (if* (eq #\linefeed ch)
                       then             ; end of line. Don't save the return
                            (if* (and (> i 0)
                                      (eq (schar buff (1- i)) #\return))
                               then     ; remove #\return, replace with newline
                                    (decf i)
                                    (setf (schar buff i) #\newline)
                            ;; must check for an extended return value which
                            ;; is indicated by a {nnn} at the end of the line
                            (block count-check
                              (let ((ind (1- i)))
                                (if* (and (>= i 0) (eq (schar buff ind) #\}))
                                   then (let ((count 0)
                                              (mult 1))
                                             (decf ind)
                                             (if* (< ind 0)
                                                then ; no of the form {nnn}
                                                     (return-from count-check))
                                             (setf ch (schar buff ind))
                                             (if* (eq ch #\{)
                                                then ; must now read that many bytes
                                                     (setf (schar buff ind) #\^b)
                                                     (setq whole-count count)
                                                     (setq i (1+ ind))
                                                     (return-from timeout)
                                              elseif (<= #.(char-code #\0)
                                                           (char-code ch)
                                                           #.(char-code #\9))
                                                then ; is a digit
                                                     (setq count
                                                           (+ count
                                                              (* mult
                                                                 (- (char-code ch)
                                                                    #.(char-code #\0)))))
                                                     (setq mult (* 10 mult))
                                                else ; invalid form, get out
                                                     (return-from count-check)))))))

                            (return-from get-line-from-server
                              (values buff i))
                       else             ; save character
                            (if* (>= i len)
                               then     ; need bigger buffer
                            (setf (schar buff i) ch)
                            (incf i)))))))
      (error (con)
        ;; most likely error is that the server went away
        (ignore-errors (close p))
        (po-error :server-shutdown-connection
                  :format-control "condition  signalled: ~a~%most likely server shut down the connection."
                  :format-arguments (list con)))

(defun get-block-of-data-from-server  (mb count &key save-returns)
  ;; read count bytes from the server returning it in a line buffer object
  ;; return as a second value the number of characters saved
  ;; (we drop #\return's so that lines are separated by a #\newline
  ;; like lisp likes).
  (let ((buff (get-line-buffer count))
        (p (post-office-socket mb))
        (ind 0))
    (mp:with-timeout ((timeout mb)
                      (po-error :timeout
                                :format-control "imap server timed out"))

      (dotimes (i count)
        (if* (eq #\return (setf (schar buff ind) (read-char p)))
           then (if* save-returns then (incf ind)) ; drop #\returns
           else (incf ind)))

      (values buff ind))))

;;-- reusable line buffers

(defvar *line-buffers* nil)

#+(and allegro (version>= 8 1))
(defvar *line-buffers-lock* (make-basic-lock :name "line-buffers"))

(defmacro with-locked-line-buffers (&rest body)
  #+(and allegro (version>= 8 1))
  `(with-locked-structure (*line-buffers-lock*
                        :non-smp :without-scheduling)
  #-(and allegro (version>= 8 1))
  `(mp:without-scheduling ,@body)

(defun get-line-buffer (size)
  ;; get a buffer of at least size bytes
  (setq size (min size (1- array-total-size-limit)))
  (let ((found
           (dolist (buff *line-buffers*)
             (if* (>= (length buff) size)
                then ;; use this one
                     (setq *line-buffers* (delete buff *line-buffers*))
                     (return buff))))))
    (or found  (make-string size))))

(defun free-line-buffer (buff)
    (push buff *line-buffers*)))

(defun init-line-buffer (new old)
  ;; copy old into new
  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
  (dotimes (i (length old))
    (declare (fixnum i))
    (setf (schar new i) (schar old i))))


; date functions

(defun universal-time-to-rfc822-date (ut)
  ;; convert a lisp universal time to rfc 822 date
      (sec min hour date month year day-of-week dsp time-zone)
      (decode-universal-time ut 0)
    (declare (ignore time-zone sec min hour day-of-week dsp time-zone))
    (format nil "~d-~a-~d"
             '#(nil "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
                "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")

;; utility

(defmacro with-imap-connection ((mb &rest options) &body body)
  `(let ((,mb (make-imap-connection ,@options)))
       (close-connection ,mb))))

(defmacro with-pop-connection ((mb &rest options) &body body)
  `(let ((,mb (make-pop-connection ,@options)))
       (close-connection ,mb))))