 """Handles all VCS (version control) support"""
 import os
 import shutil
 from pip.backwardcompat import urlparse, urllib
 from pip.log import logger
 from pip.util import (display_path, backup_dir, find_command,
                       rmtree, ask_path_exists)
 __all__ = ['vcs', 'get_src_requirement']
 class VcsSupport(object):
     _registry = {}
     schemes = ['ssh', 'git', 'hg', 'bzr', 'sftp', 'svn']
     def __init__(self):
         # Register more schemes with urlparse for various version control systems
         # Python >= 2.7.4, 3.3 doesn't have uses_fragment
         if getattr(urlparse, 'uses_fragment', None):
         super(VcsSupport, self).__init__()
     def __iter__(self):
         return self._registry.__iter__()
     def backends(self):
         return list(self._registry.values())
     def dirnames(self):
         return [backend.dirname for backend in self.backends]
     def all_schemes(self):
         schemes = []
         for backend in self.backends:
         return schemes
     def register(self, cls):
         if not hasattr(cls, 'name'):
             logger.warn('Cannot register VCS %s' % cls.__name__)
         if not in self._registry:
             self._registry[] = cls
     def unregister(self, cls=None, name=None):
         if name in self._registry:
             del self._registry[name]
         elif cls in self._registry.values():
             del self._registry[]
             logger.warn('Cannot unregister because no class or name given')
     def get_backend_name(self, location):
         Return the name of the version control backend if found at given
         location, e.g. vcs.get_backend_name('/path/to/vcs/checkout')
         for vc_type in self._registry.values():
             path = os.path.join(location, vc_type.dirname)
             if os.path.exists(path):
         return None
     def get_backend(self, name):
         name = name.lower()
         if name in self._registry:
             return self._registry[name]
     def get_backend_from_location(self, location):
         vc_type = self.get_backend_name(location)
         if vc_type:
             return self.get_backend(vc_type)
         return None
 vcs = VcsSupport()
 class VersionControl(object):
     name = ''
     dirname = ''
     def __init__(self, url=None, *args, **kwargs):
         self.url = url
         self._cmd = None
         super(VersionControl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def _filter(self, line):
         return (logger.INFO, line)
     def _is_local_repository(self, repo):
            posix absolute paths start with os.path.sep,
            win32 ones ones start with drive (like c:\\folder)
         drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(repo)
         return repo.startswith(os.path.sep) or drive
     def cmd(self):
         if self._cmd is not None:
             return self._cmd
         command = find_command('Found command %r at %r' % (, command))
         self._cmd = command
         return command
     def get_url_rev(self):
         Returns the correct repository URL and revision by parsing the given
         repository URL
         error_message = (
            "Sorry, '%s' is a malformed VCS url. "
            "The format is <vcs>+<protocol>://<url>, "
            "e.g. svn+http://myrepo/svn/MyApp#egg=MyApp")
         assert '+' in self.url, error_message % self.url
         url = self.url.split('+', 1)[1]
         scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
         rev = None
         if '@' in path:
             path, rev = path.rsplit('@', 1)
         url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, ''))
         return url, rev
     def get_info(self, location):
         Returns (url, revision), where both are strings
         assert not location.rstrip('/').endswith(self.dirname), 'Bad directory: %s' % location
         return self.get_url(location), self.get_revision(location)
     def normalize_url(self, url):
         Normalize a URL for comparison by unquoting it and removing any trailing slash.
         return urllib.unquote(url).rstrip('/')
     def compare_urls(self, url1, url2):
         Compare two repo URLs for identity, ignoring incidental differences.
         return (self.normalize_url(url1) == self.normalize_url(url2))
     def parse_vcs_bundle_file(self, content):
         Takes the contents of the bundled text file that explains how to revert
         the stripped off version control data of the given package and returns
         the URL and revision of it.
         raise NotImplementedError
     def obtain(self, dest):
         Called when installing or updating an editable package, takes the
         source path of the checkout.
         raise NotImplementedError
     def switch(self, dest, url, rev_options):
         Switch the repo at ``dest`` to point to ``URL``.
         raise NotImplemented
     def update(self, dest, rev_options):
         Update an already-existing repo to the given ``rev_options``.
         raise NotImplementedError
     def check_destination(self, dest, url, rev_options, rev_display):
         Prepare a location to receive a checkout/clone.
         Return True if the location is ready for (and requires) a
         checkout/clone, False otherwise.
         checkout = True
         prompt = False
         if os.path.exists(dest):
             checkout = False
             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, self.dirname)):
                 existing_url = self.get_url(dest)
                 if self.compare_urls(existing_url, url):
           '%s in %s exists, and has correct URL (%s)' %
                                 (self.repo_name.title(), display_path(dest),
                     logger.notify('Updating %s %s%s' %
                                   (display_path(dest), self.repo_name,
                     self.update(dest, rev_options)
                     logger.warn('%s %s in %s exists with URL %s' %
                                 (, self.repo_name,
                                  display_path(dest), existing_url))
                     prompt = ('(s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup ',
                               ('s', 'i', 'w', 'b'))
                 logger.warn('Directory %s already exists, '
                             'and is not a %s %s.' %
                             (dest,, self.repo_name))
                 prompt = ('(i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup ', ('i', 'w', 'b'))
         if prompt:
             logger.warn('The plan is to install the %s repository %s' %
                         (, url))
             response = ask_path_exists('What to do?  %s' % prompt[0],
             if response == 's':
                 logger.notify('Switching %s %s to %s%s' %
                               (self.repo_name, display_path(dest), url,
                 self.switch(dest, url, rev_options)
             elif response == 'i':
                 # do nothing
             elif response == 'w':
                 logger.warn('Deleting %s' % display_path(dest))
                 checkout = True
             elif response == 'b':
                 dest_dir = backup_dir(dest)
                 logger.warn('Backing up %s to %s'
                             % (display_path(dest), dest_dir))
                 shutil.move(dest, dest_dir)
                 checkout = True
         return checkout
     def unpack(self, location):
         if os.path.exists(location):
     def get_src_requirement(self, dist, location, find_tags=False):
         raise NotImplementedError
 def get_src_requirement(dist, location, find_tags):
     version_control = vcs.get_backend_from_location(location)
     if version_control:
         return version_control().get_src_requirement(dist, location, find_tags)
     logger.warn('cannot determine version of editable source in %s (is not SVN checkout, Git clone, Mercurial clone or Bazaar branch)' % location)
     return dist.as_requirement()