Raw Blame History
import sys
import collections
data = []
collect = []
for line in sys.stdin:
    if '\xc2\xb7' in line:
        if collect:
        collect = []
        line = line.strip()
        if line: collect.append(line)

commentors = collections.defaultdict(int)
for chunk in data:
    line = chunk[0].split()
    name_end = 1
    while name_end < len(line) and (line[name_end].endswith('.') or len(line[name_end]) < 4):
        name_end += 1
    name = line[:name_end+1]
    if len(name) > 2 and name[1] == 'HF': name = name[:2]
    commentors[' '.join(name)] += 1

for x,y in commentors.iteritems():
    print "%s\t%s" % (x,y)