Raw Blame History
//  NSString_HMext.m
//  Created by John Wiseman on 9/6/05.
//  Copyright 2005 John Wiseman.
//  Licensed under the MIT license--see the accompanying LICENSE.txt
//  file.

#import "NSString_HMExt.h"
#import "NSData_HMExt.h"

@implementation NSString (NSString_ParsingExtensions)

 * Returns an NSArray containing substrings from the receiver that have been
 * divided by characters in separatorSet. The substrings in the array appear
 * in the order they did in the receiver.
 * Based on GnuStep's componentsSeparatedByString.
- (NSArray*) componentsSeparatedByCharacterFromSet: (NSCharacterSet*)separatorSet
    NSRange search;
    NSRange complete;
    NSRange found;
    NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
    search = NSMakeRange(0, [self length]);
    complete = search;
    found = [self rangeOfCharacterFromSet:separatorSet];
    while (found.length != 0)
        NSRange current;
        current = NSMakeRange(search.location, found.location - search.location);
        [array addObject:[self substringWithRange:current]];
        search = NSMakeRange(found.location + found.length, complete.length - found.location - found.length);
        found = [self rangeOfCharacterFromSet:separatorSet options:0 range:search];
    // Add the last search string range
    [array addObject: [self substringWithRange: search]];
    return array;

 * Load up to the first theMaxSize bytes of file at path into a new string.
+ (NSString*)stringWithContentsOfFile:(NSString*)pathToFile maxSize:(int)theMaxSize encoding:(NSStringEncoding)theEncoding error:(NSError**)theError
    NSString	*obj;
    obj = [self allocWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()];
    obj = [obj initWithContentsOfFile:pathToFile maxSize:theMaxSize encoding:theEncoding error:theError];
    return [obj autorelease];

 * Initialises the receiver with up to the first maxSize bytes of the
 * file at path.
 * Invokes [NSData-initWithContentsOfFile:maxSize:error:] to read the
 * file, then examines the data to infer its encoding type, and
 * converts the data to a string using -initWithData:encoding:
 * Releases the receiver and returns nil if the file could not be read
 * and converted to a string.
- (NSString*)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString*)path maxSize:(int)theMaxSize encoding:(NSStringEncoding)theEncoding error:(NSError**)theError
    NSData		*d;
    unsigned int		len;
    const unsigned char	*data_bytes;
    d = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path maxSize:theMaxSize error:theError];
    if (d == nil)
        [self dealloc];
        return nil;
    len = [d length];
    if (len == 0)
        [d release];
        [self dealloc];
        return @"";
    data_bytes = [d bytes];
    self = [self initWithData:d encoding:theEncoding];
    [d release];
    return self;
