

enum {
  AGRegexCaseInsensitive = 1,
  AGRegexDotAll = 2,
  AGRegexExtended = 4,
  AGRegexLazy = 8,
  AGRegexMultiline = 16

Options defined for -initWithPattern:options:. Two or more options can be combined with the bitwise OR operator.


AGRegexCaseInsensitiveMatching is case insensitive. Equivalent to /i in Perl.
AGRegexDotAllDot metacharacter matches any character including newline. Equivalent to /s in Perl.
AGRegexExtendedAllow whitespace and comments in the pattern. Equivalent to /x in Perl.
AGRegexLazyMakes greedy quantifiers lazy and lazy quantifiers greedy. No equivalent in Perl.
AGRegexMultilineCaret and dollar anchors match at newline. Equivalent to /m in Perl.

(Last Updated 9/12/2003)