Raw Blame History
% \eattr{Cecilia Teichert, Sister of the Bride}{}

  Now that we have witnessed the beautiful commitment of Nicholas and
  Carly to each other, let us pray that God, who has brought them
  together and inspired them to this holy and noble commitment, will
  ceaselessly draw them, and those associated with them, closer and
  closer to Himself.}

\intention{For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, all the bishops
  and clergy everywhere, that they may be holy and faithful to their
  vocation, and may lead us to a deeper faith in God and a stronger love
  for others, let us pray to the Lord.}

\intention{For our president and all leaders of government, that
  they may work for the true good of our country, the rights of the
  unborn and elderly, and the advancement of peace and justice for
  all. Let us pray to the Lord.}

\intention{For Nicholas and Carly, that strengthened in their
  commitment, and fortified by the enduring memory of their new-found
  joy, they may grow ever more appreciative of the indispensable role
  God must have in their married life and in their happiness. Let us
  pray to the Lord.}

\intention{For Nicholas and Carly, that by faithfully and
  generously accepting the vicissitudes of Christian wedlock, and the
  burdens, responsibilities and joys of Christian parenthood, they might
  be a lasting source of inspiration and grace to each other, to their
  children, and to the Christian community. Let us pray to the Lord.}

\intention{For those who are sick, lonely, discouraged, or
  oppressed, that they may be strengthened by God’s help and aided by
  their friends. Let us pray to the Lord.}

\intention{For those who have died, especially the relatives and
  friends of Nicholas and Carly, and of all who are present, that they
  may be blessed with an ever-deepening love of God, and finally enjoy
  the fullness of the joys of heaven. Let us pray to the Lord.}

  Graciously pour out upon this husband and wife, O Lord, the Spirit of
  your love, to make them one heart and one soul, so that nothing
  whatever may divide those you have joined and no harm come to those
  you have filled with your blessing.}

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