Dump a collection of feeds to a directory. To use, clone alimenta ( https://github.com/fiddlerwoaroof/alimenta ), my fork of chronicity ( https://github.com/fiddlerwoaroof/chronicity ) and my utility library ( https://github.com/fiddlerwoaroof/fwoar.lisputils ) to your local-projects directory and then use quicklisp to load alimenta-feed-archive. Then, execute something like: ``` (alimenta.feed-archive::init-feeds '("http://example.com/feed") "/home/me/my_feeds") ``` Next create the directory specified in the last argument and copy the contents of the archive-root directory to it. Then run (in lisp) `(alimenta.feed-archive::archive-feeds)` and it should populate that directory with your feeds. Then, if that directory is accessible via a web server, you should be able to navigate to it and browse through your feeds.