(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (safety 3) (speed 0))) (in-package :alimenta.atom) (defclass atom-category () ((term :initarg :term :initform nil :accessor term) (label :initarg :label :initform nil :accessor label) (scheme :initarg :scheme :initform nil :accessor scheme))) (defmethod print-object ((o atom-category) s) (format s "#.(~s ~s ~s ~s)" 'make-category (term o) (label o) (scheme o))) (defclass atom-person () ((name :initarg :name :type (or null string) :initform nil :accessor name) (uri :initarg :uri :type (or null string) :initform nil :accessor uri ) (email :initarg :email :type (or null string) :initform nil :accessor email))) (defclass atom-feed (alimenta:feed) ((subtitle :initarg :subtitle :initform nil :accessor subtitle) (id :initarg :id :initform nil :accessor id) (icon :initarg :icon :initform nil :accessor icon) (categories :initarg :categories :type (or null list) :initform nil :accessor categories) (logo :initarg :logo :initform nil :accessor logo) (updated :initarg :updated :initform nil :accessor updated) (authors :initarg :authors :type (or null list) :initform nil :accessor authors))) (defclass alimenta::link () ((alimenta::relation :initarg :rel) (alimenta::target :initarg :target))) (defclass atom-item (alimenta:item) ((author-uri :initarg :author-uri :initform nil :accessor author-uri) (categories :initarg :categories :type (or null list) :initform nil :accessor categories))) (defun make-category (term &optional label scheme) (make-instance 'atom-category :term term :label label :scheme scheme)) (defun make-person (name &optional uri email) (make-instance 'atom-person :name name :uri uri :email email)) (defmethod alimenta::get-items (xml-dom (feed-type (eql :atom))) ($ (inline xml-dom) "feed > entry")) (defun get-link (xml) "This only handles alternate links" (let ((links ($ (inline xml) "> link[rel=alternate]" (combine (attr :type) (attr :href))))) (map 'list (lambda (x) (destructuring-bind (type href) x (setf (alimenta::link (make-keyword (string-upcase type))) (cons type href)))) links))) (defmethod make-item (xml-dom (type (eql :atom))) (let* ((lquery:*lquery-master-document* xml-dom) (item-title ($ "> title" (text) (node))) (links ($ "> link" (combine (attr "rel") (attr "href")))) (sel-links (cadr (find-if (lambda (x) (aif (car x) (equal it "alternate") t)) links))) (item-link (or sel-links (cdr (when (> (length links) 0) (elt links 0))))) (item-date (or ($ "> updated" (text) (node)) ($ "> published" (text) (node)))) ;; Which should be default? (item-guid ($ "> id" (text) (node))) (item-description ($ "> summary" (text) (node))) (item-content ($ "> content" (text) (node))) (item-author ($ "> author > name" (text) (node))) (item-author-uri ($ "> author > uri" (text) (node))) (item-categories ($ (inline xml-dom) "> category" (combine (attr "term") (attr "label") (attr "scheme")) (map-apply #'make-category))) (*tag-dispatchers* *html-tags*) (content (with-output-to-string (s) (awhen (or item-content item-description) (serialize (parse it) s))))) (make-instance 'atom-item :doc xml-dom :content content :date (local-time:parse-timestring item-date) :description item-description :id item-guid :author item-author :author-uri item-author-uri :link item-link :categories (coerce item-categories 'list) :title item-title))) (defun get-authors (xml-dom) (let ((authors ($ (inline xml-dom) "feed > author"))) (loop for author across authors collect (make-person ($ (inline author) "> name" (text) (node)) ($ (inline author) "> uri" (text) (node)) ($ (inline author) "> email" (text) (node)))))) (defmethod alimenta::-to-feed (xml-dom (type (eql :atom)) &key feed-link) (declare (ignore type)) (flet ((get-feed-elem (selector) ($ (inline xml-dom) selector (text) (node))) (get-feed-elem-attr (selector attr) ($ (inline xml-dom) selector (attr attr) (node)))) (let ((doc-title (get-feed-elem "feed > title")) (doc-subtitle (get-feed-elem "feed > subtitle")) (doc-summary (get-feed-elem "feed > summary")) (doc-icon (get-feed-elem "feed > icon")) (doc-logo (get-feed-elem "feed > logo")) (doc-id (get-feed-elem "feed > id")) (doc-updated (awhen (get-feed-elem "feed > updated") (local-time:parse-timestring it))) (doc-link (get-feed-elem-attr "feed > link[rel=alternate]" "href")) (doc-feed-link (or feed-link (get-feed-elem-attr "feed > link[rel=self]" "href"))) (doc-categories ($ (inline xml-dom) "feed > category" (combine (attr "term") (attr "label") (attr "scheme")) (map-apply #'make-category))) (doc-authors (get-authors xml-dom))) (make-instance 'atom-feed :title doc-title :description doc-summary :icon doc-icon :logo doc-logo :link doc-link :updated doc-updated :id doc-id :feed-link doc-feed-link :subtitle doc-subtitle :categories (coerce doc-categories 'list) :authors doc-authors )))) ;}}} (defmacro defconstants (&body constants) (list* 'progn (loop for (name value &optional doc) in constants collect `(defconstant ,name ,value ,@(when doc (list doc)))))) (defvar *defconstants-really-verbose* nil) #+sbcl (defmacro defconstants-really (&body constants) "auto-invoke the continue restart . . ." `(handler-bind ((sb-ext:defconstant-uneql (lambda (c) (when *defconstants-really-verbose* (format t "~&Changing definition of ~s from ~s to ~s~%" (sb-ext:defconstant-uneql-name c) (sb-ext:defconstant-uneql-old-value c) (sb-ext:defconstant-uneql-new-value c))) (continue c)))) (defconstants ,@constants))) #-sbcl (defmacro defconstants-really (&body constants) `(defconstants ,@constants)) (defmethod generate-xml ((feed feed) (feed-type (eql :atom)) &key partial) (let ((feed-root (or ($1 (inline partial) "feed") (plump:make-element (plump:make-root) "feed")))) (prog1 feed-root (with-accessors ((title title) (id id) (updated updated) (link link) (feed-link feed-link) (description description)) feed ($ (inline (make-element feed-root "title")) (text title) (inline (make-element feed-root "link")) (attr "href" feed-link) (attr "rel" "self") (inline (make-element feed-root "link")) (attr "href" link) (attr "rel" "alternate") (attr "type" "text/html") (inline (make-element feed-root "id")) (text id) (node) (inline (make-element feed-root "summary")) (text description) (node) (inline (make-element feed-root "updated")) (text updated) (node) ))))) (defmethod generate-xml ((item item) (feed-type (eql :atom)) &key partial) (let ((parent (if (string-equal (tag-name partial) "feed") partial (plump:make-element (plump:make-root) "feed")))) (prog1 parent (let ((item-root (make-element parent "entry"))) (with-accessors ((title title) (id id) (date date) (link link) (content content) (author author) (author-uri author-uri)) item ($ (inline (make-element item-root "title")) (text title) (inline (make-element item-root "link")) (attr "href" link) (inline (make-element item-root "id")) (text id) (node) (inline (make-element item-root "pubDate")) (text date) (inline (make-element item-root "author")) (append ($ (inline (make-element item-root "name")) (text author))) (append ($ (inline (make-element item-root "uri")) (text author-uri))) (inline (make-element item-root "content")) (text content) (inline (make-element item-root "updated")) (text date) (node) )))))) (defconstants-really (+title+ "The Title") (+author+ "Joe Q Public") (+author-uri+ "http://example.com/joeq") (+content+ "Teh Content") (+id+ "t3_43tjwv") (+link+ "http://example.com/something") (+published+ "2016-02-02T09:41:27+00:00") (+entry1+ (format nil " ~A ~A ~A ~a ~a ~a " +author+ +author-uri+ +content+ +id+ +link+ +published+ +title+)) (+feed-category-term+ "testing") (+feed-category-label+ "/r/testing") (+feed-id+ "The Feed") (+feed-icon+ "http://example.com/feed.png") (+feed-logo+ "http://example.com/logo.png") (+feed-link-website+ "http://example.com") (+feed-link-self+ "http://example.com/atom.xml") (+feed-subtitle+ "The SubTitle") (+feed-title+ "The Title") (+feed-author-name+ "The Author") (+feed-author-uri+ "http://example.com/theauthor") (+feed-description+ "The description") (+feed1+ (format nil " ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a~a ~a~a ~a " +feed-title+ +feed-subtitle+ +feed-icon+ +feed-category-term+ +feed-category-label+ +feed-link-website+ +feed-link-self+ +feed-logo+ +feed-description+ +feed-author-name+ +feed-author-uri+ +feed-author-name+ +feed-author-uri+ +feed-id+ ))) (defun true (x) (not (null x))) (defun get-node-text (xml-doc selector) ($ (inline xml-doc) selector (text) (node))) (deftest to-feed () (let ((xml (parse +feed1+))) (symbol-macrolet ((feed (alimenta::-to-feed xml :atom))) (should be equal +feed-title+ (slot-value feed 'alimenta:title)) (should be equal +feed-link-website+ (slot-value feed 'alimenta:link)) (should be equal +feed-link-self+ (slot-value feed 'alimenta:feed-link)) (should be equal +feed-description+ (slot-value feed 'description)) (should be equal +feed-id+ (slot-value feed 'id)) (should be equal +feed-subtitle+ (slot-value feed 'subtitle)) (should be equal +feed-icon+ (slot-value feed 'icon)) (should be equal +feed-logo+ (slot-value feed 'logo)) (should be equal +feed-category-term+ (slot-value (elt (slot-value feed 'categories) 0) 'term)) (should be equal +feed-category-label+ (slot-value (elt (slot-value feed 'categories) 0) 'label)) (should be equal +feed-author-name+ (slot-value (elt (slot-value feed 'authors) 0) 'name)) (should be equal +feed-author-uri+ (slot-value (elt (slot-value feed 'authors) 0) 'uri)) ;(should be equal +feed-title+ (slot-value feed 'alimenta:title)) ;(should be equal +feed-title+ (slot-value feed 'alimenta:title)) ;(should be equal +feed-title+ (slot-value feed 'alimenta:title)) ) ) ) (deftest make-item () (let ((xml (lquery:$ (inline (plump:parse +entry1+)) "entry" (node)))) (symbol-macrolet ((item (alimenta::make-item xml :atom))) (should be true item) (should be equal +link+ (slot-value item 'alimenta:link)) (should be equal +content+ (slot-value item 'alimenta:content)) (should be equal +author+ (slot-value item 'alimenta::author)) (should be equal +author-uri+ (slot-value item 'author-uri)) (should be equal +id+ (slot-value item 'alimenta:id))))) (defparameter *tmp* nil) (deftest generate-xml () (let* ((xml ($ (inline (parse +entry1+)) "entry" (node))) (item (alimenta::make-item xml :atom))) (symbol-macrolet ((generated-xml (alimenta::generate-xml item :atom))) (should be equal +title+ ($ (inline generated-xml) "entry > title" (text) (node))) (should be equal +author+ ($ (inline generated-xml) "entry > author > name" (text) (node))) (should be equal +author-uri+ ($ (inline generated-xml) "entry > author > uri" (text) (node))) (should be equal +id+ ($ (inline generated-xml) "entry > id" (text) (node))) (should be equal +content+ ($ (inline generated-xml) "entry > content" (text) (node))) (should be equal +link+ ($ (inline generated-xml) "entry > link" (attr "href") (node))) ;; TODO: deal with dates . . . ))) (defun do-test (&optional (test nil)) (let ((st:*test-output* *debug-io*)) (multiple-value-bind (result hm? errors) (st:test :test test) (format t "~&Returns: ~a~%Error:~%~{~a~^~%~}~%Failures-vals:~%~{~a~^ ~}~%" result errors hm? ))))