Raw Blame History
(ns ^{:doc
" B+ tree

  Leaf: keys[]     :: array of values

  Node:     pointers[] :: links to children nodes
            keys[]     :: max value for whole subtree
                          node.keys[i] == max(node.pointers[i].keys)
  All arrays are 64..128 elements, inclusive

  BTSet:    root       :: Node or Leaf
            shift      :: path bit-shift of root level, == (depth - 1) * level-shift
            cnt        :: size of a set, integer, rolling
            comparator :: comparator used for ordering
            meta       :: clojure meta map
            __hash     :: hash code, same as for clojure collections, on-demand, cached

  Path: conceptually a vector of indexes from root to leaf value, but encoded in a single int.
        E.g. we have path [7 53 11] representing root.pointers[7].pointers[3].keys[11].
        In our case level-shift is 8, meaning each index will take 8 bits:
        (7 << 16) | (53 << 8) | 11 = 472331
        0000 0111   0011 0101   0000 1011

  Iter:     set       :: Set this iterator belongs to
            left      :: Current path
            right     :: Right bound path (exclusive)
            keys      :: Cached ref for keys array for a leaf
            idx       :: Cached idx in keys array
  Keys and idx are cached for fast iteration inside a leaf
  :author "Nikita Prokopov"}
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [iter])
    [datascript.arrays :as da])
  #?(:clj  (:import [java.util Arrays]))
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [datascript.btset :refer [half not==]])))

  (defmacro half [x]
    `(unsigned-bit-shift-right ~x 1)))

  (defmacro not== [x y]
    `(not (== ~x ~y))))

(def ^:const min-len 16)
(def ^:const max-len 32)
(def ^:const avg-len (half (+ max-len min-len)))
(def ^:const level-shift (->> (range 31 -1 -1)
                              (filter #(bit-test max-len %))
(def ^:const path-mask (dec (bit-shift-left 1 level-shift)))
(def ^:const ^long empty-path 0)

(defn path-get ^long [^long path ^long level]
  (bit-and path-mask
           (unsigned-bit-shift-right path level)))

(defn path-set ^long [^long path ^long level ^long idx]
  (bit-or path 
          (bit-shift-left idx level)))

(defn binary-search-l ^long [cmp arr ^long r k]
  (loop [l 0
         r (long r)]
    (if (<= l r)
      (let [m  (half (+ l r))
            mk (da/aget arr m)]
        (if (neg? (cmp mk k))
          (recur (inc m) r)
          (recur l (dec m))))

(defn binary-search-r ^long [cmp arr ^long r k]
  (loop [l 0
         r (long r)]
    (if (<= l r)
      (let [m  (half (+ l r))
            mk (da/aget arr m)]
        (if (pos? (cmp mk k))
          (recur l (dec m))
          (recur (inc m) r)))

(defn lookup-exact ^long [cmp arr key]
  (let [arr-l (da/alength arr)
        idx   (binary-search-l cmp arr (dec arr-l) key)]
    (if (and (< idx arr-l)
             (== 0 (cmp (da/aget arr idx) key)))

(defn lookup-range ^long [cmp arr key]
  (let [arr-l (da/alength arr)
        idx   (binary-search-l cmp arr (dec arr-l) key)]
    (if (== idx arr-l)

;; Array operations

(defn alast [arr]
  (da/aget arr (dec (da/alength arr))))

(defn cut-n-splice [arr cut-from cut-to splice-from splice-to xs]
  (let [xs-l (da/alength xs)
        l1   (- splice-from cut-from)
        l2   (- cut-to splice-to)
        l1xs (+ l1 xs-l)
        new-arr (da/make-array (+ l1 xs-l l2))]
    (da/acopy arr cut-from splice-from new-arr 0)
    (da/acopy xs 0 xs-l new-arr l1)
    (da/acopy arr splice-to cut-to new-arr l1xs)

(defn cut
  ([arr cut-from]
    #?(:cljs (.slice arr cut-from)
       :clj  (Arrays/copyOfRange ^{:tag "[[Ljava.lang.Object;"} arr
                                 (int cut-from)
                                 (da/alength arr))))
  ([arr cut-from cut-to]
    #?(:cljs (.slice arr cut-from cut-to)
       :clj  (Arrays/copyOfRange ^{:tag "[[Ljava.lang.Object;"} arr
                                 (int cut-from)
                                 (int cut-to)))))

(defn splice [arr splice-from splice-to xs]
  (cut-n-splice arr 0 (da/alength arr) splice-from splice-to xs))

(defn insert [arr idx xs]
  (cut-n-splice arr 0 (da/alength arr) idx idx xs))

(defn merge-n-split [a1 a2]
  (let [a1-l    (da/alength a1)
        a2-l    (da/alength a2)
        total-l (+ a1-l a2-l)
        r1-l    (half total-l)
        r2-l    (- total-l r1-l)
        r1      (da/make-array r1-l)
        r2      (da/make-array r2-l)]
    (if (<= a1-l r1-l)
        (da/acopy a1 0             a1-l          r1 0)
        (da/acopy a2 0             (- r1-l a1-l) r1 a1-l)
        (da/acopy a2 (- r1-l a1-l) a2-l          r2 0))
        (da/acopy a1 0    r1-l r1 0)
        (da/acopy a1 r1-l a1-l r2 0)
        (da/acopy a2 0    a2-l r2 (- a1-l r1-l))))
    (da/array r1 r2)))

(defn ^boolean eq-arr [cmp a1 a1-from a1-to
                           a2 a2-from a2-to]
  (let [len (- a1-to a1-from)]
      (== len (- a2-to a2-from))
      (loop [i 0]
          (== i len)
          (not== 0 (cmp (da/aget a1 (+ i a1-from))
                             (da/aget a2 (+ i a2-from))))
            (recur (inc i)))))))

(defn check-n-splice [cmp arr from to new-arr]
  (if (eq-arr cmp arr from to new-arr 0 (da/alength new-arr))
    (splice arr from to new-arr)))

(defn arr-map-inplace [f arr]
  (let [len (da/alength arr)]
    (loop [i 0]
      (when (< i len)
        (da/aset arr i (f (da/aget arr i)))
        (recur (inc i))))

(defn- arr-partition-approx
  "Splits `arr` into arrays of size between min-len and max-len,
   trying to stick to (min+max)/2"
  [min-len max-len arr]
  (let [chunk-len avg-len
        len       (da/alength arr)
        acc       (transient [])]
    (when (pos? len)
      (loop [pos 0]
        (let [rest (- len pos)]
            (<= rest max-len)
              (conj! acc (cut arr pos))
            (>= rest (+ chunk-len min-len))
                (conj! acc (cut arr pos (+ pos chunk-len)))
                (recur (+ pos chunk-len)))
              (let [piece-len (half rest)]
                (conj! acc (cut arr pos (+ pos piece-len)))
                (recur (+ pos piece-len)))))))
    (to-array (persistent! acc)))) ;; TODO avoid persistent?

(defn- sorted-arr-distinct? [arr cmp]
  (let [al (da/alength arr)]
    (if (<= al 1)
      (loop [i 1
             p (da/aget arr 0)]
        (if (>= i al)
          (let [e (da/aget arr i)]
            (if (== 0 (cmp e p))
              (recur (inc i) e))))))))

(defn- sorted-arr-distinct
  "Filter out repetitive values in a sorted array.
   Optimized for no-duplicates case"
  [arr cmp]
  (if (sorted-arr-distinct? arr cmp)
    (let [al (da/alength arr)]
      (loop [acc (transient [(da/aget arr 0)])
             i   1
             p   (da/aget arr 0)]
        (if (>= i al)
          (into-array #?(:clj Object) (persistent! acc)) ;; TODO avoid persistent?
          (let [e (da/aget arr i)]
            (if (== 0 (cmp e p))
              (recur acc (inc i) e)
              (recur (conj! acc e) (inc i) e))))))))

(defn return-array
  "Drop non-nil references and return array of arguments"
    (da/array a1))
  ([a1 a2]
    (if a1
      (if a2
        (da/array a1 a2)
        (da/array a1))
      (da/array a2)))
  ([a1 a2 a3]
    (if a1
      (if a2
        (if a3
          (da/array a1 a2 a3)
          (da/array a1 a2))
        (if a3
          (da/array a1 a3)
          (da/array a1)))
      (if a2
        (if a3
          (da/array a2 a3)
          (da/array a2))
        (da/array a3)))))


(defprotocol INode
  (node-lim-key       [_])
  (node-len           [_])
  (node-merge         [_ next])
  (node-merge-n-split [_ next])
  (node-lookup        [_ cmp key])
  (node-conj          [_ cmp key])
  (node-disj          [_ cmp key root? left right]))

(defn rotate [node root? left right]
    ;; root never merges
      (return-array node)

    ;; enough keys, nothing to merge
    (> (node-len node) min-len)
      (return-array left node right)

    ;; left and this can be merged to one
    (and left (<= (node-len left) min-len))
      (return-array (node-merge left node) right)

    ;; right and this can be merged to one
    (and right (<= (node-len right) min-len))
      (return-array left (node-merge node right))

    ;; left has fewer nodes, redestribute with it
    (and left (or (nil? right)
                  (< (node-len left) (node-len right))))
      (let [nodes (node-merge-n-split left node)]
        (return-array (da/aget nodes 0) (da/aget nodes 1) right))

    ;; right has fewer nodes, redestribute with it
      (let [nodes (node-merge-n-split node right)]
        (return-array left (da/aget nodes 0) (da/aget nodes 1)))))

(deftype Node [keys pointers]
  (node-lim-key [_]
    (alast keys))
  (node-len [_]
    (da/alength keys))
  (node-merge [_ next]
    (Node. (da/aconcat keys (.-keys ^Node next))
           (da/aconcat pointers (.-pointers ^Node next))))
  (node-merge-n-split [_ next]
    (let [ks (merge-n-split keys     (.-keys ^Node next))
          ps (merge-n-split pointers (.-pointers ^Node next))]
      (return-array (Node. (da/aget ks 0) (da/aget ps 0))
                    (Node. (da/aget ks 1) (da/aget ps 1)))))

  (node-lookup [_ cmp key]
    (let [idx (lookup-range cmp keys key)]
      (when-not (== -1 idx)
        (node-lookup (da/aget pointers idx) cmp key))))
  (node-conj [_ cmp key]
    (let [idx   (binary-search-l cmp keys (- (da/alength keys) 2) key)
          nodes (node-conj (da/aget pointers idx) cmp key)]
      (when nodes
        (let [new-keys     (check-n-splice cmp keys     idx (inc idx) (da/amap node-lim-key nodes))
              new-pointers (splice             pointers idx (inc idx) nodes)]
          (if (<= (da/alength new-pointers) max-len)
            ;; ok as is
            (da/array (Node. new-keys new-pointers))
            ;; gotta split it up
            (let [middle  (half (da/alength new-pointers))]
                (Node. (cut new-keys     0 middle)
                       (cut new-pointers 0 middle))
                (Node. (cut new-keys     middle)
                       (cut new-pointers middle)))))))))

  (node-disj [_ cmp key root? left right]
    (let [idx (lookup-range cmp keys key)]
      (when-not (== -1 idx) ;; short-circuit, key not here
        (let [child       (da/aget pointers idx)
              left-child  (when (>= (dec idx) 0)
                            (da/aget pointers (dec idx)))
              right-child (when (< (inc idx) (da/alength pointers))
                            (da/aget pointers (inc idx)))
              disjned     (node-disj child cmp key false left-child right-child)]
          (when disjned     ;; short-circuit, key not here
            (let [left-idx     (if left-child  (dec idx) idx)
                  right-idx    (if right-child (+ 2 idx) (+ 1 idx))
                  new-keys     (check-n-splice cmp keys     left-idx right-idx (da/amap node-lim-key disjned))
                  new-pointers (splice             pointers left-idx right-idx disjned)]
              (rotate (Node. new-keys new-pointers) root? left right))))))))

(deftype Leaf [keys]
  (node-lim-key [_]
    (alast keys))
;;   Object
;;   (toString [_] (pr-str* (vec keys)))
  (node-len [_]
    (da/alength keys))
  (node-merge [_ next]
    (Leaf. (da/aconcat keys (.-keys ^Leaf next))))
  (node-merge-n-split [_ next]
    (let [ks (merge-n-split keys (.-keys ^Leaf next))]
      (return-array (Leaf. (da/aget ks 0))
                    (Leaf. (da/aget ks 1)))))
  (node-lookup [_ cmp key]
    (let [idx (lookup-exact cmp keys key)]
      (when-not (== -1 idx)
        (da/aget keys idx))))

  (node-conj [_ cmp key]
    (let [idx    (binary-search-l cmp keys (dec (da/alength keys)) key)
          keys-l (da/alength keys)]
        ;; element already here
        (and (< idx keys-l)
             (== 0 (cmp key (da/aget keys idx))))
        ;; splitting
        (== keys-l max-len)
          (let [middle (half (inc keys-l))]
            (if (> idx middle)
              ;; new key goes to the second half
                (Leaf. (cut keys 0 middle))
                (Leaf. (cut-n-splice keys middle keys-l idx idx (da/array key))))
              ;; new key goes to the first half
                (Leaf. (cut-n-splice keys 0 middle idx idx (da/array key)))
                (Leaf. (cut keys middle keys-l)))))
        ;; ok as is
          (da/array (Leaf. (splice keys idx idx (da/array key)))))))
  (node-disj [_ cmp key root? left right]
    (let [idx (lookup-exact cmp keys key)]
      (when-not (== -1 idx) ;; key is here
        (let [new-keys (splice keys idx (inc idx) (da/array))]
          (rotate (Leaf. new-keys) root? left right))))))

;; BTSet

;; using defn instead of declare because of
(defn ^:declared btset-conj [set key cmp])
(defn ^:declared btset-disj [set key cmp])
(defn ^:declared btset-iter [set])

(def ^:const uninitialized-hash #?(:cljs nil :clj -1))

(deftype BTSet [root shift cnt comparator meta #?(:cljs ^:mutable __hash
                                                  :clj  ^:unsynchronized-mutable ^int _hasheq)]
  #?@(:cljs [
    (toString [this]
      (pr-str* this))

    (-clone [_] (BTSet. root shift cnt comparator meta __hash))

    (-with-meta [_ new-meta] (BTSet. root shift cnt comparator new-meta __hash))

    (-meta [_] meta)

    (-empty [_] (BTSet. (Leaf. (da/array)) 0 0 comparator meta uninitialized-hash))

    (-equiv [this other]
        (set? other)
        (== cnt (count other))
        (every? #(contains? this %) other)))

    (-hash [this] (caching-hash this hash-unordered-coll __hash))

    (-conj [this key] (btset-conj this key comparator))

    (-disjoin [this key] (btset-disj this key comparator))

    (-lookup [_ k]
      (node-lookup root comparator k))
    (-lookup [_ k not-found]
      (or (node-lookup root comparator k) not-found))

    (-seq [this] (btset-iter this))

    (-reduce [this f]
      (if-let [i (btset-iter this)]
        (-reduce i f)
    (-reduce [this f start]
      (if-let [i (btset-iter this)]
        (-reduce i f start)
    (-rseq [this] (rseq (btset-iter this)))

    (-count [_] cnt)

    (-invoke [this k] (-lookup this k))
    (-invoke [this k not-found] (-lookup this k not-found))

    (-pr-writer [this writer opts]
      (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer "#{" " " "}" opts (seq this)))]

  :clj [
    (meta [_] meta)
    (withMeta [_ new-meta] (BTSet. root shift cnt comparator new-meta _hasheq))
    (rseq [this] (rseq (btset-iter this)))
    (seq [this] (btset-iter this))

    (reduce [this f]
      (if-let [i (btset-iter this)]
        (.reduce ^clojure.lang.IReduce i f)

    (reduce [this f start]
      (if-let [i (btset-iter this)]
        (.reduce ^clojure.lang.IReduceInit i f start)
    (empty [_] (BTSet. (Leaf. (da/array)) 0 0 comparator meta uninitialized-hash))
    (cons  [this key] (btset-conj this key comparator))
    (equiv [this other]
        (instance? java.util.Set other)
        (== cnt (.size ^java.util.Collection other))
        (.containsAll this ^java.util.Collection other)))
    (count [_] cnt)

    (disjoin  [this key] (btset-disj this key comparator))
    (contains [this key] (not (nil? (.get this key))))
    (get [_ key]
      (node-lookup root comparator key))
    (valAt [this key] (.get this key))
    (valAt [this key not-found] (or (.get this key) not-found))
    (hasheq [this]
      (when (== -1 _hasheq)
        (set! _hasheq (clojure.lang.Murmur3/hashUnordered this)))

    (invoke [this k] (.get this k))
    (invoke [this k not-found] (or (.get this k) not-found))

    (iterator [this] (clojure.lang.SeqIterator. (btset-iter this)))

    (containsAll [this c] (every? #(.contains this %) c))
    (size        [_]      cnt)
    (isEmpty     [_]      (== 0 cnt))
    (toArray     [this]   (clojure.lang.RT/seqToArray (.seq this)))
    (toArray     [this a] (clojure.lang.RT/seqToPassedArray (.seq this) a))

    (toString [this] (clojure.lang.RT/printString this))
    (hashCode [this] (.hasheq this))
    (equals   [this other] (.equiv this other))

(defn alter-btset [^BTSet set root shift cnt]
  (BTSet. root shift cnt (.-comparator set) (.-meta set) uninitialized-hash))

(defn keys-for [^BTSet set path]
  (loop [level (.-shift set)
         node  (.-root set)]
    (if (pos? level)
      (recur (- level level-shift)
             (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node)
                   (path-get path level)))
      (.-keys ^Leaf node))))

(defn btset-conj [^BTSet set key cmp]
  (let [roots (node-conj (.-root set) cmp key)]
      ;; tree not changed
      (nil? roots)
      ;; keeping single root
      (== (da/alength roots) 1)
        (alter-btset set
          (da/aget roots 0)
          (.-shift set)
          (inc (.-cnt set)))
      ;; introducing new root
        (alter-btset set
          (Node. (da/amap node-lim-key roots) roots)
          (+ (.-shift set) level-shift)
          (inc (.-cnt set))))))

(defn btset-disj [^BTSet set key cmp]
  (let [new-roots (node-disj (.-root set) cmp key true nil nil)]
    (if (nil? new-roots) ;; nothing changed, key wasn't in the set
      (let [new-root (da/aget new-roots 0)]
        (if (and (instance? Node new-root)
                 (== 1 (da/alength (.-pointers ^Node new-root))))
          ;; root has one child, make him new root
          (alter-btset set
            (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node new-root) 0)
            (- (.-shift set) level-shift)
            (dec (.-cnt set)))
          ;; keeping root level
          (alter-btset set
            (.-shift set)
            (dec (.-cnt set))))))))

;; iteration

(defn -next-path ^long [node ^long path ^long level]
  (let [idx (path-get path level)]
    (if (pos? level)
      ;; inner node
      (let [sub-path (-next-path (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node) idx) path (- level level-shift))]
        (if (== -1 sub-path)
          ;; nested node overflow
          (if (< (inc idx) (da/alength (.-pointers ^Node node)))
            ;; advance current node idx, reset subsequent indexes
            (path-set empty-path level (inc idx))
            ;; current node overflow
          ;; keep current idx
          (path-set sub-path level idx)))
      ;; leaf
      (if (< (inc idx) (da/alength (.-keys ^Leaf node)))
        ;; advance leaf idx
        (path-set empty-path 0 (inc idx))
        ;; leaf overflow

(defn next-path
  "Returns path representing next item after `path` in natural traversal order,
   or -1 if end of tree has been reached"
  ^long [^BTSet set ^long path]
  (-next-path (.-root set) path (.-shift set)))

(defn -rpath
  "Returns rightmost path possible starting from node and going deeper"
  ^long [node ^long level]
  (loop [node  node
         path  empty-path
         level level]
    (if (pos? level)
      ;; inner node
      (recur (alast (.-pointers ^Node node))
             (path-set path level (dec (da/alength (.-pointers ^Node node))))
             (- level level-shift))
      ;; leaf
      (path-set path 0 (dec (da/alength (.-keys ^Leaf node)))))))

(defn -prev-path ^long [node ^long path ^long level]
  (let [idx (path-get path level)]
    (if (pos? level)
      ;; inner node
      (let [sub-level (- level level-shift)
            sub-path  (-prev-path (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node) idx) path sub-level)]
        (if (== -1 sub-path)
          ;; nested node overflow
          (if (>= (dec idx) 0)
            ;; advance current node idx, reset subsequent indexes
            (let [idx      (dec idx)
                  sub-path (-rpath (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node) idx) sub-level)]
              (path-set sub-path level idx))
            ;; current node overflow
          ;; keep current idx
          (path-set sub-path level idx)))
      ;; leaf
      (if (>= (dec idx) 0)
        ;; advance leaf idx
        (path-set empty-path 0 (dec idx))
        ;; leaf overflow

(defn prev-path
  "Returns path representing previous item before `path` in natural traversal order,
   or -1 if `path` was already beginning of a tree"
  ^long [^BTSet set ^long path]
  (-prev-path (.-root set) path (.-shift set)))

;; using defn instead of declare because of 
(defn ^:declared iter [set left right])
(defn ^:declared iter-first [iter])
(defn ^:declared iter-next [iter])
(defn ^:declared iter-chunk [iter])
(defn ^:declared iter-chunked-next [iter])
(defn ^:declared iter-rseq [iter])
(defn ^:declared iter-reduce ([iter f]) ([iter f start]))
(defn ^:declared riter [set left right])
(defn ^:declared riter-first [riter])
(defn ^:declared riter-next [ri])
(defn ^:declared riter-rseq [riter])

(defn btset-iter
  "Iterator that represents whole set"
  [^BTSet set]
  (when (pos? (node-len (.-root set)))
    (let [left   empty-path
          right  (inc (-rpath (.-root set) (.-shift set)))]
      (iter set left right))))

(deftype Iter [set ^long left ^long right keys ^long idx]
  #?@(:cljs [
    (-seq [this] (when keys this))

    (-first [this] (iter-first this))
    (-rest [this]  (or (iter-next this) ()))

    (-next [this] (iter-next this))

    (-chunked-first [this] (iter-chunk this))
    (-chunked-rest  [this] (or (-chunked-next this) ()))

    (-chunked-next  [this] (iter-chunked-next this))
    (-reduce [this f] (iter-reduce this f))
    (-reduce [this f start] (iter-reduce this f start))

    (-rseq [this] (iter-rseq this))]
  :clj [
    (seq [this] (when keys this))

    (first [this] (iter-first this))
    (next  [this] (iter-next this))
    (more  [this] (or (iter-next this) ()))
    (chunkedFirst [this] (iter-chunk this))
    (chunkedNext  [this] (iter-chunked-next this))
    (chunkedMore  [this] (or (.chunkedNext this) ()))

    (reduce [this f] (iter-reduce this f))

    (reduce [this f start] (iter-reduce this f start))
    (rseq [this] (iter-rseq this))

    (iterator [this] (clojure.lang.SeqIterator. this))

(defn iter [set ^long left ^long right]
  (Iter. set left right (keys-for set left) (path-get left 0)))

(defn iter-first [^Iter iter]
  (when (.-keys iter)
    (da/aget (.-keys iter) (.-idx iter))))

(defn iter-next [^Iter iter]
  (let [set   (.-set iter)
        left  (.-left iter)
        right (.-right iter)
        keys  (.-keys iter)
        idx   (.-idx iter)]
    (when keys
      (if (< (inc idx) (da/alength keys))
        ;; can use cached array to move forward
        (when (< (inc left) right)
          (Iter. set (inc left) right keys (inc idx)))
        (let [left (next-path set left)]
          (when (and (not= -1 left) (< left right))
            (datascript.btset/iter set left right)))))))

(defn iter-chunk [^Iter iter]
  (let [left  (.-left iter)
        right (.-right iter)
        keys  (.-keys iter)
        idx   (.-idx iter)
        end-idx (if (= (bit-or left path-mask)
                       (bit-or right path-mask))
                  (bit-and right path-mask)
                  (da/alength keys))]
      (#?(:clj clojure.lang.ArrayChunk.
          :cljs array-chunk) keys idx end-idx)))

(defn iter-chunked-next [^Iter iter]
  (let [set   (.-set iter)
        left  (.-left iter)
        right (.-right iter)
        keys  (.-keys iter)
        idx   (.-idx iter)]
    (let [left (next-path set (+ left (- (da/alength keys) idx 1)))]
      (when (and (not= -1 left) (< left right))
        (datascript.btset/iter set left right)))))

(defn iter-rseq [^Iter iter]
  (let [set   (.-set iter)
        left  (.-left iter)
        right (.-right iter)]
    (when (.-keys iter)
      (riter set (prev-path set left) (prev-path set right)))))

(defn iter-reduce
  ([^Iter iter f]
    (if (nil? (.-keys iter))
      (let [first (iter-first iter)]
        (if-let [next (iter-next iter)]
          (iter-reduce next f first)
  ([^Iter iter f start]
    (let [set   (.-set iter)
          right (.-right iter)]
      (loop [left (.-left iter)
             keys (.-keys iter)
             idx  (.-idx iter)
             acc  start]
        (if (nil? keys)
          (let [new-acc (f acc (da/aget keys idx))]
              (reduced? new-acc)
              (< (inc idx) (da/alength keys)) ;; can use cached array to move forward
                (if (< (inc left) right)
                  (recur (inc left) keys (inc idx) new-acc)
                (let [new-left (next-path set left)]
                  (if (and (not== -1 new-left) (< new-left right))
                    (recur new-left (keys-for set new-left) (path-get new-left 0) new-acc)

;; reverse iteration

(deftype ReverseIter [set ^long left ^long right keys ^long idx]
  #?@(:cljs [
    (-seq [this] (when keys this))

    (-first [this] (riter-first this))
    (-rest [this]  (or (riter-next this) ()))

    (-next [this] (riter-next this))

    (-rseq [this] (riter-rseq this))]
  :clj [
    (seq [this] (when keys this))

    (first [this] (riter-first this))
    (next  [this] (riter-next this))
    (more  [this] (or (riter-next this) ()))

    ;; TODO
;;     clojure.lang.IReduce
;;     (reduce [this f] (riter-reduce this f))

;;     clojure.lang.IReduceInit
;;     (reduce [this f start] (riter-reduce this f start))
    (rseq [this] (riter-rseq this))

    (iterator [this] (clojure.lang.SeqIterator. this))

(defn riter [set ^long left ^long right]
  (ReverseIter. set left right (keys-for set right) (path-get right 0)))

(defn riter-first [^ReverseIter riter]
  (when (.-keys riter)
    (da/aget (.-keys riter) (.-idx riter))))

(defn riter-next [^ReverseIter ri]
  (let [set   (.-set   ri)
        left  (.-left  ri)
        right (.-right ri)
        keys  (.-keys  ri)
        idx   (.-idx   ri)]
    (when keys
      (if (>= (dec idx) 0)
        ;; can use cached array to advance
        (when (> (dec right) left)
          (ReverseIter. set left (dec right) keys (dec idx)))
        (let [right (prev-path set right)]
          (when (and (not= -1 right) (> right left))
            (riter set left right)))))))

(defn riter-rseq [^ReverseIter riter]
  (let [set   (.-set   riter)
        left  (.-left  riter)
        right (.-right riter)]
    (when keys
      (let [new-left  (if (== left -1) 0 (next-path set left))
            new-right (next-path set right)
            new-right (if (== new-right -1) (inc right) new-right)]
        (iter set new-left new-right)))))

;; distance

(defn -distance [node ^long left ^long right ^long level]
  (let [idx-l (path-get left level)
        idx-r (path-get right level)]
    (if (pos? level)
      ;; inner node
      (if (== idx-l idx-r)
        (-distance (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node) idx-l) left right (- level level-shift))
        (loop [level level
               res   (- idx-r idx-l)]
          (if (== 0 level)
            (recur (- level level-shift) (* res avg-len)))))
      (- idx-r idx-l))))

(defn distance [^BTSet set ^long path-l ^long path-r]
    (== path-l path-r) 0
    (== (inc path-l) path-r) 1
    (== (next-path set path-l) path-r) 1
    :else (-distance (.-root set) path-l path-r (.-shift set))))

(defn est-count [^Iter iter]
  (distance (.-set iter) (.-left iter) (.-right iter)))

;; Slicing

(defn -seek
  "Returns path to first element >= key,
   or -1 if all elements in a set < key"
  [^BTSet set key]
  (loop [node  (.-root set)
         path  empty-path
         level (.-shift set)]
    (let [keys-l (node-len node)]
      (if (== 0 level)
        (let [keys (.-keys ^Leaf node)
              idx  (binary-search-l (.-comparator set) keys (dec keys-l) key)]
          (if (== keys-l idx) -1 (path-set path 0 idx)))
        (let [keys (.-keys ^Node node)
              idx  (binary-search-l (.-comparator set) keys (- keys-l 2) key)]
          (recur (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node) idx)
                 (path-set path level idx)
                 (- level level-shift)))))))

(defn -rseek
  "Returns path to the first element that is > key.
   If all elements in a set are <= key, returns `(-rpath set) + 1`.
   It’s a virtual path that is bigger than any path in a tree"
  [^BTSet set key]
  (loop [node  (.-root set)
         path  empty-path
         level (.-shift set)]
    (let [keys-l (node-len node)]
      (if (== 0 level)
        (let [keys (.-keys ^Leaf node)
              idx  (binary-search-r (.-comparator set) keys (dec keys-l) key)]
          (path-set path 0 idx))
        (let [keys (.-keys ^Node node)
              idx  (binary-search-r (.-comparator set) keys (- keys-l 2) key)]
          (recur (da/aget (.-pointers ^Node node) idx)
                 (path-set path level idx)
                 (- level level-shift)))))))

(defn -slice [set key-from key-to]
  (let [path (-seek set key-from)]
    (when-not (neg? path)
      (let [till-path (-rseek set key-to)]
        (when (> till-path path)
          (Iter. set path till-path (keys-for set path) (path-get path 0)))))))

(defn slice
  "When called with single key, returns iterator over set that contains all elements equal to the key.
   When called with two keys (range), returns iterator for all X where key-from <= X <= key-to"
  ([set key] (slice set key key))
  ([^BTSet set key-from key-to]
    (-slice set key-from key-to)))

;; public interface

(defn -btset-from-sorted-arr [arr cmp]
  (let [leafs (->> arr
                   (arr-partition-approx min-len max-len)
                   (arr-map-inplace #(Leaf. %)))]
    (loop [current-level leafs
           shift 0]
      (case (count current-level)
        0 (BTSet. (Leaf. (da/array)) 0 0 cmp nil uninitialized-hash)
        1 (BTSet. (first current-level) shift (da/alength arr) cmp nil uninitialized-hash)
        (recur (->> current-level
                    (arr-partition-approx min-len max-len)
                    (arr-map-inplace #(Node. (da/amap node-lim-key %) %)))
               (+ shift level-shift))))))

(defn -btset-from-seq [seq cmp] ;; TODO avoid array?
  (let [arr (-> (into-array #?(:clj Object) seq) (da/asort cmp) (sorted-arr-distinct cmp))]
    (-btset-from-sorted-arr arr cmp)))

(defn btset-by
  ([cmp] (BTSet. (Leaf. (da/array)) 0 0 cmp nil uninitialized-hash))
  ([cmp & keys]
    (-btset-from-seq keys cmp)))

(defn btset
  ([] (btset-by compare))
  ([& keys]
    (-btset-from-seq keys compare)))

  (defn- pp-node [n offset]
    (print (apply str (repeat offset " ")))
    (when (instance? Leaf n) (print "- "))
    (print "[" (alength (.-keys n)) "nodes:" (aget (.-keys n) 0) ".." (alast (.-keys n)) "]")
    (when (instance? Node n)
      (doseq [p (.-pointers n)]
        (pp-node p (+ offset 2)))))

  (defn- pp-set [s]
    (pp-node (.-root s) 0)))