;; MIT license Edward Langley (c) 2018 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (net.didierverna.clon:nickname-package)) (defpackage :daydreamer.main (:use :cl :fw.lu :alexandria :st :daydreamer.aws-result) (:export main dump #:stack-parameters #:stack-outputs #:stack-for-name #:watch-stack #:stack-info)) (in-package :daydreamer.main) (define-condition invalid-result (error) ()) (defun stack-for-name (name) (let* ((aws-result (car (extract-list (cdar (aws/cloudformation:describe-stacks :stack-name name))))) (the-stack (extract-stack aws-result))) the-stack)) (defun print-kvs (prefix formatter stream data) (let ((key-key (format nil "~aKey" prefix)) (value-key (format nil "~aValue" prefix))) (mapcar (lambda (inp) (let ((k (cadr (assoc key-key inp :test #'equal))) (v (cadr (assoc value-key inp :test #'equal)))) (format stream formatter k v))) data))) (defun stack-outputs (the-stack) (print-kvs "Output" (tagged-kv-formatter "OUTPUT") t (outputs the-stack))) (defun stack-parameters (the-stack) (print-kvs "Parameter" (tagged-kv-formatter "PARAMETERS") t (parameters the-stack))) (defun lt-format (a b &key &allow-other-keys) (local-time:format-timestring a b)) (defgeneric duration-of (timeline) (:method ((timeline timeline)) (local-time-duration:timestamp-difference (end-date-time timeline) (start-date-time timeline)))) (defun every-five-seconds (cb args &optional (delay-function #'sleep)) (loop for (continue? . next-args) = (multiple-value-list (apply cb args)) then (multiple-value-list (apply cb next-args)) while continue? do (funcall delay-function 5))) (deftest every-five-seconds () (let ((counter 0) delay) (flet ((fake-delay (num) (incf counter) (setf delay num)) (work () (< counter 10))) (every-five-seconds #'work () #'fake-delay) (should be = 10 counter) (should be = 5 delay))) (let (delay (count 0) (counters ())) (flet ((fake-delay (num) (setf delay num)) (work (counter) ;; temporary for initial red... (if (> count 10) (throw 'quit nil) (incf count)) (push counter counters) (values (< counter 10) (1+ counter)))) (catch 'quit (every-five-seconds #'work '(0) #'fake-delay)) (should be equal (alexandria:iota 11 :start 10 :step -1) counters) (should be = 5 delay)))) (defun parameter-block (the-stack) (format t "~& PARAMETERS ~%============~%") (stack-parameters the-stack) (format t "~&============~2%")) (defun output-block (the-stack) (format t "~2& OUTPUTS ~%=========~%") (stack-outputs the-stack) (format t "~&=========~%") (values)) (defclass stack-formatter () ((%stack :initarg :stack :accessor stack) (%old-status :initarg :old-status :accessor old-status :initform nil))) (defmethod stack-status ((stack-formatter stack-formatter)) (when (slot-boundp stack-formatter '%stack) (stack-status (stack stack-formatter)))) (defmethod parameters ((stack-formatter stack-formatter)) (when (slot-boundp stack-formatter '%stack) (parameters (stack stack-formatter)))) (defmethod outputs ((stack-formatter stack-formatter)) (when (slot-boundp stack-formatter '%stack) (outputs (stack stack-formatter)))) (defmethod (setf stack) :before (new-value (object stack-formatter)) (setf (old-status object) (stack-status object))) (defgeneric refresh (stack-formatter) (:method ((stack daydreamer.aws-result:stack)) (stack-for-name (stack-name stack))) (:method ((stack-formatter string)) (make-instance 'stack-formatter :stack (stack-for-name stack-formatter))) (:method ((stack-formatter stack-formatter)) (setf (stack stack-formatter) (refresh (stack stack-formatter))) stack-formatter)) (defmethod old-status ((stack daydreamer.aws-result:stack)) nil) (defun stack-info (the-stack) (with-accessors ((old-status old-status)) the-stack (let* ((current-status (stack-status the-stack))) (unless old-status (parameter-block the-stack)) (unless (equal old-status current-status) (format t "~&STATUS ~a~%" current-status)) (if (ends-with-subseq "COMPLETE" (symbol-name current-status)) (output-block the-stack) t)))) (defmacro refreshing (cb) `(lambda (thing) (let ((refreshed-thing (refresh thing))) (values (,cb refreshed-thing) refreshed-thing)))) (defun watch-stack (name) (format t "~&Watching ~s~2%" name) (every-five-seconds (refreshing stack-info) (list name)) (fresh-line))