Raw Blame History
/* Copyright (C) CJ Affiliate
 * You may use, distribute and modify this code under  the
 * terms of the  GNU General Public License  version 2  or
 * later.
 * You should have received a copy of the license with this
 * file. If not, you will find a copy in the "LICENSE" file
 * at

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include "user.h"
#include "test_util.h"

bool gets_home_directory()
    const char *expected_home_directory = "home/msmith";
    struct passwd test_passwd;
    test_passwd.pw_dir = const_cast<char *> (expected_home_directory);
    user test_user (&test_passwd);

    std::string actual_home_directory = test_user.home_directory();

    check (expected_home_directory == actual_home_directory,
           "directories do not match");
    return expected_home_directory == actual_home_directory;

std::shared_ptr<struct passwd> fake_passwd;
int fake_getpwnam_r (const char *nam, struct passwd *pwd, char *buffer,
                     size_t bufsize, struct passwd **result)
    if (fake_passwd) {
        *pwd = *fake_passwd;
        *result = pwd;
        return 0;

    return -1;

bool create_user_succeeds()
    // given
    std::string username ("msmith");
    std::string home_directory ("this is my home");
    fake_passwd.reset (new struct passwd);
    fake_passwd->pw_dir = const_cast<char *> (home_directory.c_str());

    // when
    std::shared_ptr<user> user (create_user (username));

    // then
    check (user, "user should be returned");
    check (user->home_directory() == home_directory,
           "home directory does not match");



bool create_user_nonexistent()
    // given
    std::string username ("msmith");

    // when
    std::shared_ptr<user> user (create_user (username));

    // then
    check (!user, "no user should be returned");


fake_passwd.reset ((struct passwd *)0);

int run_tests()
    test (gets_home_directory);
    test (create_user_succeeds);
    test (create_user_nonexistent);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    return !run_tests();