Raw Blame History
package com.fiddlerwoaroof.experiments.graphql_addressbook

import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server._
import sangria.ast.Document
import sangria.execution.{ErrorWithResolver, Executor, QueryAnalysisError}
import sangria.macros.derive._
import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
import sangria.parser.QueryParser
import sangria.schema._
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import cats.Monoid
import cats.instances.all._

import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

trait Identifiable {
  def id: String

class AddressBook {

  import AddressBook.PNHelper

  private val Contacts = List(
      EnglishName("John", Some("Apple"), "Seed"),
      Address("1103 Foo St.", "Ventura", "CA", "93003", "USA"),
      EnglishName("Bob", None, "Marley"),
      Address("1103 Maricopa Ave.", "Ventura", "CA", "93003", "USA"),

  def contact(id: String): Option[Contact] =
    Contacts find ( == id)

  def addressesByPartialName(name: String, addressType: String = "home"): Seq[Address] =
      .filter( contains name)

  def contacts: List[Contact] = Contacts

object AddressBook {

  implicit class PNHelper(private val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
    def pn(args: Any*): PhoneNumber = {
      val str =
      val parts = str.split('-')
      parts match {
        case Array(cc, ac, pref, suf) => PhoneNumber(cc.toInt, ac.toInt, pref.toInt, suf.toInt)
        case Array(ac, pref, suf) => PhoneNumber(1, ac.toInt, pref.toInt, suf.toInt)
        case Array(pref, suf) => PhoneNumber(1, 805, pref.toInt, suf.toInt)


case class Picture(width: Int, height: Int, url: Option[String])

case class PhoneNumber(countryCode: Int, areaCode: Int, prefix: Int, suffix: Int) {
  def formatted = f"(${areaCode}%03d) ${prefix}%03d-${suffix}%04d"
  def localFormatted = f"${prefix}%03d-${suffix}%04d"
  def intlFormatted = f"+$countryCode (${areaCode}%03d) ${prefix}%03d-${suffix}%04d"

case class Address(address: String, city: String, state: String, zip: String, country: String)

trait Name {
  def name: String

  def sortName: String

case class EnglishName(first: String, middle: Option[String], last: String) extends Name {
  def name: String = s"$first ${ => s"$x ").getOrElse("")}$last"

  def sortName: String = s"$last, $first"

case class Contact(id: String, name: Name, address: Address, phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) extends Identifiable {
  def picture(size: Int): Picture =
      width = size,
      height = size,
      url = Some(s"//$size/$id.jpg"))

object Hello extends App {
  implicit val PictureType: ObjectType[Unit, Picture] =
    deriveObjectType[Unit, Picture](
      ObjectTypeDescription("The product picture"),
      DocumentField("url", "Picture CDN URL"))

  val IdentifiableType: InterfaceType[Unit, Identifiable] =
      "Entity that can be identified",
      fields[Unit, Identifiable](
        Field("id", StringType, resolve =

  implicit val AddressType: ObjectType[Unit, Address] =
    deriveObjectType[Unit, Address](
      ObjectTypeDescription("A Contact's address"))

  implicit val PhoneNumberType: ObjectType[Unit, PhoneNumber] =
    deriveObjectType[Unit, PhoneNumber](
      IncludeMethods("formatted", "localFormatted", "intlFormatted"))

  val NameType: InterfaceType[Unit, Name] =
      "An interface for things that represent a name",
      fields[Unit, Name](
        Field("name", StringType, resolve =,
        Field("sortName", StringType, resolve = _.value.sortName)))

  implicit val EnglishNameType: ObjectType[Unit, EnglishName] =
    deriveObjectType[Unit, EnglishName](

  val ContactType =
    deriveObjectType[Unit, Contact](

  val Id = Argument("id", StringType)

  val QueryType =
    ObjectType("Query", fields[AddressBook, Unit](
      Field("contact", OptionType(ContactType),
        description = Some("Return product with specific `id`."),
        arguments = Id :: Nil,
        resolve = c => arg Id)),

      Field("contacts", ListType(ContactType),
        description = Some("Returns all products"),
        resolve = _.ctx.contacts)

  val schema = Schema(QueryType)

  implicit val system = ActorSystem("sangria-server")
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

  import system.dispatcher

  val route: Route =
    (post & path("graphql")) {
      entity(as[JsValue]) {
        requestJson => graphQLEndpoint(requestJson)
    } ~
      get {

  def graphQLEndpoint(requestJson: JsValue) = {
    val JsObject(fields) = requestJson
    val JsString(query) = fields("query")

    val operation = fields.get("operationName") collect {
      case JsString(op) => op

    val vars = fields.get("variables") match {
      case Some(obj: JsObject) => obj
      case _ => JsObject.empty

    QueryParser.parse(query) match {
      case Success(queryAst) =>
        complete(executeGraphQLQuery(queryAst, operation, vars))
      case Failure(error) =>
        complete(BadRequest, JsObject("error" -> JsString(error.getMessage)))

  def executeGraphQLQuery(query: Document, op: Option[String], vars: JsObject) =
    Executor.execute(schema, query, new AddressBook,
      variables = vars,
      operationName = op)
      .map(OK -> _)
      .recover {
        case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest -> error.resolveError
        case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError -> error.resolveError

  Http().bindAndHandle(route, "", 4930)