name mode size
cljs 040000
clojure 040000
goog 040000
# feed-archive A [Hoplon][3] project designed to...well, that part is up to you. ## Dependencies - java 1.7+ - [boot][1] ## Usage ### Development 1. Start the `dev` task. In a terminal run: ```bash $ boot dev ``` This will give you a Hoplon development setup with: - auto compilation on file changes - audible warning for compilation success or failures - auto reload the html page on changes - Clojurescript REPL 2. Go to [http://localhost:8000][2] in your browser. You should see "Hello, Hoplon!". 3. If you edit and save a file, the task will recompile the code and reload the browser to show the updated version. ### Production 1. Run the `prod` task. In a terminal run: ```bash $ boot prod ``` 2. The compiled files will be on the `target/` directory. This will use advanced compilation and prerender the html. ## License Copyright © 2017, **Your Name Goes Here** [1]: [2]: http://localhost:8000 [3]: