(defpackage :fwoar.lexical-compare (:use :cl ) (:export #:lexi-compare #:apply-when #:natural-sort-strings)) (in-package :fwoar.lexical-compare) (defun parse-mixed-string (str) (let ((first-int-pos (position-if #'digit-char-p str))) (if (> (length str) 0) (if first-int-pos (if (> first-int-pos 0) (cons (subseq str 0 first-int-pos) (parse-mixed-string (subseq str first-int-pos))) (multiple-value-bind (int end) (parse-integer str :junk-allowed t) (cons int (parse-mixed-string (subseq str end))))) (list str)) nil))) (defgeneric part< (a b) (:method (a b) nil) (:method ((a string) (b number)) t) (:method ((a number) (b number)) (< a b)) (:method ((a string) (b string)) (string< a b))) (defgeneric part= (a b) (:method (a b) nil) (:method ((a number) (b number)) (= a b)) (:method ((a string) (b string)) (string= a b))) (st:deftest test-parse-mixed-string () (st:should be equal (list) (parse-mixed-string "")) (st:should be equal (list "asdf") (parse-mixed-string "asdf")) (st:should be equal (list "asdf" 1234) (parse-mixed-string "asdf1234")) (st:should be equal (list 1234 "asdf") (parse-mixed-string "1234asdf")) (st:should be equal (list "asdf" 1234 "a") (parse-mixed-string "asdf1234a"))) (defun apply-when (fun &rest args) (when (car (last args)) (apply 'apply fun args))) (defun lexi-compare (a b &optional (elem-compare 'part<)) (apply-when elem-compare (car (serapeum:drop-while (serapeum:op (apply 'part= _1)) (mapcar 'list a b))))) (defun natural-sort-strings (a b) (lexi-compare (parse-mixed-string a) (parse-mixed-string b)))