(in-package #:fwoar.lisputils) ;; (pick '("a" "b" "c") ;; { "a": { "b" : { "c" : 3 }) ;; =>> 3 t 3 "c" ;; (pick '("a" "b" "c") ;; { "a": { "b" : 3 } }) ;; =>> nil nil 3 "b" ;; (pick '("a" "b" "c") ;; { "a": 3 }) ;; =>> nil nil 3 "a" ;; (pick '("a" "b" "c") ;; {}) ;; =>> nil nil {} nil (defun pick (keys h-t &optional default) "(PICK KEYS H-T) => (values result found last-value last-key) result if all keys found, otherwise (or default nil) last-value the value associated with last-key or H-T if no key matches last-key the last key to match, or nil found-p nil if all keys didn't match otherwise truthy" (let ((result default) (found nil) (last-value h-t) (last-key nil) (matched-keys 0) (key-count 0)) (dolist (key keys) (incf key-count) (if (hash-table-p last-value) (multiple-value-bind (next-value next-found) (gethash key last-value) (setf found next-found) (when next-found (incf matched-keys) (setf last-key key last-value next-value))) (setf found nil))) (when (= matched-keys key-count) (setf result last-value)) (values result found last-value last-key))) (define-condition pick-error (error) ((%key :initarg :key :reader key) (%value :initarg :value :reader value :initform nil))) ;; Stolen from sbcl . . . (defun read-evaluated-form (&optional (prompt-control nil promptp) &rest prompt-args) (apply #'format *query-io* (if promptp prompt-control "~&Type a form to be evaluated: ") prompt-args) (finish-output *query-io*) (list (eval (read *query-io*)))) (defun pick/r (keys h-t &optional default) "Pick keys from h-t until fully traversed or no longer found. provide a restart for filling missing values. Raises pick-error if it tries to traverse a non-existent key or a non-hash-table value" (flet ((ensure-hash-table (v) (unless (hash-table-p v) (error 'type-error :expected-type 'hash-table :datum v)))) (let ((cur-ht h-t)) (dolist (key (butlast keys) (gethash (car (last keys)) cur-ht default)) start (restart-case (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash key cur-ht) (cond ((null found) (error 'pick-error :key key)) ((hash-table-p value) (setf cur-ht value)) (t (error 'pick-error :key key :value value)))) (use-value (v) :interactive read-evaluated-form :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Act as if the key was found")) (ensure-hash-table v) (setf cur-ht v)) (store-value (v) :test (lambda (c) c (hash-table-p cur-ht)) :interactive read-evaluated-form :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Store a new value for ~S." key)) (ensure-hash-table v) (setf (gethash key cur-ht) v) (go start)))))))