Raw Blame History
(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0 ) (safety 3)) )

;;;; inangulis.lisp

(in-package #:inangulis)
(defparameter *submissions* nil)
(defparameter *by-distinct* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(defparameter *users* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
(defparameter *persist* t)

(defmacro cdr-assoc (&whole lis item alist &key key test test-not)
  `(cdr (assoc ,@(cdr lis))))

(defun str-assoc (param params &key (test #'equal) key)
  (cdr-assoc param params :test test :key key))

(defmacro setf1 (&body body)
  "Make setf a bit nicer"
  (list* 'setf (apply #'append body)))

;;; "inangulis" goes here. Hacks and glory await!

(defun current-date-string ()
  "Returns current date as a string."
  (local-time:format-timestring nil (local-time:now) 
                                :format local-time:+rfc-1123-format+))

(defclass user ()
  ((uid :initarg :uid)
   (email :initarg :email)
   (name :initarg :name)
   (moderator :initarg :moderator :initform nil)))

(defun user-alist (user)
  (with-slots (email name moderator) user
    `(("name" . ,name)
      ("email" . ,email)
      ("moderator" . ,moderator))))

(defmethod print-object ((obj user) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t :identity t)
    (with-slots (uid email name moderator) obj
      (format s "U: ~s E: ~s N: ~s M: ~s" uid email name moderator))))

(defun make-submission (headline url &key (approved ""))
  (alet 'inangulis.tables:submission
    (make-instance it :headline headline :url url :approved approved :date (current-date-string))))

(defun submission-alist (submission)
  `(("headline". ,(s-headline submission))
    ("url" . ,(s-url submission))
    ("date" . ,(s-url submission))
    ("approved" . ,(s-approved submission))))

(defun get-by-key (headline url)
  (car (postmodern:select-dao 'inangulis.tables::submission (:and (:= 'headline headline) (:= 'url url)))))

(defun alist-submission (alist &key nil-if-exists)
  (let* ((headline (cdr-assoc :headline alist :test #'string-equal))
         (url (cdr-assoc :url alist :test #'string-equal))
         (approved (or (cdr-assoc :approved alist :test #'string-equal) ""))   
         (result (make-submission headline url :approved approved)))
    (with-slots ((headline inangulis.tables:headline) (url inangulis.tables:url)) result
      (aif (get-by-key headline url)
        (unless nil-if-exists it)

(defun get-moderated (feeds)
  (remove-if (lambda (x) (not (equal x "approved"))) feeds :key #'s-approved))

(defparameter *app* (make-instance 'ningle:<app>))

(defmacro i-defun (name (&rest args) &body body)
  `(defun ,name (,@args)
     (declare (ignorable ,@(loop for x in args
                                 if (not (char= (elt (symbol-name x) 0) #\&))
                                 collect x)))

(defmacro i-lambda ((&rest args) &body body)
  `(lambda (,@args)
     (declare (ignorable ,@args))

(defun render-mustache (fn data)
  (with-open-file (s (truename fn))
    (let ((template (make-string (file-length s))))
      (read-sequence template s)
      (mustache:render* template data))))

(defmacro with-db (&body b)
  `(postmodern:with-connection (ubiquitous:value 'db)

(defmacro with-submissions (&body b)
     (let ((*submissions* (postmodern:select-dao 'inangulis.tables::submission t "date desc")))

(setf (ningle:route *app* "/")
      (flet ((render-index (&optional user)
               (render-mustache #p"static/index.mustache.html"
                                  `(:links . ,(mapcar #'submission-alist *submissions*))
                                  (when user
                                      `(:user . ,(user-alist user))))))))
        (i-lambda (params)
            (ningle.context:with-context-variables (session)
                  (cl-oid-connect.utils:redirect-if-necessary session
                    (render-index (gethash :app-user session))))
                (cl-oid-connect.utils:user-not-logged-in (c) (render-index))))))))

(defun submit (params)
    (awhen (alist-submission params :nil-if-exists t)
      (postmodern:insert-dao it)
      (push it *submissions*))))

(defun get-feed-guid (item)
  (with-slots (alimenta:title alimenta:link) item
    (let ((hasher (ironclad:make-digest 'ironclad:sha256)))
      (ironclad:update-digest hasher (ironclad:ascii-string-to-byte-array alimenta:title))
      (ironclad:update-digest hasher (ironclad:ascii-string-to-byte-array alimenta:link))
      (ironclad:byte-array-to-hex-string (ironclad:produce-digest hasher)))))

;; View Controllers
(i-defun murmur (params)
  (sleep 0.01)
  (submit params)
  '(302 (:location "/") ("Done")))

(i-defun curate (params)
    (let ((*submissions* (postmodern:select-dao 'inangulis.tables::submission t "date desc")))
        (alet (alist-submission params)
          (let ((approval (string-downcase (str-assoc "approved" params :test #'equalp))))
            (setf (s-approved it)
                  (if (equal approval "+") "approved"
                    (if (equal approval "-") "rejected")))
            (when *persist*
              (postmodern:update-dao it)))))))
  '(302 (:location "/") ("Done")))

(i-defun login-page (params)
  `(200 ()
    (,(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (s)
            (:title "Login")
            (:link :rel "stylesheet" :href "/static/css/login.css"))
            (:h1 "In Angulis")
            (:div :class "login-buttons"
             (:a :class "facebook" :href "/login/facebook" "Login With Facebook"))))))))

(i-defun logout (params)
  (ningle:with-context-variables (session)
    (setf (gethash :userinfo session) nil)
    '(302 (:location "/"))))

(i-defun get-feed (params &key moderated)
  (let ((feed (alimenta::make-feed :title "In Angulis" :link ""
                                   :description "Locus in quo sunt illi qui murmurant in angulis")))
      (pomo:do-select-dao (('inangulis.tables::submission submission)
                           (:raw (if moderated (pomo:sql (:= 'approved "approved")) "'t'"))
                           (:desc 'date))
        (alimenta::add-item-to-feed feed
                                    :title (s-headline submission)
                                    :link (s-url submission)
                                    :date (s-date submission)
                                    :next-id #'get-feed-guid
                                    :content "")))
    `(200 (:content-type "application/rss+xml") (,(plump:serialize (alimenta:generate-xml feed) nil)))))

(setf1 ((ningle:route *app* "/feed" :method :GET) (lambda (params) (get-feed params :moderated t)))
       ((ningle:route *app* "/firehose" :method :GET) #'get-feed)
       ((ningle:route *app* "/login" :method :GET) #'login-page)
       ((ningle:route *app* "/curo" :method :POST) #'curate)
       ((ningle:route *app* "/murmuro" :method :POST) #'murmur)
       ((ningle:route *app* "/logout" :method :POST) #'logout)) 

(cl-oid-connect::setup-oid-connect *app* (userinfo &rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))
  (let ((id (cdr (assoc :id userinfo))))
    (unless (gethash id *users*)
      (setf (gethash id *users*)
            (alet (make-instance 'user)
              (with-slots (uid name email) it
                (prog1 it
                  (setf uid id
                        name (cdr (assoc :name userinfo))
                        email (cdr (assoc :email userinfo))))))))
    (gethash id *users*)))

(let ((handler nil))
  (ubiquitous:restore :inangulis)
  (defun stop () (clack:stop (pop handler)))

  (defun start (&optional tmp)
      (ubiquitous:value 'facebook 'secrets)
      (ubiquitous:value 'google 'secrets))
    (let ((server (if (> (length tmp) 1)
                    (intern (string-upcase (elt tmp 1)) 'keyword)
      (push (clack:clackup
              (funcall clack-errors:*clack-error-middleware*
                         (:static :path "/static/" :root #p"./static/")
                       :debug (ubiquitous:defaulted-value t 'debug))
              :port 9090
              :server server)

  (defun restart-clack ()
    (do () ((null handler)) (stop))