 Simple command line utility to query the Index Thomisticus hosted on Corpus Thomisticum
 and display the results.
 # Installation:
 To install from source:
 - Get sbcl: [](
 - Get quicklisp: [](
 - Get buildapp: `sbcl --eval '(ql:quickload :buildapp)' --eval '(buildapp:build-buildapp)' --exit`
 - Build this project: ``` ./buildapp  --load ~/quicklisp/setup.lisp --eval '(push (truename #p".")
   asdf:*central-registry*)' --load-system `basename $PWD` --entry `basename $PWD`::main --output `basename
   $PWD` --compress-core  ```
 # Usage:
 ./it-lookup '=ordo' '=dicit'
 This form displays the results for the query '=ordo =dicit' and prompts for further commands or queries.
 Note that, if you use any of the search operators supported by corpus thomisticum, you probably should 
 quote the query: i.e. not `./it-lookup =ordo =dicit` but either `./it-lookup '=ordo' '=dicit'` or
 `./it-lookup '=ordo =dicit'`
 This just prompts for commands or queries.
 When at the `Query?` prompt, `next` will bring up the next page of results. `prev` brings up the previous
 page of results. `quit` exits. and anything else is submitted as a query to Corpus Thomisticum.