Raw Blame History
(in-package #:jira-api) 

; curl -u user:password | jq .
(defparameter *endpoint* "")

(defun api-get-call (auth method &rest parameters)
  "Connect to a GET REST endpoint specified by method and return a stream from
   which the response can be read."
  (let ((drakma:*text-content-types* (acons "application" "json" drakma:*text-content-types*)))
    (drakma:http-request (puri:merge-uris method *endpoint*)
                         :parameters (alexandria:plist-alist parameters)
                         :basic-authorization auth
                         :want-stream t)))

(defun api-post-call (auth method post-data)
  "Connect to a GET REST endpoint specified by method and return a stream from
   which the response can be read."
  (let ((drakma:*text-content-types* (acons "application" "json" drakma:*text-content-types*)))
    (drakma:http-request (puri:merge-uris method *endpoint*)
                         :method :POST
                         :content-type "application/json"
                         :content post-data
                         :basic-authorization auth
                         :want-stream t)))