const before_qualifier = Symbol.for('before'); const after_qualifier = Symbol.for('after'); const around_qualifier = Symbol.for('around'); let genfun_prototype = { name: "(placeholder)", lambda_list: [], methods: [], method(qualifiers, specializers, body) { ensure_method(this, this.lambda_list, qualifiers, specializers, body) return this; }, primary(specializers, body) { return this.method([], specializers, body); }, before(specializers, body) { return this.method([before_qualifier], specializers, body); }, after(specializers, body) { return this.method([after_qualifier], specializers, body); }, around(specializers, body) { return this.method([around_qualifier], specializers, body); }, get fn() { const gf = this; const lambda = (function() { return apply_generic_function(gf, []; }).bind(gf); return Object.defineProperties(lambda, { 'name': {value:}, 'lambda_list': {value: gf.lambda_list}, 'gf': {value: gf}, }); } }; function GenericFunction(name, lambda_list) { if (! (this instanceof GenericFunction) ) { return new GenericFunction(...arguments); } = name; this.lambda_list = lambda_list; this.methods = []; } GenericFunction.prototype = Object.create(genfun_prototype); export function defgeneric(name, ...argument_names) { return GenericFunction(name, argument_names); } let method_prototype = { lambda_list: [], qualifiers: [], specializrs: [], body() { throw new Error('Unimplemented'); }, environment: {}, generic_function: {}, }; function StandardMethod( lambda_list, qualifiers, specializers, body ) { if (! (this instanceof StandardMethod) ) { return new StandardMethod(...arguments); } this.lambda_list = lambda_list; this.qualifiers = qualifiers; this.specializers = specializers; this.body = body; this.generic_function = null; } function ensure_method(gf, lambda_list, qualifiers, specializers, body) { let new_method = StandardMethod(...[], 1)); add_method(gf, new_method); return new_method; } function add_method(gf, method) { method.generic_function = gf; gf.methods.push(method); return method; } function classes_of(args) { return; } const required_portion = x => x; function apply_generic_function(gf, args) { let applicable_methods = compute_applicable_methods_using_classes(gf, required_portion(args)); if (applicable_methods.length === 0) { throw new Error(`no applicable methods for gf ${} with args ${JSON.stringify(args)}`); } else { return apply_methods(gf, args, applicable_methods); } } function method_more_specific_p(m1, m2, required_classes) { const m1specializers = m1.specializers; const m2specializers = m2.specializers; for (let [spec1, spec2] of, idx) => [el, m2specializers[idx]])) { if (spec1 !== spec2) { return sub_specializer_p(spec1, spec2); } } } function sub_specializer_p(c1, c2) { return c1.isPrototypeOf(c2); } const idS = Symbol.for('id'); Object.prototype[idS] = function () { return this }; export function matchesSpecializer(obj, specializer) { let result = obj === specializer.prototype; let objType = typeof obj; if (!result && objType === 'object') { result =, obj); } else if (objType === 'number') { result = matchesSpecializer(Number.prototype, specializer) || matchesSpecializer(specializer.prototype, Number); } else if (objType === 'string') { result = matchesSpecializer(String.prototype, specializer) || matchesSpecializer(specializer.prototype, String); } return result; } function compute_applicable_methods_using_classes(gf, required_classes) { const applicable_methods = gf.methods.filter( method => method.specializers.every((specializer, idx) => matchesSpecializer(required_classes[idx], specializer)) ); applicable_methods.sort((a,b) => { if (method_more_specific_p(a,b)) { return 1; } if (method_more_specific_p(b,a)) { return -1; } return 0; }) return applicable_methods; } function arr_eq(a1, a2) { if (a1.length !== a2.length) { return false; } else { for (let x = 0; x < a1.length; x++) { if (a1[x] instanceof Array && a2[x] instanceof Array) { if (!arr_eq(a1[x], a2[x])) { return false; } } else if (a1[x] !== a2[x]) { return false; } } return true; } } const primary_method_p = method => method instanceof WrappedMethod || method.qualifiers.length === 0; const before_method_p = method => !(method instanceof WrappedMethod) && arr_eq(method.qualifiers, [before_qualifier]); const after_method_p = method => !(method instanceof WrappedMethod) && arr_eq(method.qualifiers, [after_qualifier]); const around_method_p = method => !(method instanceof WrappedMethod) && arr_eq(method.qualifiers, [around_qualifier]); function WrappedMethod(continuation) { this.continuation = continuation; } function apply_methods(gf, args, applicable_methods) { const primaries = applicable_methods.filter(primary_method_p); const befores = applicable_methods.filter(before_method_p); const arounds = applicable_methods.filter(around_method_p); const afters = applicable_methods.filter(after_method_p); afters.reverse(); const main_call = Object.defineProperty( function() { if (primaries.length === 0) { throw new Error(`No primary method for ${}`); } for (let before of befores) { apply_method(before, args, []); } try { return apply_method(primaries[0], args, primaries.slice(1)); } finally { for (let after of afters) { apply_method(after, args, []); } } }, 'name', {value: `main_call_${}`}, ); if (arounds.length === 0) { return main_call(); } else { const wrapped_main_call = new WrappedMethod(main_call); const next_methods = arounds.slice(1).concat([wrapped_main_call]); return apply_method(arounds[0], args, next_methods); } } function apply_method(method, args, next_methods) { const method_context = { call_next_method(...cnm_args) { if (next_methods.length === 0) { throw new Error(`no next method for genfun ${}`); } return method instanceof WrappedMethod ? method.continuation() : apply_methods(method.generic_function, cnm_args.length > 0 ? cnm_args : args, next_methods); }, get next_method_p() { return next_methods.length === 0 } }; return method.body ? method.body.bind(method_context)(...args) : method.continuation(); }