Raw Blame History

This file describes the Lisp utilities available in the "GARNET-UTILS" package.
These utilities are supposed to be general-purpose (ie, Garnet-independent).
While we hope that they are efficient and bug-free, we cannot make any
guarantees -- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!  Finally, if you find any improvements
or reasonable additions to these utilities, we very much welcome your input.
Please send mail to "garnet-bugs@CS.CMU.EDU".

The rest of this file first lists and then  describes all of the exported
functions in the "GARNET-UTILS" package, listed in alphabetical order.
If you add new entries, please follow the established format.

                       ;;  Utils List  ;;

add-to-list  (element list &optional where locator)
do2lists     ((var1 list1 var2 list2) &rest body)
dolist2      ((var1 var2 list) &rest body)
m            (s-expr)
m1           (s-expr)
string+      (&rest args)
until        (test &rest body)
while        (test &rest body)

                   ;;  Utils Descriptions  ;;

add-to-list (element list &optional where locator)

          This adds <element> to <list> according to the <where>/<locator>
          specification according to the rules described in Garnet's
          Opal manual for "add-component".  This can modify destructively.
          Ex: (add-to-list element list)
              (add-to-list element list :head) ; or use :front instead of :head
              (add-to-list element list :tail) ; or use :back  instead of :tail
              (add-to-list element list :before other-element)
              (add-to-list element list :after other-element)

do2lists ((var1 list1 var2 list2 &key either?) &rest body)

          This is identical to "dolist", except that it iterates over TWO
          lists, on each iteration binding <var1> to the first element of
          <list1> and <var2> to the first element of <list2>.  The default
          behavior is to exit when *BOTH* lists are empty, but if you specify
          "either?" as T, then it exits when EITHER list is empty.
          Ex:  (do2lists (parent parents child children)
                  (s-value child :parent parent))

dolist2 ((var1 var2 list) &rest body)

          This is identical to "dolist", except that it iterates TWO
          variables over the list, on each iteration binding <var1> to
          the first element and <var2> to the second element.
          Ex:  (dolist2 (slot value '(:left 20 :top 30))
                 (s-value object slot value))

m (s-expr)

          This is identical to "macroexpand", except that it does not require
          you to quote the expression, and it pretty-prints the output.
          Ex: (m (while my-test my-body))

m1 (s-expr)

          This is to "macroexpand-1" as "m" is to "macroexpand".
          Ex: (m1 (while my-test my-body))

string+ (&rest args)

          String summation -- that is, concatenate the strings together.
          Ex: (string+ "This" " is " "neat!")

until (test &rest body)

          Execute <body> repeatedly until <test> returns non-NIL.
          Ex:  (let ((x 0)) (until (< x 10) (princ (incf x))))

while (test &rest body)

          While <test> returns non-NIL, repeatedly execute <body>.
          Ex:  (let ((x 0)) (while (< x 10) (princ (incf x))))