Raw Blame History
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: GARNET-UTILS; Base: 10 -*-

;; The Garnet User Interface Development Environment.
;; This code was written as part of the Garnet project at Carnegie
;; Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;; by David S. Kosbie

;; Host of Lisp utilities used by other Garnet code.

(in-package :garnet-utils)

(defvar *debug-utils-mode* t)

(defconstant pi/2 (/ pi 2))
(defconstant pi3/2 (* 3 (/ pi 2)))
(defconstant 2PI (* 2 PI))
(defconstant -2PI (- (* 2 PI)))
(defconstant short-PI (coerce PI 'short-float))

(defmacro while (test &rest body)
  "Loop while test is true. If already not true, don't loop at all."
  `(do ()
     ((not ,test))

(defmacro till (test &body body)
  "Loop until test is true. If already true, don't loop at all."
  `(do ()

;; Original Garnet version (loops at least once).
(defmacro until (test &body body)
  "Loop until test is true. Loops at least once."
  `(loop ,@body
      (when ,test (return))))

(defmacro do2lists ((var1 list1 var2 list2 &key either?) &rest body)
 (let ((list1var  (gensym))
       (list2var  (gensym))
       (done-test (if either? 'and 'or)))
  `(let ((,list1var ,list1)
         (,list2var ,list2)
         ,var1 ,var2)
      (while (,done-test ,list1var ,list2var)
        (setq ,var1 (car ,list1var))
        (setq ,var2 (car ,list2var))
        (setq ,list1var (cdr ,list1var))
        (setq ,list2var (cdr ,list2var))

(defmacro dolist2 ((var1 var2 list) &rest body)
  (let ((listvar (gensym)))
  `(let ((,listvar ,list) ,var1 ,var2)
     (while ,listvar
       (setq ,var1 (car ,listvar))
       (setq ,var2 (cadr ,listvar))
       (setq ,listvar (cddr ,listvar))

(defmacro m (s-expr)
  `(pprint (macroexpand (quote ,s-expr))))

(defmacro m1 (s-expr)
  `(pprint (macroexpand-1 (quote ,s-expr))))

(defmacro string+ (&rest args) `(concatenate 'string ,@args))

(defun add-to-list (element list &optional where locator)
  "Add-to-list legal invocations:
     (add-to-list element list)
     (add-to-list element list :head) (or :front)
     (add-to-list element list :tail) (or :back)
     (add-to-list element list :before other-element)
     (add-to-list element list :after other-element)"
 (let  ((new-cons (list element))
   (if (null list)
       (setq result new-cons)
       (case where
         ((:head :front NIL)
          (setq result (cons element list)))
          (if (eq (first list) locator)
              (setq result (cons element list))
              (do ((cons1 list (cdr cons1))
                   (cons2 (cdr list) (cdr cons2)))
                  ((null cons2))
                (when (eq (first cons2) locator)
                  (setf (cdr new-cons) cons2)
                  (setf (cdr cons1) new-cons)
                  (setq result list)
          (do ((cons1 list (cdr cons1))
               (cons2 (cdr list) (cdr cons2)))
              ((null cons1))
            (when (eq (first cons1) locator)
              (setf (cdr new-cons) cons2)
              (setf (cdr cons1) new-cons)
              (setq result list)
 (unless result
   (setf (cdr (last list)) new-cons)
   (setq result list))

;; Verify-Binding implementation
;; Keep --- a demo uses this
(defun verify-binding (string)
  "Takes a string and returns the symbol coercion of the string if the
   symbol is bound.  Note: The suffix of the string is converted to
   all uppercase characters before checking if it is bound in the
  (let ((result-1 (verify-binding-aux string 0)))
    (if result-1
        (let* ((colon-p (first result-1))
               (prefix (second result-1))
               (symbol-1 (values (read-from-string prefix)))
               (index (third result-1)))
          (if colon-p
              ;; Then symbol-1 indicates a package name
              (when (find-package symbol-1)
                ;; Then symbol-1 is a valid package name
                (let ((result-2 (verify-binding-aux string (+ 1 index))))
                  (when result-2
                    ;; Then suffix indicates a var in the package symbol-1
                    (let* ((suffix (string-upcase (second result-2)))
                           (access-internal-p (fourth result-2)))
                          #'(lambda (symbol-2 access)
                              (if symbol-2
                                  (if (or (eq access :external)
                                      ;; verify that symbol-2 is not a function
                                      (when (boundp symbol-2)
                                        (values (read-from-string string)))
                        (find-symbol suffix symbol-1))))))
              ;; Then symbol indicates a var in the working package
              (when (and (not (numberp symbol-1)) (boundp symbol-1)) symbol-1))))))

(defun verify-binding-aux (string start)
  "Split the string at the colon(s) to return either the package name
   or the symbol name if called where the first character is a colon."
  (let ((str-len (length string)))
    (when (> str-len start)
      ;; Skip second colon if there is a double colon between package and var
      (let ((access-internal-p (when (and (char= (char string start) #\:)
                                          (/= start 0))
                                 (incf start))))
        ;; Abort if a special character begins the string
        (unless (or (char= (char string start) #\:)
                    (char= (char string start) #\#))
          ;; Return the part of the string up to but not including the colon
          ;; and the index of the last character checked
          ;; FMG --- Just use lisp utilities to do this stuff.
          (let* ((colon (position #\: string :start start :test #'char=))
                 (new-string (subseq string start colon)))
            (list (not (null colon))
                  (or colon (1- str-len))

(defun safe-functionp (fn)
  (or (functionp fn)
      (and (symbolp fn) (fboundp fn))))

(defun directory-p (pathname)
  (cl-fad:directory-exists-p pathname))

(defmacro str (&rest rest)
  `(concatenate 'string ,@rest))