Raw Blame History
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: KR; Base: 10 -*-

;;          The Garnet User Interface Development Environment.       ;;
;;  This code was written as part of the Garnet project at           ;;
;;  Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public    ;;
;;  domain.                                                          ;;

;;; $Id::                                                             $

(in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")

(defvar *debug-kr-mode* t)

(in-package :kr)

(defparameter *kr-version* "2.3.4")

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defparameter *special-kr-optimization*
    '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 0) (debug 0))))

;; This enables the eager-evaluation version.
;;  Currently turned off.

;;;     (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
;;;       (unless (find :lazy *features*)
;;;         (pushnew :eager *features*)))

;;; Internal structures.

;; The internal representation of a schema is as a structure, where the
;; <name> slot holds the name (or internal number) of the schema and the
;; <slots> slot holds a p-list of slot names and slot values.
(defstruct (schema (:predicate is-schema)
                   (:print-function print-the-schema))
  name      ; the schema name, or a number
  bins      ; bins of lists of slots

;;;    (ts (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
;;;      (schema-bins a)) 100000)

;;;     (defun foo (object)
;;;        (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
;;;        (schema-bins object)))

;; Returns T if the <obj> is a schema which was not destroyed.
(declaim (inline schema-p))
(defun schema-p (obj)
  (locally (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
    (and (is-schema obj)
	 ;; make sure it's not a formula, and it's not deleted.
	 (hash-table-p (schema-bins obj))

;; This structure is similar to a schema, but is used to store formulas.
;; It prints out with an F instead of an S, and it uses the same positions for
;; different functions.
(defstruct (a-formula (:include schema) (:print-function print-the-schema))
  number			   ; valid/invalid bit, and sweep mark.  Actually stored in the
				   ; structure slot "a-formula-bins", inherited from schema.
  depends-on			   ; list of schemata on which this function depends (or single
				   ; schema if there is only one)
  schema			   ; schema on which this formula is installed
  slot				   ; slot on which this formula is installed
  cached-value			   ; the cached value
  path				   ; holds cached paths
  is-a				   ; parent formula, if any
  function			   ; executable formula function
  lambda			   ; the original lambda expression, if applicable
  is-a-inv			   ; list of formulas that inherit from this one
  meta				   ; NIL, or a KR schema that contains meta-information
  priority			   ; formula's position in topological order
  bits				   ; contains the valid/invalid, visited/not-visited,
				   ; renumbered/not-renumbered, eval-q/not-eval-q, and
				   ; cycle/non-cycle bits, as well as a count of the number
				   ; of times the formula has been evaluated
  dfnumber			   ; number assigned by depth-first search
  lowlink			   ; lowest dfnumber of a node that this formula is linked to

;; The value in a slot is represented as a structure of this type.
(defstruct (sl (:print-function print-the-slot))
  (bits 0 :type fixnum))

;; This is similar; it includes room to store dependent formulas.
(defstruct (full-sl (:include sl))
  ;; demons

;;; Variables, etc.

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defvar *store-lambdas* T
    "If NIL, lambda expressions are not stored in formulas"))

(defvar *types-enabled* T
  "Set to T to enable type checking on s-value and formula reevaluation")

(defvar *warning-on-create-schema* T
  "If nil, no warning is printed when create-schema is redefining an existing

(defvar *warning-on-circularity* nil
  "Set this to NIL to prevent warning when a circularity is detected.")

(defvar *warning-on-evaluation* nil
  "If non-NIL, a warning is printed every time a formula is reevaluated.
  This may be useful during debugging.")

(defvar *warning-on-null-link* NIL
  "If non-NIL, a warning is printed when a null link is evaluated inside a
  GV (or GVL) within a formula.  This is the case when the stale value of the
  formula is reused.")

(defvar *warning-on-disconnected-formula* T
  "If nil, no warning is printed when propagate-change sees a disconnected

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defvar *print-new-instances* T))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defmacro a-local-only-slot (slot)
    `(eq ,slot :is-a-inv)))

(defvar *setting-formula-p* nil
  "Set to T only when we are setting a slot with a formula")

(defvar *within-g-value* nil
  "Set to non-nil within a sub-formula evaluation")

(declaim (fixnum *sweep-mark*))
(defvar *sweep-mark* 0
  "Used as a sweep mark to detect circularities")

(defvar *demons-disabled* nil
  "May be bound to T to cause demons NOT to be executed when a slot is set.
  If the value is a single value, or a list, ")

(defvar *constants-disabled* NIL
  "May be bound to NIL to cause constant declarations to be ignore in

(defvar *redefine-ok* NIL
  "May be bound to T to allow create-instance to redefine slots that were
  declare constant in the prototype.")

(defvar *pre-set-demon* nil
  "May be bound to a function to be called as a slot is set in a schema
  with the slots new-value.")

(defvar *slot-setter-debug* nil
  "May be bound to a function of three arguments for debugging situations
   in which it is important to know when a slot is being set, either
   indirectly of via formula re-evaluation.  The function is called with
   the object, the slot name, and the new value.")

(defvar *schema-self* nil
  "The schema being acted upon by the accessor functions.")

(defvar *schema-slot* nil
  "The slot in *schema-self* being acted upon by the accessor functions.")

(defvar *current-formula* nil
  "The formula being acted upon by the accessor functions.")

(defvar *last-formula* nil
  "Similar to *current-formula*, used for debugging only.")

(defvar *inheritance-relations* '()
  "All relations in this list perform inheritance.")

(defvar *inheritance-inverse-relations* '()
  "Inverses of all relations which perform inheritance.")

(defvar *relations* '()
  "An a-list of relations known to the system, with their inverse(s).
   Used for the creation of automatic reverse-links.")

;; FMG Make formula-reuse SMP safe. Don't like the heavy
;; conditionalization here, but where else to put it?

(defvar *formula-pool* nil)

(defvar *formula-lock* (bordeaux-threads:make-lock))

(defun formula-push (f)
  (bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held  (*formula-lock*)
    (push f *formula-pool*)))

(defun formula-pop ()
  (bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held (*formula-lock*)
    (and *formula-pool* (pop *formula-pool*))))

(defvar *schema-is-new* nil
  "If non-nil, we are inside the creation of a new schema.  This guarantees
  that we do not have to search for inverse links when creating relations,
  and avoids the need to scan long is-a-inv lists.")

(defvar *print-as-structure* T
  "If non-nil, schema names are printed as structure references.")

(defvar *print-structure-slots* nil
  "List of slots that should be printed when printing schemata as structures.")

(defparameter *no-value* '(:no-value)
  "A cons cell which is used to mark the value of non-existent slots.")

(declaim (fixnum *schema-counter*))
(defvar *schema-counter* 0
  "This variable is used to generate schema numbers for schemata that
  are created with (create-schema NIL).")

(declaim (fixnum *type-bits* *type-mask* *inherited-bit*
		 *is-parent-bit* *is-constant-bit* *is-update-slot-bit*
		 *is-local-only-slot-bit* *is-parameter-slot-bit*))
(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
  (defparameter *type-bits* 10)  ;; # of bits for encoding type

  (defparameter *type-mask* (1- (expt 2 *type-bits*))) ;; to extract type

  ;; bit is 1 if slot contains inherited values, 0 for local values
  (defparameter *inherited-bit*          *type-bits*)
  ;; bit is 1 if any other schema inherited the value from here
  (defparameter *is-parent-bit*          (1+ *inherited-bit*))
  (defparameter *is-constant-bit*        (1+ *is-parent-bit*))
  (defparameter *is-update-slot-bit*     (1+ *is-constant-bit*))
  (defparameter *is-local-only-slot-bit* (1+ *is-update-slot-bit*))
  (defparameter *is-parameter-slot-bit*  (1+ *is-local-only-slot-bit*)))

(declaim (fixnum *local-mask* *constant-mask* *is-update-slot-mask*
		 *inherited-mask* *is-parent-mask* *clear-slot-mask*
		 *inherited-parent-mask* *not-inherited-mask*
		 *not-parent-mask* *not-parent-constant-mask*
(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
  (defparameter *local-mask* 0)
  (defparameter *constant-mask* (ash 1 *is-constant-bit*))
  (defparameter *is-update-slot-mask* (ash 1 *is-update-slot-bit*))
  (defparameter *inherited-mask* (ash 1 *inherited-bit*))
  (defparameter *is-parent-mask* (ash 1 *is-parent-bit*))

  (defparameter *clear-slot-mask*
    (logior *local-mask* *type-mask* *constant-mask* *is-update-slot-mask*))

  (defparameter *inherited-parent-mask*
    (logior *inherited-mask* *is-parent-mask*))
  (defparameter *not-inherited-mask* (lognot *inherited-mask*))
  (defparameter *not-parent-mask* (lognot *is-parent-mask*))
  (defparameter *not-parent-constant-mask*
    (lognot (logior *is-parent-mask* *constant-mask*)))

  (defparameter *all-bits-mask* (lognot *type-mask*)))

(defvar *check-constants* NIL
  "If T, first-time evaluation for the current formula.  Check whether it
   is a constant formula.")

(defvar *is-constant* T)

(defvar *accessed-slots* NIL
  "Tells whether any slot was accessed during formula evaluation")

(defvar *kr-send-self* nil
  "The current schema for kr-send.")

(defvar *kr-send-slot* nil
  "The current slot for kr-send.")

(defvar *kr-send-parent* nil
  "The schema from which the last prototype method was obtained.")

(defvar *create-schema-schema* nil
  "Name of the current object being defined by Create-Instance.  Used for
   debugging only.")


;;  Definitions of value-information bits.

(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
  ;; bit is 1 if formula is part of a cycle, 0 otherwise
  (defparameter *cycle-bit* 0)
  ;; bit is 1 if formula is on the evaluation queue, 0 otherwise
  (defparameter *eval-bit* 1)
  ;; bit is 1 if the formula has been visited during a depth-first
  ;; search, 0 otherwise
  (defparameter *visited-bit* 2)
  ;; bit is 1 if the formula's priority has been renumbered during the
  ;; renumbering of a cycle, 0 otherwise
  (defparameter *renumber-bit* 3)
  ;; count keeps track of how many times the formula has been evaluated and
  ;; is called the formula's timestamp
  (defparameter *fixed-bit* 4)
  ;; indicates if formula's value is fixed on this iteration of the constraint
  ;; solver and thus should not be reevaluated

  (defparameter *count-bit* 5)
  (defparameter *neg-count-bit* (- *count-bit*))

  ;;; Bits in a dependency structure.
  ;; bit is 1 if the dependency is part of a cycle, 0 otherwise
  (defparameter *cycle-edge-bit* 0)
  ;; the status of a dependency is indicated by a timestamp. if the
  ;; timestamp is greater than or equal to the timestamp in the dependency's
  ;; formula, the dependency is valid; otherwise the dependency is invalid
  (defparameter *status-bit* 1)
  (defparameter *neg-status-bit* (- *status-bit*)))

(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
  (defparameter *cycle-mask* (ash 1 *cycle-bit*))
  (defparameter *eval-mask* (ash 1 *eval-bit*))
  (defparameter *visited-mask* (ash 1 *visited-bit*))
  (defparameter *renumber-mask* (ash 1 *renumber-bit*))
  (defparameter *fixed-mask* (ash 1 *fixed-bit*))
  (defparameter *count-mask* (ash 1 *count-bit*))
  (defparameter *status-mask* (ash 1 *status-bit*))
  (defparameter *cycle-edge-mask* (ash 1 *cycle-edge-bit*)))

(defvar *eval-queue* nil
  "Contains formulas to be evaluated")

(defvar *eval-count* 0
  "Number of times propagate has been called")

(defvar *not-within-propagate* t
  "Set to nil within propagate")

(defvar *do-not-eval-list* nil
  "Contains a list of formulas that should not be evaluated during an
  iteration of the constraint solver")

;; types of evaluation--normal, in a cycle, or evaluation of a new formula
(defvar *eval-type* :normal)

(defmacro set-cycle-bit (formula value)
  `(setf (a-formula-bits ,formula)
	 (if ,value
	     (logior (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,*cycle-mask*)
	     (logand (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,(lognot *cycle-mask*)))))

(defmacro set-eval-bit (formula value)
  `(setf (a-formula-bits ,formula)
	 ,(if value
	      `(logior (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,*eval-mask*)
	      `(logand (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,(lognot *eval-mask*)))))

(defmacro set-visited-bit (formula value)
  `(setf (a-formula-bits ,formula)
	 ,(if value
	      `(logior (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,*visited-mask*)
	      `(logand (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,(lognot *visited-mask*)))))

(defmacro set-valid-bit (formula value)
  `(if ,value
       (setf (a-formula-valid ,formula) (1- *eval-count*))
       (setf (a-formula-valid ,formula) *eval-count*)))

(defmacro set-renumber-bit (formula value)
  `(setf (a-formula-bits ,formula)
	 ,(if value
	      `(logior (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,*renumber-mask*)
	      `(logand (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,(lognot *renumber-mask*)))))

(defmacro set-fixed-bit (formula value)
  `(setf (a-formula-bits ,formula)
	 ,(if value
	      `(logior (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,*fixed-mask*)
	      `(logand (a-formula-bits ,formula) ,(lognot *fixed-mask*)))))

(defmacro prev-priority (index)
  `(aref *prev-priority-array* ,index))

(defmacro succ-priority (index)
  `(aref *succ-priority-array* ,index))

(defmacro priority-value (index)
  `(car (aref *priority-array* ,index)))

(defmacro priority-<=-p (p1 p2)
  `(<= (priority-value ,p1) (priority-value ,p2)))

(defmacro priority-<-p (p1 p2)
  `(< (priority-value ,p1) (priority-value ,p2)))

(defmacro priority-=-p (p1 p2)
  `(= ,p1 ,p2))

(defmacro priority->-p (p1 p2)
  `(> (priority-value ,p1) (priority-value ,p2)))

(defmacro priority->=-p (p1 p2)
  `(>= (priority-value ,p1) (priority-value ,p2)))

(defmacro min-priority (p1 p2)
  `(if (priority-<=-p ,p1 ,p2)

(defmacro max-priority (p1 p2)
  `(if (priority->=-p ,p1 ,p2)

(defmacro dolist-test-elim ((list-var list test) &body body)
  `(let ((dotest-prev ,list))
     (do ((list-vars ,list list-vars)) ; loop control handled in loop
	 ((null list-vars) ,list)
       (let ((,list-var (car list-vars)))
	 (if ,test
	       ; update the loop variables
	       (setf dotest-prev list-vars)
	       (setf list-vars (cdr list-vars)))
	     ; if element does not meet test, remove it from the list
	     (if (eq list-vars ,list) ; if front of list
		   (pop list-vars)
		   (setf ,list list-vars)
		   (setf dotest-prev list-vars))
		   (pop (cdr dotest-prev))
		   (setf list-vars (cdr dotest-prev)))))))))

(defmacro dolist-test ((list-var list test) &body body)
  `(do ((list-vars ,list (cdr list-vars)))
      ((null list-vars))
    (let ((,list-var (car list-vars)))
      (when ,test

;;; Low-level slot access

;; Replace these macros with inline functions.

;; (defmacro deleted-p (schema)
;;   `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
;;      (null (schema-bins ,schema))))

;; (defmacro not-deleted-p (schema)
;;   `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
;;      (schema-bins ,schema)))

;; (defmacro is-inherited (bits)
;;   `(logbitp ,*inherited-bit* ,bits))

;; (defmacro is-parent (bits)
;;   `(logbitp ,*is-parent-bit* ,bits))

;; (defmacro is-constant (bits)
;;   `(logbitp ,*is-constant-bit* ,bits))

;; (defmacro is-update-slot (bits)
;;   `(logbitp ,*is-update-slot-bit* ,bits))

;; (defmacro set-is-update-slot (bits)
;;   `(logior ,*is-update-slot-mask* ,bits))

;; (defmacro is-local-only (bits)
;;   `(logbitp ,*is-local-only-slot-bit* ,bits))

;; (defmacro is-parameter (bits)
;;   `(logbitp ,*is-parameter-slot-bit* ,bits))

;; (defmacro extract-type-code (bits)
;;   `(logand ,*type-mask* ,bits))

;; (defmacro get-entry-type-code (entry)
;;   `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
;;      (extract-type-code (sl-bits ,entry))))

;; (defmacro code-to-type (type-code)
;;   `(svref types-array ,type-code))

;; (defmacro code-to-type-fn (type-code)
;;   `(svref type-fns-array ,type-code))

;; (defmacro code-to-type-doc (type-code)
;;   `(svref type-docs-array ,type-code))

;; (defmacro check-kr-type (value code)
;;   `(funcall (code-to-type-fn ,code) ,value))

;;; Macros.
;;  FMG Changed many of them to inline functions; tried to only leave macros
;;      that are somehow syntactic in nature.

;; This macro will output the <forms> only if GARNET-DEBUG is defined.
(defmacro when-debug (&rest forms)
  `(progn ,@forms)
  (declare (ignore forms))

(declaim (inline
	  formula-p deleted-p not-deleted-p is-inherited is-parent is-constant
	  is-update-slot set-is-update-slot is-local-only is-parameter
	  extract-type-code get-entry-type-code))

(defun formula-p (thing)
  (a-formula-p thing))

(defun deleted-p (schema)
  (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
  (null (schema-bins schema)))

(defun not-deleted-p (schema)
  (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
  (schema-bins schema))

(defun is-inherited (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logbitp *inherited-bit* bits))

(defun is-parent (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logbitp *is-parent-bit* bits))

(defun is-constant (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logbitp *is-constant-bit* bits))

(defun is-update-slot (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logbitp *is-update-slot-bit* bits))

(defun set-is-update-slot (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logior *is-update-slot-mask* bits))

(defun is-local-only (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logbitp *is-local-only-slot-bit* bits))

(defun is-parameter (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logbitp *is-parameter-slot-bit* bits))

(defun extract-type-code (bits)
  (declare (fixnum bits))
  (logand *type-mask* bits))

(defun get-entry-type-code (entry)
  (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
  (extract-type-code (sl-bits entry)))

;; Moved type functions to kr.lisp (to get rid of free variable warnings).

(define-condition kr-type-error (error)
  ((%message :initarg :message :reader kr-type-error-message)))

;; Create a new type, which can then be used for typechecking.
(defmacro def-kr-type (typename-or-type &optional args body type-doc)
  "Defines a new type for KR's type-checking mechanism.  You must define
a type using def-kr-type before you can reference that type.  There
are 2 formats for def-kr-type, one named, one un-named, as the following
examples show:

     (def-kr-type my-named-type () '(or keyword null))
     (def-kr-type '(or keyword null))

Note that the first format is the same syntax as Lisp's 'deftype'.
With either definition, you could then specify some object's type to be
 (OR KEYWORD NULL).  With the first defn, you could also specify the type
to be \"MY-NAMED-TYPE\".

You can also provide a documentation string as the last parameter, as in:
     (def-kr-type my-named-type () '(or keyword null) \"Sample doc string\")"

  (cond ((listp typename-or-type)
         (unless (eq (car typename-or-type) 'QUOTE)
           (error 'kr-type-error
                  :message (format nil "Illegal typename to def-kr-type: ~S" typename-or-type)))
         (unless (and (null args) (null body) (null type-doc))
           (error 'kr-type-error
                  :message (format nil "Illegal specification: (DEF-KR-TYPE ~S ~S ~S ~S)"
                                   typename-or-type args body type-doc)))
         (setq body typename-or-type)
         (setq typename-or-type NIL))
         (error 'kr-type-error
                :message (format nil "DEF-KR-TYPE only works with NULL args, not ~S~%" args)))
         (setq typename-or-type (symbol-name typename-or-type))))
  (setq body (eval body))
  `(add-new-type ,typename-or-type ',body ,(type-to-fn body) ,type-doc))

;;; List-or-value code
(defmacro memberq (item list)
  "Member, but with a test of EQ.  Interestingly, if 'item' is a keyword,
then it is faster to use the normal member fn!"
  (if (keywordp item)
  `(member ,item ,list)
  `(member ,item ,list :test #'eq)))

(defmacro assocq (item alist)
  "Assoc, but with a test of EQ."
  (if (keywordp item)
  `(assoc ,item ,alist)
  `(assoc ,item ,alist :test #'eq)))

(defmacro do-one-or-list ((var list &optional use-continue) &body body)
  "Execute the <body> on each element of the <list>, or only once if the
<list> is a single value."
  `(let* ((do-one-list ,list)
	  (,var (if (listp do-one-list) (car do-one-list) do-one-list)))
    (block nil
	 (if (null do-one-list)
	     (return-from nil nil))
       ,@(if use-continue
	 (if (not (listp do-one-list))
	     (return-from nil nil))
	 (setq do-one-list (cdr do-one-list)
	       ,var (car do-one-list))
	 (go again)))))

(defmacro push-one-or-list (item accessor-form &optional check-new-p)
  `(let ((current ,accessor-form))
    (if (null current)
      (setf ,accessor-form ,item)
      (if (listp current)
	,@(if check-new-p
	    `((if (not (member ,item current))
	      (setf ,accessor-form (cons ,item current))))
	    `((setf ,accessor-form (cons ,item current))))
	,@(if check-new-p
	    `((if (not (eq ,item current))
		(setf ,accessor-form (list ,item current))))
	    `((setf ,accessor-form (list ,item current))))))))

(defmacro delete-one-or-list (item accessor-form)
  `(let ((current ,accessor-form))
    (if (listp current)
      (setf ,accessor-form (delete ,item current))
      (if (eq ,item current)
	(setf ,accessor-form NIL)))))

(defmacro continue-out ()
  "Allow the current iteration of do-one-or-list to be terminated
  `(go endbody))

(declaim (inline get-dependent-formula))
(defun get-dependent-formula (dependency)
  "Returns the formula in a dependency."
  (car dependency))

(declaim (inline slot-dependents))
(defun slot-dependents (slot-structure)
  (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
  (let ((entry slot-structure))
    (when (full-sl-p entry)
      (full-sl-dependents entry))))

(declaim (inline slot-accessor))
(defun slot-accessor (schema slot)
  "Returns a slot structure, or NIL."
  (values (gethash slot (schema-bins schema))))

(defmacro set-slot-accessor (schema slot value bits dependents)
  "Returns the slot structure it created or modified.
SIDE EFFECTS: if <dependents> is specified, the slot structure is
modified to be a full-slot structure."
  (let ((the-bins (gensym))
	(the-entry (gensym))
	(the-dependents (gensym)))
    `(let* ((,the-bins (schema-bins ,schema))
	    (,the-entry (gethash ,slot ,the-bins))
	    (,the-dependents ,dependents))
       (if ,the-entry
	     (when (and ,the-dependents (not (full-sl-p ,the-entry)))
	       ;; Need to use a full slot, only have a short one.
	       (setf (gethash ,slot ,the-bins) (setf ,the-entry (make-full-sl)))
	       (setf (sl-name ,the-entry) ,slot))
	     ;; Slot is present - update it.
	     (setf (sl-value ,the-entry) ,value)
	     (setf (sl-bits ,the-entry) ,bits)
	     (when ,the-dependents
	       (setf (full-sl-dependents ,the-entry) ,the-dependents))
	   ;; Slot is not present - create it.
	     (setf ,the-entry (if ,the-dependents (make-full-sl) (make-sl)))
	     (setf (sl-name ,the-entry) ,slot)
	     (setf (sl-value ,the-entry) ,value)
	     (setf (sl-bits ,the-entry) ,bits)
	     (when ,the-dependents
	       (setf (full-sl-dependents ,the-entry) ,the-dependents))
	     (setf (gethash ,slot ,the-bins) ,the-entry))))))

;;; A few specialized accessors for formula slots.

;; The "bins" structure slot, which is defined by the <schema> defstruct, is
;; not used in formulas, so we reuse it to store the formula number.
;; XXX This unfortunately means that we can't properly declare the slot
;; as a fixnum since it gets set to nil when the formula is destroyed.
(defmacro a-formula-number (formula)
  `(the (or null fixnum) (a-formula-bins ,formula)))

(defmacro set-formula-number (formula value)
  `(setf (a-formula-number ,formula) ,value))

(defmacro on-schema (formula)
  `(a-formula-schema ,formula))

(defmacro on-slot (formula)
  `(a-formula-slot ,formula))

(defmacro cached-value (thing)
  `(a-formula-cached-value ,thing))

(defmacro cache-is-valid (thing)
  `(logbitp 0 (a-formula-number ,thing)))

(defmacro set-cache-is-valid (thing value)
  (if value
      `(set-formula-number ,thing (logior (a-formula-number ,thing) 1))
      `(set-formula-number ,thing
	(logand (a-formula-number ,thing) ,(lognot 1)))))

(defmacro cache-mark (thing)
  `(logand (a-formula-number ,thing) (lognot 1)))

(defmacro set-cache-mark (thing mark)
    (logior (logand (a-formula-number ,thing) 1) ,mark)))

;; This is a global because some of KR's internals want to access the
;; entry on which iterate-slot-value is working.
(defparameter iterate-slot-value-entry nil

;;; Iterators

(defmacro iterate-slot-value ((a-schema inherited everything check-formula-p)
			      &body body)
"Iterate the <body> for all the slots in the <schema>, with the variable
<slot> bound to each slot in turn and the variable <value> bound to
the <slot>'s value.
If <everything> is T, even slots which contain *no-value* (but with same
bit set) are used."
  `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
     (,@(if check-formula-p `(if (not (formula-p ,a-schema))) '(progn))
	 #'(lambda (iterate-ignored-slot-name iterate-slot-value-entry)
	     (declare (ignore iterate-ignored-slot-name))
	     (let ((slot (sl-name iterate-slot-value-entry)) ; name for the slot
		   (value (sl-value iterate-slot-value-entry)))
	       ;; This slot exists
	       ,@(if inherited
		     ;; Either local or inherited will do.
		     (if everything
			 ;; Execute on a no-value, too.
			 ;; Only execute on real values.
			 `((unless (eq value *no-value*)
		     ;; Make sure that the slot is not inherited.
		     `((unless (is-inherited (sl-bits iterate-slot-value-entry))
			 ,@(if everything
			       `((unless (eq value *no-value*)
	 (schema-bins ,a-schema))

;; (defmacro iterate-slot-value ((a-schema inherited everything check-formula-p)
;;			      &body body)
;;   `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
;;     (,@(if check-formula-p `(if (not (formula-p ,a-schema))) '(progn))
;;      (print ,a-schema))))

(defmacro doslots ((slot-var a-schema &optional inherited) &body body)
"Executes the <body> with <slot> bound in turn to each slot in the <schema>."
  `(iterate-slot-value (,a-schema ,inherited NIL NIL)
     (let ((,slot-var slot))

(declaim (inline get-local-value))
(defun get-local-value (schema slot)
  (locally (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
    (let ((entry (slot-accessor schema slot)))
      (if (if entry (not (is-inherited (sl-bits entry))))
	  (sl-value entry)))))

;; Compatibility only!
(declaim (inline get-local-values))
(defun get-local-values (schema slot)
  (get-local-value schema slot))

(defmacro expand-accessor (accessor-function schema &rest slots)
"EXPAND-ACCESSOR is used by macros such as GV or G-VALUE, which can
be called with any number of slot names and expand into
a nested chain of calls to <accessor-function>."
  (if slots
      ;; At least one slot was specified.
      (let ((kernel schema))
	;; "Grow" the kernel by wrapping more gv-fn's around it
	(do ((slot slots (cdr slot)))
	    ((null slot))
	  (setf kernel
		`(,accessor-function ,kernel ,(car slot))))
      ;; No slots!
      (error "expand-accessor: at least one slot is required")))

(defmacro with-constants-disabled (&body body)
"Execute the <body> with constant processing disabled."
  `(let ((*constants-disabled* t))

(defmacro with-types-disabled (&body body)
"Execute the <body> with type declaration processing disabled."
  `(let ((*types-enabled* nil))

(defmacro with-dependencies-disabled (&body body)
"Execute the <body> with dependencies processing disabled."
  `(let ((*setup-dependencies* nil))

(defmacro with-demons-disabled (&body body)
"Execute the <body> with pre- and post-demons disabled."
  `(let ((*demons-disabled* t))

(defmacro with-demon-disabled (demon &body body)
"Execute the <body> with a specific demon disabled."
  `(let ((*demons-disabled* (disable-a-demon ,demon)))

(defmacro with-demon-enabled (demon &body body)
"Execute the <body> with a specific demon enabled (in the context
where a demon or demons are disabled)."
  `(let ((*demons-disabled* (enable-a-demon ,demon)))

(declaim (inline relation-p))
(defun relation-p (slot)
  (assocq slot *relations*))

(defmacro g-value-body (schema slot inherit-p formula-p)
"This implements g-value, g-local-value, get-value, and get-local-value.
If <inherit-p> is true, generates code to inherit a value; otherwise,
generates code for the local-only case.
If <formula-p> is true, generates code to evaluate formulas; otherwise,
the formula object itself is returned."
  (let ((schema-form (if (symbolp schema) schema 'schema))
	(entry (gensym))
	(value (gensym)))
    `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
       (let* (,@(unless (symbolp schema) `((schema ,schema)))
	     (if (is-schema ,schema-form) ; this is just schema-p
	       ;; make sure it's not a formula or deleted
	       (let ((bins (schema-bins ,schema-form)))
		 (if (and bins (not (integerp bins)))
		   (slot-accessor ,schema-form ,slot)
		   (error "Non-object ~S in g-value or get-value (slot is ~S)"
			  ,schema-form ,slot)))
	       (error "Non-object ~S in g-value or get-value (slot is ~S)"
		      ,schema-form ,slot))
	     (slot-accessor ,schema-form ,slot))
	    (,value (if ,entry
		      ,@(if (not inherit-p)
			  `((if (is-inherited (sl-bits ,entry))
			      ,@(if formula-p
				  `((if (a-formula-p (sl-value ,entry))
				      (sl-value ,entry)))
			      (sl-value ,entry)))
			  `((sl-value ,entry)))
		      ,@(if (or inherit-p formula-p)
      (if (eq ,value *no-value*)
	,@(cond ((and (not inherit-p) (not formula-p))
		 `((setf ,value NIL)))
		((and (not inherit-p) formula-p)
		 `((if ,entry
		     (setf ,value NIL)
		     (if (not (formula-p (setf ,value
						,schema-form ,slot T NIL))))
		       (setf ,value NIL)))))

		((a-local-only-slot slot)
		 ;; slots such as :IS-A-INV should never be inherited!
		 `((setf ,value NIL)))
		 `((if (if ,entry (is-inherited (sl-bits ,entry)))
		     ;; in which case, no-value was already inherited.
		     (setf ,value NIL)
		     ;; otherwise, try to inherit the value.
		       (setf ,value (g-value-inherit-values ,schema-form ,slot
							    T ,entry))
		       (if (eq ,value *no-value*)
			 (setf ,value NIL))))))))
      ,@(if formula-p
	  `((if (a-formula-p ,value)
	      (g-value-formula-value ,schema-form ,slot ,value ,entry)

(defmacro get-value (schema slot)
  `(g-value-body ,schema ,slot T NIL))

;;(defmacro get-values (schema slot)
;;  `(let ((values (get-value ,schema ,slot)))
;;     (if (listp values)
;;	 values
;;	 (list values))))

(defmacro g-value (schema &rest slots)
  "This macro expands into nested calls to g-value-fn.  For example:
  (g-value schema :slot1 :slot2 :slot3 5) expands into
  (g-value-fn (g-value-fn (g-value-fn schema :slot1 0) :slot2 0) :slot3 5)"
  (if slots
      `(expand-accessor value-fn ,schema ,@slots)
    `(progn ,schema)))

(defmacro g-local-value (schema &rest slots)
  (if slots
      `(expand-accessor g-local-value-fn ,schema ,@slots)
      `(progn ,schema)))

;;; Demons

;; Used to look in the :UPDATE-SLOTS of the <schema> to determine whether the
;; <slot> has an associated demon.  This gives us the freedom to let different
;; schemata have demons on possibly different slots.
;; Now, it uses the <slot>'s is-update-slot bit to check.  This bit is set at
;; create-instance time by traversing the :UPDATE-SLOTS list of the <schema>.
(declaim (inline slot-requires-demon))
(defun slot-requires-demon (schema slot &optional entry)
  (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
  (let ((.entry. (or entry (slot-accessor schema slot))))
    (when .entry.
      (is-update-slot (sl-bits .entry.)))))

(defmacro slot-requires-demon (schema slot &optional entry)
  `(let ((update (get-value ,schema, :UPDATE-SLOTS)))
    (or (eq (car update) T)
     (memberq ,slot update))))

(declaim (inline run-invalidate-demons))
(defun run-invalidate-demons (schema slot entry)
  "Execute the update demon associated with the <schema> and <slot>, if there
is one."
  (unless (eq *demons-disabled* T)
    (when (slot-requires-demon schema slot entry)
      (let ((demon (get-value schema :INVALIDATE-DEMON)))
	(when demon
	  (unless (demon-is-disabled demon)
	    (funcall demon schema slot nil)))))))

(defmacro run-pre-set-demons (schema slot new-value is-formula reason)
"Invokes the pre-set demon, if one is defined and if the <slot> is an
'interesting' slot (i.e., if it is listed in the :update-slots of the
Also, if *slot-setter-debug* is bound, it invokes it.  This is a debugging
function that gets called every time a slot is modified, either by s-value
or as a result of formula evaluation.  The <reason> is given as the fourth
parameter to the function; it is a keyword that explains why the slot
was changed."
  (declare (ignore reason))
  `(unless (eq *demons-disabled* T)
    (if *slot-setter-debug*
	(funcall *slot-setter-debug* ,schema ,slot ,new-value ,reason))
    (if *pre-set-demon*
      (if (not (demon-is-disabled *pre-set-demon*))
	(if (slot-requires-demon ,schema ,slot)
	  (if ,@(if is-formula
		  `((not (equal
			  ,@(cond ((eq is-formula :CURRENT-FORMULA)
				   `((cached-value *current-formula*)))
				  ((eq is-formula T)
				   `((g-cached-value ,schema ,slot)))
	      (funcall *pre-set-demon* ,schema ,slot ,new-value)))))))


;; Helper function for multi-level S-VALUE
(defun s-value-chain (schema &rest slots)
  (locally (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
    (if (null schema)
	(error "S-VALUE on a null object:  (S-VALUE ~S~{ ~S~})" schema slots)
	(unless (schema-p schema)
	  (error "S-VALUE called with the non-object ~S :  (s-value ~S~{ ~S~})."
		 schema schema slots)))
    (do* ((s slots (cdr s))
	  (intermediate schema))
	 ((null (cddr s))
	  (s-value-fn intermediate (first s) (second s)))
      (let ((new-schema (value-fn intermediate (car s))))
	(if (null new-schema)
	     "An intermediate schema is null:  slot ~S of object ~S has value
  NIL in (S-VALUE ~S~{ ~S~})"
	     (car s) intermediate schema slots)
	    (unless (schema-p new-schema)
	      (error "An intermediate value is not a schema in (S-VALUE ~S~{ ~S~}),
at slot ~S  (non-schema value is ~S, last schema was ~S)"
		     schema slots (car s) new-schema intermediate)))
	(setf intermediate new-schema)))))


(defmacro s-value (schema &rest slots)
"The basic value-setting macro.

   - <schema>: the name of a schema
   - <slot>: name of the slot to be modified.
   - <value>: new value for the <slot>."
  (when slots
    ;; This is the more general case.
    (if (cddr slots)
	;; Several slots.
	`(s-value-chain ,schema ,@slots)
	;; One (non-special) slot only.
	`(s-value-fn ,schema ,(first slots) ,(second slots)))))

(defmacro dovalues ((variable schema slot &key (local nil) (result nil)
			      (formulas T) (in-formula NIL))
		    &rest body)
"Executes <body> with <variable> bound to all the values of the <slot> in

  `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
     (let* ((schema ,@(if (eq schema :SELF)
	  (values ,@(if local
		      (if formulas
			`((g-local-value schema ,slot))
			`((get-local-value schema ,slot)))
		      (if formulas
			(if in-formula
			    `((gv schema ,slot))
			    `((g-value schema ,slot)))
			(if in-formula
			  `((gv schema ,slot))
			  `((get-value schema ,slot)))))))
     ;; Now iterate
     (if values
	 (unless (listp values)
	   (format t "(DOVALUES ~s ~s) does not contain a list of values!~%"
		   ,schema ,slot)
	   (setf values (list values)))
	 ;; Extra code for the case FORMULAS = T
	 (dolist (,variable values)
	   ,@(if formulas
	       ;; Generate test for formula-p, unless :FORMULAS is nil
	       `((when (formula-p ,variable)
		       (setf ,variable
			     (cached-value ,variable)
			      schema ,slot ,variable NIL)))))

;;; Various

(defmacro create-relation (relation inheritance-p &rest inverses)
"Defines a new relation with its inverses.  If <inheritance-p>
is non-nil, classifies the relation as one that performs inheritance.
Note that <relation> should be a slot name, not a schema."
  (let ((entry (gensym)))
    `(let ((inverses ',inverses))
      (when ,inheritance-p
	(pushnew ,relation *inheritance-relations*)
	(dolist (inverse inverses)
	  (pushnew inverse *inheritance-inverse-relations*)))
      (unless (assocq ,relation *relations*)
	(push (cons ,relation inverses) *relations*))
      (dolist (inv inverses)
	(let ((,entry (assocq inv *relations*)))
	  (if ,entry
	    (pushnew ,relation (cdr ,entry))
	      (push (list inv ,relation) *relations*))))))))

(declaim (inline has-slot-p))
(defun has-slot-p (schema slot)
  (locally (declare #.*special-kr-optimization*)
    (let ((entry (slot-accessor schema slot)))
      (and entry
	   (not (eq (sl-value entry) *no-value*))
	   (not (is-inherited (sl-bits entry)))))))

;; This is here for compatibility purposes.
(declaim (inline set-values))
(defun set-values (schema slot values)
  (if (relation-p slot)
      (s-value schema slot (if (listp values) values (list values)))
      (s-value schema slot values)))

;;; Methods.
(defmacro kr-send (schema slot &rest args)
  (let ((the-schema (gensym))
	(the-function (gensym)))
    `(let* ((,the-schema ,schema)
	    (,the-function (g-value ,the-schema ,slot)))
       (when ,the-function
	 ;; Bind these in case call prototype method is used.
	 (let ((*kr-send-self* ,the-schema)
	       (*kr-send-slot* ,slot)
	       (*kr-send-parent* NIL))
	   (funcall ,the-function ,@args))))))

(defmacro call-prototype-method (&rest args)
  (let ((entry (gensym)))
    `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
       (let ((first-c-p-m (and (null *kr-send-parent*)
			     (let ((,entry (slot-accessor *kr-send-self*
			       (or (null ,entry)
				   (is-inherited (sl-bits ,entry)))))))
      (multiple-value-bind (method new-parent)
	  (find-parent *kr-send-self* *kr-send-slot*)
	(when method
	  (if first-c-p-m
	    (multiple-value-setq (method *kr-send-parent*)
	      (find-parent new-parent *kr-send-slot*))
	    (setf *kr-send-parent* new-parent))
	  (if method
	    (let ((*kr-send-self* *kr-send-parent*))
	      (funcall method ,@args)))))))))

(defmacro apply-prototype-method (&rest args)
  (let ((entry (gensym)))
    `(locally (declare ,*special-kr-optimization*)
       (let ((first-c-p-m (and (null *kr-send-parent*)
			     (let ((,entry (slot-accessor *kr-send-self*
			       (or (null ,entry)
				   (is-inherited (sl-bits ,entry)))))))
      (multiple-value-bind (method new-parent)
	  (find-parent *kr-send-self* *kr-send-slot*)
	(when method
	  (if first-c-p-m
	    (multiple-value-setq (method *kr-send-parent*)
	      (find-parent new-parent *kr-send-slot*))
	    (setf *kr-send-parent* new-parent))
	  (if method
	    (let ((*kr-send-self* *kr-send-parent*))
	      (apply method ,@args)))))))))

(defmacro define-method (name class arg-list &rest body)
  (unless (keywordp name)
    (setf name (intern (symbol-name name) (find-package "KEYWORD")))
    (format t "DEFINE-METHOD takes a keyword as the method name - using ~S~%"
  (let* ((function-name (intern (concatenate 'string
					     (symbol-name name)
					     (symbol-name class)))))
       (defun ,function-name ,arg-list
       (s-value ,class ,name ',function-name))))

(defmacro method-trace (class generic-fn)
  `(let ((fn (g-value ,class ,generic-fn)))
    (if fn
      (eval `(trace ,fn)))))

;;; Schemas

;; The keyword :OVERRIDE may be used to indicate that the schema should
;; be kept, if it exists, and newly specified slots should simply override
;; existing ones.  The default behavior is to wipe out the old schema.
;; Another keyword that can be used as an argument is name-prefix. If there's
;; an unnamed schema but :name-prefix <some name> is given as an argument,
;; the system will auto-generate names for the schemas using the name-prefix
;; argument as the prefix for the names.
(defmacro create-schema (name &rest rest)
  (let ((prefix (memberq :NAME-PREFIX rest)))
    ;; Check that all elements of the list are well-formed, give warnings
    ;; otherwise
    (when prefix
      (if name
	     t "Warning - you specified both a name and a :NAME-PREFIX option~:
in (create-schema ~S).~%   Ignoring the :NAME-PREFIX.~%"
	    (setf prefix nil))
	    ;; We have an unnamed schema but a name prefix - use it.
	    (setf name (second prefix))
	    (setf prefix NIL))))
    ;; Make the schema name known at compile time, so we do not issue
    ;; silly warnings.
    (when (and (listp name) (eq (car name) 'QUOTE))
      (proclaim `(special ,(eval name))))
    (let* ((override (not (null (memberq :OVERRIDE rest))))
	   (destroy (and name (not override))) ; avoid trouble with (c-s NIL :override)
	   (*create-schema-schema* name)
	   (slots (process-slots rest))
	   (generate-instance (not (null (memberq :generate-instance rest)))))
      (creation-message name)
	   ,(if destroy
		`(make-a-new-schema ,name)
		(if (and (listp name)
			 (eq (car name) 'QUOTE)
			 (boundp (second name)))
		    (eval name)
		    `(make-a-new-schema ,name)))
	 ,(car slots)				    ; is-a
	 ,generate-instance			    ; create instance
	 ,(null (memberq :delayed-processing rest)) ; process constant slots
	 ,@(cdr slots)))))		; types, plus slot specifiers

(defmacro create-prototype (name &rest slots)
  "Creates a prototype; really just another name for create-schema."
  `(create-schema ,name ,@slots))

;; create-instance
;; I am not sure the following enhancement will work because of the
;; quote around the instance name... [2005/12/20:rpg]
(defmacro create-instance (name class &body body)
  "If CLASS is not nil, creates a schema with an IS-A slot set to that class.
   Otherwise, just creates a schema."
  (when (and (listp class)
	     (eq (car class) 'QUOTE))
    ;; Prevent a common mistake.
     "Remove the quote and use the resulting object."
     "  Quoted symbols cannot be used as prototypes: (create-instance ~S ~S)~%"
     name class)
    (setf class (eval (second class))))
  (dolist (element body)
    (when (and (listp element) (eq (car element) :IS-A))
       "CREATE-INSTANCE ~S ~S: do not specify the :IS-A slot!  Ignored.~%"
       name class)
      (setf body (remove (assocq :IS-A body) body))))
  ;; Everything is OK.
     (excl:record-source-file ,name :type :kr-instance)
     (create-schema ,name :GENERATE-INSTANCE
		    ;; class might be nil, which means no IS-A slot
		    ,@(if class `((:is-a ,class)))

(defmacro begin-create-instance (name class &body body)
  "Processes the first half of a create-instance where constant-slot
processing needs to be delayed.
This should only be used for specialized applications, such as those
found in aggrelists."
  (dolist (descriptor body)
    (when (and (listp descriptor) (eq (car descriptor) :IS-A))
       "BEGIN-CREATE-INSTANCE ~S ~S: do not specify the :IS-A slot!  Ignored.~%"
       name class)
      (setf body (remove descriptor body))
  `(create-schema ,name :DELAYED-PROCESSING
     ;; class might be nil, which means no IS-A slot
     ,@(if class `((:is-a ,class)))

;;; Setf forms for several macros

(defsetf g-value s-value)

(defsetf get-values s-value)

(defsetf get-local-values s-value)

(defsetf g-local-value s-value)

(defsetf gv (schema &rest slots) (value)
    (if *current-formula*
      (gv ,schema ,@slots))
    (s-value ,schema ,@slots ,value))
  "At the top-level, (setf (gv ...)) behaves just like s-value; when
inside a formula, it also sets up a dependency, just like gv would.")

;;; Internal debugging function
(defmacro with (schema slot &body form)
  `(let* ((*schema-self* (if (numberp ,schema) (s ,schema) ,schema))
	  (*schema-slot* ,slot)
	  (*current-formula* (get-value *schema-self* *schema-slot*))
	  (*warning-on-null-link* T))
     (catch 'no-link