name mode size
generate-bundle 040000
jinterface 040000
.dir-locals.el 100644 0 kb
.gitignore 100644 0 kb
.projectile 100644
Makefile 100644 0 kb 100644 1 kb
build-ji.lisp 100644 0 kb
generate-ji-definitions.lisp 100644 2 kb
init.lisp 100644 0 kb
lw-curator.asd 100644 1 kb
main.lisp 100644 2 kb
packages.lisp 100644 1 kb
* Lispworks wrapper around apache curator ** Motivation: lisp access to information about kafka streams ** Setup: ~make~ in the root of the repository should setup all the prerequisites (assuming you have lispworks, quicklisp and clojure): it'll bundle up the Java libraries as a fat jar and use lispworks to generate the lisp interface files. Once this is done, the functions in [[file:main.lisp]] should be usable in a LispWorks REPL to interact with a zookeeper cluster that stores Kafka offsets.