Raw Blame History
import * as R from "ramda";
import { take, spawn, delay } from "redux-saga/effects";
import { action } from "./redux-utils";

export const restart = () => ({
  type: "co/fwoar/APP_RESTART"
const RECORD_ERROR = "co/fwoar/RECORD_ERROR";
export const recordError = action(RECORD_ERROR);

export const errorReducer = (state = null, { type, data }) => {
  if (type === "co/fwoar/APP_RESTART") {
    return null;
  } else if (type === "co/fwoar/RECORD_ERROR") {
    console.log("recording an error");
    return data;
  } else {
    return state;

export const makeToplevel = (rootSaga, main, onError) =>
  function* toplevel() {
    // Run the root saga
    let rootTask = yield spawn(rootSaga);

    // Connect Redux to Toplevel Component ======================================================
    // Render Connected Component to the dom at #root ===========================================
    yield take("co/fwoar/APP_INIT");

    yield main();

    let quit = false;
    while (!quit) {
      try {
        yield rootTask.toPromise();
      } catch (err) {
        if (onError) {
          yield* onError(err);
        const { type } = yield take([
        if (type === "co/fwoar/APP_QUIT") {
          quit = true;
        } else if (type === "co/fwoar/APP_RESTART") {
          rootTask = yield spawn(rootSaga);
      yield delay(10);