Raw Blame History
(defpackage :demo-app
  (:use :cl :objc-runtime)
(in-package :demo-app)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :objc-readtable)

(cffi:defcallback exception-handler :void ((exception :pointer))
  (with-selectors (reason)
    (format t "~&Exxception: ~a~%" [exception reason])

(cffi:defcfun (init-window "initWindow")
  (window :pointer)
  (rect :pointer)
  (a :char)
  (b :char)
  (c :boolean))

(cffi:defcfun (init-with-frame "initWithFrame")
  (thing :pointer)
  (rect :pointer))

(cffi:defcfun (print-rect "printRect")
  (rect (:struct objc-runtime::ns-rect)))

(cffi:defcfun (set-uncaught-exception-handler "set_uncaught_exception_handler"
                                              :library objc-runtime::expose-stuff)
  (cb :pointer))

(defun value-for-key (thing key)
  (with-selectors ((vfk "valueForKey:"))
    (let ((key (objc-runtime::make-nsstring key)))
      [thing vfk :string key])))

(defun call-with-rect (x y w h cb)
  (check-type x real)
  (check-type y real)
  (check-type w real)
  (check-type h real)
  (cffi:with-foreign-object (rect '(:struct objc-runtime::ns-rect))
    (cffi:with-foreign-slots (((:pointer ns-rect-origin) (:pointer ns-rect-size))
                              rect (:struct objc-runtime::ns-rect))
      (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((ns-point-x ns-point-y) ns-rect-origin (:struct ns-point))
        (setf ns-point-x (coerce x 'double-float)
              ns-point-y (coerce y 'double-float)))
      (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((ns-size-width ns-size-height)
                                ns-rect-size (:struct ns-size))
        (setf ns-size-width (coerce w 'double-float)
              ns-size-height (coerce h 'double-float))))
    (funcall cb rect)))

(defun call-with-point (x y cb)
  (check-type x real)
  (check-type y real)
  (cffi:with-foreign-object (point '(:struct ns-point))
    (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((ns-point-x ns-point-y) point (:struct ns-point))
      (setf ns-point-x (coerce x 'double-float)
            ns-point-y (coerce y 'double-float)))
    (funcall cb point)))

(defmacro with-rect ((rect (x y) (w h)) &body body)
  `(call-with-rect ,x ,y ,w ,h
                   (lambda (,rect)

(defmacro with-point ((point (x y)) &body body)
  `(call-with-point ,x ,y
                   (lambda (,point)

(defun make-rect (x y w h)
  (check-type x real)
  (check-type y real)
  (check-type w real)
  (check-type h real)
  (cffi:convert-to-foreign `(ns-rect-origin
                              ,(coerce x 'double-float)
                              ,(coerce y 'double-float))
                              ,(coerce w 'double-float)
                              ,(coerce h 'double-float)))
                           '(:struct objc-runtime:ns-rect)))

(defun show-alert (message &optional (informative-text "Informative Text!"))
  (let ((alert [[#@NSAlert @(alloc)] @(init)]))
    [alert @(setMessageText:) :pointer (objc-runtime::make-nsstring message)]
    [alert @(setInformativeText:) :pointer (objc-runtime::make-nsstring informative-text)]
    [alert @(addButtonWithTitle:) :pointer @"OK"]
    [alert @(addButtonWithTitle:) :pointer @"Cancel"]
    [alert @(runModal)]))

(cffi:defcallback do-things-action :void ((a :pointer) (b :pointer) (sender :pointer))
  (declare (ignore a b sender))
  (show-alert "Starting Swank"
              "Loading Quicklisp from ~/quicklisp/setup.lisp + starting swank")

  (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
  (funcall (intern "QUICKLOAD" (find-package :QL)) :swank)
  (funcall (intern "CREATE-SERVER" (find-package :swank)) :port 5060 :dont-close t)
  (show-alert "Started swank on 5060"))

(cffi:defcallback alert-action :void ((a :pointer) (b :pointer) (sender :pointer))
  (declare (ignore a b sender))
  (show-alert "Hello There!"))

(cffi:defcallback profit-action :void ((a :pointer) (b :pointer) (sender :pointer))
  (declare (ignore a b sender))
  (show-alert "That Was Profitable!"))

(defun make-button-delegate (button cb)
  (let ((my-class (objc-runtime::objc-allocate-class-pair #@NSObject "ButtonDel" 0)))
    (with-selectors ((do-magic "doMagic:") (set-target "setTarget:") (set-action "setAction:")
                     alloc init)
      (objc-runtime::class-add-method my-class do-magic cb "v@:@")
      ( (result [[my-class alloc] init])
        [button set-target :pointer result]
        [button set-action :pointer do-magic]))))

(defun make-app-delegate-class (outlets)
  (let ((app-delegate-class (objc-runtime::objc-allocate-class-pair
                             #@NSObject "AppDelegate" 0)))
    (objc-runtime::add-pointer-ivar app-delegate-class "window")
    (objc-runtime::add-pointer-ivar app-delegate-class "delegate")

    (loop for outlet in outlets do
         (objc-runtime::add-pointer-ivar app-delegate-class outlet))


(defun load-nib (name)
  ;; find and activate the nib
  (let* ((bundle [#@NSBundle @(mainBundle)])
         (nib [[#@NSNib @(alloc)] @(initWithNibNamed:bundle:)
                                  :pointer (objc-runtime::make-nsstring name)
                                  :pointer bundle]))
    (cffi:with-foreign-object (p :pointer)
      ;; TODO: is dropping p a problem here? The docs say something relevant.
      ;;       must investigate.
      [nib @(instantiateWithOwner:topLevelObjects:)
           :pointer objc-runtime::ns-app
           :pointer p])))

(defun main ()
  (trivial-main-thread:with-body-in-main-thread (:blocking t)
    [#@NSAutoReleasePool @(new)]
    [#@NSApplication @(sharedApplication)]
    [objc-runtime::ns-app @(setActivationPolicy:) :int 0]

    ;; Setup the app delegate class. We register this one because it's useful
    ;; When debugging via something like lldb
     (make-app-delegate-class '("actionButton"

    (load-nib "MainMenu")
    (let ((app-delegate [objc-runtime::ns-app @(delegate)]))
      (make-button-delegate (value-for-key app-delegate "actionButton")
                            (cffi:callback do-things-action))
      (make-button-delegate (value-for-key app-delegate "alertButton")
                            (cffi:callback alert-action))
      (make-button-delegate (value-for-key app-delegate "profitButton")
                            (cffi:callback profit-action)))
    [objc-runtime::ns-app @(activateIgnoringOtherApps:) :boolean t]
    [objc-runtime::ns-app @(run)]))