 ;;; Sample OPS5 expanded program
 ;;; Author: Michael Mauldin 3/23/84
 ;;; References: These rules are based on rules from Nelson, William R.,
 ;;; "REACTOR: An Expert System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Nuclear
 ;;; Reactor Accidents," Proceedings of AAAI 1982.
 (strategy lex)
 (watch 0)
 (literalize fact
     system name value trend status raw-value change)
 (literalize task
     goal subgoal query)
 (literalize accident
     type id)
 (literalize trace
 (p start				; Start the diagnosis
     (write (crlf) "Enter id number for this run:  ")
     (bind <id> (accept))
     (make task ^goal input)
     (make accident ^id <id>)
     (make fact ^system containment ^name pressure ^trend unknown)
     (make fact ^system containment ^name radiation ^value unknown)
     (make fact ^system feedwater ^name flow ^value unknown)
     (make fact ^system pcs ^name pressure ^trend unknown)
     (make fact ^system pcs ^name temperature ^trend unknown)
     (make fact ^system sg ^name level ^trend unknown)
     (make fact ^system steam ^name flow ^value unknown)
     (make fact ^system hpis ^status unknown)
     (write (crlf)))
 ;;; Get  numeric values for variables that require a high/steady/low
 ;;; determination.   Store in the raw-value slot.
 (p get-value
     (task ^goal input)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^value unknown ^raw-value nil)
     (write "Enter value for" <system> <name> "[1..100]: ")
     (bind <value> (accept))
     (modify 2 ^raw-value <value>))
 ;;; Get old and new values for variables which have a trend
 ;;; increasing/decreasing/steady.  Store the difference in the change
 ;;; slot.
 (p get-trend
     (task ^goal input)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^trend unknown ^change nil)
     (write "Enter old value for" <system> <name> "[1..100]: ")
     (bind <old> (accept))
     (write "Enter new value for" <system> <name> "[1..100]: ")
     (bind <new> (accept))
     (modify 2 ^change (compute <new> - <old>)))
 ;;; get the status for systems
 (p get-status
     (task ^goal input)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name nil ^status unknown)
     (write "Enter value for" <system> "[on, off]: ")
     (bind <value> (accept))
     (modify 2 ^status <value>))
 ;;; After all variables requiring user input have been set, set the
 ;;; goal to classify the inputs in terms of low/high/nominal,
 ;;; increasing/decreasing/steady.
 (p end-of-input
     (task ^goal input)
     (modify 1 ^goal classify)
     (write (crlf) "Starting classification..." (crlf)))
 ;;; The next three rules set the value slot based on the raw numeric
 ;;; value.  Rather than define various nominal values, I have used a
 ;;; dimensionless numeric scale where 1-32 are low, 33-66 are nominal,
 ;;; and 67-100 are high.
 (p classify-low
     (task ^goal classify)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^raw-value < 33 ^value unknown)
     (modify 2 ^value low)
     (write "Rule classify-low concludes that" <system> <name>
            "is low" (crlf)))
 (p classify-high
     (task ^goal classify)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^raw-value > 66 ^value unknown)
     (modify 2 ^value high)
     (write "Rule classify-high concludes that" <system> <name> 
            "is high" (crlf)))
 (p classify-nominal
     (task ^goal classify)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^value unknown)
     (modify 2 ^value nominal)
     (write "Rule classify-nominal concludes that" <system> <name> 
             "is nominal" (crlf)))
 ;;; The next three rules classify a trend. If the change from the old
 ;;; value to the new one is 3 units or less, the variable is labelled
 ;;; 'steady,' otherwise it is marked as either increasing or decreasing.
 (p classify-decreasing
     (task ^goal classify)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^trend unknown ^change {<change> < -3})
     (modify 2 ^trend decreasing)
     (write "Rule classify-decreasing concludes that" <system> <name>
            "is decreasing" (crlf)))
 (p classify-increasing
     (task ^goal classify)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^trend unknown ^change {<change> > 3})
     (modify 2 ^trend increasing)
     (write "Rule classify-increasing concludes that" <system> <name>
            "is increasing" (crlf)))
 (p classify-steady
     (task ^goal classify)
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^trend unknown)
     (modify 2 ^trend steady)
     (write "Rule classify-steady concludes that" <system> <name>
            "is steady" (crlf)))
 ;;; After all variables have been classified, start the diagnosis
 (p start-diagnosis
     (task ^goal classify)
     (modify 1 ^goal diagnose)
     (write (crlf) "Starting diagnosis..." (crlf)))
 (p rule-1				; PCS Integrity challenged?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (fact ^system pcs ^name pressure ^trend decreasing)
     (fact ^system hpis ^status on)
     (make fact ^system pcs ^name integrity ^status challenged)
     (write "Rule 1 concludes:    "  pcs integrity challenged (crlf))
     (make trace rule-1 used pcs pressure decreasing)
     (make trace rule-1 used hpis on))
 (p rule-2				; Heat transfer inadequate?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (fact ^system pcs ^name temperature ^trend increasing)
     (make fact ^system pcs ^name heat-transfer ^status inadequate)
     (write "Rule 2 concludes:    "  pcs heat-transfer inadequate (crlf))
     (make trace rule-2 used pcs temperature increasing))
 (p rule-3				; SG inventory inadequate?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (fact ^system sg ^name level ^trend decreasing)
     (make fact ^system sg ^name inventory ^status inadequate)
     (write "Rule 3 concludes:    "  sg inventory inadequate (crlf))
     (make trace rule-3 used sg level decreasing))
 (p rule-4				; Containment integrity challenged?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (fact ^system containment ^name radiation ^value high)
     (fact ^system containment ^name pressure ^value high)
     (make fact ^system containment ^name integrity ^status challenged)
     (write "Rule 4 concludes:    "  containment integrity challenged (crlf))
     (make trace rule-4 used containment radiation high)
     (make trace rule-4 used containment pressure high))
 (p rule-5				; Loss of feedwater?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (accident ^id <id>)
     (fact ^system pcs ^name heat-transfer ^status inadequate)
     (fact ^system feedwater ^name flow ^value low)
     (modify 2 ^type loss-of-feedwater)
     (write "Rule 5 concludes accident is loss of feedwater" (crlf))
     (modify 1 ^goal explain)
     (make trace rule-5 used pcs heat-transfer inadequate)
     (make trace rule-5 used feedwater flow low))
 (p rule-6				; Loss of feedwater?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (accident ^id <id>)
     (fact ^system sg ^name inventory ^status inadequate)
     (fact ^system feedwater ^name flow ^value low)
     (modify 2 ^type loss-of-feedwater)
     (write "Rule 6 concludes accident is loss of feedwater" (crlf))
     (modify 1 ^goal explain)
     (make trace rule-6 used sg inventory inadequate)
     (make trace rule-6 used feedwater flow low))
 (p rule-7				; Loss of coolant?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (accident ^id <id>)
     (fact ^system pcs ^name integrity ^status challenged)
     (fact ^system containment ^name integrity ^status challenged)
     (modify 2 ^type loca)
     (write "Rule 7 concludes accident is loss of coolant" (crlf))
     (modify 1 ^goal explain)
     (make trace rule-7 used pcs integrity challenged)
     (make trace rule-7 used containment integrity challenged))
 (p rule-8				; SG tube rupture?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (accident ^id <id>)
     (fact ^system pcs ^name integrity ^status challenged)
     (fact ^system sg ^name level ^trend increasing)
     (modify 2 ^type sg-tube-rupture)
     (write "Rule 8 concludes accident is steam generator tube rupture" (crlf))
     (modify 1 ^goal explain)
     (make trace rule-8 used pcs integrity challenged)
     (make trace rule-8 used sg level increasing))
 (p rule-9				; Steam line break?
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (accident ^id <id>)
     (fact ^system sg ^name inventory ^status inadequate)
     (fact ^system steam ^name flow ^value high)
     (modify 2 ^type steam-line-break)
     (write "Rule 9 concludes accident is steam line break" (crlf))
     (modify 1 ^goal explain)
     (make trace rule-9 used sg inventory inadequate)
     (make trace rule-9 used steam flow high))
 (p no-diagnosis
     (task ^goal diagnose)
     (write "No diagnosis" (crlf))
     (modify 1 ^goal explain))
 ;;; Explanation:  Get a single word from the user, and then reply to
 ;;; those words we recognize.  Currently we recognize the following
 ;;; questions:
 ;;; facts:	prints the facts used during diagnosis
 ;;; high:	prints variables which are high
 ;;; low:	prints variables which are low
 ;;; nominal:	prints variables which are nominal
 ;;; increasing:	prints variables which are increasing
 ;;; decreasing:	prints variables which are decreasing
 ;;; steady:	prints variables which are steady
 (p start-questions
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal nil)
     (modify 1 ^subgoal prompt)
     (write (crlf) Starting explanations (crlf))
 (p get-user-query
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal prompt)
     (write "Explanations [facts, high/low, none]: ")
     (modify 1 ^subgoal reply ^query (acceptline none)))
 ;;; Print a line for each trace element
 (p explain-facts
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal reply ^query facts)
     (write "    Fact used: " (substr 2 2 inf) (crlf)))
 ;;; Print system values
 (p explain-value
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal reply ^query {<type> <> nil})
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^raw-value <value> ^value = <type>)
     (write "   " <type> ":" <system> <name> <value> (crlf)))
 ;;; Print trends
 (p explain-trends
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal reply ^query {<type> <> nil})
     (fact ^system <system> ^name <name> ^change <change> ^trend = <type>)
     (write "   " <type> ":" <system> <name> changed <change> (crlf)))
 ;;; Having answered the query, set up to ask for another
 (p finish-this-query
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal reply ^query <> none)
     (modify 1 ^subgoal prompt))
 ;;; No more queries, mark the task finished
 (p quit
     (task ^goal explain ^subgoal reply ^query none)
     (modify 1 ^goal finished))