Raw Blame History
> (load "demo/auto.ops")
;;; Loading source file "demo/auto.ops"
;;; Warning: File "demo/auto.ops" does not begin with IN-PACKAGE.  Loading into package "OPS"
Common Lisp OPS5 interpreter, version 14-OCT-92.
> (make ready)
> (run)

Automobile Diagnosis 

Is this true: key is off [no]  yes

Concluding you must turn the key to start the car 
*End of diagnosis* 

Is this true: key is off [no]  no

Is this true: engine is turning [no]  yes

Concluding problem is in fuel or ignition system 

Is this true: headlights are dim or dead [no]  no

Is this true: fuel gauge shows empty [no]  no

Is this true: carburetor smells like gasoline [no]  yes

Is this true: spark at spark plugs [no]  yes

Concluding engine is flooded: wait 15 minutes 
*End of diagnosis* 

Is this true: key is off [no]  no

Is this true: engine is turning [no]  n

Concluding problem is in starting system 

Is this true: headlights are dim or dead [no]  n

Concluding you have a bad starter 
*End of diagnosis* 

Is this true: key is off [no]  q

end -- explicit halt
 18 productions (108 // 200 nodes)
 50 firings (101 rhs actions)
  5 mean working memory size (9 maximum)
  4 mean conflict set size (8 maximum)
 11 mean token memory size (19 maximum)