Raw Blame History
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; OPS5 Interpreter ***********************************************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; This Common Lisp version of OPS5 is in the public domain.  It is based
;;; in part on based on a Franz Lisp implementation done by Charles L. Forgy
;;; at Carnegie-Mellon University, which was placed in the public domain by
;;; the author in accordance with CMU policies.  Ported to Common Lisp by 
;;; George Wood and Jim Kowalski. CMU Common Lisp modifications by
;;; Dario Guise, Skef Wholey, Michael Parzen, and Dan Kuokka. 
;;; Modified to work in CLtL1, CLtL2 and X3J13 compatible lisps by 
;;; Mark Kantrowitz on 14-OCT-92.
;;; This code is made available is, and without warranty of any kind by the
;;; authors or by Carnegie-Mellon University.

;;;; This file contains all the functions pertaining to I/O.

(in-package "OPS")
;; (shadow '(write))    ; Should get this by requiring ops-rhs

;;; Internal global variables.

(defvar *write-file*)
(defvar *trace-file*)
(defvar *accept-file*)
(defvar *ppline*)
(defvar *filters*)

;;; Initialization

(defun io-init ()
  (setq *write-file* nil)
  (setq *trace-file* nil)
  (setq *accept-file* nil))

;;; User I/O commands
;;; Dario Giuse - rewrote the (write) function to follow OPS-5 specifications.
;;; Michael Huhns fixed a few bugs in this rewrttien functions some years later.

;;; used only in this file.
(defmacro append-string (x)
  `(setq wrstring (concatenate 'simple-string wrstring ,x)))

(defun ops-write (z)
  (if (not *in-rhs*)
      (%warn '|cannot be called at top level| 'write)
      (prog (port max k x)
	(eval-args z)
	(setq max ($parametercount))
	(when (< max 1)
	  (%warn '|write: nothing to print| z)
	  (return nil))
	(setq x ($parameter 1))
	(cond ((and (symbolp x) ($ofile x)) 
	       (setq port ($ofile x))
	       (setq k 2))
	       (setq port (default-write-file))
	       (setq k 1)))
	;; Analyze and output all the parameters (write) was passed.
	(do* ((wrstring "")
	      (x ($parameter k) ($parameter k))
	     ((> k max)
	      (format port wrstring)
	      (force-output))		; Dario Giuse - added to force output
	  (incf k)
	  (case x
	    (|=== C R L F ===|
	     (format port "~A~%" wrstring) ; Flush the previous line
	     (setq wrstring ""))
	    (|=== R J U S T ===|
	     (setq field-width ($parameter k)) ; Number following (tabto)
	     (incf k)
	     (setq x (format nil "~A" ($parameter k))) ; Next field to print
	     (when (<= (length x) field-width)
	       ;; Right-justify field
	       (append-string (format nil "~V@A" field-width x))
	       (incf k)))		; Skip next field, since we printed it already
	    (|=== T A B T O ===|
	     (setq x ($parameter k))	; Position to tab to
	     (incf k)
	     (when (< x (length wrstring))
	       ;; Flush line, start a new one
	       (format port "~A~%" wrstring)
	       (setq wrstring ""))
	     (append-string (format nil "~V,1@T" (- x (length wrstring) 1))))
	     (append-string (format nil "~A " x))))))))

(defun ops-openfile (z)
  (prog (file mode id)
    (eval-args z)
    (cond ((not (equal ($parametercount) 3.))
	   (%warn '|openfile: wrong number of arguments| z)
	   (return nil)))
    (setq id ($parameter 1))
    (setq file ($parameter 2))
    (setq mode ($parameter 3))
    (cond ((not (symbolp id))
	   (%warn '|openfile: file id must be a symbolic atom| id)
	   (return nil))
	  ((null id)
	   (%warn '|openfile: 'nil' is reserved for the terminal| nil)
	   (return nil))
	  ((or ($ifile id)($ofile id))
	   (%warn '|openfile: name already in use| id)
	   (return nil)))
;@@@	(cond ((eq mode 'in) (setf (gethash id *inputfile-table*) (infile file)))
;@@@	      ((eq mode 'out) (setf (gethash id *outputfile-table*) (outfile file)))
; dec 7 83 gdw added setq : is putprop needed ? )
    (cond ((eq mode 'in) (setf (gethash id *inputfile-table*)
			       (setq id (infile file))))
	  ((eq mode 'out) (setf (gethash id *outputfile-table*)
				(setq id (outfile file))))
	  (t (%warn '|openfile: illegal mode| mode)
	     (return nil)))
    (return nil)))

(defun infile (f_name)
  (open f_name :direction :input))

(defun outfile (f_name)
  (open f_name :direction :output :if-exists :new-version))

(defun ops-closefile (z)
  (eval-args z)
  (mapc #'closefile2 (use-result-array)))

(defun closefile2 (file)
  (let (port)
    (cond ((not (symbolp file))
	   (%warn '|closefile: illegal file identifier| file))
	  ((setq port ($ifile file))
	   (close port)
	   (remhash file *inputfile-table*))
	  ((setq port ($ofile file))
	   (close port)
	   (remhash file *outputfile-table*)))

(defun ops-default (z)
  (prog (file use)
    (eval-args z)
    (cond ((not (equal ($parametercount) 2.))
	   (%warn '|default: wrong number of arguments| z)
	   (return nil)))
    (setq file ($parameter 1))
    (setq use ($parameter 2))
    (cond ((not (symbolp file))
	   (%warn '|default: illegal file identifier| file)
	   (return nil))
	  ((not (member use '(write accept trace) :test #'equal))
	   (%warn '|default: illegal use for a file| use)
	   (return nil))
	  ((and (member use '(write trace) :test #'equal)
		(not (null file))
		(not ($ofile file)))
	   (%warn '|default: file has not been opened for output| file)
	   (return nil))
	  ((and (equal use 'accept) 
		(not (null file))
		(not ($ifile file)))
	   (%warn '|default: file has not been opened for input| file)
	   (return nil))
	  ((equal use 'write) (setq *write-file* file))
	  ((equal use 'accept) (setq *accept-file* file))
	  ((equal use 'trace) (setq *trace-file* file)))
    (return nil)))

(defun ops-accept (z)
  (prog (port arg)
    (cond ((> (length z) 1.)
	   (%warn '|accept: wrong number of arguments| z)
	   (return nil)))
    (setq port *standard-input*)
    (cond (*accept-file*
	   (setq port ($ifile *accept-file*))
	   (cond ((null port) 
		  (%warn '|accept: file has been closed| *accept-file*)
		  (return nil)))))
    (cond ((= (length z) 1)
	   (setq arg ($varbind (car z)))
	   (cond ((not (symbolp arg))
		  (%warn '|accept: illegal file name| arg)
		  (return nil)))
	   (setq port ($ifile arg))
	   (cond ((null port) 
		  (%warn '|accept: file not open for input| arg)
		  (return nil)))))
    (cond ((equal (peek-char t port nil "eof" ) "eof" )
	   ($value 'end-of-file)
	   (return nil)))
    (flat-value (read port)))) 

;;; Dario Giuse - completely changed the algorithm. It now uses one read-line
;;; and the read-from-string.
(defun ops-acceptline (z)
  (let ((port *standard-input*)
	(def z))
    (cond (*accept-file*
	   (setq port ($ifile *accept-file*))
	   (cond ((null port) 
		  (%warn '|acceptline: file has been closed| 
		  (return-from ops-acceptline nil)))))
    (cond ((> (length def) 0)
	   (let ((arg ($varbind (car def))))
	     (cond ((and (symbolp arg) ($ifile arg))
		    (setq port ($ifile arg))
		    (setq def (cdr def)))))))
    (let ((line (read-line port nil 'eof)))
      (declare (simple-string line))
      ;; Strip meaningless characters from start and end of string.
      (setq line (string-trim '(#\( #\) #\, #\tab #\space) line))
      (when (equal line "")
	(mapc (function $change) def)
	(return-from ops-acceptline nil))
      (setq line (concatenate 'simple-string "(" line ")"))
      ;; Read all items from the line
      (flat-value (read-from-string line)))))

(defun ops-rjust (z)
  (prog (val)
    (when (not (= (length z) 1.))
      (%warn '|rjust: wrong number of arguments| z)
      (return nil))
    (setq val ($varbind (car z)))
    (cond ((or (not (numberp val)) (< val 1.) (> val 127.))
	   (%warn '|rjust: illegal value for field width| val)
	   (return nil)))
    ($value '|=== R J U S T ===|)
    ($value val)))

(defun ops-crlf (z)
  (cond  (z (%warn '|crlf: does not take arguments| z))
	 (t ($value '|=== C R L F ===|))))

(defun ops-tabto (z)
  (prog (val)
    (when (not (= (length z) 1.))
      (%warn '|tabto: wrong number of arguments| z)
      (return nil))
    (setq val ($varbind (car z)))
    (cond ((or (not (numberp val)) (< val 1.) (> val 127.))
	   (%warn '|tabto: illegal column number| z)
	   (return nil)))
    ($value '|=== T A B T O ===|)
    ($value val)))

(defun do-rjust (width value port)
  (prog (size)
    (cond ((eq value '|=== T A B T O ===|)
	   (%warn '|rjust cannot precede this function| 'tabto)
	   (return nil))
	  ((eq value '|=== C R L F ===|)
	   (%warn '|rjust cannot precede this function| 'crlf)
	   (return nil))
	  ((eq value '|=== R J U S T ===|)
	   (%warn '|rjust cannot precede this function| 'rjust)
	   (return nil)))
    ;original->        (setq size (flatc value (1+ width)))
    (setq size (min value (1+ width)))  ;### KLUGE
    (cond ((> size width)
	   (princ '| | port)
	   (princ value port)
	   (return nil)))
    ;###        (do k (- width size) (1- k) (not (> k 0)) (princ '| | port))
    ;^^^KLUGE @@@do
    (princ value port)))

(defun do-tabto (col port)
  (prog (pos)
    ;OIRGINAL->	(setq pos (1+ (nwritn port)))	;hmm-takes 1 arg @@@ port
    (finish-output port);kluge
    (setq pos 0);kluge
    (cond ((> pos col)
	   (terpri port)
	   (setq pos 1)))
    ;###(do k (- col pos) (1- k) (not (> k 0)) (princ '| | port))
    ;^^^KLUGE @@@do
    (return nil)))

(defun flat-value (x)
  (cond ((atom x) ($value x))
	(t (mapc #'flat-value x)))) 

;;; Printing WM

(defun ops-ppwm (avlist)
  (prog (next a)
    (setq *filters* nil)
    (setq next 1.)
    loop   (and (atom avlist) (go print))
    (setq a (car avlist))
    (setq avlist (cdr avlist))
    ;this must be expecting (ppwm class ^ attr ^ attr2 ...) not ^attr
    (cond ((eq a '^)
	   (setq next (car avlist))
	   (setq avlist (cdr avlist))
	   (setq next ($litbind next))
	   (and (floatp next) (setq next (floor next)))
	   (cond ((or (not (numberp next))
		      (> next *size-result-array*)
		      (> 1. next))
		  (%warn '|illegal index after ^| next)
		  (return nil))))
	  ((variablep a)
	   (%warn '|ppwm does not take variables| a)
	   (return nil))
	  (t (setq *filters* (cons next (cons a *filters*)))
	     (setq next (1+ next))))
    (go loop)
    print (mapwm #'ppwm2)
    (return nil))) 

(defun default-write-file ()
  (let ((port *standard-output*))
    (when *write-file*
      (setq port ($ofile *write-file*))
      (when (null port) 
	(%warn '|write: file has been closed| *write-file*)
	(setq port *standard-output*)))

(defun trace-file ()
  (let ((port *standard-output*))
    (when *trace-file*
      (setq port ($ofile *trace-file*))
      (when (null port)
	(%warn '|trace: file has been closed| *trace-file*)
	(setq port *standard-output*)))

(defun ppwm2 (elm-tag)
  (cond ((filter (car elm-tag))
	 (terpri) (ppelm (car elm-tag) (default-write-file))))) 

(defun filter (elm)
  (prog (fl indx val)
    (setq fl *filters*)
    top  (and (atom fl) (return t))
    (setq indx (car fl))
    (setq val (cadr fl))
    (setq fl (cddr fl))
    (and (ident (nth (1- indx) elm) val) (go top))
    (return nil))) 

(defun ident (x y)
  (cond ((eq x y) t)
	((not (numberp x)) nil)
	((not (numberp y)) nil)
	((=alg x y) t)
	(t nil))) 

; the new ppelm is designed especially to handle literalize format
; however, it will do as well as the old ppelm on other formats

(defun ppelm (elm port)
  (prog (ppdat sep val att mode lastpos)
    (princ (creation-time elm) port)
    (princ '|:  | port)
    (setq mode 'vector)
    (setq ppdat (gethash (car elm) *ppdat-table*))
    (and ppdat (setq mode 'a-v))
    (setq sep "(")				; ")" 
    (setq lastpos 0)
    (do ((curpos 1 (1+ curpos)) (vlist elm (cdr vlist)))
	((atom vlist) nil)					; terminate
      (setq val (car vlist))				; tagbody begin
      (setq att (assoc curpos ppdat))	;should ret (curpos attr-name) 
      (cond (att (setq att (cdr att)))	; att = (attr-name) ??
	    (t (setq att curpos)))
      (and (symbolp att) (is-vector-attribute att) (setq mode 'vector))
      (cond ((or (not (null val)) (eq mode 'vector))
	     (princ sep port)
	     (ppval val att lastpos port)
	     (setq sep '|    |)
	     (setq lastpos curpos))))
    (princ '|)| port)))

(defun ppval (val att lastpos port)
  ;  (break "in ppval")		
  (cond ((not (equal att (1+ lastpos)))		; ok, if we got an att 
	 (princ '^ port)
	 (princ att port)
	 (princ '| | port)))
  (princ val port))

;;; Printing production memory

(defun ops-pm (z) (mapc #'pprule z) (terpri) nil)

(defun pprule (name)
  (prog (matrix next lab)
    (and (not (symbolp name)) (return nil))
    (setq matrix (gethash name *production-table*))
    (and (null matrix) (return nil))
    (princ '|(p |)      ;)
    (princ name)
    top	(and (atom matrix) (go fin))
    (setq next (car matrix))
    (setq matrix (cdr matrix))
    (setq lab nil)
    (cond ((eq next '-)
	   (princ '|  - |)
	   (setq next (car matrix))
	   (setq matrix (cdr matrix)))
	  ((eq next '-->)
	   (princ '|  |))
	  ((and (eq next '{) (atom (car matrix)))
	   (princ '|   {|)
	   (setq lab (car matrix))
	   (setq next (cadr matrix))
	   (setq matrix (cdddr matrix)))
	  ((eq next '{)
	   (princ '|   {|)
	   (setq lab (cadr matrix))
	   (setq next (car matrix))
	   (setq matrix (cdddr matrix)))
	  (t (princ '|    |)))
    (ppline next)
    (cond (lab (princ '| |) (princ lab) (princ '})))
    (go top)
    fin	(princ '|)|)))

(defun ppline (line)
  (cond ((atom line) (princ line))
	 (princ '|(|)			;)
	 (setq *ppline* line)
	 (princ '|)|)))

(defun ppline2 ()
  (prog (needspace)
    (setq needspace nil)
    top  (and (atom *ppline*) (return nil))
    (and needspace (princ '| |))
    (cond ((eq (car *ppline*) '^) (ppattval))
	  (t (pponlyval)))
    (setq needspace t)
    (go top)))

(defun ppattval ()
  (prog (att val)
    (setq att (cadr *ppline*))
    (setq *ppline* (cddr *ppline*))
    (setq val (getval))
    ;###	(cond ((> (+ (nwritn) (flatc att) (flatc val)) 76.)))
    ;@@@ nwritn no arg
    ;						;"plus" changed to "+" by gdw
    ;	       (terpri)
    ;	       (princ '|        |)
    (princ '^)
    (princ att)
    (mapc (function (lambda (z) (princ '| |) (princ z))) val)))

(defun pponlyval ()
  (prog (val needspace)
    (setq val (getval))
    (setq needspace nil)
    ;###	(cond ((> (+ (nwritn) (flatc val)) 76.)))
    ;"plus" changed to "+" by gdw
    ;	       (setq needspace nil)		;^nwritn no arg @@@
    ;	       (terpri)
    ;	       (princ '|        |)
    top	(and (atom val) (return nil))
    (and needspace (princ '| |))
    (setq needspace t)
    (princ (car val))
    (setq val (cdr val))
    (go top)))

(defun getval ()
  (let ((v1 (pop *ppline*))
    (cond ((member v1 '(= <> < <= => > <=>))
	   (setq res (cons v1 (getval))))
	  ((eq v1 '{)
	   (setq res (cons v1 (getupto '}))))
	  ((eq v1 '<<)
	   (setq res (cons v1 (getupto '>>))))
	  ((eq v1 '//)
	   (setq res (list v1 (car *ppline*)))
	   (setq *ppline* (cdr *ppline*)))
	  (t (setq res (list v1))))

(defun getupto (end)
  (if (atom *ppline*) nil
      (let ((v (pop *ppline*)))
	(if (eq v end) 
	    (list v)
	    (cons v (getupto end))))))

;;; *EOF*