;;; **************************************************************** ;;; OPS5 Interpreter *********************************************** ;;; **************************************************************** ;;; This Common Lisp version of OPS5 is in the public domain. It is based ;;; in part on based on a Franz Lisp implementation done by Charles L. Forgy ;;; at Carnegie-Mellon University, which was placed in the public domain by ;;; the author in accordance with CMU policies. Ported to Common Lisp by ;;; George Wood and Jim Kowalski. CMU Common Lisp modifications by ;;; Dario Guise, Skef Wholey, Michael Parzen, and Dan Kuokka. ;;; Modified to work in CLtL1, CLtL2 and X3J13 compatible lisps by ;;; Mark Kantrowitz on 14-OCT-92. ;;; ;;; This code is made available is, and without warranty of any kind by the ;;; authors or by Carnegie-Mellon University. ;;; ;;; Change Log: ;;; 13-OCT-92 mk Modified pathname usage to not be CMU Common Lisp specific. ;;; 15-OCT-92 mk Changed definition of // in ARI so that division uses / ;;; instead of FLOOR. Added QUOTIENT infix operator for ;;; backward compatability. ;;; 15-OCT-92 mk Moved all exports and shadows to this file, and modified ;;; them somewhat, to allow OPS5 to run on the Macintosh. ;;;; This file handles the loading of all files composing the OPS interpreter. ;;;; It also performs the necessary initialization. (in-package :cl-user) (eval-when (compile load eval) #+(or (and :excl (or :allegro-v4.0 :allegro-v4.1)) :mcl) (pushnew :cltl2 *features*)) (defpackage "OPS" (:use "COMMON-LISP") (:shadow "REMOVE" "WRITE") (:export "REMOVE" "WRITE" "MAKE" "MODIFY" "CRLF" "-->" "LITERALIZE" "P" "VECTOR-ATTRIBUTE" "STRATEGY" "WATCH" "RESET-OPS")) (in-package "OPS") ;;; ******************************** ;;; Source Directory *************** ;;; ******************************** (defparameter *ops-code-directory* #.(or *compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*) "Directory where OPS5 source code is stored.") ;;; ******************************** ;;; REP Loop *********************** ;;; ******************************** (defun ops () "OPS Read-Eval-Print Loop." (let ((counter 0)) (loop (incf counter) (format t "~&~D. " counter) (let* ((input (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) (read-line))) (space-pos (position #\space input)) (tag (subseq input 0 space-pos))) (cond ((or (string-equal tag "exit") (string-equal tag "quit")) (return)) ((string-equal tag "load") (load (subseq input (1+ space-pos)))) (t (let ((form (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(" input ")")))) (print (eval form))))))))) ;;; *EOF*