Raw Blame History
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    <dateCreated>Fri, 04 Dec 2015 06:00:03 GMT</dateCreated>
    <dateModified>Fri, 04 Dec 2015 06:00:03 GMT</dateModified>
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    <outline text="" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="The Badger Catholic" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Beiboot Petri" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="EUCist News" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="CRISTIANDAD" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Chiesa -" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="et nunc" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text=" - In Depth Analysis of Catholic Issues" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="IDLE SPECULATIONS" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Diligite iustitiam" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="John G. Brungardt, Ph.L." xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="BRUNONIS" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="katholon" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Laudator Temporis Acti" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Lex Christianorum" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Little Flower Farm" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Loved As If" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Low Churchman's Guide to the Solemn High Mass" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Fr Ray Blake's Blog" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Mary Victrix" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Mathias von Gersdorff" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Dom Donald's Blog" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Oz Conservative" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Transalpine Redemptorists at home" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Musings of a Pertinacious Papist" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Psallam Domino" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="RORATE C&amp;#198;LI" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Scholastiker" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="&amp;#922;&amp;#945;&amp;#952;&amp;#959;&amp;#955;&amp;#953;&amp;#954;&amp;#972;&amp;#962; &amp;#948;&amp;#953;&amp;#940;&amp;#954;&amp;#959;&amp;#957;&amp;#959;&amp;#962;" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Semiduplex" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Biblical Evidence for Catholicism" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Steeple and State" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Taylor Marshall" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Tea at Trianon" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="T&amp;#281;sknota" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="The hermeneutic of continuity" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Josias" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Theological Flint" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Rad Trad" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Sensible Bond" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Commentary - thomistica" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="News - thomistica" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The TOF Spot" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="totaliter aliter" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Voice of the Family" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Vox Cantoris" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Vultus Christi" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Called to Communion" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Cardinal Newman Society All Posts" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text=" &amp;#187;" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="CNS Vatican News" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Spirit of Teuchtar II" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Corpus Christi Watershed news" xmlUrl=""/>
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    <outline text="Faithful Answers" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Lepanto Institute" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Ley Natural" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="LMS Chairman" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="marcpuck" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="OnePeterFive" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="I Have to Sit Down" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Unequally Yoked" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Paths of Love" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Catholic Dormitory" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Catholic Thing" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Sacred Page" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Traditional Catholic Priest" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Le blog d'Yves Daoudal" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="AKA Catholic" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Charlotte was Both" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="In the Light of the Law" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="New Sherwood" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Ethika Politika" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Laodicea" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="History of Interpretation" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Dominus mihi adjutor" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Incarnation and Modernity" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="John V. Gerardi" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="One Mad Mom" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Symposium" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Sancrucensis" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="For the Queen" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Divine Lamp" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="The Jesuit Post" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Just Thomism" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics" xmlUrl=""/>
    <outline text="Zippy Catholic" xmlUrl=""/>