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       <h1>Various Catholic Feeds</h1>
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<h2>Wednesday, 04 November</h2>
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<div class="item feed-bad7800a feed-newsthomistica" id="item-1407ee38">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Leonine Commission sponsors a conference on the Summa theologiae in Paris</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">News - thomistica</a>]</span>
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<p>If you're going to be in Paris in early December&#8212;and who isn't?&#8212;you might want to attend a conference put on by the Soci&#233;t&#233; thomiste at the Saulchoir on the topic of Thomas's <em>Summa theologiae</em>. "Il y a 750 ans Thomas d'Aquin entreprenait la <em>Somme de th&#233;ologie."</em></p><p>The sessions will be held at the Saint-Jacques convent on the 3rd and 4th of December and features a line-up of current greats in European thomistic scholarship. Check out the conference program <a href="">here</a>.</p><p>&#160;</p>

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<div class="item feed-bad7800a feed-newsthomistica" id="item-41e2d127">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Dewan conference begins in Ottawa tomorrow (Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015)</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">News - thomistica</a>]</span>
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<p><img class="thumb-image" src="" />


<p>A symposium entitled "The Philosophy of Lawrence Dewan Metaphysics and Ethics," begins tomorrow at his beloved Coll&#232;ge universitaire dominicain. See <a href="" target="_blank">this attached flyer</a> for a list of the papers being presented.</p>

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<div class="item feed-f0dcc924 feed-totaliteraliter" id="item-00e52354">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Erb&#228;rmlich...</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">totaliter aliter</a>]</span>
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<p>Ich will jetzt gar nicht grunds&#228;tzlich werden, so von wegen <i>"rechte Gewalt"</i> und <i>"linke Gewalt"</i> (<i>"... ganze H&#228;rte des Rechtsstaates zu sp&#252;ren bekommen"</i> oder <i>"M&#252;ssen uns mit H&#228;rte des Rechtsstaates wehren"</i>, irgendwer?).<br /><br />Aber die Gewaltbereitschaft wohlstandsverwahrloster Bildungsverweigerer, die ihre k&#246;rperliche und geistige Bl&#246;&#223;e mit Antifa-Artikeln und -Parolen bedecken, die geht mir aktuell so derma&#223;en auf den Wecker, da&#223; ich besser jetzt als zu sp&#228;t Dampf ablasse.<br /><br />In Berlin werden Fenster und T&#252;re einer Apotheke, deren Betreiber sich f&#252;r den Lebensschutz einsetzt, <a href="" target="_blank">mit Farbe beschmiert</a>. In Magdeburg wird ein <a href="" target="_blank">Brandanschlag</a> auf ein Firmengeb&#228;ude von Josef v. Beverfoerde ver&#252;bt, dessen Frau Hedwig v. Beverfoerde sich bei der <i>"Demo f&#252;r alle"</i> engagiert. Und jetzt bekommt auch noch mein gesch&#228;tzter Blogger-Kollege <b>Josef Bordat</b> <a href="" target="_blank">massive Drohungen per E-Mail zugeschickt</a>. Von der ganzen verbalen, psychischen und auch physischen Gewalt, den die Teilnehmer von Demonstrationen f&#252;r das Leben oder gegen Genderwahn regelm&#228;&#223;ig zu sp&#252;ren bekommen, ganz zu schweigen.<br /><br />Und wer zeigt sich f&#252;r all diese Anschl&#228;ge, die Gewalt und die Drohungen verantwortlich? Genau diese Leute, die unter bestimmten Umst&#228;nden nicht laut und betroffen genug <i>"Kein Mensch ist illegal!"</i> in die Mikrophone und Kameras schluchzen k&#246;nnen.<br /><br />Neeeeee... Is' klaaaaaar jetzt!<br /><br /><i>"Kein Mensch ist illegal! Aber wer von diesen Legalen seine Stimme erheben oder seine Meinung &#228;u&#223;ern darf, das bestimmen immer noch wir!"</i><br /><br />Das Hoffen auf die Einsch&#252;chterung Andersdenkender durch Gewalt und Drohung ist wahrscheinlich die kleinste Menge Macht, von der ich je gesehen habe, da&#223; sie Menschen zu Kopfe gestiegen ist und dort irreparable Sch&#228;den angerichtet hat.<br /><br />Ganz ehrlich, wer sich st&#228;ndig gegen Gewalt ausspricht und sich f&#252;r Toleranz einsetzt und dann durch erschreckend r&#252;cksichtslose Taten offenbart, da&#223; er nur die Gewalt aus einer bestimmten Richtung und nur die Toleranz gegen&#252;ber bestimmten Gruppen meint, dem kann ich nicht einmal mehr raten, sich zu sch&#228;men, weil ich annehmen mu&#223;, da&#223; in einem Kopf, der mit dieser Art von Widerspruch leben kann, ohne zu explodieren, <i>"Scham"</i> soviel bedeutet wie <i>"Stolz"</i>.<br /><br />Nee, liebe Antifanten, mit diesen Nummern beweist Ihr lediglich eines: Es ist einfach reiner Zufall, ob eine bestimmte Sorte Mensch nun bei den Faschos, beim IS oder bei der Antifa landet.

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<div class="item feed-e34491e2 feed-marcpuck" id="item-428e5708">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Such a beautiful morniing...</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">marcpuck</a>]</span>
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<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: large;">Cloud, fog, bright sun, but I'd say it is also the first morning when it's noticeably in the 30s and not warmer: am wearing long sleeves in order to stave off as long as possible turning the office heater on.</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span><span style="font-size: large;">Am hunting for a new house to live in, ahem, and the transition is evidently not to be without certain bumps along the way, one of them being that the Internet connexion disappeared last evening: my presumption is that the landlady has been doing triage with her expenses, although perhaps there is some other explanation. In any event, it is too inconvenient to post here from the house: and since the Martyrology on these pages was intended to suggest prayers <i>et cetera</i> for the successful completion of the work of the late Synod, ahem, I believe I'm done with putting it here every morning. I suspect I did not pray quite often enough, or with the proper attitude.&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: large;">***</span></div><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span><span style="font-size: large;">I'm in the mood for some Haydn, although am not feeling very martial; honestly, am not sure why it is called that, this symphony. Perhaps a listen will tell; haven't heard it in months that I can recall. Had to miss the recent performance of his so-called St Caecilia Mass at the University, having managed to scratch the surface of my left eye while waking up that morning: no Mass, and no Haydn's Mass that afternoon, either. It was Wednesday before it was all done with, tsk.</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div></div><div class="blogger-post-footer">Pardonne, &#244; Seigneur, si nous avons murmur&#233; en voyant la d&#233;solation de ton temple; pardonne &#224; notre raison &#233;branl&#233;e! L&#8217;homme n&#8217;est lui-m&#234;me qu&#8217;un &#233;difice tomb&#233;, qu&#8217;un d&#233;bris du p&#233;ch&#233; et de la mort; son amour ti&#232;de, sa foi chancelante, sa charit&#233; born&#233;e, ses sentiments incomplets, ses pens&#233;es insuffisantes, son c&#339;ur bris&#233;, tout chez lui n&#8217;est que ruines.</div>

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<div class="item feed-4639a853 feed-mathiasvongersdorff" id="item-fa41be11">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Wichtige Neuerscheinung: FAMILIENMODELLE IN DER DISKUSSION von Prof. Kampowski</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Mathias von Gersdorff</a>]</span>
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<div class="item feed-6bbca5c4 feed-theparaphasic" id="item-11504591">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">It's a trap!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Paraphasic</a>]</span>
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<p>The more groups and individuals I see virtually "sign on" to the final relatio of this year's Synod, the more concerned I am. &nbsp;The controversial paragraphs of that document contain a vague, inchoate, expression of the internal forum version of Kasper's proposal. &nbsp;So when X group or Y blogger says "Hooray, the Synod affirmed Church Teaching!" even though, on the crucial point, the Synod at best merely muddled through Church Teaching without affirming or negating it, I start to wonder: how do all of these eager affirmations of "You did it! You affirmed doctrine! All is well!" play into the Kasperian narrative which is waiting to unfold and envelop the Church? &nbsp;Won't the narrative be: <i>Of course we affirmed Church teaching! And we did so precisely while opening a door to the private discernment of Eucharistic readiness!</i><br /><i><br /></i>I know everyone wants to say "Yes!" to the bishops. &nbsp;This is a good thing, really! &nbsp;But the impulse to say "Yes!" and eschew criticism as far as possible has gotten the Church into some nasty situations. &nbsp;Clarity is not too much to demand of our pastors, and pointing out that a document remains unclear on a crucial point (or seems to indicate what it could not, in faith, indicate) is no act of rebellion.

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<div class="item feed-0151ce3b feed-cnsvaticannews" id="item-d9a84306">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Vatican spokesman confirms money laundering investigation</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Vatican News</a>]</span>


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<div class="item feed-5a7617c0 feed-catholiccultureorgcommentaryoncatholicnewsandworldaffairs" id="item-93e9c953">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">'Vatileaks II' and the enemies of reform</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=""> - Commentary on Catholic News and World Affairs</a>]</span>
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<p>In his novel <i>Shoes of the Fisherman</i>, Morris West has an old Vatican hand give this advice to a newly elected Pope from a country far away from Rome:</p>

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<div class="item feed-0151ce3b feed-cnsvaticannews" id="item-b1b0f88c">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">'VatiLeaks' 2015: Books claim strong resistance to pope's finance reform</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Vatican News</a>]</span>


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<div class="item feed-46b49d79 feed-taylormarshall" id="item-bee09386">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">My 7 Point Wish List for a Catholic Synod of Family</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Taylor Marshall</a>]</span>
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<p><em id="gnt_postsubtitle" style="color: #770005; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.3em; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;">An Earnest Challenge for Bishops and Priests</em></p> <p>The 2 year Catholic Synod of the Family is over.&#160;Was it worth it?</p>
<p>I hate to say it, but the Synod of the Family was essentially a two year debate&#160;between bishops over:</p>
<li><strong>Homosexuality.</strong> Can a &#8220;merciful church&#8221; make room for alternative lifestyles?</li>
<li><strong>Communion for the Catholics who were sacramentally married in the Catholic Church, later civilly divorced, and then remarried new partners. </strong>Can a &#8220;merciful church&#8221; modify&#160;the teaching of the <em>Catechism</em> and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Saint</span> John Paul II and&#8230;wait for it&#8230;the <a href=";version=RSVCE" target="_blank">Second Person of the Trinity (Mk 10:11)</a>.</li>
<p><a href=""><img alt="synod of bishops" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6412" height="330" src="" width="575" /></a></p>
<p>People are still debating the final document and trying to figure who &#8220;won.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>While dogma did not change, it was nevertheless a massive failure because it did not speak&#160;</strong><em><strong>to&#160;the troops on the ground:</strong>&#160;<span style="text-decoration: underline;">That is, it did not speak to the families actually trying to live the mystery of Matrimony and family as described by Saint John Paul II and the Catechism.</span></em></p>
<p>So what might have been a better game plan for a &#8220;Synod on the Family&#8221;? How about this:</p>
<h2>7 Point Wish List of what a Synod on the Family might have looked like:</h2>
<li><strong>A special message from the Pope issued to mothers of children, thanking them for their physical and emotional sacrifices.</strong> Thanking these brave women for having resisted the feminist lies they hear every day on TV, Facebook (and in the grocery store from clerks) as they gracefully raise the future Christians and Saints of human civilization. These women have many babies, homeschool, squeeze&#160;budgets, and are criticized by clerks and even their own families. <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Our Catholic women were basically ignored by this Synod.</span> </em></strong>Women are mentioned only 6 times in the <em>Relatio. </em>Motherhood only one time!<em>&#160;</em>Shame on the bishops for this.</li>
<li><strong>A special message from the Pope to fathers of children, thanking them for resisting the easy-sex hook-up culture and choosing the vocation of monogamy and fatherhood.</strong> Thanking them for their financial sacrifices and their fidelity toward their wives and children. Thanking them for mirroring Christ as a faithful Groom.</li>
<li><strong>The Pope formally granting a plenary indulgence</strong> (with usual conditions) to any couple on their wedding day and every annual anniversary to thank them for taking up the vocation of Holy Matrimony.</li>
<li><strong>A Mass to strengthen families.</strong> The synod&#8217;s request that there be a&#160;celebration on a certain date in every diocese of a special Mass offered by the bishops for mothers and fathers and their children. We don&#8217;t want to see our bishops as CEO&#8217;s within&#160;the hedge of the chancery. We desperately&#160;desire&#160;to see him as a father and shepherd laying his hands on our children and blessing them.</li>
<li>Instead of having special meetings between the Pope and transgendered and homosexuals, <strong>have the Pope meet, bless, and honor married couples who have been married faithfully for over 50 years</strong> and hold them up as examples to the entire Catholic Church. Lots of photos. Lots of interviews. Let&#8217;s celebrate the heroes of Catholic Holy Matrimony from all cultures.</li>
<li><strong>An encouraging document from the Synod for families to be open to large families.</strong> Having large families is not &#8220;breeding like rabbits.&#8221; The Holy Trinity calls having large families &#8220;being fruitful,&#8221; and He thinks it&#8217;s a great thing. It would be nice to hear the Pope and bishops formally recognize the Catholic tradition of large families,&#160;and celebrate sacramental spouses that are trying to live it in a culture that is materialistic and anti-life.</li>
<li><strong>A strong &#8220;Culture of Life&#8221; message <em>a la</em> Saint John Paul II.</strong> We haven&#8217;t heart a good Culture of Life vs. Culture of Death rally&#160;in awhile. We watch&#160;our culture&#160;celebrate extramarital sex, pornography, homosexual rights, abortion, etc. daily on Facebook and the news outlets. We would love&#160;to have our own Church celebrate the counter-cultural vocation that we are trying to live out for Christ.</li>
<li>[<strong>UPDATED EXTRA POINT 8: Recognize all the married couples&#160;suffering from infertility</strong> that remain faithful to the Church&#8217;s teachings on openness to life without resorting to immoral means of conceiving children, such as in vitro and rented wombs. &#8211; This point was recommended by Rebecca Christian after I published this post. Thank you, Rebecca.]</li>
<li><strong>[UPDATED EXTRA POINT 9: Address all the children who have been hurt through divorce, sexual confusion, and irregular marriages.</strong> There is a growing collection&#160;of young people who are scarred by divorce and they themselves are fearful to enter marriage after having watched their parents marriage break apart and after having lived in the fallout. The bishops need to publicly make a plan to &#8220;journey with them.&#8221;&#160;Divorce isn&#8217;t just &#8220;what about who can receive the&#160;Eucharist, but &#8220;what about our young people&#8221;? &#8211; This point was recommended by Sharon after I published this post. Thanks Sharon.]</li>
<p><strong>Dear Bishops, these faithful growing families&#160;are your biggest assets.</strong> They are the ones teaching their children to pray for the bishop every night. They are the ones offering&#160;prayers, donations, volunteer time, and support.</p>
<p><strong>These are the families that will give you the priests and religious that you so desperately&#160;need in the years to come.</strong> They are the ones that will fund your bishop&#8217;s appeal.</p>
<p><a href=""><img alt="Synod" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6349" height="413" src="" width="600" /></a></p>
<p><strong>And yet we are mostly neglected by &#8220;the hierarchy.&#8221;</strong> The Church just spent millions of dollars on these two synods (airfare, housing, hotel, security) and to be honest, it was a big let down for those of us leading actually families.</p>
<p><strong>We are &#8220;just laypeople&#8221; but would you please offer us some tangible encouragement &#8211; especially our wives who are viewed as pitiful pawns of an oppressive patriarchy?</strong></p>
<h2>We Need Clerical Coaches of Encouragement:</h2>
<p>We are now a persecuted minority in the world, and we need <strong>some coaches on the sidelines slapping us on the back and shouting &#8220;Way to go team!&#8221; as we come off the field.</strong></p>
<p>If you&#8217;re a priest or a bishop reading this, please consider becoming one of those encouraging coaches.</p>
<p><strong>Personal story:</strong> When I was on pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, I went to confession to a priest. Some of my sins related to the frustrations of running a large family. The priest gave me solid advice.</p>
<p><strong>Before absolution, the priest said:</strong></p>
<blockquote><p>&#8220;Heh brother. On behalf of the entire Catholic Church, thanks for trying hard and having a large family. It&#8217;s not easy and you&#8217;re doing it. Thank you. It&#8217;s beautiful.&#8221;</p></blockquote>
<p><strong>And you know what, I just blew up into tears. Total face melt.</strong> I didn&#8217;t expect to have that kind of response. It was just so cool to hear. After that priest said that, I was ready to fight for the Catholic Church, my wife and kids, as&#160;the most zealous apostle. I had wind in my sails and I was given enough fuel to go another 10 years. I was charged up.</p>
<div style="background-color: #eeeeee; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; margin: 8px 0 20px; padding: 15px 20px;"><strong>My appeal to bishops and priests: </strong><strong>Be that kind of priest in the pulpit and within the confessional. </strong>You will have loyal lay people that march through Hell for you. And with the way things are going in the years to come, you&#8217;re gonna need it.</div>
<p>Just a layman,<br />
Taylor Marshall</p>
<p>Do you know somebody who needs to read this? Please share it on Facebook by <a href="" target="_blank">clicking here</a>.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="facebook-share-button" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-5748" height="59" src="" width="243" /></a></p>
<div style="color: #006840;"><strong><em><span class="preface">Question: </span>To all the other families out there: What do you think? Did the Synod fail you? How else do we encourage our struggling families? <span class="comment-prompt">You can leave a comment by <a href="">clicking here</a>.</span></em></strong></div>
<p>Do you benefit from my posts, because an email subscriber for free and get a free book on Saint Thomas Aquinas: <a href="" target="_blank">sign up here.</a></p>
<span id="pty_trigger"></span><div class="rssfooter"><a href="">
<img alt="" border="0" /></a></div><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">My 7 Point Wish List for a Catholic Synod of Family</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Taylor Marshall</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-0151ce3b feed-cnsvaticannews" id="item-1dca4fe3">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope says human trafficking is an international responsibility</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Vatican News</a>]</span>


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<div class="item feed-790db351 feed-thatthebonesyouhavecrushedmaythrill" id="item-ee7c5f74">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Nothing New Under the Sun</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="452" src="" width="640" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;">So let's have less of this Christian 'newness' rubbish.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: center;">Sin is ancient, so is the serpent.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: center;">There is nothing new under the sun.<br /><br />People have been attempting to overthrow the Moral Law since Adam and Eve.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: center;">People have been seeking ways to justify sin for, literally, <i>ages</i>.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br /></div>

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<div class="item feed-7255b977 feed-frrayblakesblog" id="item-5ee2c6f7">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Towards What?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Ray Blake's Blog</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=";h=163" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="" border="0" height="217" src=";h=163" width="400" /></a>"I lost my faith", said a lady sometime ago, "I went to Mass at St X and Bishop Y was there and he said it was very unlikely to be true that the three kings came to Bethlehem and anyhow we didn;t have believe it". "Well it occurred to me if we didn't have believe that, Father, we don't we have to believe anything. So I started questioning everything I did believe and I decided I didn't believe in anything, even in God". Remove one bick an the Temple falls. I have known priests and even bishops, sad individuals, who seemed to delight in destroying faith rather building it up.<br /><br />As a priest I am conscious of how frail God's gifts are, how slight our grasp on them can be, we hold on to them by gossamer threads, which are easily broken. Faith is easily damaged, maybe because it is the most supernatural gift of all, it can thrive in prison and under torture but it is the most vulnerable to damage through the Church and her ministers. Religious practise is often the last thing to disappear, for clergy they will always drag themselves to the altar, not being strong enough to dig or too proud to beg, but once faith goes, so does hope and eventually the practice of charity breaks down too. Mgr Charamsa is perhaps an example of this.<br /><br />Those things which were once a joy can become a terrible burden. &nbsp;Prayer once a delight becomes a bed of thorns, a mess of distractions, poverty or simplicity of life once happily embraced becomes a condemnation to bleak hopelessness, chastity a constant reminder of emptiness.<br /><br />&nbsp;At the Synod and now afterwards I wonder if some senior clergy are deliberately setting out to destroy, to take away just one or two bricks so the whole Temple collapses, it is as if their own faith has left them and they resent other people's faith<br /><br />Priests and bishops are supposed to build up faith, not break it down. If we do, "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin".<br /><br />I know we priests can easily live in our own little bubble and meet only people who share our views, I know a very few Jews, a few Muslims, a few Orthodox but the majority of people I know are Catholics and Catholics of a particular sort. I was thinking last night I do not know any Methodists, or Quakers, or Unitarians, or for that matter Jesuits! Most of the priests I know all seem to be unhappy with the direction the Church seems to be being nudged into taking. Priests tend to be reflective and introspective, we have learnt to keep our own counsel, most don't blog, most don't write to newspapers, even Catholic one's. Most are unlikely to write to their bishop or even talk much to him, especially about their concerns for the Church, especially if he is unlikely to agree with them. But then so many bishops seem equally confused.<br /><br /><br /><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="245" src="" width="320" /></a>Following the Synod, some who might be in the know, like Cardinal Nichols, hint that change is in the offing, see his recent&nbsp;<a href="">Pastoral Letter on the Synod on the Family</a>. Other Bishops, Cardinal Pell for example, assure us that&nbsp;there will not be, or cannot be change in doctrine, perhaps they are a little less definite nowadays about changes in pastoral practice, and even less definite about about changes to the faith itself. We can tell ourselves that the Church is unchanging, that Christ is with her until the end of time, but we have seen the Church changing a great deal in the last fifty years since Vatican II. At one time we were told the Mass was unchangeable, when the Mass changed, our belief in the Eucharist was unchanging but as I have said before, compare the Eucharistic faith of the children of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin with the South American child whose bishop spoke approvingly of him at the Synod, who broke the host in half to share with his divorced and remarried father.<br /><br />A friend was at one of those Catholic literary lunches and met a writer for that 'Catholic' weekly, who said, 'I do hate the Catholic Church, don't you?' She then continued, 'I do think Pope Francis is so good for the Church'. It seems like madness to me but then there are those in the Church who do actually hate it and want its ruin or destruction. Judas after all sat table with Christ and the bishops. After Simon made his profession of faith and is called Cephas, Peter, the next time Jesus addresses him, he calls him Satan, 'Get behind me, Satan, for your thoughts are man's, not God's'.<br /><br /><br /><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the truth // lion // defend // leo: Leo Thang, Leo I, Leo Richard, Leo Lionesses, Leo Women, Leo Stuff, Leo Girls, August Leo, Leo Quotes" border="0" height="320" src="" width="320" /></a>From the Patristic exegesis of Pope Benedict which tended to build up faith, we have moved to dark world of confusion and ambiguity. From letting Truth go free to defend itself we have moved into a period where there are truths and then there are truths. Uncertainty and confusion are not of God, they damage faith, they do not build it up. In this environment the old debates about the Papacy of Bellarmine and Suarez have suddenly taken on a new life, maybe not with intellectual giants like 'people who disagree with the Pope because they don't like him', Cdl Wuerl or elitist American academics (why do they always want to address emotions and never address arguments?) but with many ordinary Catholics, clergy especially, thinking laity too. It is not something new for Catholics to ask, what if the Pope... is misguided, is in the pay of the Spanish, French or Austrians, is captured by Muslims, is a heretic, is evil, is suffering from megalomania, or is going senile or mad, these questions were asked before and are being asked now by people trying their best, for the good of the Church, to understand the mess we appear to be in. Under Pius XII the question was what if the Pope is captured by the Nazis or drugged by Communists.<br /><br /><br /><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="communist cross" border="0" height="153" src="" width="320" /></a>The apparent cruelty and still unknown charges against the Franciscans of the Immaculate, the extraordinary speech in Paraguay, accusing the Paraguayan government, and specifically the president, of the abduction of Edelio Morinigo, which he put into a context of the worst atrocities of the Nazis and Communists, Morinigo in fact turned out to be a policeman abducted by rebels against the government, the agreement to accept that extraordinary Marxist crucifix and decorations in Bolivia, the support of child abuse covering up bishops like Bishop Juan Barros in Chile or Cardinal Danneels who was invited to the Synod apparently as a reward for his support in the Conclave, his returning again and again to the journalist Scalfari, who apparently misreports him, his packing of the Synod with pro-Kasperians, his apparent manipulation of both the extraordinary Synod last year and the ordinary Synod this year, his promotion of the now arrested Chaouqui and Vallejo Balda (Chaouqui, if you remember, was bought in to manage the papal image and public relations), these are some of the reasons questions are being raised quite openly in the Italian press and increasingly by the media elsewhere. It was these incidents that raised concern over the Holy Father's health and in the rather overblown Italian style, the suggestion of a brain tumour, but this was the most extreme end of concerns and perhaps the most easily dismissed in order to scotch others.<br /><br /><br /><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="Msgr. Fabian Pedacchio Leaniz in the Vatican on June 23, 2013. Credit: Alan Holdren/CNA." border="0" src="" /></a>It is of note that <a href="">Lifesite carries questions</a> about the influences of the Pope's involvement with the 'gay mafia', and at least raises in my mind question of his own complicity with the St Gall group, no-one has suggested, yet that he attended the St Gall meetings. It seems from the reports that was merely passive, their candidate', but then there were all those faxes or emails sent from the Congregation of Bishops to the office of the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires by Mgr Fabi&#225;n Pedacchio, who is now the Pope's Secretary.

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<div class="item feed-0151ce3b feed-cnsvaticannews" id="item-fb29cd1f">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Families must forgive and not 'end the day in war,' pope says</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Vatican News</a>]</span>


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<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">#096: Revelation Ch. 21 Heaven as a Cube and the New Jerusalem (Catholic Apocalypse Part 15)</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Taylor Marshall</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">As we move into chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation,&#160;we discover the New Jerusalem as a Perfect Bride for Christ and she is in the shape of a cube. Find out the liturgical significance of the cube and other symbolism by listening here:</span></p>
<h2 style="color: #006840; text-align: left;">#096: Revelation Ch. 21 Heaven as a Cube and the New Jerusalem (Catholic Apocalypse Part 15)</h2>

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<table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="podcastArchive">
<caption>Podcast Archive</caption>
<th align="right">#</th>
<th align="left">Title</th>
<th align="right">Released</th>
<td align="right">095</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Taylor&#8217;s Thoughts on Being Father of a Large Family</a></td>
<td align="right">10/28/2015</td>
<td align="right">094</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">On the Indissolubility of Marriage and the Synod on the Family</a></td>
<td align="right">10/21/2015</td>
<td align="right">093</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Ch. 20 The Millennium in Catholic Tradition</a></td>
<td align="right">10/15/2015</td>
<td align="right">092</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Ch.19 Eucharist as Apocalypse </a></td>
<td align="right">10/07/2015</td>
<td align="right">091</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Ch. 18 Fallen is Babylon the Great</a></td>
<td align="right">09/30/2015</td>
<td align="right">090</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Ch. 17 The Whore of Babylon and Her Beast</a></td>
<td align="right">09/23/2015</td>
<td align="right">089</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Do Babies Know the Existence of God</a></td>
<td align="right">09/9/2015</td>
<td align="right">088</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation (Chs 15-16) 7 Chalices of Wrath (Catholic Apocalypse Part 10)</a></td>
<td align="right">09/2/2015</td>
<td align="right">087</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Ch. 14 Lamb on the Mountain with 6 Angels against Babylon</a></td>
<td align="right">08/26/2015</td>
<td align="right">086</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Taylor&#8217;s Conversion Story to Catholicism &#8211; Interview with Matthew Leonard</a></td>
<td align="right">08/19/2015</td>
<td align="right">085</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Chapter 13 The Sea Beast and the Land Beast the Mark of the Beast</a></td>
<td align="right">08/13/2015</td>
<td align="right">084</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Revelation Chapter 12 &#8211; Our Lady of the Apocalypse</a></td>
<td align="right">07/29/2015</td>
<td align="right">083</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">The Giant Angel and Two Witnesses: Revelation Part 6 (Chapters 10-11)</a></td>
<td align="right">07/15/2015</td>
<td align="right">082</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">The Seven Trumpets: Book of Revelation Part 5 (Chapters 8-9)</a></td>
<td align="right">07/02/2015</td>
<td align="right">081</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Book of Revelation Part 4 (Chapters 6-7)</a></td>
<td align="right">07/09/2015</td>
<td align="right">080</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Taylor&#8217;s Catholic Thoughts on Same Sex Marriage</a></td>
<td align="right">06/30/2015</td>
<td align="right">079</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Book of Revelation Part 3 (Chapters 4-5)</a></td>
<td align="right">06/17/2015</td>
<td align="right">078</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Is the Relic of True Cross Real?</a></td>
<td align="right">06/16/2015</td>
<td align="right">077</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Book of Revelation Part 2 (Chapter 2-3)</a></td>
<td align="right">06/10/2015</td>
<td align="right">076</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Book of Revelation Part 1 (Chapter 1)</a></td>
<td align="right">06/03/2015</td>
<td align="right">075</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Trinity Sunday, Liturgy, Thomas Becket and Anglican Use Thoughts </a></td>
<td align="right">05/29/2015</td>
<td align="right">074</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Tongues of Fire in Acts, 1 Enoch, and Pre-Vatican Liturgy</a></td>
<td align="right">05/27/2015</td>
<td align="right">073</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Advice on Being a Man</a></td>
<td align="right">05/22/2015</td>
<td align="right">072</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">What was the Priestly Status of Mary? Was she a Levite?</a></td>
<td align="right">05/16/2015</td>
<td align="right">071</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">The Theology of Cooking Food</a></td>
<td align="right">05/14/2015</td>
<td align="right">070</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">3 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety and Stress</a></td>
<td align="right">05/06/2015</td>
<td align="right">069</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">How to Read the Summa in One Year</a></td>
<td align="right">04/22/2015</td>
<td align="right">068</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">St Paul on Faith and Works Catholic vs Protestant Debate</a></td>
<td align="right">03/25/2015</td>
<td align="right">067</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">How Your Fears Are Hurting You Spiritually?</a></td>
<td align="right">03/18/2015</td>
<td align="right">066</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">What is 666 and the Mark of the Beast?</a></td>
<td align="right">03/04/2015</td>
<td align="right">065</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">40 Days of Joy</a></td>
<td align="right">02/26/2015</td>
<td align="right">064</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Why did God make you? Luke 19 Gives the Answer</a></td>
<td align="right">02/11/2015</td>
<td align="right">063</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Is Being A Christian Hard or Easy?</a></td>
<td align="right">01/21/2015</td>
<td align="right">062</td>
<td align="left"><a href="">Catholic View of the End Times and Tribulation</a></td>
<td align="right">01/14/2015</td>
<td align="right">061</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#061: When Other People Really Hurt You [Podcast]">When Other People Really Hurt You</a></td>
<td align="right">01/07/2015</td>
<td align="right">060</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#060: Is Saint George Still a Saint? [Podcast]">Is Saint George Still a Saint?</a></td>
<td align="right">01/01/2015</td>
<td align="right">059</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#059: Revolution in Catholic Education &#8211; Jennifer Fulwiler Interviews Taylor Marshall">Revolution in Catholic Education &#8211; Jennifer Fulwiler Interviews Taylor Marshall</a></td>
<td align="right">12/31/2014</td>
<td align="right">058</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#058: The Hidden Theology in Sword and Serpent with St George and Sabra">The Hidden Theology in Sword and Serpent with St George and Sabra</a></td>
<td align="right">12/11/2014</td>
<td align="right">057</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#057: Advent Total Consecration to Mary [Podcast]">Advent Total Consecration to Mary</a></td>
<td align="right">11/13/2014</td>
<td align="right">056</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#056: Top 5 Advent Devotions">Top 5 Advent Devotions</a></td>
<td align="right">11/07/2014</td>
<td align="right">055</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#055: Why Do We Baptize Babies? The Covenantal Argument">Why Do We Baptize Babies? The Covenantal Argument</a></td>
<td align="right">10/22/2014</td>
<td align="right">054</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#054: Is God Male or Female &#8211; The Catholic Teaching">Is God Male or Female &#8211; The Catholic Teaching</a></td>
<td align="right">10/08/2014</td>
<td align="right">053</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#053: Lucifer vs. Saint Michael">Lucifer vs. Saint Michael</a></td>
<td align="right">10/01/2014</td>
<td align="right">052</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#052: 1 Year Anniversary Special Edition: Essentialism What is the Essence of Your Life?">1 Year Anniversary Special Edition: Essentialism What is the Essence of Your Life?</a></td>
<td align="right">09/24/2014</td>
<td align="right">051</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#051: The Price of Your Anger [Podcast]">The Price of Your Anger</a></td>
<td align="right">09/17/2014</td>
<td align="right">050</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#050: The Seven Sorrows of Mary are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit [Podcast]">The Seven Sorrows of Mary are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit</a></td>
<td align="right">09/15/2014</td>
<td align="right">049</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#049: 6 Obstacles in Your Life (How to Conquer Them) [Podcast]">6 Obstacles in Your Life (How to Conquer Them)</a></td>
<td align="right">09/10/2014</td>
<td align="right">048</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#048: Brain Science, Your Soul &amp; Prayer [Podcast]">Brain Science, Your Soul &amp; Prayer</a></td>
<td align="right">09/03/2014</td>
<td align="right">047</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#047: Don&#8217;t Swallow the Camel [Podcast]">Don&#8217;t Swallow the Camel</a></td>
<td align="right">08/27/2014</td>
<td align="right">046</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#046: The Secret Life of Thomas Aquinas [Podcast]">The Secret Life of Thomas Aquinas</a></td>
<td align="right">08/22/2014</td>
<td align="right">045</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#045: Did Saint Paul Teach Once Saved Always Saved? [Podcast]">Did Saint Paul Teach Once Saved Always Saved?</a></td>
<td align="right">08/06/2014</td>
<td align="right">044</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#044: How to Escape Joyless Catholicism, Part 2 [Podcast]">How to Escape Joyless Catholicism, Part 2</a></td>
<td align="right">07/30/2014</td>
<td align="right">043</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#043: How to Escape Joyless Catholicism, Part 1 [Podcast]">How to Escape Joyless Catholicism, Part 1</a></td>
<td align="right">07/24/2014</td>
<td align="right">042</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#042: Golf Cart Saints [Podcast]">Golf Cart Saints</a></td>
<td align="right">07/15/2014</td>
<td align="right">041</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#041: 5 Intellectual Virtues and Pornography, Art, and Culture [Podcast]">5 Intellectual Virtues and Pornography, Art, and Culture</a></td>
<td align="right">07/02/2014</td>
<td align="right">040</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#040: Taylor and Joy Talk About Their Marriage [Podcast]">Taylor and Joy Talk About Their Marriage</a></td>
<td align="right">06/25/2014</td>
<td align="right">039</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#039: How Was the Bible Assembled? (plus Joy joins me)">How Was the Bible Assembled? (plus Joy joins me)</a></td>
<td align="right">06/18/2014</td>
<td align="right">038</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#038: Should You Budget Time (or Money)? [Podcast]">Should You Budget Time (or Money)?</a></td>
<td align="right">06/04/2014</td>
<td align="right">037</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#037: The Theology of Vacation, Leisure, and Recreation [Podcast]">The Theology of Vacation, Leisure, and Recreation</a></td>
<td align="right">05/28/2014</td>
<td align="right">036</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#036: Noah Movie Review &#8211; Rock Monsters? [Podcast]">Noah Movie Review &#8211; Rock Monsters?</a></td>
<td align="right">05/21/2014</td>
<td align="right">035</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#035: Children Need Fortitude [Podcast]">Children Need Fortitude</a></td>
<td align="right">05/14/2014</td>
<td align="right">034</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#034: Jokes of Saint John XXIII [Podcast]">Jokes of Saint John XXIII</a></td>
<td align="right">05/07/2014</td>
<td align="right">033</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#033: Divine Mercy: 5 Common Questions [Podcast]">Divine Mercy: 5 Common Questions</a></td>
<td align="right">04/30/2014</td>
<td align="right">032</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#032: 4 Sections of Hell [Podcast]">4 Sections of Hell</a></td>
<td align="right">04/23/2014</td>
<td align="right">031</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#031: Meet the Saint Version of You [Podcast]">Meet the Saint Version of You</a></td>
<td align="right">04/16/2014</td>
<td align="right">030</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#030: Should You Be an Optimist? [Podcast]">Should You Be an Optimist?</a></td>
<td align="right">04/09/2014</td>
<td align="right">029</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#029: Finding Fellowship like Samwise Gamgee [Podcast]">Finding Fellowship like Samwise Gamgee</a></td>
<td align="right">04/01/2014</td>
<td align="right">028</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#028: Demons, Snakes, and Ticks: Lessons from a Hunting Trip">Demons, Snakes, and Ticks: Lessons from a Hunting Trip</a></td>
<td align="right">03/26/2014</td>
<td align="right">027</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#027: How to Make an Eternal Impact with Your Life [Podcast]">How to Make an Eternal Impact with Your Life</a></td>
<td align="right">03/19/2014</td>
<td align="right">026</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#026: Thoughts on My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe [Podcast]">Thoughts on My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe</a></td>
<td align="right">02/26/2014</td>
<td align="right">025</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#025: Why is the Catholic Church Roman? [Podcast]">Why is the Catholic Church Roman?</a></td>
<td align="right">02/19/2014</td>
<td align="right">024</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#024: The Seven Lies We Believe About Our Failures [Podcast]">The Seven Lies We Believe About Our Failures</a></td>
<td align="right">02/11/2014</td>
<td align="right">023</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#023: How to Restart Your Mental Computer [Podcast]">How to Restart Your Mental Computer</a></td>
<td align="right">02/06/2014</td>
<td align="right">022</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#022: Top Five Productivity Tips from Thomas Aquinas [Podcast]">Top Five Productivity Tips from Thomas Aquinas</a></td>
<td align="right">01/29/2014</td>
<td align="right">021</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#021: Did You Miss God&#8217;s Plan for Your Life? [Podcast]">Did You Miss God&#8217;s Plan for Your Life?</a></td>
<td align="right">01/23/2014</td>
<td align="right">020</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#020: When Prayer Becomes a Chore [Podcast]">When Prayer Becomes a Chore</a></td>
<td align="right">01/15/2014</td>
<td align="right">019</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#019: 12 Attributes of a Baptized Christian [Podcast]">12 Attributes of a Baptized Christian</a></td>
<td align="right">01/08/2014</td>
<td align="right">018</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#018: A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! [Podcast]">A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics!</a></td>
<td align="right">12/30/2013</td>
<td align="right">017</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#017: Mary&#8217;s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained [Podcast]">Mary&#8217;s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained</a></td>
<td align="right">12/18/2013</td>
<td align="right">016</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#016: Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Luke (Plus How to Set Goals) [Podcast]">Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Luke (Plus How to Set Goals)</a></td>
<td align="right">12/11/2013</td>
<td align="right">015</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#015: Total Consecration to Mary [Podcast]">Total Consecration to Mary</a></td>
<td align="right">12/04/2013</td>
<td align="right">014</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#014: What&#8217;s Your Apostolate? [Podcast]">What&#8217;s Your Apostolate?</a></td>
<td align="right">11/27/2013</td>
<td align="right">013</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#013: 6 Items for the Liturgy of Your Life [Podcast]">6 Items for the Liturgy of Your Life</a></td>
<td align="right">11/20/2013</td>
<td align="right">012</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#012: Why You Should Be More Creative [Podcast]">Why You Should Be More Creative</a></td>
<td align="right">11/13/2013</td>
<td align="right">011</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#011: Why Did They Stop Teaching Virtue? [Podcast]">Why Did They Stop Teaching Virtue?</a></td>
<td align="right">11/06/2013</td>
<td align="right">010</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#010: How Do Saints Hear Our Prayers? [Podcast]">How Do Saints Hear Our Prayers?</a></td>
<td align="right">10/30/2013</td>
<td align="right">009</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#009: My Opinion of Martin Luther [Podcast]">My Opinion of Martin Luther</a></td>
<td align="right">10/23/2013</td>
<td align="right">008</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#008: My Top 5 Daily Prayers [Podcast]">My Top 5 Daily Prayers</a></td>
<td align="right">10/16/2013</td>
<td align="right">007</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#007: Your Guardian Angel [Podcast]">Your Guardian Angel</a></td>
<td align="right">10/03/2013</td>
<td align="right">006</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#006: How You Can Convert 7 Billion People [Podcast]">How You Can Convert 7 Billion People</a></td>
<td align="right">09/25/2013</td>
<td align="right">005</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#005: 3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings! [Podcast]">3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings!</a></td>
<td align="right">09/18/2013</td>
<td align="right">004</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#004: 4 Step Plan When Family Leave the Faith [Podcast]">4 Step Plan When Family Leave the Faith</a></td>
<td align="right">09/12/2013</td>
<td align="right">003</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#003: 5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life [Podcast]">5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life</a></td>
<td align="right">09/04/2013</td>
<td align="right">002</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#002: Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life [Podcast]">Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life</a></td>
<td align="right">08/28/2013</td>
<td align="right">001</td>
<td align="left"><a href="" target="_blank" title="#001: How to Find a Spiritual Director [Podcast]">How to Find a Spiritual Director</a></td>
<td align="right">08/18/2013</td>
<span id="pty_trigger"></span><div class="rssfooter"><a href="">
<img alt="" border="0" /></a></div><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">#096: Revelation Ch. 21 Heaven as a Cube and the New Jerusalem (Catholic Apocalypse Part 15)</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Taylor Marshall</a>.</p>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Magnificat Website. Magnificat Mass Booklet</a></span>
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<div class="item feed-ea43fbfd feed-ozconservative" id="item-b1726ed1">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Gosford signs</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Oz Conservative</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Australia must be one of the few nations to have a public holiday for a horse race, the Melbourne Cup. It has been called the race that stops the nation which is why one left-wing Anglican minister put up this sign:  <br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><br /><br />It's a criticism of the Australian Government's policy of stopping the boats carrying illegal immigrants before they reach Australia.<br /><br />I was curious to learn more about the Gosford Anglicans and their minister, Father Rod Bower. The first thing I found out is that there are many more such signs:<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="239" src="" width="320" /></a></div><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><br /><br />You might think that a flamboyant Christian minister might be a little more cautious in supporting the Islamification of Australia. After all, recent event in the Middle East include the wiping out of ancient Christian communities that once numbered millions and the formation of a caliphate which has imposed brutal executions for homosexuals.<br /><br />Father Bower has considered this issue, at least briefly. It seems that the flooding of hundreds of thousands of immigrants into Europe this year&nbsp;has given&nbsp;him pause for thought. He does not believe, though,&nbsp;that extremism will ever happen in Australia for two reasons.<br /><br />First:<br /><blockquote>We live in a world of extremes. We must not, however, fall into he trap of believing that all these extremes are easily transportable to Australia. We do not have the porous borders of Europe and no matter what the scaremongers say it not possible for people to enter without notice or permission. <br /><br />Australia is in the unique position of being able to intentionally and systematically receive refugees and to enable them to contribute their own unique gifts to our ever-evolving culture.</blockquote><br />This argument seems contradictory. We are reassured by Father Bower that we have nothing to fear because Australia does not have porous borders and can "systematically receive refugees"; at the same time, though, he believes fiercely that Australia should make its borders more porous and our immigration policy less systematic by allowing people to be smuggled into the country.<br /><br /> Here's another contradiction. Father Bower was very critical of Tony Abbot's speech in England, in which&nbsp;Abbott urged Europe to adopt the Australian system of detaining illegal arrivals. But if, as Father Bower states, Europe is in danger of extremism because of its porous borders, then surely the Europeans ought to follow Abbott's advice, or something like it.<br /><br /> This aside, Father Bower might like to consider that it has often been the children of the first arrivals who have committed acts of terrorism, so even screening on arrival does not rule out future problems.<br /><br /> Father Bower also believes that we are in no danger from Islamification because:<br /><blockquote>We are a rational people who reject extremism of all types whether it is religious or political. As Archbishop William Temple said &#8220;we are not moderately passionate, we are passionately moderate." In this exceptional land we have a unique opportunity to build a harmonious, diverse and life-giving society. </blockquote><br />Interesting how this is massaged a certain way. Father Bower's liberal moderns do not just reject religious extremism, they mostly reject religion as a whole. In Gosford, Anglicans are outnumbered by atheists by 25% to 18%. Father Bower, as a minister of the cloth, might perhaps think twice before identifying too closely with a mainstream liberal culture.<br /><br />I note too that Archbishop William Temple himself may not have been as keen on Islamifying Australia as Father Bower is. He wrote in&nbsp;his work <em>Church and Nation</em> (preface xi):<br /><blockquote>We all know about Turkey; it is the essentially Mohammedan power and Mohammedanism is the religion of oppression; it believes in imposing its faith by means of the sword.</blockquote><br />Also, it is not so much a question of whether "we" are a rational and moderate people, but whether the future waves will be equally so. <br /><br />And, finally, it's difficult to see recent social developments as being "passionately moderate". Is it "passionately moderate" to use migration to dissolve the distinct Western peoples? Or to reimagine nations as being something like large-scale business ventures? Or to dissolve the culture and the social supports that once supported a stable family life?

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<div class="item feed-46b49d79 feed-taylormarshall" id="item-a35b9fd5">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">RESULTS: All Souls Vestments Color Survey</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Taylor Marshall</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>The results from our Poll on Vestment Colors for All Souls are in! Thanks for voting. Our sample was about 600 participants from all over the world:</p>
<p><strong>We asked you 2 questions:</strong></p>
<li><strong>What color vestments did you see on Nov 2 for All Souls: white, violet, or black?</strong>Our poll showed a pretty even spread on this question, with&#160;white winning at 42%</li>
<li><strong>What color would you prefer to see on Nov 2 for All Souls</strong><strong>: white, violet, or black</strong>?Black won with 59% majority.</li>
<p>Here are the detailed reports &#8211; violet lost on both counts:</p>
<p><a href=""><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 12.36.48 PM" class="aligncenter wp-image-6416 size-full" height="701" src="" width="800" /></a></p>
<p><a href=""><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 12.37.04 PM" class="aligncenter wp-image-6417 size-full" height="698" src="" width="800" /></a></p>
<div style="color: #006840;"><strong><em><span class="preface">Question: </span>Thanks for participating. Any thoughts after seeing these results? <span class="comment-prompt">You can leave a comment by <a href="">clicking here</a>.</span></em></strong></div>
<p>If you have my book <em><a href=";tag=canttalebytay-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=057803834X" target="_blank">The Crucified Rabbi</a></em>, please review the chapter on Jewish vestments and Catholic vestments or see a <a href=";tag=canttalebytay-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=057803834X" target="_blank">sample of it at</a>.</p>
<p><a href=";tag=canttalebytay-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=057803834X" target="_blank"><img alt="Crucified Rabbi Look Inside" class="size-full wp-image-3151 alignleft" height="346" src="" width="224" /></a></p>
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<img alt="" border="0" /></a></div><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">RESULTS: All Souls Vestments Color Survey</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Taylor Marshall</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-7540b2cf feed-lmschairman" id="item-a2728cfa">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Synod: fornication as a path to holiness</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">LMS Chairman</a>]</span>
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<p>I've just read Bishop Schneider's <a href="" target="_blank">excellent critique</a> of the Synod's Final Relatio, paragraphs 84-86. Here I want to say something about paragraph 71,&nbsp;translated by&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Rorate Caeli</a>.<br /><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span><span style="color: #990000;">71. The choice of civil marriage or, in several cases, simple cohabitation, is often not motivated by prejudice or resistance against the sacramental union, but from cultural situations or cultural contingents. In many circumstances, the decision to live together is a sign of a relationship that actually wants to navigate towards the prospect of stability. This will, which translates into a lasting bond, reliable and open to life can be considered a commitment on which to base a path to the sacrament of marriage, discovered to be God's plan for [the couple's] lives. The path of growth, which can lead to sacramental marriage, will be encouraged by the recognition of the distinguishing characteristics of a generous and lasting love: the desire to seek the good of others before their own; the experience of forgiveness requested and given; the aspiration to build a family that is not closed in on itself but open to the good of the ecclesial community and of the entire society. Along this route those signs of love that properly correspond to the reflection of God should be valorized into an authentic conjugal project.</span><br /><div><br />I'm not going to go into who 'won' the Synod, what the Pope meant in his concluding remarks and post-Synod sermon, or the latest Sclafari interview. If we want public documents, whose wording has been pored over and voted on, this is quite enough. It is not a document with magisterial authority, but then none of the key moves in this game are about documents of magisterial authority.</div><div><br /><a name="more"></a><br /><br />Back in 1969, Catholics were told that the Traditional Mass had been forbidden, because of some slightly ambiguous but very emphatic language of Pope Paul VI in a public audience. That was the most the liberal fascists of that era were ever able to throw at Traditional Catholics to back up the claim that traddies were disobedient and schismatic. Of course, this kind of nonsense can the more easily be undone later on, as it was by Pope Benedict in 2007 when he said that it had never been forbidden after all. But it made very little difference for the intervening <b>38 years</b>. 38 long, long, years...<br /><br />So let us have a look at this paragraph, which will form what we might, in a secular context, call a mandate for something similar in a Papal Post Synodal Exhortation a bit further down the road, and heaven knows how many statements by bishops and journalists.<br /><br />The preceding paragraph had been all about how couples didn't get married, often, because of financial considerations. Having had a go with that idea, the Synod fathers seem to have tired of it and now want to try another explanation: 'cultural contingents'.<br /><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span><span style="color: #990000;">The choice of civil marriage or, in several cases, simple cohabitation, is often not motivated by prejudice or resistance against the sacramental union, but from cultural situations or cultural contingents.</span><br /><br />As a matter of fact the financial factors cited by cohabiting couples are themselves dependant upon 'cultural contingents', because it is obviously a 'cultural contingent' that couples think they can't get married until they have stable jobs and can afford a lavish wedding. So we can forget the special pleading of the previous paragraph, and get down to brass tacks with this idea.<br /><br />With the very opening words, however, the Fathers of the Synod seem to have got into a muddle. The failure of couples to get married sooner, they tell us, is <i>not</i>&nbsp;'resistance against sacramental union' - it is not because people reject marriage, but, instead, cultural contingents. But is it not the case, Reverend Fathers, that what you actually mean by a 'cultural contingent' is a view of marriage which lowers its importance to such a level there is no urgency about getting married, and that instead it is regarded as better to cohabit for a few years, or indeed forever? This cultural contingent, then, while not necessarily a total rejection of the state of marriage, is about the <i>values </i>of the couple, a set of values in which marriage is not understood or valued as it should be. The idea, then, of 'cultural contingents' as <i>excusing</i>, as opposed to merely <i>describing,</i>&nbsp;the <i>de facto</i> rejection of marriage, disintegrates. There is no contrast between a couple who reject marriage because of 'resistance against sacramental union' and a couple who fail to marry because of 'cultural contingents'. Their 'resistance against sacramental union', whether permanent or temporary, is a cultural contingent.<br /><br />Notice that there is nothing in this paragraph addressed to or about couples who defy the cultural contingents which reject sacramental marriage. In their eagerness to see the culture as an excusing condition, as something which as it were removes moral responsibility from couples, the fact that many thousands of couples buck the trend and get married in church, is actually a little embarassing. Let's not talk about them.<br /><br />Let us, instead, give the most optimisitic possible reading of de facto unions:<br /><br /><span style="color: #990000;">In many circumstances, the decision to live together is a sign of a relationship that actually wants to navigate towards the prospect of stability.&nbsp;</span><br /><br />There is something truly pathetic about this statement, which the Synod Fathers like so much that they repeat it, in different words, three more times. They desperately want to believe that cohabiting couples are just waiting for the right moment to marry in church. I'm afraid they aren't. As a matter of sociological trends, there is no reason to assume, in the second decade of the 21st century, that a co-habiting couple has any aspiration to put on formal clothes and have a big party with their boring relations - which is all the word 'wedding' means to most of them. Oh, but 'in many circumstances' it may be heading for wedding cake and embarrassing speeches from the Best Man - I suppose this is true if the Synod Fathers can think of three or more instances. If that is what it comes down to, I feel sorry for them.<br /><br />But even this they fail to express in a straightforward or indeed coherent way. It is the 'relationship', they tell us, that 'wants to navigate towards the prospect of stability'. Not the man and the woman involved, no - the relationship itself. The attribution of intentions to the relationship is peculiar, to say the least - there are precedents for attributing intentions to actions, but this takes things a step further. What is the point of talking in this strange way? Easy: the Synod Fathers don't want to confront the fact that it is frequently only one party to the relationship who would like things to go in this direction. It sounds a lot more positive to say the relationship in some mysterious way 'wants' to move towards marriage than to say that, for example, the girl wants to get married and hopes that by setting up house with a commitment-shy young man she can work on him to that end.<br /><br />Allow me to ask a brutal question. When a man is dragged to the altar by hysterical threats of a break-up, or by an unexpected pregnancy - unexpected by him, at least: are these cases of a relationship 'navigating towards the prospect of stability'? Is this among the things the Synod Fathers have in mind?<br /><br />Notice the extreme caution of the statement they make, however. It is not that the couple wants to get married - the Synod Fathers recognise that that would be too strong a claim. Instead, they propose that 'in many cases' the relationship 'wants' to 'navigate' - a charming metaphor, to be sure - whither? Not to marriage, not even to 'stability', but to the 'prospect' of stability. What in heaven's name is that? You are in your ship, and you navigate, not to the Islands of the Blessed, but to a 'prospect' of them: you can see them in the distance, perhaps with the help of a powerful telescope. And then what? Presumably, having satisfied your curiosity, you go home.<br /><br />What comes next?<br /><br /><span style="color: #990000;">This will, which translates into a lasting bond, reliable and open to life can be considered a commitment on which to base a path to the sacrament of marriage, discovered to be God's plan for [the couple's] lives.</span><br /><br />There may be cases of cohabitation which could be described as 'a lasting bond, reliable and open to life': you can't exclude such a possibility. As a generalisation, however, intended to guide a pastoral response to the phenomenon of couples not marrying in church, this statement can only be described as delusional. Reverend Fathers, are you not aware that the vast majority of <i>marriages</i>&nbsp;are not 'open to life'? That in many developed nations a third or even half of marriages end in divorce? And that, on both counts, non-marital unions are <i>far worse</i>, far less likely to be open to life, far more likely to end in a break-up? One can only wonder, at this point, if the Synod secretariat had put something psychedelic into the refreshments.<br /><br />But this sentence is not just over-optimistic on the sociological facts. There is something extremely strange going on with the theology as well. Talking of a pseudo-marital relationship, we are told that it 'can be considered', presumably by sympathetic pastors, as a 'commitment on which to base a path to the sacrament of marriage'. Again, we have contorted, embarrassed, language, and the Synod Fathers are right to be embarrassed. Not the relationship, the 'committment' of the relationship, isn't a path, no, it 'can be considered' a path, to the sacrament. And what sort of path is it?<br /><br />It is a pathway of sin, the kind of regular, habitual, conscious, and serious sin which ensures that the parties are in a permanent state of mortal sin, that they are incapable of entertaining sanctifying grace, that they are not in friendship with God, that their prayers can have no merit, that they can have no supernatural virtues, and that they can receive no grace from any of the sacraments: unless, of course, they <i>leave this path, </i>by repentance. If you are on a path of sin, I am sorry, Reverend Fathers, we know where that leads. It does not lead to a sacramental union and living happily ever after. It leads to hell. Only by turning <i>off</i>&nbsp;this path can the couple put themselves right with God and receive the graces of sacramental marriage.<br /><br />And that, of course, is what sometimes happens. Many Catholics, over many centuries, have forsaken the sins of their youths, made a sincere repentance, received sacramental absolution, married, and embarked on a new life. They have done this because they were conscious that their previous lives were sinful. This possibility does not vindicate the Synod Fathers' mode of expression; it shows the rashness of it. It is only because the Church does <i>not</i>&nbsp;use this contorted language of sin a pathway to holiness that these sinners have understood the need to be reconciled with God.<br /><br />Suppose a priest were to use the Synod's way of thinking and talking to encourage unmarried couples to pluck up the courage to tie the knot in church. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this strategy were successful? No, it would be a disaster. Because those couples would not be repenting of their sinful past lives; they would marry in a state of mortal sin, heaping an objective act of sacrilege onto their sins of fornication, and receive no graces from the sacrament. In modern conditions, a marital union without the graces of the sacrament of marriage is not a good prospect. Indeed, it is not too extravagant a speculation to suppose that the reason why the Catholic divorce rate is indistinguishable from that of the general population has a lot to do with couples not receiving the graces of the sacrament because of unrepented mortal sin. You don't, after all, repent of the pathway to the sacrament, do you?<br /><br />It is matter of sociological observation that marriage following a period of cohabitation is <a href="" target="_blank">more likely to end in divorce</a>.<br /><br />If you still need convincing, consider this. The Synod Fathers want us to believe that the fornication of a committed, long-term relationship is a pathway to marriage. As a matter of chronology, one can see what they have in mind. Let us take a larger view. Before the fornication of a long-term relationship, we generally see, chronologically, the promiscuity of 'playing the field'. Yes, that is how most people find their long-term sexual partners. So that is part of the pathway to holy matrimony too. And before that, there is generally a period of using pornography and solitary vice, at least for young men. Yes, that is how most men first engage in genital sexuality. So that is also part of the pathway, presumably. At the other end of the process, come to that, it will be equally valid to observe that marriage in church is itself, 'in many circumstances', a pathway to separation, divorce, and, particularly under the new rules, annulment and remarriage.<br /><br />Is this the teaching of the Church? That a career of impurity, in which the conscience is deadened, emotional sympathy blunted, and sexuality objectified, is a preparation for the holy state of marriage which should be acknowledged and 'accompanied'?<br /><br />No. The teaching of the Church is the teaching of Christ. It is a call to repentance.<br /><br /><span style="color: #990000;">The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the gospel.&nbsp;</span><br /><b>Quoniam impletum est tempus, et appropinquavit regnum Dei: poenitemini, et credite Evangelio. </b>(Mark 1:15)<br /><br />Support the work of the LMS by becoming an '<a href="">Anniversary Supporter</a>'.</div>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO If a tiny spark of God&#8217;s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out.</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Dom Donald's Blog</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="320" /></span></a></div><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><table border="0" style="background-color: white; width: 550px;"><tbody><tr><td><b><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: small;">SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO ARCHBISHOP, CARDINAL 1538-1584</span></b></td></tr><tr><td><b><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">Feast: November 4</span></b><br /><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><span class="rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">SECOND READING &nbsp;iBreviary; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><strong style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">From a sermon given during the last synod he attended, by Saint Charles, bishop</strong><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span class="rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">(Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis 1599, 1177-1178)<br /><br /><em>Practice what you preach</em></span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">I admit that we are all weak, but if we want help, the Lord God has given us the means to find it easily. One priest may wish to lead a good, holy life, as he knows he should. He may wish to be chaste and to reflect heavenly virtues in the way he lives. Yet he does not resolve to use suitable means, such as penance, prayer, the avoidance of evil discussions and harmful and dangerous friendships. Another priest complains that as soon as he comes into church to pray the office or to celebrate Mass, a thousand thoughts fill his mind and distract him from God. But what was he doing in the sacristy before he came out for the office or for Mass? How did he prepare? What means did he use to collect his thoughts and to remain recollected?</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">Would you like me to teach you how to grow from virtue to virtue and how, if you are already recollected at prayer, you can be even more attentive next time, and so give God more pleasing worship? Listen, and I will tell you. <b>If a tiny spark of God&#8217;s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out</b>. Keep the stove tightly shut so that it will not lose its heat and grow cold. In other words, avoid distractions as well as you can. Stay quiet with God. Do not spend your time in useless chatter.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">If teaching and preaching is your job, then study diligently and apply yourself to whatever is necessary for doing the job well. Be sure that you first preach by the way you live. If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing, but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">Are you in charge of a parish? If so, do not neglect the parish of your own soul, do not give yourself to others so completely that you have nothing left for yourself. You have to be mindful of your people without becoming forgetful of yourself.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">My brothers, you must realize that for us churchmen nothing is more necessary than meditation. We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says:&nbsp;</span><em style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">I will pray, and then I will understand.</em><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">&nbsp;When you administer the sacraments, meditate on what you are doing. When you celebrate Mass, reflect on the sacrifice you are offering. When you pray the office, think about the words you are saying and the Lord to whom you are speaking. When you take care of your people, meditate on how the Lord&#8217;s blood that has washed them clean so that&nbsp;</span><em style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">all that you do becomes a work of love.</em><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work: in meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in other men.</span></span><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="312" /></a></div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></div><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><span class="rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">RESPONSORY<br />1 Timothy 6:11; 4:11, 12, 6</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">Seek after integrity and holiness, faith and love, patience and gentleness.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span class="rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">&#8211;</span><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">&nbsp;These are the things you must command and teach;</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">be an example to all who believe.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">If you give them this advice,</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span class="rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">&#8211;</span><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">&nbsp;These are the things you must command and teach;</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">be an example to all who believe.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span class="capolettera_piccolo rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">CONCLUDING PRAYER</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><em style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">Let us pray.</em><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">Father,</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">keep in your people the spirit</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">which filled Charles Borromeo.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">Let your Church be continually renewed</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">and show the image of Christ to the world</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">by being conformed to his likeness,</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">one God, for ever and ever.</span><br style="background-color: #fdfdd9;" /><span class="rubrica" style="background-color: #fdfdd9; color: #dc2300;">&#8211;</span><span style="background-color: #fdfdd9;">&nbsp;Amen.</span></span><br /><hr /></td></tr><tr><td><div style="text-align: justify;"><div><span style="background-color: #cccccc;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">EWTN</span></span></div><div><span style="background-color: #cccccc;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Provided Courtesy of:&nbsp;</span></span></div><div><span style="background-color: #cccccc;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Eternal Word Television Network</span></span></div><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Among the great reformers of the troubled sixteenth century was Charles Borromeo, who, with St. Francis of Loyola, St. Philip Neri, and others, led the movement to combat the inroads of the Protestant Reformation. His father, Count Gilbert Borromeo, was a man of piety and ability, and his mother was a member of the famous Medici family of Milan, sister of Angelo de Medici, later to become Pope Pius IV. The second of two sons in a family of six children, Charles was born in the castle of Arona on Lake Maggiore, on October 2, 1538. He was so devout that at the age of twelve he received the tonsure. At this time his paternal uncle, Julius Caesar Borromeo, turned over to him the income from a rich Benedictine abbey, one of the ancient perquisites of this noble family. In spite of his youth, Charles had a sense of responsibility, and he made plain to his father that all revenues from the abbey beyond what was required to prepare him for a career in the Church belonged to the poor and could not be applied to secular use. To take such a scrupulous stand in a period of corruption and decadence was unusual, and most significant as an indication of Charles' integrity of character.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><br /></span><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="69" src="" width="320" /></a>&nbsp;<span style="color: #222222; text-align: start;">Pennsylvania</span></span></div><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">The young man attended the University of Pavia, where he applied himself to the study of civil and canon law. Due to a slight impediment of speech, he was regarded as slow; yet his thoroughness and industry more than compensated for the handicap, and his strict behaviour made him a model for his fellow students, who, in this era of the Renaissance, were for the most part pleasure-loving and dissipated. Charles now accepted a sufficient income from the abbey to meet the expenses of the kind of household a young nobleman was expected to maintain. By the time he took his doctor's degree at twenty-two his parents were dead and his elder brother, Frederick, was head of the family. Charles had no sooner returned home than the news came that his uncle, Cardinal Angelo de Medici, had been elected Pope Pius IV. A few months later the new Pope sent for his nephew to come to Rome, and within a very short time Charles was the recipient of such a wealth of honors, offices, and powers that he became a leading figure at the papal court. He was appointed cardinal-deacon and administrator of the see of Milan, although he was not to take up his work there for many years; he was named legate of Bologna, Romagna, and the March of Ancona; protector of Portugal, the Low Countries, and the Catholic cantons of Switzerland; supervisor of the Franciscan and Carmelite Orders, and of the Knights of Malta, and administrator of the papal states. The Pope's confidence in him was not misplaced, for Charles displayed great energy, ability, and diplomacy in fulfilling these various duties. Methodical and diligent, he learned how to despatch business affairs with speed and efficiency.</span><br /><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><img border="0" height="213" src="" width="320" /></span></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Pope Francis at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary</span></td></tr></tbody></table><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">&nbsp; &nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Yet in spite of his heavy tasks, Charles found time for recreation in music and physical exercise. He had the many-sidedness which we associate with men of the Renaissance, and was deeply interested in the advancement of learning. He set up at the Vatican a literary academy of clergy and laymen, and some of the studies and talks growing out of it were published as &lt;Noctes Vaticanae&gt;, to which Charles himself was a contributor. It was the custom for one in his position to live in magnificent state, but splendid trappings meant nothing to him. He remained modest and humble in spirit, and wholly aloof from the worldly temptations of Rome.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><br /><a name="more"></a><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">When the Venerable Bartholomew de Martyribus, archbishop of Braga, came to Rome, Charles consulted him as to his future. "You know what it is," he is recorded as saying, "to be the nephew of a pope, and a beloved nephew; nor are you ignorant of what it is to live at the court of Rome. The dangers are infinite. What ought I to do, young as I am, and without experience? God has given me ardor for penance, and an earnest desire to prefer Him to all things; and I have some thought of going into a monastery, to live as if there were only God and myself in the world." The prelate advised Charles to stay on at Rome, where he was so greatly needed. This proved to be excellent counsel, for an even greater opportunity for service to the Church was to come to the young man.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">The Pope, soon after his election, announced the reassembling of the Council of Trent, which had been suspended ten years earlier, in 1552. Charles now devoted himself to plans for the resumption of deliberations, and was in attendance during the two years that the Council continued in session at Trent (Italian, Trento), a city of northern Italy. Its purpose was to conclude the work of formulating and codifying Church doctrine and to bring about a genuine reform of abuses. It defined original sin, decreed the perpetuity of the marital tie, pronounced anathema against those who rejected the invocation of saints or the veneration of relics, or who denied the existence of Purgatory or the validity of indulgences. It also dealt with episcopal jurisdiction, the education of seminarists, and discipline for the clergy. Some of the points proved so controversial that several times the Council almost broke up with its labors unfinished. Charles is credited with helping to heal the rifts and spurring the prelates and theologians on to the conclusion of their historic task. He is also conceded to have had a large share in drawing up the Tridentine Catechism. His training in diplomacy at the papal court had served him well.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">In this flowering time of all the arts, Church music showed remarkable development. Among Charles' duties was the commissioning of composers to write liturgical music. The renowned Palestrina, later to become Vatican choir master, composed at this time the glorious Mass called "Papae Marcelli," and other choral works that set a new standard for polyphonic music.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">While the Council of Trent was in session, Charles' elder brother died, and as head of the family Charles became proprietor of extensive land holdings. Since he was only in minor orders, people thought that he would now marry, but Charles remained true to the course he had marked out for himself. Yielding his family position to his Uncle Julius, he entered the priesthood in September, 1563. Three months later he became bishop of Milan, as well as cardinal-priest, with the title of St. Prassede. For a long time Charles had been concerned over the see of Milan, to which, years before, he had been appointed administrator. Catholics were falling away from the Church, chiefly because there had been no resident bishop at Milan for eighty years. The new bishop was welcomed with joy and he set to work vigorously to reform this important diocese. Soon he was called back to Rome to assist the Pope on his deathbed, at which Philip Neri, another future saint, was also present. The new Pope, Pius V, who was to follow in the noble tradition of his predecessor, urged Charles to remain with him for a time. Soon, however, with the Pope's blessing, he returned to Milan.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Charles now concentrated his great abilities on the establishment of schools, seminaries, and convents. But more important than the improvement of the physical structures through which the Church must carry on its work was the need for reform of the priestly function itself. Throughout the region religious practices were profaned by grave abuses; the Sacrament was neglected, for many priests were both lazy and ignorant; the monasteries were relaxed in discipline and full of disorders. These widespread faults had been engendered in part by the decay of medieval society and in part by the revival of the ideas of pagan antiquity. By remonstrance and exhortation Charles worked to raise the level of spiritual life, and to put into effect the ecclesiastical changes indicated by the Council of Trent. He founded the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, with its Sunday Schools for the teaching of the Catechism to children. Historically these were the first Sunday Schools, and are. said to have numbered 740. He instituted a secular fraternity whose members, called the Oblates of St. Ambrose, pledged obedience to their bishop and were used by him in religious work in any manner he thought wise. The bishop's income from his family estates was considerable, and nearly all of it was turned over to an almoner for the relief of the poor; plate and other valuables were sold for the same purpose. In conformity with the decrees of the Council of Trent, the cathedral of Milan was cleared of its gorgeous tombs, banners, and arms. In his zeal for reform Charles came into conflict with the governor of the province and the senate, who feared the Church was encroaching upon the civil jurisdiction. The opposition to Charles and the complaints against him were carried to King Philip II of Spain, who had sovereignty over this part of Italy, and to the Pope; in the end Charles was completely exonerated. His days were filled with duties and cares; at night he would take off his bishop's robes, don a tattered old cassock, and pass the evening in study and prayer. He lived as simply as it was possible to do. One cold night when someone wanted to have his bed warmed, he said, "The best way not to find a bed cold is to go to bed colder than the bed is." However, he did not allow his rigorous self-discipline to weaken him for the work he had to do.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">The almost inaccessible Alpine valleys lying in the northern part of his diocese had been virtually abandoned by the clergy. The bishop did not hesitate to undertake journeys to these remote valleys and mountain tops. He discussed theology with peasants and taught the Catechism to herdboys. Everywhere he preached and effected reforms, replacing unworthy priests by those who were zealous to restore the faith. In 1576 he successfully met another challenge. There was famine at Milan due to crop failures, and later came an outbreak of the plague. The city's trade fell off, and along with it the people's source of income. The governor and many members of the nobility fled the city, but the bishop remained, to organize the care of those who were stricken and to minister to the dying. He called together the superiors of all the religious communities in the diocese, and won their cooperation. He used up his own funds and went into debt to provide food for the hungry. Finally he wrote to the governor, and shamed him into coming back to his post.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">The bishop's reforms were opposed by the Humiliati (Brothers of Humility), a decayed penitential order which, although reduced to about 170 members, owned some ninety monasteries. Three of its priors hatched a plot to assassinate Charles, and he was actually fired upon while at evening prayers with his household. Charles refused to have the would-be assassin sought out and punished. The Humiliati at length submitted to the reform of their order.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Many English Catholics had fled to Italy at this time because of the persecutions under Queen Elizabeth. The bishop had a Welshman, Dr. Griffith Roberts, as canon theologian, and an Englishman, Thomas Goldwell, as vicar-general. He carried about on his person a little picture of St. John Fisher, who, with St. Thomas More, had been martyred for the faith during the reign of Henry VIII.&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: x-small;">Travels in his diocese, especially in the difficult Alpine country, had weakened the bishop's constitution. In 1584, during his annual retreat at Monte Varallo, he was stricken with ague, and on returning to Milan grew rapidly worse. After receiving the Last Sacraments, the beloved bishop died quietly on November 4, at the age of forty-six. Canonization followed in 1610. St. Charles Borromeo's sermons were published at Milan in the eighteenth century and have been widely translated. Two years after his death the Borromean League was formed in the Catholic cantons of Switzerland, for the expulsion of heretics. Contrary to his wishes, a memorial was erected in the Milan cathedral, where his body now rests, and at Arona, his birthplace, stands an impressive statue in his honor. For his piety, energy, and effectiveness this eminent churchman soon became known as a "second Ambrose." He is the patron of Lombardy; his emblems are the Holy Communion and a coat of arms bearing the word Humilitas.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">Saint Charles Borromeo, Archbishop, Cardinal. Celebration of Feast Day is November 4.</span></div><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">Taken from "Lives of Saints", Published by John J. Crawley &amp; Co., Inc.</span><br /><hr /></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">Provided Courtesy of:</span><br /><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">Eternal Word Television Network</span><br /><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">5817 Old Leeds Road</span><br /><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">Irondale, AL 35210</span><br /><a href=""><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"></span></a></div><div align="center"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: xx-small;"><br /></span><small><small><a href="" target="_top">HOME -</a><a href="" target="_top">&nbsp;EWTNews -</a><a href="" target="_top">FAITH -</a><a href="" target="_top">&nbsp;TELEVISION -</a><a href="" target="_top">&nbsp;RADIO -</a><a href="" target="_top">&nbsp;LIBRARY -</a><a href="" target="_top">&nbsp;GALLERY -</a><a href="" target="_top">CATALOGUE -</a></small></small><a href="" target="_top"><small><small>&nbsp;WHAT'S NEW</small></small></a><a href="" target="_top"><small><small>&nbsp;MULTIMEDIA -</small></small></a><small><small><a href="" target="_top">&nbsp;GENERAL</a></small></small><span style="font-size: xx-small;"><br /><a href="">ESPA&#209;OL</a></span></span></div><div align="center"><span style="font-family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br />

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">On the Fate of the Old Believers</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Eastern Christian Books</a>]</span>
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<p>Though I have only read a little of the history of the Old Believers (e.g., Roy Robson's <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0875809987&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=WIMXPIEXSOTR5IIM"><i>Old Believers in Modern Russia</i></a>), and have long wanted to read more of that fascinating history, I have not so far been able to. I shall therefore look eagerly towards obtaining a copy of a book coming out later this month by Thomas Marsden, <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0198746369&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=6UTZEQIPNSWVDIKN"><i>The Crisis of Religious Toleration in Imperial Russia: Bibikov's System for the Old Believers, 1841-1855</i>&nbsp;</a>(Oxford UP, 2015), 270pp.<br /><br /></p><p>About this book we are told:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">This book is about an unprecedented attempt by the government of Russia's Tsar Nicholas I (1825-1855) to eradicate what was seen as one of the greatest threats to its political security: the religious dissent of the Old Believers. The Old Believers had long been reviled by the ruling Orthodox Church, for they were the largest group of Russian dissenters and claimed to be the guardians of true Orthodoxy; however, their industrious communities and strict morality meant that the civil authorities often regarded them favourably. This changed in the 1840s and 1850s when a series of remarkable cases demonstrated that the existing restrictions upon the dissenters' religious freedoms could not suppress their capacity for independent organisation. Finding itself at a crossroads between granting full toleration, or returning to the fierce persecution of earlier centuries, the tsarist government increasingly inclined towards the latter course, culminating in a top secret 'system' introduced in 1853 by the Minister of Internal Affairs Dmitrii Bibikov.</blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq">The operation of this system was the high point of religious persecution in the last 150 years of the tsarist regime: it dissolved the Old Believers' religious gatherings, denied them civil rights, and repressed their leading figures as state criminals. It also constituted an extraordinary experiment in government, instituted to deal with a temporary emergency. Paradoxically the architects of this system were not churchmen or reactionaries, but representatives of the most progressive factions of Nicholas's bureaucracy. Their abandonment of religious toleration on grounds of political intolerability reflected their nationalist concerns for the future development of a rapidly changing Russia. The system lasted only until Nicholas's death in 1855; however, the story of its origins, operation, and collapse, told for the first time in this study, throws new light on the religious and political identity of the autocratic regime and on the complexity of the problems it faced.</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-2c7c0816 feed-chiesa" id="item-7347fb65">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href=";eng=y">Synod of Discord. Toward a &ldquo;De Facto Schism&rdquo; in the Church?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Chiesa -</a>]</span>
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<p>Dominican theologian Thomas Michelet lays bare the ambiguities of the synodal text. Which has not brought unity but has papered over the divisions. The conflict between &ldquo;hermeneutic of continuity&rdquo; and &ldquo;hermeneutic of rupture.&rdquo; The dilemma for Francis

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<div class="item feed-77ce332d feed-thetofspot" id="item-9d8468b6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Sestina</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The TOF Spot</a>]</span>
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<p>Well, this one did not make the cut at <i>Analog, </i>and I can't say I am surprised. It was my first attempt at writing a sestina, which is a difficult form to begin with. Even the best examples often have a stilted aspect to them from the word repetition. <br /><br />So, here it is:<br /><br /><b>Though finer points of their philosophy may prove obscure</b><br />By Michael F. Flynn<br /><br />Alas we seem alone; no other mind takes form<br />On this fair Earth &#8211; nor any other place<br />That eye can see or instruments appraise.<br />From distant stars no missives we receive.<br />As if in that vast vacuum no soul<br />Abides save only those we call our own.<br /><br />Such life, we&#8217;re told, will be unlike our own; <br />That&#8217;s true for trivia: species, body, form, <br />Appetites and senses foreign to our soul. <br />(What lusts do bats endure when squeaks they place, <br />What pleasures due to echoes they receive? <br />Our minds cannot conceive what bats appraise.)&nbsp; <br /><br />But not unlike entire, for kinship we appraise<br />Beneath those accidents they call their own: <br />They too preserve, perfect what they receive. <br />(The struggle to survive is higher form<br />Of that by which a boulder holds its place.<br />Inertia is but life deprived of soul.) <br /><br />They will pursue the good known to their soul, <br />Whatever good it is that they appraise<br />In foreign far-flung interstellar place. <br />Survival&#8217;s urge is much alike our own, <br />Though executed through some other form:<br />Those powers and appetites that they receive.<br /><br />Do bats admire the echoes they receive?<br />Do certain sounds enrich their very soul?<br />What drives impel the unfamiliar form <br />On distant stars we do not yet appraise?<br />Far from and yet alike unto our own<br />They are, no matter where their outr&#233; place.<br /><br />And what awaits, would we fare to their place<br />Or they to ours? What welcome to receive?<br />A sister mind? A tasty snack? A pet to own?<br />It all depends on what completes their soul <br />And how both good and ill they do appraise.<br />When seeing us, what image do they form?<br /><br /><i>L&#8217;Envoi</i><br />A place within each soul <br />Receives and does appraise<br />Its own and other&#8217;s form.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-77ce332d feed-thetofspot" id="item-625cfb43">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Return of the Journeyman</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The TOF Spot</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>TOF is pleased to announce that "The Journeyman: In the Great North Woods" has been accepted for publication at <i>Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact</i>. Oorah.<br /><br />Since two scenes have already been teased, perhaps a third is in order?<br /><br />+++++++++++++++++ <br /><br /><span style="color: red;"><b><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">R</span></span></b></span>ather than raise questions among the greenies, the princess of Cliffside Keep pretended to be &#8220;Anna Overcreek,&#8221; a shortgrass woman, with Chum acting as her common-law husband. She had dyed her hair, painted uuli symbols up her arms, and grown her braids to &#8220;married&#8221; length. There was no Cliffside Keep to be princess of, and House Tiger had been slaughtered in the battle. She had sworn eternal vengeance against House Moose, who had fought that day on the green side. <br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Tavern-gossip claims,&#8221; she said, &#8220;that Yar Yoodavig and the remnants of the Legion still fly the Tiger-striped banner.&#8221;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chum sighed and took the bird to the cutting board. &#8220;Maybe I can cut out the parts his knife touched. Teo, you can be the taste-tester. Princess,&#8221; he answered her unspoken question, &#8220;even if we did learn the formula for the thunderpowder like the Yar asked, I&#8217;ve no more pigeons and Yoodavig does not advertise his whereabouts.&#8221;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Oh!&#8221; said Teo. &#8220;Almost forgot. Saw a moosehead down by the Harbor.&#8221;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; The princess turned. &#8220;And you slew the treacher not on the spot?&#8221;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;I was busy. Besides, he woulda died without knowing why, and that is a bad death.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sammi looked at him. &#8220;There good one?&#8221;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Nah. Point is, lots of Moosers been to Cliffside Keep over the years, and it&#8217;d be a good idea if this guy didn&#8217;t get a close look at Anya here.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Until you kill him,&#8221; Anya said. She snatched up her bonnet and scarf and stalked out of their rooms. Nor had she neglected to fasten the straps on her scabbards. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sammi waited a bit, before following. The three of them were taking turns secretly escorting the princess to the chandlery. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Don&#8217;t let her see you,&#8221; Chum warned. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;What you expect to see, when Sammi follows?&#8221; <br /><br /><span style="color: red;"><b><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">A</span></span></b></span>fterward, Teo shook his head. &#8220;I thought castrating Mamu after the battle canceled that debt.&#8221; He meant the heir of House Moose, to whom Anya had been betrothed. Her refusal, though permitted by custom, had turned Mamu and his House to the greenies.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chum winced and stirred the pot. &#8220;Mamu shoulda waited to drag her back to Moose Hold before he went all frisky on her.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Or at least disarmed her,&#8221; Teodorq suggested. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;I think that&#8217;s why everyone&#8217;s supposed to get naked first.&#8221; <br /><br /><br /><span style="color: red;"><b><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">T</span></span></b></span>eo preferred sleeping on the roof, but he was wakened shortly after drifting off by voices below. He snapped alert and pulled his short-sword from its place inside the bedroll. <i>Slow awakening, no awakening,</i> men said on the Great Grass. He stuck a dagger into his belt in case he had to fight with both hands and a smile on his face in case he didn&#8217;t have to fight at all.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He threw back the roof hatch and the voices below ceased. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chum was still at the strew pot, but he had put the hacked-up pheasant aside. In its place he had a plump goose. He was chatting with one of the Big Hat&#8217;s minions, who sat with one leg crossed over his knee, though when the hatch door flew open, the fop&#8217;s hand had moved on his stick. Teo grunted. These overseamen were not as foolish as they appeared. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chum gestured at the goose. &#8220;Yo, Teo. That Big Hat you helped this morning gave us the bird.&#8221; <br />The Big Hat, Teo mused, had learned his identity, traced his residence, and knew the pheasant had been ruined in his defense. That was a lot of knowing, even if it had taken him until mid-afternoon to know it.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teo slid down the ladder. A rich man&#8217;s gratitude is never cause for heel-dragging. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mr. Fancy Pants stood and kissed both Teo&#8217;s cheeks. &#8220;My master, Lar Feddy, is grateful for your actions this morning,&#8221; the man said, &#8220;and sends this mean and paltry bird as recompense for the magnificent fowl you sacrificed in his protection. He was especially impressed by the grace with which you dispatched the two men. One does not expect polish and style from rude barbarians.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teo scratched his crotch. &#8220;Nah, I guess not.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;Lar Feddy has made inquiries and has learned that you hire out as a bodyguard.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teo crossed his arms and waited. There might be an evening&#8217;s employment out of his morning&#8217;s impulse. He wondered how much he dared raise his rates. This Lar Feddy seemed to have deep pockets as well as a big hat. But if he had &#8220;made inquiries&#8221; he likely knew Teo&#8217;s customary fee. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;The Lar proposes,&#8221; the man went on, &#8220;to mount an expedition into the Great North Woods in search of antiquities. It will be a dangerous undertaking of several moon-laps duration &#8211; there are unpacified tribes, not to mention the usual hazards of a wilderness trek &#8211; and he needs a bold man to handle security. We Gay Companions will protect his person, but we want you to organize a crew to guard our digs and campsites. The governor,&#8221; he added with no change of expression, &#8220;has no soldiers to spare.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nagarajan&#8217;s son was not deaf to the sound of opportunity banging with both her fists on his doorpost. He exchanged looks with Chum, and said, &#8220;I&#8217;ll need a staff: a camp-master, a hunter, a scout, a couple lieutenants.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Gay Companion tossed a poke to Teo, who formed a fair estimate of its contents from its trajectory. &#8220;Hire as many as you think needful,&#8221; the man said, &#8220;up to the limits of that purse. The digging party will include twenty laborers, a cook and quartermaster, doctor, and two overseers as well as the archaeologist and his people.&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teo didn&#8217;t ask what an archaeologist was. He thought the size of the security detail depended more on the size of the threat than on the size of the threatened. &#8220;When do you want us?&#8221; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;It will take half a moon-lap to gather the rest of the party, some of whom are arriving on <i>Fair Zephyr.</i> But plan to come by the governor&#8217;s guest house to render daily progress reports. Ask for Eiskwy Naldo.&#8221; He indicated himself with a wave of the hand. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;And what if&#8217;n I take this here poke and light a shuck.&#8221;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Eiskwy Naldo smiled and with spare motion whipped his walking stick around so the weighted end halted a bare thumb&#8217;s-width from Teodorq&#8217;s nose. &#8220;You won&#8217;t abscond,&#8221; the Gay Companion said. &#8220;Lar Feddy is a good judge of character. He is seldom wrong; and he is <i>never </i>wrong twice.&#8221;<br />+++++<br /><span style="font-size: x-small;">(c)2015 Michael F. Flynn</span>

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<div class="item feed-6314b051 feed-lovedasif" id="item-16e5ee87">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Good Times</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Loved As If</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Though I planned to post my work from last week, writing the same scene from two different perspectives, I want to give it another pass. In the meantime, this week&#8217;s assignment asked me to write of characters who remember the same experience(s) differently. Your comments are desired:</p>
<p><a href=""><img alt="picnic in Bristol" class="alignright wp-image-1399" height="100" src="" width="150" /></a>&#8220;We had good times when Mummy was alive,&#8221; Claire mused as she lay out two rows of honey wheat bread. She took ham, sliced cheddar, mayonnaise, and mustard from the refrigerator.</p>
<p>&#8220;Yes,&#8221; Eve responded dreamily one elbow leaning on her mother&#8217;s old Formica kitchen table. &#8220;But then she got sick&#8230; and died.&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;Mel,&#8221; Claire turned from a kitchen drawer holding the small spatula. A wide smile lit her face. &#8220;Do you remember the swings? I used to push you and you&#8217;d call out &#8216;Higher! Push me higher!'&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;I remember,&#8221; I told them. &#8220;There were picnics with olive loaf sandwiches and potato chips.&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;Weren&#8217;t those good times? Remember the zoo in Bristol? And the grape vines and olive trees in Gard?&#8221; Claire sighed, &#8220;We had the best picnics there. That was the best summer.&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;We should&#8217;ve stayed in Bristol,&#8221; Eve said. &#8220;We could&#8217;ve lived in Bristol with Mummy&#8217;s cousin. We&#8217;d have been happy but&#8230;&#8221; Eve&#8217;s voiced trailed off.</p>
<p>&#8220;But she wouldn&#8217;t leave. And even when she did, she didn&#8217;t take us.&#8221; Unshed tears highlighted Claire&#8217;s hazel eyes. She scooped out a shiny blob of cream colored mayonnaise with her spatula and spread it on the bread.</p>
<p>Eve stood, retrieved a six-box, shrink wrapped package of raisins from the cupboard and placed them in the basket. &#8220;Mel, when were you happy?&#8221; she asked.</p>
<p>&#8220;Me?&#8221; It was a squeak. &#8220;Never.&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;But there were good times,&#8221; Claire insisted her voice raising almost an octave.</p>
<p>I shook my head, &#8220;No. Not one day, not one moment when I was happy.&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;But you were happy when I pushed you on the swings,&#8221; Claire insisted.</p>
<p>&#8220;No,&#8221; I shook my head again. &#8220;Sometimes I escaped for&#8230;&#8221; My forehead rumpled. &#8220;A few seconds? Maybe a few minutes? But it was always there.&#8221; Tears threatened to leak out; I blinked them away. I hid my face, looking down at the scrubbed, yellow table top, where we had all learned to peel potatoes,&#160;helped to make biscuits, picnic sandwiches, and&#160;birthday cakes.</p>
<p>&#8220;What?&#8221; Claire asked.</p>
<p>&#8220;The hurt. I always hurt,&#8221; I said softly.</p>
<p>&#8220;Don&#8217;t you remember anything good?&#8221; Eve pleaded softly.</p>
<p>&#8220;Swimming, dancing, horseback riding,&#160;books &#8212; those help. But, no.&#8221; I shook my head,</p>
<p>&#8220;Nothing?&#8221; Claire asked.</p>
<p>I did not answer. The small kitchen grew silent except for the soft sounds of Claire arranging meat, cheese, and pickles.</p>
<p>I looked up at Eve, &#8203;&#8221;I remember when he beat you. Your blood was all over your blue uniform blouse. Blood everywhere. So much blood&#8230;&#8221; I closed my eyes against the red tide.</p>
<p>&#8220;Why did Grandp&#232;re die?&#8221; my fingers picked at the roughness of Papa&#8217;s brown, herringbone tweed clad knee.</p>
<p>Marmar leaned over and placed her hands on my shoulders turning me to face her. Her dark brown eyes gazed intently into mine, &#8220;He died because it was time for him to go home and be with God.&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;No,&#8221; I shook my head. &#8220;God didn&#8217;t take my Grandp&#232;re. Soldiers shot him.&#8221;</p>
<p>He flung his hand out towards me, towards Marmar. Marmar&#8217;s hand gripped my shoulder. I was all eyes, absorbing a world that had changed with a thunderous Pop-Pop-Pop-Pop-Pop in the hallway; Marmar&#8217;s grasping fingers had prevented me running to see. Soldiers lumbered through the dark, wooden door of Grandp&#232;re&#8217;s study. The first wore a stiff cap, the second an olive green cap with a bill. Grandp&#232;re spared a rapid glance at Marmar and me standing on the raised area in front of the built-in bookshelves.</p>
<p>The first soldier spoke. Grandp&#232;re spoke. My forehead wrinkled at the rushing sound; their lips moved but I could not hear their words. The first soldier spoke again. The rushing sound still filled my ears. Voices had been sucked out of the room. The soldier in the olive green cap took a dark grey gun from the holster on his belt. He pointed it at Grandp&#232;re. His finger pressed a lever. Two immense explosion filled the room with the smell of rotten eggs. Grandp&#232;re&#8217;s back slammed against the white, plaster wall. He slid onto the floor. Blood gushed from his chest. His pale blue cotton shirt grew red with the hot, thick&#8230;</p>
<p>&#8220;Yes, they did,&#8221; Marmar&#8217;s replied in her soft, singing tones. &#8220;But when he fell, God was right there to catch him.&#8221;</p>
<p>My lip quivered. Papa pulled me onto his lap. I buried my tears in the softness of his grey wool sweater. My shoulders trembled as Marmar&#8217;s fingers stroked my curls.</p>
<p>&#8220;Mel!&#8221; Claire demanded.</p>
<p><em>But how could there be so much blood? It&#8217;s supposed to be inside.</em></p>
<p>I shook my head, &#8220;Huh?&#8221;</p>
<p>&#8220;Where were you?&#8221; Her tone was accusatory as if&#160;she&#8217;d caught me doing something shameful.</p>
<p>My forehead creased, my eyes narrowed. The image of blood across pale blue cotton, the scent of damp wool, slender fingers caressing my hair receded behind the dark, rubbery barrier. I shook my head again.</p>
<p>I blinked in the sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains. &#8220;The sun&#8217;s out,&#8221; I told them. &#8220;We can go for our picnic.&#8221; I stood and began placing wrapped sandwiches in the basket.</p>
<p>&#8220;The sun&#8217;s been out for five minutes,&#8221; Eve told me.</p>
<p>&#8220;Oh,&#8221; I shrugged.</p>
<p>Eve and Claire shared a glance.</p>
<p>&#8220;You know,&#8221; Eve told me, &#8220;It wasn&#8217;t that much blood.&#8221;</p>
<p>I blinked at her, my forehead crumpling again, &#8220;There was blue cotton soaked with blood, so much blood.&#8221;</p>
<p>Eve&#8217;s face was puzzled. Claire looked as if she longed to tap the side of her head and tell me, &#8216;You&#8217;re crazy.&#8217; As I packed, silence again descended on the room.</p>
<p>&#8220;That&#8217;s why you don&#8217;t remember any good times?&#8221; Claire blurted out when I had finished with the basket.</p>
<p>&#8220;No!&#8221; my voice was an angry squeak. &#8220;I don&#8217;t know. I hurt. I always hurt.&#8221;</p>
<p>Tears welled up and threatened to spill. I sniffed and ran to the bathroom, fumbled with the handle, and made it inside before the tears broke free. I rinsed my eyes and face with warm water, then cleaned the tear stains from my glasses. Before replacing them, I looked at my swollen red face in the white-rimmed mirror.</p>
<p><em>There was blood</em>, I told my Friend.</p>
<p>Image source:</p>
<p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Good Times</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Loved As If</a>.</p>


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<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">BRUNONIS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Called to Communion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=";rssid464=61">Cardinal Newman Society All Posts</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Faith and Reason - Our Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> - Commentary on Catholic News and World Affairs</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> - In Depth Analysis of Catholic Issues</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> &#187;</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Charlotte was Both</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Chiesa -</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA - Daily Readings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA - Saint of the Day</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA Daily News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA Daily News - Vatican</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Movie Reviews</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Top Stories</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Vatican News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Commentary - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Community in Mission</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Comuni&#243;n Tradicionalista &#171; Comuni&#243;n Tradicionalista</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Corpus Christi Watershed news</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Creative Minority Report</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CRISTIANDAD</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Cum Lazaro</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">David Scott Writings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Diligite iustitiam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dom Donald's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dominicana</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dominus mihi adjutor</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dyspeptic Mutterings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Eastern Christian Books</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Edward Feser</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">et nunc</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ethika Politika</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">EUCist News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Faithful Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">For the Queen</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Ray Blake's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr. Z's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Galileo Was Wrong</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Gratia Super Naturam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">History of Interpretation</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">I Have to Sit Down</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">iBenedictines</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">IDLE SPECULATIONS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ignatius his conclave</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Il Blog di Raffaella. I Papi, il Vaticano e la Chiesa Cattolica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">In the Light of the Law</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Incarnation and Modernity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Infallible Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Instaurare Omnia in Christo - The Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Jimmy Akin</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John G. Brungardt, Ph.L.</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John V. Gerardi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Just Thomism</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">katholon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Korrektiv</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laodicea</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Le blog d'Yves Daoudal</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lectio Divina Notes</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lex Christianorum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ley Natural</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Little Flower Farm</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LMS Chairman</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Loved As If</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">marcpuck</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mary Victrix</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mathias von Gersdorff</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Liturgical Movement</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Sherwood</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Song</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">News - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">NICK'S CATHOLIC BLOG</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">One Mad Mom</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">OnePeterFive</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Opus Publicum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Oz Conservative</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Paths of Love</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Psallam Domino</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RSS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Sancrucensis</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Scholastiker</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Semiduplex</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Siris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Spirit of Teuchtar II</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Peter's List</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Steeple and State</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Symposium</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">T&#281;sknota</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Taylor Marshall</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Tea at Trianon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The American Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Badger Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Dormitory</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Thing</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The City and the World</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

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<td><a href="">The Daily Register</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

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<td><a href="">The Deacon's Bench</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

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<td><a href="">The Divine Lamp</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

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<td><a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The hermeneutic of continuity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Jesuit Post</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Josias</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Lepanto Institute</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Low Churchman's Guide to the Solemn High Mass</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Paraphasic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Prosblogion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Rad Trad</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Remnant Newspaper - The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sacred Page</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sensible Bond</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The TOF Spot</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Theological Flint</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">totaliter aliter</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Traditional Catholic Priest</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Transalpine Redemptorists at home</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unam Sanctam Catholicam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unequally Yoked</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Voice of the Family</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vox Cantoris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vultus Christi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Whispers in the Loggia</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Zippy Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>


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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-25.html">25</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-21.html">21</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-28.html">28</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-05.html">05</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-12.html">12</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-14.html">14</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-03.html">03</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-13.html">13</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">24</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-26.html">26</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-22.html">22</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-06-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-04-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-11.html">11</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-30.html">30</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-06-17.html">17</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2011</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2011</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2011</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2011</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-03-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-11-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-08-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2009</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2009</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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