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       <h1>Various Catholic Feeds</h1>
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<h2>Friday, 27 November</h2>
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<div class="item feed-63336101 feed-akacatholic" id="item-3b1ba236">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Papal trips just a &#8220;charade&#8221;</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">AKA Catholic</a>]</span>
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<p>John Vennari posted an article at Catholic Family News calling for the termination of papal trips and I couldn&#8217;t agree more. Here&#8217;s an excerpt: As for papal trips we can ask some basic questions: such as, how many have there been? What good have they done? &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; We can also raise the question of cost, which is colossal. &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; Since January 1962, we&#8217;ve seen at least 148 papal trips. &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; A rough breakdown follows: &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; &#8226; Paul VI, between 1962 and 1970, embarked on nine papal journeys. Keep in mind a &#8220;Papal trip&#8221; &#8211; or &#8220;Apostolic Journey&#8221; &#8211; depending on <a class="more-link" href="'">more &#187;</a>

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<div class="item feed-73543c01 feed-theremnantnewspapertheremnantnewspaperremnantarticles" id="item-ced278e5">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Zombieland: Convert or Die!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Remnant Newspaper - The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles</a>]</span>
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<p>Many social commentators have noticed the rise and staying power of zombie lore in our current storytelling. Zombies became all the rage, pardon the pun, many years ago and their popularity shows no...<br />
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See more at<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-737b72c0 feed-theeponymousflower" id="item-428cd8ff">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Open Letter to USCCB Mouthpiece from Remnant</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a>]</span>
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<div class="itemIntroText" style="margin: 8px 0px;"><span>Edit: Old Liberal Bill Donahue has long run interference for decadent Old Liberal Bishops as a professional Catholic. His Civil Rights, cultural Marxist whiner organization does just about everything EXCEPT defend the Catholic Faith. Sometimes it even attacks real Catholics.</span></div><div class="itemIntroText" style="margin: 8px 0px;"><span>Here he is again, and an open letter from Remnant to this barnacle:</span></div><div class="itemIntroText" style="margin: 8px 0px;"><span><br /></span></div><div class="itemIntroText" style="margin: 8px 0px;"><span>&#8220;These crazies are mad at Wuerl because he doesn&#8217;t believe in using the Eucharist as a weapon to smack liberal Catholic politicians. Wuerl has said that the refusal of Holy Communion &#8220;should be made only after clear efforts to persuade and convince the person that their actions are wrong and bear moral consequences.&#8221; Exactly. Wuerl is a great gift to the Catholic Church. These critics are as ignorant as they are malicious.&#8221; . . .&nbsp;<a href="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"><strong>Bill Donohue</strong>, &#8220;RIGHT-WING NUTS RIP CARDINAL WUERL&#8221;</a><br /><br /><span style="margin: 8px 0px;">Dear Mr. Donohue:</span><br /><br /><span style="margin: 8px 0px;">You have publicly stumbled (I hope it was an unwitting stumble) into endorsing, quite explicitly, a mortal sin.</span><br /><br /><span style="margin: 8px 0px;">The mortal sin in question is:&nbsp;<i>giving Communion to a person who is obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin.&nbsp;</i>It is a grave sin of scandal because whenever a minister of Communion gives such a person Communion, he: 1) publicly collaborates, with knowledge, in the commission of a sacrilege; 2) gives public approval to the communicant's notorious grave sin.</span><br /></span></div><div><span style="margin: 8px 0px; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><a href=""></a></span></div><div><span style="margin: 8px 0px; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><br /></span></div><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-63336101 feed-akacatholic" id="item-b4052151">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Welcome to</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">AKA Catholic</a>]</span>
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<p>As I said in yesterday&#8217;s post, the season of &#8220;harvesting the fruit of Vatican II&#8221; is passing and it&#8217;s time to move on; onto something better. From this point forward, we will carry on under the banner aka Catholic &#8211; the name by which so-called &#8220;traditionalists&#8221; are more accurately known. (More about the ten year journey from &#8220;Harvesting the Fruit&#8221; to &#8220;aka Catholic&#8221; can be found on the ABOUT page.) Some Housekeeping: Visitors to should (should) find themselves automatically redirected to (Some of you have likely found this to be the case already.) If you&#8217;re reading this and <a class="more-link" href="'">more &#187;</a>

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<div class="item feed-63336101 feed-akacatholic" id="item-ef833263">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Welcome to</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">AKA Catholic</a>]</span>
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<p>As I said in yesterday&#8217;s post, the season of &#8220;harvesting the fruit of Vatican II&#8221; is passing and it&#8217;s time to move on; onto something better. From this point forward, we will carry on under the banner aka Catholic &#8211; the name by which so-called &#8220;traditionalists&#8221; are more accurately known. Some Housekeeping: Visitors to should (should) find themselves automatically redirected to (Some of you have likely found this to be the case already.) If you&#8217;re reading this and you have not been so redirected, clear your internet history (your cache). Future clicks on will then redirect. Otherwise, <a class="more-link" href="'">more &#187;</a>

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<div class="item feed-cb0fc22f feed-theologicalflint" id="item-48e3ecf9">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Lesson from Leo XIII and Pius XI on False Religions</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Theological Flint</a>]</span>
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<p>This is from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Theological Flint</a></p><p>The below is a prayer of consecration, written by Pope Leo XIII, Great Pope that he was, and later used by Pope Pius XI of Immortal Memory. It is a prayer consecrating the entire human race to the Sacred Heart. He asks Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly [&#8230;]</p><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Lesson from Leo XIII and Pius XI on False Religions</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Theological Flint</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-b22c9e7f feed-" id="item-625c279f">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Cultural resistance and creative subversion</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">&#922;&#945;&#952;&#959;&#955;&#953;&#954;&#972;&#962; &#948;&#953;&#940;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#959;&#962;</a>]</span>
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<p>Is there a culture war? What a stupid question. It's stupid because the only appropriate answer is another question, Who cares? As a Christian I am tired of hearing about various options. I have the option to live my faith fully, which means engaging in and not running from society and culture. Hence, the only "option" I have found attractive in the least is the one whose creator told me in person he did not it branded as an "option"- Dr Chad Pecknold's <a href="">"Dominican Option"</a>. Another person whose work is starting to influence me in these matters is Dr Michael Martin. I highly recommend his book <a href=""><i>The Submerged Reality: Sophiology and the Turn to a Poetic Metaphysics</i></a>. <br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><b>Triumph of the Church, by Peter Paul Rubens, ca. 1625</b></span></div><br /><br />Let's be clear, the only leaven the Lord warned His disciples to be wary of was the leaven of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and Herod (<a href="">Matt 16:6-12</a>; <a href="">Mark 8:14-21</a>; <a href="">Luke 12:1</a>). While we need to avoid bad leaven (i.e., hypocrisy, condescension, and the corruption of worldly power), we are to be leaven: "He spoke to them another parable. 'The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened'" (<a href="">Matt 13:33; </a><a href="">Luke 13:20-21</a>). There are innumerable ways to constructively engage contemporary culture. The least effective of these is by condemning it all wholesale. The fundamental issues and questions with which women and men wrestle remain perennial. As Luigi Giussani noted, it is precisely these fundamental issues and these existential questions that constitute our humanity. <br /><br />You may have caught wind of the controversy surrounding the rejection of a Church of England-produced 60-second ad featuring the  Lord's Prayer by Digital Cinema Media (DCM), the firm that handles advertising for Great Britain's three largest cinema chains. Neil Davenport, commenting on this rather unsurprising development for <a href=""><i>Spiked</i></a> (a secular on-line publication), noted: <blockquote>The banning of the Lord&#8217;s Prayer ad may seem like a minor story, but it exposes how bereft of meaning and purpose Western societies have become. The tragedy is that this uncertainty only acts as an invitation for anti-Western Islamists to pose their ideology as the principled alternative to that of decadent, hollow Europe. A nominally Christian country in which some people deem that a 60-second advert featuring the Lord&#8217;s Prayer is &#8216;offensive&#8217; has surely lost the plot</blockquote> So it seems that the question for us Christians is, How do we help our society regain the plot? My answer is, through culture, genuine culture, human culture, which does not prudishly ignore any aspect of reality as we experience it, or foster a bizarre, sentimental sub-culture.  <br /><br />As a result, our <i>traditio</i> for this final Friday of this Year of Grace is The Church of England's Lord's Prayer ad: <br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><br /><br />Given that I blew at least one mind by entitling a post <a href="">"Eucharist as immanentized eschaton,"</a> let me note that by asserting that the Eucharist "immanentizes the eschaton," all that I was trying to say, albeit in a philosophical and alliterative way, is that in each and every Eucharist the Lord returns and the saints rejoice. In other words, when we participate in the Eucharist we participate in the wedding feast of the Lamb, in Christ's ultimate triumph. This is how the Eucharist becomes "the only place of resistance to annihilation of the human subject." In light of this, please note 2 things:<br /><br />1. Resistance, despite not having the appearance of power, is <i>not</i> futile<br /><br />2. Resistance is both joy-filled and beautiful <br /><br />In the second chapter of his autobiography, <a href=";ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1448646570&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=surprised+by+joy+c.s.+lewis"><i>Surprised by Joy</i></a>, entitled "Concentration Camp," C.S. Lewis traced back to his early years at a terrible boarding school what, in time, became a major part of his contribution to helping modern Western society maintain or regain "the plot". Referring to the resistance of the boys to their awful headmaster, "Oldie," Lewis wrote, <blockquote>We stood foursquare against the common enemy. I suspect that this pattern, occurring twice so early my life [the other time was his camaraderie with his brother <i>vice</i> their father after the death of his mother], has unduly biased my whole outlook. To this day the vision of the world which comes most naturally to me is one in which "we two" or "we few" (and in a sense "we happy few") stand together against something stronger and larger</blockquote> We all know how Lewis engaged culture. He did so by engaging it creatively. Pope St John Paul II, rather than taking up arms and joining the armed resistance against the Germans after Poland was conquered, also chose cultural resistance, thus aiding his country in maintaining the plot. In addition to resisting the Nazis, the effects of this cultural resistance were strong enough to ultimately defeat Soviet-style communism more than 40 years later.  <br /><br />The important thing to attend to here is that Christianity, when practiced well, is a subversive force. Don't believe me? Forget Star Wars and read St Paul, a man who very clearly set out to creatively subvert the Empire- Star Wars is a very pedestrian story by comparison. One can also consider the conditions under which Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, became human. He did not become human as the emperor of Rome, Persia, or any other powerful empire, but, to borrow John P Meier's title, He became incarnate as "a marginal Jew"; a marginal member of a marginal people living under Roman occupation. Here's something simpler yet- just recite the Lord's Prayer.

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<div class="item feed-5386bfc9 feed-catholicsacristan" id="item-5a483a49">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Eucharistic Miracle?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: justify;"><a href="" target="_blank">H/T GloriaTV</a></div><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;">The Salt Lake City Diocese is investigating a bleeding host at St. Francis Xavier parish in Kearns. A boy was given Holy Communion by a local priest. A relative told the priest the child had not yet made his first communion and handed back the host. According to the rules, the priest put the host into water in order to dissolve it. But in the water, <span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #cc0000;">(three days later, according to additional reports: see below)</span> the host started showing red spots. Now, a five member diocesan committee inquires whether there is -- or is not -- an explanation for this.</blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;">News Channel 4:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">FOX13 Salt Lake City: <a href=""></a>/</div><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;">Last week, during the Holy Communion, a host was returned to the father <span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #cc0000;">(priest)</span> overseeing the service. A host is the small <span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #cc0000;">(consecrated)</span> wafer handed out as part of the communion. The father placed the host in glass of water near the head of the church. Typically, the host will dissolve away in a few minutes.</blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="background-color: yellow;">Three days later</span>, members of the church say the host was still floating and it appeared to be bleeding. Word spread, and the church filled with people.&#8212;FOX 13.</blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;">CMTV: <a href=""></a></div><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;">The head of the investigation committee, Msgr. M. Francis Mannion, issued the following statement:</blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><i>Recently, reports of a bleeding host at St. Francis Xavier Church in Kearns have been circulating within the diocese. Monsignor Colin F. Bircumshaw, Diocesan Administrator, has appointed an ad hoc committee of individuals with various backgrounds to investigate the matter. The work of the committee is now underway. The results will be made public.</i></blockquote><br /><a name="more"></a><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><i>The Host is now in the custody of the Diocesan Administrator. Contrary to rumor, there are no current plans for public exposition or adoration.</i></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><i>Whatever the outcome of the investigation, we can use this time to renew our faith and devotion in the greatest miracle &#8212; the Real Presence of Jesus Christ that takes place at every Mass.</i>&#8212;CMTV</blockquote>Statement at Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City site:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><a href=""></a></blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-d5e3ad6e feed-katholon" id="item-b4012226">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Und wieder ist Krieg</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">katholon</a>]</span>
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<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_127" style="width: 310px;"><a href=""><img alt="Bundeskanzleramt Berlin" class="size-medium wp-image-127" src="" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Bundeskanzleramt<br />Berlin</p></div>
<p>Deutschland unterst&#252;tzt Frankreich mit Aufkl&#228;rungsflugzeugen und einer Fregatte. Heute morgen stand es in allen Zeitungen. V&#246;llig zu Recht <a href="" target="_blank">fragt Roland Tichy</a> nach einer Zustimmung des Bundestages zum Einsatz der Bundeswehr. V&#246;llig zur Recht stellt er die Frage nach einer Debatte &#252;ber den Kriegseintritt Deutschlands. Inzwischen wird so etwas einfach von oben verf&#252;gt und ausgef&#252;hrt.</p>
<p>Die Gro&#223;koalitionierung unseres Landes zeigt fatale Folgen. Was Mutti sagt, das passiert. Ganz gleich, ob wir per Verf&#252;gung eine unl&#246;sbare Aufgabe schaffen, ob wir in den Krieg eintreten oder EU-B&#252;rger an den Grenzen streng kontrolliert werden, w&#228;hrend die Fl&#252;chtlinge prallel zur Stra&#223;e auf der gr&#252;ne Wiese &#252;ber die Grenze laufen. Alles Mutti. Wer Widerworte gibt, kommt ohne Essen ins Bett. Fertig.</p>
<p>Es ist im Grunde keine Frage, da&#223; wir in Westeuropa wirklich in einem Boot sitzen. Was Frankreich getroffen hat, kann uns morgen auch treffen. Sicherheit ist eine Illusion. Sie kann nicht hergestellt werden. Und genau da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer. WIr brauchen eine gesellschaftliche Debatte, die sich der Frage stellt, wie man dem Terror wehren kann. Man mu&#223; schon mehr als ein kleines bi&#223;chen d&#252;mmlich sein, um zu glauben, wir k&#246;nnten uns mit ein paar Tornados aus der Sache raus schummeln.</p>
<p>Wenn es &#252;berhaupt noch eine Chance gibt, dann nur, wenn wir in einer breit angelegten tabulosen Debatte &#252;berlegen, welche Ma&#223;nahmen wir ergreifen m&#252;ssen. Es mu&#223; ein m&#246;glichst weit greifender Konsens hergestellt werden, der alle gesellschaftlichen Gruppen mit einbezieht. Das Ma&#223;nahmenb&#252;ndel, das zu ergreifen ist, mu&#223; von der Bev&#246;lkerung getragen werden. Dazu bedarf es schonungsloser Ehrlichkeit &#252;ber die bekannte Lage und das real existierende Gef&#228;hrdungspotential.</p>
<p>In den ersten Weltkrieg, so sagt man, seien wir einfach so hineingeschliddert. Exakt diese Gefahr besteht gerade jetzt in einem seit 60 Jahren nicht gekannten Ausma&#223;. Eine Regierung, die plan- und konzeptlos, heute so &#8211; morgen so, in einer solchen wirklich brandgef&#228;hrlichen Krise agiert, bringt uns wirklich sehr nahe an einen neuen gro&#223;en Krieg. Und dieser wird schmutziger und grausamer alle alle vorherigen. Grund genug also jetzt endlich in die Debatte einzusteigen und eine breite gesellschaftliche Debatte zu beginnen. Es wird h&#246;chste Zeit Pl&#228;ne zu schmieden, dann sonst &#252;berollt uns der Terrorkrieg schneller als ein Tornado starten kann.</p>

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<div class="item feed-f27c846b feed-cnstopstories" id="item-0ebd4448">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ugandans give pope exuberant welcome as he urges unity</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Top Stories</a>]</span>
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<p><img src="" /><p>IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring</p><p></p><p>By Cindy  Wooden</p><p>KAMPALA, Uganda (CNS) -- Witnessing
to what is true, good and beautiful -- even if that witness is motivated by
different faiths -- brings people together and strengthens a nation, Pope
Francis said.</p>

<p>Arriving in Uganda from Kenya Nov.
27, Pope Francis was greeted by a number of dance troupes playing drums as well
as traditional horns and stringed instruments. Many of the dancers wore rattles
on their calves, and some of the men wore the skins of the spotted hyena around
their waists.</p>

<p>While the pope fulfilled the
protocol duty of reviewing the military troops, he could not pass by the dance
troupes without thanking them, especially the children.</p>

<p>Pope Francis went from the airport
to the State House in Entebbe, where he immediately drew people's attention to
the Ugandan Martyrs -- 23 Anglicans and 22 Catholics -- executed by King Mwanga
II of Buganda between November 1885 and January 1887.</p>

<p>"They remind us of the
importance that faith, moral rectitude and commitment to the common good have
played and continue to play in the cultural economic and political life of this
country," the pope told President Yoweri Museveni, other government
officials and members of the diplomatic corps.</p>

<p>The martyrs, he said, "also
remind us that despite our different beliefs and convictions, all of us are
called to seek the truth, to work for justice and reconciliation and to
respect, protect and help one another as members of our one human family."</p>

<p>On the third evening of his
three-nation trip to Africa, Pope Francis said he wanted to draw attention to
Africa as a whole, and not just to the continent's problems. He praised Uganda
particularly for welcoming refugees and allowing them to work.</p>

<p>"Our world, caught up in
wars, violence and various forms of injustice is witnessing an unprecedented
movement of peoples," he said. "How we deal with them is a test of
our humanity, our respect for human dignity and above all our solidarity with
our brothers and sisters in need."</p>

<p>As he did earlier in Kenya, the
pope also urged African leaders to dedicate themselves to ensuring education
and employment for their young people, the majority of the continent's population.</p>

<p>Pope Francis said his prayer was
that all Ugandans "will always prove worthy of the values which have
shaped the soul of your nation."</p>

<p>The exuberance of the dancers at
the airport was only a tiny hint of the welcome Uganda had in store for the
pope: Hundreds of thousands of people waited for hours along the entire 27-mile
stretch of road leading from the State House to the Munyonyo neighborhood of

<p>Munyonyo is the place where King
Mwanga condemned the martyrs to death. As the dark of night settled in outside
a shrine run by the Conventual Franciscans, Pope Francis greeted hundreds of
catechists holding candles.</p>

<p>He told the representatives of
Uganda's 14,000 catechists -- many of whom administer remote communities that
have no priest -- that theirs is a holy work.</p>

<p>"Thank you for the sacrifices
which you and your families make," he told them. It is particularly
beautiful that they teach children to pray and help parents raise their
children in the faith.</p>

<p>To be effective, Pope Francis
said, a catechist must be an example of love, faith and mercy and not just a
good and eloquent teacher. </p>

<p>The pope told the catechists to be
strong like the martyrs, "go forth without fear to every town and village
in this country to spread the good seed of God's word."</p>

<p>- - -</p>
Wooden on Twitter: @Cindy_Wooden.</p><p>- - -</p><p>Copyright &#169; 2015 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. Republishing or redistributing of CNS content, including by framing or similar means without prior permission, is prohibited. You may link to stories on our public site. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To request permission for republishing or redistributing of CNS content, please contact permissions at</p>

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<div class="item feed-5386bfc9 feed-catholicsacristan" id="item-8d365485">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Praying for the (spiritually) dead.</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: justify;">The end of the month of holy souls draws nigh.&nbsp;Of the saints in heaven, we asked their intercession for our loved-ones.&nbsp;It is a time during which Catholics visit cemeteries and pray for those who have gone before us, as is the custom not limited to but intensified during this month that occurs at the twilight of the year.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /><i>Death prods the weak of faith.</i><br /><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">On the occasion of a loved-one's demise, and in the midst of grief or perhaps doubt about what happens next, some attempt to canonize a relative, perhaps a close relative who has not lived a particularly stellar life. Those who have avoided judging a loved-one's behaviour in this life and who have avoided the necessity to show real mercy by instructing an ignorant sinner, at the death of that loved one, suddenly assume the role of saviour and deem such a reprobate soul righteous.<br /><br /><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px;">For whatever reason, those who are too timid to walk with another and let it be known to them that their actions are putting their souls at risk of death are, themselves, spiritually dead or dying. Typically, they are repulsed at the mere mention of the word 'judgement'. Little do they realize that the judgement of actions is necessary to help others consider the consequences of their actions and to help them make necessary course corrections.<br /><br />Of course, fraternal correction cannot be done in a belligerent or self righteous manner. The spiritual companion must be willing to listen first and then, after seeking God's wisdom, speak in a calm yet firm manner the advice that might help someone turn back from the precipice or whatever soul destroying behaviour in which they are engaging.</div></div><br /><i>Who are the spiritually dead?</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The spiritually dead are zombies in the Church. They are the 'spiritual-not-religious' crew who think themselves too enlightened to defile their lives with devotions, fasting, faithful Mass attendance and regular visits to the confessional. Like spiritual vampires sucking the life out of parishes, they neither respond to the call to personal holiness&#8212;probably because homilies are bereft of any such call&#8212;nor do they respond to the call to mission. The latter depends on the former for fuel to respond: the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">actual grace (<i>gratia gratis data</i>)</a>&nbsp;of knowledge and wisdom of Christ given to help us in our need and to form in us an authentic identity in Christ which gives us the confidence to share by word and/or deed the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The spiritually dead are given to mocking those who share in an intimate loving communion with Jesus Christ and His Church. The god of liberal religion, i.e., the religion of the spiritually dead person, is none other than a projection of his or her own safe, bland deity fashioned in his/her own image. "Who am I to judge?" is the borrowed and misapplied mantra of the limp layman eager to achieve the approval of his peers at the cost of his own spiritual life in Christ.<br /><br /><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px;">The spiritually dead routinely demand all the blessings from the Lord but assume none of the responsibilities that come with being His disciple. They routinely miss the opportunity to turn from the sin of pride. That opportunity can be the Sacrament of Penance. To the dead, however, the Sacrament has little or no meaning.</div></div><br /><i>Another name for the spiritually dead: universalist [<a href="" target="_blank">click HERE for definition</a>].</i><br /><br />Is it any wonder that people ensnared by some form of spiritual narcissism tend to declare, without proof such as a testimony to the holiness of an individual and a miracle confirming a claim of heavenly residency, who resides in heaven? They, said saint-makers, are popes of their own domains. They accord no respect for the beliefs of others yet demand absolute acceptance of their own, pontificating from a throne constructed of tragically misguided self indulgent theories about life after death. In reality, they have neither joy nor hope because their faith is only in themselves. They are too proud to admit dependence on Jesus Christ and His revealed teaching. They cannot be like children in the eyes of God because they are so preoccupied with an addiction to self gratification. If only they could realize that true satisfaction to be found in this life depends on surrender to the Holy Spirit Who, given by Jesus, rescues us from the tyranny and trap of a life manipulated by a fear of loss of personal control. If the same spiritually dead have children, their children will understand that they are a distant second place in the lives of their parents.<br /><br /><i>God first.</i><br /><br />A God-first life helps one live for others. God gives us the grace and confidence to sacrifice our selfish needs so that we can first serve others. By contrast, there is little room for "second class citizens" in a hierarchy constructed solely to serve the man or women who stands at the pinnacle of the temple of 'me'.<br /><br />Sadly, when one of the adults in a family finds out that he or she has been relegated to second class status in a relationship where his or her spouse puts him/herself before all else, the result can and usually does result in the breakdown of the relationship and ultimately the family. If neither adult/parent turns to God for the grace of healing, and the grace to live a life of self-sacrificing love, one can almost be certain that the family will not survive the selfishness of one or both parents. And then, sadly, the children may become frozen in a trend that causes them to look for love in all the wrong places. Their quest for love, however, need not be for them a cause of despair. They can be aware of their need and allow themselves to be touched by the grace of God rather than succumb to their baser instincts. They need caring people to intercept them and offer them an alternative reading of their lives to help them be open to grace and to be open to a change of direction for the better.<br /><br />Should we not risk leaving our comfort zone to propose to others the joy and peace of the Gospel? Sometimes all it takes to restore in a person a sense of self worth is a simple acknowledgement of their presence. Take a moment to acknowledge someone; be willing to chat with him or her. Don't be afraid to smile and/or nod at someone and let them know you see them. Bless the stranger; bless the friend. Bless the cantankerous malcontent or rude queue-jumper. If they are sunburned by the joy of the Holy Spirit radiating through you, so be it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The spiritually dead are already buried in this life&#8212;if you can call living without real purpose a life&#8212;in a crowded tomb populated by other zombies intent on sucking the life out of other people's lives.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">The spiritually dead require a jolt of grace. Pray especially for the stranger who wanders into your midst, the person who barely acknowledges anyone's presence other than his own.<br /><br />If your world is a flat screen display, typically that of a smart phone that you cannot put down for a day, then perhaps you are in desperate need of the grace to help you get a life.</div>

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<div class="item feed-b20be901 feed-frhunwickesmutualenrichment" id="item-50c7f9fa">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ordinariate Use (7)</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a>]</span>
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<p>The artwork in the Ordinariate Missal is black and white. If you look carefully enough, you will see the initials 'MT' somewhere on most of it. Those initials take one back to the triumphalist all-conquering glory days of the Movement in the 1930s, and to an Altar Book called The Anglican Missal. If 'MT' doesn't give away the identity of the artist (1886-1948), how about these lines from the end

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<div class="item feed-d5e3ad6e feed-katholon" id="item-772f2775">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Stippvisite in Ulm</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">katholon</a>]</span>
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<div id="pl-221"><div class="panel-grid" id="pg-221-0"><div class="panel-grid-cell" id="pgc-221-0-0"><div class="so-panel widget widget_text panel-first-child panel-last-child" id="panel-221-0-0-0">			<div class="textwidget"><p>Viel Zeit war nicht, doch f&#252;r eine kurze Stippvisite im Ulmer M&#252;nster, um das Ulmer M&#252;nster und um das Ulmer M&#252;nster herum hat es doch gereicht.</p>
		</div></div></div><div class="panel-grid" id="pg-221-1"><div class="panel-grid-cell" id="pgc-221-1-0">&nbsp;</div><div class="panel-grid-cell" id="pgc-221-1-1"><div class="so-panel widget widget_metaslider_widget panel-first-child panel-last-child" id="panel-221-1-1-0"><h3 class="widget-title">Ulmer M&#252;nster &#8211; Impressionen</h3>
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<div class="item feed-bad7800a feed-newsthomistica" id="item-3ca9bdd2">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">New book on Aquinas's philosophy by Stephen Brock</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">News - thomistica</a>]</span>
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<p>Stephen L. Brock, professor of medieval philosophy at the Pontificia Universit&#224; della Santa Croce in Rome, has just published a book entitled <em>The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas:&nbsp;A Sketch</em>. Here is the book description from Cascade Books (an imprint of Wipf and Stock):</p><p>If Saint Thomas Aquinas was a great theologian, it is in no small part because he was a great philosopher. And he was a great philosopher because he was a great metaphysician. In the twentieth century, metaphysics was not much in vogue, among either theologians or even philosophers; but now it is making a comeback, and once the contours of Thomas's metaphysical vision are glimpsed, it looks like anything but a museum piece. It only needs some dusting off. Many are studying Thomas now for the answers that he might be able to give to current questions, but he is perhaps even more interesting for the questions that he can raise regarding current answers: about the physical world, about human life and knowledge, and (needless to say) about God. This book is aimed at helping those who are not experts in medieval thought to begin to enter into Thomas's philosophical point of view. Along the way, it brings out some aspects of his thought that are not often emphasized in the current literature, and it offers a reading of his teaching on the divine nature that goes rather against the drift of some prominent recent interpretations.</p><p>This sounds like an important new contribution. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing what in Brock's reading of Aquinas's teaching on the divine nature goes "against the drift of some prominent recent interpretations."</p><p>You can find out more information and purchase Brock's book <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;or <a href=";ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1448642976&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=stephen+brock+aquinas" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-7540b2cf feed-lmschairman" id="item-0fcb3899">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Cardinal Kasper on the Prayer for the Jews</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">LMS Chairman</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="288" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">St Paul of Tarsus</td></tr></tbody></table>In case anyone has forgotten, back in 2008 when Pope Benedict's Prayer for the Jews, for use in the Extraordinary Form Good Friday Liturgy, it was explained and defended by Cardinal Kasper, among others.<br /><br />Cardinal Kasper's is a particular way of understanding the question of the conversion of the Jews. While I appreciate the sensitivies, I would not be comfortable with a blanket condemnation of 'targeted' evangelical outreach to Jews, as for example that taken by the Jewish convert <a href="" target="_blank">Alphonse Ratisbon</a>&nbsp;in the late 19th century.&nbsp;Cardinal Kasper does not make such a condemnation, but it might seem implicit in what he says. It is important, however, that he makes the point that we don't hide our witness to the Faith from Jews, and that our belief in the universal validity of Christ's redemption, and their rejection of this, has to be the basis of an honest dialogue.<br /><br />If Cardinal Kasper has no problem with Pope Benedict's Prayer for the Jews, then it seems pretty surprising that anyone in the Church should have a problem with it. His affirmation that, <i>obviously,&nbsp;</i>Christ died for all men, could usefully be underlined.<br /><br />The full text is&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>; I paste in highlights.<br /><br /><span style="color: #990000;">Unlike the 1970 text, the new formulation of the 1962 text speaks of Jesus as the Christ and as the salvation of all men, and therefore also of the Jews. </span><br /><a name="more"></a><span style="color: #990000;">Many have understood this affirmation as new and unfriendly toward the Jews. But this is founded on the New Testament as a whole (cf. 1 Timothy 2:4), and indicates the fundamental difference, known everywhere, that endures for both the Christians and the Jews. Even if it is not explicitly mentioned in "Nostra Aetate," nor in the prayer of 1970 , "Nostra Aetate" cannot be removed from the context of all the other conciliar documents, nor can the Good Friday prayer of the Missal of 1970 be removed from the entirety of the liturgy of Good Friday that has as its object that conviction of the Christian faith. <br /><br />The new formulation of the prayer for Good Friday in the Missal of 1962, therefore, does not really say anything new, but only expresses what until now was taken as obvious, but which evidently, in many dialogues, was not sufficiently explained. <br />...<br /><br />The real controversial question is: should Christians pray for the conversion of the Jews? Can there be a mission to the Jews? <br />...<br /><br />Such prayers for the coming of the Kingdom of God and for the realization of the mystery of salvation, according to their nature, are not an appeal addressed to the Church asking it to carry out missionary activity toward the Jews. Instead, they respect all of the unfathomable depth of the "Deus absconditus," of His election through grace, of the hardening of the heart as of His infinite mercy. <br /><br />With its prayer, the Church, therefore, does not assume control of the realization of the inscrutable mystery. It cannot do so in any way. But rather, it leaves all of the "when" and the "how" of this realization in the hands of God. Only God can bring about His Kingdom, in which all Israel will be saved and eschatological peace will come to the world. <br />...<br /><br />The exclusion of a targeted and institutionalized mission to the Jews does not mean that Christians must stand around with their hands in their pockets. Targeted and organized mission on one side, and Christian witness on the other, must be distinguished. Naturally, Christians must, where it is opportune, give to their older brothers and sisters in the faith of Abraham (John Paul II) a witness of their own faith and of the richness and beauty of their faith in Christ. Paul did this as well. During his missionary journeys, Paul always went first to the synagogue, and only when he did not find faith there did he go to the pagans (Acts of the Apostles, 13:5,14ff., 42-52; 14:1-6 and others; Romans 1:16 is fundamental). <br /><br />Such a witness is also asked of us today. It must of course be done with tact and respect; but it would be dishonest if Christians, in meeting with their Jewish friends, should remain silent about their own faith, or even deny it. <br /><br />We expect just as much from believing Jews toward us. In the dialogues that I have known, this attitude is entirely normal. A sincere dialogue between Jews and Christians, in fact, is possible only, on the one hand, on the basis of a shared faith in one God, creator of heaven and earth, and in the promises made to Abraham and to the Fathers; and on the other, in the awareness and respect of the fundamental difference that consists in faith in Jesus as Christ and Redeemer of all men. </span><br /><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><br /></a><br />Full text&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.<br /><br />Support the work of the LMS by becoming an '<a href="">Anniversary Supporter</a>'.

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<div class="item feed-959a591f feed-denzingerkatholik" id="item-16be051a">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Selfie zum Tage</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="" target="_blank">In guter Tradition</a> gibt es auch heuer wieder das Tagesselfie:</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="281" /></a></div><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Domine Jesu Christe,&nbsp;</i><br /><i>qui beatissimam Virginem Mar&#237;am,&nbsp;</i><br /><i>Matrem tuam,&nbsp;</i><br /><i>ab origine immaculatam innumeris miraculis clarescere voluisti:</i><br /><i>concede; ut, ejusdem patrocinium semper implorantes,&nbsp;</i><br /><i>gaudia consequamur aeterna.</i></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq">O Herr Jesus Christus,<br />der Du Deine Mutter,<br />die ohne S&#252;nde empfangene allerseligste Jungfrau Maria,<br />mit zahllosen Wundern verherrlichen wolltest:<br />Gew&#228;hre, dass wir, die best&#228;ndig ihren Schutz erflehen,<br />die ewigen Freuden erlangen m&#246;gen.</blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><span style="font-size: x-small;">(Kollekte vom Fest Unserer Lieben Frau von der Wundert&#228;tigen Medaille,&nbsp;<i>Missale Romanum</i>&nbsp;p.a.l.)</span></blockquote>Besonders ans Herz gingen mir im Zusammenhang mit den vielen wundersamen Gnaden, die ich durch die H&#228;nde der Gottesmutter empfangen durfte, folgende Worte des hl.&nbsp;Leonhard von Porto Maurizio, dessen Fest die Kirche gestern feierte:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">&#187;<i>Wenn ich die Gnaden alle bedenke, die ich von der seligsten Jungfrau empfangen habe, so komme ich mir vor wie eine Wallfahrtskirche. Da h&#228;ngen &#252;berall herum T&#228;felchen; auf diesen stehen in Bildern und Worten die Erh&#246;rungen, die Maria den bittenden Pilgern gew&#228;hrt hat. Da hei&#223;t es immer: Durch die Gnade Mariens. Geradeso komme ich mir vor, &#252;ber und &#252;ber beschrieben, an Leib und Seele, von innen und au&#223;en: Durch die Gnade Mariens.</i>&#171;</blockquote>&nbsp;<span style="font-size: x-small;">PS: In diesem Jahr gibt es die &#220;bersetzung daf&#252;r partizipienvermeidend.&nbsp;</span>

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<div class="item feed-4639a853 feed-mathiasvongersdorff" id="item-645e42cb">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Unfassbar: CDU-Politiker wollen Aufnahme von Homo-Paaren ins Grundgesetz</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Mathias von Gersdorff</a>]</span>
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Norbert Lammert Foto: Gerd Seidel/Lizenziert unter CC BY-SA 3.0 &#252;ber Wikimedia
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<div class="item feed-b20be901 feed-frhunwickesmutualenrichment" id="item-573f2bcb">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Other blogs, or news</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a>]</span>
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<p>(1) "Most blessed, most glorious" ... I refer of course to Fr Ray and his&#160; "unresting unhasting" Blog ... "Almighty, victorious, thy great name, Father Blake, we praise". A marvellously amusing post about a visiting bishop who nearly got his face 'filled in', as the Gruffer Classes might put it, by the angry husband of one of Fr Ray's parishioners. Ah, the Pastoral Life ...
(2) NLM has a most

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<div class="item feed-4e587259 feed-musingsofapertinaciouspapist" id="item-13ebcf43">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Squanto was a baptized Catholic - and other pre-Protestant sources of Thanksgiving in America</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a>]</span>
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<p>Michael Voris, "<a href="">Beyond Thankful</a>" (<i>CM</i>, November 26, 2015):<blockquote>Thanksgiving specifically and in general is the quintessential Catholic holiday.  First the specific case: Despite having had shoveled into the minds of many students at government-run schools, the first historical Thanksgiving did not occur between the Protestant Puritans and Native Americans in 1621. <br /><br />The first historical Thanksgiving meal actually happened 56 years earlier on September 8, 1565 in St. Augustine, Florida. (By the way, the correct pronunciation is St. Aug<i>us</i>tine, not the more Protestant variation of St. <i>Aug</i>ustine, which takes the emphasis off the "Saint.") The new Spanish settlers sat down for a banquet with the local indian tribes and Holy Mass was offered. <br /><br />Remember, the Catholic Spanish and the Catholic French beat the Protestant English to North America by almost an entire century. That was the first historical Thanksgiving. But there was a first <i>official</i> Thanksgiving dinner as well in America, and that was held in Texas in connection with Don Juan declaring it officially and having a meal with the natives, as well as, once again, the offering of the Sacrifice of the Mass. <br /><br />And if that's not enough to demonstrate that Thanksgiving actually has its roots in Catholicism, consider that the Native American who worked out arrangements between the Puritans and the Indians, Squanto, was actually a baptized Catholic. Spanish forces freed him from English captivity, and he was subsequently baptized into the One True Faith. He of course went on to organize what has become known as the first Thanksgiving, but in reality is at least the third such occurrence.</blockquote><a href=""><u>Read more >></u></a>

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<div class="item feed-2a52d86f feed-vultuschristi" id="item-260231c6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Paris Again</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vultus Christi</a>]</span>
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<p><img alt="Mirac. Medal (290) rue du Bac chapel" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-11957" height="426" src="" width="600" /><br />
<strong>Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal</strong><br />
Yes, Paris again. Paris is as much the theatre of great miracles of grace as it is the theatre of tragedy, violence, and bloodshed. Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, <em>the last Marian feast of the liturgical year</em> and, in some way, the most eschataological. The apparitions of the Immaculate Mother of God to Saint Zo&#233; Catherine Laboure, a Daughter of Charity, at the rue du Bac in 1830 announced the dawn of the great modern Marian age. The Propers of the Mass of today&#8217;s feast underscore its eschatological significance. In the Epistle we read:</p>
<blockquote><p>And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. (Apocalypse 12:1)</p></blockquote>
<p><strong>Twelve Stars</strong><br />
Is it mere coincidence that the twelve stars of the Apocalyptic Woman&#8211;Clothed&#8211;With&#8211;the&#8211;Sun, and of the Miraculous Medal, should reappear in the flag of the European Union? I for one think it is no coincidence but, rather, a providential indication that the Woman&#8211;Clothed&#8211;with&#8211;the&#8211;Sun will have the last word, even as Our Lady promised at Fatima in 1917: &#8220;In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph&#8221; (13 July 1917).</p>
<p><strong>Apparitions and the Liturgy</strong><br />
I explained to the brethren and to the faithful at Holy Mass this morning that the only apparitions of the Mother of God to which we can adhere in complete security are those commemorated by the Church in her liturgical calendar and celebrated by a proper Mass and Office. <em>Lex orandi &#8212; lex credendi &#8212; lex vivendi.</em> If a Marian apparition is commemorated in the liturgy (<em>lex orandi</em>), one can safely give one&#8217;s assent of mind and heart to it (<em>lex credendi </em>), and if one can safely give one&#8217;s assent of mind and heart to it, one can live out its message in complete security (<em>lex vivendi</em>).</p>
<p><strong>Local</strong><br />
The first level of the acknowledgement in the <em>lex orandi</em> that a particular alleged Marian apparition is free from error and worthy of pious credence is when a Proper Mass and Office are granted to commemorate it in the liturgical calendar of the diocese or religious Institute in which the event took place. Such feasts are found in many diocesan calendars: for example, Our Lady Reconciliatrix of Sinners on 19 September&#160; for the diocese of Grenoble and the Missionaries of Our Lady of la Salette; Notre&#8211;Dame&#8211;du Ch&#234;ne on 24 September in the archdiocese of Besan&#231;on; Notre&#8211;Dame&#8211;de&#8211;la&#8211;Bonne&#8211;D&#233;livrance in Paris on 18 July; and Our Lady of Pontmain on 17 January in the diocese of Laval.</p>
<p><strong>Widespread</strong><br />
The second level of the acknowledgement in the <em>lex orandi</em> that a particular alleged Marian apparition is free from error and worthy of pious credence is when a Proper Mass and Office are granted to a particular nation, group of nations, or religious Order. Examples of such feasts would be Our Lady of Knock on 17 August in Ireland; Our Lady of Walsingham on 24 September in England; Our Lady of Guadalupe on 12 December in North, Central, and South America; Our Lady of Montserrat on 27 April in Catalonia; Our Lady of Good Counsel on 26 April wherever there are Augustinians; and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour on 27 June wherever there are Redemptorists.</p>
<p><img alt="aversm10-2" class="alignright wp-image-11960" height="430" src="" width="300" /><strong>Universal</strong><br />
The highest level of the acknowledgement in the <em>lex orandi</em> that a particular alleged Marian apparition is free from error and worthy of pious credence is when a Proper Mass and Office are granted to a great number of particular places and religious Institutes the world over, or inserted into the universal calendar of the Church. Examples of such feasts would be Our Lady of Lourdes on 11 February; Our Lady of Fatima on 13 May or 13 October; and today&#8217;s feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.</p>
<p><strong>Looking to the Propers of the Mass</strong><br />
The significance of the feast is spelled out in the texts of the Proper Mass:</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Introit</strong> (Exodus 13:9)<br />
It shall be a sign in thy hand, and as a memorial before thine eyes, and that the law of the Lord be always in thy mouth. Ps. 104: 1 O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon His name: tell forth His deeds among the nations.</p></blockquote>
<p>The miraculous medal is essentially a tiny icon of the Immaculate Mother of God. It bears the inscription of a prayer by which the Mother of God wants to be invoked: &#8220;O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee&#8221;. On the back of the medal, a letter and drawings present the secret of Mary. The letter &#8220;M&#8221; is surmounted by a cross. The &#8220;M&#8221; represents Mary herself; the cross is the Tree of Life, the Altar of Calvary.&#160; The two interwoven signs show the inseparable relationship that connects the Mary Immaculate, the New Eve to Jesus, the New Adam. At the bottom of the medal there are the two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is encircled by a crown of thorns; the Immaculate Heart of Mary is pierced through by the sword of sorrow foretold by Simeon in the temple. The imagery of the miraculous medal harks back to the great manifestations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Paray&#8211;le&#8211;Monial from 1673 to 1675 and announces the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that, in 1917, will become so central to the message of Fatima.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Collect</strong><br />
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast willed that the most blessed Virgin Mary, Thy mother, sinless from the first moment of her conception, should be glorified by countless miracles: grant that we, who never cease from imploring her patronage, may attain in the end to eternal happiness.</p></blockquote>
<p><img alt="revers10" class="alignleft wp-image-11961 size-full" height="436" src="" width="300" />The so&#8211;called miraculous medal, although it dates from the apparitions in Paris in 1830, is a means of venerating the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, the dogma defined infallibly 1854, by Blessed <span style="color: #333333;">Pope Pius IX in his papal bull <i>Ineffabilis Deus</i>. Already, on&#160;January 20, 1842, the miraculous medal was the means by which the Mother of God disposed Alphonse Ratisbonne to see her in the Roman church of Sant&#8217;Andrea delle Fratte and be converted from Judaism to the Catholic faith. The medal is also linked to Lourdes where, on 25 March 1858, the Mother of God revealed her identity to Saint Bernadette, saying, &#8220;I am the Immaculate Conception&#8221;.</span></p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Epistle</strong><br />
Lesson from the Book of the Apocalypse of blessed John the Apostle. A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. And she brought forth a Man-Child, Who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her Son was taken up to God, and to His throne. And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place. And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman, water as it were a river: that he might cause her to be carried away by the river. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the river, which the dragon cast out of his mouth.</p></blockquote>
<p>The Woman&#8211;Clothed&#8211;with&#8211;the&#8211;Sun appeared to Saint Catherine Labour&#233; as the Mediatrix of All Graces. The Blessed Virgin showed herself standing upon a globe and said, &#8220;The globe that you see represents the entire world, and particularly France, and every single person&#8221;. The Immaculate Virgin is the great sign that appeared in heaven; from her virginal hands graces are spread abroad upon all who ask for them. Even for those who do not seek the help of the Mother of God there are graces stored up, graces that she waits to distribute to those who approach her with childlike confidence and call upon her name.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Gradual </strong>(Psalm 104:5, 27)<strong> and Alleluia </strong>(Psalm 18: 7)<br />
Remember the marvelous works which He hath done: His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth. V. He placed in them the words of His signs: and of His wonders in the land.<br />
Alleluia, alleluia. V. (Psalm 18: 7) His going forth is from the topmost Heaven: nor is there any that can hide from His heat. Alleluia.</p></blockquote>
<p>The Gradual and the Alleluia recall the marvelous signs wrought through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin. No place on earth is removed from the maternal presence of the Immaculate Virgin. All persons and situations lie open before the Mother of God. Her miraculous interventions cannot be counted.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Gospel</strong> (John 2:1&#8211;11 )<br />
At that time there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the Mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited, and His disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing, the Mother of Jesus saith to Him: &#8220;They have no wine.&#8221; And Jesus saith to her: &#8220;Woman, what is that to Me or to thee? My hour is not yet come.&#8221; His Mother saith to the waiters: &#8220;Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye.&#8221; Now there were set there six water-pots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. Jesus saith to them: &#8220;Fill the waterpots with water.&#8221; And they filled them up to the brim. And Jesus said to them:&#8221;Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of the feast.&#8221; And they carried it. And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water: the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, and saith to him: &#8220;Every man at first setteth forth good wine: and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.&#8221; This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.</p></blockquote>
<p>The Gospel recounts the first clear instance of the maternal mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She speaks to her Son on behalf of the newly&#8211;wedded couple. At His Mother&#8217;s bidding, Jesus manifests His glory ahead of time, causing His disciples to put their faith in Him. The paradigm revealed in this Gospel is for all times, all places, and all men. Wheresoever Mary is invited, she enters in and, with her maternal heart, takes the measure of all around her. She speaks on behalf of those who invite her to be present in their lives, obtaining wondrous favours from the Heart of her Son. At the prayer of the Mother, the Son manifests and glory, and the disciples of the Son grow in faith.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Offertory</strong> (John 19:27)<br />
Jesus said to the disciple, Behold thy Mother. And from that hour the disciple took her for his own.</p></blockquote>
<p>In the Offertory antiphon as in the Gospel, the crucial element is the presence of Mary. In the Gospel, she is invited to the wedding feast; in the Offertory antiphon, Saint John the Beloved welcomes her into his home. In a sense, the presence of Mary is the fundamental grace, the graces making all graces possible.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Secret</strong><br />
O Lord God, who moved by the pleading of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in answer to whose prayers Jesus Christ Thy Son wrought the first of His miracles: vouchsafe that we may confect with pure minds the sacrament of the Body and Blood of the same Thy Son, so as to deserve to partake of the banquet of eternity.</p></blockquote>
<p>The petition of every priest as he enters into the mystic solitude of the Canon of the Mass is that he might confect with a pure mind the sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord. One of the graces given to priests through Mary is the cleanness of mind required to offer the Holy Sacrifice.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Communion</strong> (Ecclesiasticus 36:6, 7, 10)<br />
Renew the signs, and work fresh marvels; glorify Thy hand and Thy right arm; hasten the time, and remember the end, and let them declare Thy wondrous works.</p></blockquote>
<p>The Communion antiphon is addressed to Christ, but also to His Immaculate Mother. It is not unfitting to ask Mary to &#8220;renew the signs, and work fresh marvels&#8221;.</p>
<blockquote><p><strong>Postcommunion</strong><br />
O Lord, Almighty God, Who hast willed that all things should be given us through the Immaculate Mother of Thy Son: grant that under the protection of so great a Mother, we may escape all the dangers of these present times, and come, in the end, to life everlasting.</p></blockquote>
<p>The last line of the Postcommunion is particularly suited to these days following the terrorist attacks in Paris: &#8220;grant that under the protection of so great a Mother, we may escape all the dangers of these present times, and come, in the end, to life everlasting&#8221;. It is a prayer for the people of Paris, a prayer for France, for Europe, and for the world,</p>

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<div class="item feed-f27c846b feed-cnstopstories" id="item-b4ef03ec">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope ends Kenya visit defending rights of poor, denouncing tribalism</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Top Stories</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><img src="" /><p>IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring</p><p></p><p>By Cindy  Wooden</p><p>NAIROBI, Kenya (CNS) -- The
wealth of residents of the poorest neighborhoods ringing big cities around the
world will never be quoted on the stock exchange, even though their wealth gives
life and joy to millions of people, Pope Francis said.</p>
<p>The pope began his day Nov. 27
in Nairobi's Kangemi neighborhood, usually referred to as a slum. It features
tiny dwellings made of cinder block, tin or reclaimed boards. The homes are
jumbled together with dirt roads and paths running between them.</p>
<p>Residents were thrilled not only
that the pope would take time to visit them, but that the government fixed
several of the roads, installed some street lights and unblocked some water
pipes in preparation for the pope's visit.</p>
<p>Exact figures vary, but between
55 percent and 65 percent of Nairobi's population live in the slums. Many have
no drinking water, electricity, sewage system or regular garbage collection.</p>
<p>Irish Mercy Sister Mary Killeen,
who has ministered in Kenya for three decades, told Pope Francis that fires --
especially from kerosene lamps and stoves -- and floods are a danger. Evictions
are frequent since the people do not own the land on which their shacks are
<p>At a meeting in the Jesuit-run
St. Joseph the Worker Church, Pamella Akwede, a resident, told the pope, "People
in informal settlements live together as family, in unity and solidarity,"
which is evident in the celebrations of births, weddings and funerals.</p>
<p>"Any resident of any
informal settlement survives on less than a dollar a day," she said, but
fresh fruits are available and "one can get their stomach full on a cup of
tea and doughnut" for the equivalent of 19 cents.</p>
<p>Most of the people in Kangemi
and the other slums of Nairobi work in factories, Akwede said, but they do not
earn enough to pay for rent in a better neighborhood.</p>

<p>Pope Francis told the people
gathered in the church that he had an obligation to denounce the injustices
that keep the slum dwellers living in such desperate circumstances, but he also
urged the people to recognize the values they have and that the world needs: Solidarity, celebration, taking
care to bury the dead, making more room at one's simple table and taking in the
sick all are characteristic of people in the world's poorest neighborhoods.</p>
<p>Such values, he said, are "grounded
in the fact that each human being is more important than the god of money.
Thank you for reminding us that another type of culture is possible."</p>
<p>While those values "are not
quoted in the stock exchange," Pope Francis said, they are the true "signs
of good living."</p>
<p>But the problems faced in the
makeshift communities "are not a random combination of unrelated problems,"
he said; they are "the consequence of new forms of colonialism,"
which see African countries as "cogs on a gigantic wheel" and a
storehouse of natural resources to plunder.</p>
<p>African nations, he said, "are
frequently pressured to adopt policies typical of the culture of waste, like
those aimed at lowering the birth rate."</p>
<p>Pope Francis denounced the
ridiculously high rent that absentee landlords charge for "utterly unfit
housing" in the slum. He also insisted that governments have an obligation
to ensure their citizens have "toilets, sewers, drains, refuse collection,
electricity" and access to schools, hospitals and open space for
<p>To a strong round of applause,
the pope also insisted that access to drinking water be provided in the slums. "Access
to safe, drinkable water is a basic and universal human right," he said.</p>
<p>The pope gave special
recognition to the women of Kangemi and the other informal settlements. They
make heroic efforts not only to feed their children, but to protect them from
violence, crime and addiction -- all plagues common in the slums. The corrupt,
he said, use young people "as cannon fodder for their ruthless business
<p>From Kangemi, Pope Francis went
to Nairobi's Kasarani Stadium for a meeting with the nation's young people. The
atmosphere was charged with excitement and infectious celebration; the Kenyan
bishops started line dancing after the youths did. Kenyan President Uhuru
Kenyatta and his wife arrived, going to the head of the line, dancing as they
went to their seats.</p>
<p>A young woman and young man
asked Pope Francis questions and, as they spoke, the pope took notes. In the
end, he set aside his prepared text and answered their questions, particularly
regarding the problems of tribalism and corruption.</p>
<p>"Tribalism destroys a
nation," he said. "Tribalism is keeping your hands behind your back
and holding in each hand a rock to throw at others."</p>
<p>"The ear, the heart and the
hand" are needed to overcome tribalism, the pope told the young people,
including many who were dressed in the traditional costumes of the Masai and
other ethnic groups.</p>
<p>People need to listen to each
other, ask each other about their history and customs, open their hearts to one
another and extend a hand in friendship.</p>
<p>He called his young questioners
to the podium and took their hands. Then he asked the estimated 70,000 young
people who filled the stadium to hold hands as well. "We are all a nation,"
he had them say. "No to tribalism."</p>
<p>As for corruption, the pope compared
it to sugar: It tastes good at first and it's easy to get, but it also can make
people sick.</p>
<p>All institutions have people
tempted by corruption, the pope said, "including the Vatican."</p>
<p>He urged the young people to
have nothing to do with cheating or corruption; "don't develop a taste for
it," he said.</p>
- -</p>
<p>Follow Wooden on Twitter:
@Cindy_Wooden.</p><p>- - -</p><p>Copyright &#169; 2015 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. Republishing or redistributing of CNS content, including by framing or similar means without prior permission, is prohibited. You may link to stories on our public site. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To request permission for republishing or redistributing of CNS content, please contact permissions at</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-9142f38b feed-lesfemmesthetruth" id="item-bd588fb5">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Being a Good Steward Begins in the Kitchen</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; text-align: right;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Stop! Don't throw away that bird!</td></tr></tbody></table>When I was a little girl, my mother always encouraged us to clean our plates. Throwing out food was verboten. Considering there were twelve mouths to feed (my parents, myself, and my nine siblings), I'm sure our astronomical food bill was part of her motivation. But she also thought of those less fortunate. Wasting food was throwing away money that could be given to feed the poor.<br /><br />We, as children of course, didn't have a clue about the "starving Armenians" and would gladly have sent our unwanted lima beans and black-eyed peas to fill up their plates, but as an adult I know exactly what my mom meant.<br /><a name="more"></a> My mantra is a little different from hers: "Take what you want, but eat what you take." But I still get the eye rolling and on big holidays it's hard to identify the guilty one whose plate was only half eaten. As my mom also told us, "You're eyes are bigger than your stomach."<br /><br />Well, this day after Thanksgiving is a good time to get on my soapbox and encourage good stewardship in the kitchen. Maybe at your house all the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc. get eaten up and there are no "leftovers" except a bare turkey carcass. But even that stripped bird can go into the crockpot with carrots, onions, and celery to make a great basic stock for soup and it freezes well. If your idea of soup is a can of Campbells, make it a gourmet treat by adding a can of your stock instead of water. Yum! Soup is my favorite lunch either homemade or a dressed up can.<br /><br />My kids call me the queen of leftovers. In fact, a sweet daughter-in-law jokes that I should have a cooking show called <i>What's for Dinner?</i> where I open the fridge and pull together a meal from whatever is inside in half an hour. I did that last night as a matter of fact. Starting with a can of Progresso clam chowder, I skinned and cut up a leftover baked potato, cooked a few carrots in the microwave, opened a can of clams and semi-drained it leaving a little clam juice for flavor and added all to the canned soup. It was a little thick so I poured in some half and half and then salt and pepper to tast. We also had a few leftover homemade chicken fingers from the night before so I heated those and we had them for appetizers with a few sauce packs leftover from a meal at Chik-Fil-A. "Waste not, want not," as the saying goes.<br /><br />When you come down to it, I must be part Scotch because I have a thrifty soul. I hate our throw-away culture and before I throw or give anything away, I think of how I might use it in a way different from its intended use. (No, I don't have a bathtub in my yard filled with flowers.) I do, however, have a cracked and chipped ceramic pot in the garden lying on its side and arranged to look like the flowers are growing out of it. My son tells me that's not how to "grow pot."<br /><br />All of us should be good stewards of the earth and it begins at home. For me that means the kitchen. Come on over for dinner. I'm sure I can pull something together for company. I have bread ends in the breadbox, eggs and cheese in the fridge and some leftover chili -- Mexican pie, anyone?

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-567743be feed-edinburghhousewife" id="item-37bbf371">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">S&#322;owacki</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="230" /></a></div>I suspect most of my readers who played the Thanksgiving Survival Game of yore have gotten married or moved onto other blogs, which leaves me free to indulge once again in a Polski Pi&#261;tek!<br /><div><br /></div><div>Polish night school is becoming more exciting because the teacher is now introducing Real Polish Literature. Yesterday we read a poem by <a href="">Juliusz S&#322;owacki</a>, for whom the S&#322;owacki Theatre (i.e. Teatr S&#322;owackiego) in Krak&#243;w was named. Poor old S&#322;owacki was not much appreciated in life, but now he is considered one of the most important Polish poets.&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>We have been studying "diminutives" (<i>zdrobienia</i>) in class, and there are a fair number in the poem:</div><div><br /></div><div><i><b>W pami&#281;tniku Zofii Bobr&#243;wny</b></i></div><div><b>In the diary* of Sofia Bobr&#243;wna</b></div><div><br /></div><div><i>Niechaj na Zo&#347;ka o wiersze nie prosi</i></div><div>Let not Sophie ask me for a poem</div><div><i>Bo kiedy Zo&#347;ka do ojczyzny** wr&#243;ci</i></div><div>for when Sophie returns to Poland</div><div><i>Ka&#380;da jej gwiazdka piosenk&#281; zanuci.</i></div><div>every star will hum her a song.</div><div><i>Nim kwiat przekwitnie, nim gwiazdeczka zleci</i></div><div>For her a blossom will drop, a little star will fall</div><div>S<i>luchaj--bo to s&#261; najlepsi poeci.</i></div><div>Listen, for they are the best poets.&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div><i>Gwiazdy b&#322;&#281;kitne, kwiateczki czerwone</i></div><div>The sea-blue stars, the little red flowers</div><div><i>B&#281;d&#261; ci ca&#322;e poemata sk&#322;ada&#263;.</i></div><div>will assemble for you whole poems.</div><div><i>Ja bym to samo powiedzia&#322;, co one,</i></div><div>I would say the same thing as they</div><div><i>Bo ja si&#281; od nich nauczy&#322;em gada&#263;</i></div><div>for I learned to talk from them.</div><div><i>Bo tam, gdzie Ikwy srebrne fale p&#322;yn&#261;,</i></div><div>For there, where flows the silver waves of the Ikwa,</div><div><i>By&#322;em ja niegdy&#347;, jak Zo&#347;ka, dziecin&#261;</i></div><div>I once was, like Sophie, a little child.</div><div><br /></div><div><i>Dzisiaj daleko pojecha&#322;em w go&#347;ci</i></div><div>Today I have gone far away, an emigr&#233;</div><div><i>I dalej mi&#281; los nieszcz&#281;&#347;liwy goni.</i></div><div>and further an unhappy fate me chases.</div><div><i>Przywie&#380; mi, Zo&#347;ko, od tych gwiadz &#347;wiat&#322;o&#347;ci,</i></div><div>Bring me, wee Soph, from those stars light,</div><div><i>Pryzwie&#380; mi, Zo&#347;ko, z tamtych kwiat&#243;w woni.</i></div><div>bring me, wee Soph, from those flowers scent,</div><div><i>Bo mi zaprawd&#281; odm&#322;odnie&#263; potrzeba</i></div><div>for I needs must become young again.</div><div><i>Wr&#243;&#263; mi wi&#281;c z kraju tak&#261; jakby z nieba.</i></div><div>And so return to me from that land--as if from heaven.</div><div><br /></div><div>*Engagement calendar</div><div><br /></div><div>**<i>Do ojcyzny</i>&nbsp; literally means "to the fatherland", &nbsp;but that is too many syllables for my taste. &nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>English doesn't really have diminutives, although you could argue it does, for we add --ie or --y to things like "the kitty" and "the little mousey". &nbsp;Archaic English has --kins, as in "Odds bodkins", which means "God's little bodies", i.e. the Blessed Sacrament. (So don't use it.) The Scots put wee in front of everything, e.g. "Let's have a wee dram", which can mean either small or sweet, as in "What a nice wee elephant."</div>

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<div class="item feed-701a674d feed-dominicana" id="item-2196cbfb">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Be Still</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Dominicana</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Oooff. Ate too much. Hard to type. Tired. Need nap. It&#8217;s fascinating that people have the energy to beat the dawn for some savings the day after Thanksgiving. Every year brings more stories that lessen one&#8217;s faith in American exceptionalism: brawls at retailers, traffic issues, campouts in parking lots. No need to nag, though, it&#8217;s [&#8230;]

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<div class="item feed-bdd08098 feed-novusordowireblognewsarchiveatnovusordowatch" id="item-5f2857d4">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Escape from the Novus Ordo: Leaving the Modernist Sect</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="article-summary"><p style="text-align: center;"><br /></p><p style="text-align: left;"><em><span style="color: rgb(66, 41, 13); font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">Listen free online</span></em></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 26px; font-family: Arial;"><a href="" target="_blank">ESCAPE FROM THE NOVUS ORDO:</a></span><br /><span style="font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial;">VIII: Leaving the Modernist Sect</span></p>
					<div class="first graphic-container wide center ImageElement">
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							<div class="figure-content">
								<img alt="exit-sign.jpg" height="195" src="" width="354" />
						<div class="graphic">
							<div class="figure-content caption"><p>Isn&#8217;t it time you too headed for the exit?</p></div>
					</div> <img alt="michael-oswalt.jpg" class="not-first-item narrow right graphic-container" height="145" src="" width="107" /><p style="text-align: left;"><br /><a href="" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic;" target="_blank">Restoration Radio</a><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">&#8217;s show &#8220;Escape from the Novus Ordo&#8221; returns with Fr. Michael Oswalt, a former Novus Ordo&#160;&#8220;priest&#8221; of the diocese of Rockford, Illinois, who converted to traditional Catholicism (sedevacantism) and was ordained a true priest in 2011. He has penned&#160;</span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">an open letter to his former diocese of Rockford, Illinois, in which he explains why he left the Novus Ordo religion. The letter is available in English and Spanish:</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;"><a href="" target="_blank">&#8220;Rejecting the Impostor Church&#8221;</a> (Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Rockford)</span></li><li><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;"><a href="" target="_blank">&#8220;Rechazando a la Iglesia Impostora&#8221;</a> (Carta a la clerec&#237;a de la Di&#243;cesis de Rockford)</span></li></ul><p><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;"><br /></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">Born in 1972, no one is a better fit than Fr. Oswalt to help you see the errors of the Vatican II Church (aka Novus Ordo Sect) and advise you on how to exit this false establishment and&#160;</span><a href="" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">become a real Catholic</a><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">, that is, someone who is Catholic in the same way everyone was Catholic until the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 (just before the Second Vatican Council).&#160;Fr. Oswalt currently serves as the pastor of&#160;</span><a href="" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;" target="_blank">St. Benedict Catholic Church</a><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">&#160;in Huntsville, Alabama.&#160;<br /></span></p>

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<div class="item feed-3b549171 feed-whispersintheloggia" id="item-777832ff">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">"How Can I Not Denounce the Injustices You Suffer?" &#8211; In Nairobi Slum, Pope Defends the "Neighbors"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Whispers in the Loggia</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="266" src="" width="400" /></a></div><span>As papal travel has evolved over the last half-century, the journeys of successive Popes have come to be among the most revealing moments for the personality of each &#8211; part from being on display for days on end at close range, sure, but above all in the commitments each chooses for himself.<br /><br />On a broad-stroke level, beyond the major, practically default set-piece events &#8211; large, open-air Masses; relatively private encounters with civil officials and leaders of the local church, and a stop at a relevant landmark or two &#8211; the last three pontiffs have each carved out occasions on the road to reflect their own personal affinities and, through them, their priorities in governance. For John Paul II, that meant a prevalence of stops at seminaries, meetings with young people (and anything else for which a massive crowd could be rustled up), while Benedict XVI's life before Rome saw Papa Ratzinger veer for the friendly confines of universities or engaging the world of culture and the rarefied public square.<br /><br />In his turn at the pontifical triptik, over 11 overseas journeys to date Francis' concerted insistence for his "open time" has become more than clear, and &#8211; surprise, surprise &#8211; it's a conspicuous shift: in a nod to what he's <a href=",_service/1150781">repeatedly cited</a> as <a href="" target="_blank">"the protocol by which we all will be judged,"</a> every visit now hinges upon what can be called <a href="">the "Matthew 25" stops</a>: that is, an outreach to some mix of the sick, migrants, prisons, the poor... in a word, "the least brothers" of whom <a href="">Jesus said</a> "whatever you did for [them], you did for me."<br /><br />"I examine my conscience with this chapter," Francis told a 2014 audience &#8211; "Every day."<br /><br />Granted, the significance of the stops often flies over the heads of those mining everything else for secular intrigue or culture-war ammo, but the local organizers of today's visits don't have that luxury &#8211; if anything, while doing its initial site searches on the margins, the Vatican advance team quickly puts the hosts on notice that "these [moments] mean the most to the Pope." And they're accordingly situated as such: indeed, it was anything but accidental that Francis went straight from <a href="">addressing Congress</a> to <a href="">visit Washington's homeless,</a> or the moving yet logistically-challenging stop <a href="">at Philadelphia's major prison</a> was Papa Bergoglio's last event before his US visit's <a href="" target="_blank">climactic final Mass.</a> As each unfolds, meanwhile, it has at least gone noticed that Francis' fleeting returns to his beloved "peripheries" &#8211; albeit accompanied by a phalanx of media, security and the ticking clock &#8211; find the pontiff at his happiest and most unguarded: simply put, he's <a href="">back among his own,</a> far from the pomp and pretense of civic or ecclesial officialdom.<br /></span><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><span><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="225" src="" width="400" /></a></span></div><span>All that sets the backdrop for this morning's first stop in Nairobi. In a city where 60 percent of the population are said live in overcrowded slums, the Pope visited the Kangemi shantytown not merely to connect with its residents, but to deliver an <a href="" target="_blank">unusually long and loaded speech</a> (given the context) which, in an echo of <a href="">July's social manifesto</a> in Bolivia, drew heavily from his own magisterium and that of his predecessors to decry the situation his hosts &#8211; and untold millions elsewhere &#8211; have been made to face....</span><br /><blockquote><span>I feel very much at home sharing these moments with brothers and sisters who, and I am not ashamed to say this, have a special place in my life and my decisions. I am here because I want you to know that your joys and hopes, your troubles and your sorrows, are not indifferent to me. I realize the difficulties which you experience daily! How can I not denounce the injustices which you suffer?</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>First of all, though, I would like to speak about something which the language of exclusion often disregards or seems to ignore. It is the wisdom found in poor neighbourhoods. A wisdom which is born of the &#8220;stubborn resistance&#8221; of that which is authentic&#8221; (cf. Laudato Si&#8217;, 112), from Gospel values which an opulent society, anaesthetized by unbridled consumption, would seem to have forgotten. You are able &#8220;to weave bonds of belonging and togetherness which convert overcrowding into an experience of community in which the walls of the ego are torn down and the barriers of selfishness overcome&#8221; (ibid., 149)....</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>I want in first place to uphold these values which you practice, values which are not quoted in the stock exchange, are not subject to speculation, and have no market price. I congratulate you, I accompany you and I want you to know that the Lord never forgets you. The path of Jesus began on the peripheries, it goes from the poor and with the poor, towards others.</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>To see these signs of good living that increase daily in your midst in no way entails a disregard for the dreadful injustice of urban exclusion. These are wounds inflicted by minorities who cling to power and wealth, who selfishly squander while a growing majority is forced to flee to abandoned, filthy and run-down peripheries.</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>This becomes even worse when we see the unjust distribution of land (if not in this neighbourhood, certainly in others) which leads in many cases to entire families having to pay excessive and unfair rents for utterly unfit housing. I am also aware of the serious problem posed by faceless &#8220;private developers&#8221; who hoard areas of land and even attempt to appropriate the playgrounds of your children&#8217;s schools. This is what happens when we forget that &#8220;God gave the earth to the whole human race for the sustenance of all its members, without excluding or favouring anyone&#8221; (Centesimus Annus, 31).</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>One very serious problem in this regard is the lack of access to infrastructures and basic services. By this I mean toilets, sewers, drains, refuse collection, electricity, roads, as well as schools, hospitals, recreational and sport centres, studios and workshops for artists and craftsmen. I refer in particular to access to drinking water. &#8220;Access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights. Our world has a grave social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water, because they are denied the right to a life consistent with their inalienable dignity&#8221; (Laudato Si&#8217;, 30). To deny a family water, under any bureaucratic pretext whatsoever, is a great injustice, especially when one profits from this need.</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>This situation of indifference and hostility experienced by poor neighbourhoods is aggravated when violence spreads and criminal organizations, serving economic or political interests, use children and young people as &#8220;canon fodder&#8221; for their ruthless business affairs. I also appreciate the struggles of those women who fight heroically to protect their sons and daughters from these dangers. I ask God that that the authorities may embark, together with you, upon the path of social inclusion, education, sport community action, and the protection of families, for this is the only guarantee of a peace that is just, authentic and enduring.</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>These realities which I have just mentioned are not a random combination of unrelated problems. They are a consequence of new forms of colonialism which would make African countries &#8220;parts of a machine, cogs on a gigantic wheel&#8221; (Ecclesia in Africa, 52). Indeed, countries are frequently pressured to adopt policies typical of the culture of waste, like those aimed at lowering the birth rate, which seek &#8220;to legitimize the present model of distribution, where a minority believes that it has the right to consume in a way which can never be universalized&#8221; (Laudato Si&#8217;, 50).</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>In this regard, I would propose a renewed attention to the idea of a respectful urban integration, as opposed to elimination, paternalism, indifference or mere containment. We need integrated cities which belong to everyone. We need to go beyond the mere proclamation of rights which are not respected in practice, to implementing concrete and systematic initiatives capable of improving the overall living situation, and planning new urban developments of good quality for housing future generations. The social and environmental debt owed to the poor of cities can be paid by respecting their sacred right of the &#8220;three Ls&#8221;: Land, Lodging, Labour. This is not philanthropy; it is a moral duty upon all of us.</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>I wish to call all Christians, and their pastors in particular, to renew their missionary zeal, to take initiative in the face of so many situations of injustice, to be involved in their neighbours&#8217; problems, to accompany them in their struggles, to protect the fruits of their communitarian labour and to celebrate together each victory, large or small. I realize that you are already doing much, but I ask to remember this is not just another task; it may instead be the most important task of all, because &#8220;the Gospel is addressed in a special way to the poor&#8221; (Benedict XVI, Address to the Bishops of Brazil, 11 May 2007, 3).</span><br /><span><br /></span> <span>Dear neighbours, dear brothers and sisters, let us together pray, work and commit ourselves to ensuring that every family has dignified housing, access to drinking water, a toilet, reliable sources of energy for lighting, cooking and improving their homes; that every neighbourhood has streets, squares, schools, hospitals, areas for sport, recreation and art; that basic services are provided to each of you; that your appeals and your pleas for greater opportunity can be heard; that all can enjoy the peace and security which they rightfully deserve on the basis of their infinite human dignity.</span></blockquote><span>Following the slum visit, Francis headed to an outdoor stadium for another exuberant &#8211; if not downright raucous &#8211; meeting with young people, responding off-the-cuff and at length to questions from several (<a href="">fullvid</a>) before emptying his pocket to "share a secret": the two things he "always" keeps in it that allow him to "never lose hope"....<br /><br /><br />This afternoon sees Francis' departure for his African tour's second leg in Uganda, where &#8211; after civil formalities tonight &#8211; a Saturday morning Mass will take place at the shrine that pays joint tribute to the country's 19th century Catholic and Anglican martyrs, the former of which were canonized by now-Blessed Paul VI on the first ever papal visit to the continent in 1964. <br /><br />As a critical mass of historians cites the roots of the execution of the 45 men in their resistance to the aggressive homosexuality of a tribal king, the Pope's message at the site could potentially make for a flashpoint that resonates well beyond this weeklong trek.<br /><br /><b>-30-</b></span>

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<div class="item feed-7c52b226 feed-laudatortemporisacti" id="item-9fe7edb6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Opposing Voices</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Robert Francis (1901-1987), <i>Travelling in Amherst: A Poet's Journal, 1931-1954</i> (Boston: Rowan Tree Press, 1986), p. 22 (from 1933): <br /><blockquote>Something in me says, "You should read this book word for word from cover to cover." Something else contradicts with: "You know from experience that you have almost never found a book that was worth reading entire. Don't waste your time with this one whatever its pretensions. Bite into it the way the Children of Israel bolted their Pentacostal [sic] meal, or the way a traveling salesman consumes a piece of apple pie at the stand-up counter of the Bingville Junction Depot where the train waits five minutes to take in water."</blockquote>Hat tip: Ian Jackson.<br /><br />Related post: <a href="">Reading from Inclination or Duty</a>.

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<div class="item feed-5eab5246 feed-aclerkofoxford" id="item-882a51bb">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">In Defence of 'Monks on the Make': Glastonbury, Lies, and Legends</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">A Clerk of Oxford</a>]</span>
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<p>'The tomb of King Arthur', BL Harley 1766, f. 219
A story has been going around the British media this past week, springing from some new archaeological research which has been conducted at Glastonbury Abbey. This research, a four-year project based at the University of Reading, sounds very interesting: it has explored the early history of a site which has long held a unique place in popular

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Something Must Go</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Donald Richie, journal (June 27, 1993):  <br /><blockquote>I look at my bookcases. Bulging. Something must go. But what? I look more closely. The shelves are lined with those I love. There is Morandi, all the books I have been able to find on him, almost one solid foot of them&#8212;his small, still, perfect world of bottles and paint. No I will not let him go. There is Jean Cocteau, sometimes irritating but always fresh, new, irrepressible. So full of himself that he makes you full of him. I have over two feet of him. I could let part of him go, but never the novels. No, I will keep him. Ah, there is Madame Yourcenar. Everything she wrote. Sententious, wise, a bit ponderous, but always honest. How could I ever let <i>Memoirs d'Hadrien</i> go? Or the woman who wrote it. No, she stays. Borges, all of him in English. My companion for years now. Am I not tired of him? In a way&#8212;his donnishness tires. But to throw out <i>Labyrinths</i>&#8212;and the man who wrote it? Never. Jane Austen? Of course not. She is part of me. What to do, then? Well, Shakespeare, whom I really do not much like. But it is only one volume and tossing him out would not save much space.</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-b20be901 feed-frhunwickesmutualenrichment" id="item-add8bc18">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Mark Pattison (1)</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a>]</span>
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<p>If you want an unbelievably amusing read ... a thoroughly unintentionally amusing read ... I commend the autobiography ("Memoirs of an Oxford Don") of Blessed John Henry's contemporary at Oxford, Mark Pattison, later Rector of Lincoln College in this University. At one time a fervent High Churchman and admirer of Newman, he did not follow Newman into Full Communion; instead, he ended up slipping

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<div class="item feed-7255b977 feed-frrayblakesblog" id="item-810e8c6b">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Communion on the tongue - a sign of intimacy</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Ray Blake's Blog</a>]</span>
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<p><br /><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" /></div>With the alleged sacrilege of the Blessed Sacrament in Pamplona, there are many calls to revisit the manner of the reception of Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion.<br /><br />Here, after a spate of people running off with the Sacred Host, or the Host was found discarded, I moved the front row of pew kneelers forward and started giving Holy Communion there, rather than giving people Communion in a queue. It gave people more time to be a little more leisurely at Communion. People are free to receive Holy Communion kneeling or standing, in the hand or on the tongue. It is quicker, if people receive on the tongue I can pass on, if they receive in the hand, I can wait until the host is consumed. It is quite remarkable that when given the option people choose to receive kneeling and on the tongue. It is those of a certain age who tend to receive in the hand, or children at school who are told this is normative.<br /><br />There is a certain power in the reception of Holy Communion in the traditional manner of the Western Church: kneeling and on the tongue.<br />I had an Indian priest staying with me and his bishop came and arranged to spend the weekend appealing for money in the local parishes. I had had to speak very sternly to him after he celebrated Mass here, he more or less made up his own Eucharistic Prayer, which barely reflected the Church's understanding of the Holy Eucharist, I think he had done his post-grad studies in Germany. In the evening we had a reception for some of the leading Indian Catholics in Brighton.<br /><br />I am sure the Bishop was not in favour of the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue but he took great delight in giving tit-bits to the more attractive young women, insisting they didn't use their hands. I could understand why a young non-Catholic husband muttered darkly about 'punching his lights out', after the bishop had given his wife a third piece of honey coconut cake, I think it was the licking of his fingers by her, that he insisted on, that finally upset her husband. I managed to persuade him to take her home rather create an unpleasant scene.<br /><br />Feeding someone in this way is an act of deep intimacy, it is the act of lovers and of parents of small children. It highlights in a very powerful way trust and union, it is an almost perfect sign of the intimacy of Holy Communion. It calls for an act of trust from the the recipient, in the sense of, "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? Or a scorpion if he asked for an egg? ..."<br /><br />Without any good reason, except the very nature of the intimacy of the relationship of Jesus and his disciples and the nature of the gift he was giving, I can quite easily believe that Jesus himself fed the disciple the Holy Eucharist directly into their mouths. It simply says a lot more about the nature of the Eucharist than handing something round on a plate or picking it up themselves.

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<div class="item feed-629b8d76 feed-ibenedictines" id="item-ec159f75">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Redeeming Black Friday and Preparing for Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">iBenedictines</a>]</span>
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<p>It is easy to scoff at Black Friday madness and condemn its materialism. All those people spending money they don&#8217;t have on things they don&#8217;t need in a frenzy of commercialism! We can distance ourselves from it by resolving not (&#8230;)</p><p><a href="">Read the rest of this entry &#187;</a></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Full text of Pope Francis' powerful, unscripted talk with Kenya's youth</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNA Daily News - Vatican</a>]</span>
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<p><img src="" /><p>Nairobi, Kenya, Nov 27, 2015 / 12:43 am (<a href="" target="_self">CNA/EWTN News</a>).- An impassioned Pope Francis went off-the-cuff in a vast, widespread speech to Kenyan youth, touching on challenging topics such as how to stop youth from being recruited to terrorist activities.<br />
	<br />
	The encounter fell on the Pope&rsquo;s last day in Kenya. His Nov. 25-27 visit to the country was part of a larger African tour that will also take him to Uganda and the Central African Republic later this week.<br />
	<br />
	Before meeting the youth, Francis traveled to Nairobi&rsquo;s slum-neighborhood of Kangemi, where he praised those he met for their strong emphasis on community and relationships and condemned what he called a vacuous, &ldquo;unbridled consumption&rdquo; that often plagues the West.<br />
	<br />
	In his speech to youth, the Pope responded in Spanish to questions posed by youths Lineth and Manuel, who gave their testimonies on current challenges they face, including issues stemming from corruption, tribalism, and the radicalization of youth who are recruited into terrorist activities.<br />
	<br />
	Francis in response delivered lengthy, powerful answers with his own anecdotes, revealing that he carries a rosary and a pocket-sized Stations of the Cross with him every day, which he said keep him from losing hope.<br />
	<br />
	<br />
	<em>Below please find CNA&rsquo;s full transcript of the Pope&rsquo;s speech in Spanish, assisted by the simultaneous translation of Pope Francis&rsquo; official translator, Msgr. Mark Miles:</em><br />
	<br />
	Thank you very much for the rosary you prayed for me. Thank you for your enthusiastic presence here. I have something to say on the basis of all the questions asked by Lineth and Manuel.<br />
	<br />
	(<em>In response to Lineth&rsquo;s questions</em>):<br />
	<br />
	Why do divisions, wars and death occur? Fanaticism and divisions among young people? Why is there that desire to destroy?<br />
	<br />
	In the first page of the Bible, after all those wonderful things that the Lord had done, a brother kills another brother. The spirit of evil takes us to destruction. And the spirit takes us to a lack of unity. It takes us to tribalism corruption and drugs. It takes us to destruction out of fanaticism. How do we make it such that fanatical idealism doesn&rsquo;t rob us of a brother or sister. There is a word that might seem uncomfortable to the ear but i don&rsquo;t want to avoid it.<br />
	<br />
	A man or a woman loses their humanity when they forget how to pray. Because they feel powerful. Because they don&rsquo;t feel the need to ask the Lord for help, in the face of so many tragedies.<br />
	<br />
	Life is full of difficulties. Are there different ways of looking at difficulties? Does it stop you, or do you regard them as as real opportunity? To all of you is open the choice. For me, is this a path of destruction or an opportunity to overcome this difficulty for me, my family, this country?<br />
	<br />
	Young people: we don&rsquo;t live in heaven, we live on earth. And earth is full of difficulties and invitations that will lead you astray to evil. But there is something all of you have. The capacity to choose. Which path do you want to choose? Which of these two do I want?<br />
	<br />
	There are some other difficulties you mention. And before that a question. Do you want to overcome challenges or be overcome by them?<br />
	<br />
	Are you like the sportsman who come here (to the stadium). Or those who sold the tickets to others and put the money in their pockets. You have to choose.<br />
	<br />
	Tribalism. It can destroy. It can mean having your hands hidden behind your backs. And have a stone in each hand to throw to others. Tribalism can only be overcome with your ear, your heart, and your hand.<br />
	<br />
	(Ask yourselves): What is your culture? Why are you like this? Why do your cousins have these customs? Do they feel inferior or superior?<br />
	<br />
	Once we&rsquo;ve heard the response in our ears than it passes to our hearts and then I extend my hand. If you don&rsquo;t dialogue with each other then you&rsquo;re going to have division like a worm that grows in society<br />
	<br />
	Yesterday was pronounced as a day of prayer and reconciliation. I want to invite you all today, to the young, to invite Lineth and Manuel to come up now, and that we hold each other&rsquo;s hands, let&rsquo;s hold hands together. Let&rsquo;s stand up as a sign against tribalism. We are all a nation, that&rsquo;s how our hearts must be.<br />
	<br />
	Tribalism isn&rsquo;t just raising our hands today, it&rsquo;s an expression of our desire, our hearts, and this tribalism is a work we must carry out every day against this tendency. You have to listen to others, it&rsquo;s a work of opening your heart.<br />
	<br />
	(On the question of corruption): I ask myself, can we justify corruption? Just for the mere fact that everyone is corrupt? How can we be christians and overcome this evil of corruption? In my country a young 20 year old dedicated himself to politics. He studied with great vigor he went here and there and he obtained a job. And one day he had to decide: about which things he had to buy. And he asked for three quotes. He studied these three quotes and chose the cheapest, the easiest, and he took it to his boss so his boss could sign off on it and he said why do you choose this one? (He replied) because you have to choose what is easiest for the finances of a country. No (his boss replied) you have to choose that which gives more money in your pocket. But I came to carry out politics for the good of the nation (the young man said), and the boss replied: I do politics to rob, to steal.<br />
	<br />
	One example and it&rsquo;s not just in politics, in all areas of life, also in the Vatican. These are cases of corruption.<br />
	<br />
	Corruption is something that eats inside, like sugar. Sweet, we like it, it&rsquo;s easy. And then we end up in a bad way. So much sugar that we end up being diabetic or our country ends up being diabetic. Each time when we accept a bribe and we put it in our pockets, we destroy our hearts. we destroy our personalities, and we destroy our country. Please, don&rsquo;t develop that taste for that sugar which is called corruption. You might say &lsquo;but Holy Father, I see many who are corrupt. I see so many people who are sold. Just for a little bit of money. Without worrying about the livelihood of others.&rsquo;<br />
	<br />
	As in everything you have to make a start. If you don&rsquo;t want corruption in lives, hearts and country, start now, yourselves. Because if you don&rsquo;t start than the person that&rsquo;s beside you won&rsquo;t start.<br />
	<br />
	Corruption moreover takes away our joy, our peace. Corrupt people don&rsquo;t live in peace. What I&rsquo;m about to tell you really happened. In my city, my home town, a man died and we all knew that he was corrupt. I asked a few days after, &lsquo;how did the funeral go&rsquo;? And a lady with a great sense of humor replied: &lsquo;they couldn&rsquo;t close the coffin properly because they wanted to put inside the coffin all the money he had robbed.&rsquo;<br />
	<br />
	What you rob through corruption will stay here. But also, what will remain is that the hearts of many men and women are wounded by these examples of corruption. What will remain behind was all the lack of good that could have been done. It will remain in the children who suffer.<br />
	<br />
	Young people: corruption is not a path to life, it&rsquo;s a path to death.<br />
	<br />
	There was one question, how to use means of communication, to spread the message of Christ, and to promote good initiatives so that you can make a difference. The first means of communicating is the words, the smiles, the gestures. The first gesture is being close to others. The first gesture to trying look for friendship with others.<br />
	<br />
	If you speak well among yourselves then you can accept each other as brothers and sisters, even if you&rsquo;re from different tribes. If you&rsquo;re closest to the poor to those who are abandoned to...those who are completely rejected, those gestures of communication are much more contagious than any channel on TV.<br />
	<br />
	These questions and these thoughts can help you. But ask Jesus from your hearts, pray to the Lord. So that he can give you the strength to destroy tribalism and hold each others hand as brothers and sisters. So that you have the courage to not be corrupted, Offering yourselves for others, by offering a gestures, a word a smile your expressions of closeness.<br />
	<br />
	(<em>In response to Manuel&rsquo;s questions</em>):<br />
	<br />
	I am worried about the first thing he said. What can we do to stop young people being recruited into radicalization? What can we do after they have been recruited to try to get them to come back? To answer this we have to ask why do young people full of ideals allow themselves to be radicalized in this way? They leave their friends, their tribe, their country. They leave their lives behind in order to learn how to kill. This is question which you yourselves must pose to all people in authority. If a young woman or man has no work, cannot study, what can he or she do? A life of delinquency, falling into drug abuse, or even into suicide. In Europe the statistics of suicide are not published. They get involved or seduced into an activity which leads them into a bad path. The first thing we have to do to stop a young person from being recruited is education and work.<br />
	<br />
	If a young person has no work than what future awaits him or her? And that&rsquo;s where the idea of being seduced or recruited comes in.<br />
	<br />
	Even if there are small opportunities, without them what can they do? That is the danger. It&rsquo;s a social danger which is beyond us and it&rsquo;s even beyond the country because it depends on an international system that is unjust. It&rsquo;s the injustice of having an economic system where the person is not the center but rather the god of money.<br />
	<br />
	Pray! But (pray) really hard. God is much stronger than any recruitment campaign. And then, speak with tenderness, understanding and love and with great patience to invite them to come watch some football, to walk with you, to be together in your group, don't allow them to remain on their own.<br />
	<br />
	Transitory things that end up destroying you. A question Manuel asked. It&rsquo;s a question that a professor in theology might ask. How can we understand that God is our father, how to see his hand in the tragedies of life, how can we find God&rsquo;s peace? This question men and women all over the world ask themselves. And they can&rsquo;t find the reason. And there are some questions that you can turn around in your minds over and over again and never find the answer. How can I see the hand of God in tragedy? I was going to say there&rsquo;s just one response but no, there&rsquo;s no response. There is a path. To look at the Son of God. God endured death to save all of us. God became a tragedy. God allowed himself to be destroyed on the cross.<br />
	<br />
	When you don&rsquo;t understand something, when desperation hits you then look at the cross. That is the great failure of God, that is the destruction of God, and it&rsquo;s a challenge to our faith. And this is hope, because history did not end in that failure. Rather it&rsquo;s in the resurrection of Christ that renewed all of us.<br />
	<br />
	I am going to tell you something personal. It&rsquo;s 12 (o&rsquo;clock) are you hungry? (Laughter and cheers).<br />
	<br />
	I am going to tell you something private. In my pocket I always carry two thing: a rosary to pray something which seems odd, this is here is the history of God&rsquo;s failure, it&rsquo;s the way of the cross, a small way of the cross, as Jesus suffered and when they condemned him right up to where he was buried with these two things I do the best I can. And thanks to these two things, I never lose hope.<br />
	<br />
	A last question from our theologian friend Manuel, what word can you offer to young people who don&rsquo;t experience love in their families. How is it possible to come out of this experience?<br />
	<br />
	Everywhere, there are abandoned children, either at birth or as life progressed they were abandoned and they don&rsquo;t feel love from their families.<br />
	<br />
	This is why family is so important. Defend the family. Defend the family always. everywhere there&rsquo;s not only kids who are abandoned but also elderly are abandoned with no one to visit to them with no-one to love them,<br />
	<br />
	How do you come out of this very negative experience? There is one remedy, one remedy alone, to come out of these experiences. To do that which you did not receive. If you didn&rsquo;t receive understanding, then be understanding with others<br />
	<br />
	If you felt pain of loneliness come close to those who are alone, flesh is cured by flesh and God became flesh in order to cure us, let&rsquo;s do the same ourselves.<br />
	<br />
	Well then, before the umpire sounds the bell, it&rsquo;s time to close. I thank you from my heart, first that you came, second that you allow me to speak in my mother tongue. I am really grateful you prayed so many rosaries for me. And please, I ask you to pray for me. Because I too need those prayers and very much so. I count on your prayers and before leaving, if we stand now and pray to our heavenly father who has only one defect - he can&rsquo;t stop being a father.<br />
	<br />
	God bless you all, the father the son and the holy spirit - thank you very much.<br /><br /></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">How Divided Government Was Supposed to Work, and How It Actually Does</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RSS</a>]</span>
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<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"> <p><img alt="" class="media-image" height="480" src="" width="384" /></p>
<p>The Framers of the U.S. Constitution viewed what we revile as &#8220;gridlock&#8221; or &#8220;stalemate&#8221; as a good thing, not a bad one.&#160; They assumed that most changes in the law would be bad ones.&#160; Consequently, checks and balances among the three branches of government were supposed to slow down decisionmaking and preserve the status quo.</p>
<p>The rise of political parties changed all that. &#160;In party government, checks among the branches slow things down only when different parties control the legislature and executive.&#160; The problem is that on occasions when the Party of the State controls both of these branches, massive ill-advised change can take place very quickly -- and when we do eventually return to divided government, it prevents the repair of all the bad things that were done.</p>
<p>Thus although checks and balances were intended to protect the law from damage, in our time they protect the damage.</p>
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<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-dd754954">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Books as Gifts</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
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<p>&nbsp;I love to shop online; I like to give books as gifts, to those who are readers, that is. Books are gifts which keep on giving. They can be read again and again, and can be lent to friends. A good book can alter one's perceptions of life for the better; it can strengthen faith, deepen insight, and increase understanding. Last but not least, reading is one of the most enjoyable pastimes in the world, allowing one to travel through time and space, to see faraway places and meet people who lived long ago. There few gifts I relish more than a good book, which is why I have written the kind of books I myself like to read. <a href="" target="_blank"><i>The Paradise Tree</i> was listed by Kirkus as one of the top 20 indie books of 2014, and among the top 100 best books of the year, according to the December 2014 issue.</a><br /><br />Here are my books:<br /><br />&nbsp;<a href=";sr=" target="_blank"><b><i>The Paradise Tree: A Novel</i></b></a><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="250" /></a></div><b><i>&nbsp;</i></b>&#8220;With this marvelous immigrant saga,  Elena Maria Vidal reminds us why our forebears left the Old World for  the New: for Faith, family, and freedom! Through three generations of an  Irish clan in Canada, she invites us into their home for struggle and  triumph, celebrations of joy and sorrow, music, feasting, and dancing.  The Paradise Tree makes &#8216;the past and present mingle and become one&#8217; for  the reader&#8217;s great delight.&#8221; ~Stephanie A. Mann, author of <i>Supremacy  and Survival: How Catholics Endured the English Reformation</i><br /><br />&#8220;Elena  Maria Vidal&#8217;s latest book, <i>The Paradise Tree</i>, is the fictionalized true  story of the author&#8217;s devoutly Catholic ancestors who immigrated to  Canada from Ireland. It is filled with rich detailed history recounting  the hardships and joys of the 19th century O&#8217;Connor Family. Beautifully  written with great attention to historical, geographical and religious  accuracy, this fascinating and moving family saga is a treasure that I  highly recommend!&#8221; ~Ellen Gable Hrkach, award-winning author of <i>In Name  Only</i> and four other novels<br /><br /><b>"An Irish immigrant builds a new life in  Canada, the decades marked by marriage, children and the odd  otherworldly encounter....An imaginative, meticulously told history that  will especially appeal to those with Irish roots." ~ from <i>Kirkus  Reviews</i></b><br /><br /><b>"This is a stunningly lovely book, the perfect thing to get  lost in for an afternoon." ~from the<i> San Francisco Book Review</i> (starred  review)</b><br /><br /><b>"...Historical fiction at its best" ~D.Donovan, eBook Reviewer, <i>Midwest Book Review</i></b><br /><br /><b><i><i>The Paradise Tree</i> </i>does what good novels should. It tells us a  story, it shows us what it means to be human&#8212;replete with the triumphs,  sadness, and conflicts entailed in being human&#8212;while whisking us away to  another world that is not our own. For 232 pages we are extracted from  our lives and into the lives of the O&#8217;Connor family. We root for them.  We feel their hardships. We feel their connection and disconnection as a  family while we are shown a distant time and place, filled with  potentially unfamiliar folkways. In the end we are pleasantly reminded  that the O&#8217;Connors&#8217; story is just as much ours as we traverse the  familiar territory of faith, family, and love, and how we still find  ourselves dancing in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.<i>~ The Portland Book Review </i></b><br /><br />"Vidal  does an excellent job of demonstrating the lifeline that the Catholic  faith becomes for the O'Connor family and how it binds them together in  the toughest of circumstances." ~<i>Savvy Verse and Wit</i><br /><br /><b>"Weaving fact  with fiction...realistic and stirring. An emotional tale of hardship,  struggle to survive...with vivid descriptions of life in that place and  time period. This book will appeal to those that like a good historical  fiction story with depth and new beginnings." ~<i>Just One More Chapter</i></b><br /><br />"Vidal  was able to write about devout Catholicism in a way that Protestants  and other non-Catholics could follow." ~<i>West Metro Mommy Reads</i><br /><br /><b>"<i>The  Paradise Tree</i> by Elena Maria Vidal is a sweeping tale of an  Irish-Canadian family that I happily dare to mention in the same breath  as Margaret Mitchell's <i>Gone With the Wind</i>" ~ from <i>Back Porchervations</i></b><br /><br />"As  we journey through the years of the O'Connor family the author brings  alive the joys, triumphs, struggles, and sorrows in such a vivid way  that often you feel as though you are experiencing them yourself."  ~<i>Peeking Between the Pages</i><br /><br /><b>"Despite the sadness of many of the  scenes, there is great charm in the lively portrayal of a family filled  with love of learning and poetry. The hope of eternal life sustains  Daniel, his wife and children through many tragedies.&nbsp; Joy continually  mingles with sorrow." ~<i>Cross of Laeken</i></b><br /><br />"<i>The Paradise Tree</i> is one of  those books that made me feel happy and secure while reading even though  some really terrible things happened to the family. I always had the  sense that they would persevere and thrive.<i> The Paradise Tree</i> is a  sweeping family saga that I will be suggesting to my friends and family.  It was such an enjoyable book."~<i>A Book Geek</i><br /><br />"The people in the story felt so real to me and almost like they could have also been my ancestors."~<i>Book Drunkard</i><br /><br />"I  loved the historical perspective that Elena Maria Vidal presented in  <i>The Paradise Tree: A Novel</i>. It was interesting and informative to learn  about the Irish. Vidal's writing was engaging and the story was filled  with heart, soul, family loyalty, history, and unexpected twists and  turns. I enjoyed this beautiful story and recommend it." ~<i>Book Nerd</i><br /><br /><i> </i>"Whoever you are, wherever your people came from, and whatever you enjoy  doing with your free time, I don&#8217;t hesitate for a moment to recommend  purchasing Elena Maria Vidal&#8217;s latest historical fiction novel<i> <a href=""><b><i>The Paradise Tree</i></b></a>." ~Lear, Kent, Fool </i><br /><br /><b>"A  good historical fiction novel takes you back in time and presents the  good, the bad and the ugly in a manner that informs and clarifies. A  great historical fiction novel goes beyond that to lift up your soul as  the heroes and heroines overcome obstacles both man made and natural. The  result is the reader is left open jawed amazed and transformed. This  book is a great historical fiction novel. I wept with them, I laughed at  them but most importantly, I felt privileged to be invited to gaze  inside their paradise tree." ~Stephen's review of <i>The Paradise Tree</i> on  <i>Goodreads</i></b><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="286" src="" width="400" /></a></div><i>&nbsp;</i><span style="font-size: small;"><b>Purchase <i>The Paradise Tree</i> <a href="" target="_blank">HERE</a></b>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><br /><br /><br /><a href=";refRID=0Q5ARD1BKY8RY9VHNZXM" target="_blank"><b><i>Trianon: A Novel of Royal France</i></b></a><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><b><i><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="212" /></a></i></b></div><br /><br />"What distinguishes this short and readable book from others is Vidal's examining their lives in light of their Catholic faith in a country that, until the Revolution, was the 'eldest daughter of the Church.'" ~Mike May, <i>Pittsburgh Magazine</i><br /><br />&nbsp;"Exhaustively researched and yet completely accessible for those who wish to understand the events from a very personal perspective." ~Genevieve Kineke, <i>Canticle Magazine</i><br /><br /><b>"Through the tragedy and the violence, the genocide and the thousand petty cruelties, <i>Trianon</i> remains, resolutely, a novel of hope." --Gareth Russell, author of <i>Popular</i> and <i>The Emperors</i></b><br /><br />"It's very refreshing to see fiction that strays away from the popular view of Marie Antoinette. Vidal has done extensive research on the royal family and it truly shows." ~Anna Gibson at <i>Reading Treasure</i><br /><br /><b>"For me, reading <i>Trianon</i> was like the Heavens opening up and hearing the angels sing.&nbsp; It's the 'be all and end all' of all things Antoinette." ~<i>Book Drunkard</i></b><br /><br /><b>"A master of storytelling, the author makes you laugh and cry, right along with the characters. A true masterpiece, I rank this book along with the great Classics." ~Wilsonville Public Library Blog</b><br /><br />"Be prepared to learn history as it should have been told. You will experience their life, their love, their faith, for you have never known them as you will after reading this book...Be prepared to be moved beyond belief." ~<i>Enchanted by Josephine&nbsp;</i><br /><br /><b>"Elegantly written, it is, quite simply, a heart-wrenching account of the trials and martyrdom of the king and queen of France, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette." ~Christine Niles, radio host of <i>Forward Boldly</i></b><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="327" src="" width="400" /></a></div><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><b><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="287" /></a></b></div><br /><b>Purchase <i>Trianon</i> <a href=";refRID=0Q5ARD1BKY8RY9VHNZXM" target="_blank">HERE</a></b>.<br /><br /><br /><a href=";refRID=1H6EVZXWK0RR2QQFDFTS" target="_blank"><b><i>Madame Royale: A Novel</i></b></a><br /><b><i></i></b><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><b><i><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="212" /></a></i></b></div><br /><br /><b>"An unforgettable portrait of a royal life... <i>Madame Royale</i> is a fantastic tribute to one of Europe's most tragic, but courageous princesses." ~Gareth Russell, author of <i>Popular</i> and </b><i><b>The Emper</b>ors</i><br /><br />"The...backdrop of this heartrending story is that none of us can choose the circumstances into which we are born, and yet those...circumstances are the very proving ground of virtue, our own gymnasium of charity." ~Genevieve Kineke, <i>Canticle Magazine</i><br /><br /><b>"Vidal gives us a gripping portrait of a woman whose personal destiny is enmeshed with the convulsions of the French Revolution and European history." ~Catherine Delors, author of <i>For the King</i> and <i>Mistress of the Revolution</i></b><br /><br />"In <i>Trianon</i>, faith gives the King and Queen the courage to face death; in <i>Madame Royale</i>, faith gives their daughter the courage to face life. Marie-Th&#233;r&#232;se's story is truly one of bloodless martyrdom." ~<i>Cross of Laeken</i><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="260" /></a></div><br /><b>Purchase <i>Madame Royale</i></b> <a href=";refRID=1H6EVZXWK0RR2QQFDFTS" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.<br /><br /><br /><a href=";sr=1-4&amp;qid=1416884836" target="_blank"><i><b>The Night's Dark Shade: A Novel of the Cathars</b></i></a><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="224" /></a></div><i><b>&nbsp;</b></i> <br />"From the first page, Vidal draws the reader into a vibrant world of action and emotion. Raphaelle de Miramande is an engaging young heroine, bravely facing physical and moral dangers and dilemmas in search of truth and love. Vidal's novel captures the spirit of the Middle Ages." ~Stephanie A. Mann, author of <i>Supremacy and Survival</i><br /><br /><b>"A harrowing and engrossing journey." ~Catherine Delors, author of <i>Mistress of the Revolution</i> and <i>For the King</i></b><br /><br />"The novel illustrates how easily and insidiously the abhorrent becomes desirable, the selfish honorable when individuals seek nothing beyond the fulfillment of their own desires, a message perhaps even more relevant today than it was centuries ago." ~Julianne Douglas, <i>Writing the Renaissance&nbsp;</i><br /><br /><b>"Elena Maria Vidal has been gifted with an eye for historical detail, an energetic imagination, an elegant writing style, and a keen and informed faith, all of which blend attractively together in this her latest work." ~Christine Niles, radio host of <i>Forward Boldly</i></b><br /><br />"In the first chapter the setting, plot, and all the main characters are all well-established....The novel moves on, mixing history and drama, at a good pace. Raphaelle is caught up in several major dilemmas; we can truly sympathize with what she is going through." ~Elizabeth Kathryn Gerold-Miller, blogger <br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><br /><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="266" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">Image source</a></td></tr></tbody></table>&nbsp;<b>Purchase <i>The Night's Dark Shade</i> <a href=";sr=1-4&amp;qid=1416884836" target="_blank">HERE</a></b>.

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<div class="item feed-5b5d34f3 feed-theradtrad" id="item-7f994a83">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">I'm Going to Die</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Rad Trad</a>]</span>
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<p>As November, a time for prayers for the faithful departed, draws to a close and Advent, a time for consideration of the Second Coming, draws nigh, it benefits us to think more carefully about our own lives, our use of time, and how the good Lord will judge us when our number is called and we cry <i>ne me perdas illa die</i>.<br /><br />I had the unusual experience of walking through a cemetery near one of my normal haunts, Cafe Pretens&#233;. I had not been in a cemetery in years. The ones I knew in my home area in Connecticut were almost all religious, affixed either to old Congregationalist churches or explicitly Catholic ones. The passing of years imbued the headstones with a mossy dignity befitting of an angel or a crucifix, whatever religious iconography had been selected as a memorial for the departed, so his loved ones could remember him until they finally stopped making their once-a-year visits and all remembrance of that individual had passed to ashes. This graveyard did not evoke the same ethos. Headstones, some looking quite expensive, reminded me of just how much effort people expend on creating meaning in their lives while ignoring the greater meaning.<br /><br />At least a third of the graves in this cemetery bore Freemasonic imagery, the square and the compass. Others had more entertaining icons of life: guitars, musical notes, a Bible; one entire headstone was a comically proportioned fish flapping about in a sea of stone. These images are not necessarily who these people were, but who they tried to be and who they wanted to be remembered as being.<br /><br />We are children of God, made in His image and His likeness, possessing a mind and a will, but, like the lower animals, a body as well. Through Adam we are fallen and flawed. Nothing will raise us from that state except the waters of Baptism and the embracing love of Christ. The state of the man outside the Church is not that of Calvinistic wretchedness. Privately I would describe the average man of irreligion to be an unfulfilled person. Many of material success are content, many are not. None, in my experience, are ever very satisfied, even those who get their proverbial kicks by dominating the politics and associations of a work environment. In the lower realms of the socio-economic ladder, fissiparous activities&#8212;strange vacations, poor music, substances&#8212;perform the same function. Very few of the self-described "spiritual" people of today spend time meditating on the source of their displeasure, merely assuming that it originates in an unmet goal rather than an unmet person, the Life Bestower.<br /><br />I have always harbored a mild sympathy, but never an affinity, for romantics. Fr Chadwick spends considerable time promoting Romanticism, although I suspect his conception of it and my own differ. The Romantics were soul-searchers who felt that the old social trappings of art and religion had failed them, and who could not accept the modern paradigm of business and material success. Some of them seemingly yearned for a simpler, more adventurous past (considerable American literature in this mode) while others proactively repelled rationalism, all the while too influenced by modernity to embrace the mysticism of the Christian age. There were Christian Romantics; Newman may have been one of them, at least until he went through disillusionment and accepted the reality of the Church. Romanticism was not an explicitly Christian movement, but it may have been the last trend in the West that promoted implicitly Christian ideas about nature, art, literature, morality, and friendship. They were the last genuine soul-searchers before the middle class was born and dissuaded the lost sheep from searching for their Shepherd.<br /><br /><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="181" src="" width="320" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Admirable, but myopic?</td></tr></tbody></table>I recently finished Hemingway's first bestseller, <i>A Farewell to Arms</i>. At some level I think Hemingway, despite his propensity to philander, was a genuine lost soul who, like those resting in the graveyard down the road from Cafe Pretens&#233;, pursued happiness when he should have pursued satisfaction. Hemingway was involved in both World Wars, in no small part due to boredom, he lived in pre-Castro Cuba where he enjoyed big fishing, and he loved bull fighting. War, taunting raging animals, and oceanic hunting bring one to the point of death where one shivers with life. Had he been born a century earlier and on the other side of the Atlantic, Ernest Hemingway may well have been a Romantic.<br /><br />The fact is that I am going to die. No, I am not in immediate danger of death, but I will, at some point, be just as dead as those in the cemetery near Cafe Pretens&#233;. Relatives will dote flowers on my grave for a year after my death. Then it will be once a year. The following generation will forget me and any strange sculpture on my headstone. I will be quite dead and quite in the ground. And none of it will matter. At the moment of my death I will stand before the "awesome judgment seat of Christ" and have to answer to the two greatest commandments. Did I love the Lord God with my whole heart and whole soul? And did I love my neighbor as myself? I may turn into a reputable bull fighter, guitarist, or fisherman, but none of it will save me on the last day, nor will it give me satisfaction in this life, only moments of happiness.<br /><br />When Newman came into the Church he was unwelcomed by the Ultramontanists and never as happy as he was in his naive days as an Anglican, when everything ancient was new. In the Church Newman did find the continuance of the "organ and oracle.... of a supernatural doctrine." He was home. He found happiness with the Oratory and with the Church he found the path to eternal life in the One he sought since childhood.<br /><br />This reflection may all be for naught. My last visit to a night club convinced me that there are still some lost souls in the world, but the great majority have been conditioned to dissolution, [un-]comfortably numb to greater realities. Eventually all of us will die and move to what comes next. Happiness on earth derives from things on earth. Satisfaction on earth descends from heaven.

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Hunger and Politics</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
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<p>From <a href="" target="_blank"><i>New Statesman:</i></a><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>&nbsp;</i>Chronic malnutrition and famine cannot be understood, let alone  prevented, if they are detached from the realities of power. Consider  the role of war. As Rieff writes, &#8220;While there have been famines in  times of peace, there have been few major wars without famine.&#8221;  Somewhere between 50 and 72 million people died on account of the Second  World War. Roughly 20 million deaths were caused by hunger, about half  of them in the Soviet Union. The famine in Greece in 1941-42, when some  300,000 people perished out of a population of less than 7.5 million,  was mainly a result of plunder by German occupying forces and a British  naval blockade. Exacerbated by a harsh winter, the last European famine  of the Second World War occurred in those regions of the Netherlands  still under German occupation in 1944-45.<br /><br />   Going further back, the Great Irish Famine of 1845-50 and the Great  Bengal Famine of 1943-44 were both artifacts of imperial rule. The  Soviet famine under Lenin in 1920-22 occurred during a civil war, but  the famine in Ukraine in 1932-33 was a direct result of Stalin&#8217;s  policies of collectivisation. The Chinese famine of 1958-62, which Rieff  describes as &#8220;probably the most lethal single event in history&#8221;, was  caused largely by Mao&#8217;s disastrous rush to industrialisation. Summing  up, Rieff writes: &#8220;To the extent that one can view the last part of the  19th century as the age of imperialist famines, it is equally  appropriate to view much of the 20th century as the age of socialist  ones.&#8221;<a href="" target="_blank"> (Read more.</a>)</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-7942aa63 feed-easternchristianbooks" id="item-3c94cb20">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Bill Mills on Following Christ</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Eastern Christian Books</a>]</span>
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<p>I have had the pleasure of interviewing the Orthodox priest and pastoral theologian Fr. Wm. C. Mills over the years on <a href="">here</a>. He is a prolific writer, author of such scholarly works as <i><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1595250387&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=XQ7VVLKUCLFYDVE2" rel="nofollow">Church, World, and Kingdom: The Eucharistic Foundation of Alexander Schmemann's Pastoral Theology</a>; </i>editor of a <i>Festschrift </i>for Michael Plekon, <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1933275669&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=MQDV43DSATBFEBW5" rel="nofollow"><i>Church and World: Essays in Honor of Michael Plekon</i></a>; and author of numerous biblical commentaries, including <i><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0974561886&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=TCTOZGLK4ZCC2T33" rel="nofollow">From Pascha to Pentecost: Reflections on the Gospel of John</a>, </i>and (my favourite), <i><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1933275340&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=JESUO2ADYTXWITWS" rel="nofollow">The Prayer of St. Ephrem: A Biblical Commentary</a>.</i><br /><div><br /></div><div></p><p>Again this past week I had the pleasure of interviewing him about his latest book,&nbsp;<i><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1601910320&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=MJSGI5A24LIAOXCT" rel="nofollow">Come Follow Me</a>&nbsp;</i>(OCABS Press, 2015), 134pp. It is--as with so many of his books--a lovely, accessible, short book that cuts through a lot of the fog of "spirituality" or even "biblical theology" to allow the divine word to speak to us clearly and freshly.</div><div><br /></div><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="150" /></a><span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>AD: Tell us about your background.</i></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">WCM:&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: inherit;">Long story short, for the past fifteen years I have served as the pastor of an Eastern Orthodox Christian parish in Charlotte, NC. Like many parishes we&#8217;ve had our ups and downs and thankfully we&#8217;ve experienced more ups recently.</span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><span><br /></span></span><span></font></p><p><font><font></span><span>My Church School curriculum focused on the Divine Liturgy, lives of the saints, and some Church History, but very little about the Bible. Our family had a leather King James Bible on our living room coffee table but I never read it.&nbsp;</span><br /><span><br /></span><span>At St. Vladimir&#8217;s Seminary I was blessed to have Fr.&nbsp;</span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0881412260&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=PLVK674QULKTLWVP" rel="nofollow" style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif;">John Breck</a><span>&nbsp;and Fr.&nbsp;</span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;field-keywords=Paul%20Tarazi&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3APaul%20Tarazi&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&amp;linkId=X3NVQB3MPGWXXTWI" style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif;" target="_blank">Paul Tarazi</a>&nbsp;<span>who instilled in me the love of the Scriptures. While both have different backgrounds&nbsp;and personalities, they taught me the centrality of the Bible for preaching, teaching, and pastoral care. I am extremely grateful to have had them as my teachers and I think of them often, especially as I&#8217;m preparing sermons.&nbsp;</span><br /><span><br /></span><span>I am also grateful to Dr.&nbsp;</span><span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1589830121&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=Z6XGEXJJGCYRYY2X" rel="nofollow">Nicolae Roddy</a>, professor of Old Testament at Creighton University in&nbsp;Omaha, Nebraska whom I met after my seminary studies. Nicolae opened my horizons to the religious, cultural, and social world of the Bible. In addition to his teaching, Nicolae is also an archaeologist who leads an annual dig at Bethsaida in Galilee.</span><br /><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 0.5in;"><br /></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 0.25in;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span><i></i></font></p><p><font><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><i></i></span><i style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;">AD: What led to the writing of this book,&nbsp;</i><span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1601910320&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=MJSGI5A24LIAOXCT" rel="nofollow">Come Follow Me</a><i>,</i></span><i style="font-family: inherit;">&nbsp;in particular?</i></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">WCM:&nbsp;Early on in pastoral ministry I realized that I needed to dig deep into the Bible. My sermons, adult education classes, catechism classes, and teaching involved Scripture and therefore I needed to really study the Bible so I knew what I was talking about! It also dawned on me that all of our prayers, hymns, liturgical seasons and cycles, and Divine Liturgy are rooted in the Scriptures too.</span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">My earlier books,&nbsp;</span><span><i><span style="font-family: inherit;"></span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0974561886&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=OCRQKYKXENZB4YRV" rel="nofollow">From Pascha to Pentecost: Reflections on the Gospel of John</a>,&nbsp;</i></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">followed by&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>Prepare O Bethlehem</i></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">&nbsp;and my other lectionary commentaries flowed from this deep desire to understand the biblical text. These books were followed by a&nbsp;</span><span><i><span style="font-family: inherit;"></span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0809146428&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=TAVBSQBYKDDWCBU3" rel="nofollow">A 30 Day Retreat: A Personal Guide to Spiritual Renewal</a>,</i></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">&nbsp;</span><i style="font-family: inherit;">Encountering Jesus in the Gospels</i><span style="font-family: inherit;">, as well as&nbsp;</span><span><i><span style="font-family: inherit;"></span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1933275685&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=5FB5FS7BV4GRZNB2" rel="nofollow">Walking with God</a>,</i></span><i style="font-family: inherit;">&nbsp;</i><span style="font-family: inherit;">among others.&nbsp;</span><span><i><span style="font-family: inherit;"></span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1601910320&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=OMTABEQHAPNLVET4" rel="nofollow">Come Follow Me</a>&nbsp;</i></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">is a result of many years of preaching, teaching, and praying the biblical text, and quite frankly, even after all these years I still have so much more to learn.</span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span><i></i></font></p><p><font><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><i></i></span><i style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;">AD: How did you decide on these particular biblical texts as ones to comment on? Is there a theme that links them or a rationale for bringing them all together?</i><b style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><u></u><u></u></b></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><b><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></b></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">The collection of reflections in this book are sermons that were delivered during the Divine Liturgy and based on the scriptural texts found in the Orthodox liturgical calendar. There is a slight difference in texts depending on whether you are using the Greek (Byzantine) or Russian (Slavic) lectionary. Because our parish is a part of the Orthodox Church in America we follow the Russian or Slavic lectionary.&nbsp;&nbsp;So in that sense these chapters were not organized thematically as one would if they were doing a lectionary word study or a chapter-by-chapter commentary.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>AD: A lot of spiritual literature today from the East seems to be concerned with elders on Athos, or collected sayings from the Fathers. But you, refreshingly, went straight back to the Scriptures and let them breathe directly and freely. Was that deliberate?</i><b><u></u><u></u></b></span><br /><b><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></b></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">The Scriptures are the basis of our faith in God. The Bible is the Word of God which is given to us for life. Everything in our Christian spiritual tradition--our liturgical cycles, rites, and rituals; our prayers, our sacraments; our belief itself--is based on the Word of God. So I thought early on why go back to the Fathers of the fourth or fifth century or even the writings of someone more contemporary like an elder of Mt. Athos. Instead, let's go back to the source that these very elders and Fathers were reading--the Bible!<u></u><u></u></span><br /><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">I encourage everyone, not just our clergy, but also the laity, to read the Bible regularly. I usually advise folks to start with the gospels or the Psalms. The Psalms are poetry and they are highly accessible and they contain a wide range of human emotions and feelings: anger, love, fear, doubt, despair, joy, and pain. Likewise, the gospels are stories which are very memorable. Almost everyone has heard of the story of the Good Samaritan or the Publican and the Pharisee.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>AD: You've no doubt heard the slogans: "Jesus--yes! Church--no!" or "I'm spiritual but not religious." But can we really heed Christ's call to "Come, Follow Me" on our own, without a community?</i><b><u></u></b></span><br /><b><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></b></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Unfortunately so many people have been turned off to the Church because of other Christians. I&#8217;ve talked with many disaffected and disinterested Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians who have been scandalized by various types of sexual and financial abuse among Church hierarchy, the lack of real concern for outreach and service of the poor, as well as the lack of open communication and freedom in the Church, and the abuse of authority and power. So in some ways I don&#8217;t blame them for wanting to be in community.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">However when we read the Scriptures we see that God called people to be in community. He called Abraham who later became the father of many nations. He called the Israelites. Jesus called the disciples. God calls us too. The famous writer and Trappist monk Thomas Merton said that no man is an island: we are all connected to one another in our baptism or as St. Paul said we are all members of one another in the one body of Christ. God calls us to be community, whether big or small. We are meant to be in communion with one another as we carry our cross together and follow Christ.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>AD: Tell us a bit about your own rather unique parish community there in NC, and the good things that are going on.</i><b><u></u><u></u></b></span><br /><b><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></b></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">My parish is very different than the one in which I was raised. My home parish was in middle class suburbia. A few folks were blue collar workers but most were not. Almost all were from Slavic or Eastern European roots. While everyone was kind and nice we didn&#8217;t have much outreach to the local community and I had little sense about how my faith would and could intersect with the world around me, both locally and globally.&nbsp;<u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">My current parish is in an urban centre and is very much a microcosm of the United Nations. We have families from Syria, Lebanon, Russia, the Republic of Georgia, Eritrea, India, and Romania. Our parish family has a mixture of those who consider themselves &#8220;cradle Orthodox&#8221; and &#8220;convert.&#8221;&nbsp;&nbsp;We also have parishioners who have arrived in North Carolina from across the United States: Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Florida, Texas, and other places. We have just a few people who were born and raised in the South.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">I think our social, ethnic, and racial diversity provides a strong foundation for our parish family. We don&#8217;t have divisions like many parishes have such as &#8220;newcomers&#8221; versus &#8220;old-timers&#8221; or &#8220;cradle&#8221; versus &#8220;convert.&#8221; Our wide mixes of ethnicities and backgrounds is a symbol that everyone is welcome and everyone, while having come from some place else, is welcome in this place&nbsp;<span class="aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="aQJ">on Sunday</span></span>&nbsp;morning.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="212" src="" width="320" /></a></div><span style="font-family: inherit;">Our parish also is involved in a lot of outreach ministries. Each month we purchase food and cook a hot lunch for approximately one hundred men at the local men&#8217;s shelter. We also donate canned goods each month to the local Loaves and Fishes ministry as well as baby diapers and baby products to the local Florence Crittendon Center, a home for unwed teen mothers.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Two years ago we started a construction ministry where a few of our parishioners travel to another parish and help them with small renovation projects. Our first project was to design and build a one-hundred-foot handicap ramp. Last year we helped renovated a large warehouse-type building and installed a drop ceiling and a covered portico which connected the church building with their new fellowship hall.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">Every August we purchase back-packs, fill them with school supplies and after blessing them we then donate them to the local school system for children in need. We also team up with the local Salvation Army and participate in their Angel Tree Program where parish families &#8220;adopt&#8221; an angel, buy gifts for them, and then bless them on St. Nicholas Day. The gifts are then distributed to needy children at Christmas. At last count we host nine different types of regular outreach ministries. Our parish ministries not only help those in need but provide parishioners with many opportunities to participate in helping those around us in both big and small ways.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>AD: What do you think is the most difficult part of following Christ today for most people in North America? What do we need to give up, or do differently, to hear and heed His call more clearly?</i><b><u></u><u></u></b></span><br /><b><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></b></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span></font></p><p><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">This is a question that I&#8217;ve thought about and wrestled with for a long time. My hunch is that, by and large, we have a very comfortable life here in North America. People work, have some type of housing, go on vacation every year, put money away for college and for their future. With a few clicks on the computer I can buy almost anything I want and that often includes free shipping! If we&#8217;re so comfortable we don&#8217;t feel like we need God. Sure, we need him when we have the urge, but for the most part if we&#8217;re doing okay why do I need a savior? Yet if you look at poor places in South America or countries in Africa, for example you see that the Church is growing by leaps and bounds. Why? Because people are poor, people are hurting, they are sick, there is war, famine, poverty. People want hope, and the Church offers hope in a world full of despair, light in times of darkness. When I have almost everything I need I certainly don&#8217;t need God.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">The trick is that we <i>do </i>need God! We have to almost trick ourselves into un-learning or divesting ourselves of our reliance on all these material things that I have: my home, my pension, my savings, my healthcare won&#8217;t save me. Only God saves through his Son. But this is a very hard lesson to learn and many people never learn it.<u></u><u></u></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span><i></i></font></p><p><span><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><i></i></span></div><span><i>AD: Having finished </i><span><a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1601910320&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=MJSGI5A24LIAOXCT" rel="nofollow">Come Follow Me</a><i>, what are you at work on next?</i></span></span><br /><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><br /></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"></div><div style="font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">I have a few projects that I&#8217;m currently working on, including another sermon collection which is similar to&nbsp;<i>Come Follow Me</i>&nbsp;and is tentatively called&nbsp;<i>Bread for the Journey</i>. I&#8217;m also working on a book on St. Paul&#8217;s vision of pastoral care, especially his use of metaphors for ministry such as planting, sowing, harvesting, and building, among others.&nbsp;&nbsp;Paul&#8217;s writings are a treasure trove for pastors, especially his writings on pastoral care, preaching, and teaching. Very often we go straight to the four gospels, but I encourage pastors to go to Paul. Paul&#8217;s writings pack a punch, and you won&#8217;t be disappointed!</span></div>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Hard Sayings About Terror</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
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<p><a href="" target="_blank">From Robert Royal</a>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><br /><span><span style="font-size: small;">If there&#8217;s any general lesson to be drawn  from this history, it&#8217;s that Islamic terrorism is non-partisan. It&#8217;s an  understandable human trait to want to think that: if only we leave them  alone, or speak more nicely to them, or deny that their apocalyptic  visions or political aspirations are unrelated to deeply held religious  views, that these outrages will slowly melt away. And that eventually we  can all go back to pretending that everyone in the world really aspires  to our American metrosexual, urban (or suburban), secular, skeptical,  digital, consumerist lifestyles.</span></span><br /><br /> <span><span style="font-size: small;">It&#8217;s a silly to think that we &#8220;created&#8221; such radicalism. We didn&#8217;t.  Modernity in general generates reactions against its obvious corruptions  and defects. Our multicultural universities, instead of obsessing over  microaggresions or Islamo-, homo-, and other &#8220;phobias,&#8221; perhaps might  help us better understand such reactions if they devoted some time to  studying how they have emerged in other cultures, and in such murderous  form. And from historical circumstances over which no one, not even an  American president, has full control.</span></span><br /><br /> <span><span style="font-size: small;">All of us need to be more engaged in thinking through what we can now  do about them. Part of the solution is military, part a battle of  ideas. Though let&#8217;s be brutally honest: Our influence on Muslim ideology  is and will be quite limited.</span></span><a href="" target="_blank"> (Read more.</a>)<br /></blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-4e587259 feed-musingsofapertinaciouspapist" id="item-36762fdd">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">"Satanic verses" of the Qu'ran &amp; Islam as a Christian heresy</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><center><img src="" /><br /><i><font size="1">Dante and Virgil meet Mohammed in Hell</i></center><br />Adfero, "<a href="">Islam: A Christian heresy, straight from Hell</a>" (RC, November 21, 2015):<blockquote>Mohammad was a pedophile who received his false religion directly from Satan,<a href=""> as you will hear in this powerful sermon</a>, delivered from a priest in good standing. Unfortunately, not many people, whether they be Christian or Muslim, know this anymore.  <br /><br />It doesn't matter how many ridiculous ecumenical events our bishops and priests attend bearing no good fruit and no converts. It doesn't matter how many times our modern popes offend God by entering mosques.  It will never take away this undeniable fact: Islam is from Hell, and all who refuse to adhere to its evil are targets of its wrath.  <br /><br /><a href="">Click here now to listen to the sermon.</a> Then tell everyone you know.</blockquote>The topmost priority here, evidently, is not "inter-religious dialogue"! <br /><br /><b>Related</b>:<ul><li><a href="">William Blake&#8217;s Watercolor of Canto XXVIII (Lines 30 and 31 of Inferno, the First Part of Dante Alighieri&#8217;s Epic Poem the Divine Comedy)</a>: <blockquote>Muhammad and Ali are nearly cut in half, only to be restored and forced to endure this bodily torment over and over again. By portraying two of Islam&#8217;s most important figures as schismatics, Dante demotes Islam to the status of a particularly virulent brand of Christian heresy. </blockquote><li><a href="">Circle 8, subscircles 7-10, cantos 24-30</a></ul>

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<div class="item feed-2a52d86f feed-vultuschristi" id="item-b7330dc2">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vultus Christi</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><strong><img alt="Rue du Bac, altar principal" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-8706" height="460" src="" width="400" />O Mary Conceived Without Sin<br />
</strong>In Paris today it is the feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal of the <em>rue du Bac</em>. I am especially fond of the <em>rue du Bac</em>. Never have visited there and gone away empty. Our Lady is present in the chapel of the <em>rue du Bac</em> in a way that is simple and disarming, powerful and gentle. She is a Mother who welcomes all who turn into her house in search of comfort, light, peace, and strength. And the Daughters of Charity are there always praying, beads in hand, ministering to the poorest of the poor by carrying their needs and sorrows&#160; before the Mother of God and by making themselves advocates with the sweet Advocate who stands above the altar, dispensing graces with outstretched hands.</p>
<p><strong>Love Chastity<br />
</strong>Anyone who would follow the injunction of Saint Benedict to love chastity &#8212; <em>castitatem amare</em> &#8212; must seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, all&#8211;holy, all&#8211;pure, all&#8211;beautiful. It is the Blessed Virgin&#8217;s joy to keep those who trust in her beneath her virginal mantle and to plant deep within their hearts the love of chastity.</p>
<p><strong>Towards Following the Lamb<br />
</strong>There is great comfort in the frequent repetition of the invocation given to Saint Catherine Labour&#233;: &#8220;O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.&#8221;&#160; One who prays thus can always go forward in hope, even if he stumbles and falls along the way, for all who call on the Immaculate Virgin Mary will most assuredly find themselves one day in the company of those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes.</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-dcd904e8 feed-siris" id="item-f464bb5c">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Relaxing the Bow</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Siris</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<blockquote>Now just as weariness of the body is dispelled by resting the body, so weariness of the soul must needs be remedied by resting the soul: and the soul's rest is pleasure, as stated above (I-II, 25, 2; I-II, 31, 1, ad 2). Consequently, the remedy for weariness of soul must needs consist in the application of some pleasure, by slackening the tension of the reason's study. Thus in the Conferences of the Fathers xxiv, 21, it is related of Blessed John the Evangelist, that when some people were scandalized on finding him playing together with his disciples, he is said to have told one of them who carried a bow to shoot an arrow. And when the latter had done this several times, he asked him whether he could do it indefinitely, and the man answered that if he continued doing it, the bow would break. Whence the Blessed John drew the inference that in like manner man's mind would break if its tension were never relaxed. </blockquote><br />Thomas Aquinas, <a href="">Summa Theologiae 2-2.168.2</a>. <i>Quies animae est delectatio</i>: we could also translate it as 'The quiet of the soul is delight', and 'delight' perhaps gets us closer than 'pleasure' to what Aquinas means here.

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-ef12a082 feed-communityinmission" id="item-2f2c2b14">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Love of the World Fuels the Fear of Death &#8211; A Meditation on a Teaching of St. Cyprian</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Community in Mission</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #333333;"><a href=""><img alt="Blog11-26" class="alignright size-full wp-image-34347" height="380" src="" width="280" /></a>As November winds down and Advent approaches,&#160;the traditional meditation we make on the four last things (death, judgment, Heaven, and Hell) is still operative. A classic writing&#160;by St. Cyprian comes to mind. It is a meditation on&#160;the fundamental human struggle to be free of undue attachment to this world and to have God (and the things awaiting us in Heaven) as our highest priority.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">In writing this meditation, St. Cyprian had in mind the Book of James and the Epistle of St. John</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;">. Yes, surely these dramatic texts were present in his mind as he wrote. Hence, before pondering St. Cyprian&#8217;s writing, it may be good to reference these forceful and uncompromising texts:</span></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">You adulterous people, don&#8217;t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God &#8230; Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded</span></em><span style="color: #333333;"> (James 4:4, 8).</span></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world&#8211;the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does&#8211;comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever </span></em><span style="color: #333333;">(1 John 2:15-17).</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #333333;">And remember the words of the Lord Jesus:</span></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money</span></em><span style="color: #333333;"> (Matt 6:24).</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">Nothing is perhaps more difficult to imagine, especially for us moderns, than being wholly free of the enticements of the world</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;">. These texts, so adamant and uncompromising, shock us with their sweeping condemnation of &#8220;the world.&#8221; For who can really say that he has no love for the world?</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">We may, however,&#160;be able to find temporary refuge in making a distinction.</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;"> The adulterous love of attachment and the preference for the world over its creator is certainly to be condemned. Yet surely the love&#160;for what is good, true, and beautiful in the world is proper. St. Paul speaks of those things &#8220;<em>which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer&#8221;</em> (1 Tim 4:3-5).</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">This distinction, though proper, cannot provide most of us with full cover</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;">, since we also know that the adulterous love of this world is still aplenty in our soul, however much noble love we also have. And the lust of the world is more than willing to sacrifice the good, the true, and the beautiful (not to mention God Himself) for baser pleasures.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">Only God can free us.</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;"> And while some are gifted to&#160;achieve remarkable poverty of spirit before departing this life, most of us are not ultimately freed from the lust of this world until God uses the dying process itself to free us. Slowly, we die to this world as we see our appearance, skills, and strengths begin to fade with age. As old age sets in we say farewell to friends, perhaps our spouse, and maybe our home as well. Our eyesight, hearing, and general health begin to suffer many and lasting assaults; complications begin to set in.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #333333;">For those who are faithful (and I have made this journey with many an older parishioner as well as some of my family members), it begins to become clear that what matters most is not here in this world, that our true treasure is in Heaven with God. A gentle longing for what is above grows. For those who are faithful, the lust of this world slowly dies as we let God do His work.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">Yet too many, even among those who believe, resist this work of God&#8217;s</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;">. While a natural fear of death is to be expected, too many live in open denial of&#160;and resistance to what is inevitable. Our many medicines and creature comforts help maintain the illusion that we can hold on to this world, and some people try to tighten their grip on it. A natural fear of death is supplanted by a grasping, clinging&#160;fear, rooted in a lack of faith and desire for God.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #333333;">And this is where we pick up with St. Cyprian:</span></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">How unreasonable it is to pray that God&#8217;s will be done, and then not promptly obey it when he calls us from this world!</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">Instead we struggle and resist [death] like self-willed slaves and are brought into the Lord&#8217;s presence with sorrow and lamentation, not freely consenting to our departure, but constrained by necessity.</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">And yet we expect to be rewarded with heavenly honors by him to whom we come against our will! Why then do we pray for the kingdom of heaven to come if this earthly bondage pleases us? What is the point of praying so often for its early arrival if we should rather serve the devil here, than reign with Christ?</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">The world hates Christians, so why give your love to it instead of following Christ, who loves you and has redeemed you?</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">John is most urgent in his epistle when he tells us not to love the world by yielding to sensual desires. Never give your love to the world, he warns, or to anything in it. A man cannot love the Father and love the world at the same time. All that the world offers is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and earthly ambition. The world and its allurements will pass away, but the man who has done the will of God shall live forever.</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">Our part, my dear brothers, is to be single-minded, firm in faith, and steadfast in courage, ready for God&#8217;s will, whatever it may be.</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">Banish the fear of death and think of the eternal life that follows. That will show people that we really live our faith.</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">We ought never to forget, beloved, that we have renounced the world. We are living here now as aliens and only for a time. When the day of our homecoming puts an end to our exile, frees us from the bonds of the world, and restores us to paradise and to a kingdom, we should welcome it.</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">What man, stationed in a foreign land, would not want to return to his own country as soon as possible? Well, we look upon paradise as our country, and a great crowd of our loved ones awaits us there, a countless throng of parents, brothers and children longs for us to join them. Assured though they are of their own salvation, they are still concerned about ours. What joy both for them and for us to see one another and embrace! O the delight of that heavenly kingdom where there is no fear of death! O the supreme and endless bliss of everlasting life!</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">There is the glorious band of apostles, there, the exultant assembly of prophets, there, the innumerable host of martyrs, crowned for their glorious victory in combat and in death. There, in triumph, are the virgins who subdued their passions by the strength of continence. There the merciful are rewarded, those who fulfilled the demands of justice by providing for the poor. In obedience to the Lord&#8217;s command, they turned their earthly patrimony into heavenly treasure.</span></em></p>
<p style="margin-left: .5in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="color: #333333;">My dear brothers, let all our longing be to join them as soon as we may. May God see our desire, may Christ see this resolve that springs from faith, for he will give the rewards of his love more abundantly to those who have longed for him more fervently</span></em><span style="color: #333333;"> (<u>Treatise on Mortality</u>: Cap 18:24, 26: CSEL 3, 308, 312-314).</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #333333;">Amen.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #333333;">As November ends and Advent begins, remember the four last things</span></strong><span style="color: #333333;">: death, judgment, Heaven, and Hell. Prepare to meet God eagerly. Run toward Him with joy and confidence, calling on Him who made you for Himself. Death will surely come. Why not let it find you joyful, victorious, and confident&#8212;eager to meet God?</span></p>
<p class="videoWrapper"></p>
<p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Love of the World Fuels the Fear of Death &#8211; A Meditation on a Teaching of St. Cyprian</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Community in Mission</a>.</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-8026fd27 feed-etnunc" id="item-be7cd765">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Andacht zum Leiden Christi</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">et nunc</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div style="text-align: center;">      <span style="font-size: large;">Menschen der Neuzeit und neuzeitlichen Not,&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: large;">kehrt zur&#252;ck zur Andacht, zum Leiden Christi.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: large;">Fl&#252;chtet euch in die Wundmale Christi!"&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">(Michael Kardinal von Faulhaber)</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="300" /></a></div><span style="font-size: large;">Heilges Kreuz, sei hoch verehret, hartes Ruhbett meines Herrn! Einstmals sehn wir dich verkl&#228;ret, strahlend gleich dem Morgenstern. Sei mit Mund und Herz verehret, Kreuzstamm Christi, meines Herrn, sei mit Mund und Herz verehret, Kreuzstamm Christi, meines Herrn!</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Heilges Kreuz, du Siegeszeichen, selig, wer auf dich vertraut; gl&#252;cklich wird sein Ziel erreichen, wer auf dich im Kampfe schaut. Sei mit Mund und Herz verehret, Kreuzstamm Christi, meines Herrn, sei mit Mund und Herz verehret, Kreuzstamm Christi, meines Herrn!</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Denkmal, Fahne, Siegeszeichen, unsre Hoffnung, unser Schild; niemals soll die Andacht weichen zu dem heilgen Kreuzesbild. Sei mit Mund und Herz verehret, Kreuzstamm Christi, meines Herrn sei mit Mund und Herz verehret, Kreuzstamm Christi, meines Herrn!</span></div>   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <br />

<div class="item feed-a1746dd3 feed-brunonis" id="item-0a3610c7">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Die Vernichtung</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">BRUNONIS</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>      <u><span>IL208-Z.22.1</span></u> <br /><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span>Das Opfer, so wie ich es gerade nur von weitem betrachtet habe, ist<span> </span>nur der Endpunkt und die Kr&#246;nung einer Arbeit, die mit der ersten<span> </span>Stufe der Fr&#246;mmigkeit begonnen hat. Denn bei jeder Stufe muss die<span> </span>Natur teilweise geopfert werden, denn das Ersteigen einer jeden fordert<span> </span>Opfer, und diese entsprechen ihrer Erhebung auf der Leiter der Heiligkeit.<span> </span>Je mehr die Seele sich erhebt, desto ausgedehnter wird das Opferleben,<span> </span>und es vollendet sich schlie&#223;lich in der f&#252;nften Stufe.</span></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span>Um noch tiefer diese T&#228;tigkeit der t&#228;glichen Ent&#228;u&#223;erung und des<span> </span>Todes zu erfassen, die zur &#220;berwindung des Todes im Sieg hinarbeitet,<span> </span>will ich mit P. Anton vom heiligen Sakrament (Retraite de dix jours, par le P. Ant. du Saint-Sacrament, chez Poussielgue) unter einer anderen<span> </span>Form die T&#228;tigkeit der schrittweisen Vernichtung studieren, auf der Gott<span> </span>eine Seele zum mystischen Tode f&#252;hrt.</span></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span lang="EN-US">(Dom Fran&#231;ois de Sales Polien, IL, 20151127)</span></div>   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <br /><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-f27c846b feed-cnstopstories" id="item-e71090da">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Choice is clear, pope says: Protect environment or destroy it</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Top Stories</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><img src="" /><p>IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring</p><p></p><p>By Cindy  Wooden</p><p>NAIROBI, Kenya (CNS) -- The international community is
facing a stark and serious choice, "either to improve or to destroy the
environment," Pope Francis said, referring to the Paris Climate

<p>"It would be sad, and I dare say even catastrophic,
were special interests to prevail over the common good," the pope said
Nov. 26 during a visit to the headquarters in Nairobi of the U.N. Environment
Program and U.N. Habitat, an agency concerned with urban planning.</p>

<p>Under the auspices of the United Nations, the Paris conference
Nov. 30-Dec. 11 has the aim of achieving a legally binding and universal
agreement on measures to stem climate change and protect the environment.</p>

<p>Pope Francis spoke at length about the importance of the
conference during his visit to the U.N. offices, and his top aides had a meeting the
evening before with Kenya's environment minister and other officials to discuss
their hopes and strategies for the Paris meeting.</p>

<p>On his way into the meeting with U.N. officials and
diplomats accredited to the two U.N. agencies, Pope Francis planted a tree.</p>

<p>While his speech contained ample quotes from his June
encyclical on the environment, the pope also referred several times to the significance of planting trees and borrowed several lines from a speech he made in
Bolivia in July to a variety of grass-roots movements advocating for justice for
the poor.</p>

<p>In fact, just as in the encyclical, "Laudato Si',"
the pope insisted in Nairobi that there is a close connection between
environmental destruction and unjust economic and political policies that
penalize the poor.</p>

<p>"We are faced with a great political and economic
obligation to rethink and correct the dysfunctions and distortions of the
current model of development," he said, especially because of their
emphasis on exploiting natural resources, but not sharing the benefits with
local communities.</p>

<p>Planting a tree, he said, is an "invitation to continue
the battle against phenomena like deforestation and desertification," as
well as "an incentive to keep trusting, hoping and above all working in
practice to reverse all those situations of injustice and deterioration which
we currently experience."</p>

<p>The Paris conference, the pope said, "represents an
important stage in the process of developing a new energy system which depends
on a minimal use of fossil fuels, aims at energy efficiency and makes use of
energy sources with little or no carbon content."</p>

<p>Pope Francis told those gathered at Nairobi's U.N. offices
that he hopes the Paris conference will result in a "global and
'transformational' agreement based on the principles of solidarity, justice,
equality and participation; an agreement which targets three complex and
interdependent goals: lessening the impact of climate change, fighting poverty
and ensuring respect for human dignity."</p>

<p>To achieve a comprehensive and fair agreement, he said, real
dialogue is necessary among politicians, scientists, business leaders and
representatives of civil society, including the poorest sectors of those societies.</p>

<p>Pope Francis insisted that human beings are capable of changing
course, choosing what is good and making a fresh start. The key, he said, will
be to put the economy and politics at the service of people, who are called to
live in harmony with the rest of creation.</p>

<p>"Far from an idealistic utopia, this is a realistic
prospect which makes the human person and human dignity the point of departure
and the goal of everything," he said.</p>

<p>A new respect for human dignity and for the environment are
part of the same attitude of giving value to all that God made, he said. </p>

<p>Pope Francis called for "the adoption of a culture of
care -- care for oneself, care for others, care for the environment -- in the
place of a culture of waste, a throwaway culture where people use and discard
themselves, others and the environment."</p>

<p>The idea of a "throwaway culture" is not simply a
strong figure of speech, he said, pointing to "new forms of slavery, human
trafficking, forced labor, prostitution and trafficking in organs."</p>

<p>"Many lives, many stories, many dreams have been
shipwrecked in our day," the pope said. "We cannot remain indifferent
in the face of this. We have no right."</p>
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<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">A Foretaste of Wisdom</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Abbey Roads</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Adelante la Fe</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">AKA Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Andrew Cusack</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Arimathea Atom Feed</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Athanasius Contra Mundum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Australia Incognita</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Barnhardt</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Beiboot Petri</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Biblical Evidence for Catholicism</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">BRUNONIS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Called to Communion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=";rssid464=61">Cardinal Newman Society All Posts</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Faith and Reason - Our Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> - Commentary on Catholic News and World Affairs</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> - In Depth Analysis of Catholic Issues</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> &#187;</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Charlotte was Both</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Chiesa -</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA - Daily Readings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA - Saint of the Day</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA Daily News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA Daily News - Vatican</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Movie Reviews</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Top Stories</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Vatican News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Commentary - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Community in Mission</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Comuni&#243;n Tradicionalista &#171; Comuni&#243;n Tradicionalista</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Corpus Christi Watershed news</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Creative Minority Report</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CRISTIANDAD</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Cum Lazaro</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">David Scott Writings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Diligite iustitiam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dom Donald's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dominicana</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dominus mihi adjutor</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dyspeptic Mutterings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Eastern Christian Books</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Edward Feser</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">et nunc</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ethika Politika</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">EUCist News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Faithful Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">For the Queen</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Ray Blake's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr. Z's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Galileo Was Wrong</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Gratia Super Naturam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">History of Interpretation</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">I Have to Sit Down</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">iBenedictines</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">IDLE SPECULATIONS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ignatius his conclave</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Il Blog di Raffaella. I Papi, il Vaticano e la Chiesa Cattolica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">In the Light of the Law</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Incarnation and Modernity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Infallible Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Instaurare Omnia in Christo - The Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Jimmy Akin</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John G. Brungardt, Ph.L.</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John V. Gerardi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Just Thomism</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">katholon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Korrektiv</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laodicea</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Le blog d'Yves Daoudal</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lectio Divina Notes</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lex Christianorum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ley Natural</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Little Flower Farm</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LMS Chairman</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Loved As If</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">marcpuck</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mary Victrix</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mathias von Gersdorff</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Liturgical Movement</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Sherwood</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Song</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">News - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">NICK'S CATHOLIC BLOG</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">One Mad Mom</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">OnePeterFive</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Opus Publicum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Oz Conservative</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Paths of Love</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Psallam Domino</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RSS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Sancrucensis</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Scholastiker</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Semiduplex</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Siris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Spirit of Teuchtar II</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Peter's List</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Steeple and State</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Symposium</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">T&#281;sknota</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Taylor Marshall</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Tea at Trianon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The American Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Badger Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Dormitory</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Thing</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The City and the World</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Daily Register</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Deacon's Bench</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Divine Lamp</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The hermeneutic of continuity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Jesuit Post</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Josias</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Lepanto Institute</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Low Churchman's Guide to the Solemn High Mass</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Paraphasic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Prosblogion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Rad Trad</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Remnant Newspaper - The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sacred Page</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sensible Bond</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The TOF Spot</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Theological Flint</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">totaliter aliter</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Traditional Catholic Priest</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Transalpine Redemptorists at home</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unam Sanctam Catholicam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unequally Yoked</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Voice of the Family</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vox Cantoris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vultus Christi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Whispers in the Loggia</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Zippy Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>


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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-15.html">15</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2015</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-25.html">25</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-07.html">07</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-21.html">21</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-28.html">28</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-05.html">05</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-12.html">12</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-14.html">14</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-03.html">03</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-31.html">31</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-13.html">13</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">24</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-26.html">26</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-22.html">22</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2013</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-27.html">27</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-06-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-04-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-11.html">11</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-30.html">30</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-06-17.html">17</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2011</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-03-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-11-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-08-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2009</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2009</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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