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    <title>Catholic Feeds!</title>
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       <h1>Various Catholic Feeds</h1>
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<h2>Saturday, 28 November</h2>
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<div class="item feed-d2e6788f feed-opuspublicum" id="item-d728b3b0">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A Note on the Neo-Orthodox Attack on Catholic Sacraments</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Opus Publicum</a>]</span>
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<p style="text-align: justify;">Since the book is getting a lot of attention in Eastern circles, I thought I would make mention of the recently translated neo-Orthodox polemic against the Second Vatican Council, Fr. John Heers&#8217;s newly translated <i><a href="">The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II: An Orthodox Examination of Rome&#8217;s Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church</a></i> from Uncut Mountain Press. Heers, for those who are unaware, is a vocal opponent of Catholic/Orthodox ecumenism and the intellectual heir of Greek-nationalist theologians such as Fr. John Romanides. To be clear: I have not read the book, though I am not against doing so at some point down the line. In the meantime I decided to check out an earlier paper by Heers, one which appears to summarize the &#8220;findings&#8221; contained in his book: &#8220;<a href="">The Mystery of Baptism and the Unity of the Church: The Idea of &#8216;Baptismal Unity&#8217; and its Acceptance by Orthodox Ecumenists</a>.&#8221; The title effectively gives away the author&#8217;s conclusions. Heers wants the Orthodox Church to &#8220;return to strictness&#8221; when it comes to &#8220;heretical baptisms.&#8221; In other words, he wants all converts to be re-baptized and for Orthodoxy to go full Jansenist in declaring there is no grace to be found in non-Orthodox sacraments. Wonderful.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">As most know, the push for re-baptism and grace-denial is of relatively recent vintage. In the centuries prior to the rise of Greek nationalism, the Greek Orthodox Church&#8212;like its Russian counterpart&#8212;accepted non-Orthodox (Catholic and Oriental) baptisms, and if chrismation or confirmation had already been administered, they were sometimes accepted as well. (I will leave to the side the various debates about this.) Further, Catholic priests who converted to Orthodoxy, whether from the Latin or one of the Eastern churches, were traditionally received through vesting, not re-ordination. Once the modern &#8220;Greek view&#8221; started to become normative, theories were developed about previous practice, with <i>oikonomia</i> being proposed as the &#8220;magic answer.&#8221; According to this line of thinking, it wasn&#8217;t that Orthodoxy accepted the validity of non-Orthodox baptisms; reception into the Orthodox Church retroactively filled the otherwise empty sacraments with grace.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">It is ironic that Heers and his fellow travelers are so rabidly against the possibility that Orthodoxy could develop a broader and deeper sacramental theology which contemplates the validity of sacraments conferred by non-Orthodox ministers. None of them seem to have any problem with the development (some might argue degeneration) of Orthodox sacramental theology with respect to marriage, one which now allows for the dissolution of valid marriages and the possibility for an Orthodox layman to marry two additional times. When, I wonder, will the neo-Orthodox now calling for a &#8220;return to strictness&#8221; regarding baptism do the same regarding marriage? That&#8217;ll be the day.</p><br />Filed under: <a href="">Eastern Orthodox Church</a>, <a href="">Theology</a>  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=70036207&#038;post=1560&#038;subd=opuspublicum&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-bdd08098 feed-novusordowireblognewsarchiveatnovusordowatch" id="item-ee526821">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Former Member of Vatican Curia rebukes Francis in Open Letter</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a>]</span>
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<div class="article-summary"><p style="text-align: left;"><br /></p><p style="text-align: left;"><em><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">Chaos Frank gets taken to the woodshed...</span></em></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong style="font-size: 0.76em;"><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 24px;">Former High-Ranking Member of Vatican Curia&#160;</span><span style="font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial;">Rebukes Francis in Open Letter</span></strong></p>
					<div class="first graphic-container wide center ImageElement">
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								<img alt="francis-looney.jpg" height="268" src="" width="321" />
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							<div class="figure-content caption"><p>&#8220;Don&#8217;t worry, I&#8217;m in charge!&#8221;</p></div>
					</div><p style="text-align: left;"><br /><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">Critical voices in and around the Vatican are growing louder and louder as Chaos Frank&#8217;s revolution continues unabated. After an <a href="">anti-Francis dossier inside the Vatican</a> was leaked a few months ago and just recently a Novus Ordo priest <a href="">warned Francis that God would strike him dead</a> if he continued on his path, we have now been made aware of an open letter written by a former high-ranking official in the Vatican&#8217;s curia that was just released in full in the print edition of the German magazine <em>FOCUS</em>.</span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">The following is our exclusive translation of a post that just appeared in the online edition of the same&#160;</span><em style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">FOCUS</em> <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">magazine, which summaries the open letter</span><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">.<br /><br /></span>
					</p><p><span style="font-family: Arial;">[<a href="" target="_blank">&#8220;Ehemaliges hochrangiges Kurienmitglied wirft Papst Eitelkeit und Populismus vor&#8221;</a>,&#160;</span><em style="font-family: Arial;">FOCUS</em><span style="font-family: Arial;"><em>&#160;Online</em>, Nov. 27, 2015; no author given. Translated by Novus Ordo Watch.]</span></p>

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-281b2d1c">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
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<p>Nun ist er wieder da, der Advent!<br />Und jedes Jahr merke ich, ich werde &#228;lter und damit sentimentaler.<br />Habe ich mich fr&#252;her immer &#252;ber den doch schlussendlich nur zum Zwecke der Konsumsteigerung, sentimentale Weihnachtstimmung evozieren sollenden, ausufernden Lichterglanz in den Schaufenstern und an den H&#228;usern ge&#228;rgert, so gef&#228;llt er mir jedes Jahr besser.<br />Mir ist, als ob in all dem kommerzialisierten Trubel, in all der ausufernden Weihnachtshektik, der fast witzigen H&#228;ufung von Weihnachtsfeiern all &#252;berall, die unter dem Label "Besinnung" dennoch meist nur in Stress ausarten, als ob sich also hinter all dem, doch die unausrottbare, wenn auch sich oft gar nicht selber eingestandene Sehnsucht nach dem Erl&#246;ser steckt.<br />Die Menschen harren schon so lange, dass es fast sinnlos scheint, zu warten, schlimmer wie warten auf Godot.<br />Und ja, man komme mir nicht mit dem christlichen Abendland, weil es gilt auch hier das Wort des Angelus Silesius, dass es v&#246;llig unerheblich ist, wie oft und wo Christus geboren ist, er, Christus, muss in deinem Herzen geboren werden, sonst ist er vergeblich geboren.<br />So geh&#246;ren auch wir, die wir doch von klein auf mit der frohen Botschaft "Er ist geboren" konfrontiert sind, so sehr konfrontiert, dass manch einer es als Bel&#228;stigung empfindet, zu denen, zu denen der HERR erst noch kommen soll. <br />So geh&#246;ren auch wir zu den harrenden V&#246;lkern, die oft schon so lange harren, dass sie gar nicht mehr wissen, auf was und wen sie da harren, weswegen ich all den Weihnachtsrummel, mittlerweile nicht mehr skeptisch sehe, sondern als Ausdruck einer Sehnsucht, die gar nicht mehr wei&#223;, wonach sie sich sehnt, aber einer Sehnsucht, die dennoch einfach tief im Menschen ist,<br />Daher: Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent, ja er, der HERR, der Erl&#246;ser, der K&#246;nig der K&#246;nige, er kommt zu uns.<br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-79d2588d feed-lectiodivinanotes" id="item-b8579c3e">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Matins readings for the first week of Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Lectio Divina Notes</a>]</span>
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<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;">The readings at Matins this week are:<br /><br /><b>Sunday</b><br /><br />Nocturn I: Isaiah 1:1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-11<br />Nocturn II: Sermon of St Leo (<a href="">Sermon 19, chapter 1</a>&nbsp;- broken into four readings)<br />Nocturn III: Sermon of St Gregory (<a href="">Homily 1 on the Evangelist</a>&nbsp;- including the first sentence of chapter 2, broken into four readings)<br />Gospel: St Luke 21:25-33<br /><br /><b>Monday</b><br /><br /><i>Feast of St Andrew (30 November):</i><br />Nocturn I: Romans 10:4-9, 10-13, 14-17<br />Nocturn II: (<a href="">on the life of the saint</a>)<br />Nocturn III: Sermon of St Gregory (<a href="">Homily 5 n1-2)</a><br /><br />(for the feria: Isaiah 1: 16-18, 19-23, 24-28)<br /><br /><b>Tuesday</b><br /><br />Isaiah 2:1-3, 4-6, 7-9<br /><br /><b>Wednesday</b><br /><br />Isaiah 3:1-4, 5-7, 8-11<br /><br /><b>Thursday</b><br /><br />Isaiah 4: 1-3; 5:1-4, 5-7<br /><br /><b>Friday</b><br /><br />Isaiah 6:1-3, 4-7, 8-10<br /><br /><b>Saturday</b><br /><br />Isaiah 7:1-3, 4-6, 10-15</div>

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<div class="item feed-b22c9e7f feed-" id="item-4b8c453b">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Resolve to run forth to meet Christ</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">&#922;&#945;&#952;&#959;&#955;&#953;&#954;&#972;&#962; &#948;&#953;&#940;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#959;&#962;</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=""><b>Readings: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5.8-10.14; 1 Thes 3:12-4:2; Luke 21:25-28.34-36</b></a><br /><br />I am one of those who believes that the signs enumerated by the Lord in today's Gospel were given precisely to demonstrate the impossibility of calculating when He will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. Can you think of a time during your own life when the nations have not been in disarray, or when there have been no natural disasters, or predictions of cosmic catastrophies? I can't. <br /><br />I think Christ's point is that He can return at any time, which is why He gave this exhortation: <blockquote>Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man&#8221; (Luke 21:34-36)</blockquote> But even if the Lord does not return soon, you do not know when you will be called to meet Him. Does death not catch many unawares? This is why St Paul, in what is perhaps the very first pastoral letter he wrote, which would make it the earliest book of the New Testament, prays that the Lord will increase the abundance of love in and among the Christians of ancient Thessaloniki- so that they would conduct themselves in a manner pleasing to God in order to be found blameless and holy in His sight when Christ returns. The Lord's return has been imminent ever since His ascension. <br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="260" /></a></div><br /><br />Today we begin a new year of grace, a new time of preparation, another chance to turn our eyes from what is passing and ephemeral to what is eternal and real. We do this by letting ourselves be drawn more deeply into the Paschal mystery, the very core of reality, that is, into the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is what the Eucharist is all about. As Fr Robert Hart noted, "to prepare for the coming again of Jesus Christ, we need do no more, and no less, than we do when we prepare to receive the Communion of His Body and Blood."  <br /><br />We begin each new liturgical year by putting last things first, or, stated another way, we begin by putting what matters most first. So, on this first Sunday of Advent we look forward to Christ's return in glory, which will usher what the prophet Jeremiah called "The L<span style="font-size: x-small;">ORD</span> our justice." <br /><br />Our collect for the First Sunday of Advent expresses all of this very well: <br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><b>Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God,<br />the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ<br />with righteous deeds at his coming,<br />so that, gathered at his right hand,<br />they may be worthy to possess the heavenly Kingdom.<br />Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,<br />who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,<br />one God, for ever and ever.</b></div>

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<div class="item feed-06cdba7f feed-newliturgicalmovement" id="item-b9545fb5">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">NLM Quiz no. 17: What Is This, and Why Is It On a Church? - The Answer</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">New Liturgical Movement</a>]</span>
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<div class="dropcap">Here&#8217;s something to ponder about as you slip into a turkey-induced slumber. Our last quiz was back in January, so as a reminder of the procedure: Please give your answer in the combox, along with any and all details you think pertinent to it. To keep it more interesting, please leave your answer <b>before</b> reading the other comments. We are always pleased to hear humorous answers as well. The photograph does show the item out of context, as I have done before, but I will say that it is part of the decoration of a church&#8217;s fa&#231;ade.<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="300" src="" width="400" /></a></div></div><br /><b>The Answer :</b> Since the church of the Sagrada Fam&#237;lia, of which this is a part, is the second most popular site in Barcelona (after the Picasso Museum...sigh...), many people got the correct answer, or at least part of it. It is indeed a decorative element of the Passion fa&#231;ade, a so-called &#8220;magic square;&#8221; each of the four horizontal and four vertical lines of four squares adds up to the number 33, Christ&#8217;s&nbsp;age at the time of His Passion, as do the two major diagonals, each corner quadrant, the central quadrant, and various other combinations.<br /><br />To be perfectly honest, I rather suspected this quiz would prove to be fairly easy, but went ahead and posted it anyway, knowing that it would bring out some interesting entries in Most Wildly Incorrect Answer and Best Humorous Answer categories. In this, I was not disappointed. The Most Wildly Incorrect Answer award goes to Jackie, even though she gave the correct location. &#8220;Dice representation on the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.&#8221; Dice? There are actually soldiers playing dice over Christ&#8217;s garment elsewhere on the Passion fa&#231;ade, and they look as much like dice as the sculptor (this is the work of Josep Subirachs, not of Gaud&#237; himself) could make them (which isn&#8217;t much.) Honorable Mention to Hoss Gardner for his guess that it is an old Roman Calendar - good try, but although the Roman calendar was a rather messy affair before Caesar&#8217;s reform, it wasn&#8217;t <i>that </i>messy!<br /><br />Mornac runs away with the Best Humorous Answer,&nbsp;&#8220;It's a relief depicting a numeric Rubik&#8217;s cube that dissident bishops will be forced to solve in order to be released from purgatory. The numbers correspond to the number of liturgical abuses they allowed in their dioceses. The six sides of the cube represent the last six years of their episcopacy. The object is to display the exact number of abuses in each of those years simultaneously on the six faces of the cube.&#8221; Nice work!<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-737b72c0 feed-theeponymousflower" id="item-024eb57a">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Campaign Against Archbishop Luigi Negri: "He Wished the Death of Pope Francis"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a>]</span>
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<div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;"><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Archbishop Negri of Ferrara</td></tr></tbody></table>(Rome) Archbishop Luigi Negri of Ferrara-Comacchio in Italian Romagna is one of the most prominent episcopal figures in Europe.&nbsp;That Archbishop Negri is not particularly happy with the line of Pope Francis, is no secret.&nbsp;Now, however, there &nbsp;is &nbsp; a frontal attack sawing at the bishop's chair of the inconvenient admonisher.<span id="more-53118"></span></div><h3 style="background-color: white; color: #6fb4fc; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; margin: 12px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px;">Tabloid Launches &nbsp;Attack "for Pope Francis'</h3><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">The left tabloid&nbsp;<em>Il Fatto Quotidiano</em>&nbsp;(FQ) launched a frontal attack two days before &nbsp;against Archbishop Negri.The thrust is similar to that of the journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who now has to answer &nbsp;for &nbsp;Vatileaks II scandal because of his appropriation and disclosure of confidential Vatican documents to the court itself.&nbsp;His book "Via Crucis," he claims to have written, "to help Pope Francis".</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">Similarly now <em>Il Fatto&nbsp;</em>Quotidiano argues.&nbsp;The anti-clerical newspaper pretends to rush to the aid of Pope Francis, against the dishonorable (Nuzzi) and prelates who are enemies of the Pope (Fatto Quotidiano).</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">According to FQ, Archbishop Negri wishes for the death of Pope Francis.&nbsp;The headline on the front page read: "Francis Must Meet the Same End as Any Other Pope".</div><h3 style="background-color: white; color: #6fb4fc; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; margin: 12px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px;">Wiretapped Conversation on the Train?</h3><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">FQ reported on a conversation between the Archbishop and his secretary, the other, unnamed, random "passengers" must &nbsp;have overheard it during a train journey on 28 October.&nbsp;Archbishop Negri is said to have said to his secretary: "Let us hope that the Virgin helps Bergoglio with the same miracle as the other." &nbsp; The "other," &nbsp;Archbishop Negri did not say, but FQ is claiming he meant Pope John Paul I &nbsp;who was only Pope for 33 days &nbsp;in 1978, before he died of a heart attack.</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">The unexpected death of Albino Luciani from &nbsp;the long-standing heart disease, left numerous conspiracy theories run wild, but none of them could be proved.</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;"><em>Il Fatto Quotidiano</em>&nbsp;concluded from an overheard conversation that Archbishop Negri also wishes the reigning Pope a quick death.</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">The newspaper also presented a criticism of Msgr. Negri on the recent appointment of bishops recently. Negri did, says FQ, criticize in a telephone conversation with the journalist Renato Farina, from the daily newspaper&nbsp;<em>Libero,</em>&nbsp;the appointment of Matteo Zuppi and Corrado Lorefice as archbishops of Bologna and Palermo.&nbsp;Negri is supposed to have said: "After the appointment of Bologna and Palermo even I could be Pope.&nbsp;This is an outrage.&nbsp;Incredible. &nbsp;I'm lost for words.&nbsp;This is something I've never seen."</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">Farina has denied since, ever having had such a telephone conversation with Archbishop Negri, and has announced legal action against&nbsp;<em>Fatto Quotidiano</em>.</div><h3 style="background-color: white; color: #6fb4fc; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; margin: 12px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px;">Archbishop Negri: "Injured my Dignity as a Man and as a Church Representative"</h3><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">Archbishop Negri turned yesterday with a&nbsp;<a href=";id_n=1563" style="color: #2683cf; text-decoration: none;">declaration</a>&nbsp;of his diocese.&nbsp;The FQ-products have "seriously injuried my dignity &nbsp;as a person and as a church representative, but also the dignity of the Church."&nbsp;The newspaper had disregarded the most elementary rules of journalism, "and attributed to me in quotes, statements that I never made, and took others out of context in order to turn it into the opposite of what I said." The&nbsp;<em>Fatto Quotidiano</em>&nbsp;has "made a supposition by a journalist into &#8203;&#8203;a certainty."</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">Because of his clear stance on Catholic doctrine, his unflinching rejection of Freemasonry and his strong words, which distinguish him from other bishops, Archbishop Negri has suffered from opponents who are not only outside the Church.&nbsp;&nbsp;Currently, everything is focused against his person, from the spite of anti-ecclesiastical circles outside and progressive circles within the Church and whom they brand &nbsp;as "anti-francistic" by emphasizing a real or perceived contrast and &nbsp;place themselves behind the Pope.</div><h3 style="background-color: white; color: #6fb4fc; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; margin: 12px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px;">Negri Embodies Everything Currently Considered Ecclesiastically "Out"</h3><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">Archbishop Negri is considered traditional, which means that he is decried in some Italian church circles as a "traditionalist".&nbsp;He repeatedly criticized the progressive advances of wanting to overturn the Sacrament of Marriage through Communion for divorced and remarried.&nbsp;Equally clearly, he raised his voice against &nbsp;"gay marriage" and the gender ideology.&nbsp;In his archdiocese he stepped fearlessly into conflict with politicians and mayors who wanted to set up registers for gay couples at the registry offices.&nbsp;Because of his belonging to the community&nbsp;<em>of Communion and Liberation</em>&nbsp;(CL), he is considered by the political left as standing in the center-right camp, in which the known CL representatives, like the longtime head of government of Lombardy, Roberto Formigoni, holds positions.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a&nbsp;&nbsp;direction that was, incidentally, &nbsp;true for the minority of &nbsp;CL members.&nbsp;This is also a result of the current pontificate.The new CL-majority wants to be close to Pope Francis.&nbsp;That explains why CL hastened after the FQ-story &nbsp;to &nbsp;distance itself from Archbishop Negri &nbsp;and call on him in a gruff tone, "to clarify his statements."</div><h3 style="background-color: white; color: #6fb4fc; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; margin: 12px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px;">Calls for "Resignation"?</h3><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">"Why Il Fatto Quotidiano attacks Archbishop Negri is not difficult to understand.&nbsp;He is the figurehead of a Church, which currently has a tough time against the new church of Pope Francis, who applauds progressives and the careerists in the Church and the secular media," says&nbsp;IntelligoNews.&nbsp;It appears doubtful that the Archbishop could have publicly said those things in a train among numerous passengers.&nbsp;"Is FQ &nbsp;in possession of &nbsp;recordings of illegally wiretapped telephone conversations or has an unfaithful employee of Negri's brought something against him?&nbsp;We do not know. &nbsp;Among the many issues surrounding the FQ-story, &nbsp;there is yet one that is "perhaps the most disturbing: Is it permissible to criticize Pope Francis, without running the risk of being spied upon, popped on the cover and brought to the &#8203;&#8203;public &nbsp;pillory?&nbsp;Or is it perhaps as Negri says, &nbsp;that behind this is &nbsp;just another example of a theological hatred of the Church?" said&nbsp;IntelligoNews.<em></em><em></em></div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">Just how serious are the opponents of Archbishop Negri, is &nbsp;shown even more in media reports by&nbsp;<em>La&nbsp;</em>Repubblica,&nbsp;flagship of the left-wing press in Italy and only newspaper that Pope Francis reads daily, headlined: "The Shocking Statement of the Bishop of Ferrara".&nbsp;The daily&nbsp;<em>La Nuova&nbsp;</em>Ferrara,&nbsp;which appears in &nbsp;Negri's See, wrote: "The Resignation is in the Air".</div><div style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 5px 0px;">That seems to be the real target of the action. &nbsp;Archbishop Negri is unlikely to emerge undamaged from this campaign.</div><div id="quelle" style="background-color: white; color: #779d03; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; padding: 5px 0px;">Text: Giuseppe Nardi<br />Image: InfoVaticana</div><div id="quelle" style="background-color: white; color: #779d03; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; padding: 5px 0px;">Trans: Tancred</div><div id="quelle" style="background-color: white; color: #779d03; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; padding: 5px 0px;"><a href="">Link to Katholisches...</a></div><div id="quelle" style="background-color: white; color: #779d03; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; padding: 5px 0px;">AMDG</div><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-784edcea feed-creativeminorityreport" id="item-750198db">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Europe's Choice: Convert or Die!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Creative Minority Report</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>They have published <a href="">my latest for the Remnant online</a>.  I discuss the state of denial that western civilization is in vis-a-vis Islam by way of the cinema classic "Shaun of the Dead."<br /><br />Not to be missed.  <a href="">Please read and share!!</a><br /><br /><div style="height: 0px; width: 0px;">*subhead*Zombieland!*subhead*</div>

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<div class="item feed-6b6931b6 feed-abbeyroads" id="item-d83a067c">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Back online ...</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Abbey Roads</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="223" src="" width="400" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><span style="text-align: left;"><i><span style="font-size: xx-small;">I tried to touch them to make sure they weren't holograms or anything ...</span></i></span></div><br /><br />This is probably the longest time I've been offline in years. &nbsp;No Internet, no email - nothing. &nbsp;I caught the news on network TV and PBS - no print news, no radio. &nbsp;Aside from a bit of television I was probably as unconnected as a Carthusian. &nbsp;I didn't even follow coverage on Francis in Africa on EWTN. <br /><br />It was an excellent break. <br /><br />I got the laptop back today. &nbsp;I surfed a couple of blogs and Catholic social media portals and realized I didn't miss much. &nbsp;Just a quick skim at Pewsitters was enough to jolt me into a fresh sense of recognition that the site is corrupted by detraction simply in and through their headline copy. &nbsp;New Advent struck me as a sort of scolding school for bad Catholics ... the same old, same old Catholic authorities criticizing 'faux' whatever. &nbsp;Writing faux religious rules in the ethernet. &nbsp;It reminds me of the Scripture:&nbsp;For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world ... and online-evangelists. <br /><br />The Internet can be oppressive - you think you're in control, but these weird people infect your interior life with bits of malware. &nbsp;People need to unplug from time to time. &nbsp;A friend asked if my computer was possessed - in a sense it was - by trojans and malware. &nbsp;&nbsp;Our brains pick up crap like that as well - our faith gets corrupted - we pick up these negative bits and criticisms, calumnies and detraction, all sorts of filth and we are influenced by all of it - whether we think so or not. <br /><br />I jokingly emailed my friend, writing: &nbsp;I just skimmed through blog links - same old same old.  I talked to real living people at Best Buy and it was so weird.  I tried to touch them to make sure they weren't holograms or anything - but they backed away.  I've been sequestered for far too long - I have been living online.  The wonderful thing I discovered is that the 'real' people I meet - they do not talk or act like the people online say they do.  They are really pretty nice - they don't scream at me or tell me mean things or anything like that. <br /><br />I may not return next time.  I may follow one of them home and ask if they'll adopt me. &nbsp;You can't do that with online 'friends and followers' - they're not real - they are just online. &nbsp;When I was offline - no one was there. &nbsp;No one.<br /><br /><br /><br /></div>

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-1b1df57c">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Afrika ist nicht gleich Afrika oder alles ist relativ.</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Es war Anfang Oktober - also kurz vor der Synode, als das Prantlhausener Tagblatt (formerly known as S&#252;ddeutsche Zeitung) &#252;ber einen Riesenskandal in einer bayerischen Kleinstadt berichtete. &nbsp;Da kam es zu einem Streit zwischen einem CSU-Funktion&#228;r, der CSU-Ortsvorsitzenden und dem Pfarrgemeinderat. Es ging um Fl&#252;chtlinge. Die CSU-Frau war dagegen, noch mehr aufzunehmen und der gr&#252;n-dominierte PGR verlangte daraufhin von der CSU, doch den Kirchturm aus dem Logo der &#246;rtlichen CSU zu entfernen. Der Streit eskalierte, dass sich sogar der Pfarrer einmischte. Der Pfarrer stammt aus dem Kongo. Er ist nicht nur ein kluger Mann - und das auch noch amtlich best&#228;tigt mit einem Professoren- und mehreren Dr.-Titeln - sondern er hat auch einen sehr guten Draht zu seinen Mitmenschen. In der Hitze des Gefechts hat dann der B&#252;rgermeister das ber&#252;chtigte "N"-Wort in die Runde geworfen. Und schon st&#252;rzte sich das <a href="">Prantlhausener Tagblatt</a> auf den "Fall" und produzierte Artikel um Artikel. Das rief auch den M&#252;nchner Erzbischof auf den Plan, der den CSU-B&#252;rgermeister richtigerweise aufforderte, das sofort zur&#252;ckzunehmen und sich vor den Pfarrer stellte. Auch in den <a href="">MKN</a> gibt es deshalb einige Artikel dazu. Nun hat der CSU-Funktion&#228;r sich entschuldigt, die Vorsitzende ist zur&#252;ckgetreten und alles ist wieder gut .... und auch der M&#252;nchner Erzbischof war zufrieden ....<br />Doch damals wusste er noch nicht, dass die Afrikaner ihn bei der Synode wieder so richtig "&#228;rgern" w&#252;rden und ihm seine hochfliegenden Pl&#228;ne in Sachen WVGHSF austreiben w&#252;rden .... <br /><a name="more"></a>Und dann war da auch noch die Papstrede beim Ad limina-Besuch der deutschen Bisch&#246;fe in Rom.<br />Das musste doch einige Wutausbr&#252;che ausgel&#246;st haben. Denn sonst h&#228;tte man den Bj&#246;rn Odendal nicht so einen <a href="">Standpunkt</a> schreiben lassen. Der Artikel ist so dumm und inzwischen in der katholischen Welt rum, deshalb muss ich das hier nicht noch mal wiederholen. Interessant an der Sache ist ja auch nur, dass dieser "Standpunkt" sogar in die internationale Welt Eingang gefunden (&#224; la "am deutschen Wesen...."). Die renommierte katholische Zeitung <a href=";utm_medium=social&amp;;utm_campaign=buffer">Catholic Herald</a> berichtete zuerst. Inzwischen gibt es Artikel in aller Welt. Nur die deutschen Medien schweigen. Warum?<br />Macht es einen Unterschied, ob ein CSU-Funktion&#228;r einen sehr gebildeten Pfarrer aus dem Kongo beleidigt oder ob ein einen ganzen Kontinent (besonders die Christen dort) als dumm bezeichnet. Waren zu viele kluge Bisch&#246;fe bei der Synode? Sollte das etwa eine Retourkutsche sein? Oder eine Fortsetzung des Angriffs, den Kardinal Kasper ja schon vor einem Jahr gegen die Afrikaner gestartet hatte und auch damals haben die deutschen Medien geschwiegen.<br />Von Rassismus also keine Spur, solange sich die Kirchenm&#228;nner "linientreu" verhalten?<br /><br />Da reiben wir uns erstaunt die Augen ... was in diesen Zeiten so alles m&#246;glich ist. <br /><br />Einmal mehr eine gute Gelegenheit, den Afrikanern f&#252;r ihre Glaubenstreue und die Rettung der Lehre zu danken. Sie sind das Zeichen daf&#252;r, die Hoffnung niemals aufzugeben!<br /><br /><br /><br />

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-0a03ad15 feed-newsong" id="item-34cd6a1c">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Introducing the Jesse Tree</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">New Song</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Nothing says &#8220;Advent&#8221; for me like the <a href="">Jesse Tree</a>.&#160; For years now, I have talked through the story of salvation every December&#160;with my children using ornaments on an old cloth tree.&#160; But what is the Jesse Tree, exactly?&#160; Here&#8217;s how I have explained it to my kids (with a few bigger words because you&#8217;re not a kid):</p>
<p><strong><a href=""><img alt="JesseTree" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1494" height="300" src="" width="230" /></a>Q.</strong> Does anybody know what this is?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> It&#8217;s a Jesse Tree.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> What do you do with a Jesse Tree?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Hang ornaments on it telling the story of salvation history.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> Why do we hang ornaments to tell the story instead of just telling the story?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> The Jesse Tree is a mnemonic device; we easily remember a set of pictures arranged on a tree where we might have difficulty remembering a set of words on a page.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> Why is it called a Jesse Tree?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Because of the messianic&#160;prophecy in Is 11:1 about the &#8220;stump&#8221; of Jesse.<span id="more-1491"></span></p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> But why is it called a &#8220;Jesse&#8221; Tree in particular?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Because Jesse was the father of David.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> Based on this prophecy, what is the Jesse &#8220;Tree&#8221;?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> The Jesse Tree is Christ himself.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> Why then do we hang the ornaments on Christ?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Because the whole story of salvation history depends at every step on Christ.&#160; The word &#8220;depend&#8221; comes from the Latin word <em>de-pender</em><em>e</em>, which means &#8220;to hang from.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> In what way does the story of salvation history depend on Christ?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Each person or event represented by the ornaments foreshadows Christ and prepares for him. He is the model and the goal of each person and event.</p>
<p><b>Q.</b> What does the word &#8220;Advent&#8221; mean?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> &#8220;Coming,&#8221; namely the coming of Christ.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> How many &#8220;comings&#8221; of Christ are described in Luke and Acts?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Three comings: his birth and ministry, the descent of the Spirit on the Church, and his coming at the end of time as judge.</p>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> Do we celebrate each of the three comings during Advent?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Yes. We remember Christ&#8217;s past birth, experience his present invisible coming into our hearts, and look forward to his future coming as judge.</p>
<blockquote><p>St. Bernard: &#8220;In the first coming, he comes in the flesh and in weakness; in the second, he comes in spirit and in power; in the third, he comes in glory and in majesty; and the second coming is the means whereby we pass from the first to the third.&#8221;</p></blockquote>
<p><strong>Q.</strong> Is the whole story of Scripture summed up in the Advent season?<br />
<strong>A.</strong> Yes. The three comings of Christ encompass the story of the New Testament, and the same three comings are the true form and goal of every story of the Old Testament.</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-e66b2dbc feed-justthomism" id="item-e2f2102d">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A political hypothesis</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Just Thomism</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><em>Hypothesis:&#160;</em>Refuse to accept any individual or group as a political villain unless they routinely&#160;issue very large campaign checks. Under this, we get</p>
<blockquote><p><em>possible villains:&#160;</em>the NEA, CALPERS, Goldman Sachs, the members of our national insurance cartel, Mark Zuckerberg, the NRA.</p>
<p><em>not possible villains:&#160;</em>Radical Islam, immigrants, American overconsumption, Leftists on campus, SUV&#8217;s, and (as a rule) all individual politicians.</p></blockquote>
<p>The rule will miss a few obvious villains (corrupt city councils, ideological judges) but the spirit of the rule is to only vilify beings that have direct control (even if not total control) over the levers of power.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=679086&#038;post=14927&#038;subd=thomism&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-3022de37 feed-nickscatholicblog" id="item-83dc9497">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Is sinfulness what prevents "Works" from saving us?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">NICK'S CATHOLIC BLOG</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>I'm glad to say this blog is not dead. I did take a break, but mostly because I was busy with life and didn't have anything new/original to share. I never wanted this blog to be about posting for the sake of posting, so I deliberately limited my number of posts and only would post when I felt I had something worthwhile to share that wasn't the same old apologetics you read anywhere else.&#160;


<div class="item feed-8f1bfeb1 feed-edwardfeser" id="item-a3dd8983">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Telegraph on Scholastic Metaphysics</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Edward Feser</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>   Normal  0                      false  false  false    EN-US  X-NONE  X-NONE                                       MicrosoftInternetExplorer4                                     <br />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="line-height: 115%;">At <i>The Daily Telegraph</i>, Christopher Howse <a href="">kindly calls attention</a> to my book <i><a href=";qid=1391482601&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=scholastic+metaphysics+a+contemporary+introduction">Scholastic Metaphysics</a></i>, which he describes as follows:</span></span><br /></div><span style="font-size: small;"> </span><br /><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;"><i><span style="line-height: 115%;">A brilliant new defence of metaphysics&#8230;</span></i><i><span style="line-height: 115%;"> [I]t is a lively read. &nbsp;The author is Edward Feser, and in 2011 Sir Anthony [Kenny] gave something of a rave review in the </span></i><span style="line-height: 115%;">TLS<i> to an earlier book by him, </i>The Last Superstition<i>...</i></span></span></div>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-46b49d79 feed-taylormarshall" id="item-5eb11f71">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Merry Christmas OR Happy Advent &#8211; How should Catholics Respond?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Taylor Marshall</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Everybody is already wishing me &#8220;Merry Christmas&#8221; and I&#8217;m responding: <strong>&#8220;Thank you, we&#8217;re getting ready for Advent first, though. Happy Advent!&#8221; </strong></p>
<p>90% of the time, the other person will ask, <strong>&#8220;What&#8217;s Advent?&#8221;</strong> and that&#8217;s your cue to&#160;&#8220;be salty&#8221; (Mt 5:13)&#160;and papistically practice the New Evangelization!</p>
<h2>Join us for a Live Catholic Event&#160;on &#8220;Advent&#8221;:</h2>
<p>So to help you answer the question: <strong>&#8220;What is Advent?&#8221;</strong> I&#8217;m inviting you to a&#160;live, online&#160;30 minute Webinar this coming Thursday on: <strong><a href="" target="_blank">&#8220;The History and Theology of Advent (Plus Tips for Catholic Families)&#8221;</a>:</strong></p>
<li>Did you know that Catholics used to celebrate 5 (<a href="" target="_blank">not just 4</a>) Sundays of Advent?</li>
<li>Did you know that there is an ancient theological and &#8220;40 day&#8221; connection between Advent and Lent?</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 12.27.01 PM" class="size-full wp-image-6518 alignright" height="163" src="" width="200" /></a>Did you know that the Advent Wreath may have&#160;started with Lutherans?</li>
<li>Did you know that Taylor will be sharing personal recommendations based on how his family and children celebrate Advent?</li>
<li>Did you know that everyone who attends this webinar will get a free ebook copy of my book <em><a href="" target="_blank">God&#8217;s Birthday: The Evidence for Christ&#8217;s Birth on December 25</a>:</em></li>
<p>What are you waiting for? Let&#8217;s learn about <a href="" target="_blank">Catholic Advent.</a></p>
<p><strong>Sign up for the Live Advent Webinar Event this Thursday. Register by <a href="" target="_blank">clicking here:</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 1.55.34 PM" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6517" height="182" src="" width="574" /></a></p>
<p>If you don&#8217;t see the sign up button in your email or feed, <a href="" target="_blank">click here to register</a>.</p>
<span id="pty_trigger"></span><div class="rssfooter"><a href="">
<img alt="" border="0" /></a></div><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Merry Christmas OR Happy Advent &#8211; How should Catholics Respond?</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Taylor Marshall</a>.</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-567743be feed-edinburghhousewife" id="item-fcd1ac4f">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A Short Homily on Blasphemy...</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="298" /></a></div>...for which only a few readers will divine the reasons. Sorry.<br /><br />Say a chap sends a tweet he means to be cheeky (not blasphemous) to a friend over Twitter. He is referring to a theological post he wrote, and he copies in the guy he's being cheeky about, so that the guy might read the post.<br /><br />Then say the mocked guy goes nuts because he assumes--not without cause--that the tweet is blasphemous. <br /><br />The mocked guy then publishes the tweet he thinks is blasphemous on his blog to disgrace the mocker and bring his workplace into disrepute.<br /><br />The mocked guy's readers rage in the combox about the mocker, demand that he be fired, offer conspiracy theories that he's not a Catholic but "a Jew", etc., because the stupid tweet does look blasphemous, especially after the mocked guy's side of the story.<br /><br /><b>BUT</b><br /><br />The mocker didn't intend his tweet to be blasphemous. He published it on Twitter for two people to see.<br /><br />The mocked believed the tweet to be blasphemous. He published it on his blog for as many people as possible to see.<br /><br />Who has blasphemed? One, both or neither?<br /><br /><br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-5386bfc9 feed-catholicsacristan" id="item-c5e0dcbd">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Converts from Islam slain</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div style="text-align: justify;">There are few places of refuge for Christians in the Middle East. Yemen is not one of them.<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Two converts from Islam slain in Yemen</i></blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Both Christians had received threats; one from Muslim family members, the other from Al Qaeda.</i></blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq">November 25, 2015</blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><a href=";utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MorningStarNews+%28Morning+Star+News%29"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: xx-small;">;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MorningStarNews+%28Morning+Star+News%29</span></a></blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq">[The identity of the reporter is not given. Presumably to protect him/her from any repercussions resulting from the report.]</blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>ISTANBUL, Turkey (Morning Star News) &#8211; Two Christians in Yemen, both converts from Islam, have been ambushed and killed because of their faith, according to sources close to the victims.</i></blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>In Taiz, a city with a pre-war population of 600,000 people in southwest Yemen, at least one member of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) ambushed a Christian man in the city and shot him 15 to 20 times in early September. A second Christian was shot once in his home on Oct. 2, sources said. The second victim may have been killed by a Muslim extremist group or by members of his own family, they said.</i></div></blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;">In other news, a young Egyptian woman is made a scapegoat and killed for converting to Christianity.</div><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;">[Edited for length and grammar.]</div></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;">November 26, 2015<br /><br /><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;"><a href="">EGYPT</a>&#8211; This is a sad story but it gets to explain how things work in Muslim Egypt. <b>Four years ago in Alexandria Egypt, a 22 year old Muslim named &#8220;Marwa A. E&#8221; is divorced by her Muslim husband. She later falls in love with her neighbor; a young Coptic Christian man. She then converts to Christianity, marries her Christian love and moves with him to hide in a distant village in Tamia (Tamiyyah). </b>They had two children and she was two months pregnant. Last week the couple decided to secretly visit their church back in Alexandria [...]. She is then spotted by her daughter she had given birth to from her previous Muslim husband. [...] <b>Her daughter (from the previous Muslim husband) was irate that her mother had taken off the Hijab and had easily recognized her. The daughter [...] tells her mother&#8217;s uncle and brother and they (apprehended) Marwa as it is typically the custom: (they) kidnap the convert and take them to a family home and keep them in tribal custody until they recant their Christian faith.</b></span><br /><a name="more"></a><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;"><br />Marwa&#8217;s Muslim family then demand to impose the terms for a truce which mandates as punishment that all Christians have 10 days to sell all their properties and leave Tamia with their belongings.<b> The Christian husband&#8217;s life (and their two children) are to be spared on the condition that Marwa gives her life in accordance to Sharia justice.</b><br /><br />The wrath doesn&#8217;t just end here and the ruckus then erupts in the village of Tamia where the Muslims create a frenzy at the couple&#8217;s village of residence and the feud begins [...] against the Christians who are accused of harboring a fugitive and converting Marwa from Islam to Christianity.<br /><br />Then the <a href="">governorate</a> security director, Major General Nasser Abed, supervised the agreement between the Muslim family and several Christian families in the village of Tamia to ensure the evacuation of Christians from the village.<br /><br /><b>And to bury the strife between the two parties, Marwa&#8217;s uncle and the brother and all the cousins then took Marwa at dawn and beheaded her. The one who <a href="">did the beheading</a> (<a href="">November 8, 2015</a>) was Marwa&#8217;s sister in order to teach a lesson to all women who leave Islam.</b><br /><br /><a href="">Then Marwa&#8217;s body was dumbed at a nearby cemetery</a>. [<a href="">SOURCE LINK</a>: Shoebat]</span></div></blockquote>See also:</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;"></span></a></blockquote>Pray for the conversion of souls.</div>

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-a1edc74f">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Fundst&#252;ck</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
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<p>In der deutschen Ausgabe der <b>CNA</b> &nbsp;&#228;u&#223;ert sich ein afrikanischer Katholik, der in Deutschland lebende, aus Kamerun stammende Arzt,&nbsp;<b>Philippe Mirko</b> &nbsp;im Interview zu den bei verbreiteten Afrika-Vorstellungen und der Kritik an der afrikanischen Kirche und Kardinal Sarah des Herrn Odendahl und somit der DBK. Seinem Vorschlag, nur &#252;ber Dinge zu sprechen, von denen man etwas versteht, kann man sich nur anschlie&#223;en.<br /><br /><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">"Gro&#223;es Aufsehen &#8211; und stellenweise Emp&#246;rung &#8211; hat</span><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">&nbsp;</span><a href="" style="color: #006699; line-height: 25.6px; text-decoration: none;">ein Kommentar</a><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">&nbsp;</span><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">der Kolumne &#8220;Standpunkt&#8221; auf dem Portal der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland erregt. Ausgel&#246;st offenbar durch die Kritik</span><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">&nbsp;</span><a href="" style="color: #006699; line-height: 25.6px; text-decoration: none;">von Papst Franziskus</a><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">&nbsp;</span><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">an den deutschen Bisch&#246;fen, kommentiert der Journalist Bj&#246;rn Odendahl mit scharfen Worten den Papst und den Glauben in Afrika anl&#228;sslich dessen Reise nach Kenia, Uganda und in die Zentralfrikanische Republik......"</span><br /><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">weiterlesen - lohnt sich- im Originalbeitrag von CNA: &nbsp;<b><a href="">klicken</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></span><br /><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">Titel des Beitrages:</span><br /><span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; line-height: 25.6px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>"DIE AFRIKANISCHE KIRCHE MUSS NICHT VER&#196;NDERT WERDEN:"</b></span><br /><span style="font-size: x-small;">Quelle. CNA, via Twitter</span><br /><br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-959a591f feed-denzingerkatholik" id="item-af0f9c75">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Die Kollekten des Advent und ihre &#220;bersetzungen - 1. Sonntag</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: right;"><i><span style="font-size: x-small;">Dominica prima Adventus Domini nostri Iesu Christi.</span></i></div><div style="text-align: right;"><span style="font-size: x-small;">- R&#246;misches Martyrologium</span></div><br />Da der Beitrag zur <a href="" target="_blank">"vergleichenden Liturgie&#252;bersetzungswissenschaft" neulich</a>&nbsp;auf ein gewisses Interesse stie&#223;, m&#246;chte ich das mal als kleines Projekt im diesj&#228;hrigen Advent fortf&#252;hren, in dem ich die vermutlich bedeutendsten &#220;bersetzungen zur Verf&#252;gung und gegen&#252;ber stelle. Verweisen m&#246;chte ich dabei auf meine Serie vom vergangenen Jahr, die auch immer wieder ganz besonders auf die Orationen einging, so auch am <a href="" target="_blank">1. Sonntag im Advent</a>.<br /><br /><span style="color: blue;">Schott</span>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Biete Deine Macht auf, o Herr, und komm, wir bitten Dich: dann werden wir aus den Gefahren, die wegen unserer S&#252;nden uns drohen, durch Deinen Schutz entrissen und durch Deine Erl&#246;sungstat errettet: Der Du lebst.</i></blockquote><span style="color: blue;">Bomm</span>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Wir bitten, Herr, erwecke Deine Macht und komme, damit wir den Gefahren, die uns von unseren S&#252;nden drohen, durch Deinen Schutz entrissen seien und Erl&#246;sung finden, wenn Du uns befreist: Der Du lebst.</i></blockquote><span style="color: blue;">1965er Me&#223;buch</span>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Biete auf deine Macht, Herr Jesus Christus; wir bitten dich: komm! Du unser Besch&#252;tzer, entrei&#223;e uns aller Gefahr, die uns droht wegen unserer S&#252;nden; du unser Heiland, errette uns: Der Du lebst.</i></blockquote><span style="color: blue;">Schenk</span>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Wir bitten Dich, Herr: Biete auf Deine Macht und komm! Wenn Du uns sch&#252;tzest, werden wir bewahrt vor den Gefahren, die uns wegen unserer S&#252;nden drohen; wenn Du uns rettest, k&#246;nnen wir das Heil erlangen. Du lebst.</i></blockquote><span style="color: blue;">Erzpr. Stephan</span>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>La&#223;, o Herr, wir bitten dich, wirksam werden deine Macht und komme, damit wir w&#252;rdig werden, von den Gefahren, die uns auf Grund unserer S&#252;nden drohen, herausgehoben und durch die uns von dir gebotene Befreiung beseligt zu werden. Der Du lebst.</i>&nbsp;</blockquote><span style="color: blue;">P. Ramm</span>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Biete auf, so bitten wir, Herr, Deine Macht und komm, damit wir von den drohenden Gefahren unserer S&#252;nden durch Deinen Schutz gerettet und, von Dir befreit, erl&#246;st zu werden verdienen, der Du lebst.</i></blockquote><br />Zweifelsohne bieten die Brevier&#252;bersetzer, die unteren drei, die wortgetreueste &#220;bersetzung des lateinischen Textes. Diese Art von &#220;bertragung hat ihre Berechtigung und nutzt auch besonders in der Analyse des Gebetes. Davon wiederum ausgehend k&#246;nnte man zu sprachlich bek&#246;mmlicheren Varianten schreiten, welche die eigentliche Gedankenf&#252;hrung und den "Ton" der lateinischen Kollekte besser treffen, ihn wirklich - soweit eben m&#246;glich - ins Deutsche &#252;bertragen. Meiner Meinung nach gelingt das dem lateinisch-deutschen Me&#223;buch von 1965 am besten. Kein Wunder, denn es war f&#252;r den liturgischen Gebrauch bestimmt und nimmt den Charakter der r&#246;mischen Prosa-Dichtung in deutscher Gewandung auf (und es l&#228;sst sich auch gescheit singen); hier erklingt am st&#228;rksten die Not des s&#252;ndigen Menschen und die absolute Abh&#228;ngigkeit vom Advent der Gnade ... <i>wir bitten dich: komm, errette uns!</i>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The First Sunday of Advent: "God alone can be our ideal, our goal"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a>]</span>
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<p>On this First Sunday of Advent, let us join our prayers to those of all our forefathers in the Latin rites of the Church who have gone before us, praying in the Introit of the Mass: "To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul."<br /><br /><a name="more"></a><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><br /><i>Ad te, Domine, levavi animam meam:</i><br /><i>Deus meus, in te confido; non erubescam.</i><br /><i>Neque irrideant me inimici mei : etenim universi qui sustinent te, non confundentur.&nbsp;</i><br />V. <i>Vias tuas, Domine, demonstra mihi: et semitas tuas edoce me.</i><br /><br />To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul:<br />My God, in Thee I trust: let me not be put to shame.<br />Nor let my enemies laugh over me: for indeed, all who rely on Thee shall not be confounded.<br /><div>V. Thy ways, O Lord, show unto me: and teach me Thy paths.</div><div><br /></div><div>Here is what Dom Johner, in his masterful <i>The Chants of the Vatican Gradual </i>(pp. 13-14),<i>&nbsp;</i>has to say about the atmosphere of this stirring Introit:</div><div><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">"Lift up (<i>levate</i>) your heads, because your redemption is at hand." Thus the Lord consoles us in the Gospel for today, which, in the main, is intensely serious. He wishes to come as our Redeemer on Christmas night, and for this the Advent season, now beginning, is to prepare us. <b>He wants to free our soul from the foes that press it from every side, from enemies who think they can already rejoice at our defeat. </b>Although we may often have looked up (<i>levavi</i>) to some vain thing, considering its attainment our life's ambition, there has always come a time when we realized the nothingness of it all, realized that God alone can be our ideal, our goal. Only when we take cognizance of His ways (<i>vias tuas, Domine</i>) and walk accordingly, can we find true happiness. <b>God alone can guard the beauty and nobility of our soul against its every enemy. At the beginning of the liturgical year our soul strives, therefore, to elevate itself, definitely and decisively, to Him who by His incarnation&nbsp;becomes its God (<i>Deus meus</i>) and who wishes to be intimately united with it in Holy Communion. </b>For this reason Deus meus sounds almost jubilant. For this reason, too, strong accents are placed over <i>in te confido</i>; and <i>non erubescam </i>and <i>neque irrdieant </i>sound more like a song of victory than a suppliant petition.<br /><br /><span style="color: #990000;">"Lift up your heads, for your redemption is at hand." Some time it will come, the perfected redemption, when the Son of Man will come in the clouds of heaven "with great power and majesty." Then all the world will see that no one who trusts in God is ever confounded. Then those who put their faith in men will stand abashed. Then the longing of all those (<i>universi</i>) who were turned toward God will be fulfilled and all the desires (<i>exspectant</i>) of the human heart will find their complete satisfaction in God. </span></span></div></blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="text-align: justify;"></div></div></div>

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<div class="item feed-ce401835 feed-cnadailynewsvatican" id="item-ad536ae3">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope Francis&#8217; three words for Ugandan religious: Memory, fidelity and prayer</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNA Daily News - Vatican</a>]</span>
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<p><img src="" /><p>Kampala, Uganda, Nov 28, 2015 / 10:41 am (<a href="" target="_self">CNA/EWTN News</a>).- Pope Francis wrapped up his public appearances in Uganda with an address to the priests, religious and seminarians of the country at the Cathedral in Kampala.<br /><br />

	In an off-the-cuff homily in the Jesuit tradition &ndash; brief, with three main points &ndash; Pope Francis reflected on three words: memory, fidelity and prayer.<br /><br />

	The greatest treasure of the memory of the Ugandan people is the witness of their martyrs, the Holy Father said. &nbsp;<br /><br />

	&ldquo;As I said to the young people today, through the veins of young people and all Ugandan people is flowing the blood of the martyrs,&rdquo; Pope Francis said.<br /><br />

	&ldquo;Please don&rsquo;t lose the memory of this great seed.&rdquo;<br /><br />

	Pope Francis&rsquo; Nov. 27-28 trip to Uganda, the second of three countries on his trip to Africa, comes one year after the 50th anniversary of the canonization of the Uganda Martyrs.<br /><br />

	Saint Charles Lwanga and his 21 companions were killed by the king in the 1880s, alongside 23 Anglican converts to Christianity for refusing to recant their faith. They were canonized Oct. 18, 1964, by Bl. Pope Paul VI in St. Peter's Basilica.<br /><br />

	&ldquo;Ask for the grace never to forget but to keep alive their memory,&rdquo; Pope Francis said.<br /><br />

	In order to keep the memory of the martyrs alive, it must live on in the faithful witness of priests and religious today, he added.<br /><br />

	&ldquo;You are part of the future glory (of the Church),&rdquo; the Pope said.<br /><br />

	All clergy and religious are called &ldquo;to be witnesses just as the martyrs laid down their lives for the Gospel.&rdquo;<br /><br />

	The Pope then reflected on fidelity, and the need for clergy and religious to be faithful to the memory of the martyrs as well as to their own vocations.<br /><br />

	One way to show this fidelity, the Pope suggested, is to keep the missionary spirit alive within the country of Uganda. &nbsp;<br /><br />

	&ldquo;Fidelity means having a bishop that is generous in offering priests to a neighboring diocese that needs clergy,&rdquo; he said.<br /><br />

	It also means &ldquo;persevering in one&rsquo;s vocation, and I want to thank here especially the example of fidelity that I received in the House of Charity - fidelity to the poor, to the infirm, the disabled, because Christ is there,&rdquo; he said, referencing his earlier visit to the House of Charity in Nalukolongo, Uganda.<br /><br />

	The Holy Father then emphasized the need for prayer as the only thing that makes possible the witness of memory and fidelity.&nbsp;<br /><br />

	&ldquo;If a religious or a priest stops praying, because he or she has too much work, then he or she has begun to lose their memory and to lose their fidelity,&rdquo; he said.<br /><br />

	Prayer also means regular confession, to ensure that one is not living a double life as a religious, the Pope added. &nbsp;<br /><br />

	&ldquo;If you are a sinner, ask for forgiveness, but don&rsquo;t keep hidden what God doesn&rsquo;t want to remain hidden.&rdquo;<br /><br />

	At the conclusion of his address, the Pope called on the intercession of the martyrs of Uganda, and asked all those present to pray for him. He then led the clergy and religious in the Hail Mary.<br /><br />

	The Pope will conclude his trip to Africa in the Central African Republic, which he will visit Nov. 29-30.&nbsp;<br /><br /></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-2a767ec0">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Die M&#228;rtyrer von Uganda. Sandro Magister zur Papstreise nach Afrika</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Aus gegebenem Anlass noch einmal reaktiviert.....<br /><br />&#220;ber den bevorstehenden Besuch von Papst Franziskus am Schrein der M&#228;rtyrer in Namugongo hat sich <b>Sandro Magiste</b>r beim<b> Settimo Cielo,</b> L&#180; Espresso, Gedanken gemacht. Hier geht&#180;s zum Original:<br /><b><a href="">klicken</a></b><br /><br /><b>"DIE M&#196;RTYRER VON UGANDA DIE DIE ABSCHEULICHEN ANSINNEN &nbsp;DES K&#214;NIGS ZUR&#220;CKWIESEN"</b><br /><br />"Auf  dem &nbsp;Programm der beginnenden Afrikareise von Papst Franziskus steht auch der Besuch des Schreins der M&#228;rtyrer von Namugongo in Uganda, mit der Konzelebration einer Messe am Samstag, 28. November.<br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<img alt="Uganda" src="" /><br /><br />Die wenigsten wissen und fast keiner erz&#228;hlt, wie und warum diesse M&#228;rtyrer ermordet wurden.<br />Um das zu erfahren, gen&#252;gt es, das R&#246;mische Martyrologicum aufzuschlagen.<br /><br />Dort liest man, da&#223; der Heilige Carlo Lwanga und seine 12 M&#228;rtyrer Gef&#228;hrten, - im Alter zwischen 14 und 30 Jahren - die zum K&#246;nigshof der jungen Adeligen bzw. der Leibgarde K&#246;nig Mwangas geh&#246;rten und neue und gl&#252;hende Anh&#228;nger des katholischen Glaubens waren, sich geweigert hatten, den abscheulichen Ansinnen des K&#246;nigs Folge zu leisten - und die auf den H&#252;geln Namugongos mit dem Schwert hingerichtet - w&#228;hrend andere lebendigen Leibes verbrannt wurden."<br /><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;">Unter den "abscheulichen Ansinnen" mu&#223; man die homosexuellen Begierden des K&#246;nigs verstehen.<br /><br />Ihr Martyrium ereignete sich 1886 im damals unabh&#228;ngigen K&#246;nigreich Buganda, das kurz zuvor von den Wei&#223;en Patres christianisiert worden war.</span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;">Carlo Lwanga und seine 12 M&#228;rtyrer-Gef&#228;hrten wurden am 6. Juni 1920 von Benedikt XV selig und am 8. Oktober 1964 - mitten w&#228;hrend des II. Vaticanischen Konzils - von Paul VI heilig gesprochen.</span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">Am Ort ihres Martyriums wurde ein Schrein errichtet, den Paul VI 1969 w&#228;hrend seines Besuches in Uganda einweihte. Und ein anderer wurde - ein wenig entfernt - von der Anglikanischen Kirche gebaut, die ebenfalls ihre M&#228;rtyrer hatte, in jenen Jahren der Gemetzel an jungen Konvertiten zum Christentum und auch zum Islam.</span><span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: inherit;">Im Katholisch-R&#246;mischen Ritus ist der liturgische Gede</span>nktag des Hl. Carlos Lwanga und seiner 12 Gef&#228;hrten auf den 3. Juni festgelegt,<br /><br /><a name="more"></a><br /><br />Und in einem gewollten Zusammentreffen -n&#228;mlich am 3. Juni 2003- hat die Glaubenskongregation -mit der Unterschrift des damaligen Kardinals Joseph Ratzingers eines der meistzitierten und umstrittensten Dokumente zur Position der Kirche zur Homosexualit&#228;t herausgegeben.<br /><br /><b>"&#220;berlegungen zum Projekt der juristischen Anerkennung von homosexuellen Verbindungen"</b><br />In diesem Dokument liest man:<br />"Die Kirche lehrt, da&#223; der Respekt, mit dem man homosexuellen Personen begegnen soll, auf keinen Fall zur Anerkennung homosexuellen Verhaltens f&#252;hren darf oder zur juristischen Anerkennung homosexueller Verbindungen."<br /><br />In der katholischen Katechese-Tradition geh&#246;ren homosexuelle Beziehungen auch weiterhin zu den 4 S&#252;nden, "die angesichts Gottes nach Rache schreien" (nach der Terminologie des Katechismus von Pius X) oder "die zum Himmel schreien" (wie im Katechismus von Johannes Paul II von 1992), mit der Benennung als der "S&#252;nde der Sodomiter"!.<br /><br />Aber diese Tradition scheint heute dem Vergessen anheim gefallen zu sein.<br /><br />Etwas, was nicht verhindert, da&#223; Papst Franziskus nicht sanft wird, wenn es um die Rechtfertigung und den aktuellen Lobpreis homosexueller Praktiken geht.<br />Erst in diesem Jahr hat er sich dem mehrmals entgegen geworfen.<br />Er hat wiederholt die "neuen ideologischen Kolonisationen, die versuchen, die Familie zu zerst&#246;ren" verurteilt,  wobei er unter Kolonisation vor allem die Gender-Ideologie versteht, &#252;ber die er sagte:<br /><br />"Ich frage mich ob die sogenannte Gender-Theorie nicht Ausdruck von Frustration und Resignation ist, die den sexuellen Unterschied abschaffen will, weil sie sich mit ihr nicht auseinandersetzen will. Ja, wir sind in Gefahr, einen Schritt r&#252;ckw&#228;rts zu gehen, die Abschaffung der Differenz ist nicht die L&#246;sung, sie ist das Problem."<br /><br />Besonders hat Franziskus diese ideologische Kolonisation verurteilt, die vor allem an den afrikanischen Nationen begangen werde, indem sie Finanzhilfen an die Einf&#252;hrung von Gesetzen, die die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe institutionalisieren, koppeln. Eine solche Verurteilung findet sich auch im Schlussdokument der Bischofssynode des vergangenen Oktobers.<br /><br />Man kann also voraussehen, da&#223; der Papst dieser Verurteilung wieder seine Stimme leiht, wenn er in Uganda das Ged&#228;chtnis des Hl. Carlo Lwanga und seine 12 Gef&#228;hrten feiert, die zu M&#228;rtyrern wurden, weil sie ihre Keuschheit verteidigten.<br />Wenn es so kommt, wird es interessant sein, zu beobachten, ob eine solche wiederholte Verurteilung die vorherrschende Meinung &#252;ber die "Welt-Erkennungsmarke"des Pontifikates von Franziskus ber&#252;hren wird, sein hochber&#252;hmtes, auf die Homosexuellen bezogenes  "who am I to judge" .<br /><br /><span style="font-family: inherit; font-size: x-small;">Quelle: Settimo Cielo, L&#180;Espresso, Sandro Magister</span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit; font-size: x-small;"><br /></span><br /><br /><br /><div class="post-entry" style="border-bottom-color: rgb(237, 237, 237); border-bottom-style: solid; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; color: #444444; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 25px 10px; vertical-align: baseline;"><div style="border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; margin-bottom: 14px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><br /></div><div style="border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; margin-bottom: 14px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><br /></div><div style="border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; margin-bottom: 14px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><br /></div></div>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">'Swa leaf on treowum'</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">A Clerk of Oxford</a>]</span>
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<p>Wynter wakeneth al my care,
Nou this leves waxeth bare;
Ofte I sike ant mourne sare
When hit cometh in my thoght
Of this worldes joie, hou hit goth al to noht.

Nou hit is, and nou hit nys,
Also hit ner nere, ywys;
That moni mon seith, soth hit ys:
Al goth bote Godes wille:
Alle we shule deye, thah us like ylle.

Al that gren me graueth grene,
Nou hit faleweth al by dene:
Jesu, help that hit

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<div class="item feed-9664fa7f feed-thesacredpage" id="item-bfed2c66">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Staying Sober While We Wait: Readings for 1st Sunday of Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Sacred Page</a>]</span>
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Voice of Miss America?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">AKA Catholic</a>]</span>
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<p>Heard any good jokes lately? I saw one online this morning. It&#8217;s an oldie but goodie; a real side splitter. The Holy See is reporting Pope Francis&#8217; diplomatic voyage to Kenya as&#8230; get this&#8230; an Apostolic Journey! It&#8217;s dark humor to be sure, but downright hilarious just the same. The sad thing is, however, the people reporting it seem to be serious. Worse still, it appears that a great many others actually believe that the label fits, and this in spite of the fact that nearly no evidence exists to suggest that the man has even one &#8220;Apostolic&#8221; bone in <a class="more-link" href="'">more &#187;</a>

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<div class="item feed-cb0fc22f feed-theologicalflint" id="item-d6fd1dcd">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Lesson from Pius VIII</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Theological Flint</a>]</span>
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<p>This is from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Theological Flint</a></p><p>From art. 4 of Traditi Humilitati, against indifferentism, a baneful heresy that is creeping around again: 4. Among these heresies belongs that foul contrivance of the sophists of this age who do not admit any difference among the different professions of faith and who think that the portal of eternal salvation opens for all from [&#8230;]</p><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Lesson from Pius VIII</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Theological Flint</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-4e97d83a feed-thejesuitpost" id="item-f8b6a5ac">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The UN, the Church &amp; Climate Change</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Jesuit Post</a>]</span>
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<p>How will history remember the Paris of 2015?</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Certainly, it will recall the barbaric reign of terror during the evening of November 13. But may Paris also be remembered as the city where world leaders agreed on a deal to preserve the welfare of humanity&#8217;s common home?&#160;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Between 30 November and 11 December, government leaders from over 190 nations will gather in Paris to thrash out a new global agreement on climate change. The meeting is the 21st session of those signatories to the </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">UN Framework Convention on Climate Change</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> negotiated back in 1992, hence the official name of the 2015 Paris climate talks: the Conference of Parties (&#8220;COP&#8221;) 21.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Catholic Church has played a remarkably prominent role in highlighting the crucial nature of the Paris negotiations. Ahead of the landmark summit, </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pope Francis</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> said, &#8220;It would be sad, and I dare say even catastrophic, were particular interests to prevail over the common good.&#8221; This followed a very clear application of </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">Laudato Si </span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;">teaching into concrete policy by the heads of episcopal conferences last month. In their </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">10-point statement</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the patriarchs, cardinals and bishops called on global leaders to adopt a &#8220;transformational and legally binding global agreement&#8221; on climate change and &#8220;to set a goal for complete decarbonisation by mid-century&#8221;. &#160;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The timing and content of </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">Laudato Si</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> has not only provided a boost for climate campaigners, but it has also changed the terms of the wider debate about sustainability. Last week I brimmed with pride as I listened to a </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">debate</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> in the UK Parliament which was introduced by a motion noting that &#8220;the Pope&#8217;s Encyclical, entitled Laudato Si, Our Common Home, on climate change and international justice &#8230; is an important contribution to discussions on this vital subject&#8230;&#8221; The motion was passed after politicians of all shades and opinions waxed lyrical about the way the encyclical had injected the climate debate with a much needed ethical dimension. &#160;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It&#8217;s easy to slip into the idea that the keys are now held by global elites and that we can do virtually nothing to influence the outcome of the climate talks. But as the Pope has </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">reminded</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> us, humanity&#8217;s future doesn&#8217;t rest solely with government leaders. Rather it &#8220;is fundamentally in the hands of peoples and in their ability to organize.&#8221; So, brush up on what&#8217;s at stake in the summit (see the mini-guide below if that helps) and talk and pray about it. The </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Global Catholic Climate Movement</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> have been doing wonderful work in the run up to Paris. Here are a couple of suggestions they make for action during the next couple of days:</span></p>
<li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sign their </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">petition</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Over 800,000 have already added their names. The Movement will be joining other faith groups in Paris to deliver petitions to the UN and French officials.</span></li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Exercise your &#8216;ecological citizenship&#8217; and join a climate march on November 29th </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">near you</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">! &#160;</span></li>
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<p><b>Mini-Guide to the Paris Climate Talks</b></p>
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Why the meeting now?</span></em></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The short answer to this is because existing global climate commitments negotiated at previous conferences expire in 2020. &#160;Paris will deal with the period beyond that. &#160;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A fuller answer is because global temperatures keep rising. Whilst the rate of increase has declined since a spike in 1998, the rate of warming appears to have speeded up again in the past couple of years. On </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">current trajectories</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, scientists predict that the earth is heading for a rise of about 5C above pre-industrial levels. 5C doesn&#8217;t sound a lot, but remember the temperature difference between today and the last ice age was roughly 5C! It&#8217;s reckoned that a temperature rise of 2C represents an upper limit, if climate calamity is to be averted. &#160;</span></p>
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">What climate commitments are already in place?</span></em></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Much of the leg work has already been done in advance of the talks. Countries responsible for a combined total of more than 90% of worldwide emissions have proposed their own </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">individual targets</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. For example, the EU undertakes to cut its emissions by 40%, compared with 1990 levels, by 2025. The U.S. will aim to cut emissions by 26%-28% compared with 2005 levels by 2030. &#160;China, on the other hand, has said that its emissions will peak by 2030. &#160;</span></p>
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">So what are going to be the &#8216;hot button&#8217; issues at Paris?</span></em></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">UN-backed analysis shows that even in the event that current emission reduction targets are honored, there would still be global warming of </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">approximately 2.7C</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Thus, one of the outcomes hoped for from Paris is agreement on a system of periodic reviews of emission cuts. Crucially, such an agreement would be legally-binding, something the negotiators spectacularly failed to achieve at the last major climate talks at Copenhagen in 2009. &#160;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Another key issue is that of funding. Billions of dollars were promised at Copenhagen for developing countries to adapt to low-carbon technologies. Paris will reveal the strength of these commitments. &#160;</span></p>

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<div class="item feed-dcd904e8 feed-siris" id="item-be1e7385">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Robert Louis Stevenson, The Master of Ballantrae</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Siris</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=""><b>Introduction</b></a><br /><br /><b>Opening Passage:</b> There are two different versions of <i>The Master of Ballantrae</i>, one of which, the original, jumps directly into the story and the other of which has a preface describing how the author received the 'manuscript', which Stevenson later added as a sort of tribute to a friend. Mine was in the latter family, but it still makes sense to treat the opening of the work as beginning with Chapter One.<br /><br /><blockquote>The full truth of this odd matter is what the world has long been looking for, and public curiosity is sure to welcome.  It so befell that I was intimately mingled with the last years and history of the house; and there does not live one man so able as myself to make these matters plain, or so desirous to narrate them faithfully.  I knew the Master; on many secret steps of his career I have an authentic memoir in my hand; I sailed with him on his last voyage almost alone; I made one upon that winter&#8217;s journey of which so many tales have gone abroad; and I was there at the man&#8217;s death.  As for my late Lord Durrisdeer, I served him and loved him near twenty years; and thought more of him the more I knew of him.  Altogether, I think it not fit that so much evidence should perish; the truth is a debt I owe my lord&#8217;s memory; and I think my old years will flow more smoothly, and my white hair lie quieter on the pillow, when the debt is paid.</blockquote><br /><b>Summary:</b> James and Henry Durie are the two sons of Lord Durrisdeer.  James is the titular Master, the villain of the piece who will drive his younger brother to near madness and death. He is the reader of the two, the one with the sharper mind; Henry is solid, with a taste for sport and the practical. But James is also the wilder of the two, overly indulged from an early age, and intelligent enough, charming enough, and strong enough of will to do as he pleases. And it is, of course, doing merely as one pleases that makes a villain.<br /><br />The family is caught in the middle during the Jacobite uprising in Scotland, and like many families that were in a comfortable position, attempts as a matter of policy to hedge its bets, with one son supporting Stuart in the field and one son supporting Hanover at home, but a dispute arises over which son will do which. Reason suggests that the older son should remain at home and marry, and the younger son leave home, but the Master will have none of it: he wants the adventuresome path. It is put to the toss of a coin, and the Master wins. An irony throughout the work is that the Master refers to Henry as 'Jacob', maliciously implying that Henry has usurped the Master's place; but if so, the Master is an Esau who sold his birthright for what turned out to be insignificant after all.<br /><br />Thus begins the doom of the house of Durie, although, perhaps, the Master would have doomed it either way. In any case, the Master goes off to fight for bonnie Prince Charlie and apparently dies. His fiancee marries Henry instead, and Henry himself -- well, he receives a very unfavorable reputation in the neighborhood for failing to support the uprising and is treated very poorly in his own home as his father and his wife mourn, and continue to mourn, and don't stop mourning, the fallen Master. But the Master, cat-like, has more lives than one, or, rather, a knack for turning a desperate gamble in his own favor. One of the interesting aspects of the story is the way in which the Master poisons everyone's behavior, and manages to do it, often enough, when he is at his most charming and apparently harmless. He is indeed, as Stevenson thought him, something of a devil, filled with "deadly, causeless duplicty" made all the worse by his being "bold as a lion". He repeatedly uses the decency of those around him against them, whenever he thinks it is in his interest. And it is perhaps worthwhile to remember that while most of the Master's ilk are, unlike himself, cowards, there are a very great many people in the world who thrust decent characters into bad situations in the hope that they will blackmail themselves, who provoke people into excess and then use their shame to manipulate them, and who turn loyalty into corruption and generosity into a means of parasitism.<br /><br /><b>Favorite Passage:</b> From Chapter IX:<br /><br /><blockquote>He was quite capable of choosing out a graceful posture, even with no one to behold him but myself, and all the more if there were any element of peril.  He sat now with one knee flung across the other, his arms on his bosom, fitting the swing of the ship with an exquisite balance, such as a featherweight might overthrow.  All at once I had the vision of my lord at the table, with his head upon his hands; only now, when he showed me his countenance, it was heavy with reproach.  The words of my own prayer&#8212;I were liker a man if I struck this creature down&#8212;shot at the same time into my memory.  I called my energies together, and (the ship then heeling downward toward my enemy) thrust at him swiftly with my foot.  It was written I should have the guilt of this attempt without the profit.  Whether from my own uncertainty or his incredible quickness, he escaped the thrust, leaping to his feet and catching hold at the same moment of a stay.<br /><br />I do not know how long a time passed by.  I lying where I was upon the deck, overcome with terror and remorse and shame: he standing with the stay in his hand, backed against the bulwarks, and regarding me with an expression singularly mingled. </blockquote><br /><b>Recommendation:</b> Highly Recommended.<br /><br />[ADDED LATER]: I almost forgot to add that I did manage to listen to the Orson Welles & Agnes Moorehead "Master of Ballantrae" episode for the Golden Age radio program <i>This Is My Best</i>. It wasn't bad, but despite some excellent acting, it was a weak episode. One of the problems with it is that the story moved far too quickly. It shows, I think, that much of the strength of the book is found in its relatively leisured pace.

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<div class="item feed-4e587259 feed-musingsofapertinaciouspapist" id="item-3d5d7b6d">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Canonist Peters on "high-level ecclesiastic dalliances with doctrinal ambiguity"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a>]</span>
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<div class="tr_bq"><span>Edward Peters, "<a href="">A license to sin</a>" (<i>In the light of the law</i>, November 24, 2015 - my emphasis):</span></div><blockquote style="background-color: #f9f7f5; color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.385; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 0px;"><span><span style="font-size: 15.6px;">There is, I fear, <b>no end in sight of the nonsensical nonsense being unleashed in the wake of various high-level ecclesiastic dalliances with doctrinal ambiguity and disciplinary confusion in regard to holy Communion for divorced-and-remarried Catholics.</b> Call it Life in this Valley of Tears. Anyway, <b>Pope Francis is going to do about this whatever he is going to about it and the Church will respond to whatever he does in due course.</b> For now, I simply write to urge caution about some proposals to facilitate irregular reception of the Sacrament in these cases even if such proposals are couched in apparently sophisticated scholarly terms.</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">&nbsp;</span></span></blockquote><blockquote style="background-color: #f9f7f5; color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.385; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 0px;"><span><span style="font-size: 15.6px;"></span><span style="font-size: 15.6px;">For example,&nbsp;<a href="" style="color: #4265a7; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">an Australian theologian has proposed a rescript</a>&nbsp;to be issued by a bishop in accord with norms supposedly to be devised by Pope Francis, granting permission for divorced-and-remarried Catholics to take holy Communion. The proposal includes impressive vocabulary such as &#8220;juridical&#8221; and &#8220;administrative&#8221; and &#8220;canons&#8221;; it sports footnotes to &#8220;assessors&#8221; and &#8220;<em>salus animarum</em>&#8221; and warns about &#8220;anomalies&#8221;; it underscores Church teaching on the permanence of marriage and assures readers that it offers no doctrinal or canonical changes to this teaching.</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">&nbsp;</span></span></blockquote><blockquote style="background-color: #f9f7f5; color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.385; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 0px;"><b><span><span style="font-size: 15.6px;">Balderdash. Pure, unadulterated, balderdash. This proposed rescript is really a license to sin.</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">&nbsp;</span></span></b></blockquote><blockquote style="background-color: #f9f7f5; color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.385; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 0px;"><b><span><span style="font-size: 15.6px;"></span><span style="font-size: 15.6px;">More specifically, this rescript would (purport to) grant permission to ignore one sin (adultery) and to commit another (sacrilegious reception of holy Communion). It even manages to suggest a&nbsp;<em>third</em>&nbsp;sin (attempting sacramental Confession without firm purpose of amendment)! Couched in mellifluous pastoral, sacramental, and canonical language, to be issued on arch/diocesan letterhead, such a letter, expressly invoking Our Lord&#8217;s teaching on marriage and to be signed by a Successor of the Apostles in the name of Christ, who&#8212;I kid you not&#8212;congratulates the couple on their perseverance in allowing the Church to grant them this favor(!), would constitute, I suggest, a blasphemy (CCC 2148).</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">&nbsp;</span></span></b></blockquote><blockquote style="background-color: #f9f7f5; color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.385; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 0px;"></blockquote><span>Peters is on a <b><i>roll</i></b> in this post.  Do yourself a favor and read it.  Not only will you be edified.  You wouldn't want to miss the long-sought apparition of an eminent canon lawyer as the&nbsp;irrepressible&nbsp;Doc Holliday&nbsp;announcing his arrival at the final showdown with Johnny Ringo with the words, "<a href="">I'm your Huckleberry</a>."&nbsp;</span>

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<div class="item feed-737b72c0 feed-theeponymousflower" id="item-827495ba">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Collegeville Monk Paid for Sex With Children</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a>]</span>
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<p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"><span>Edit: this story on Collegeville is going national. Evil clergy, the media and ACLU attorneys waltz to the destruction of the Church's reputation.</span></p><p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"><span>It's hard to understand why Bishops like Oliveires, Finn, </span><font face="Helvetica Neue Light, HelveticaNeue-Light, helvetica, arial, sans-serif">Teberst van Elst, Nienstedt, were dismissed from their positions while men who are far more notorious like Daneels are raised to positions of trust.</font></p><p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"><span>St. PAUL, Minn.&nbsp;--&nbsp;&nbsp;Father Finian McDonald,&nbsp;who for years worked as a counselor at St. John's University, had sex with at least 200 people&nbsp;<a class="story-link" href="" style="text-decoration: none;">and paid child prostitutes for sex while abroad, according to documents released on Tuesday.&nbsp;</a></span></p><div class="ad ad-320-50 ad-wrap-none ad-top" id="mobileweb-banner_topnewsnational" style="clear: both; overflow: hidden; width: 375px;"></div><p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"><span>Attorney Jeff Anderson released the personnel files of five monks and priests who were part of St. John's Abbey in Collegeville.</span></p><p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"><span>The five, including two who are now deceased, were previously listed by St. John's Abbey as credibly accused of child sexual abuse. Anderson said&nbsp;<a class="story-link" href="" style="text-decoration: none;">the redacted version of the&nbsp;</a>posted on his website, show that priests who admitted battles with sexual urges still had access to potential victims.</span></p><p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"></p><p style="margin: 0px; padding: 15px 20px;"><span><br /></span></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-4e587259 feed-musingsofapertinaciouspapist" id="item-10ef37f8">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: infallibility in action by St. John Paul II</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a>]</span>
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<p>Dr. Edward Peters, in "<a href="">I agree with Dr. Feser 99.953%</a>" (<i>In the Light of the Law</i>, November 24, 2015), writes:<blockquote>Yes, I know that then-Cdl. Ratzinger said he did not regard <i>Ordinatio</i> as infallible and there is language from John Paul II suggesting the same thing. What can I say? <i>Ordinatio</i> is infallible, Ratzinger was not; John Paul&#8217;s infallible teaching authority was engaged when he issued <i>Ordinatio</i>, not when he briefly commented on it.</blockquote>Find out why Peters says this, in commenting on <a href="">Edward Feser's recent post on papal infallibility</a>, by <a href=""><u>reading more >></u></a>

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<div class="item feed-94339d97 feed-thedivinelamp" id="item-bbbf7728">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Commentaries for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year C</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Divine Lamp</a>]</span>
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<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #800000;"><strong>THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>READINGS AND BREVIARY:</strong></span></p>
<p><a href="">Today&#8217;s Mass Readings</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Mass Readings in the NJB Translation</a>. Scroll down. Used in most English speaking countries. For some reason the site has the Gospel reading before the second reading.</p>
<p><a href="">Divine Office</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Anglican Use Daily Office</a>. &#8221;Briefly, it is a provision for an &#8220;Anglican style&#8221; liturgy similar to the <em>Book of Common Prayer</em> as an ecclesiastically approved variant on the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.&#8221; <a href="">More info</a>.</p>
<p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>COMMENTARIES ON THE FIRST READING:</strong> Zephaniah 3:14-18a.</span></p>
<p><a href="">My Notes on Zephaniah 3:14-18</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Word-Sunday Notes on Zephaniah 3:14-18a</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Navarre Bible Commentary on Zephaniah 3:14-18</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Homilist&#8217;s Catechism on Zephaniah 3:14-18</a>.</p>
<p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>COMMENTARIES ON THE RESPONSORIAL:</strong> Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6.</span></p>
<p><a href="">Pope John Paul II&#8217;s Commentary on Isaiah 12:1-6</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Word-Sunday Notes on Isaiah 12:1-6</a>.</p>
<p>Pending: My Notes on Isaiah 12:1-6.</p>
<p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>COMMENTARIES ON THE SECOND READING:</strong> Philippians 4:4-7.</span></p>
<p><a href="">Father Callan&#8217;s Commentary on Philippians 4:4-7</a>. On 4-9.</p>
<p><a href="">Father de Piconio&#8217;s Commentary on Philippians 4:4-7</a>. On 4-9.</p>
<p><a href="">Word-Sunday Notes on Philippians 4:4-7</a>.</p>
<p><a href="$204/dailyword/DjfgW76UNEM/t-qvknDjDEMJ">Navarre Bible Commentary on Philippians 4:4-7</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Homilist&#8217;s Catechism on Philippians 4:4-7</a>.</p>
<p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>COMMENTARIES ON THE GOSPEL:</strong> Luke 3:10-18.</span></p>
<p><a href="">Cornelius a Lapide&#8217;s Commentary on Luke 3:10-18</a>.</p>
<p><a href="$203/dailyword/s_csCpnhYgk/Qb2tYX3vxSYJ">Navarre Bible Commentary on Luke 3:10-18</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Word-Sunday Notes on Luke 3:10-18</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Homilist&#8217;s Catechism on Luke 3:10-18</a>.</p>
<p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>PODCASTS:</strong></span></p>
<p><a href="">Father Mike&#8217;s Introduction to Zephaniah</a>. Introduction to all the Minor Prophets accept Amos and Hosea.</p>
<p><a href="">Father Mike&#8217;s Introduction to Philippians</a>. Introduction to Philippians thru 2 Thessalonians.</p>
<p><a href="">Father Mike&#8217;s Introduction to Luke</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">St Irenaeus Ministries Bible Study Podcast on Luke Chapters 3 &amp; 4</a>. Click on the POD icon or direct download <a href=";c_id=2486562">here</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">St Martha&#8217;s Bible Study Podcast</a>. Looks at the readings in some detail.</p>
<p><a href="">Franciscan Sister&#8217;s Bible Study Podcast</a>. I&#8217;ve linked to archive page. Studies usually become available Thursday afternoon. Looks at all the readings.</p>
<p><a href="">Dr. Scott Hahn&#8217;s Podcast</a>. Brief. Does good job of highlighting the major theme(s) of the readings.</p>
<p><a href="">Father Robert Barron&#8217;s Podcast Homily: What Should We Do?</a> From noted author, speaker, theologian.</p>
<p><a href="">Father Robert Barron&#8217;s Podcast homily: Gaudete Sunday</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Father Robert Barron&#8217;s Podcast Homily</a>. From a noted author, speaker, theologian.</p><br />Filed under: <a href="">Catholic</a>, <a href="">Catholic Sunday Lectionary</a> Tagged: <a href="">Bible</a>, <a href="">Catholic</a>, <a href="">Catholic Sunday Lectionary</a>, <a href="">Scripture</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=7467062&#038;post=23332&#038;subd=thedivinelamp&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-567743be feed-edinburghhousewife" id="item-60fff7aa">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Single Over 50</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a>]</span>
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<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; text-align: right;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Princess Diana's Mother, 1989</td></tr></tbody></table>A woman in the Telegraph <a href="">writes about what it is like to be "Single"</a> (she's divorced with children) in her 50s. There's a lot of sadness in her article. She advises discontented married friends <i>not to get divorced</i>. &nbsp;At the same time, though, she notes that there is a lot of unhappiness in middle-aged marriage.<br /><br />Well, you know, there is a lot of unhappiness in middle age although, to be frank, in the west these are what might be called First World Problems: oh wah, it's harder to stay thin, one is not as attractive as one was at 27, one does not have so much potential, one is less likely than ever to become a millionaire, one's spouse has not given up that annoying habit after umpteen years, one's dear same-age friend has been diagnosed with cancer, one's knees ache half an hour into a dance (if one even goes to a dance), one sometimes feels a shooting pain in one's hand--is it early on-set <i>arthritis?!</i><br /><br />Frankly I feel very lucky to have met B.A. a few scant years before I turned forty because he is the right sort of person I need to have around when I am mooching about feeling middle-aged. First World Problem Story: I took out two beautiful young things for dinner and a concert as a sort of chaperone, and--no word of a lie--on my way to the power-room I glanced in a mirror and was instantly reminded of Princess Diana's <i>mother</i>. When, after an evening of accompanying blooming youth, I found B.A. asleep in bed, and I was enormously comforted because he looked as old as I did.<br /><br />But to go back to dating at 50, good heavens. Surely at 50 it is really time to stop thinking in terms of dating and more in terms of making friends--or keeping--friends? Not only is one too old to have children (or more children), which is what sex is primarily for, SORRY, &nbsp;but one is too old to adopt babies. (Many countries won't let you adopt babies after you turn 40.) If at 50 one decides to marry a friend, old or new, then that's lovely. But surely one of the joys of being in late middle-age is that it really doesn't <i>matter </i>as much?<br /><br />My grandmother Gladys was widowed at 60, and although terrifically popular with elderly men, she never showed the slightest interest in romance, dating or marriage. She went on holiday with her old pals, she carried on volunteering with her pals (they had a band), she went to seniors events, playing cards and doing aerobics and whatnot, she listened to the radio, she smoked until double-pneumonia told her to stop, she read bodice-rippers and "sagas" late into the night and on Sundays she visited family, i.e. us.<br /><br />The author of the <i>Telegraph </i>article says that it seems to her better to have been married with children and then divorced than to be single-never-married at 50, but then I suspect she is horrified by the very idea that her children might not have existed. There are many 50-something nuns who are quite content to go on being nuns, and I imagine (indeed, I hope) there are many 50-something women who have passed through their sorrow at never having married and had children and realized that not only are they at peace with it, they wouldn't have it differently now. (I'm still going through BA-and-I-can't-have-children grief myself.)<br /><br />What is cheerful about her article is that she points out the personal freedom Single women have. The Single woman who is financially independent of a husband or family does get to make all the decisions. She doesn't have to ask permission to go on this trip or that trip or to take early retirement to go back to university or to sell all that she has and give it to the poor. <br /><br />One thing that interested me most in the article was the cheeky questions the author gets as a "Single" woman over 50. I think she is too optimistic when she says no-one asks young blondes about their sex life, as everyone just assumes they have one. Maybe they didn't when she was a young blonde, but I can assure her that older married people (like male bosses) started asking me such questions when I was 17 <br /><br />As for remarks about married life, I agree that in general in the UK married women are considered sacrosanct and you just do not ask them such questions. An American once did make a salty remark about my marriage at a dinner party, and I hit him with my handbag, right there and then. Were I a widow, I imagine I would level a cold stare at the impertinent person through the top halves of my bifocals (which I am beginning to need) and say that I am devoted to the memory of my late husband. It seems to me that dozens of generations of over-50 British women had something to teach us about dignity.<br /><br /><b>Update: </b>Someone who married older that I did written in to suggest I am too dismissive of later marriage. I apologize for that. Although the subject of being a Searching Single after the menopause is indeed very important, it is something of which I have no firsthand experience. The best I can say is that I think it must be much different to be a widow, looking back fondly (or not) on one's married days, than to be a Single-never-married. However, I hold out the hope that being Single might matter <i>less, </i>not more,<i>&nbsp;</i>the older we get.

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<div class="item feed-7c52b226 feed-laudatortemporisacti" id="item-c852d702">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Sanity</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a>]</span>
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<p>Thoreau, <i>Journal</i> (May 9, 1853; on Bronson Alcott): <br /><blockquote>He has no creed. He is not pledged to any institution. The sanest man I ever knew...</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-9142f38b feed-lesfemmesthetruth" id="item-17e1a8d2">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Civil Unrest Under Obama is No Accident! Fight Back with Faith!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a>]</span>
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<p><br /><br />If you want to understand what makes Barack Obama tick, you need to read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and Reveille for Radicals. These two books explain exactly how the community organizer works to keep people off balance and at each other's throats. Demonization is part of the plan and Obama is expert at that. And who are the demons?<br /><a name="more"></a><ul><li>Conservatives</li><li>Police officers</li><li>Citizens with guns (using them safely and legally)</li><li>People defending themselves from thugs if the thugs are black and the victim is white</li><li>Pro-lifers (i.e., Domestic Terrorists)</li><li>Veterans</li><li>Opponents of the invasion by ILLEGAL immigration</li><li>Global warming skeptics</li><li>Anybody who gets in the way of his agenda</li></ul><div>Matthew Vadum has an excellent article on-line titled <i><a href="">Obama's Permanent Protest.</a>&nbsp;</i>Here's the beginning, but read the whole article.&nbsp;</div><blockquote>After making America poorer, weaker, less free, more race-obsessed and balkanized throughout his tumultuous presidency, Barack Obama is gearing up to use his two tax-exempt nonprofits to continue attacking what remains of the republic's civil society after he leaves office in 14 months.<br /><br />Obama's presidency "has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests," as he "encouraged the nonstop civil unrest exhausting the nation," writes the Hoover Institution's Paul Sperry. Obama and his "army of social justice bullies" are going to make things worse before he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017.<br />Our indefatigable Community Organizer-in-Chief is planning to use Organizing for Action (OfA) and the Barack Obama Foundation to continue punishing America for its imaginary sins and to promote manufactured controversies long after he leaves the White House.</blockquote>&nbsp;We are under assault by these leftist thugs. It behooves one to know the tactics of the enemy and to fight! And, of course, our most effective weapons are prayer and the sacraments. Stay close to the Lord, because when you're there you are under the battle standard of St. Michael and Barack Obama with all his clones and all his ill-gotten money can't hope to compete with Our Lady in battle array and St. Michael and his legions of angels. <br /><br />

<div class="item feed-31b4b35a feed-voxcantoris" id="item-1cfe8d0a">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Missal Launch on Advent I for the Anglican Ordinariate of the Catholic Church</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vox Cantoris</a>]</span>
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<p><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="230" /></a><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: x-large;">F</span>ather Alan MacDonald at <a href="">Southern Orders</a>&nbsp;put his own honest views forward and reprints&nbsp;post from <a href="">Father James Bradley</a>, a priest of the Anglican Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, informative of the new Ordinariate Missal. It comes into&nbsp;effect&nbsp;tomorrow Advent I, 2015, in the the&nbsp;three Ordinariates, Our Lady of Walsingham in the United Kingdom, Southern Cross in Australia and Chair of St. Peter in the United States and the <a href="">Canadian Deanery of St. John the Baptist</a>. Another insight can be found at the <a href="">National Catholic Register</a> further highlighting the injustice suffered by Latin Rite Catholics who know nothing of our liturgical tradition so richly embraced by the Anglican Ordinariate parishes. When one sees the beauty and richness of this Missal one can only weep at what we in the Latin Rite have been forced to suffer.</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">The Missal is an incredible blending of the <a href="">Roman Missal of 1570, elements of 1970 and the English Catholic cultural character of the ancient Sarum</a> of pre-revolution England. It is superior in every single aspect to the Roman Missal of 1970 even with its corrected English translation. The English can never be as correct as found in this Missal. Photos of the Missal's contents can be found&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.&nbsp;</span></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></span><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><img border="0" height="266" src="" width="400" /></span></a></div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">The traditional Preparatory prayers may be said in the sacristy as originally done or at the Foot of the Altar. The Gradual and Tract/Alleluia may always be used in place of the Responsorial Psalm and Acclamation and the traditional Offertory is the first option. Rogation and Ember Days return as do the Gesima Sundays and the Dies Irae and the full Proper antiphons. The Roman Canon (EPI) is for Sundays and EPII is the only other option and never on a Sunday or feast day.&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">It is truly a heartbreak that, at least in Toronto, the parish and Ordinariate are so little known. If I were not able to attend the Extraordinary Form, I would depart the Novus Ordo as quick as I could and get to the Ordinariate Mass. It is my view, this Missal in the not too distant future when Rome returns to sanity, will be the model for the return to a mandated and formalised Reform of the Reform that will once and for all, abrogate the disaster of 1970 to the dustbin of history.</span></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">The Toronto Anglican Ordinariate Parish of St. Thomas More worships on Sundays at 4:00PM at Sacre-Coeur Church on Sherbourne Street. East of Toronto, in Oshawa, you can find Good Shepherd Parish and west in Kitchener, St. Edmund, King &amp; Martyr.</span></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">&nbsp;You can find out more at these links:</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">Ordinariate in Canada</span><a href=""><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"></span></a></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">St. Thomas More, Toronto</span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><a href=""></a></span></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">Good Shepherd, Oshawa</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><a href=""></a></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">St. Edmund, Kitchener</span><br /><a href=""><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"></span></a><br /><span><br /></span><span><br /></span><span><br /></span>

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<div class="item feed-7c52b226 feed-laudatortemporisacti" id="item-d7b11d88">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">School Prayer</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a>]</span>
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<p>Callimachus, fragment 221 (tr. C.A. Trypanis): <br /><blockquote>We ask for zeal for learning, the gift of Hermes. <br /><br /><span>&#945;&#7984;&#964;&#959;&#8166;&#956;&#949;&#957; &#949;&#8016;&#956;&#8049;&#952;&#949;&#953;&#945;&#957; &#7961;&#961;&#956;&#8118;&#957;&#959;&#962; &#948;&#8057;&#963;&#953;&#957;.</span></blockquote>Liddell-Scott-Jones define <span>&#949;&#8016;&#956;&#8049;&#952;&#949;&#953;&#945;</span> as "readiness in learning, docility," <span>&#949;&#8016;&#956;&#945;&#952;&#8053;&#962;</span> as "ready or quick at learning."

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-127cef2a">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Sandro Magister schenkt seinen Lesern einen Adventskalender der besonderen Art: Predigten &amp; Gregorianische Ges&#228;nge zum Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
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<p><b>Sandro Magister</b> beginnt auf seinem blog <b>www.chiesa </b>die Adventszeit mit einer Zusammenstellung von Predigten und Texten von Papst em. Benedikt XVI und Gregorianischen Ges&#228;ngen.<br />Hier geht&#180;s zum Original: &nbsp;&nbsp;<b><a href="">klicken</a></b><br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>&nbsp;"PREDIGTEN UND GREGORIANISCHE GES&#196;NGE F&#220;R DEN ADVENT"</b><br />Ein F&#252;hrer durch die Vorbereitungszeit auf Weihnachten. Mit den besten Predigten Benedikts XVI und links zu allen liturgischen Ges&#228;ngen f&#252;r die bevorstehenden Sonntage und Feste.<br /><br /><center style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></center><br />Mit der Vesper f&#252;r die Vigil des 1. Adventssonntages beginnt heute das neue liturgische Jahr. Eine Ausnahme macht der Ambrosianische Ritus, seit Jahrhunderten in der Erzdi&#246;zese Mailand in Gebrauch, wo die Adventszeit bereits vor zwei Sonntagen begann.<br />Diese website bietet zwei Formen der Begleitung durch die Adventszeit an: eine homiletische und eine musikalische.<br />Die erstere ist hier nicht neu., weil -wie sie es bereits im vorigen liturgischen Jahr f&#252;r die Adventszeit getan hat-www.chiesa eine Auswahl von Predigten aus dem Benedikt XVI-Archiv pr&#228;sentiert, die sich alle auf den Lesezyklus C - der auch im neuen liturgische Jahr gilt- beziehen.<br />Und die zweite Form- die musikalische- hat hier ebenfalls ihre Vorg&#228;nger (.....) aber die Angebote, die heute beginnen, sind jetzt - Dank einer Initiative von Maestro Rampi und seines Chores- viel reichhaltiger.<br /><span><span style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-family: inherit; font-size: 12px;">Sie beginnen mit dem 1. Adventssonntag auf einer vor einigen Tagen eingerichteten website- und bieten dort das gesamte Gregorianische Repertoire f&#252;r jeden Sonntag und jedes Fest des liturgischen Jahres an- also den Introitus, das Graduale, das Halleluja, das Offertorium, die Kommunion-nat&#252;rlich zus&#228;tzlich zum Kyrie, das Gloria, das Credo , das Sanctus und das Agnus Dei.</span></span><br /><span><span style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-family: inherit; font-size: 12px;">Zur Zeit ist dort zun&#228;chst nur das Gregorianische Repertoire des 1. Adventssonntages abrufbar, das ist aber erst nur der Anfang, weil ab jetzt an jedem Montag das musikalische Material f&#252;r den folgenden Sonntag online gestellt wird und so die Sammlung der Ges&#228;nge jedesmal erweitert wird, bis sie eine beeindruckende Bibliothek des Gregorianischen Gesanges &nbsp;bildet, die jedermann &nbsp;jederzeit konsultieren kann.</span></span><br /><span style="font-family: inherit;"><span><span style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-size: 12px;"><br /></span></span><span><span style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-size: 12px;">Die web-Adresse der neuen website ist: &nbsp;</span></span><strong style="background-color: #f0f0e1; color: black; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none;"><a href="" style="background-color: #f0f0e1; color: black; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none;">&nbsp;</a></strong></span><br /><b><br /></b>Einmal auf der Seite kann man den gew&#252;nschten Sonntag bei " La domenica liturgica" finden und anklicken.<br />Das &#246;ffnet dann auch den kompletten Index der Messges&#228;nge, mit der M&#246;glichkeit der Ausf&#252;hrung zuzuh&#246;ren und den Noten zu folgen. Alles mit ausgezeichneten Suchfunktionen, einschlie&#223;lich f&#252;r die, die nicht Italienisch sprechen.<br />Hier nun -f&#252;r die Adventszeit des C-Jahreskreises eine Abfolge von Predigten, die dem &nbsp;Archiv Benedikts XVI entnommen wurden, mit Links zu den Gregorianischen Ges&#228;ngen.<br /><br />Nicht vers&#228;umen sollte man unter den Predigten die zum Dienstag der ersten Adventswoche: eine au&#223;erordentliche &#220;berlegung des Theologenpapstes dar&#252;ber, "wie man"- im Licht der Worte Jesu-" gute Theologie macht &#252;ber das den Weisen verborgene, aber den Kleinen verk&#252;ndetet Mysterium."<br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; <b>&nbsp;"PREDIGT F&#220;R DIE VESPER DER VIGIL DES ERSTEN ADVENTSSONNTAGES"</b><br />1.12.2007 &nbsp; &nbsp;hier der Gesamttext: &nbsp;<b><a href=""> klicken</a></b><br />1.Thessalonicher 5, 23-24<br /><br /><i><span>..."Der Mensch ist das einzige Gesch&#246;pf, das frei ist, Ja oder Nein zur Ewigkeit, das hei&#223;t zu Gott zu sagen. Der Mensch kann in sich die Hoffnung ausl&#246;schen, indem er Gott aus seinem Leben streicht. Wie kann es dazu kommen? Wie kann es geschehen, da&#223; das &#187;auf Gott hin geschaffene&#171; Gesch&#246;pf, das zuinnerst auf ihn ausgerichtet ist, dasjenige, das dem Ewigen am n&#228;chsten steht, sich dieses Reichtums berauben kann? Gott kennt das Herz des Menschen. Er wei&#223;, da&#223; derjenige, der ihn ablehnt, nicht sein wahres Antlitz kennengelernt hat, und deshalb h&#246;rt er nicht auf, an unsere T&#252;r zu klopfen, wie ein dem&#252;tiger Pilger auf der Suche nach Aufnahme. Ja, deshalb gew&#228;hrt der Herr der Menschheit neue Zeit: damit es allen erm&#246;glicht werde, ihn kennenzulernen! Dies ist auch&nbsp;</span><span>der Sinn eines neuen Kirchenjahres, das beginnt</span><span>: es ist ein Geschenk Gottes, der sich erneut im Geheimnis Christi durch das Wort und die Sakramente offenbaren will. Durch die Kirche will er zur Menschheit sprechen und die Menschen von heute retten. Und er tut dies, indem er ihnen entgegengeht, &#187;um zu suchen und zu retten, was verloren ist&#171; (</span><span>Lk</span><span>&nbsp;19,10). In dieser Perspektive ist die Feier des Advents die Antwort der Kirche, der Braut, auf die stets neue Initiative Gottes, des Br&#228;utigams, &#187;der ist und der war und der kommt&#171; (</span><span>Offb</span><span>&nbsp;1,8). Der Menschheit, die keine Zeit mehr f&#252;r ihn hat, bietet Gott andere Zeit, einen neuen Raum, um in sich selbst einzukehren, um sich wieder auf den Weg zu machen, um den Sinn der Hoffnung wiederzufinden...."</span></i><br /><span><i><br /></i></span><span style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-family: inherit; font-size: 12px;">Die musikalische Begleitung dieser liturgischen Zeit beginnt mit dem morgigen 1. Adventssonntag.</span><br /><span><br /></span><span>Quelle: www.chiesa Sandro Magister, LEV, La Santa Sede</span><br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-2a52d86f feed-vultuschristi" id="item-f5896d66">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ad te levavi animam meam</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vultus Christi</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=""><img alt="Angelico,_annunciazione_di_cortona,_vergine" class="alignright size-full wp-image-5213" height="537" src="" width="350" /></a><em>All my heart goes out to thee;<br />
my God, I trust in thee, do not belie my trust.<br />
Let not my enemies boast of my downfall.<br />
Who ever waited for thy help,<br />
and waited in vain?<br />
V. Lord, let me know thy ways,<br />
teach me thy paths (Ps 24:1-3).</em></p>
<p><strong>A Going Forth<br />
</strong><em>Ad te levavi animam meam; Deus meus, in te confido</em> (Ps 24:1). On this First Sunday of Advent, the Church intones Psalm 24. She clothes it in a melody that carries the text, and us with it, upward and outward into the mystery of the God who comes. This is more than the Introit of today&#8217;s Mass; it is the chant by which the Church crosses the threshold into Advent; it is the chant by which the Church begins a new Year of Grace. Ronald Knox translates it for us: &#8220;All my heart goes out to thee, my God, I trust in thee, do not belie my trust&#8221; (Ps 24:1-3). How are we to hear this Advent psalm? How are we to sing it? How are we to repeat it and hold it in our hearts until, at length, it becomes our own prayer, a movement of the soul upward and outward, a going forth with nothing to hold us back?</p>
<p><strong>Called by God<br />
</strong>The very meaning of the word <em>ekkl&#233;sia</em> is called together, or assembled. The Church is conscious of being called together by God. She does not assemble herself; she is assembled by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Ghost. The Church seeks a response worthy of the call she has heard. He who calls gives in the call the only response worthy of him. With the call God gives the response. Always.</p>
<p><strong><em>Vox Christi<br />
</em></strong>And so the Church, opening the Psalter and bending her ear to Psalm 24, recognizes in it the voice of Christ, her Bridegroom and Head. Just as the call is given through Christ, so too is the response. It is Christ, the <em>Cantor of the Father</em>, as Saint Gertrude called Him, who intones our psalm today. In his mouth the first two words have a fullness that is unparalleled and divine: <strong>Ad te</strong>. Two words that express the whole mystery of Christ from the moment of his Incarnation in the Virgin&#8217;s womb until his Ascension to the Father&#8217;s right hand. &#8220;Toward Thee, Father!&#8221;</p>
<p>Everything in Christ is toward the Father. And so, before singing her own song, the Church listens to what Christ sings. Before finding her own Advent voice, she holds herself silent and still to hear the voice of Christ. What the Gospel of Saint John gives us, from the Prologue to the last page, is given us here in a single line: the response of the Son to the Father. It is as if the whole Johannine conversation of Christ with the Father is <em>condensed</em> for us in this cry of the psalmist. Is this not the essential movement of the Son facing the Father from all eternity? It is more than an act of surrender. I hear in it a kind of leap into the arms of the Father: &#8220;All my heart goes out to thee.&#8221;</p>
<p><em><strong>Vox Mariae Virginis<br />
</strong></em>There is a second way of hearing today&#8217;s Introit. The stational church in Rome for the First Sunday of Advent is the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, the oldest temple in Christendom dedicated to the Mother of God. By singing this particular psalm in this particular place the Church is suggesting that we are to hear the voice of the Virgin Mary in it. Everything in Our Blessed Lady is in readiness for the advent of God. The Mother of God, Our Lady of Advent, prays and teaches us to pray, &#8220;All my heart goes out to thee, O God&#8221; (Ps 24:1). The second part of the verse is equally important. &#8220;Of those who wait for thee, not one is disappointed&#8221; (Ps 24:3). The Virgin Mary teaches us to pray Psalm 24 as she prayed it; by teaching us to pray <em>with her</em>, she becomes the Mother of our Hope.</p>
<p><strong><em>Vox Ecclesiae<br />
</em></strong>Having listened in Psalm 24 to the voice of Christ addressing the Father and to the voice of the Blessed Virgin Mary raised in song to the God of Israel, the Church finds her own response to the one who calls her. &#8220;All my heart goes out to thee. . . . I trust in thee&#8221; (Ps 24:1-2a).</p>
<p>The text is, first of all, addressed to the Father with the Son, but it becomes in the heart and in the mouth of the Church a cry addressed to the Son, and a longing for his second coming. &#8220;To thee, Lord Christ, I lift up my soul&#8221; is the response of the Church to the One who, on the last page of the Apocalypse, says, &#8220;Surely, I am coming soon.&#8221; &#8220;To thee, I lift up my soul&#8221; (Ps 24:1), answers the Church. &#8220;Amen. Come, Lord Jesus&#8221; (Apoc 22:20).</p>
<p><em><strong>Vox Animae<br />
</strong></em>The sacred liturgy invites us to a third way of hearing and praying Psalm 24. It has to become my prayer and yours. The psalm heard first in the mouth of the Eternal Son, the psalm that comes to flower on the lips of the Immaculate Virgin of Nazareth to be taken up by the Church, finds its echo in the heart of each of us.</p>
<p>Practically speaking, if we sing the Introit given us today but once, it will be for us like &#8220;the seed sown on rocky ground&#8221; (Mt 13:20). It will have no root in us and will bear no fruit. The sacred liturgy gives us the words of Psalm 24 to be repeated, not only ritually during this first week of Advent, but interiorly, secretly, perseveringly. Make Psalm 24 your own prayer during this first week of Advent. &#8220;All my heart goes out to thee, O God&#8221; (Ps 24:1). Let it come to rest deep within. Hold it there. Repeat it. Sing it to yourself. Let it become for you a kind of sacrament carrying you upward and outward into the mystery of the God who comes. You will not be disappointed.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sursum Corda<br />
</em></strong>One more thing. This Introit of the first Mass of the new liturgical year casts all things in a <em>Eucharistic</em> light. From the beginning of the third century, the Great Thanksgiving has opened with the cry of the priest: Hearts on high! The Latin is compelling and succint: <em>Sursum corda!</em> Hearts on high!</p>
<p>Already, the Introit launched the upward movement. &#8220;To thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul. . . . All my heart goes out to thee, O God&#8221; (Ps 24:1). To live with one&#8217;s heart on high is to live always in readiness for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And to live always in readiness for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the only way to be found ready for the hour of our death, and for the Day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let this, then, be your prayer in the evening and at midnight, at cockcrow and in the morning: &#8220;All my heart goes out to thee, O God&#8221; (Ps 24:1-2a). You will not be disappointed.</p>

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<div class="item feed-1c4e1290 feed-ignatiushisconclave" id="item-832eebf9">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Christianity and&#8230;</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ignatius his conclave</a>]</span>
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<p><em>In a series of vox pop interviews, BBC Radio Wiltshire has been assessing reaction to the appointment of naturist enthusiast Karen Gorham as suffragan Bishop of Sherborne, in the Church of England.</em></p>
<p>&#8216;Karen stands in a long line of naturist women who have distinguished themselves by their courage and determination&#8217;, claimed Nick Holtam, 61, Bishop of Salisbury. &#8216;One thinks of Ceaseburga of Blandford and Mabel of Mere &#8211; feisty women of Anglo-Saxon times who were not ashamed to employ their God-given talents in the service of the church.&#8217;</p>
<p>&#8216;After the Naked Civil Servant I suppose the next thing is the naked bishop,&#8217; said Michael Henchard, 68, Mayor of Casterbridge. &#8216;Young women seem to wear less and less these days.&#8217;</p>
<p>Melanie Saxby, 46, churchwarden of Rhyme Extrinsica was not so welcoming. &#8216;I have been opposed to women bishops from the very start,&#8217; she said, &#8216;I suppose I always knew it would come to this.&#8217;</p>
<p>Others were more theological in their approach. &#8216;Though Clement of Alexandria, Cyprian, Jerome and Augustine all condemned nakedness in the bath houses of their day, others, like the monk Jovinian, took the opposite view,&#8217; commented Joan Arkwright, 37, Moderator of the South West Ordination Course. &#8216;In these days of declining numbers evangelism is our priority. We simply cannot afford to exclude thousands of convinced naturists from our outreach.&#8217;</p>
<p><img alt="31IZoPTj-lL._SY268_BO1,204,203,200_" class="alignnone  wp-image-670 aligncenter" height="220" src=";h=220" width="293" /></p>
<p><em>Christianity and Naturism: Are They Compatible?</em> Karen Gorham and David Neal, Grove Books, 2000, pp24, ISBN-13: 978-1851744361, is available from Amazon, price &#163;38.09.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=90420565&#038;post=667&#038;subd=ignatiushisconclave&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-b20be901 feed-frhunwickesmutualenrichment" id="item-682635a6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A NEW ORDER OF PENITENTS?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a>]</span>
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<p>I am reprinting here (with its original thread) a piece I wrote last spring; in which I made a proposal very similar to a suggestion which, unknown to me, was being made elsewhere ... see the thread ...

I know it's a bit long, and rambles. The essence of it is the bits in bold print.
&#160;Essentially, in this new Dark Age marked by a culture of ostensibly (for we can none of us know the

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<div class="item feed-7540b2cf feed-lmschairman" id="item-e5afaef8">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Rabbi Neusner on the Prayer for the Jews</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">LMS Chairman</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; text-align: right;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Rabbi Jacob Neusner</td></tr></tbody></table>This short article was published in response to the publication of the revised Prayer for the Jews, to be used in the Extraordinary Form Good Friday Liturgy, by Pope Benedict XVI, in 2008. The prolific American writer and translator, Rabbi Jacob Neusner, points out that Jews pray every day for the conversion and enlightenment of the gentiles, and have no reason to be offended if their charity is reciprocated.<br /><br />I have taken the text from <a href="" target="_blank">Chiesa, here.</a><br /><br /><span id="hline">Israel also asks God to enlighten the hearts of the Gentiles</span><span>&nbsp;</span><br /><br style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" /><b style="background-color: #f0f0e1; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">by Jacob Neusner</b><span>&nbsp;</span><br /><br /><span style="color: #990000;">Israel prays for the Gentiles. So the other monotheistic religions, including the Catholic Church, have the right to do the same thing, and no one should feel offended. Any other attitude toward the Gentiles would block them from encountering the one God revealed to Israel in the Torah. <br /><br />The Catholic prayer manifests the same altruistic spirit that characterizes the faith of Judaism. The kingdom of God opens its gates to all of humanity: when they pray and ask for the swift coming of the kingdom of God, the Israelites express the same degree of freedom of spirit that impregnates the papal text of the prayer for the Jews (better: "Holy Israel ") to be recited on Good Friday. </span><br /><a name="more"></a><span style="color: #990000;">I will explain myself. For the theology of Judaism in regard to the Gentiles, I base myself on the standard liturgy of the synagogue, repeated three times each day. <br /><br />The text to which I refer is the Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire (London, 1953), which contains the English translation of a prayer for the conversion of the Gentiles, the recitation of which concludes the public rite performed three times a day, every day of the year. <br /><br />In this text, Israel, as a sacred people (not to be confused with the state of Israel), thanks God for having made it different from the other nations, and asks that the world be brought to perfection, when all of humanity will invoke the name of God, kneeling before Him. <br /><br />The text of the prayer begins with the words "It is our duty to praise the Lord of all things," and thanks God for having made Israel different from the other nations of the world. Israel has its own "destiny," which consists precisely in being different from all the other nations. God is asked to "eliminate the abominations of the earth," when the world will reach perfection under the reign of the Almighty. <br /><br />This prayer for the conversion of "all of the impious of the earth" &#8211; who are "all the inhabitants of the world" &#8211; is recited not once a year, but every day. It has a parallel in a passage from the Eighteen Blessings, in which God is asked to sweep away "the dominion of arrogance." <br /><br />We can therefore affirm that in Judaism, God is asked to enlighten the nations and to gather them into his kingdom. Precisely in order to emphasize further this aspiration, the prayer "It is our duty" is followed by this Kaddish: "May He establish his kingdom during our lives and in the days and in the lives of the whole house of Israel." <br /><br />These passages, taken from the daily liturgy of Judaism, leave no doubt about the fact that, when Israel gathers in prayer, it asks God to enlighten the hearts of the Gentiles. The eschatological vision finds its proper nourishment in the prophets and in their vision of a single, reunited humanity, in addition to a freedom of spirit that is extended to all humanity. The condemnation of idolatry does not grant much relief to Christianity or Islam, which are not mentioned. The prayers ask God to hasten the coming of his kingdom. <br /><br />These Jewish prayers are the counterparts of the one desired by Benedict XVI, which asks for the salvation of all Israel when time reaches its fullness and all humanity enters into the Church. The prayers of Jewish and Christian proselytism share the same eschatological spirit, and keep the gate of salvation open to all men. <br /><br />Both the prayer "It is our duty" and the Catholic "Let us pray also for the Jews" are the concrete expression of the logic of monotheism and of its eschatological hope.</span><div><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span><span style="color: #990000;"></span><br />Support the work of the LMS by becoming an '<a href="">Anniversary Supporter</a>'.</div>

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<div class="item feed-39f3c7f6 feed-" id="item-ab1e03c3">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The People in Heaven, The People in Hell</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=""></a>]</span>
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<p>Saul Alinsky spoke of his demise just months before he died in 1972. He was interviewed and here is a copy of some of it:</p>
<p><em>ALINSKY: &#8230; if there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.PLAYBOY: Why?ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I&#8217;ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you&#8217;re a have-not, you&#8217;re short of dough. If you&#8217;re a have-not in hell, you&#8217;re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I&#8217;ll start organizing the have-nots over there.PLAYBOY: Why them?ALINSKY: They&#8217;re my kind of people.</em></p>
<p>That Alinsky thought his type of people were in hell and that he wanted to be with them caused me to think of the type of people who will be in heaven. We might think we know what kind of people will be in heaven, but we may be surprised.</p>
<p>Today, I sat opposite a very-run-down man in the bus. He obviously had seen better days. His clothes were not only old, but summery and now, it is winter here. I am wearing a winter coat and boots.</p>
<p>This man, one could see, many years ago, had been handsome. Not today.</p>
<p>Yet, when I prayed for him, I prayed that at the hour of his death, he would receive the Last Sacrament. I felt God answer my prayer in a quiet assurance of His grace and &#160;predestination.</p>
<p>Alinsky may have identified with this have-not, but he would have wanted to organize his life, taking away suffering and making his suffering political. When suffering is made political, God is insulted.</p>
<p>That is what too many people have done&#8211;made suffering political when it is actually spiritual, as well as physical.</p>
<p>But, some Catholics may not like the people who are in heaven, or who will go there.</p>
<p>Christ&#8217;s words continually speak of the humble, the lowly, those who mourn, those who suffer persecution&#8211;not exactly the types that are on Church committees, or in the middle-class parishes.</p>
<p>Yes, some people may not only be surprised at those who get to heaven, but may not even want them there&#8211;those who were nasty, but forgiven and made gentle; those who were poor and unnoticed; those who had wild youths and moved into holiness in the silence of solitude in their older years; those who are on the other side of the political or liturgical aisle. Yes, even NO people go to heaven.</p>
<p>Heaven may not be full of rad-trads, or those who read the right kind of newspapers, or the right kind of blogs.</p>
<p>I hope I am surprised by who is in heaven, if God grants me this joy. I hope I see this old tramp, or at least recognize him in his new state.</p>
<p>Those who are forgotten may be the very ones not forgotten by grace, by the grand Mercy and Justice of God.</p>

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<div class="item feed-b20b5f41 feed-diligiteiustitiam" id="item-d83cb702">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Stephen Brock's Intro to the Philosophy of Aquinas</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Diligite iustitiam</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=""></a>

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<div class="item feed-790db351 feed-thatthebonesyouhavecrushedmaythrill" id="item-326f1f1b">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Solemn Litany of Pope Francis</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><br />Just a bit of solemn nonsense I've been working on.<br /><br />If you can think of more titles pop them in the combox, why not?<br /><br />Thank you for the contributions and apologies for any scandal caused by my previous effort.<br /><br /><br /></div>

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<div class="item feed-f0dcc924 feed-totaliteraliter" id="item-c59e810a">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">P&#252;nktlich zum Advent...</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">totaliter aliter</a>]</span>
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<p>Es gab in den vergangenen Wochen unz&#228;hlige Ereignisse, zu denen ich mich in der Vergangenheit normalerweise zu Wort gemeldet h&#228;tte.<br /><br />Manchmal habe ich mich zu diesen Ereignissen dann auch tats&#228;chlich <a href="" target="_blank">ge&#228;u&#223;ert</a>. H&#228;ufiger habe ich es gelassen.<br /><br />Warum? Weil mir das Internet mittlerweile oft viel zu schnell ist.<br /><br />Beispiel Terror in Paris: Abgesehen von der Tatsache, da&#223; mir anfangs sowieso erst einmal die Worte fehlten, war ich dann nach einer gewissen Verdauungszeit auch nicht mehr willens, in den Chor noch einzusteigen. Alle wu&#223;ten sowieso sofort alles, und es braucht keinen Sheldon Cooper, um zu erahnen, da&#223; die aus qualmenden Tastaturen ins Internet geschossenen Urteile sich stets brav widersprachen: <i>"Schuld ist der Islam!" - "Der Islam ist unschuldig!" - "Noch mehr Einwanderung bedeutet noch mehr Terrorgefahr!" - "Einwanderungszahlen haben mit dem Terror null zu tun!" - "Die werden doch nur zu Terroristen, weil sie keine Perspektiven haben und sich nicht willkommen f&#252;hlen!" - "Die kriegen eh schon den roten Teppich ausgerollt, aber die wollen sich einfach nicht integrieren, sondern hier ihre Nummer abziehen!" - "Wir werden alle sterben, weil der Terror w&#228;chst!" - "Alles ist cool, weil der Terror nur zeigt, wie verzweifelt und am Ende die Islamisten mittlerweile sind!"</i> undsoweiter...<br /><br />Man bedenke auch dies: Der Zyklus von <i>"Ich schm&#252;cke mein facebook-Profilbild mit einer transparenten Frankreich-Flagge, um Mitgef&#252;hl zu zeigen"</i> &#252;ber <i>"Haha! Da glauben Leute, da&#223; man durch die Ver&#228;nderung des facebook-Profilbildes den Terror bek&#228;mpfen kann"</i> und <i>"Wer bei den Anschl&#228;gen in X nicht trauerte, braucht jetzt auch nicht heuchlerisch einen auf 'Je suis' zu machen"</i> bis hin zu <i>"H&#246;rt doch auf mit dem &#228;tzenden Grief-Shaming!"</i> war - glaube ich - in 48 Stunden durch.<br /><br />Beispiel Terror durch die Antifa: Man kann ja gar nicht so schnell screenshooten, wie peinliche - weil kritische - Kommentare auf einschl&#228;gigen linksextremen Seiten wieder verschwinden und stattdessen die n&#228;chste Drohwelle auf (unter anderem) die katholischen Blogger zurollt. Und was soll man - au&#223;er einem extrem angepissen Rant - schon noch gro&#223; zu dem Thema schreiben? Wenn irgendwer 'ne Idee hat, wie man diese weltfremden Frustf&#252;rsten mit ihrem Richterkomplex auch nur ansatzweise auf einer Ebene erreichen kann, auf der Brands&#228;tze, Springmesser, Zwillen, Pflastersteine und in bedrohliche, gro&#223;e Worte gepackte kleine Gedanken erst einmal kein Thema sind: Gerne.<br /><br />Beispiel Ru&#223;land/T&#252;rkei: Klaro waren entweder alle oder keiner Schuld. Und es ist ja auch v&#246;llig neu, da&#223; Herrscher (plus jeweiliger Clique) lieber Mal bez&#252;glich eines oder mehrerer Menschenleben F&#252;nfe grade sein lassen, und ihren Auftrag als <i>"Alle kacke au&#223;er Ich (und vielleicht noch ein paar Speichellecker)!"</i> mi&#223;verstehen. Da mu&#223; ich dringend auch noch meinen Senf zu geben.<br /><br />Aber jetzt habe ich dann gestern doch noch etwas gesehen, welches genug <i>"Blut wird in den Adern zu Eis"</i>-Potential besitzt, um es hier mal kurz anzusprechen: Die Rede ist von der totalen Zombifizierung der USofA am sogenannten <a href="" target="_blank"><i>"Black Friday"</i></a>.<br /><br />Der traditionelle Beginn der Weihnachts-Einkaufssaison lockt Konsumenten mit abgrundtiefen Super-Sonder-Angeboten schon donnerstags vor die geschlossenen Ladent&#252;ren, damit jeder nur ganz weit vorne steht und somit zu den Ersten geh&#246;rt, die sich von Geld, welches sie meistens gar nicht haben, Dinge kaufen, die sie in der Regel gar nicht brauchen, um Schulden anzuh&#228;ufen, die sie lieber gar nicht h&#228;tten. W&#228;re das Ganze nun ein gesitteter Vorgang, w&#228;hrend welchem jeder sich ganz individuell in den Ruin st&#252;rzt, weil er eben doch den Bildschirm mit 5 cm mehr Durchmesser oder den Gem&#252;sed&#228;mpfer f&#252;r 50% weniger braucht, dann k&#246;nnte man vielleicht noch mit der Schulter zucken. Aber die ganze Aktion ist leider ein gnadenloser Beutezug egoistischer Shopping-Mall-Gladiatoren, die bei Laden&#246;ffnung mit solcher Bestimmtheit auf die ihnen ohne jeden Zweifel bereits geh&#246;renden Waren zuhechten, da&#223; dabei auch mal jemand hinf&#228;llt und &#252;berrannt wird. Und wehe demjenigen, der von einem begehrten und spottbillig angebotenen Produkt das letzte erwischt, aber sich von leer ausgegangenen Hy&#228;nen und W&#246;lfen umstellt sieht. Mad Max k&#228;me da kaum unversehrt raus. <br /><br />Die Pointe ist nat&#252;rlich, da&#223; diese Produkte in der Regel gar nicht so preiswert sind, wie es scheint, weil viele Unternehmen in den Wochen vor dem Black Friday ihre Preise stetig leicht anheben, um sie dann fallen zu lassen, weil nur f&#252;r diesen Tag produzierte Abklatschware verh&#246;kert wird und weil die Ausgangspreise in Wirklichkeit nie so hoch waren, wie auf den Schildern angegeben, sondern einfach nur unversch&#228;mt hohe "unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen" sind.<br /><br />Es gibt wahrscheinlich viele verschiedene Situationen, in denen einem Menschen ein Gedanke durch den Kopf schie&#223;en kann wie <i>"Wir sind echt am Arsch!"</i><br /><br />Als ich gestern in diversen Videos die Heerscharen untoter, wie ferngesteuert wirkender Konsum-Zombies sah, die sich gegenseitig Elektronik-Ramsch aus den H&#228;nden rissen, sich rauften, auf Sicherheitsleute und Cops losgingen, L&#228;den in Schutt und Asche legten und Kinder noch lieber in die Schlacht schickten, als sich bergend &#252;ber sie zu werfen, da war ich mir f&#252;r einen ganz kurzen Augenblick nicht mehr sicher, ob ich mich, wenn's mal irgendwo eine universumweite 80er-Indie-Rock-Party geben sollte, dort wirklich als Mensch outen m&#246;chte.<br /><br /><i>"Hallo! Ich bin Xlotli. Vom Planeten Slogga. Ich bin ein Multide!"</i><br /><br /><i>"&#196;h... ja... Hi! Ich bin Ich. Vom Planeten Klosterneuburg. Ich bin ein Alipius!"</i><br /><br /><i>"Angenehm!"</i><br /><br /><i>"Ebenfalls!"</i>

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<div class="item feed-ce401835 feed-cnadailynewsvatican" id="item-9877c4ba">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Like the martyrs, witness to Jesus with your life, Pope tells Ugandans</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNA Daily News - Vatican</a>]</span>
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<p><img src="" /><p>Kampala, Uganda, Nov 28, 2015 / 12:52 am (<a href="" target="_self">CNA/EWTN News</a>).- Marking his first full day in Uganda with Mass to celebrate the nation&rsquo;s martyrs, Pope Francis said the call to be missionary disciples falls on all of us, whether at home or abroad, with our families or among our enemies.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Like the Apostles and the Uganda martyrs before us, we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit to become missionary disciples called to go forth and bring the Gospel to all,&rdquo; the Pope said Nov. 28, presiding over Mass at the Catholic Shrine of the Martyrs of Namugongo.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;If, like the martyrs, we daily fan into flame the gift of the Spirit who dwells in our hearts, then we will surely become the missionary disciples which Christ calls us to be.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	Throughout his homily, the Pope reflected on how those who nurture the Holy Spirit in their lives desire to share what they have received with others.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;This openness to others begins first in the family, in our homes where charity and forgiveness are learned, and the mercy and love of God made known in our parents&rsquo; love. It finds expression too in our care for the elderly and the poor, the widowed and the orphaned.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	The Pope added that this openness extends not only to our loved ones, but to our enemies as well. &nbsp;<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;To our families and friends certainly, but also to those whom we do not know, especially those who might be unfriendly, even hostile, to us.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	Uganda is the second country in Pope Francis&rsquo; tri-nation African tour from Nov. 25-30. The Pope began his trip with a stop in Kenya, and will conclude the journey with a visit&nbsp; to the Central African Republic.<br />
	<br />
	Pope Francis&rsquo; Nov. 27-28 trip to Uganda comes one year on from the 50th anniversary of the canonization of the Uganda Martyrs.<br />
	<br />
	Saint Charles Lwanga and his 21 companions were killed by the king in the 1880s, alongside 23 Anglican converts to Christianity for refusing to recant their faith. They were canonized Oct. 18, 1964, by Bl. Pope Paul VI in St. Peter's Basilica.<br />
	<br />
	Pope Francis praised the martyrs&rsquo; witness of love for Christ and the Church as having gone &ldquo;to the end of the earth,&rdquo; as well as the sacrifice of the Anglican martyrs, which he said testified to Christ through the &ldquo;ecumenism of blood.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;All these witnesses nurtured the gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives and freely gave testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ, even at the cost of their lives, many at such a young age.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	This &ldquo;gift of the Spirit&rdquo; which we also received in Baptism to make us God&rsquo;s children brings with it the call to be witnesses of Jesus &ldquo;and make him everywhere known and loved,&rdquo; the Pope said.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Every day we are called to deepen the Holy Spirit&rsquo;s presence in our life, to &lsquo;fan into flame&rsquo; the gift of his divine love so that we may be a source of wisdom and strength to others.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	Pope Francis stressed that the gift of the Holy Spirit is not for ourselves alone, but is meant to be shared.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;We do not receive the gift of the Spirit for ourselves alone, but to build up one another in faith, hope and love.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	The Pope considered the example of Saints Joseph Mkasa and Charles Lwanga who, having been catechized by others, wanted to share what they received. In doing this, they risked their lives, and the lives of the young boys under their care.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Because they had tended to their faith and deepened their love of God, they were fearless in bringing Christ to others, even at the cost of their lives.&quot;<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Their faith became witness; today, venerated as martyrs, their example continues to inspire people throughout the world. They continue to proclaim Jesus Christ and the power of his Cross.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	Pope Francis challenged us to be witnesses to Christ to everyone: our families, strangers, and even those who are &ldquo;hostile to us.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	The martyrs&rsquo; witness shows that worldly pleasure and power &ldquo;do not bring lasting joy,&rdquo; the Pope said.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Rather, fidelity to God, honesty and integrity of life, and genuine concern for the good of others bring us that peace which the world cannot give,&rdquo; he said.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;This does not diminish our concern for this world, as if we only look to the life to come,&rdquo; he added.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Instead, it gives purpose to our lives in this world, and helps us to reach out to those in need, to cooperate with others for the common good, and to build a more just society which promotes human dignity, defends God&rsquo;s gift of life and protects the wonders of nature, his creation and our common home.&rdquo;<br />
	<br />
	Pope Francis concluded by calling for the intercession of the martyrs and Mary, to enkindle the Holy Spirit within us.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;This legacy is not served by an occasional remembrance, or by being enshrined in a museum as a precious jewel,&rdquo; he said.<br />
	<br />
	&ldquo;Rather, we honour them, and all the saints, when we carry on their witness to Christ, in our homes and neighbourhoods, in our workplaces and civil society, whether we never leave our homes or we go to the farthest corner of the world.&rdquo;<br /><br /></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-629b8d76 feed-ibenedictines" id="item-53fcea33">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">On the Eve of a New Liturgical Year</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">iBenedictines</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Today is a day of quiet excitement in the monastery. Everything in the oratory will have been burnished to within an inch of its life. Choir books will have been marked for the Advent liturgy, and there will be a (&#8230;)</p><p><a href="">Read the rest of this entry &#187;</a></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-959a591f feed-denzingerkatholik" id="item-0865a2cb">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Nicht nur jene</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<blockquote class="tr_bq">&#187;<i>Und es gibt Menschen, durch die Satan nicht blo&#223; die kleine Welt einer Familie, einer Gemeinde mit den Fermenten des Hasses, der Gier und des Neides zersetzt; es gibt Menschen, deren Leidenschaften von ihm entfesselt, entflammt, wie ein Erdbeben &#252;ber ein Volk, wie eine Springflut vernichtend &#252;ber einen ganzen Kontinent hinweg gehen, wie ein ungeheurer Steppenbrand das Gl&#252;ck von Millionen wegfressen. Es kommt sehr darauf an, wo einer s&#252;ndigt; es h&#228;ngt viel davon ab, an welcher Stelle des g&#246;ttlichen Ordnungsgef&#252;ges sitzend er es verletzt; es ist mehr oder minder immer, wie wenn einer ein Tuch an einer Stelle nur mit zwei Finger anhebt; er hebt das ganze Tuch und bringt es als Ganzes in Bewegung. </i>(...)<i> Warum soll sich der Teufel nur der Woll&#252;stigen bem&#228;chtigen, die ihrer Gier zu fr&#246;nen trachten? Warum nicht auch der Machtgierigen in unseren Parteigremien und Parlamenten, in unseren Zeitungsredaktionen, in den Fernsehstudios? Warum nicht auch die Eitlen und Ehrs&#252;chtigen, der Schamlosen, der Geltungsbed&#252;rftigen in unserem Kunst- und Literaturbetrieb, in den Zentralen der Filmproduktion? Warum auch nicht jener, die die Nachrichtengebung steuern, und jener, die die Schalthebel des Wirtschaftslebens in der Hand haben? Soll ausgerechnet bei ihnen der Teufel nicht seine Chance erkennen? Oder sind wir der Meinung, eine &#246;ffentliche S&#252;nderin bedeute f&#252;r ihn mehr als ein weltanschaulich neutraler Parteif&#252;hrer oder glaubensloser Staatsmann?</i>&#171;</blockquote>Ich muss sagen, mir fiele da noch so die ein oder andere Stelle ein, Schaltstellen, an denen die - so scheint's - glaubenslos Machtgierigen und Ehrs&#252;chtigen sitzen. Gleichzeitig mag man sich fragen: Muss da der Widersacher &#252;berhaupt noch wirken? Oder war es vielleicht nur mal ein Ansto&#223;en, das sich nun ... wie ein diabolisches Perpetuum Mobile ... in unendliche Abgr&#252;nde fortsetzt ... ?<br /><span style="font-size: x-small;"><br /></span><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-size: xx-small;">Text:</span> <span style="color: blue;">Alois Winklhofer</span>:&nbsp;<i>Traktat &#252;ber den Teufel</i>. Frankfurt a.M.:&nbsp;<span style="font-size: xx-small;">Verlag Josef Knecht</span><span style="font-size: xx-small;">&nbsp;1961, S. 132f.&nbsp;</span></span>

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<div class="item feed-3a435afe feed-rss" id="item-aa6c19c8">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Decline of the Story</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RSS</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"> <p><img alt="" class="media-image" height="372" src="" width="480" /></p>
<p>How often lately have you begun to read a novel, only to discover that you didn&#8217;t like any of the characters and didn&#8217;t care two nickels what happened to them?&#160; It&#8217;s not just that they lack admirable qualities.&#160; They even lack interesting faults.</p>
<p>Do the authors care about these characters?&#160; Why do they think their readers would?</p>
<p>But the standards of judgment are also changing.&#160; Not long ago I read a book review in one of the great, gray national newspapers which praised the novel in question for -- can you guess?&#160; Clue:&#160; It wasn't the plot, the characters, or the concept.</p>
<p>It sells; it&#8217;s easier to write; and it keeps people reading what they wouldn&#8217;t read otherwise.</p>
<p>If you can call it reading.</p>
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<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-c700c843">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Gomin's Collection</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Jean-Baptiste Gomin, a guard at the Temple, was authorized in 1795 to keep some items belonging to the royal family. (Via <a href="" target="_blank">Tiny-Librarian</a>.)<br /><br /><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="398" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">Marie-Antoinette's fichu.</a></td><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"></td><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"></td><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"></td><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="293" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">A case used by Marie Antoinette while she was imprisoned in the Temple. </a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><br />

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<div class="item feed-5b5d34f3 feed-theradtrad" id="item-84e70b1e">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Who Was Papa Sarto?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Rad Trad</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="640" src="" width="600" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Looking toward the future</td></tr></tbody></table>Hammer of the modernists. A great liturgical reformer. A stodgy dinosaur. A chain cigarette smoker. A pastoral pope with the mind of a parish priest. Pope Pius X, who occupied the Petrine See from 1903 until his death in 1914, has been called all of these things by various factions. All these labels bear a small amount of truth to them, but ignore the fact that precious little is actually remembered about the man. Traditionalists have made him into their favorite pope&#8212;although all rad trads know Gregory the Great owns the top place, that is, until the election of Sixtus VI&#8212;without much consideration of his real legacy and the Vatican that created it.<br /><br />J's latest offering on modern <a href="">Catholic blogosphere vocabulary</a>&nbsp;has generated copious comments on the liturgical changes that Pius X put into force, changes which were just as radical as those effected by Pius XII to Holy Week and Paul VI to the Ordo of Mass, although they were less distasteful in their result. This same who tossed out the psalter used by the ancient Church of Rome since probably the fourth century and which St. Benedict of Nursia proactively sought to imitate in his Rule also went on a zealous hunt against theological and disciplinary dissidents in an effort to preserve what I have termed the "<a href="">Perfect Society</a>" model of the Church.&nbsp;What could be more modernistic than discarding a fifteen century old liturgical tradition?<br /><br />Guiseppe Sarto was not the College of Cardinals' first choice for the Apostolic See. An often reliable and much condemned correspondent for National Review, Mary Ball-Martinez, wrote in her <i>Undermining of the Catholic Church</i>&nbsp;that Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro, Secretariat of State, was originally elected only to be vetoed by the Archbishop of Krakow on charges of Freemasonry. Mainstream thought, whenever it heard this far-fetched claim, quickly dismissed it. Recent research and leaked papers from the 1903 conclave now <a href="">validate</a> at least part of Martinez's claim. Sarto assigned the dubious Rampolla to the Holy Office and gave the Secretariat of State to the conclave secretary, Msgr. Merry del Val. A parish priest and unlikely patriarch now found himself at the center of a political institution that had hardly moved since the the Peace of Westphalia.<br /><br />What differentiates the pontificates of Pius X and Pius XII, at least in this observer's view, is that Pius XII displayed a unified program of policies which he indefatigably followed. Consider, for example, the concerted effort to save Jewish lives during the Second World War, the various offices involved in implementing the new Holy Week, the general concordance of his encyclicals, and the movement towards new methods of communication. Pacelli's Vatican modernized and dealt with the prevailing issues of the time with a somewhat uniform mind, athwart the baroque remnants of prior pontiffs. Pius X's Vatican seems much less unified. Rampolla promoted the careers of his three prized students (della Chiesa, Gasparri, and Pacelli). Benigni <a href="">hunted dissidents</a>&nbsp;with his own home-grown intelligence network and ghost wrote official documents. Liturgical reformers reformed the Divine Office along the lines of the Jansenist breviaries on vogue in France. Everyone seemingly followed his own desires and none the pope's, which early in his papacy were a return to chant and more frequent Communion.<br /><br />Was Pius X in complete control of his Vatican or was he, like Leo XIII at the end of his life, a functionary for the larger factions? His inexperience in playing politics and possibly apolitical nature (coming from peasant stock, not a noble) could very well have disincentivized Sarto from favoring or suppressing the urges of any one group. He let them do as they please, or by consent or by surrender. Pius XII had firm control. Did Pius X? If not, it would be difficult to ascribe to him any specific legacy, much less the proto-Lefebvrian image so many assign the parish priest turned pope.<br /><br />Sarto and his second successor, Pius XI, may have been relatively inactive personally as pontiffs because they were compromise candidates between the reactionary political forces, liberal reformers, and the Rampolla clique, the most powerful of them all. The Rampolla clique eventually got their own Pope in Benedict XV, who died after having expended almost all his effort on preserving the Church through the First World War. Gasparri had already made a bad name for himself and Pacelli was too young to elect in 1922, so another Sarto, another compromise came about in the form of Achille Ratti. The only remaining mystery, if we are right thus far, is why did Pius XII canonize the nominal obstruction of his mentor's program? Was Pius XII above politicking? Was it a humble concession to the miracles attributed to Papa Sarto? Was it a nod to conservative elements in the Curia, to re-boot the liturgical reform program? We may never know. What can be known is this: Pius X, the great reactionary pope of the 20th century, may have been less a reactor than a spectator in his own see.<br /><br /><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="246" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Passing the baton</td></tr></tbody></table><br />

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<div class="item feed-2a52d86f feed-vultuschristi" id="item-237b5b95">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The First Sunday of Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vultus Christi</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><a href=""><img alt="Adventillpray.jpg" height="430" src="" style="float: left; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;" width="300" /></a><strong>Ad Te Levavi<br />
</strong>In this illuminated miniature Saint Bernard is intoning the Introit of the First Sunday of Advent, <em>Ad te levavi animam meam</em>. He is lifting up his soul (and the new liturgical year) in the form of a newborn baby! God the Father, surrounded by angelic hosts, thrones in glory above him. To his left a choir of monks sings the Introit that Bernard has intoned.</p>
<p><strong>All My Heart Goes Out To Thee<br />
</strong>There is movement in today&#8217;s liturgy: a great sweep upward and away from all that holds us bound and confined &#8220;in darkness and in the shadow of death&#8221; (Lk 1:79). This is the ecstatic movement of prayer, of all right worship: out of self, upward, and into &#8220;the fullness of God&#8221; (Eph 3:19). The Introit sets the tone, not only for this the first Mass of Advent, but also for the rest of the Advent season and, indeed, for the whole new liturgical year. &#8220;To Thee, my God, I lift up my soul&#8221; (Ps 24:1) or, as Ronald Knox translated it, &#8220;All my heart goes out to Thee, my God.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>Ready for the Leap of Hope<br />
</strong>The heart, in going out to God, leaves much behind and cannot look back. This is the law of prayer, this is what it makes it costly, sacrificial and, at the same time, unspeakably sweet. The things we leave behind are mere trifles but, oh, the hold they can have on us! The old self, fearful and anxious about many things, grasps at every illusory promise of security, clings to things, arranges them in great useless piles, looks on them caressingly and takes inventory of them. The loss of any thing, even the most insignificant, represents for the old self, the loss of control, the loss of power, and of comforting familiar pleasures. All of this in incompatible with the prayer that the liturgy places on our lips today: &#8220;All my heart goes out to Thee, my God&#8221; (Ps 24:1). The upward flight of today&#8217;s Introit has nothing to do with cheap pious sentiment. It is an uncompromising call to detachment, to poverty of spirit, and to an obedience that is off and running with all speed, ready for the leap of hope.<br />
<a href=""><img alt="Ad%20te%20levavi%20St%20Bernard.jpg" height="300" src="" style="float: right; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;" width="218" /></a><br />
<strong>The Will to Go Forth<br />
</strong>The movement of the Introit emerges clearly in the Collect given in the reformed Missal. &#8220;Almighty God, grant to Thy faithful, we beseech Thee, the will to go forth with works of justice to greet Thy Christ at His coming.&#8221; We ask God to give us &#8220;the will to go forth.&#8221; The nuance is significant. We do not have in ourselves the will to go forth. All our inclination is rather to hold back. The &#8220;will to go forth&#8221; is itself God&#8217;s gift to us. We ask furthermore for &#8220;the will to go forth with works of justice.&#8221; The works of justice are those that free the old self from the bondage to sin and demonstrate the liberty that comes from the Spirit. (Saint Benedict catalogues them for us in Chapter Four of the Holy Rule.) We go forth because Christ is coming. We go forth like the five wise virgins, bearing lighted lamps, to greet the Bridegroom at his midnight advent (cf. Mt 25:6).</p>
<p><strong>Let Us Go Up to the House of the Lord<br />
</strong>The prophet Isaiah delivers the same message: &#8220;Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. . . . O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord&#8221; (Is 2:3, 5). In Psalm 121, the movement upward and into God is revealed a joyful thing: &#8220;I rejoiced when they said to me, &#8216;Let us go up to the house of the Lord&#8217;&#8221; (Ps 121:1).</p>
<p><strong>Cast Off the Works of Darkness<br />
</strong>The Apostle says that the movement upward and into God is urgent. The advent of Christ brooks no delay. &#8220;You know what hour it is, how it is full time now for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far gone the day is at hand&#8221; (Rom 13:11-12). Again the call to detachment, a summons to throw off the things that weigh us down and impede our upward flight: &#8220;Let us then cast off the works of darkness&#8221; (Rom 13:12).</p>
<p><strong>The Merciful Face of God<br />
</strong>Lest we become discouraged at the cost of it all and fearful of the loss of the things that spin our cocoons of comfort, the Alleluia verse before the Gospel teaches us to pray with all longing and desire &#8212; &#8220;Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy, and grant us Thy salvation&#8221; (Ps 84:8). We ask God to show us His mercy while we are yet earthbound and immobilized by our fears. He shows us His mercy. Mercy has taken a human face. The mercy of God is revealed in the face of His Christ. It is the glimpse of that face, even from afar, that gives wings to the soul. &#8220;Ad te levavi animam meam. &#8212; To Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul&#8221; (Ps 24:1).</p>
<p><strong>The Hour of God<br />
</strong>The Gospel brings the face of mercy very close to us. The Gospel is the face of mercy all radiant in the midst of the Church. &#8220;Watch therefore,&#8217; He says, &#8220;for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. . . . Be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect&#8221; (Mt 24:42, 44). The hour of God defies every human calculation. &#8220;A thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night&#8221; (Ps 89:4). This is why, &#8220;from the rising of the sun to its setting&#8221; (Mal 1:11), the Church sends her priests to the altar to raise the mighty cry, &#8220;Sursum corda! &#8212; Hearts on high!&#8221; It is, in fact, the mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist that keeps the Church in a ceaseless Advent.</p>
<p><strong>Into the Embrace of the Bridegroom<br />
</strong>The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass draws us upward, out of ourselves. and into &#8220;the fullness of God&#8221; (Eph 3:19). &#8220;Hearts on high!&#8221; What does the Church reply today? &#8220;All my heart goes out to Thee, my God; to The, O Lord, I lift up my soul&#8221; (Ps 24:1). We have entered already into the great Advent movement. There is no turning back. &#8220;Make no provisions for the flesh, to gratify its desires&#8221; (Rom 13:14). The Spirit comes to sweep the Bride into the embrace of the Bridegroom. Behold, He comes!</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-4875d97e">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Truth About Milk</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Whole milk is best. To quote:</a><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">If you look up "whole milk" in the government's official Dietary  Guidelines, it states pretty definitively that people should only drink  skim or 1% milk. "If you currently drink whole milk," it says,  "gradually switch to lower fat versions."<br /><br />This is the same advice the government has been issuing for many years. And it's wrong.<br /><br />Research  published in recent years shows that people "might have been better off  had they stuck with whole milk," according to a front-page story in the  <a href="" target="_blank">Washington Post</a> on Wednesday. "People who consumed more milk fat had lower incidence of heart disease."<br /><br />The  story goes on to note that the government's push for Americans to eat a  high-carb diet "provokes a number of heart disease risk factors."<br /><br />As  the Harvard School of Public Health's Walter Willett put it, the  "campaign to reduce fat in the diet has had some pretty disastrous  consequences."<br /><br />The Post goes on to note that this "has raised questions about the scientific foundations of the government's diet advice."<br /><br />It should.<br /><br />Based  on flimsy evidence, the USDA first started urging people to eat low-fat  diets in 1977. As evidence grew that this advice was misguided &#8212; at  best &#8212; it steadfastly refused to change course. So what we have  here is the U.S. government using its power and might to push Americans &#8212;  quite successfully &#8212; to change their eating habits in ways that likely  killed many of them.<a href="" target="_blank"> (Read more.</a>)</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-62bbbebc feed-semiduplex" id="item-3a3f4b77">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Preces meae non sunt dignae</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Semiduplex</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>While, on the whole, we prefer the Breviary of 1960, we&#160;think&#160;that some aspects of the <em>Liturgia Horarum</em>&#160;are clear improvements upon the preceding schemes for the Divine Office. One such aspect is the use (optional,&#160;unfortunately, like almost everything else) of the <em>Dies Irae</em> during the thirty-fourth week of <em>Tempus Per Annum&#8212;</em>the last week of the Church&#8217;s year, which is followed (of course) by the first Sunday of Advent. The wonderful&#160;old hymn, attributed to the Franciscan Thomas of Celano, is divided into three parts and sung at the office of readings, lauds, and vespers. This, of course, serves very neatly to emphasize the eschatological aspects both of the end of the Church&#8217;s year and of Advent.</p>
<p>Imagine stepping out of the holiday bustle into a church for lauds of Saturday in the thirty-fourth week of <em>Tempus Per Annum</em>, where you hear, after the usual beginning of the hour, the <em>Dies Irae</em>&#160;chanted&#160;in an austere plainchant. Puts rather a different spin on things, no? Bit of a shock to the system, even.&#160;But it is certainly something you&#8217;d remember when the deacon chants the Gospel for the first Sunday of Advent in Year C.&#160;(Especially if, after a day of shopping, you went back to the same church for the vigil Mass that same Saturday.) One might even get a whole new appreciation for Advent, wholly separate from Advent calendars, wrapping paper, and hot chocolate.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=100631426&#038;post=886&#038;subd=semiduplexdotcom&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-e4922b73">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Housekeeping 101</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>From <a href="" target="_blank"><i>The Catholic Table</i></a>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">Treating chaos and messiness like it&#8217;s a virtue is a weird modern  tick. It&#8217;s the flip side of acting like a beautiful home qualifies you  for canonization. Both are disordered attitudes, and both make for  uncomfortable living. Peace and harmony are found in the balance. So, how do you find that balance? In some ways, you have to figure it out for yourself. I can only tell  you how I&#8217;ve found it (and how the moms whose housekeeping skills I  respect the most have found it). Take what you will from this, and  ignore the rest.<a href="" target="_blank"> (Read more</a>.)</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-6bbca5c4 feed-theparaphasic" id="item-d3dbb339">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Imagine a Wombat Flying through the Sky</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Paraphasic</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div style="text-align: center;"><i>(I typed for an hour, and produced the following.)</i></div><i><br /></i><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="213" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div>Imagine a wombat flying through the sky. &nbsp;What do you see? &nbsp;I see a dark shape, blackish purple, with a swollen pear-like body, drifting upward toward a cloudy, starry sky. &nbsp;Why are you asking me to imagine this?<br /><br />No reason, really. &nbsp;Do you ever draw you fingers down a strand of hair and, feeling the slow grip of the fibers against your skin, think of all the texture and microscopic segmentation on the hair?<br /><br />Maybe yesterday I turned 28, and my eyes are getting paler, becoming transparent, so that I cannot see. &nbsp;Maybe I am fighting something. &nbsp;Maybe there is a dying kangaroo being carried down the hallway, outside my door right now&#8212;for death? for treatment? Where did it come from?<br /><br />Tonight I have burrowed through the warm, early-autumn soil, into the center of the roots beneath a large tree. &nbsp;And right now I am looking up into its trunk, where the web of roots meets and ascents into the open air, and what I see is a hollow in their midst, like a funnel, pointing upward to the sky. &nbsp;But everything is dark. &nbsp;Maybe I see this ring of roots reaching out in all directions from the core, and it looks like an inverted crown.<br /><br />I try to think about the weave of cloth, the way it is strung together to give it more heft without increasing the gauge of the thread. &nbsp;How different kinds of weave produce different degrees of elasticity and softness<br /><br />When you rub your eyes, you see a play of arabic, geometric patterns&#8212;stars which never close, stars which are also knots, knots layered one inside another in another, which stagger back and forth in loops and branches around a surface, so that the simpler shapes one sees are always only suggested by the lines, but never truly there.<br /><br />Think of a fruit growing. &nbsp;First the barren tree in winter, leafless and lifeless, waiting. &nbsp;Then the spring green, the budding leaves, swaying in the warm winds. &nbsp;Then budding, blossoming flowers which smile invitingly to the bees, which spring open, age and wilt away. &nbsp;But the flower buds remain and swell, glutted on the plant's excess of food, until that bud grows past recognition, becoming a succulent fruit, dangling on a little flower's stem, waiting to fall.<br /><br />Your feet are cold. &nbsp;You sit still and focus on your feet, feeling the skin intensely, hoping that by feeling and accepting their discomfort, it will cease to be discomfort. &nbsp;The cold is just a passing feeling. &nbsp;It is not painful, just uncomfortable, and it will eventually be gone.<br /><br />You put on a piece of music, and you wonder whether the ease and availability of doing so makes it harder to appreciate the music. &nbsp;Perhaps if you had to attend more to the physical medium on which the music is inscribed, had to attend to the mechanics of playing it, and had to devote yourself to the act of listening while it played, you would care more about music, and would find it easier to say "this is what I want to hear".<br /><br />You don't know everything, and you don't know everything that people say about everything, so you don't know how to talk about everything, and you don't know all the expressions people use to discuss everything. &nbsp;And in your ignorance you remain unaware of the existence of many thousands of words which other people might take for granted or find completely ordinary. <br /><br />You have to go to the bathroom, but you can't help wondering why there is a little blue squirrel at the bottom right corner of the text editor window. &nbsp;And you think "perhaps I should click on the squirrel or hover my mouse over it to see if some sort of explanatory message or menu appears when I do so". <br /><br />People are tedious, and you have a lot of difficulty tolerating them, understanding them, explaining yourself to them, dealing with their responses to your inadequacies, ignorance, faults, oddities, etc. <br /><br />One of the things that you wanted to say: that sometimes in multiculturalism there is so much of a desire to accommodate the needs of the Other that the Other is infantilized and stripped of an ordinary voice, because the accommodation isolates him from the reality of his surroundings. &nbsp;We keep the child safe from infection by isolating him from all bacteria, but this only increases the weakness of the child's health and sensitivity to disease.<br /><br />To add to the problem, the multiculturalist ends up silencing his own voice and neutering his own agency by taking upon himself the burden of mediating in advance all possible conflicts and difficulties that might occur as a result of cultural difference. &nbsp;So that, instead of there being a genuine, honest interaction between two people, we have one person who is silenced and disenfranchised through the excessive accommodations of another, who is himself silenced and disenfranchised by his need to anticipate every necessary accommodation and possible difference in advance. &nbsp;Misery all around.<br /><br />Before one learns a language, sometimes one looks at the foreign words (or, more exciting still, foreign letters), and sees in them all the promise of a foreign culture&#8212;things to understand which have not yet been understood, things to enjoy which have not yet been enjoyed, new ideas and personalities, new facts and events. &nbsp;All of this can appear simply in a page or volume of unintelligible text. &nbsp;But when one begins to learn the language, and proceeds to actually learn the language, the promise of another culture is slowly crushed and flattened against the boring mechanics of expression and the problem of translating the unseen, uninteresting features of language (the ones which make interesting expressions possible) from one world into another.<br /><br />Maybe people think of brick walls as boring and inert. &nbsp;No, they are exciting. &nbsp;Think of brick in all its varieties. &nbsp;Is it red or gray or green, is it concrete or terra cotta. &nbsp;Perhaps the wall isn't made of brick. &nbsp;Maybe it's some other kind of wall. &nbsp;Maybe it's a tall wooden fence. <br /><br />Privacy from one's neighbors. &nbsp;You are settling into a life in which you have no ordinary human contact, because of all the protective barriers.<br /><br />The smell of tea. &nbsp;The different smells of tea. &nbsp;How certain black teas have an alcoholic component to their aroma, perhaps left from the fermentation of the leaves during processing. &nbsp;Or other teas have a sweet aroma from added fruit components or flavoring. <br /><br />The smell of bread. &nbsp;Fresh bread has a wonderful intensity to it, nothing like the pasty stuff one buys in the market. &nbsp;The flour has blossomed and the yeast has produced a rich smell of alcohol, and one can smell the crisping of the starches in the crust. &nbsp;The best breads come out of the oven and sing, the crust crackling spontaneously as it continues to cook and cool.<br /><br />

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-2c7c0816 feed-chiesa" id="item-10e95fa2">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href=";eng=y">Homilies and Gregorian Chant for Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Chiesa -</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>A guide to the season of preparation for Christmas. With the best of the preaching of Benedict XVI and with links to all the liturgical chants of the upcoming Sundays and feasts

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-4e587259 feed-musingsofapertinaciouspapist" id="item-b2542305">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Wow!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a>]</span>
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<p>Fr. Z, "<a href="" target="_blank">Of scapulars, devotions and Russian jet fighters</a>" (Fr. Z's Blog, November 26, 2015):<br /><br /><img align="right" hspace="6" src="" vspace="4" />Some people are quite disciplined in the matter of wearing a  scapular. This comes from Latin scapulae, shoulder blades. Scapulars are  garments, usually associated with religious habits, which fall down  from the shoulders, mostly over the rest of the habit. Another kind of  scapular is small, on strings, which symbolically substitutes for the  larger scapular. There are different kinds of scapulars which are  spiritual aids in various ways. They generally are a symbol of a  relationship through which we derive spiritual protection and aid.  Probably the most commonly used scapular is the brown Scapular of Our  Lady of Mount Carmel.<br /><br />BTW&#8230; once you are &#8220;enrolled&#8221; and given the brown scapular, if and  when your scapular wears out, simply replace it. You don&#8217;t have to have  the new one blessed.<br />I am not sure if Eastern Catholics and Orthodox have such things, but  a reader alerted me to something which she thought was rather like a  Western scapular.<br /><br /><br />At <a href="" target="_blank">The Daily Mail</a> there are many photos concerning the destruction of a Russian jet  fighter by the Turks. The pilots were&nbsp;killed as they parachuted. Among  the photos are the pilots&#8217; effects, including this, which I flipped and  cropped:  <br /><br /><center><img src="" /></center><br />

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<div class="item feed-29ee8b74 feed-laodicea" id="item-00535c61">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">More Liberal Racism from the German Bishops</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laodicea</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="" target="_blank">So also in Africa. Of course the Church is growing there. It grows because the people are socially dependent and often have nothing else but their faith. It grows because the educational situation there is on average at a rather low level and the people accept simple answers to difficult questions (of faith) [sic]. Answers like those that Cardinal Sarah of Guinea provides. And even the growing number of priests is a result not only of missionary power but also a result of the fact that the priesthood is one of the few possibilities for social security on the dark continent.</a></p>
</blockquote><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=1167914&#038;post=11984&#038;subd=exlaodicea&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-ef12a082 feed-communityinmission" id="item-0e5dfada">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Truer Gift at Christmas &#8211; As Seen in a Commercial</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Community in Mission</a>]</span>
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<p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=""><img alt="Blog11-27" class="alignright size-full wp-image-34356" height="285" src="" width="360" /></a>There is an old saying that the greatest things in life aren&#8217;t things. Our greatest gifts are those we love, beginning with God and extending to one another.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>One of the great dangers at Christmastime</strong> (and with life in general) is that we maximize the minimum and minimize the maximum, or, as Jesus puts it, we <em>strain out gnats and swallow camels</em> (Matt 23:24).&#160; He said this about the religiously observant of His day, who meticulously followed small, technical rules about cleanliness and ritual purity, but <em>neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness</em> (Matt 23:22).</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">In other words, at Christmas we can focus so much on buying things and arranging various events that we neglect or even harm those who are our greatest gift.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Consider the sad situation </strong>that many now largely set aside the once-sacred Thanksgiving holiday when people could spend time with family and enjoy their company. And why is this?&#160;So that stores can be open for people to leave&#160;the people they love in order&#160;to run out and buy things for them. The gift eclipses both the giver and the recipient. And on top of that, we potentially sin against charity by creating a climate that requires the poor and those of the lower-wage working class to work on Thanksgiving Day.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Add to this the short tempers at the&#160;shopping malls </strong>(often caused by heavy traffic, long lines, and out-of-stock items) and the impression is created that things are more important than people. Not everyone suffers from this, but it is a problem.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The video below&#160;provides&#160;a touching reminder</strong> that the truer purpose of a gift is the well-being of another and the love we can show at Christmas.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The basic scene is</strong> that two snowmen are built, a kind of husband-and-wife, snowman family. But one has, and the other has not. Seeing his wife&#8217;s need,&#160;the husband snowman sets out, enduring great hardship and overcoming many obstacles, in order to get for his wife what she needs. The greatest gifts are those that show care for another.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Through the window, the &#8220;creator&#8221; of the snowman&#160;watches</strong> this act of love unfold. At the touching end of the video, the creator is very pleased.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>And so, too, our Creator and Lord is watching</strong> from the window of Heaven, and He is pleased with our acts of mercy as well.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The greatest things in life aren&#8217;t things</strong>; they are those we love. And the greater gift this Christmas is not so much the things we give, as it is the care and love we extend through those gifts, and the shared gift of our very selves.</p>
<p class="videoWrapper"></p>
<p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">The Truer Gift at Christmas &#8211; As Seen in a Commercial</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Community in Mission</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-dcd904e8 feed-siris" id="item-a3e00cf8">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Cosmic Snobbery</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Siris</a>]</span>
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<blockquote>It has always seemed to us truly extraordinary that Christians should have raised such a shriek of disgust at the "degrading" notion that man was made out of the lower animals, when the very Bible they defended described him, with splendid common sense, as made out of red mud.  But it is stranger still that philosophers who have accepted in a healthier spirit the genial fact of our kinship with the other creatures, should try to revive the silly and vulgar prejudice against the animal world in order to throw discredit on the moral dignity of man or woman. To refuse to judge of souls, laws, creeds or tendencies on their own merits is the perfection of cosmic snobbery. To inquire whether a man's father did not keep a shop is far less snobbish than to inqure whether his ancestor did not keep a tail.</blockquote><br />G. K. Chesterton, "Woman and the Philosophers," from <a href=""><i>The Speaker</i></a> (26 January 1901).

<div class="item feed-8026fd27 feed-etnunc" id="item-d830dd94">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Volksmissale</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">et nunc</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="259" /></a></div>   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                       MicrosoftInternetExplorer4                                     <span style="font-size: large;">Das von <b>Pater Martin Ramm (FSSP)</b> v&#246;llig neu bearbeitetes <b>Volksmissale</b> enth&#228;lt den ganzen Reichtum der &#252;berlieferten Liturgie. Es f&#252;gt sich ganz in die Reihe der altehrw&#252;rdigen Tradition von &#8218;<b>Schott</b>&#8216; und &#8218;<b>Bomm</b>&#8216;. Das neue Missale - lateinisch-deutsch - entspricht genau dem promulgierten <b>Missale Romanum</b> aus dem Jahr 1962.</span> <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="213" src="" width="320" /></a></div><u><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Einige besondere Vorz&#252;ge des Volksmissale:</span></u></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Das Format ist ein klein wenig gr&#246;&#223;er als die gewohnten Ma&#223;e des &#8218;Schott&#8216;. Entsprechend gr&#246;&#223;er und &#252;bersichtlicher sind auch die Schrift und die Gestaltung.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Das Buch ist aus edlen Materialien gefertigt, mit flexibler Decke, in Rindsleder gebunden. Es liegt gut in der Hand und bleibt selbst&#228;ndig ge&#246;ffnet.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Je vier Seiten Vor- und Nachsatz geben eine Gew&#228;hr, dass der Buchblock fest mit der Lederdecke verbunden und das Buch f&#252;r den t&#228;glichen Gebrauch ger&#252;stet ist.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;"><span>&nbsp;</span>- <span>&nbsp;</span>Die &#220;bersetzungen vermitteln den authentischen Sinn des lateinischen Originals und sind dabei gut und fl&#252;ssig zu lesen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Es wurde gro&#223;er Wert darauf gelegt, das Buch benutzerfreundlich zu gestalten. So sollte man beispielsweise deutlich weniger bl&#228;ttern m&#252;ssen, als bisher gewohnt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Die einleitenden Kommentare zum Kirchenjahr und zu den Festen der Heiligen sind konkret und gehaltvoll geschrieben. Sie regen allgemein verst&#228;ndlich zum inneren Mitvollzug der Liturgie im Sinne einer wahren &#8218;actuosa participatio&#8216; an.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Die Heiligenfeste f&#252;r bestimmte Orte (pro aliquibus locis) sind erstmals vollst&#228;ndig enthalten. Ebenso alle Pr&#228;fation, z. B. auch die vom Advent oder von der Kirchweihe.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Im Anhang befindet sich ein &#8218;Kleines Rituale&#8216; mit den Riten der Kindertaufe, des Muttersegens, der Firmung und der Beerdigung eines Erwachsenen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">- <span>&nbsp;</span>Au&#223;erdem enth&#228;lt der Anhang einen Auszug aus dem Kyriale, einen Gebetsanhang und eine gr&#252;ndliche Hilfe zum Empfang der heiligen Beichte.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: large;"><b><u><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">N&#228;here Informationen zum Volksmissale und Bestellm&#246;glichkeiten:</span></u></b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><h2><span style="font-size: x-large;"><a href=""><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Einfache Ausgabe</span></a></span></h2></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><b><span style="font-size: x-large;"><a href=""><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Edelausgabe</span></a></span></b></div><div class="MsoNormal"><b><br /></b></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: right;"><b><span style="font-size: x-large;"><a href=""><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">INTROIBO</span></a></span></b></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="426" src="" width="640" /></a></div><br /></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    <br />

<div class="item feed-a1746dd3 feed-brunonis" id="item-821b2511">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Die Kartause Marienau</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">BRUNONIS</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div style="text-align: center;"><span>Die <span>hier abgebildeten </span>Fotos&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span>wurden mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Markus Gehling,&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span>seinem Blog <a href=""><span style="font-size: small;"></span>/</a>entnommen<span>,</span></span><br /><span><span>das Gedicht entstammt der Feder von Arnd Herrmann. </span></span></div><br />   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                           <br /><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="378" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                           <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;">Kartause Marienau - Vor Beginn der Vesper</span></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    </td></tr></tbody></table><div class="MsoNormal"></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    <br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span><span>Die<span> Bilder entstanden</span></span> anl&#228;sslich eines Ferienaufenthaltes in Oberschwaben<span>.&nbsp;</span></span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span><span>Sie m&#252;ndeten in</span> zwei sch&#246;ne Berichte &#252;ber die Kartause Marienau:</span></div><br /><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: small;"><a href=""> </a></span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: small;"><a href=""></a></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><b><u><span>(Vielen Dank dem Fotografen</span></u></b><br /><b><u><span>und dem Dichter!)</span></u></b></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>+&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><span>Stat crux, dum volvitur orbis.</span></b></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><b><span>(Das Kreuz steht, w&#228;hrend die Welt sich dreht).</span></b></div></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="265" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                           <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;">Kartause Marienau - Auszug der M&#246;nche nach der Vesper</span></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    </td></tr></tbody></table><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><b><u><span>Die Kartause Marienau</span></u></b></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Rings von hohem Wald umgeben,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>wo es kaum noch Wege hat,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>liegt, dem Blick der Welt entzogen,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>eine kleine Klosterstadt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="265" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                           <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: small;">Kart. Marienau &#8211; Pfortenhaus</span></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    </td></tr></tbody></table><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Nur die Eingeweihten kennen</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>diesen stillen Ort genau</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und sie wissen auch den Namen,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>den er tr&#228;gt: Marienau.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Unscheinbar sind die Geb&#228;ude,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>wenn man sie von au&#223;en sieht.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Dieser Ort ist keine St&#228;tte,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>die Touristen an sich zieht.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Er verzichtet auch auf<span> </span>Werbung</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und auf jede Attraktion.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Seine Existenz als solche</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>ist genug Provokation.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="265" src="" width="400" /></a></div><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Was man dem verborg&#8217;nen Orte</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>&#228;u&#223;erlich nicht anseh&#8217;n kann:</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Die Bewohner hier geh&#246;ren</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>dem Kart&#228;userorden an.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Man nennt sie die &#8222;Wei&#223;en M&#246;nche&#8220;</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both;"></div><span>wegen ihrer Ordenstracht,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>doch das ist es nicht alleine,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>was sie so besonders macht.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Das, was dieser M&#246;nchsgemeinschaft</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>etwas Seltenes verleiht,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>ist: Sie hat ihr ganzes Leben</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Gott und seinem Dienst geweiht.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="265" src="" width="400" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>W&#228;hrend sich die Welt voll Eifer</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>hektisch um sich selber<span> </span>dreht,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>stehen die Kart&#228;userm&#246;nche</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>f&#252;r sie ein durch ihr Gebet.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Einem strengen Rhythmus folgend,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>halten sie bei Tag und Nacht</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>in der schlichten Klosterkirche</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und der Zelle stille Wacht.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Was die Welt in blindem Wahne</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>st&#228;ndig suchet und begehrt &#8211;</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both;"></div><span>Geld, Prestige und Karriere &#8211;</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>ist den M&#246;nchen ohne Wert.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Nicht nach reichen, teuren Dingen,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Glanz und &#228;u&#223;erlichem Schein</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>suchen sie. Ihr ganzes Streben</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>gilt nur Gott, dem Herrn, allein.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="263" src="" width="400" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Wie Maria auf ihn h&#246;rend</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und gehorsam seinem Ruf,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>widmen sie ihr ganzes Dasein</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>dieser Liebe, die sie schuf.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Andere Priorit&#228;ten</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>setzen sie als sonst die Welt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Unter das Gebot des Schweigens</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>haben sie sich selbst gestellt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Einsam, von der Welt geschieden,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>doch ihr im Gebete nah,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>f&#252;hren sie ihr stilles Leben</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Tag um Tag und Jahr um Jahr.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Flehend f&#252;r die Menschen drau&#223;en,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>f&#252;r die V&#246;lker weit und breit,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>bittend um ein Licht der Hoffnung</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und um Trost in allem Leid.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="265" src="" width="400" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Sie verk&#252;nden nicht durch Worte.</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Ihre Predigt ist ihr Sein</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und die Botschaft ist ihr Leben:</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Gott gen&#252;gt, er ganz allein.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Rings von hohem Wald umgeben,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>wo es kaum noch Wege hat,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>liegt, dem Blick der Welt entzogen,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>eine kleine Klosterstadt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Muss es nicht zu denken geben,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>dass es solche Menschen gibt,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>die uns zeigen, dass Erf&#252;llung</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>dem geschenkt wird, der Gott liebt?</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="265" src="" width="400" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Dass nichts sch&#246;ner ist auf Erden,</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>als die uns gew&#228;hrte Zeit</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>ihm zu weihen in Betrachtung</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und in stiller Dankbarkeit?</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Und dass &#252;ber allem Leben,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>das da bl&#252;het und vergeht,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>als ein gro&#223;es Hoffnungszeichen</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>Christi Kreuz am Himmel steht?</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span>Dank sei Gott f&#252;r dieses Zeichen</span></div></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>und f&#252;r Oberschwabens Bau,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>der von Heil und Gnade k&#252;ndet:</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span>f&#252;r den Ort Marienau.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center;"><span><span>&nbsp;</span>&#169; Arnd Herrmann</span><br /><br /></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                          <br />


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<td><a href="">EUCist News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Faithful Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">For the Queen</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Ray Blake's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr. Z's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Galileo Was Wrong</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Gratia Super Naturam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">History of Interpretation</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">I Have to Sit Down</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">iBenedictines</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">IDLE SPECULATIONS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ignatius his conclave</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Il Blog di Raffaella. I Papi, il Vaticano e la Chiesa Cattolica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">In the Light of the Law</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Incarnation and Modernity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Infallible Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Instaurare Omnia in Christo - The Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Jimmy Akin</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John G. Brungardt, Ph.L.</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John V. Gerardi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Just Thomism</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">katholon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Korrektiv</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laodicea</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Le blog d'Yves Daoudal</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lectio Divina Notes</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lex Christianorum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ley Natural</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Little Flower Farm</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LMS Chairman</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Loved As If</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">marcpuck</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mary Victrix</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mathias von Gersdorff</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Liturgical Movement</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Sherwood</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Song</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">News - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">NICK'S CATHOLIC BLOG</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">One Mad Mom</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">OnePeterFive</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Opus Publicum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Oz Conservative</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Paths of Love</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Psallam Domino</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RSS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Sancrucensis</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Scholastiker</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Semiduplex</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Siris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Spirit of Teuchtar II</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Peter's List</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Steeple and State</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Symposium</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">T&#281;sknota</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Taylor Marshall</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Tea at Trianon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The American Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Badger Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Dormitory</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Thing</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The City and the World</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Daily Register</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Deacon's Bench</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Divine Lamp</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The hermeneutic of continuity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Jesuit Post</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Josias</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Lepanto Institute</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Low Churchman's Guide to the Solemn High Mass</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Paraphasic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Prosblogion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Rad Trad</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Remnant Newspaper - The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sacred Page</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sensible Bond</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The TOF Spot</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Theological Flint</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">totaliter aliter</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Traditional Catholic Priest</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Transalpine Redemptorists at home</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unam Sanctam Catholicam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unequally Yoked</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Voice of the Family</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vox Cantoris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vultus Christi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Whispers in the Loggia</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Zippy Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>


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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2015</td>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2015</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-03-15.html">15</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2015</td>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-15.html">15</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2015</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-25.html">25</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-14.html">14</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-03.html">03</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-31.html">31</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-13.html">13</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">24</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-26.html">26</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-22.html">22</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-27.html">27</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2013</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-06-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-04-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2013</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-11.html">11</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-30.html">30</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-06-17.html">17</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2012</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2012</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2012</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2011</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-03-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-11-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-08-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2010</td>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2010</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2009</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2009</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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