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       <h1>Various Catholic Feeds</h1>
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<h2>Tuesday, 01 December</h2>
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<div class="item feed-3f65c8ef feed-thebadgercatholic" id="item-51553db6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Abp. Listecki grateful for all those who donated to Milwaukee crisis pregnancy centers</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Badger Catholic</a>]</span>
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<blockquote>Having just finished Thanksgiving, we all need a gentle reminder to see our lives and the people in them as blessings. Wanting to practice what I preach, I am extending to you my Love One Another and Herald of Hope readers, a <b>Thank You </b>for your gracious response to Our Blessed Mother&#8217;s Baby Shower. Your generosity produced 3 booster seats, 4,844 diapers, 194 outfits, 12 hats, 15 baby blankets, 6 bibs, 19 packages of wipes, 2 pairs of socks, 1 pair of mittens, 1 soft infant toy, 1 infant safety kit and $3,000 in cash. The items and cash donations were distributed to the Women&#8217;s Care Center (1441 N. Farwell Ave., Milwaukee) and Women&#8217;s Support Center (2051 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee).<br /><br />Our Lady, the Blessed Mother, invaded my thoughts. She asked me to extend to all who offered gifts her gratitude and requested that I offer a rosary for your intentions. If blessings come flowing into your lives, know that it was prayers being offered for you.<br /><br />Remember, when you&#8217;re good to Mother, Mother is good to you. To paraphrase George M. Cohan, God the Father thanks you, His Son thanks you, the Holy Spirit thanks you and I thank you &#8211; as you use your generosity.</blockquote>ArchMil<br />

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<div class="item feed-1c4e1290 feed-ignatiushisconclave" id="item-c50d996b">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Non-apologetics</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ignatius his conclave</a>]</span>
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<p><em>Unlike either the Renaissance or the Reformation, the Enlightenment had begun not as an attempt to rescue some hallowed past, but as an assault on the past in the name of the future&#8230;It was a period which sought to overturn every intellectual assumption, every dogma, every &#8216;prejudice&#8217; (a favourite term) that had previously exercised any hold over the minds of men. </em>Anthony Pagden.</p>
<p><img alt="001" class="  wp-image-684 aligncenter" height="169" src=";h=169" width="115" /></p>
<p>As a direct consequence of this, Liberal Christianity &#8211; the bastard daughter of the Enlightenment &#8211; is now characterized by two salient features: the culture of apology, and cultural imperialism.</p>
<p><strong>The culture of apology</strong> has recently afflicted both political and religious leaders; but never has its fatuousness been more apparent than at the present moment, when the bombing of Isil follows so swiftly on cringing apology for the Crusades. We view wars of religion, it seems, with unequivocal abhorrence; but a Holy War for &#8216;Western Values&#8217; goes largely unquestioned.</p>
<p>A particularly nasty example of <strong>cultural imperialism</strong> surfaced recently on the website of the German Bishops&#8217; Conference (where else?). Of the current state of the Catholic Church in Africa its editor, Bj&#246;rn Odendahl, writes:</p>
<p>&#8216;Of course the Church is growing there. It grows because the people are socially dependent and often have nothing else but their faith. It grows because the educational situation there is on average at a rather low level and the people accept simple answers to difficult questions (of faith) [sic]. Answers like those that Cardinal Sarah of Guinea provides. And even the growing number of priests is a result not only of missionary power but also a result of the fact that the priesthood is one of the few possibilities for social security on the dark continent.&#8217;</p>
<p>Former Anglicans will recall a similar attitude towards African delegates by American bishops at the 1998 Lambeth Conference.</p>
<p>Both these phenomena are symptoms of an ugly self-confidence and a contempt for the ways of faith. No one could doubt their origin.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=90420565&#038;post=682&#038;subd=ignatiushisconclave&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-0da20b1d">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">und schnell noch das</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
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<p><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>&nbsp;Meinem liebsten Stadtneurotiker zum 80. Geburtstag:</b><br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">H</span><span style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;">A</span><span style="color: lime; font-weight: bold;">P</span><span style="color: magenta; font-weight: bold;">P</span><b>Y </b><span style="color: #6aa84f; font-weight: bold;">B</span><span style="color: #f1c232; font-weight: bold;">I</span><span style="color: #ea9999; font-weight: bold;">R</span><span style="color: #3d85c6; font-weight: bold;">T</span><b>H</b><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">D</span><span style="color: #3d85c6; font-weight: bold;">A</span><span style="color: cyan; font-weight: bold;">Y</span><b> W</b><span style="color: #674ea7; font-weight: bold;">O</span><span style="color: #b4a7d6; font-weight: bold;">O</span><span style="color: magenta; font-weight: bold;">D</span><span style="color: lime; font-weight: bold;">Y </span><b><span style="color: purple;">A</span></b><b><span style="color: red;">L</span><span style="color: #f1c232;">L</span><span style="color: cyan;">E</span>N <span style="color: blue;">!</span></b></span>

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<div class="item feed-e8d210a0 feed-onepeterfive" id="item-281c328b">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">There&#8217;s a New Podcast in Town&#8230;</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">OnePeterFive</a>]</span>
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<p>Episode 26: It&#8217;s about Francis Fatigue, and what&#8217;s next for 1P5. <a href="" target="_blank">Don&#8217;t miss it.&#160;</a></p>
<div style="text-align: left;"></div> <img height="1" src="" style="display: none;" width="1" /><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">There&#8217;s a New Podcast in Town&#8230;</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">OnePeterFive</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-e8d210a0 feed-onepeterfive" id="item-d30d0d57">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">1P5 Podcast &#8211; Episode 26: Francis Fatigue, and What&#8217;s Next</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">OnePeterFive</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=""><img alt="E19" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9186" height="316" src="" width="600" /></a></p>
<p>Everyone has Francis Fatigue. So what&#8217;s next, intrepid 1P5ers?</p>
<div style="text-align: left;"></div> <img height="1" src="" style="display: none;" width="1" /><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">1P5 Podcast &#8211; Episode 26: Francis Fatigue, and What&#8217;s Next</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">OnePeterFive</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-13f9da30 feed-charlottewasboth" id="item-d4873ceb">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">To the margins</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Charlotte was Both</a>]</span>
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<p>Wonderful archive of historic photos from Christian missions<img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=1204303&#038;post=12881&#038;subd=amywelborn&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-a4d259c5 feed-thedailyregister" id="item-e0e6ee25">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">On the Outside Looking in on Happiness</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Daily Register</a>]</span>
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<p>By Patti Maguire Armstrong |  It was a bad day.&nbsp; Even now, you can&rsquo;t shake the feeling of failure. Then, you go to Facebook. While trying to pick yourself up, seeing your friends&rsquo; amazing lives makes you feel even lower.&nbsp; It seems that everyone is...<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-e66b2dbc feed-justthomism" id="item-9a2cec04">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Minds v. programs</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Just Thomism</a>]</span>
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<p>-Given it is an artifact, each program&#160;has a relation to the human mind as its maker.</p>
<p>Given it is a program, &#160;it is also within the class of programs and so none could be the maker of all of them, any more than a&#160;fire could light all possible fires (a flame can&#8217;t light itself).</p>
<p>-If artificial intelligence is intelligence, it is another intelligence alongside ours; if it is artificial it is subordinate to ours.</p>
<p>-But not all activities of agents and instruments are diverse, are they? Mowing, digging&#8230; even computing. Is it significant that these tend to be transitive actions, even the computing of a correct answer? So far as intelligence is productive, transitive, etc. it&#8217;s action might well be outsourced to machines. This might even go as far as having them write symphonies and books. But to relate to them as true or desirable, both which require self-awareness, is a very different thing.</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=679086&#038;post=15075&#038;subd=thomism&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-6b6931b6 feed-abbeyroads" id="item-fb3b93fc">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Disappointed with Pope Francis?  Can't figure him out?  Maybe think he's an anti-pope?  Or worse?  There may be a place for you ...</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Abbey Roads</a>]</span>
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<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">( Pope in parenthesis. )</div><br /><br />No, not the SSPX - they accept Pope Francis as the legitimate Pope.<br /><br /><a href="">Novus Ordo Watch</a> will take you in. <br /><br />Escape the Novus Ordo - leave the modernist sect behind! &nbsp;Become a Sedevacantist. &nbsp;All of your problems will go away - who needs a pope anyway? &nbsp;Reject the impostor church. &nbsp;Resist Peter to his face.<br /><br />Priests will have to be re-ordained however - if you were ordained in the new ritual, your ordination doesn't count. &nbsp;No Sodomite clergy either. &nbsp;(You'll just have to wait it out.)<br /><br />Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the sponsor for Escape from the Novus Ordo. &nbsp;Donations always welcome. &nbsp;No mercy though. &nbsp;No communion without a Traditional baptism/confirmation and/or marriage certificate. <br /><br />Just remember however: &nbsp;All are <i>not</i> welcome - unless they are worthy. &nbsp;You'll be tested.<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Who was the last Pope?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Do you want to bomb the hell out of Syria?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Who was the last reigning pontiff?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Do you renounce communion in the hand?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Can you pray the Pater Noster in Latin?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Are you relaxed? Happy? You can't be happy and Catholic.</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">What is a maniple?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Can you say the Latin name of the last Pope?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Can you admit NFP is contraception?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Will you burn all books printed after 1960?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Are all non-Catholics going to hell?</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><br /><br /><br /><br />Song for this post <i><a href="">here</a></i>. <i><span style="font-size: xx-small;">(Substitute words in the chorus with Novus Ordo.)</span></i></div>

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<div class="item feed-b86823ba feed-zippycatholic" id="item-1fa87a3e">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">There are two kinds of people in this world&#8230;</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Zippy Catholic</a>]</span>
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<p>&#8230; those who separate people into two kinds, and those who don&#8217;t.</p>
<p>In this post I am going to talk about one kind of people made up of two kinds of people, which gives rise to a third kind. &#160;They all end up hating each other even though they all have fundamentally the same loyalties.</p>
<p>The first kind of people are <em>conservatives</em>. &#160;Conservatives&#160;have what I will call a <em>conservative disposition</em>. A <em>conservative disposition</em> is a tendency to love and respect one&#8217;s own people, culture, and traditions, without insisting on thinking things through too much. &#160;Most people are born with at least some degree of conservative disposition. &#160;It takes certain environmental influences to purge the conservative disposition out of a person, and in any case nobody can think everything through from first principles so even people who philosophize for a living cannot escape from accepting some amount of received wisdom on faith in many areas of their lives.</p>
<p>The second kind of people are liberals. &#160;Liberals are people who have reasonably firm&#160;loyalties to the political philosophy of <a href="" target="_blank">liberalism</a>, at least to enough of an extent that they will affirm liberal slogans by <a href="" target="_blank">default</a>.</p>
<p>Because it is rationally incoherent liberalism is unstable. &#160;Situated in actual reality this means that as things &#8216;progress&#8217;, as liberalism revolutionizes social institutions and alters its own context, new generations of liberals end up <a href="" target="_blank">despising older generations of liberals</a>, rejecting them as illiberal or <em>inauthentically</em> liberal. &#160;We tend to call the newer generations of liberals &#8216;leftists&#8217; or &#8216;progressives&#8217; and the older generation &#8216;liberals&#8217;.</p>
<p>So we end up with &#8216;classical&#8217; liberals and &#8216;modern&#8217; liberals. &#160;Naturally people with more of a conservative disposition&#160;will admire their &#8216;classical&#8217; liberal ancestors as the congenital&#160;source of their liberal &#8216;tradition&#8217;. &#160;The fact that these &#8216;classical&#8217; liberals rejected their own ancestors and traditions creates too much cognitive dissonance to think about &#8212; and as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, the conservative disposition recognizes that life is too short to be able to think everything through to first principles anyway.</p>
<p>And that is how you end up with a society in which everyone is strongly loyal to&#160;liberalism, and yet still despise&#160;each other and see each other as tyrants.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=38463386&#038;post=4702&#038;subd=zippycatholic&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-da9e54f5 feed-cnsmoviereviews" id="item-c85a3e35">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Letters</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Movie Reviews</a>]</span>


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<div class="item feed-a4d259c5 feed-thedailyregister" id="item-97a24d74">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The World Doesn't Need Tinker Bell Catholicism</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Daily Register</a>]</span>
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<p>By Fr. Dwight Longenecker |  Do you remember that episode in&nbsp;Peter Pan&nbsp;when Tinker Bell is about to perish and all the children in the audience are asked to clap their hands if they believe in fairies? Their clapping makes Tinker Bell come back to...<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-dcd904e8 feed-siris" id="item-5d2e904c">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">"Ironic"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Siris</a>]</span>
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<p>I found this rather funny:<br /><br /><br /><br />I remember when the original song came out just over twenty years ago. Actually, a lot of songs I remember coming out came out about twenty years ago; that probably says something about me.

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<div class="item feed-d2e6788f feed-opuspublicum" id="item-63c0ef09">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Some Autobiographical Remarks Loosely Related to Distributism</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Opus Publicum</a>]</span>
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<p style="text-align: justify;">When I decided to return to the Roman Catholic Church in 2011 I considered myself to be a &#8220;weak libertarian.&#8221; That is, I supported economic policies such as deregulation, low taxes, and the dismantling of international trade and investment barriers, but had no time for the &#8220;hedonistic&#8221; wing of &#8220;the cause.&#8221; For instance, although I believed then&#8212;as I believe now&#8212;that certain social policies, such as the so-called &#8220;War on Drugs,&#8221; were ineffective and wasteful, I did not think it was prudent to legalize drugs across the board. Between 2011-12 my thinking on &#8220;things economic&#8221; began to change, mainly due to pressure from online acquaintances to take the Church&#8217;s social magisterium seriously. It was not possible to read the canon of social encyclicals and think that they could be squared with the tenets of economic liberalism. I found it disconcerting how Catholic neoliberals/libertarians felt they were entitled to read Catholic social teaching with a hermeneutic of selectivity while blasting other Catholics who play pick-and-choose with the Church&#8217;s teachings on matters such as marriage, contraception, and sexuality. Although it is true that the Church does not present a ready-made plan for how societies ought to organize their economies, it is clear that there are principles in place which no state has the right to derogate from. I did not believe I could be a consistent and orthodox Catholic while ignoring those principles and supporting policies which in fact contradicted them.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span id="more-1567"></span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Coming to that conclusion was not easy. Since graduating law school in 2007, I had come under the influence of the &#8220;Law &amp; Economics&#8221; (L&amp;E) movement and eventually started to explore the heterodox &#8220;Austrian School&#8221; of economics. Having studied, taught, and written about the history of airline regulation (domestic and international), I had little enthusiasm for centralized administrative agencies or heavy-handed economic interventionism. As my interests expanded to matters of global trade and investment, I grew skeptical of protectionist policies such as antidumping rules, subsidies, and quotas. Economic efficiency, not justice, was the highest &#8220;value&#8221; for me when it came to studying and writing about the law. It felt like safe ground to stand on. While I was under no illusion that economics is a &#8220;hard science,&#8221; there was a rigor to it which I found lacking in competing theoretical and philosophical approaches to the law. I still believe that is true to a certain extent. An economic analysis of, say, antitrust rules is always going to be more intellectually fruitful than a literary or feminist one.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">After parting company with L&amp;E several years ago, I had high hopes that I could find an authentically Catholic approach to economics (or what was historically called &#8220;political economy&#8221;) which was both firmly grounded in the Church&#8217;s magisterium and theoretically rich. So far that hope has not been met, or at least not fully. Whether people want to admit this or not, Catholic social teaching remains grossly undertheorized and practically impotent. As enthused as I am for movements such as distributism and solidarism, I cannot ignore that distributism in particular is clouded with romanticism. Moreover, because so many distributists have never studied economics seriously, they tend to be sitting ducks for neoliberals/libertarians who can offer more theoretically rich counterarguments. This is not to say that those counterarguments are &#8220;better.&#8221; Many often rest on a series of assumptions which should immediately be called into question. The problem is that many distributists don&#8217;t know how to do this and so they swap-in indignation for honest intellectual engagement, which doesn&#8217;t help anything or anyone.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">In my own limited experience of arguing with distributists (typically I just try to support them and ignore the problem areas), I have been scoffed at and scorned for daring to suggest that they put a bit of time into studying neoclassical price theory, the history of monetary and trade policy, or welfare economics. These &#8220;discussions&#8221; have left me with the sour impression that some (though hardly all) distributists suffer from a silly inferiority complex where the very idea of engaging with economics is anathema because the distributists themselves simply don&#8217;t know it. And so instead they retreat to the early days of distributism, to the clever rhetoric of Chesterton or the thunderous criticisms of Belloc, and ignore the fact that a distributist economy needs concrete policy prescriptions in place before it can become something more than a far-fetched ideal. After all, even weak-hearted economic liberals can still plausibly claim that while capitalism has many serious flaws, it is at least capable of delivering better socio-economic results than an economic system which appears to be drawn from <em>The L</em><i>ord of the Rings</i>.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">None of this is to say that distributism, or its supports, should be dismissed. I remain adamant that faithful Catholics should go back and read the works of early distributists to better educate themselves on the movement&#8217;s core principles before engaging in the messy work of figuring out how to put them into operation in a credible way. A great deal of work still needs to be done to erase the myths (or outright lies) which have sprung up around distributism due to the unrelenting, and often charitable, criticism levied against it by economic liberals. Thankfully there is a newer generation of Catholics who appear to be committed to that project, though it still has a long way to go, particularly in the face of well-funded think-tanks such as the Acton Institute. Only then will distributism have a real future and a chance to win ground-level support from the faithful.</p><br />Filed under: <a href="">Catholic Social Thought</a>, <a href="">Economics</a>, <a href="">Law</a>  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=70036207&#038;post=1567&#038;subd=opuspublicum&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-0151ce3b feed-cnsvaticannews" id="item-12e64916">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">State's attempt to abolish death penalty marked at Rome's Colosseum</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Vatican News</a>]</span>


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<div class="item feed-3c4a28c7 feed-dyspepticmutterings" id="item-16597b63">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">New Batman v. Superman Teaser Trailer.</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Dyspeptic Mutterings</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Color me intrigued.

Not for the Staring Contest part, but for the way Batman's captors kneel before Kal-El as he comes down the hallway. Remember Jor-El's line to his wife as they prepared to launch their only child to the stars?

"He will be a god to them."

Apparently, Zach Snyder didn't mean that as a throwaway.

I liked Man of Steel, even if it needed some editing down--after a while, it was

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<div class="item feed-73543c01 feed-theremnantnewspapertheremnantnewspaperremnantarticles" id="item-065884d9">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Is ISIS Waking Christendom?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Remnant Newspaper - The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles</a>]</span>
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<p>A New Video Short&nbsp;from Remnant TVIn one of Remnant TV&#8217;s new &#8220;Sunday Sermons from South St. Paul&#8221;, our homilist makes the sobering observation that France&#8212;the great Catholic jewel of holy...<br />
<br />
See more at<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-e8d210a0 feed-onepeterfive" id="item-7f44d91d">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Possible ISIS Attack on Pope Francis Thwarted</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">OnePeterFive</a>]</span>
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<p><img alt="pope-francis-707395_1280" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-9183" height="527" src="" width="702" /></p>
<p>News reports out of Italy&#160;<a href=";utm_medium=twitter&amp;ts=1448996259&amp;utm_source=sns&amp;nocrawl=1" target="_blank">indicate that a potential terror attack on Pope Francis was thwarted</a> today when four suspects were arrested in two countries:</p>
<blockquote><p>Acting on a tip from the FBI, Italian authorities arrested four people in Italy and Kosovo Tuesday who were <a href="">suspected of planning an attack</a> on Pope Francis, the Local reported. The seat of the Roman Catholic Church is the Vatican, situated just outside of Rome, where security has been high since the Islamic terror group known as the Islamic State, ISIS or Daesh, threatened attacks on the Italian capital.</p>
<p>All four people&#160;arrested by police during raids in Brescia, Vicenza and Perugia, Italy and Kosovo&#160;are from Kosovo, a region inside Serbia in southeastern Europe where international recognition remains disputed. The four people stand accused of participation in a terror ring with specific intent to target the pope.</p>
<p>&#8220;The [alleged]terrorist team propagated the ideology of jihad through social networks,&#8221; police said, as reported by the Local. The group allegedly claimed on social media that Francis would be &#8220;the last pope.&#8221;</p></blockquote>
<p>Some will no doubt ask themselves: why, when Pope Francis has been so conciliatory and even complimentary toward Muslims, would they want to kill him?</p>
<p>1P5&#8217;s Islamic expert Andrew Bieszad offered an explanation in his article,&#160;<em><a href="" target="_blank">Does the Islamic State Want to Assassinate the Pope? 5 Things Catholics Need to Know</a></em>:</p>
<blockquote><p><a href="">As I&#8217;ve previously written,</a>&#160;the public statements made by Pope Francis concerning&#160;Islam are not only incorrect, but dangerous. Despite the pope&#8217;s attempts to be conciliatory towards Islam, it is a religion inherently prone to violence. According to Islamic theology, an individual&#8217;s&#160;human dignity is conditional upon their belief in and practice of Islam. Non-Muslims, while they possess the form and attributes of persons, are (according to long-held Islamic understanding) no different than animals, and can be treated as such. This makes violent treatment of non-Muslims entirely acceptable according to the precepts of the Islamic faith.</p>
<p>The Catholic Faith instructs us&#160;that God is Love (1 John 4:8), and that we must show charity even to our enemies. As Catholics, we abhor ideology&#160;that does not honor basic&#160;human dignity.</p>
<p>But for Muslims, the understanding of non-Muslims as somehow less than human&#160;is simply a reality that cannot be changed, since Islam teaches that this is a truth which&#160;has been divinely revealed. Islam defines Allah&#8217;s nature in terms of his will, since Allah does what he wills (Quran 14:29) for no reason other than will itself. The Catholic Faith honors and rewards mercy and love, and spreads by encouraging the hearts of men to seek the true way to go to God in a world filled with sin&#160;and evil. Islam, however, honors and rewards force and power, and promises the pinnacle of worldly delights and even vengeance as the consummate measure of blessing in this life and the hereafter.</p>
<p>Islam teaches that a Muslim may lie if it is done &#8220;in the cause of Allah.&#8221; What is this cause? It is traditionally defined by Islamic theologians as the process of&#160;making converts to Islam, or in fighting <em>jihad</em>. Muslims have a name for this form of&#160;lying:&#160;<em>taqiyya</em>. One of the most common forms of <em>taqiyya</em> in modern times has been the effort to spread the notion that Islam is a &#8220;religion of peace.&#8221; In reality,&#160;Islam is very clear that aggressive war against non-Muslims and religious piety are inseparably related:</p>
<blockquote><p><em>&#8220;Verily, Paradise is under the shade of swords&#8221;</em></p>
<p>(Bukhari, Book 52, #73)</p>
<p>Narrated Ibn &#8216;Umar: Allah&#8217;s Apostle said: &#8220;I have been ordered (by Allah) to&#160;fight&#160;against&#160;the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah&#8217;s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done&#8230;</p></blockquote>
<p>The fact is that from an Islamic viewpoint, Pope Francis&#8217; statements about the Muslim faith actually&#160;<em>further</em>&#160;Islamic beliefs. However, he is not only not of their faith&#160;but is the leader of the largest group of Christians in the world. In the Muslim mind, this sets up a paradox &#8212; an infidel of the highest order is supporting their&#160;religious ideas, yet he is manifestly not a Muslim. The question about Pope Francis for Muslims becomes&#160;whether is he going to <em>fully</em> accept Islam (since he is already promoting it) or persist in his infidelity, and thus merit the punishment for infidels. What Pope Francis may see as an act of outreach and solidarity to Muslims is actually interpreted by Islamic theology as a form of partial consent to the Islamic faith, and thus merits an <em>aggressive</em>&#160;push&#160;to encourage him to complete the process of his&#160;conversion to Islam.</p>
<p>How aggressive? There&#8217;s a reason why Islam is known as a religion which &#8220;converts by the sword.&#8221;</p>
<p>The fact is, despite the pope&#8217;s overtures of friendship toward Islam, it is impossible for Muslims to ever love and respect non-Muslims, as&#160;their&#160;theology forbids them&#160;from doing so. What they do respect is&#160;<em>power</em>. The way Catholics can&#160;earn the respect of Muslims is not to apologize for our beliefs, but to stand firm in them, and persist in spite of all opposition. To win converts from Islam, the Catholic Church must show strength and promulgate truth greater than that shown Islam itself. It can do this by holding its ground, professing without fear the Gospel of &#8220;Christ crucified&#8221; and the doctrine of&#160;<em>Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus &#8211;&#160;</em>outside the Church, there is no salvation.</p>
<p>Anything less is asking for trouble.</p></blockquote>
<p>That&#8217;s only the first reason. <a href="" target="_blank">See the other four here</a>.</p>
<p>Remember, too, that the Islamic State invariably mentions in its statements that it plans to attack Rome. Some commentators have interpreted this to mean a&#160;broad metaphor for&#160;the West, and of those nations that comprise the remains of Christendom. But ISIS made its&#160;specific&#160;aims quite clear when a picture of its flag was&#160;photoshopped onto the obelisk in St. Peter&#8217;s Square last year on the cover of&#160;<em>Dabiq</em>, the official publication of the Islamic State:</p>
<p><a href=""><img alt="magazine-dabiq (1)" class="aligncenter wp-image-9182" height="673" src="" width="500" /></a></p>
<p>Islam has a long memory. The soldiers of ISIS are still fighting the great battles of history, especially those in which the forces of Islam lost to the Catholic armies of Europe. Whether or not the individuals arrested today were capable of carrying out an attack, the threat to the Vatican is real. As I&#8217;ve written before, <a href="" target="_blank">it&#8217;s time for Rome to wake up be ready</a>.</p>
<div style="text-align: left;"></div> <img height="1" src="" style="display: none;" width="1" /><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Possible ISIS Attack on Pope Francis Thwarted</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">OnePeterFive</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-29ee8b74 feed-laodicea" id="item-931aaf0e">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Abbott on Mao</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laodicea</a>]</span>
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<p><span class="embed-youtube" style="text-align: center; display: block;"></span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">I remember seeing this when it was broadcast. Simply amazing. But this really is what huge numbers of lefties all over the UK really think. They normally only imply it or state it openly at dinner parties of the Guardian reading elect. It takes the stupidity of Diane Abbot to say it on national television. They are all committed opponents of the death penalty (naturally) but if they had a free rein the corpses would pile up very fast indeed. Why do they oppose the death penalty? Because it implies a state constituted <span style="text-decoration: underline;">and limited by</span> the moral law. They want an unlimited state defined by contract. That which is merely a creation of contract cannot eliminate the contracting parties without eliminating itself. For those outside the contract on the other hand there is no mercy&#8230;</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=1167914&#038;post=12006&#038;subd=exlaodicea&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-62bbbebc feed-semiduplex" id="item-ee627416">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Cardinal Burke on Antonio Spadaro&#8217;s Synod wrap-up</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Semiduplex</a>]</span>
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<p>We have noticed, lately, that we have not heard much from Raymond Cardinal Burke regarding the ongoing debate over the possibility of admitting bigamists&#160;to communion. We have heard, of course, from Robert Cardinal Sarah and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, both of whom have been prominent commentators on the developments in the Church. Today, <a href="">Cardinal Burke has a brief essay in the <em>Register</em></a>, responding to Father Antonio Spadaro&#8217;s <a href="">triumphant essay in the Jesuit periodical <em>La Civilt&#224; Cattolica</em></a>, whose proofs, we are unfailingly reminded, are corrected in the Secretariat of State (or Santa Marta, as the case may be), which pretty well declared the path to communion for bigamists wide open after the Synod&#8217;s conclusion. Cardinal Burke&#8217;s essay concludes,</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">The way of discernment upon which the priest accompanies the penitent who is living in an irregular union assists the penitent to conform his conscience once again to the truth of the Holy Eucharist and to the truth of the marriage to which he is bound. <strong>As the Church has consistently taught and practiced, the penitent is led in the &#8220;internal forum&#8221; to live chastely in fidelity to the existing marriage bond, even if seeming to be living with another in a marital way, and thus to be able to have access to the sacraments in a way which does not give scandal</strong>. Pope St. John Paul II described the Church&#8217;s practice in the &#8220;internal forum&#8221; in No. 84 of&#160;<em>Familiaris&#160;Consortio</em>. The Declaration of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts of June 24, 2000, illustrates the teaching in No. 84 of&#160;<em>Familiaris Consortio</em>. Both of these documents are referenced in the final report of the synod, but sadly in a misleading way.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">To give the impression that there is another practice in the &#8220;internal forum,&#8221; which would permit an individual in an irregular union to have access to the sacraments, is to suggest that the conscience can be in conflict with the truth of the faith. <strong>Such a suggestion clearly places priests in an impossible situation, the expectation that they can &#8220;open a door&#8221; for the penitent which, in fact, does not exist and cannot exist.</strong></p>
<p>(Emphasis supplied and hyperlink omitted.) Read the whole thing there.</p>
<p>Those that read the tea leaves might be inclined to note that Fr. Spadaro is a close collaborator of the Holy Father, and there are those who have suggested that his comments might be seen as a preview of the Holy Father&#8217;s eventual disposition of the matter. And, of course, there was that get-together at the Villa Malta, to say nothing of the get-togethers at Santa Marta during the Synod. At any rate, Cardinal Burke&#8217;s piece is a solid counterweight to Fr. Spadaro&#8217;s breakthrough&#160;view of the Synod.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=100631426&#038;post=1181&#038;subd=semiduplexdotcom&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-3c4a28c7 feed-dyspepticmutterings" id="item-4d890c20">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A belated Happy Thanksgiving!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Dyspeptic Mutterings</a>]</span>
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<p>Ours was wonderful--Heather cooked another perfect 19lb. bird, I finished turning the leftovers into soup base on Monday evening, and we've gotten some of our Christmas shopping done.&#160;

So, that explains most of the radio silence.

The remainder is that I've been working on a couple of pieces for Steve Skojec's OnePeterFive which are going into rotation there shortly. I'll actually be the second

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<div class="item feed-62bbbebc feed-semiduplex" id="item-7c764c14">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Football and the necessity of immorality</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Semiduplex</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Jamil Smith, <a href="">at <em>The New Republic</em>, has written on &#8220;The Necessity of Football.</a><a href="">&#8220;</a> After outlining what is all too clear&#8212;many football players have destroyed (and are destroying)&#160;their brains, to say nothing of &#8220;garden-variety&#8221; football injuries&#8212;Smith argues,</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Every time I&#8217;ve thought about leaving the sport behind, I remember my favorite photograph: a black-and-white shot my mother took of me in my football uniform in the eighth grade, standing next to my father and smiling after a win. But nostalgia is a reason to love the game, not a reason to need it. <strong>Perhaps, then, this is where I should tell you why&#8212;even in the wake of Omalu&#8217;s revelations&#8212;I feel we still need football. Not to rescue the NFL&#8217;s largely black labor force from its humble origins, or to entertain the masses that refuse to let it go in the wake of mounting tragedies. We need it partially because football serves as a kind of fun-house mirror for our national character.</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: left;">The reflection comes in various forms: social movements, national tragedy, political spectacle, and yes, our sports. And we are a dramatic country, so much so that the volume of theatrics we see in every corner of our lives dulls our senses. <strong>We need more, and we need it louder. And in spectator sports, we want to see the best versions of ourselves reflected back at us, or else why would we consider it entertainment? We want to believe that inside that arena, everything will be all right because our men are the strongest, and our fight is the hardest</strong>. This is why between 2012 and 2015 the Department of Defense paid 18 NFL teams a total of&#160;more than $5.6 million for marketing and advertising, including flying military bombers over stadiums at taxpayers&#8217; expense. It&#8217;s also why we watch hit montages week after week, delighting in the crack of the pads or the punch of the music without wondering whether that player just got pushed a bit further toward CTE. <strong>Football marries artfulness to brutality, providing the most honest interpretation of American character that we have available, and I enjoy football despite its horrors because I have learned to do the same in my life in America.</strong></p>
<p>(Emphasis supplied and hyperlink omitted.) Read the whole thing there.</p>
<p>For our part, we have already explained why we believe that a good-faith argument could be made that American football (and other extreme sports) is sinful, since it is contrary to the clear injunction of the Fifth Commandment and the Church&#8217;s teaching about similar dangerous activities. Moreover, we think that what makes football immoral is inextricably bound up with the positive aspects as Jamil Smith describes them. That is, it is <em>impossible</em> for spectators to watch players striving&#160;manfully on the gridiron without those men same heedlessly risking physical injury, either immediately or in the future. Thus, it seems to us that it is impossible to use football as a cultural mirror without embracing what makes football morally illicit. Thus, we are left with the question: is immorality ever <em>necessary</em>?&#160;The answer, of course, is no. Paul VI reminded us in <em>Humanae vitae</em> that good&#160;ends never justify sinful means.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=100631426&#038;post=1157&#038;subd=semiduplexdotcom&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-533ecce2">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Am Anfang der Adventszeit steht Maria</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Wir M&#252;nchner mal wieder:<br /><br /><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Der Mariahilf-Alter in der Stadtpfarrkirche St.Peter in M&#252;nchen.<br />Hell erleuchtet f&#252;r die Gottesmutter, zu deren Ehre wir die "Novene<br />zur Unbefleckten Empf&#228;ngnis" beten.</td></tr></tbody></table>W&#228;hrend es drau&#223;en auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt recht laut und bunt zugeht, es nach Gl&#252;hwein riecht, nach Bratwurst und Pommes ... wird in den Innenstadtkirchen die Tradition gelebt.<br /><br />Besonders in der &#228;ltesten Innenstadtkirche St.Peter lebt die Tradition in diesen Tagen auf.<br />Die Adventszeit beginnt hier jedes Jahr am 29. November mit der "Novene zur Unbefleckten Empf&#228;ngnis Mariens".<br />Bis zum 8. Dezember finden in dieser Zeit besonders am Abend feierliche Messen statt. Es gibt jeweils eine themenbezogene Predigt, die dieses Jahr Maria als "Mutter der Barmherzigkeit" von vielen Seiten betrachten.<br />Die Messen enden jeweils am Mariahilf-Altar mit dem gemeinsam gesungenen "Alma redemptoris Mater" und der Marienweihe. Eine einzige Freude - und ein gutes Gef&#252;hl, gerade in diesen Zeiten unter Mariens Schutz und Schirm zu stehen.

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<div class="item feed-d3f39a1f feed-zenittheworldseenfromrome" id="item-3d3afa1c">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope&#8217;s Press Conference on Return Flight From Africa</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>At the end of his Apostolic Journey to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic, Pope Francis met with journalists for a press conference on board the plane, during the return flight from Bangui to Rome. 

 Here is a ZENIT translation of the Vatican transcription of the Pontiff&#8217;s conversation with the journal...<div class="feedflare">
<a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a>
</div><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-e8d210a0 feed-onepeterfive" id="item-ebdb362b">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Purgatory and Hell: Forgotten Destinations: Part I</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">OnePeterFive</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="wp-caption aligncenter" id="attachment_9175" style="width: 712px;"><img alt="hell" class="wp-image-9175 size-large" height="336" src="" width="702" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Lucifer, King of Hell; Canto XXXIV of The Inferno, by Dante Alighieri; Illustration by Gustave Dor&#233;</p></div>
<p><i>Editor&#8217;s note: this is the first in a four-part series. The others will be linked here as they become available.</i></p>
<h3><strong>Part 1: Hell is Real, and You Could Go There</strong></h3>
<p><strong>If one were to sample the doctrine</strong> of today&#8217;s sermons and books, one would think that every human being who has ever been and ever will be&#160;follows the high road to heaven. No matter that some paths are crooked, others straight; they all go to the same place&#8212;that&#8217;s the only destination on the other side of life. &#8220;God writes straight with crooked lines,&#8221; we read in the gleeful brochures for self-discovery workshops.</p>
<p>But there was a thirteenth-century poet, Dante, whose great poem <em>Divina Commedia </em>takes a different line. He thought that there were three possible destinations and devoted an equal number of cantos (33) to each one: <em>Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso</em>. The titles of the three parts are revealing and worth a little thought, especially by those who are tempted to think that souls die only in order to rise upwards into eternal bliss. If we manage to push through the brambles of scholarly deconstruction and reach back to the simple words of the Gospels, we may even discover that Jesus Himself held similar views. Perhaps Dante, although he was a medieval Catholic (and medieval Catholics, as historians tell us with a hint of disdain, made a lot of things up), was not making things up after all.</p>
<p>This series of articles will present several meditations on the afterlife, with particular attention paid to the neglected habitations mentioned in the title. If we can grasp more clearly just a few truths about the world to come&#8212;something of its geography, so to speak, and the characteristics of its inhabitants&#8212;we may be able to infuse into our lives a greater yearning for the paradise we hope to attain by God&#8217;s grace, a deeper gratitude for the purifying power of divine love, and a wholesome loathing for the punishment reaped by unrepented mortal sin. As St. Thomas Aquinas says, &#8220;Let our thoughts. . .dwell on retribution, imitating the holy King Hezekiah: &#8216;I said, in the midst of my days I shall go to the gates of hell&#8217; (Is 38:10). A mind which goes down to hell often in life will not easily go down there in death.&#8221;</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">*&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; *&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; *</p>
<p>The Catholic teaching on the two everlasting abodes of the afterlife is not a curious idea spun out by theologians; it is found explicitly in the New Testament. Indeed, there are few doctrines on which the inspired Word of God speaks with greater clarity.</p>
<p>In his first Epistle, St. John teaches the distinction between mortal sin, or the kind of sin that kills the life of grace in the soul, and venial sin, which displeases God but does not destroy the presence of grace:</p>
<blockquote><p>If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin which is mortal; I do not say that one is to pray for that. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which is not mortal. (1 Jn 5:16-17)</p></blockquote>
<div class="wp-caption alignright" id="attachment_9176" style="width: 360px;"><a href=""><img alt="800px-Fra_Angelico_010" class="wp-image-9176" height="426" src="" width="350" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">The Last Judgement, Hell, circa 1431, by Fra Angelico</p></div>
<p>On the basis of this distinction (see the <em>Catechism </em>1854&#8211;64), the Church has taught from the very beginning that unrepented mortal sin bars entrance into heaven, since the condition for entering heaven is that one&#8217;s soul be filled with the grace of Christ, and it is this grace that mortal sin destroys.</p>
<p>Similarly, tradition has interpreted Christ&#8217;s washing of the disciples&#8217; feet as a sign that he wishes to cleanse them of venial sins before they partake of His Body and Blood. In response to St. Peter&#8217;s statement &#8220;Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!,&#8221; our Lord says, making an exception for Judas: &#8220;He who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but he is clean all over; and you are clean, but not all of you&#8221; (Jn 13:9-10). Eleven of the disciples were &#8220;clean all over,&#8221; but their feet were soiled with the day&#8217;s traveling; therefore Christ cleanses them of this lesser uncleanness.</p>
<p>St. Paul confirms the teaching on heaven and hell in countless places. Here are just a few:</p>
<blockquote><p>Do you not know that God&#8217;s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? But by your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God&#8217;s righteous judgment will be revealed. For he will render to every man according to his works: <strong>to those who by patience and well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury.</strong> (Rom 2:4-8).</p>
<p>Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that <strong>those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.</strong> (Gal 5:19-21).</p>
<p>Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; <strong>neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.</strong> (1 Cor 6:9-10).</p></blockquote>
<p>One can well imagine St. Paul urging us today to pay attention to his words: &#8220;Do not be deceived&#8221;&#8212;do not be deceived by liberal theologians or psychiatrists, by the mass media or the powers of this world. There will be judgment and retribution for all men according to their deeds. It does not matter whether <em>you</em> think there will be, or whether you think it&#8217;s fair. God has made His intentions and plans perfectly clear, and He will not be talked out of it by anyone. His first and abiding <em>mercy</em> was precisely to tell us very clearly how we are to live in order to inherit eternal life, and what we must avoid doing if we will avoid eternal perdition.</p>
<p>Even if we had only the text of the Epistles, it would be possible to establish the truth of the Church&#8217;s unbroken testimony. But it is our Lord Jesus, the teacher of St. John and St. Paul, who speaks most fearfully and threateningly about the final judgment.</p>
<blockquote><p>Then the king said to the attendants, &#8220;Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.&#8221; For <strong>many are called, but few are chosen.</strong> (Mt 22:13-14).</p>
<p>Enter by the narrow gate; for <strong>the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.</strong> For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. (Mt 7:13-14; see Lk 13:24).</p>
<p>Not every one who says to me, &#8220;Lord, Lord,&#8221; shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, &#8220;Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?&#8221; And then I will declare to them, <strong>&#8220;I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.&#8221;</strong> (Mt 7:21-23; see Lk 13:27).</p>
<p>Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the close of the age. The Son of man will send his angels, and <strong>they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.</strong> (Mt 13:41-42).</p>
<p>Then he will say to those at his left hand, <strong>&#8220;Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.&#8221;</strong> (Mt. 25:41).</p>
<p>Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but <strong>he who does not believe will be condemned.</strong> (Mk. 16:15-16).</p>
<p>He who believes in the Son has eternal life; <strong>he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him.</strong> (Jn. 3:36).</p></blockquote>
<p>While it would be unhealthy to become <em>preoccupied</em> with such terrifying verses instead of devoting one&#8217;s energy to praising God, seeking His will in prayer, and building His kingdom by a life of good works, nevertheless, if we <em>forget</em> them, if we encourage or allow others to forget them, or worst of all, if we <em>deny </em>their truth, we betray the integral teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. To do this is nothing less than to betray the Person of Christ, for in denying His words, one denies the incarnate Word of the Father. Jesus came to save sinners who repent, who throw themselves upon the Father&#8217;s merciful love; He did not come to grant indiscriminate amnesty for the indifferent, the lukewarm, the unconverted, or the wicked.</p>
<p>Quite simply: <em>eternity is at stake</em> in how we live our lives here and now, what we believe, what we do and refrain from doing.</p>
<p>(<em>This series includes material originally published in </em>The Catholic Faith, <em>vol. 5, n. 2,</em> <em>March-April 1999.</em>)</p>
<div style="text-align: left;"></div> <img height="1" src="" style="display: none;" width="1" /><p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Purgatory and Hell: Forgotten Destinations: Part I</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">OnePeterFive</a>.</p>

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<div class="item feed-6b6931b6 feed-abbeyroads" id="item-589e3fc2">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope visits mosque, removes shoes, bows, and prays.  OMG!</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Abbey Roads</a>]</span>
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<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="215" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">It appears Francis has his shoes on in this photo.</div><br /><br /><b>Unprecedented? &nbsp;Not so much.</b><br /><br />Catholics are turning on Pope Francis in a big way since he returned from Africa. &nbsp;The venom against the Holy Father is something one might expect from Novus Ordo Watch, or the enemies of religion and the Catholic Church - but it is coming from the so-called 'remnant' of faithful Roman Catholics who miss Pope Benedict and John Paul II and are apparently convinced Pope Francis is trying to overturn everything 'they' set in place. <br /><br />When Pope Francis visited the&nbsp;mosque of Koudoukou, the Christian world reeled - that is, if you believe what some are saying about it. &nbsp;Pope Francis is not the first pope to visit a mosque, remove his shoes, or bow his head in prayer - or seek peace between the two faiths.<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">A disabled JPII - First Pope to visit a mosque.</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">No shoes. &nbsp;Prays.</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="186" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">A very able Benedict XVI visits mosque,</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">removes shoes ...</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="206" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Inclines head in prayer...</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><br /><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">&#8220;Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters. We must therefore consider ourselves and conduct ourselves as such. We are well aware that the recent events and acts of violence which have shaken your country were not grounded in properly religious motives. Those who claim to believe in God must also be men and women of peace&#8221;. The Holy Father addressed these words to the Muslim community of the Central African Republic this morning in the mosque of Koudoukou, a few kilometres from Bangui. Francis was received by five imams who accompanied him to the podium situated in the mosque, a short distance away from the area reserved for prayer. The event was attended by around two hundred people. - <a href="">VaticanNews</a></blockquote><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="160" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">May 14, 1999</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="246" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">April 17, 2008</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">The day after his birthday,&nbsp;</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Benedict received a silver-plated Koran.</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><br /><br /><br /></div>

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<div class="item feed-616ea934 feed-roratecli" id="item-a70606ee">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Homily for the First Sunday of Advent: "The Night is Passed and the Day is at Hand"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: justify;"><i>The following homily was shared with us by a traditional Catholic priest, whose homilies we have printed a number of times (most recently, last week).</i></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="310" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b>For now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.</b></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b>The night is passed and the day is at hand. &#8212; Rom. 13:11-12</b></div><div style="text-align: center;">First Sunday of Advent</div><div style="text-align: center;">29 November 2015</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Inasmuch as God chooses to take up His abode in the hearts of the faithful, He may be said to dwell in many temples. &nbsp;At the same time, however, the Scriptures liken the faithful to so many &#8220;living stones&#8221; (1 Pt. 2:5) that are incorporated into the Temple of God, the Church. &nbsp;This same Church has Christ for its chief corner stone (Eph. 2:20), who has decided to build His Church on Kephas, the visible &#8220;Rock&#8221; (Mt. 16:18), whose faith in Christ, though tried, shall not fail &#8212; so much so, that Peter (together with his successors) is charged with confirming the brethren (Lk. 22:32); that is, when their faith falters his will be a source of strength. &nbsp;This same Church likewise has been built upon the foundations of the apostles (Eph. 2:20, Rev. 21:14) and, by extension, their successors through the laying on of hands. &nbsp;This Church is to last until the end of the world. &nbsp;However, we have seen how our Lord speaks of the end of the world (i.e., the cosmos) and the destruction of the Temple of the Old Covenant as if these were the same thing. &nbsp;What, then, are we to make of the relationship between the Temple of the New Covenant (the Church), and the cosmos? &nbsp;Will the Church, like the Temple of the Old Covenant, also suffer destruction?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /><a name="more"></a></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Let&#8217;s begin by considering the association between Temple and cosmos. &nbsp;At first glance, this association, even identification, seems strange, even forced: what does the Temple have to do with the world? &nbsp;Conditioned as we are by a secular worldview, we moderns assume that the two realities, the Temple and the world, have nothing to do with one another, just as the same worldview informs society with the erroneous belief that the Church has nothing to do with the State. &nbsp;But whatever their problems, the Jews of Christ&#8217;s day did not labor under a secular mentality as do we. &nbsp;They took for granted the link between the Temple and the cosmos. &nbsp;Not only did they understand the Temple to be a microcosm of the world (a miniature replica of the world, but they also understood the world to be a macro-temple of God. &nbsp;In the words of the Psalmist: &#8220;He built his sanctuary like the high heavens, like the earth, which he has founded forever&#8221; (Ps. 78:69). &nbsp;Thus, the worship of God in the Temple represented the worship given to God in the name of all creation. &nbsp;Rather than something utterly separate from the cosmos, the Temple was its pinnacle: the nexus between heaven and earth, between God and man. &nbsp;And the harmonious and ordered relationship enjoyed between God and the Jews in the Temple represented the relationship that all nations and peoples were somehow supposed to have with God. &nbsp;In the words of the Psalmist: &#8220;O clap your hands, all ye nations: shout unto God with the voice of joy, for the Lord is high, terrible: a great king over all the earth.&#8230; God shall reign over the nations&#8221; (Ps. 46:2-3, 9).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Considering the numerous Biblically-based aspects of this link between Temple and cosmos, one that is of particular importance is the significance of the cornerstone or foundation stone.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">That the Temple should have a foundation stone makes sense to us. &nbsp;But the Bible also speaks of the world as having a foundation or foundations, as when Our Lord speaks of the kingdom prepared for those blessed of His Father, saying, &#8220;Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world&#8221; (Mt. 25:34). &nbsp;And in the Book of Job, God asks Job: &#8220;Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? &nbsp;Tell me if you have understanding. &nbsp;Who has laid the measures thereof, if you know, or who has stretched the line upon it? &nbsp;Upon what are its bases grounded? &nbsp;Or who laid the corner stone thereof&#8221; (Job 38:4-6)? &nbsp;To be asked such questions by God would doubtless fill anyone with fear and trembling. &nbsp;After all, to understand the answer to these questions suggests a comprehension of the very mind and purpose of God, to say nothing of the mystery with which Job found himself struggling: that of pain and suffering, sin and death. &nbsp;Hence, for the Jews, the notion of a foundation stone was imbued with a sense of awe and wonder, given its association with the God&#8217;s work of creation itself.&nbsp;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">To be sure, the foundation stone of a building is important on just the practical level, as it determines the positions of all the other stones: for all of these latter stones are set ultimately in reference to the foundation stone. &nbsp;But since the Jews understood the Temple to be a microcosm, it should come as no surprise to us that they recognized in its foundation stone a significance that went far beyond its practical importance, reaching into the realm of the metaphysical and theological. &nbsp;For just as the foundation stone made possible the order and harmony amongst all the other stones of the Temple, so too it represented that foundation stone of the cosmos; namely that which made the cosmos a place of order, harmony, and even intelligibility &#8212; the very source and cause of all the laws and phenomena of nature that scientists seek to understand, as well the source and purpose of the natural law or moral order.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Given the significance of the foundation stone of the Temple, we can appreciate why, when the masons laid the foundations of the Second Temple, the Jews present were deeply moved. &nbsp;The scene is described for us in the Book of Ezra: &#8220;And when the masons laid the foundations of the temple of the Lord, the priests stood in their ornaments with trumpets: and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise God by the hands of David king of Israel. &nbsp;And they sung together hymns, and praise to the Lord: because he is good, for his mercy endures forever towards Israel. &nbsp;And all the people shouted with a great shout, praising the Lord, because the foundations of the temple of the Lord were laid. &nbsp;But many of the priests and the Levites, and the chief of the fathers and the ancients that had seen the former temple; when they had the foundation of this temple before their eyes, wept with a loud voice: and many shouting for joy, lifted up their voice&#8221; (Ez. 3:10-12).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">We have a name for this &#8220;foundation of all reality.&#8221; &nbsp; It is the Word or Logos of God, who in the beginning was with God and was God. &nbsp;&#8220;All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made&#8221; (Jn. 1:3). &nbsp;For this reason, all of creation &#8220;indelibly bears the mark of creative Reason which orders and directs it&#8221;; &nbsp;for which reason the Psalms sing &#8220;with joy-filled certainty&#8221; &nbsp;how &#8220;the heavens show forth the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hands&#8221; (Ps. 18:2).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">As Catholics, we believe that the eternal Word of God became incarnate in our Lord Jesus. &nbsp;Therefore, we must believe that Jesus is the Foundation of both temple and cosmos. &nbsp;For this reason, our lives should not be fragmented such that one part deals with the world, while the other part deals with the Church. &nbsp;God did not intend for us to lead schizophrenic lives. &nbsp;We need not live as though the domains of faith and reason had nothing in common, no common source or foundation. &nbsp;Pope St. John Paul II explains it this way:</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">In Jesus Christ, who is the Truth, faith recognizes the ultimate appeal to humanity, an appeal made in order that what we experience as desire and nostalgia may come to its fulfilment. &nbsp;This truth, which God reveals to us in Jesus Christ, is not opposed to the truths which philosophy perceives. &nbsp;On the contrary, the two modes of knowledge lead to truth in all its fullness. &nbsp;The unity of truth is a fundamental premise of human reasoning, as the principle of non-contradiction makes clear. &nbsp;Revelation renders this unity certain, showing that the God of creation is also the God of salvation history. &nbsp;It is the one and the same God who establishes and guarantees the intelligibility and reasonableness of the natural order of things upon which scientists confidently depend, and who reveals himself as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. &nbsp;This unity of truth, natural and revealed, is embodied in a living and personal way in Christ, as the Apostle reminds us: Truth is in Jesus (cf. Eph 4:21; Col 1:15-20). &nbsp;He is the eternal Word in whom all things were created, and he is the incarnate Word who in his entire person reveals the Father (cf. Jn 1:14, 18).&nbsp;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">But the Jews, as much as they understood the unity between temple and cosmos, could not bring themselves to acknowledge that the Word of God, the foundation of all reality, had become incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth. &nbsp;Is it any wonder, then, that Our Lord would Himself prophesy that, before His generation came to an end, this Temple would be so thoroughly destroyed that not a single stone would be left atop another? &nbsp;They had rejected the Word Incarnate, the eternal Logos, the foundation of both cosmos and their Temple. &nbsp;Therefore, it was only fitting that the Temple stones, which had been laid and ordered in reference to the foundation stone, should themselves manifest that rejection by losing the order they possessed in virtue of the foundation stone. &nbsp;It was also fitting that another Temple should be built wherein those who did accept the Word Incarnate could worship within the parameters of the New and everlasting Covenant established by the supreme sacrifice of the same Word Incarnate, the Savior of the world. &nbsp;Indeed, Christ speaks of building a Temple &#8212; His Temple &#8212; in the Gospel according to St. Matthew. &nbsp;After Simon confesses that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, Christ declares: &#8220;Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! &nbsp;For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. &nbsp;And I tell you, you are &#8216;Rock&#8217;, &nbsp;and on this rock I will build my church&#8221; (Mt. 16:16-18).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Speaking of this new Temple or Church, St. Peter, the first Pope, writes: &#8220;Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God&#8217;s sight chosen and made precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. &nbsp;For it stands in scripture: &#8216;Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, chosen and precious. &nbsp;And he that shall believe in him will not be put to shame.&#8217; &nbsp;To you therefore who believe, he is precious, but for those who do not believe, &#8216;The very stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone,&#8217; and &#8216;A stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall&#8217;, for they stumble because they disobey the Word, &nbsp;as they were destined to do&#8217;&#8221; (1 Pt. 2:4-6). &nbsp;And St. Paul echoes this thought when, writing to the Ephesians, says of Christ: &#8220;Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone, in whom all the building, being framed together, grows up into an holy temple in the Lord&#8221; (Eph. 2:20-21).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">In both these passages, Christ is identified as the chief corner stone of the Church, the Temple of God of the New Covenant. &nbsp;The bishops of the Church, sharing as they do in the supreme authority of Christ (Lk. 10:16), participate in Christ&#8217;s role of being the foundation stone of the Church. &nbsp;Hence, the Church is described as having been &#8220;built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone&#8221; (Eph. 2:20), while the faithful are its &#8220;living stones&#8221; (1 Pt. 2:4) who have been &#8220;built&#8221; into &#8220;the temple of the Lord&#8230;for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit&#8221; (Eph. 2:22).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">As we know, unlike the Temple of the Old Covenant, Our Lord Himself assures us that &#8220;the gates of hell shall not prevail against it&#8221; (Mt. 16:18). &nbsp;Considering the frailty of human nature, such an assurance could not be more apt. &nbsp;Were Christ the sole foundation of the Church, we would not need such assurances. &nbsp;But because He has chosen to allow frail men to share in His role as Foundation Stone, such assurances certainly go a long way to assuage the faithful who experience in one way or another the frailty of the shepherds of the Church, including the Pope. &nbsp;Such frailty doubtless causes these visible foundations of the Church to tremble, sometimes to such an extent that the integrity or safety of the whole structure of the Church can reasonably be questioned. &nbsp;The faithful grow anxious and uncertain. &nbsp;Throughout the annals of the Church&#8217;s history, the Church&#8217;s foundations have thus trembled and shook: &nbsp; well-intentioned popes and bishops have made disastrous decisions; some have led dissolute lives; bishops have taught or embraced one heresy or another, or promoted perverted and unnatural behavior as though it were a good to be embraced. &nbsp;Popes too have caused major tremors by publicly entertaining and promoting heresy (even if they did so in a private capacity, never acting in an official capacity); they have acted in a way that sowed, or threatened to sow, doctrinal or moral confusion. &nbsp;Many popes, even those who may have exhibited great personal holiness, have neglected their duty to confirm their fellow bishops in the faith, often choosing instead to remain silent in the face of rank heresy or moral corruption. &nbsp;Still others have rocked the Church by indulging in ambiguity or by dividing their words from their deeds. &nbsp;Still others (e.g., the Renaissance Popes) have embraced the agendas and concerns of the secular elite, even while neglecting the mission of the Church to convert the world to Christ. &nbsp;Little wonder that relatively few popes are canonized saints, and even fewer are acknowledged by the judgment of history to be truly great popes!</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Obviously, the audacity of Christ to allow frail men to act as visible foundations of the Church explains why the Church necessarily enjoys the support of the Holy Spirit through the charism of infallibility. &nbsp;Otherwise, the Church would have been destroyed long ago just as surely as the Temple of the Old Covenant. &nbsp;Notwithstanding the weakness and malice of men, the Church will endure to the end of time because God is almighty. &nbsp;The raging waters of the Church&#8217;s enemies (both within and without) cannot overpower divine omnipotence. &nbsp;As the Psalmist says, &#8220;The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee: and they were afraid, and the depths were troubled&#8221; (Ps. 76:17). &nbsp;And as long as he kept his eyes on the Lord, frail St. Peter could, like Christ, enjoy a certain dominion over his enemies, in the way that he could walk atop stormy waves of Lake Galilee. &nbsp;And even as he sank because he did take his eyes away from the Lord, Christ reached out and kept St. Peter from sinking. &nbsp;Christ does the same with His Church.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">That said, it remains worth pondering what the relationship is between the Church, the Temple of the New Covenant, and the World. &nbsp;The first point to consider is that the Church is not a physical structure as was the Temple of the Old Covenant. &nbsp;To be sure, it has a visible structure such that, on account of its four marks (it is &#8220;one, holy, catholic, and apostolic&#8221;) it can be identified and distinguished from other ecclesial entities. &nbsp;At the same time, it is not a Church restricted to a single building within which God is worshipped in and through the Sacrifice of the New Covenant. &nbsp;As Our Lord assured the Samaritan woman at Jacob&#8217;s well, &#8220;the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth&#8221; (Jn. 4:23). &nbsp;Hence, unlike Solomon&#8217;s Temple, and the Second Temple, the Church is not something that can be destroyed in a physical way. &nbsp;Thus, &#8220;destruction&#8221; would be said of the Church by way of analogy, involving her &#8220;foundations&#8221; and &#8220;living stones&#8221; and whether they are ordered to Christ, the chief cornerstone.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">In our day, many Catholics have left the Church. &nbsp;Some of them have joined other ecclesial communities, while others have returned completely to paganism. &nbsp;Other Catholics divide the Church from the cosmos: they accept Christ as their corner stone, but do not consider Him to be the chief cornerstone of everyone, insofar as He is the source and end of natural law, the foundation of all reality. &nbsp;Catholic politicians seem most prone to this fragmented outlook. &nbsp;All of these Catholics suffer from varying degrees of apostasy: they are like so many temple stones in need of realignment, or that have fallen to the ground. &nbsp;In this respect, the Church is undergoing a kind of destruction, though others may prefer to call it a purification. &nbsp;In any case, we should remember that Our Lord ties His coming to some kind of apostasy when He asks whether the Son of man, when He comes, shall find faith on earth? &nbsp;(Lk. 18:8). &nbsp;And while this lack of faith is analogous to the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, where not one stone was left upon another (Mt. 24:2), because of the intrinsic connection between temple and cosmos, it is only fitting that the lack of faith on the part of so many &#8216;dead stones&#8217; &nbsp;is manifested in the dissolution of the cosmos as we know it. &nbsp;As St. John tells us, &#8220;I saw a new heaven and a new earth. &nbsp;For the first heaven and the first earth was gone: and the sea is now no more&#8221; (Rev. 21:1).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">When Christ returns, however, He will do so to avenge those who have remained faithful to Him, who &#8220;cry to Him day and night&#8221;, as one coming to the rescue of a helpless widow (see Lk. 18:1-8).</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Are we, then, near the end of the world? &nbsp;Will Christ be returning any day now? &nbsp;To be sure, things look bleak. &nbsp;But who is to say that things will not become bleaker still? &nbsp;All we know is that, the darker the world becomes, the more unstable the human foundations of the Church become, the nearer our salvation will be &#8212; nearer than when we first believed (Rom. 13:11). &nbsp;The darker things become, the more reason we the faithful have to walk in the light of faith and remain in the household of God (Eph. 2:19). &nbsp;As long as we remain in this light, the darkness of night is already passed, even as we await the coming of the full light of day, when the Sun of Justice arrives. &nbsp;With God&#8217;s help, may we all strive to remain aligned with Christ the chief cornerstone, that we ourselves may always be living stones in the temple of His body. &nbsp;With the armor of light and the shield of faith, we shall be able to extinguish the fiery darts of the most wicked one&#8221; (Eph. 6:16), the devil, so as not be among those who were destined to disobey the Word (cf. 1 Pt. 2:8). &nbsp;Thus, we shall, like the stars in the heavenly firmament, proclaim the glory of God for all to see. &nbsp;And we shall have no reason to &#8220;wither away for fear and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world&#8221; (Lk. 21:26). &nbsp;Rather, we shall be able to look up with heads held high, because our redemption shall be at hand.</div>

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<div class="item feed-3f65c8ef feed-thebadgercatholic" id="item-6bc32913">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Cdl Burke Op-Ed in NCReg: The Truth About the 14th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Badger Catholic</a>]</span>
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<blockquote>In the Nov. 28 issue of<i> La Civilt&#224; Cattolica</i>, Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, director of the journal and a Synod Father, presents a <a href="" target="_blank">summary</a> of the work of the 14th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to the vocation and mission of the family (pp. 372-391).<br /><br />Although the author makes various affirmations about the nature and work of the Synod of Bishops, which demand critical comment in a longer study, one affirmation which necessitates immediate comment is summarized thus by the author:<br /><br /><i>The Synod has also desired to touch wounded persons and couples to accompany them and heal them in a process of integration and <b><u>reconciliation without barriers</u></b>. Concerning access to the sacraments for those divorced and remarried civilly, <b><u>the Synod has formulated the way of discernment and of the &#8220;internal forum&#8221;, laying the foundations and opening a door which, on the contrary, had remained closed in the preceding Synod.</u></b></i></blockquote>Read more: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ought Not, Therefore Doesn't</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Siris</a>]</span>
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<p>Something I have been thinking about, without much commitment on the matter. One of the peculiarities of atheistic arguments from evil is that they are by nature arguments that something does not exist because it morally ought not to exist, or can always be translated into forms in which they appear to make this kind of inference. This is not always explicitly brought out, but it's at least very difficult to find an argument that is not at least implicitly committed to a claim like "To be morally perfect, one ought not tolerate the existence of any evil" or "Completely good people ought to prevent any evils they can" or something similar, and in such a way that this does significant work for the argument. In an atheistic argument from evil, it is always the premise that God is wholly good, or morally perfect, or omnibenevolent, or what have you that does the primary work of generating an inconsistency or improbability given the existence of evil. And if you weaken the ought-claim in virtually any way (e.g., "To be morally perfect, one ought not tolerate evil unless one has a really, really, really, really good reason") it always causes serious problems for the argument. Thus the point that arguments from evil can generally be taken to conclude that something (e.g., morally perfect being tolerating evil) does not exist (perhaps even cannot exist) because it ought not to exist.<br /><br />Likewise, it's very difficult to find any close analogues to this -- that is, it's difficult to find any commonly used arguments that have a similar structure, with a focus on what <i>morally</i> ought not to be the case. This is not to say that there are no arguments that move from some kind of 'ought not' or 'should not' to 'does not'; these are actually quite common, and tell us quite a bit about what we usually mean by 'ought' or 'should'. For instance, if I know how a machine is designed and how it was put together, I might rule out the possibility of some particular error happening because, given what I know, it shouldn't happen. Likewise, I might say that a physical theory says X ought not to happen, and conclude that therefore X does not happen. As I've noted before, 'oughts' tend to indicate what is necessary to have solutions to particular kinds of problems or answers to particular kinds of questions; this is at least part of what 'should' covers, as well, although we often also seem to take 'should' to cover any kind of expectation. Either way, they concern what should be taken as given for a problem or question, often (although not always) conditional on other things. <br /><br />What seems rare, however, is for us ever to do this in moral situations. Perhaps examples might be found in dealing with moral heroes of various kinds, in which we would be inclined to dismiss that something was done because it would be an immoral thing to do? But I cannot think of any real-life examples, and looking in promising places has turned up nothing. The usual way it works in arguments from evil is we start with a claim or assumption that Any A ought to do B; then conclude that Any A does B; and then add (for some particular topic) Not-B and conclude Not-A (for that particular topic). A designation like 'morally perfect' is taken to imply that what ought to be done is done, at least when it applies. But these will all be limit cases, which we don't usually meet in real life. That would explain the rareness. And it makes at least preliminary sense that you would need something like a limit case -- deontic necessities don't usually imply anything about existence or nonexistence, so to get that you would need (1) an unusually strong deontic necessity or (2) another strong modality to 'mix' with the deontic necessity. Atheistic arguments from evil, while sometimes not very explicit about it, tend to use the latter approach, drawing on the metaphysical or alethic necessity of divine attributes.<br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-737b72c0 feed-theeponymousflower" id="item-e27ea259">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Easily Falsifiable Pope Francis: "War is the Leading Cause of Death"</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a>]</span>
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<p style="border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>Edit: so easily falsifiable but intimately linked to the usual statements of pacifists and freethinkers everywhere.</span></p><p style="border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>Great write up:</span></p><p style="border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>[veneremurcernui] Pope Francis made an absolutely ludicrous statement. &nbsp;Wars are so far from being the leading cause of death virtually EVERYWHERE in the world his statement below beggars belief. &nbsp;Is he really this ill-informed, or unhinged, or given to ridiculously flawed on the spot statements?</span></p><p style="border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>On his recent flight back from Africa, Pope Francis was asked a &#8220;gotcha&#8221; question from the press regarding condom use in avoiding the spread of HIV on that continent where it is so rife. &nbsp;After undermining 2000 year old doctrine yet again, Pope Francis went on a rant that exposed his incredibly simplistic (I would really like to say, stupid) view of the causes of poverty and suffering in the world while once again harping against &#8220;arms manufacture&#8221; and wars. &nbsp;But when he claims that wars are the number 1 cause of death (he said this generally, as if it is a universal truth around the world), he really demonstrated his grave inability to either proclaim the Faith or even think clearly, missing the obvious fact (which rarely, if ever, appears to occur to him) that ABORTION has been the leading cause of death around the world over the past 40 years, with probably close to two BILLION lives snuffed out in that time from this satanic sacrifice of perfectly innocent (of actual sin) children:</span></p><p style="border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><a href=""></a></p><p style="border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>HT for Image: ES</span></p><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-b20be901 feed-frhunwickesmutualenrichment" id="item-8773a5c2">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ordinariate Use (9)</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>One of the great Anglo-Catholic figures of the first part of the twentieth century (until he entered into Full Communion) was Ronnie Knox, later the Rt Revd Mgr Ronald Arbuthnott Knox M.A. P.A.. He collaborated in the cheeky fun of the Society of SS Peter and Paul. He used to come down to S Thomas's to say Mass in Latin. And he did a superb translation of the Exsultet, for singing at the Easter

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<div class="item feed-d3f39a1f feed-zenittheworldseenfromrome" id="item-ee7c82eb">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">May We All Experience God's Mercy, Pope Praying in December</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>This month, the Pope is praying that all of us might experience God's mercy. 

 The Apostleship of Prayer announced the intentions chosen by the Pope for December. 

 His universal intention is &#8220;that all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving." 

 For his evangelization intention, the Holy Fa...<div class="feedflare">
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<div class="item feed-f27c846b feed-cnstopstories" id="item-405d303c">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Father Joseph Girzone, author of 'Joshua' novels, dies at 85</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Top Stories</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><img src="" /><p>IMAGE: CNS photo/Orbis Books</p><p></p><p>By </p><p>ALTAMONT,
N.Y. (CNS) -- Father Joseph Girzone, who became far more prominent in retirement
than during active ministry because of his "Joshua" series of novels,
died Nov. 29 at St. Peter's Hospice Inn in in Altamont. He was 85.</p><p>A funeral Mass will be celebrated Dec. 12 at St. John the Evangelist Church in Schenectady with Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of Albany as principal celebrant.</p>
Girzone, a priest of the Diocese of Albany, retired from active ministry in
1981 because of a heart ailment.</p>
retiring, he picked up his pen and wrote "Joshua," which was
published in 1983. It was a success, selling tens of thousands of copies in
hardcover before a paperback edition was issued. </p>
premise of "Joshua" and several novels that followed in the series
is that Jesus comes back to earth disguised as itinerant carpenter Joshua, distilling
simple wisdom and challenging the prevailing order on a variety of issues so
that the books' characters can get closer to God.</p><p> He told Catholic News Service in a long-ago interview that he wrote "Joshua" to heighten awareness that the church will "lose more of our people if we don't show more gentleness." "Christ was the good shepherd -- he used to bring people home, not drive them away," he said.</p><p>Some objected to the character Joshua's questioning of church policies, he told CNS, but those who read his books carefully find they are "not attacking the church but the way it's run," he added.</p>
books in the series included "Joshua and the Children," "The Shepherd,"
"Joshua's Family," "Joshua and the City," "The
Parables of Joshua," "Joshua in a Troubled World," "Joshua
in the Holy Land" and "Joshua: A Homecoming."</p><p>Father
Girzone did not restrict himself to fiction. He also wrote "Jesus, His Life and
Teachings: As Recorded by His Friends Mathew, Mark, Luke and John," "Joey"
and "My Struggle With Faith."</p>
before the 20th century was over, his books had sold more than a million
copies. One estimate of the total books sold under Father Girzone's name has been put at 3 million.</p>
<p>He used
the royalties from his books to establish Joshua Mountain Ministries in
Altamont in an effort to get people to learn more about Jesus.</p>
talks around the country to promote his books, Father Girzone regularly said
most people fail to remember that Jesus also was fully human. In one such talk
in 1998 in Washington, he said he wanted people to know that the son of God
"didn't come off as someone who was self-righteous but as a person who was
free and joyful and happy and had tremendous love and compassion for
even made a movie based on the novels. The G-rated "Joshua" bowed in
2002 starring Tony Goldwyn, currently featured as the U.S. president in the ABC
drama "Scandal," as Joshua, with F. Murray Abraham, Kurt Fuller and
Colleen Camp co-starring.</p>
Girzone, who agreed to take no pension or health care from the Albany Diocese as
a condition of his early retirement, started his own publishing company because
no book publisher liked his concept of Jesus returning in today's society and
making an impact. After the initial success of "Joshua," Doubleday signed him
to a contract and gave him million-dollar advances, he told the Albany
Times-Union in a 2011 interview.</p>
<p>But as
the publishing industry changed, Father Girzone became one of its casualties.
Doubleday dropped him after 2007's "Joshua's Family." He donated the 21-room house
he had been living in, with its 100-acre spread and $26,000 annual heating
bill, to his foundation and moved to an apartment above the manor's garage.</p>
Girzone then wrote for Orbis Books, a Catholic publishing house in Maryknoll.
The last book published during his life was "Stories of Jesus: 40 Days of Prayer and
Reflection," which was released in late 2013.</p><p>- - -</p><p>Copyright &#169; 2015 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. Republishing or redistributing of CNS content, including by framing or similar means without prior permission, is prohibited. You may link to stories on our public site. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To request permission for republishing or redistributing of CNS content, please contact permissions at</p>

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<div class="item feed-737b72c0 feed-theeponymousflower" id="item-6ebffe97">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope Seeks Union With Orthodox Church</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a>]</span>
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<p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>Edit: they both have a common faith in the dogmas of climatology.</span></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>(</span><span>Vatican Radio)&nbsp; In an address upon conclusion of the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I at the Orthodox Church of St. George in Istanbul, Pope Francis said &#8220;the one thing that the Catholic Church desires and that I seek as Bishop of Rome&#8230;is communion with the Orthodox Churches.&#8221;</span></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><em style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><strong>Below, please find the complete text of the Holy Father&#8217;s address:</strong></em></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When I was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, I often took part in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox communities there.&nbsp; Today, the Lord has given me the singular grace to be present in this Patriarchal Church of Saint George for the celebration of the Feast of the holy Apostle Andrew, the first-called, the brother of Saint Peter, and the Patron Saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.</span></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><br /></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><a href="" style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue Light', HelveticaNeue-Light, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"></a></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span><br /></span></p><p style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 20px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><span><br /></span></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-a4d259c5 feed-thedailyregister" id="item-665e6dcc">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The &#8220;Waze&#8221; of Divine Providence</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Daily Register</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>By Bishop Robert Barron |  Just after I was named auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, Archbishop Gomez, my new boss, told me to get the&nbsp;Waze app&nbsp;for my iPhone. He explained that it was a splendid way to navigate the often impossible LA traffic. I...<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-d3f39a1f feed-zenittheworldseenfromrome" id="item-ceb85a85">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope's Secretary of State Addresses Opening Day of COP21</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>The Pope's secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, spoke Monday at the opening of the 21st Conference of States Parties to the Convention COP 21, which is underway in Paris through Dec. 11. 

 After communicating Pope Francis' greetings and encouragement to the the participants in the hope of a fruitful outcom...<div class="feedflare">
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<div class="item feed-31b4b35a feed-voxcantoris" id="item-7d97e08e">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Bill Donahue, can you squirm out of this?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vox Cantoris</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div style="text-align: center;"></div><br />Voris also exposes the main investment arm of the Catholic League with over $35,000,000.00 in its account with funds invested in organisations that engage in the distrubtion of pornograpy. Donahue is paid to fight against those issues which fund his half-million dollar salary.<br /><br />Christine Niles <a href="">has the details</a>.<br />

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<div class="item feed-3f65c8ef feed-thebadgercatholic" id="item-3ae65c03">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">#GivingTuesday is a great day to donate to Pro-Life Wisconsin</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Badger Catholic</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="640" /></a></div><blockquote>Have you heard about <b>#GivingTuesday</b>? Amidst the consumerism of this season, <b>#GivingTuesday</b> is your opportunity to truly impact the lives of others. It's a day of giving to remind us of what's important this holiday season. <u>Your gift to Pro-Life Wisconsin will literally save lives right here in Wisconsin!</u><br /><br />This #GivingTuesday we are raising money to educate the next generation through media such as <a href="" target="_blank">these human dignity videos</a>, crisis pregnancy bus ads, and a new youth-oriented educational video for online use.<br /><br /><b>Your support made millions of pro-life ad impressions possible in this past year, and abortion numbers have dropped by 10%. But there&#8217;s still so many babies to save!</b><br /><br />You can save a life. <a href=";ver=3" target="_blank">Please give generously and make an impact for life!</a></blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-d3f39a1f feed-zenittheworldseenfromrome" id="item-a43a6f30">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Bowing at the Holy Names</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a>]</span>
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<p>Q: "Is it forbidden by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) or the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments for concelebrating priests, deacons assisting, religious in choir, or laypeople present at Mass, to bow at&#160;hearing&#160;the holy names of Jesus and Mary&#160;(and by extension the saint of the d...<div class="feedflare">
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<div class="item feed-d3f39a1f feed-zenittheworldseenfromrome" id="item-37095412">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Bishops of Northern Ireland Respond to Abortion Ruling</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a>]</span>
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<p>The Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland have responded to Monday's judgement of the High Court in Belfast that Northern Ireland's abortion restrictions are "incompatible with human rights." 

 Current abortion law in Northern Ireland only permits abortion&#160;when the life of the mother or her long-term health&#160;is unde...<div class="feedflare">
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<div class="item feed-06cdba7f feed-newliturgicalmovement" id="item-b5279dd6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Christmas Gift Ideas from NLM Authors</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">New Liturgical Movement</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="266" src="" width="400" /></a></div>NLM authors were asked to offer Christmas gift ideas to pass along to our readers. Their suggestions have been grouped into thematic lists. The following list is obviously anything <i>but </i>comprehensive &#8212; and if your personal favorites happen not to be included, that&#8217;s <i>not </i>because we don&#8217;t think they&#8217;re worth giving or receiving. Indeed, if you&#8217;d like to supplement our list in the combox, feel free to do so!<br /><br />The lists below are book-heavy. The reason is simple enough. We need to keep studying, we need to form and inform ourselves intellectually. There is a huge amount of ignorance and error in the Church today, and, obviously, no one of us is ever fully &#8220;finished&#8221; with our education. Miseducation and lack of knowledge are not static problems; like weeds in a garden, they multiply and take over if they are not uprooted and valuable plants cultivated in their place. I saw recently a quotation attributed to St. Thomas More: &#8220;One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated.&#8221; So, NLM authors not surprisingly like to recommend <i>good books.</i><br /><i><br /></i><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><h2><b>Devotional items</b></h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="125" /></a></div><ul><li><b>Icons. </b>There are, alas, a lot of cheap and ugly icons out there, but if you take your time you can find something very beautiful &#8212; either a well-made reproduction (two excellent sources are <a href="" target="_blank">Jordanville</a>&nbsp;and <a href="" target="_blank">St. Isaac Skete</a>) or an original icon (see, e.g., <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>).</li><li><b>A good daily Missal. </b>The two best for the TLM are <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Roman Catholic Daily Missal</a> </i>and the <i><a href=";bid=4#tab=tab-1" target="_blank">Baronius Press Daily Missal</a></i>. For the OF, one can&#8217;t beat <a href=";CategoryId=112" target="_blank">the Midwest Theological Forum editions</a>.&nbsp;</li><li><b>A nice chapel veil</b> &#8212; this could make a great gift from a fellow to a lady, a sister to a sister, etc. Here&#8217;s <a href="" target="_blank">one very good source</a>.</li><li><b>Hand-carved olivewood statues</b> from the holy Land that help support the Christians of the Holy Land. &nbsp;They certainly need our support, and the gifts are really lovely. One such source would be <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Oplatki Christmas Wafers </b>for Christmas Eve.</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mystic Monk Coffee.</b></a> I don&#8217;t think this really is a devotional item (although, in Thomistic fashion, one might consider it such by extention, inasmuch as it removes impediments to devotion.) But it&#8217;s comforting to be able to support great liturgy and get great coffee at the same time. The progress the monks are making on their Gothic monastery is heartening and deserves our support.</li></ul><h2>CDs and DVDs</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="200" /></a></div><ul><li><b><a href="" target="_blank">Christmas in Harvard Square</a>&nbsp;</b>by&nbsp;The Boys of St. Paul&#8217;s Choir School.</li><li><i><b><a href="" target="_blank">To Be a Pilgrim: The Canterbury Way</a> </b></i>with Fr. Marcus Holden and Fr. Nicholas Schofield.</li><li>Many religious communities are now producing excellent records of sacred music (what a change from the bleak musical situation even just 10 years ago!). You could try these:&nbsp;<b><a href="" target="_blank">Benedicta</a> </b>(from the Monks of Norcia); several fine recordings from the <a href=";field-artist=Benedictines+of+Mary+Queen+of+Apostles&amp;search-alias=music" style="font-weight: bold;" target="_blank">Benedictine Nuns of Ephesus</a>;<b>&nbsp;</b><b><a href="" target="_blank"><i>In Medio Ecclesiae: </i>Music for the New Evangelization</a></b> (Dominicans in D.C.);&nbsp;<b><i><a href="" target="_blank">Best of Solesmes</a>.</i></b></li><li><b>A French classic </b>for Christmas: the Midnight Mass by Marc-Antoine Charpentier. For the best historic recording of this polyphonic Mass, <a href="" target="_blank">see here</a>.&nbsp;</li><li><b>Byzantine Christmas:</b>&nbsp;a nice <a href="" target="_blank">book &amp; CD set</a>.</li></ul><h2>Books for Parents &amp; Families</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="175" /></a></div><ul><li>Mary Reed Newland, <i><a href="" target="_blank">We and Our Children: How to Make a Catholic Home.</a>&nbsp;</i></li><li>Mary Reed Newland, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Year and Our Children: Catholic Family Celebrations for Every Season.&nbsp;</a></i></li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">The Little Oratory</a> </i>by David Clayton and Leila Lawler. (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)&nbsp;</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">A Short Guide to Praying as a Family: Growing Together in Faith and Love Each Day,</a> </i>with photos by Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">Treasure and Tradition</a> </i>by Lisa Bergman. Simply the best single-volume detailed introduction to the Traditional Latin Mass that has ever been published. Wonderful! (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)</li></ul><h2>Catholic Children&#8217;s Books</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="131" /></a></div><ul><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">A Missal for Young Catholics</a>. </i>(Read more about this missal for the traditional Latin Mass, along with some other items for children, at <a href="" target="_blank">this link</a>.)&nbsp;</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">Of Bells and Cells.</a> </i>A book on religious vocations and religious orders.&nbsp;</li><li>Maria Montessori, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Mass Explained to Children.</a></i>&nbsp;(<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a> of this and the preceding)</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">The Life of St. Benedict</a> </i>by Br. John McKenzie, O.S.B. (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)&nbsp;</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">The Holy Gospels of St. Luke and St. John</a>.</i> The handsomest reader-friendly edition of these Gospels that you can give to your child. (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)&nbsp;</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">The Miracle of St. Nicholas</a>&nbsp;</i>&#8212; one of the best ever.</li></ul><h2>Books on the Sacred Liturgy</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="132" /></a></div><ul><li>Joseph Ratzinger, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Theology of the Liturgy</a> </i>&#8212; this incredibly handy volume brings together all of Ratzinger&#8217;s writings on the liturgy, including his now-classic <i>The Spirit &nbsp;of the Liturgy.</i>&nbsp;(It&#8217;s unfortunate that Amazon doesn&#8217;t delete the reviews that referred to the initial printing of the book, which was marred by a manufacturer&#8217;s error. The problem was quickly solved with a new printing, but now these one-star reviews are weighing it down.)</li><li>Romano Guardini, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Sacred Signs.</a></i>&nbsp;(<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)</li><li>Peter Kwasniewski,&nbsp;<i><a href="" target="_blank">Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis: Sacred Liturgy, the Traditional Latin Mass, and Renewal in the Church.</a>&nbsp;</i>(See&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>&nbsp;by Dom Alcuin Reid)</li><li>William Mahrt, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Musical Shape of the Liturgy.</a> </i>This book deserves to be better known than it is. A collection of Dr. Mahrt&#8217;s wise articles from years and years of <i>Sacred Music,</i> it represents the pinnacle of aesthetic, musicological, and theological thinking about the organic interconnection of church music (especially Gregorian chant) and the sacred rites. For serious students of liturgy and the fine arts.</li></ul><h2>Great Resources for Sacred Music (OF)</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="130" /></a></div><ul><li>Fr. Samuel Weber&#8217;s <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Solemnities.</a> </i>If you are going to sing the Introit, Offertory, and/or Communion chants in English, this is the gold standard. (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>.)&nbsp;</li><li>Fr. Samuel Weber&#8217;s <i>Hymnal for the Hours. </i>This exceptional book contains English plainchant settings of nearly all the hymns of the Liturgy of the Hours. If you sing the LOTH, it&#8217;s a must-have. Available in <a href="" target="_blank">hardcover</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">paperback</a>. (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)</li><li>Adam Bartlett&#8217;s <a href="" target="_blank"><i>Lumen Christi </i>series</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a> of one of the books in the series)</li><li>Aristotle Esguerra&#8217;s <i><a href="" target="_blank">Modal Responsorial Psalms.</a></i></li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">The Parish Book of Chant,</a> </i>2nd ed. (for both OF and EF)&#8212;this is the flagship chant publication of the Church Music Association of America and has found a home in hundreds of churches and chapels. It is an ideal compilation of authentic Latin Gregorian chant for parish use.</li><li>Peter Kwasniewski&#8217;s&nbsp;<i><a href="" target="_blank">Sacred Choral Works</a>,&nbsp;</i>a collection of 91 choral pieces (motets, antiphons, acclamations, Masses) for various choral ensembles, mostly SATB. The table of contents and audio samples are found at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">this link</a>. (see&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">NLM interview</a>)</li></ul><h2>Books for Your Parish Priest (if he doesn&#8217;t already have them)</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="133" /></a></div><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank"><i>Missale Romanum</i> (1962)</a>: the altar missal that no sacristy should be without.&nbsp;</li><li>The traditional <i><a href="" target="_blank">Rituale Romanum.</a>&nbsp;</i></li><li>Joseph de Sainte-Marie, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Holy Eucharist &#8211; The World&#8217;s Salvation</a>. </i>This book forever changes the way a person thinks about Mass and concelebration. (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>)&nbsp;</li><li>U. W. Lang, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Turning Towards the Lord</a>. </i>The definitive work on <i>ad orientem.</i></li><li>U. W. Lang, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Signs of the Holy One</a>.&nbsp;</i>Fr. Lang&#8217;s new book, a little masterpiece, hasn&#8217;t yet received the attention it should. Check out the table of contents at Amazon.</li><li>Athanasius Schneider, <i><a href="" target="_blank">&#8220;Dominus Est&#8221; &#8211; It is the Lord!</a> </i>The best short book on reverence (and signs of reverence) towards the Blessed Sacrament.</li><li>David Clayton, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Way of Beauty: Liturgy, Education, and Inspiration for Family, School, and College.</a></i> (<a href="" target="_blank">NLM review</a>.)</li><li>Basil Cole, O.P. <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Hidden Enemies of the Priesthood</a>.</i></li><li>Cardinal Sarah, <i><a href="" target="_blank">God or Nothing</a>. </i>This book has rightly attracted a lot of praise (and doubtless caused more than a few raised eyebrows among the progressives). Cardinal Sarah is somehow able to be simultaneously gracious and amazingly blunt.</li><li><i>Festal Orations </i>by St. Gregory the Theologian, in the <a href="" target="_blank">splendid edition</a> from SVS Press. Includes his Christmas and Theophany homilies in beautiful translation &#8212; some of the best Christmas preaching ever, and the core of many Byzantine liturgical hymns.</li></ul><h2>Other Gifts for the Clergy</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="133" /></a></div><ul><li>If you want to offer a good gift of vestments for your priest, <a href="" target="_blank">visit here</a>. Superior work at an affordable price. (Of course, we also always recommend all the companies who advertise with NLM in our sidebars. We do not accept every ad; we take ads from people whose work we know and love.)</li><li>Every well-dressed cleric should have a biretta; it is the correct headgear for the priest of the Roman Rite. <a href="" target="_blank">See here</a> for a good source.</li></ul><br /><h2>Books for Masters of Ceremonies</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="133" /></a></div><ul><li>Alcuin Reid and Adrian Fortescue,&nbsp;<i><a href="" target="_blank">Ceremonies of the Roman Rite</a></i> (EF)</li><li><i><a href="" target="_blank">The Roman Catholic Ceremonial, vol. 1: The Ordinary Ceremonies</a> </i>(EF). Recommended by NLM&#8217;s William Riccio as one of the most useful resources an MC can have.</li><li>Britt, <i><a href="" target="_blank">How to Serve in Simple, Solemn, and Pontifical Functions</a></i> (EF)</li><li>Peter Elliott, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite</a></i> (OF). The closest thing to Fortescue that exists for the Ordinary Form.</li><li>Peter Elliott, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year</a></i> (OF). A companion volume to the preceding.</li></ul><h2>Essential Reading on the Contemporary Church</h2><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="133" /></a></div><ul><li>H. J. A. Sire, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Phoenix from the Ashes.</a> </i>Difficult to praise this book highly enough! It is a well-crafted, penetrating presentation of the crisis moments in the history of the Church, with special attention to the past 50+ years.&nbsp;</li><li>Christopher Ferrara and Thomas Woods, <a href="" target="_blank"><i>The Great Fa&#231;ade, </i>second edition</a>. If you own the first edition, you&#8217;ll want to get the second&#8212;it has an additional 250 pages by Ferrara on the period from 2002 to the present (mainly, the pontificates of Benedict and Francis to date). Hot stuff, as P.G. Wodehouse would say.</li><li>Roberto De Mattei, <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Second Vatican Council &#8211; An Unwritten Story.</a> </i>If you ever wanted the real scoop on what happened at the Council, including the intentions of its major players, the way the procedures were tampered with, how the documents actually got written, and so forth, this is the book. Wiltgen&#8217;s <i><a href="" target="_blank">The Rhine Flows into the Tiber</a> </i>is a classic, of course, but De Mattei drills deeper &#8212; he&#8217;s not a journalist but a true historian, with a vast knowledge of primary sources and the careful habits of a scholar, with the benefit of hindset that Wiltgen did not enjoy.</li><li>Romano Amerio, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Iota Unum: A Study of Changes in the Catholic Church in the Twentieth Century.</a> </i>This book is, in a way, <i>The Great Fa&#231;ade, </i><i>avant la lettre. </i>Amerio casts his net wider than Ferrara and Woods by surveying the entire 20th century and documenting the (usually) gradual shift in positions on a whole host of subjects. Check out the table of contents at Amazon for a sense of the breadth of the coverage.</li></ul><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div>A blessed Advent to all NLM readers. Let us all pray for one another.<img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-62bbbebc feed-semiduplex" id="item-a10beabf">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A notable review</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Semiduplex</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>At <em>Spoils of Egypt</em>, <a href="">Co&#235;mgenus has a review of Eric Nelson&#8217;s <em>The Royalist Revolution</em></a>. We won&#8217;t spoil the review, but, after reading Co&#235;mgenus&#8217;s review,&#160;we want to put Nelson&#8217;s book on our own reading list.</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=100631426&#038;post=1146&#038;subd=semiduplexdotcom&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-eb103a19 feed-catholiccultureorgindepthanalysisofcatholicissues" id="item-21604cab">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The other side of the Francis effect: Hypersensitivity and hysteria?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=""> - In Depth Analysis of Catholic Issues</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>David Bentley Hart has expressed his perplexity over the &ldquo;anxiety, disappointment, or hostility&rdquo; Pope Francis inspires &ldquo;in certain American Catholics of a conservative bent.&rdquo; Hart is the typically profound and often entertaining writer of &ldquo;The Back Page&rdquo; essay in <a href="" target="_blank">First Things</a>, and in fact he finds the conservative Catholic reaction to Pope Francis &ldquo;inexplicable&rdquo;:</p>

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<div class="item feed-959a591f feed-denzingerkatholik" id="item-b672cd3e">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Das letzte (Macht-)Aufgebot</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Da kann man noch so <i>bestrebt</i> sein, alle &#220;bersetzungen zu erwischen, und dann geht einem doch noch etwas durch die Lappen. Ausgerechnet die &#220;bersetzung, die dieser Tage eigentlich die gel&#228;ufigste sein m&#252;sste, eben die aus dem "neuen" Missale - in gewohnt prosaisch-verflachender Form, es gab aber schon Schlimmeres. Und da uns die Oration, wenngleich nur im &#252;berlieferten Ritus, noch ein paar Tage erhalten bleibt, soll es wohl erlaubt sein, einen kleinen Nachtrag ... nachzureichen.<br /><span style="color: blue;"><br /></span><span style="color: blue;">Me&#223;buch von 1975</span>&nbsp;(Kollekte vom Freitag in der ersten Adventswoche):<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Biete auf deine Macht, Herr, unser Gott,</i><br /><i>und komm.</i><br /><i>Entrei&#223;e uns den Gefahren,</i><br /><i>in die unsere S&#252;nden uns bringen.</i><br /><i>Mache uns frei und rette uns.</i></blockquote>Und da man bekanntlich auf einem Bein ziemlich schlecht steht, gebe ich mal noch eine <span style="color: blue;">eigene Variante</span><span style="color: blue;"> </span>dazu:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><i>Biete auf Deine Macht, o Herr,</i><br /><i>wir bitten Dich, komm:</i><br /><i>Unter Deinem Schutz m&#246;gen wir Rettung finden</i><br /><i>aus den drohenden Gefahren unserer S&#252;nden,</i><br /><i>und durch Dich befreit,</i><br /><i>w&#252;rdig werden des Heils.</i></blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-63336101 feed-akacatholic" id="item-f7da2390">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Alma, Redemptoris Mater</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">AKA Catholic</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Below is a recording of Fr. Jos&#233; Miguel Marqu&#233;s Campo chanting the Marian Antiphon, Alma, Redemptoris Mater, at the end of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the First Sunday of Advent (29-XI-2015) in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Gij&#243;n, Archdiocese of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. He is accompanied by Ram&#243;n Villoria on organ. How blessed we are to have Fr. Marqu&#233;s Campo here with us! Latin Alma Redemptoris Mater, qu&#230; pervia c&#230;li Porta manes, et stella maris, succurre cadenti, Surgere qui curat, populo: tu qu&#230; genuisti, Natura mirante, tuum sanctum Genitorem Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis <a class="more-link" href="'">more &#187;</a>

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<div class="item feed-f27c846b feed-cnstopstories" id="item-480c2547">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Climate deal must be transformative, papal envoy tells leaders in Paris</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">CNS Top Stories</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><img src="" /><p>IMAGE: CNS/Reuters</p><p></p><p>By Carol  Glatz</p><p>VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Heads of state discussing carbon
emission limits must create a global and "transformative" agreement
built on justice, solidarity and fairness, a papal representative told the
U.N. climate conference in Paris.</p>

<p>Pope Francis has said "it would be tragic" if special
interests "manipulated information" and won out over the common good,
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, said Nov. 30.</p>

<p>The cardinal delivered a speech on behalf of the pope
during the Nov. 30-Dec. 11 Conference of Parties, or COP21, in Paris. The
Vatican released a copy of the speech Dec. 1.</p>

<p>A global agreement must have three interrelated goals in
mind: "alleviate the impact of climate change, fight poverty and let the
dignity of the human person flourish," the cardinal said in a speech
delivered in French.</p>

<p>A meaningful global pact must be guided by a clear
ethical vision that sees all of humanity as belonging to one human family, and
has "no room for the so-called globalization of indifference," he

<p>"Given the urgency of a situation that requires the
broadest collaboration possible in order to reach a common plan," it is
important the agreement recognize everyone's responsibility to help others and
according to one's abilities and means.</p>

<p>An agreement must send "clear signals" to governments,
businesses, the scientific community and local communities ton how to adjust or
change their behavior and policies in ways that leads to a low carbon economy
and integral human development, he said.</p>

<p>Finally, the cardinal said, the COP21 endeavor must be
part of an ever-evolving commitment to future generations with constant updates,
follow-up and enforcement.</p>

<p>"It's necessary to take into serious consideration
the realization of models of sustainable production and consumption and new
behaviors and lifestyles," he said.</p>

<p>"Technical solutions are necessary but not
enough," he said, adding that teaching and supporting sustainable
lifestyles are critical. People must become more aware of their responsibility
and that today's lifestyles based on an unsustainable "culture of waste"
have no place in new models of education and development.</p><p>- - -</p><p>Copyright &#169; 2015 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. Republishing or redistributing of CNS content, including by framing or similar means without prior permission, is prohibited. You may link to stories on our public site. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To request permission for republishing or redistributing of CNS content, please contact permissions at</p>

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<div class="item feed-567743be feed-edinburghhousewife" id="item-f2112008">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A Glad Trad</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a>]</span>
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<p>Good day! It is Traddy Tuesday, the day in which I usually poke a bit of fun at the liturgies, priest and parishes that disappoint would-be converts unaware that Catholic culture has changed a lot since Flannery O'Connor died. However, I see that it is time to put that to a rest, as I have had ample opportunity to reflect that, though funny (to me at least), it was not helpful.<br /><br />There is a lot of anger in the opinions section of the Catholic blogosphere, and many people enjoy it. I enjoy it, too, when it's clever, funny and well-written, but last week I discovered that Someone had drawn a line into how much lyrical anger I could take. &nbsp;It made me wonder how much I myself have been adding to a hermeneutic of the "mad trad."<br /><br />I think the path best taken is to eliminate all my little jibes against the novelties adopted since the beginning of the Second Vatican Council and just talk about why I love traditional devotions, particularly the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. I might even add a list of the novelties I actually like. (Or that my mother likes. My mother very much likes the protracted congregational singing, and the jollier and more the hymns make her feel like dancing, the better she likes them.) I could even point out where the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, so long in developing, may further develop: e.g. the sermon returned to the end, before the announcements. Those who want to hear the announcements will have to hear the sermon.<br /><br />One of the lovely things about traditional theology, the Extraordinary Mass and traditional devotions is that there is so much to learn. Once you get hooked on the traditions of the Church, and how they foster devotion to the Blessed Trinity, to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to the Saints, you never run out of wonderful books to read or helpful ideas on the internet.<br /><br />Another lovely thing is how they all match up. The more I read the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, the less satisfied I felt at ordinary English-language Mass. I wasn't really satisfied until I began to attend the Extraordinary Form of the Mass regularly. It astonishes me that I have been going to the same parish--only once feeling dissatisfied (tremendous confusion of self re: Triduum as had wrong missal that year)--for almost seven years.<br /><br />Because everything matches up, everything is treated with great importance. I am not sure how ministers of music usually pick the hymns for the Ordinary Form, but the singing in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass is inextricable from the (Traditional) Calendar. For example, every Sunday has its proper-to-it Introit and the Master of our Schola carefully considers what day it is before he chooses any extra music or decides the congregation should sing an English-language recessional hymn instead of our usual, seasonal Marian anthem.<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div>Even if he were blind, a Catholic time traveller would have known it was Advent had he stepped into our little borrowed wooden church, for after the Communion antiphon, the schola sang <i>Conditor Alme Siderum</i>. &nbsp;(Video link not to schola!)<br /><br />A thought came to me of a tapestry. You can add to the end of a tapestry and you can freshen up its colours if it becomes faded, but you can't start messing around with, and picking out, its threads without making a massive confusion.<br /><br />Traditional Catholicism is like that tapestry. You can add things--for example, the Master of the Schola composes new music suitable for Mass--but if you start taking things away, other parts become confusing. They cease to make as much sense, especially when you are reading what all saints who died before 1962 have to say about the Mass.<br /><br />When I was a child, I began to notice that many aspects of Catholicism writers of old (or reprinted) books took for granted did not feature at Mass, at school, or even in my Catholic youth group. When I asked a teacher at my Catholic school to tell me what the Mass was like before Vatican II, he couldn't tell me. (In exchange for full governmental funding, the school board had agreed to hire non-Catholic teachers.) Therefore, I never really understood what the old writers all took for granted until I was in my late 30s and stumbled upon the Extraordinary Form. And now I'm very glad I did.

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<div class="item feed-96cbd98a feed-thejosias" id="item-93bbed67">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">On the Subordination of the State to the Church</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Josias</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<h3 style="text-align: justify;">by Tommaso Maria Cardinal&#160;Zigliara, OP</h3>
<h4 style="text-align: justify;">Translated by Timothy Wilson</h4>
<hr />
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em><em>Today we continue <a href="" target="_blank">our series of original translations</a> of important texts relating to Catholic political philosophy. <a href="" target="_blank" title="Tommaso Maria Zigliara">Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara</a> was a prominent Thomist philosopher and theologian in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Among many other accomplishments, he was closely involved with the preparation of&#160;the Leonine edition of the Angelic Doctor&#8217;s </em>Opera Omnia <em>(<a href="" target="_blank">the first volume of which</a> contains his synopses and annotations on St. Thomas&#8217;</em>&#160;Organon <em>commentaries)</em>,<em> and assisted in preparing the encyclicals&#160;</em></em>Aeterni Patris<em><em> and&#160;</em></em>Rerum novarum<em><em>.</em></em></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em><em>The chapter translated&#160;here is taken from book two of the third part of Zigliara&#8217;s&#160;widely circulated </em></em>Summa philosophica<em><em><em> (14<sup>th</sup> ed., 1910).</em></em>&#160;Having treated of domestic, civil, and religious society in their principles and particulars in the preceding&#160;books and chapters of this part, he now sets himself the task of treating in brief the relations which should obtain between those two perfect societies, the Church and the State. The original text can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></em><em>.</em></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This is the last&#160;of the five articles of the chapter, treating of the subordination of the State to the Church.</em></p>
<hr />
<p style="text-align: center;">FIFTH ARTICLE</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><em>On the subordination of the State to the Church</em></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>I. Nature of the question.</strong> A religious society, of which sort is the Catholic Church, lives in the company of civil society, such that the spiritual power of the Roman Pontiff is as it were in contact with the civil power, and they who are civilly subjects of the temporal authority are at once subjects of Ecclesiastical authority. It is commonly conceded that the civil authority, within the limits of its ends, is independent of the Church, in that manner in which we say the Church, with respect to its end, to be independent of any civil authority. But it is wholly impossible that two societies should exist at once with equal independence, that is, without mutual subordination to one another; consequently, it is necessary that either the Church be subordinate to the civil State, or the civil State to the Church. Behold the question, concerning which we have said many things in Articles 61 and 63, and whose solution we give in this final article, so that there might more clearly be seen the notion of ethnarchy which belongs to the Catholic Church. Let the conclusion therefore be stated:</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>II. In no wise is the Catholic Church subordinate to the civil State, but the civil State of its nature is subordinate to the Catholic Church.</strong> This proposition is easily proved, if there are recalled to mind the principles which we made known in the preceding Chapter. For the notion or nature of the subordination of societies ought to be taken absolutely from the end: for, seeing that the nature of the society arises from the end to which it is ordered, where the ends of two societies are subordinated, the societies equally ought to be subordinated; and a society whose end is subordinate to the end of a higher society, is also subordinated to that other. These are the principles, without which there consists nothing anymore firm in determining the nature of society. But the end of civil society and the end of religious society are ordered to one another, and the end of civil society is subordinated to the end of the Catholic Church, and not <em>vice versa.</em> Therefore in no wise is the Catholic Church subordinate to the civil state, but the civil state of its nature is subordinate to the Catholic Church. The <em>minor</em> is proved.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The end of civil society and the end of religious society are ordered to one another</em>. For man is composed from soul and body, and, as man, is a part of society. But civil society properly looks to the exterior perfection of man, because it is not able to penetrate into the interior things of conscience, and what is more, because it considers man living in this life, it has care chiefly for his temporal perfection; whereas the Catholic Church, as a spiritual society, is ordered rather to the perfection of the soul and directs men to eternal felicity. But although these things are true, yet it is true that man neither is able nor ought to be divided, but just as the soul is for the perfection of the body and the body is for the perfection of the soul, so equally corporeal perfection&#8212;to which the civil State directly attends&#8212;and spiritual perfection&#8212;which the Church of Christ bountifully imparts&#8212;both ought to provide for the whole man. Therefore the ends of both societies, although distinct amongst themselves, yet agree in one common end, which is the <em>man to be perfected;</em> and consequently, these ends are ordered to one another.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The end of civil society is subordinated to the end of the Catholic Church, and not </em>vice versa. Indeed, nothing forbids that man, as a composite of soul and body, not procure for himself, in an upright manner, all those things which coincide for living this life comfortably. Nevertheless, it is irrational and repulsive to submit the soul to the body in such a manner that it is the body&#8217;s slave, and esteems less his intellectual perfection, so that in his body he leads a life according to the fashion of brute animals; but the body ought to be subservient to the soul. &#8212; It savors of dementia, moreover, to think that man should be solicitous of temporal felicity&#8212;which felicity he must lose, though he will it or not&#8212;and not think of attaining eternal happiness: <em>For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?</em> (Matt. XVI, 26). <em>For we have not here a lasting city, but we seek one that is to come </em>(Hebr. XIII, 14). Therefore, whatever man seeks in this life, whatever he searches out for himself in civil society and from civil society, he either seeks perversely, or ought to order to the spiritual and eternal perfection of the soul. Because, therefore, the end of the Church is the interior and eternal perfection of man, but the end of civil society is his external and temporal perfection, the end of the Church is not subordinated to that of civil society, but rather the latter to the former.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>III. The Catholic Church is an ethnarchic society.</strong> Before I prove that the Catholic Church truly is an ethnarchic society, and consequently that there is in it a true ethnarchy, I think it worthwhile to take a moment and put forward the doctrine of St. Thomas concerning Christ, insofar as He is the Head of all men: &#171;There is this difference between the natural head of man and the mystical body of the Church, that the members of the natural body are all together; but the members of the mystical body are not all together: not with respect to the <em>esse</em> of nature, because the body of the Church is constituted from men, who have existed from the beginning of the world even to its end; neither according to the <em>esse</em> of grace, for, of those even who are in one time, some lack grace, to be had later, while others already possess it. Thus therefore, the members of the mystical body are taken, not only according as they are in act, but also according as they are in potency. Yet there are some in potency who are never reduced to act; whereas there are some who are reduced to act at some time or other. And this occurs according to a threefold grade: the <em>first</em> of which is through <em>faith; </em>the <em>second</em> through <em>charity</em> of the way; the <em>third</em> through the <em>fruition</em> of the <em>patria</em>. Thus, therefore, it should be said, that taking it generally according to the whole of the world&#8217;s time, Christ is the head of all men, but according to diverse grades. For firstly and chiefly is He head of those who are united to Him in act through glory; secondly, of those are united in act to Him through charity; thirdly, of those who are united in act to Him through faith; fourthly, of those who are only united to Him in potency not yet reduced to act, which yet is to be reduced to act according to divine predestination; fifthly, of those who are united to Him in potency, which potency is never reduced to act: as men living in this world, who are not predestined, who yet, receding from this age, entirely cease to be members of Christ, because they are no longer in potency, as to be united to Christ&#187; (IIIa, q. 8, a. 3).</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">From these principles, our thesis is easily proved. Indeed the Catholic Church encompasses all nations, whether in act or in potency, as we have heard from St. Thomas; furthermore, it is of its nature a doctrinal society, and possesses an infallible magisterium in the matters which look to dogmas and morals; it is a society whose invisible head is Christ Himself, at once God and man; whose visible head is the Supreme Roman Pontiff, exalted with supernatural dignity, subject to no man, having civil powers subordinate to him, and directed, by the special assistance of the Holy Ghost, to the salvation of nations. In the Church, therefore, you have <em>universality</em>, you have <em>doctrinal magisterium</em>, you have dignity and <em>supereminence:</em> all the things, namely, which are required for an <em>ethnarchy</em>, that is, for valid authority over all peoples or nations. &#8212; This wisest kind of politics prevailed, to the good of peoples, in the Middle Ages, that is, when truly Christian peoples and kings received and venerated, in the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ&#8212;whose name, as Isaiah says, is <em>Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace</em>.<a href="" name="_ftnref1"><sup><sup>[1]</sup></sup></a></p>
<hr />
<p><a href="" name="_ftnref1"></a></p>
<h3 style="text-align: justify;">NOTES</h3>
<p><a href="" name="_ftnref1"></a></p>
<p><a href="" name="_ftn1"><sup><sup>[1]</sup></sup></a> Isaiah 9:6</p><br />  <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=78071900&#038;post=1262&#038;subd=thejosiasdotcom&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-39f3c7f6 feed-" id="item-b78767e0">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">What we are up against as a Church</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=""></a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<blockquote><p>The Bible has several references to malice. and in some passages, malice is equated with anger. However, the great thinkers of the Church define malice as cold-headed hatred, a sins of the intellect. Thomas Aquinas states that there is not a natural proclivity to malice, as there is to others sins. This means that malice is freely chosen. Hostility and loathing form part of malice, which also means that a person loaths God in him. The fact that the angels are intellectual beings indicate that the sin of pride against God brought about great malice, immediately.</p></blockquote>
<p>Recently, I have written several posts on malice. One reason for this preoccupation on this most severe of sins, an intellectual sin, when someone decides to hate and to do evil, is that I have met this sin over and over again in my travels, and many of my closest friends are suffering from malice in their families.</p>
<p>Malice for the person who practices this evil, not only kills the soul, but deadens the conscience. That people choose to hate and do evil against others, means that they are working against the love and grace of God. Sometimes malice grows out of envy or jealously, or rage. Sometimes malice is merely the love of doing evil. Yes, some people get a buzz from doing evil.</p>
<p>Malice moves people to invoke gods other than the Crucified God, other than Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Frequently malicious people not only take a perverse pleasure in causing chaos and havoc in people&#8217;s lives, but manipulate others to act in malicious ways as well.</p>
<p>Entire tribes, or peoples, entire nations can be eaten up with malice, and &#8220;eaten up&#8221; is a good phrase to describe the interior feeding of malice by evil thoughts. One feeds evil by ruminating on past hurts, or past sins against one. Malice, therefore, involves unforgiveness. In fact, malice and unforgiveness connect in the black roots of anger.</p>
<p>I am, surrounded where I am now, by people who choose to hate. They hate Catholics, especially, and they hate Christians. They hate some sects in their own heresy, and they hate tribes and nations.</p>
<p>Hatred which is taught and chosen is a sin of the intellect, and contrary to popular belief, the intellect can be ruled by the passions. We have passions to deal with in both the higher and lower faculties.</p>
<p>Passions feed malice, and those who want to be freed of the sin of malice, must deal with the passions which add to malice.</p>
<p>Pride can be one of the sins behind malice. Satan&#8217;s pride led to his maliciousness against Christ and His Church. Even today, Christians bear the malice of others around the globe.</p>
<p>What combats malice? Love. Love of Christ on the Cross. Accepting suffering graciously, learning to be like Christ, thinking with the Mind of Christ.</p>
<p>But, those who live in malice hate Jesus Christ openly. They hate the God Within. They, therefore, become servants of malice. But, if these people are not baptized they have never been freed from being &#8220;slaves of Satan&#8221;, as we learn in the old catechism.</p>
<p>Malice will be what comes against us in the coming days of persecution. Malice will seem like mercy and peace to those who will be duped by the Antichrist, speaking in terms of a peace without Christ.</p>
<p>Beware of those who speak of a peace without the Trinity. Beware of those who speak of peace without Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.</p>
<p>Learn to discern those who are speaking false peace and those who are speaking true peace.</p>
<p>&#8220;Peace I give to you, my peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives, but as I give&#8221;, says the Lord.</p>
<p>Christ&#8217;s peace is the answer to malice. Yet, when one is peaceful, malicious people hate those who are truly peaceful in Christ more and more. We shall see this in our times, and it has all happened before&#8230;.</p>

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<div class="item feed-0a03ad15 feed-newsong" id="item-9ebe0af4">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">New Advent CD from Wyoming Catholic College</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">New Song</a>]</span>
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<p>Last year I had the honor of reporting that my poem &#8220;David&#8217;s Town,&#8221; set to music by Peter Kwasniewski, was <a href="">performed</a> by an ensemble in Scotland.&#160; This year I am happy to announce that &#8220;David&#8217;s Town&#8221; has been included on Wyoming Catholic College&#8217;s new Advent CD.&#160; It is a special song, because it is the only hymn to my knowledge that devotes one stanza to each of the &#8220;three comings&#8221; celebrated in Advent:&#160; the first coming in humility, the second coming in mystery, and the third coming in glory.</p>
<p>The new CD is beautifully done, recorded by a special student ensemble led by Kwasniewski.&#160; You can find lyrics, information, and a way to purchase the CD <a href="">here</a>.&#160; Take a look!&#160; We&#8217;re doing an important work at WCC, and every CD purchase helps us keep the lights on both literally and figuratively.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, to give you a sense for the quality both of the performance and the recording, here is the &#8220;David&#8217;s Town&#8221; track:</p>

<audio class="wp-audio-shortcode" controls="controls" id="audio-1507-1" preload="none" style="width: 100%;"><source src="" type="audio/mpeg" /><a href=""></a></audio>

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<div class="item feed-31b4b35a feed-voxcantoris" id="item-5d6ec22f">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Why did Pope Francis hide the truth about the Ugandan Martyrs?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vox Cantoris</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" /></div><div><br /></div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><a href=";utm_campaign=c3c24289a6-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_0caba610ac-c3c24289a6-326182274">Pete Balinski of LifeSiteNews asks</a>; "Did anyone notice that during Pope Francis&#8217; trip to Africa in which he commemorated the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Canonization of the 22 Ugandan martyrs, not once did he mention &#8212; or even hint &#8212; that their deaths were occasioned by their refusal to indulge the king in his request for homosexual relations?"</span><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">The Pope did not mention why these Saints were martyred. Our Twitterati homosexualist clerics made it abundantly clear that there was a homosexualist agenda on the mind of Bergoglio in Uganda.&nbsp;</span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><img border="0" height="294" src="" width="640" /></span></a></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">This is an&nbsp;interference&nbsp;into the internal affairs of Uganda who know well what evil comes from men who&nbsp;engage in sexual perversions that entrap their souls in the grasp of Satan and destroy societies.</span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">These sodomite priests, bishops and cardinals must be outed.</span></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div style="text-align: center;"><img height="512" src="" width="640" /></div>

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<div class="item feed-193816b4 feed-beibootpetri" id="item-ea775d8d">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Der Papst &amp; der Terrorismus</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><br /><b>Daniel Rodriguez Herrer</b> kommentiert bei <b>Libertad Digital</b> -nicht ohne Bitterkeit- die p&#228;pstlichen &#196;u&#223;erungen in Kenia und bei der fliegenden Pressekonferenz auf dem R&#252;ckweg von Afrika nach Rom. Man kann nicht verhehlen, da&#223; sich bei vielen eine gewisse Resignation &#252;ber den stets verwirrenden pontifikalen Redefluss in der N&#228;he von Mikrophonen oder Telephonen breitmacht, zumal man sicher sein kann, da&#223; es immer mindestens einen Tadel f&#252;r glaubenstreue Katholiken gibt.<br />Hier geht&#180;s zum Original, das wir bei Beno&#238;t XVI-et-moi gefunden haben (merci!), &nbsp;<b><a href="">klicken</a></b><br /><br /><div><b>Rorate-caeli</b> stellt-nebenbei bemerkt-die bange Frage, ob wir damit jetzt die Talsohle erreicht haben.&nbsp;<b><a href="">klicken</a></b><br /><br /><div><b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "DER PAPST, DER DEN TERRORISTEN EIN ALIBI GIBT"</b><br />von D.R.Herrer</div><div>"Wir Katholiken erleiden zur Zeit wegen unserer S&#252;nden eine g&#246;ttliche Bestrafung- in Form eines progressistischen, teilweise peronistischen Papstes, der uns unter dem Namen Franziskus gegeben wurde.</div><div>Weil die Seinen- Dank sei Gott- in ihrem eigenen Land-wegen des Wahlsieges eines Mannes, der in keinem der Zweige der argentinischen Bewegung k&#228;mpft- eine schlimme Zeit durchmachen, sieht es so aus, als habe der Hl. Vater entschieden, das m&#228;chtige Sprachrohr, das ihm aus religi&#246;sen Gr&#252;nden zur Verf&#252;gung steht, zu nutzen, um politische Theorien von zweifelhafter moralischer und materieller Grundlage in die Welt zu schicken.</div><div><br /></div><div>Die letzte hat er in Kenia losgelassen, wo er betonte, da&#223; der Terrorismus aus der durch Armut provozierten Verzweiflung entsteht. "Ach so" werden sich die Kenianer gedacht und dann gefragt haben: "warum reisen wir, die wir viel &#228;rmer sind als die &#228;rmsten Al-Qaeda-Mitglieder nicht nach Paris und schie&#223;en mit der Kalaschnikow auf Passanten?" &nbsp;Wie ein guter Progressist kann Franziskus nicht erkennen, da&#223; es auch pers&#246;nliche Gr&#252;nde gibt, die f&#252;r die S&#252;nden in dieser Welt eine Rolle spielen. Alles mu&#223; zu einem System geh&#246;ren-. Und das kapitalistische System wird angeklagt, auch wenn es das einzige System ist, das die Leute aus der Armut herausf&#252;hren kann, seine Fr&#252;chte nicht nach seinem Geschmack zu verteilen.<br /><br /><a name="more"></a><br /><span style="text-align: justify;">Aber die Fakten geben ihm nicht Recht, nat&#252;rlich nicht- auch nicht hier auf der Ebene einer anderen GROSSEN Sache, auf die er die Kirche eingeschworen hat - den Klimawandel.</span><br />Es gibt arme Terroristen, aber die Hauptfiguren in dieser Verbrechensbranche sind Leute mit Ressourcen und h&#246;herer Bildung. Von Bin Laden bis zu den ETA-Mitgliedern- &#252;ber die Roten Brigaden, die IRA, den Leuchtenden Pfad oder Hamas- ist der einzige gemeinsame Punkt, den man finden kann, der Fanatismus seiner Mitglieder und die politischen Ziele- ungeachtet ihrer Verbrechen.</div><div>Politisch ja- weil sogar der Terrorismus religi&#246;sen Ursprungs f&#252;r eine politische Ver&#228;nderung und f&#252;r politische Ziele k&#228;mpft.<br />ETA t&#246;tete, um ein sozialistisches Euskal Herria (unabh&#228;ngiges Baskenland) zu gr&#252;nden. Der Islamische Staat, um andere Muslime und die "Ungl&#228;ubigen" einem Regime zu unterwerfen, das von der Scharia dominiert wird.<br />Johannes Paul II hat es gut erkl&#228;rt: wenn die Menschen sich im Besitz des Geheimnisses einer perfekten sozialen Organisation glauben, die das B&#246;se unm&#246;glich macht, denken sie, da&#223; sie alle Mittel- auch Gewalt und L&#252;ge- benutzen d&#252;rfen, um es zu realisieren.<br /><br />Mit seinen Erkl&#228;rungen tut der Papst nichts anderes, als Entschuldigungen und Alibis f&#252;r die unmenschlichsten Verbrechen der Terroristen zu suchen, er versucht, sie als Funktion der Umst&#228;nde zu erkl&#228;ren, die aber von den Terroristen selbst kontrolliert werden. Wie arm sie sind, wie verzweifelt, wie sollten sie sich da nicht dem Mord an Christen widmen, weil sie Christen sind? Wie frustriert sie durch sie wirtschaftliche Lage sind, wie sollten sie sich da nicht gegen die verfluchten Westler werfen, die so gut leben und zu Rock-Konzerten gehen und zum Essen in Restaurants?</div><div>Diese Rechtfertigung ist amoralisch. Und was sie noch mehr ist- sie steht in totalem Widerspruch zum Christentum, das, wenn es von etwas charakterisiert wird, dann sicher nicht durch die Personalisierung von Schuld und S&#252;nde. Die Mehrheit der Armen t&#246;tet nicht, weil sie arm sind. Wenn jemand anf&#228;ngt, &#252;ber den Terrorismus zu verhandeln, tut er das aus Fanatismus und Hass. Die S&#252;nde der Terroristen zu leugnen, ist f&#252;r die Person, die die Geschicke der Kirche leitet, unzul&#228;ssig."</div><div><br /><span style="font-size: x-small;">Quelle: Libertad Digital, D.R. Herrer, Beno&#238;tXVI-et-moi</span></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><div style="background-color: #f7f7f7; color: #444444; font-family: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 0.075px; line-height: 19.2px; padding: 4px 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /></div></div></div>

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<div class="item feed-bdd08098 feed-novusordowireblognewsarchiveatnovusordowatch" id="item-952e4994">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Francis makes a Mess again: Another Chaos Interview</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="article-summary"><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;"><em><br /></em></span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><em><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">He did it again...</span></em></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 28px; font-family: Arial;">Francis Makes Another Mess: Chaos Interview during Return Flight from Africa</span><br /></strong></p>
					<div class="first graphic-container wide center ImageElement">
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								<img alt="francis-head.jpg" height="286" src="" width="235" />
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							<div class="figure-content caption"><p>When you see this microphone in front of this face, you know it&#8217;s time to run for the hills...</p></div>
					</div><p style="text-align: left;"><br /><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">Boy, this is really getting old. You know how it works: Francis departs from his umpteenth trip by plane, and during the flight he pulls out a microphone and takes questions from members of the press. The Bergoglian jaw starts moving, and at that point, the sky&#8217;s the limit as to what words will leave his mouth.</span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">In the latest case, that of November 30, 2015, nothing short of chaos ensued, as usual. We give you the highlights&#160;&#8212; or rather, lowlights&#160;&#8212; below, although we will refrain from any substantial commentary. After two-and-a-half years of this man pretending to be Pope, there really shouldn&#8217;t be a need for a whole lot of additional remarks at this point. It&#8217;s all been said. Bergoglio is simply recycling the same errors and heresies and offering them in different wrapping paper here and there.</span></p>

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<div class="item feed-701a674d feed-dominicana" id="item-4c2e60e3">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Eternal Present: Advent and Time Orientation</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Dominicana</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>[T]hough we cannot experience our life as an endless present, we are eternal in God&#8217;s eyes; that is, in our deepest reality. &#160;&#8212;C.S. Lewis It&#8217;s Advent, so let&#8217;s talk about marshmallows. &#160; No, not the seasonally-themed ones. I mean the ones used by psychologists to conduct a time-orientation study. Time orientation? That&#8217;s the term social [&#8230;]

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<div class="item feed-66c13088 feed-stconlethscatholicheritageassociation" id="item-cf0da2b5">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Back on the Rails VII - The Newmarket Branch Line</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association</a>]</span>
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<p>Since I'm back on the rails again after a long pause, I hope you won't mind if&nbsp;I take a break from the West Cork line to go north and follow a branch line that covered nearly 9 miles, crossing the River Dalua at Kanturk and down towards the River Blackwater where it meets the main line (still open) between Mallow and Millstreet at Banteer.   The Newmarket to Banteer Branch Line was opened in 1889, built by local notables who had formed the&nbsp;Banteer and Newmarket Railway Company. After four years it was taken over by the Great Southern and Western Railway.  <br /><br />A daily service ran until 'the Emergency' when, in 1942, it suffered a temporary closure.  Only a goods service recommenced in 1956 and was finally closed in 1963. A few Parliamentary Questions set the scene, in <a href="">1946</a>, <a href="">1948</a>, in <a href="">1954</a> and in <a href="">1956</a>. <br /><br />We are in the Barony of Duhallow, a land of poetry.  It boasts some of the most poetic scenery and some of the most poetic placenames in all of Cork, Lyre and Nadd, Assolas and Knocknanuss. <br /><br />I started my journey at Newmarket.  The town was <a href="" target="_blank">founded in 1620</a> by the Aldworth family, to whom it has been granted by James I upon the <a href="" target="_blank">forfeiture by the MacAuliffes</a>,&nbsp;as their market town.&nbsp; What remains of the terminus station is a small red-brick building now part of 'the Railway Industrial Park.&nbsp; It sits in a natural valley just below the town formed by a tributary stream of the River Dalua.&nbsp; The railway follows the valley of this stream and then the River Dalua down to Kanturk.<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="'" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="240" src="'" width="320" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><em>St. Mary's Parish Church, Newmarket</em></div><br />The beautiful St. Mary's Church was a benefaction of the Aldworths, who gave both the site and a donation towards the building.&nbsp; The original Altar was a copy of that of the ancient abbey of Quin.<br /><br />Newmarket's most famous inhabitants are the Currans, the Philpot Currans, who gave eminent members to the Irish Bar and to Irish History, and whose family plot may be found in the Anglican cemetery here.&nbsp; Sarah was the sweetheart of Robert Emmet, the darling of &#201;ireann.&nbsp; Her father, <a href="" target="_blank">John Philpot Curran</a>, was Master of the Rolls for Ireland, who faught the famous case of Fr. Neale prosecuting Viscount Doneraile at the Cork Assizes, which, since <a href="" target="_blank">Doneraile</a> had no railway, we may conveniently mention here.<br /><br />Fr. Neale, the elderly <a href="" target="_blank">Parish Priest of Doneraile</a>,&nbsp;had condemned from the Altar the adulteries of a parishioner.&nbsp; The parishioner's sister was mistress of&nbsp;St. Leger St. Leger (sic!), Baron and later Viscount&nbsp;Doneraile, who horsewhipped the Priest, safe in the knowledge that a Protestant jury (Catholic Emancipation was 49 years off in 1780) would never convict him.&nbsp; However, he did not reckon with JPC, who exposed the falsity of the Viscount's witnesses and turned the jury toward's Fr. Neale's case with his eloquence.&nbsp; The Viscount challenged JPC to a duel, one of five he is known to have fought.<br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="'" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="151" src="'" width="400" /></a></div><em></em><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><em>Sisters Aniceta and Petronella, Sisters of Saint Joseph, natives of nearby Meelin and the former St. Joseph's Convent</em></div><br />It's not too far to go to the <a href="" target="_blank">O'Keefe Institute</a>, built as <a href="" target="_blank">Aldworth&nbsp;Court&nbsp;or Newmarket House</a>&nbsp;in 1750.&nbsp; In common with other great houses, it ceased to be a private residence in the 1920s and in 1927, the Sisters of St. Joseph, founded by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, patroness of the recent Eucharistic Congress (and unofficially who are misunderstood in a good cause by their Priests).<br /><br />The next stop, the only intermediate stop, on the Newmarket Branch Line is Kanturk.&nbsp; As the confluence of the Rivers Allua and Dalua (Allow and Dallow, if you prefer) I will come back to Kanturk when I'm exploring the Blackwater and its tributaries.&nbsp; Sufficing to say that there is a fine remnant of the railway station, if you know where to look on Percival Street below the Church, and the remnants of the bed of the line on either side of the road.<br /><br />From Kanturk we follow the Railway along the line of the Dallua to where it flows into the Blackwater.&nbsp; Finally, just crossing the Blackwater we reach the connection between the Branch and the Main Line at <a href="" target="_blank">Banteer</a>.&nbsp; Banteer Station, on the main Dublin-Tralee Line, was opened in 1853 and continues as a passenger stop.<br /><br />Near Banteer is <a href="" target="_blank">Knocknaclashy</a>, the site of the last open battle of the Confederate Wars.&nbsp; I have already covered the <a href="" target="_blank">execution of Bishop Boetius MacEgan</a> in May, 1650.&nbsp; A year later, in July, 1651, as the forces of the Catholic Confederation fell back behind the Shannon Donagh MacCarthy, Viscount Muskerry and later Earl of Clancarthy, held the last outpost in his native lands.&nbsp; His forces moved from Killarney towards Mallow in the direction of the stronghold of Limerick.&nbsp; They were intercepted near Banteer by Broghill's Parliamentarian forces, who won the skirmish.&nbsp; Lord Muskerry's forces fell back upon Killarney.&nbsp; From that point, the war was one of siege and the destruction of the Catholic Confederation assured.&nbsp; <br /><br />The final Catholic heritage point about Banteer is the dedication of <a href="" target="_blank">the Church</a> there to <a href="" target="_blank">St. Fursey</a> who was the son of a Munster Prince but was born in Galway and is best known for his missionary works in Britain, especially East Anglia.

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<div class="item feed-784edcea feed-creativeminorityreport" id="item-1731beee">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">For Those Who Held Out Hope, I'm Sorry. Now Defend The Faith</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Creative Minority Report</a>]</span>
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<p>For those who hoped against hope that the situation with the papacy isn't real, I'm sorry.  I understand that you don't want this to be real. I feel the same way. This papacy is a disaster unprecedented in its particulars.  If in the past you have even become angry with me for accepting it a little sooner than you did, I understand.<br /><br />But if you still have not faced reality, if you still blame translations and the media, then you must stop the nonsense immediately and face facts.  You are cheerleading a Pope who says things, t<a href="">hat believes things like this.</a><br /><br /><i><b>&#8220;Fundamentalism is a sickness that is in all religions,&#8221; said the Pontiff, according to the National Catholic Reporter. &#8220;We Catholics have some &#8212; and not some, many &#8212; who believe in the absolute truth and go ahead dirtying the other with calumny, with disinformation, and doing evil. They do evil. I say this because it is my Church.&#8221;</b></i><br /><br />If you read it in context, it is even worse.  He is suggesting an equivalency between those Catholics who believe in absolute Truth (as all Catholics must) and religious fundamentalists from other religions who murder, rape, and behead.<br /><br />The Pope, the Vicar of Christ, suggests that those Catholics in HIS church, that believe in absolute truth are evil fundamentalists.<br /><br />Oh, by the way.  The Pope said this on the same day he prayed in a mosque in the direction of Mecca.<br /><br />And by the way, in the same interview, he seemed to suggest that worrying about Africans using condoms to prevent AIDS is like worrying whether Jesus could heal on Saturday.<br /><br />Yeah that.<br /><br />For those who held out hope, I am truly sorry.  But it is time to put that behind you and defend the faith.<br /><br /><br /><div style="height: 0px; width: 0px;">*subhead*Plane Interview*subhead*</div>

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<div class="item feed-8439e208 feed-cardinalnewmansocietyallposts" id="item-c3c20789">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Notre Dame Curriculum Committee Insists Theology Critical to Catholic Identity</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=";rssid464=61">Cardinal Newman Society All Posts</a>]</span>
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<p>Following much discussion last year over whether Notre Dame would reduce its theology requirement from two courses to one, the committee in charge of the ten-year core curriculum review has advised that its theology courses are too essential to the University&rsquo;s Catholic identity to be reduced, according to the&nbsp;draft report&nbsp;released on Monday.<br />
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&ldquo;In placing theology at the core of its Catholic liberal arts education, Notre Dame is not merely adding another discipline to the existing educational paradigm. Instead, it embraces a paradigm of the intellectual life that posits the complementarity of faith and reason,&rdquo; stated the review committee&rsquo;s initial draft report.<br />
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The current review process, which began in August 2014, is comprised of a&nbsp;13-member&nbsp;committee charged with studying the core curriculum and recommending&nbsp;possible changes.<p><a href="">More...</a></p>

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<div class="item feed-7c52b226 feed-laudatortemporisacti" id="item-2951d166">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">A Hermit's Dwelling</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a>]</span>
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<p><i>King and Hermit: A Colloquy Between King Guaire of Aidne and His Brother Marban, Being an Irish Poem of the Tenth Century, Edited and Translated by Kuno Meyer</i> (London: David Nutt, 1901), pp. 13 ff. (translation of stanzas 8-32; Marban the hermit speaking; footnotes and the Old Irish original omitted): <br /><blockquote>8.<br />I have a shieling in the wood,<br />None knows it save my God:<br />An ash tree on the hither side, a hazelbush beyond,<br />A huge old tree encompasses it.<br /><br />9.<br />Two heath-clad doorposts for support,<br />And a lintel of honeysuckle:<br />The forest round its narrowness sheds<br />Its mast upon fat swine.<br /><br />10.<br />The size of my shieling tiny, not too tiny,<br />Many are its familiar paths:<br />From its gable a sweet strain sings<br />My lady in her cloak of the ousel's hue.<br /><br />11.<br />The stags of Oakridge leap<br />Into the river of clear banks:<br />Thence red Roigne can be seen,<br />Glorious Mucraime and Maenmag.<br /><br />12.<br />Hidden, lowly little abode,<br />Which has possession of ...,<br />To behold it will not be granted me,<br />Yet I shall be able to find its ...<br /><br />13.<br />A hiding mane of a green-barked yew-tree<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Which supports the sky:<br />Beautiful spot! the large green of an oak<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Fronting the storm.<br /><br />14.<br />A tree of apples &#8212; great its bounty!<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Like a hostel, vast:<br />A pretty bush, thick as a fist, of tiny hazelnuts,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Branching, green.<br /><br />15.<br />A choice pure spring and princely water<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; To drink:<br />There spring watercresses, yew-berries,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Ivy-bushes of a man's thickness.<br /><br />16.<br />Around it tame swine lie down,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Goats, pigs,<br />Wild swine, grazing deer,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; A badger's brood.<br /><br />17.<br />A peaceful troop, a heavy host of denizens of the soil,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Atrysting at my house:<br />To meet them foxes come,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; How delightful!<br /><br />18. Fairest princes come to my house.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; A ready gathering!<br />Pure water, perennial bushes,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Salmon, trout.<br /><br />19.<br />A bush of rowan, black sloes,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Dusky blackthorns,<br />Plenty of food, acorns, pure berries,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Bare flags.<br /><br />20.<br />A clutch of eggs, honey, delicious mast,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; God has sent it:<br />Sweet apples, red whortle-berries,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Berries of the heath.<br /><br />21.<br />Ale with herbs, a dish of strawberries,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Of good taste and colour,<br />Haws, berries of the yew,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Sloes, nuts.<br /><br />22.<br />A cup with mead of hazelnut, blue-bells,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Quick-growing rushes,<br />Dun oaklets, manes of briar,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Goodly sweet tangle.<br /><br />23.<br />When pleasant summertime spreads its coloured mantle,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Sweet-tasting fragrance!<br />Pignuts, wild marjoram, green leeks,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Verdant pureness!<br /><br />24.<br />The music of the bright redbreasted men,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; A lovely movement!<br />The strain of the thrush, familiar cuckoos<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Above my house.<br /><br />25.<br />Swarms of bees and chafers, the little musicians of the world,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; A gentle chorus:<br />Wild geese and ducks, shortly before summer's end,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; The music of the dark torrent.<br /><br />26.<br />An active songster, a lively wren<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; From the hazelbough,<br />Beautiful hooded birds, woodpeckers,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; A vast multitude!<br /><br />27.<br />Fair white birds come, herons, seagulls,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; The cuckoo sings in between, &#8212;<br />No mournful music! &#8212; dun heathpoults<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Out of the russet heath.<br /><br />28.<br />The lowing of heifers in summer,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Brightest of seasons!<br />Not bitter, toilsome over the fertile plain,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Beautiful, smooth!<br /><br />29.<br />The voice of the wind against the branchy wood<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Upon the deep-blue sky:<br />Cascades of the river, the note of the swan,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Delightful music!<br /><br />30.<br />The bravest band makes music to me,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Who have not been hired:<br />In the eyes of Christ the ever-young I am no worse off<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Than thou art.<br /><br />31.<br />Though thou rejoicest in thy own pleasures,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Greater than any wealth,<br />I am grateful for what is given me<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; From my good Christ.<br /><br />32.<br />Without an hour of fighting, without the din of strife<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; In my house,<br />Grateful to the Prince who giveth every good<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; To me in my bower.</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-8439e208 feed-cardinalnewmansocietyallposts" id="item-8d8bb69f">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Students Can Change Gender on University Records Under Proposed Policy at Catholic DePaul</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=";rssid464=61">Cardinal Newman Society All Posts</a>]</span>
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<p>DePaul University in Chicago recently proposed a policy that would allow students to choose preferred genders and change their names up to three times for use on class rosters and other college records despite the fact that &ldquo;gender theory&rdquo; is opposed to Church teaching on human sexuality, and is a danger to society according to Pope Francis.
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&ldquo;Largely, the policy would provide a better option for transgender and transitioning students who do not use their legal names,&rdquo;&nbsp;<em>The DePaulia</em>&nbsp;reported. &ldquo;Further, the policy would enable an optional &lsquo;unspecified&rsquo; gender option instead of male or female.&rdquo;
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Such a policy would present a conflict for DePaul&rsquo;s Catholic identity, as Church teaching does not support gender theory and ideology.<p><a href="">More...</a></p>

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<div class="item feed-9142f38b feed-lesfemmesthetruth" id="item-54963cf7">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Teaching Death to Nursing Students with Leo Tolstoy</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="130" /></a></div><header class="entry-header" style="border: 0px; margin: 0px auto 10px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; width: 565px;">Many saints who were priests encouraged their brethren to preach frequently about death. After our birth and baptism, death is the most important hour and one for which we need to be well-prepared. Nursing students will often be the last contact in life except for family and close friends. A proper attitude toward death and respect for the dying patient is absolutely crucial. Please pray for those in the medical profession. In our culture of death, many are being trained not to preserve and protect life, but to hasten death. Fight the culture of death and love and respect those who are near life's end.&nbsp;</header><header class="entry-header" style="border: 0px; margin: 0px auto 10px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; width: 565px;"><br /><h2 class="entry-title" style="background-color: #ececdb; border: 0px; clear: both; color: #333333; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 36px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.3; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Teaching Death to Nursing Students with Leo Tolstoy</h2><div class="entry-meta" style="background-color: #ececdb; border: 0px; clear: both; color: #999999; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 1px 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; width: 565px;"><span class="date" style="border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">11/27/2015 at 4:46 PM</span>&nbsp;<span class="author" style="border: 0px; display: inline !important; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">By&nbsp;<a href="" style="border: 0px; color: #999999; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline;">Mary Anne Hackett</a></span></div></header><div class="entry-content" style="background-color: #ececdb; border: 0px; color: #333333; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; width: 565px;"><div style="border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin-bottom: 24px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">BY RICHARD BECKER, NOVEMBER 27, 2015</div><div style="border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin-bottom: 24px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><em style="border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">To make an end is to make a beginning.&nbsp;The end is where we start from. &nbsp;~ T. S. Eliot</em></div><div style="border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin-bottom: 24px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">We&#8217;ve come to the close of our annual month-long reminder of the obvious: We&#8217;re all going to die. It&#8217;s a truism that we learned as kids in Sunday school and CCD&#8212;the first of the four Last Things: death, followed by judgment, and then heaven and (rather, or) hell&#8212;although we Catholics are reminded of death year round. It&#8217;s front and center in our liturgy, our creed, and even our routine devotional prayers. &#8220;Pray for us sinners,&#8221; we repeatedly implore the Blessed Mother in our rosaries, &#8220;now and at the hour of our death.&#8221; &nbsp;</div><div style="border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin-bottom: 24px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><a href="">See more......</a></div></div>

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<div class="item feed-b20be901 feed-frhunwickesmutualenrichment" id="item-7745f0b0">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Browsing in Byzantium: a lesson (1) in very simple liturgical Greek</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a>]</span>
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<p>Megas kai hieros SYNEKDEMOS orthodoxou Christianou is always a good book for browsing when you are at a loose end ... or even, to be serious, when a Latin Christian need something not quite within his own usual daily comfort zone. Something we all, from time to time, do need. I turned the pages until I got to Megale Paraskeue ... and stopped there, because, years ago, when I was a curate in Inner

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<div class="item feed-7c52b226 feed-laudatortemporisacti" id="item-c378e169">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Verbal Music</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Seamus Heaney (1939-2013), "Feeling into Words," <i>Preoccupations: Selected Prose, 1968-1978</i> (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1980), pp. 41-60 (at 45):  <br /><blockquote>I was getting my first sense of crafting words and for one reason or another, words as bearers of history and mystery began to invite me. Maybe it began very early when my mother used to recite lists of affixes and suffixes, and Latin roots, with their English meanings, rhymes that formed part of her schooling in the early part of the century. Maybe it began with the exotic listing on the wireless dial: Stuttgart, Leipzig, Oslo, Hilversum. Maybe it was stirred by the beautiful sprung rhythms of the old BBC weather forecast: Dogger, Rockall, Malin, Shetland, Faroes, Finisterre; or with the gorgeous and inane phraseology of the catechism; or with the litany of the Blessed Virgin that was part of the enforced poetry in our household: Tower of Gold, Ark of the Covenant, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comforter of the Afflicted. None of these things were consciously savoured at the time but I think the fact that I still recall them with ease, and can delight in them as verbal music, means that they were bedding the ear with a kind of linguistic hardcore that could be built on some day.</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-bdd08098 feed-novusordowireblognewsarchiveatnovusordowatch" id="item-0ecab4e6">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Novus Ogre 2015 Contest Begins</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a>]</span>
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<div class="article-summary"><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;"><br /></span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><em><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial;">It's that time of the year again...</span></em></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Arial; color: rgb(148, 17, 0); font-size: 28px;"><strong>Who is the Novus Ogre of 2015?</strong></span></p>
					<div class="first graphic-container wide center ImageElement">
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								<img alt="novus-ogre-silhouette.jpg" height="202" src="" width="299" />
					</div><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial;"><strong><a href="">The Poll is Live - VOTE NOW!</a></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;">Every year in December, Novus Ordo Watch polls its visitors to determine the&#160;&#8220;Novus Ogre&#8221; of the year&#160;&#8212; the one person they believe has done the most to advance the apostasy of the Vatican II Church during the past 11-12 months, whether directly (by promoting it outright) or indirectly (by downplaying, ignoring, defending, or excusing it).</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">By default, the currently-reigning papal pretender in Rome is always excluded from being elected Novus Ogre of that year. The reason is obvious: By virtue of the position he holds, he obviously can inflict the most damage on the world in the name of Catholicism, and so he would win the poll every single year, making the contest pointless.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial;">To see who this year&#8217;s nominated candidates are, and to cast your vote, click below:<br /><br /></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href=""><span style="font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial;">CLICK HERE FOR THE</span><br /><span style="font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial;">NOVUS OGRE &#8217;15 CONTEST PAGE</span></a></strong></p>

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<div class="item feed-8439e208 feed-cardinalnewmansocietyallposts" id="item-d6dab037">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href=";Guerrilla-Girls&#8217;-Invited-by-Catholic-College-to-Discuss-Feminism.aspx">Pro-Abortion &#8216;Guerrilla Girls&#8217; Invited by Catholic College to Discuss Feminism</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href=";rssid464=61">Cardinal Newman Society All Posts</a>]</span>
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<p>Stonehill College, a Catholic college in Easton, Mass., recently hosted the radical feminist group Guerrilla Girls Broadband on campus for a discussion on feminism and sexual assault despite the group&rsquo;s advocacy for abortion, which Feminist for Life President Serrin Foster told The Cardinal Newman Society is &ldquo;a betrayal of feminism.&rdquo;&nbsp;
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&ldquo;The Guerrilla Girls Broadband were almost unable to come to Stonehill because of a disagreement over the College&rsquo;s conservative views and the Broads&rsquo; (as they call themselves) belief in the right to abortion access,&rdquo; Stonehill College&rsquo;s student newspaper&nbsp;<em>The Summit</em>&nbsp;reported.&nbsp;The article did not mention how the disagreement was resolved.<p><a href=";Guerrilla-Girls&#8217;-Invited-by-Catholic-College-to-Discuss-Feminism.aspx">More...</a></p>

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<div class="item feed-790db351 feed-thatthebonesyouhavecrushedmaythrill" id="item-7092bb23">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Papal Plane Joke</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a>]</span>
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="452" src="" width="640" /></a></div><br />Have you ever noticed that the <b><a href=""><i>controversial </i>plane interviews </a></b>are always on the way <i>back </i>from his trips abroad? Saying the controversial things on the way there would be like telling your dinner host the food was bad before arriving. It just wouldn't make sense, would it? Far better to tell everyone else after the event, that way people will know not to go there for dinner in future, and your offended hosts can't rebuke you for your bad manners to your face.

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<div class="item feed-616ea934 feed-roratecli" id="item-b8985704">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Vacuity: Have we reached rock bottom?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Picture the dialogue:</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="text-align: center;"><i><span style="color: #660000;">Roman Judea, circa A.D. 29:</span></i></div></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #660000;">"<i>Master, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for any cause?</i>" </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #660000;">Our Lord Jesus Christ: "<i>There's hunger in Judea, so I won't answer that.</i>"</span></div></blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Two thousand years of Church, of the highest intellectual and devotional and artistic achievements in the history of mankind, and all the Holy Roman Church can accomplish now is this utter vacuity? That moral judgments cannot be made "when there are people dying because of a lack of  water and hunger"?<br /><br />Hunger somewhere has always been the predicament of mankind -- this means moral judgments have always been and will always be inappropriate and that Our Lord Himself should never have delivered any (for context,&nbsp;<i>first post <a href="">here</a>, full interview <a href="">here</a></i>).<br /><br /><br /></div>

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<div class="item feed-616ea934 feed-roratecli" id="item-9d7cee64">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Event: Rorate Masses Live Online during Advent</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a>]</span>
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<blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><a href=""><b>LiveMass</b> </a>is happy to share the Rorate Masses we will broadcast Live from the FSSP apostolates in Guadalajara, Mexico and Fribourg, Switzerland (in addition to our regular broadcasting schedule from all our apostolates, 7 days/week.):<br /><a name="more"></a></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">From the Basilique Notre-Dame in Fribourg, Switzerland (GMT +1):</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Wednesdays: December 2, 9, and 16 @ 6h30 : candle Mass in the night.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">From Nuestra Se&#241;ora del Pilar in Guadalajara, (Jalisco) Mexico (GMT -6):</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Saturday, December 5 @ 6 AM</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Also, LiveMass and iMass are now on Twitter for last-minute updates:</div><div style="text-align: justify;">@LiveMassFSSP and @iMassFSSP</div></blockquote>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Here. But not yet. A TJP Advent-ure: Week 2</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">The Jesuit Post</a>]</span>
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<p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em><span class="s1"><a href="">Continuing our Advent series</a>, this week features&#160;Damian Torres-Botello, SJ:</span></em></p>
<h1><b>At Present, We Wait</b></h1>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We&#8217;re standing. Our standing is more&#8230;waiting. It&#8217;s been a little while. We&#8217;re outside Circle K. Cars are being filled with gas. People go inside empty handed and come out with drinks or chips or lottery tickets. The fluorescent lights of the convenience store act like a moon in the late night. I&#8217;m with Lisa, a volunteer, same as me. She&#8217;s a petite woman, long brown hair, tired eyes underneath thinly rimmed glasses. Public spots like this Circle K are neutral, away from the bars a few blocks north. </span></p>
<p>A man approaches. He seems sober in walk but smells drunk when he talks. &#8220;What are these crosses you wear?&#8221; He points at the white badge clipped to our clothes. He&#8217;s correct, there is a large crucifix.</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;Out here are guys engaged in survival prostitution.&#8221; Lisa&#8217;s been a volunteer longer than me so she has this explanation down perfectly. &#8220;For these guys, prostitution isn&#8217;t a career as much as it is a way to make it to the next day.&#8221;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;You mean to say dudes&#8230;&#8221; He goes on and on. Lisa listens intently. I&#8217;m looking around to see if any of the guys are out and about. That&#8217;s how we refer to them, &#8220;the guys.&#8221; </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;And by surviving I mean prostituting for shelter, food, warmth, a fix for their addictions&#8230;&#8221; Lisa&#8217;s articulating what we do perfectly, and he is beginning to look disinterested. &#8220;They&#8217;re overlooked, and we walk this neighborhood for the purpose of building trust and friendship, hopefully to help them get off the street.&#8221; </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The gentleman moves on. And so do we. We head towards 7-11; the convenience of being near a convenience store, food and beverage always at the ready. Lisa carries cash for sandwiches and coffee in case someone needs a meal. I glance at my phone &#8211; 12:35am. Two hours have passed, two more to go. </span></p>
<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_15158" style="width: 310px;"><img alt="'Advent is not typical waiting.'" class="size-medium wp-image-15158" height="201" src="" width="300" /><p class="wp-caption-text">&#8216;Advent is not typical waiting.&#8217;</p></div>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It&#8217;s quiet tonight. This is Boystown, a predominately gay neighborhood in Chicago. Most nights it&#8217;s busy. Bars bursting from the doors with lines upon clusters of patrons and smokers and intoxicated personalities. Tonight is Sunday, though. Very few people are around and their enthusiasm more tame &#8212; tomorrow the work week begins again.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From a corner bar an amazing laugh cuts through the subdued atmosphere. Leaves seem to swirl everywhere. I notice two men walking hand in hand. </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">That&#8217;s real nice,</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> I say to myself, </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">a couple out on a late night stroll.</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> I remark on the wind and the chill in the air. Lisa&#8217;s properly dressed for the autumn gusts with her heavy coat. I shiver in my long sleeved shirt and sweater vest. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After a few minutes at 7-11 we walk again. Many of the guys prostitute &#8220;on the down low&#8221; &#8212; a life lived in secret. We respect their anonymity. We don&#8217;t speak with them unless they talk to us first. It&#8217;s out of respect that we do this. And sometimes we pass two or three guys, but not tonight. Lisa and I remain two volunteers, waiting.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It&#8217;s almost 2:30am. We gather back at the Community Christian Church where a team of us met to begin the night. This time we will debrief and share who we saw or spoke with. The other teams recognized a couple of guys but were not invited into conversation. Lisa and I saw no one. But it&#8217;s not about impact or numbers or making a difference. It&#8217;s about being available, being present in the world these men live in. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I&#8217;m discovering presence is an act of waiting. Everyday waiting &#8212; in a line, for the bus, for a friend to pick you up &#8212; can be filled with something to pass the time. My iPhone helps me wait very well, even if I am waiting with a friend. But what Lisa and I are doing I&#8217;m calling present-waiting, like what I do at Advent. And Advent is not typical waiting.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Present-waiting &#8212; Advent &#8212; is not about passing time but being present to it. Lisa and I know for whom and why we are waiting. Our purpose is focused, paired with anticipation. We are patient. We are here for the guys even if the guys are not.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I&#8217;m waiting on the platform for the train to take me home. I notice one of the guys I always speak with on Sundays. He&#8217;s on the other side across the tracks. He looks up from the ground and spots me. He waves and smiles. I return his greeting. He yells towards me over the sound of an approaching train, &#8220;Thanks for waving at me &#8212; I appreciate it!&#8221; </span></p>
<p>The train on his side stops, picks him up, and departs towards wherever it goes. I pray it&#8217;s not where I feel he&#8217;s going, but I&#8217;m sure it is. The thought breaks my heart. At 2:53am my waiting is done. And I am present to pray. So I do just that. Right here, on the platform.</p>
<p><em>The banner image above is from Flickr user <a href="">Moment Catcher</a> and can be <a href="">found here</a>.</em></p>
<p><em>The image of the tired man is from Flickr user <a href="">Mo Riza </a>and&#160;can be <a href="">found here</a>.</em></p>

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<div class="item feed-b20b5f41 feed-diligiteiustitiam" id="item-e333f8e3">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Message from Pope Francis to Patriarch Bartholomew</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Diligite iustitiam</a>]</span>
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<div id="fb-root"></div>&amp;<div class="fb-post"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite=""><p>Pope&#039;s Message to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I for Feast of St Andrew&#039;In order to progress on our journey...</p>Posted by <a href="">Zenit News Agency</a> on&nbsp;<a href="">Monday, November 30, 2015</a></blockquote></div></div>

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Wolf and the Lamb</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">iBenedictines</a>]</span>
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<p>The first reading at Mass today, Isaiah 11. 1-10, has many resonances. Different words leap out of the page according to the context in which the passage is read. Today, when we commemorate the martyr saints Edmund Campion, Ralph Sherwin (&#8230;)</p><p><a href="">Read the rest of this entry &#187;</a></p><img alt="" height="1" src="" width="1" />

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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Ist die Souver&#228;nit&#228;t des Vaticans in Gefahr? Worum geht es beim Nuzzi/ Fittipaldi/ Chaouqui-Prozess in Rom wirklich?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Beiboot Petri</a>]</span>
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<p>        Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  JA  X-NONE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">In seiner Wochenkolumne "<b>Monday in the Vatican" </b>stellt <b>A. Gagliarducci</b> diese Frage. Der aktuelle Vatileaks 2 Prozess spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Eine Rolle- und sicher keine positive oder gar r&#252;hmliche haben sicher auch die externen Berater und Beraterfirmen, (von vielen blind als nicht nur revolution&#228;r moderne sondern auch heilsbringende Idee des "frischen Windes"-begr&#252;&#223;t) gespielt, dieses Gastspiel hat-wie man im Artikel lesen kann, nun ein Ende gefunden. Wie gro&#223; der Schaden ist, den sie angerichtet haben, wird wohl erst die Zukunft zeigen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Hier geht&#180;s zum Original:&nbsp;<a href=""><b><span style="color: #0000e9;">klicken</span></b></a></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>"DER HEILIGE STUHL: IST SEINE SOUVER&#196;NIT&#196;T IN GEFAHR?"</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">"Der Prozess wegen der Weitergabe vertraulicher Dokumente, der letzte Woche im Vatican begann, stellt die bisher st&#228;rkste Verteidigungsma&#223;nahme f&#252;r die Souver&#228;nit&#228;t des Hl.Stuhls dar. Diese Verteidigung kommt zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Zeitgleich zu diesem Prozess sprach ein Vertreter des Hl. Stuhls in Genf vor einem UN-Komitee &#252;ber eine Konvention zur Abschaffung jeglicher Rassendiskriminierung, um damit seine Souver&#228;nit&#228;t zu erkl&#228;ren und zu verteidigen. W&#228;hrend eben dieser Tage beendete Papst Franziskus jetzt endlich (pers&#246;nlich) die &#196;ra der externen Berater im Vatican.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Ein bi&#223;chen Geschichte</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Im Laufe der Jahre ist die Souver&#228;nit&#228;t des Heiligen Stuhls oft angegriffen worden. Der Hl. Stuhl &#252;bt seine Souver&#228;nit&#228;t &#252;ber ein kleines Territorium, die "Citt&#224; Stato del Vaticano" aus. Deshalb hat er einen internationalen Status, der ihm erlaubt, am Tisch der Nationen zu sitzen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Dieser Status ist immer anerkannt und gew&#252;rdigt worden: der Apostolische Nuntius (Botschafter des Hl, Stuhls) genie&#223;t in manchen L&#228;ndern Zentral-und Westeuropas und den meisten zentral-und s&#252;damerikanischen sowie einigen anderen L&#228;ndern als Dekan des Diplomatischen Corps "Das Rechts des Vortritts"</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Diese Souver&#228;nit&#228;t ist kein Privileg. Sie ist eines der Mittel, mit denen der Hl. Stuhl seine Mission erf&#252;llt. Als im sp&#228;ten 19. Jahrhundert das K&#246;nigreich Italien gegr&#252;ndet wurde, beschloss man, da&#223; Rom seine Hauptstadt werden sollte. Das heimliche Ziel -wie es die italienische Historikerin Angela Pellicari dokumentiert- war es, dem Papst seine weltliche Macht zu entrei&#223;en. Die Eroberung Roms 1870 markierte</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">so das Ende der P&#228;pstlichen Staaten und schw&#228;chte die Diplomatie des Hl. Stuhls stark.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Nichtsdestoweniger behielt der Hl. Stuhl sein diplomatisches Netzwerk und arbeitete weiter f&#252;r Frieden und Gemeinwohl. Das tat er jedoch ohne den R&#252;ckhalt eines international anerkannten Territoriums. Diese Situation erzeugte einige Probleme, weil die diplomatischen Beziehungen des Hl. Stuhls weitgehend von den diplomatischen Verbindungen Italiens abhingen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">So verlor der Hl. Stuhl z.B.w&#228;hrend des 1. Weltkrieges, als Italien seine diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Deutschland abbrach, seine eigenen diplomatischen Verb&#237;ndungen zu Deutschland, weil die deutsche Botschaft in Rom geschlossen wurde.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Einerseits folgten die S&#228;kularisierungstrends, die den Verlust der P&#228;pstlichen Staaten mit sich brachten- wie Benedikt XVI es in seiner Freiburger Rede 2011 ausdr&#252;ckte, der Vorsehung-auf der anderen Seite-</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">mu&#223;te der Hl. Stuhl einen Weg finden, sein Mission in der diplomatischen Arena weiter zu f&#252;hren.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b></b></span><br /><a name="more"></a><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Die Gr&#252;ndung des Vatican-Staates</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">1929 unterschrieb die faschistische Regierung die Lateran-Vertr&#228;ge-auch als Versuch, sich von den vorhergehenden Regierungen abzusetzen, die mehrheitlich gegen die &#220;berlassung von Territorium an den Hl. Stuhl gewesen waren.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der Hl. Stuhl erhielt -zus&#228;tzlich zu einer finanziellen Kompenation- " das St&#252;ck Land, das n&#246;tig war, um unsere Mission zu erf&#252;llen" ( mit den Worten Papst Pius XI) und wies das Angebot gr&#246;&#223;erer L&#228;ndereien zur&#252;ck.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Nachdem das Abkommen unterzeichnet war, begann der Hl. Stuhl die Citta Stato del Vaticano aufzubauen. Ein Gro&#223;teil der Geb&#228;ude im Stadtstaat wurde zu dieser Zeit erbaut. Der Vaticanstaat wurde auch mit einem Rechtssystem ausgestattet. Der Staat &#252;bernahm den Italienischen Strafkodex und die italienische Prozessordnung. Diese Kodices sind im Vatican-Staat Gesetz gebleiben, auch nachdem sich Italien 1933 einen neuen Kodex gab. Der Hl.Stuhl entschied sich, den "liberalen" Strafkodex beizubehalten und nicht den neuen, faschistisch orientierten zu &#252;bernehmen. Der ist bis heute in Italien rechtsg&#252;ltig.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Diese historische Perspektive ist die Antwort auf die Einspr&#252;che, die letzte Woche gegen die vom Vatican gegen 5 Personen vorgebrachten Beschuldigungen der Weitergabe vertraulicher Dokumente- erhoben wurden.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Indem der Vatican vom alten Strafkodex Gebrauch macht, hat er eine politische Wahl getroffen- eine, die gegen die Diktatur gerichtet ist. Es ist die Wahl f&#252;r die Freiheit. Es ist auch bemerkenswert, da&#223; der Vatican sein Rechtssystem modernisiert hat- aber seine Grundz&#252;ge beibehielt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Die letzte Reform des Vaticanischen Strafkodex wurde 2013 von Papst Franziskus vorgenommen. Diese Reform umschloss viele internationale Konventionen, die der Vatican ratifiziert hatte und f&#252;hrte das Verbrechen des Diebstahls und der Weitergabe vertraulicher Nachrichten und Dokumente ein.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Das ist die Anklage beim Prozess.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der ist kein Prozess gegen die Pressefreiheit. Die Tatsache, da&#223; einige der "geleakten" Informationen ver&#246;ffentlicht wurde, ist weder Teil der Untersuchung noch der Anklage. Ihre Ver&#246;ffentlichung war einfach an die Art und Weise, wie die Dokumente erlangt wurden, gebunden.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">&#8232;<b>Hat der Vatican je Zensur ausge&#252;bt?</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Man kann in der Geschichte zur&#252;ck blicken und sehen, da&#223; der Vatican niemals irgendeine Art juristischer Zensur ausge&#252;bt hat. W&#228;hrend der vielen Jahre hindurch, in denen es harsche Presseberichte &#252;ber angebliche Vaticanische Finanzspekulationen gab, sind Reporter vom Vatican niemals der Diffamierung bezichtigt worden. Jedesmal kam die Antwort lediglich aus dem vaticanischen Presseamt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">In den beiden Perioden der Medienangriffe zum klerikalen sexuellen Mi&#223;brauch, blieben viele Berichte im Vagen. Waren die Beschuldigungen wahr, zahlte der Hl.Stuhl Schmerzensgeld und erlitt den Verlust von Gl&#228;ubigen. Aber wenn er sich selbst auf juristischer Ebene verteidigte - hat der Hl. Stuhl sich immer auf ein einziges Argument gest&#252;tzt: "der Hl. Stuhl ist ein souver&#228;ner Staat" und die gro&#223;e Mehrheit der Priester in der Welt ist nicht seiner zivilen Gerichtsbarkeit unterworfen. Die Priester unterliegen dem Kanonischen Recht, aber das ist etwas anderes.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Deshalb kann man weder den Papst noch den Staatsekret&#228;r anklagen, wenn ein&nbsp;Priester Kindesmi&#223;brauch begeht. Der Vatican ist keine Aktiengesellschaft mit einem Aufsichtsrat und einem Pr&#228;sidenten.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Dieses Mi&#223;verst&#228;ndnis durchdringt des laufende Verfahren im Vatican. Der Prozesss zielt darauf ab, die Souver&#228;nit&#228;t des Vatican Staates zu verteidigen. Die gestohlenen und weitergebebenen Dokumente sind vertrauliche Staatsdokumente. Die Untersuchungen begannen lange vor der Ver&#246;ffentlichung der beiden mit Details gef&#252;llten B&#252;cher.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Die Ver&#246;ffentlichung der B&#252;cher allerdings gab den vaticanischen Untersuchungsbeamten die Sicherheit, da&#223; die Dokumente gestohlen worden waren. Das Staatssekretariat verklagte die "Leaker" (oder auch Raben)</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Das ist die Grundlage des Prozesses.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Da&#223; einige der verwickelten Personen Journalisten waren, ist nur ein Zufall. Sie sind nicht wegen der Ver&#246;ffentlichung des "Geleakten" verwickelt, sondern wegen der Art, wie sie sich die Dokumente beschafft haben.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>&#8232;Ist es nur ein Vatican-Prozess?</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Die Raben w&#252;rden auch nach italienischem Recht bestraft werden. Gem&#228;&#223; dem Italienischen Strafgesetzbuch Art. 262, wird der, "der Nachrichten, deren Weitergabe die &#246;ffentlichen Autorit&#228;ten verboten haben, weitergibt, wird zu nicht weniger als 3 Jahren Gef&#228;ngnis verurteilt." Presse-und Informationsfreiheit sind in diesem Fall aufgehoben.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Auch Europ&#228;ische Gesetze unterwerfen die Informationsfreiheit den gleichen Begrenzungen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Die Europ&#228;ische Menschenrechtskonvention stellt in Art. 10 fest, da&#223; "jeder das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit hat" und da&#223; das die Freiheit Meinungen wiederzugeben, Informationen und Gedanken zu beschaffen und weiterzugeben- ohne die Einmischung &#246;ffentlicher Autorit&#228;ten und ohne Beachtung von Grenzen" beinhaltet.Aber der Artikel geht noch weiter: die Aus&#252;bung dieser Freiheiten- weil sie Pflichten und Verantwortung einschlie&#223;t- kann durch von Gesetzen vorgeschriebene Formalit&#228;ten, Bedingungen, Einschr&#228;nkungen und Strafen unterworfen sein, die in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft n&#246;tig sind- im Interesse der nationalen Sicherheit, der territorialen Integrit&#228;t oder &#246;ffentlichen Sicherheit, oder der Vorbeugung von ..und Verbrechen, zum Schutz von Gesundheit und Moral oder zum Schutz des Rufes und der Rechte anderer, die Weitergabe von vertraulich empfangenen Information weiterzugeben oder ....</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Bedenkt man das, &#252;berrascht es, da&#223; die OECD in dieser Frage intervenierte und den Vatican aufforderte, sich dem Europ&#228;ischen Standard der Pressefreiheit anzupassen. Noch &#252;berraschender ist, da&#223; dieses kein Prozess ist, der die Pressefreiheit betrifft. Einmal mehr verteidigt der Vatican seinen Staat und greift nicht die Pressefreiheit an.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Einige Einw&#228;nde gegen den laufenden Vatican-ProzessEin Einwand k&#246;nnte lauten, da&#223; der Vatican hier schnell reagierte, aber nur, als es ein Dokumentenleck gab, w&#228;hrend er niemanden wegen schwerwiegenderer Verbrechen- besonders der in den beiden B&#252;chern dargelegten finanziellen- verklagte. Aber ein Blick in die Daten zeigt, da&#223; dieser Einspruch grundlos ist.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Was die Finanzskandale angeht, ist als letzter der von Msgr. Nunzio Scarano ins Rampenlicht geraten. Als Buchhalter der APSA steht Msgr. Scarano derzeit unter Hausarrest. Er wurde verhaftet, weil er angeblich das "Gehirn" hinter dem Plan f&#252;r den Transfer von 20 Millionen &#8364; cash an Bord eines Regierungsflugzeugs aus der Schweiz nach Italien war. Gegen ihn wird auch wegen angeblicher Geldw&#228;sche ermittelt. 2009 hat er 580.000 &#8364; von seinem IOR-Konto abgehoben und hat es zur Abzahlung einer Hypothek f&#252;r ein Haus in Salerno, S&#252;ditalien, das ihm geh&#246;rt, verwendet.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Die Vatican-Ermittler bewegten sich schnell. Msgr. Scaranos Konten wurde sofort eingefroren, die Sala Stampa berichtete am 9. Juli 2013 dar&#252;ber, und der Vatican &#252;bermittelte zum ersten mal in der Geschichte ein internationales Rechtshilfeersuchen an Italien. Nach Informationen des Vatican-Gerichts hat der Vatican bei italienischen Anfragen dieser Art immer kooperiert, au&#223;er in den F&#228;llen, in denen der Vatican selbst eine interne Untersuchung durchf&#252;hrte. Auf italienischer Seite waren die (versp&#228;teten) Antworten, die Scaranos Fall betrafen, Inhalt von Kommentaren (ohne direkte Bezugnahme) die der Vaticanische Staatsanwalt w&#228;hrend der Er&#246;ffnungszeremonie des Juristischen Jahres 2014 machte,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Nach den Worten des Vaticanischen Staatsanwaltes waren diese Antworten "nicht nur unvollst&#228;ndig, weil sie einige wichtige Themen auslie&#223;en" sondern sie "zeigten, da&#223; Beweise auf eine Weise gesammelt wurden, die man nur als unzul&#228;ssig und nicht mit den internationalen Standards &#252;bereinstimmend, beschreiben kann."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der Vatican schickte ein weiteres Ersuchen an Italien. Dieser Brief wurde geschickt, w&#228;hrend der Vatican gegen Giampietro Nattino, den italienischen B&#228;nker, der ein Konto bei der APSA besa&#223;, ermittelte.&nbsp;Die vaticanische Justiz bewegte sich schnell - wenn auch auf vertraulicher Basis-, aber die Nachricht von dieser Untersuchung wurde w&#228;hrend Vatileaks 2 publik und sie klang wie eine Revanche des Vaticans.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Mitten im Skandal wollte irgendwer im Vatican die schmutzigen Gesch&#228;fte, die bestimmte Italiener hinter den Vaticanischen Mauern t&#228;tigten, &#246;ffentlich machen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der Vatican eliminiertet diesen Schmutz Schritt f&#252;r Schritt und der Fall gegen Nattino war eines der Resultate dieser vaticanischen Bem&#252;hungen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Warum nun also diese Nachricht in den Medien verschwand, w&#228;hrend der Prozess &#252;ber das Durchsickern vertraulicher Dokumente weiterhin eine gewisse Medienaufregung erzeugt?</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Ein anderer Einwand gegen den Prozess w&#228;re, da&#223; es besser gewesen w&#228;re, wenn der Vatican- anstatt die Journalisten anzuklagen,- die Skandale, die die gestohlenen Dokumente enth&#252;llen, untersucht h&#228;tte. Aber Tatsache ist, da&#223; diese Dokumente von den externen Beratern abgefa&#223;t wurden, die der Hl. Stuhl (und der Papst pers&#246;nlich) angeworben hatten, um das weiterzuf&#252;hren, was ein bereits begonnener Reformprozess war. Wenn diese Dokumente erstellt wurden, dann weil der Vatican wollte, da&#223; diese Berater die Reform weiterf&#252;hrten. Vor der Einstellung der externen Berater-jedoch- wurde diese Reform bereits vom "verborgenen Vatican" durchgef&#252;hrt, w&#228;hrend die Zeitungen voll von denen waren, die &#252;ber Skandale reden wollten und diese fr&#252;hen Reformbem&#252;hungen ignorierten,</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Es ist sicher kein Zufall,</b> da&#223; die Zeitung der CEI "Avvenire" vor kurzem eine diplomatische Botschaft ver&#246;ffentlichte, die der franz&#246;sische Diplomat Jacques Maritain, franz&#246;sischer Botschafter beim Hl. Stuhl, direkt nach dem 2. Weltkrieg geschrieben hatte. Die Kirche erlebte damals die letzten Jahre des Pontifikates von Papst Pius XII und bewegte sich auf ein neues Modell (das II. Vaticanische Konzile sollte erst noch stattfinden) zu- sogar vom Organisationsstandpunkt aus.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Diese Botschaft betont, da&#223; die Finanzen und die Verwaltung der Kirche "obsolet seien", obwohl die "Administration nicht korrupt sei."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Das eigentliche Thema sei- so die Botschaft weiter-da&#223; die Administration den Anforderungen in einer Zeit begegnen m&#252;sse, in denen guter Wille und ein guter Glaube genug waren, um aus einem Pr&#228;laten- ohne jede Vorbereitung einen Manager zu machen, der die Verwaltung weiter f&#252;hre.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">In der Zeit, als die Kirche durch verschiedene Revolutionen verarmte, die ihr auch den Verlust des Kirchenstaates eingebracht hatten, hatte sie nur wenige Ressourcen zu handhaben und handelte in einem Kontext in dem interantionaler Austausch- finanziell, &#246;konomisch, monet&#228;r- nicht so kompliziert gewesen waren, wie nach dem 2. Weltkrieg." Die Note betont auch, da&#223; "die Notwendigkeit einer Neuorganisation bestehe, um die Mission der Kirche voran zu bringen".</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Stato Citta del Vaticano- ein junger Staat, der etliche Schritte vorw&#228;rts gemacht hat.</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Am Ende ist der Vatican ein junger Staat und richtet sich erst jetzt ein. Als er noch in einer mehr kollaborativen Phase war, erfreute sich der Hl. Stuhl der Hilfe einiger Personen, wurde aber auch ausgenutzt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Gerade jetzt ist der Vatican-Staat gest&#228;rkt worden und deshalb auch das internationale Profil des Hl. Stuhls.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der SCV ist nicht l&#228;nger ein Staat mit privilegierten Verbindungen zu seinem schwerf&#228;lligen Nachbarn Italien, sondern ein von anderen L&#228;ndern respektierter moderner Staat. Das war das eigentliche Ziel der Reform Benedikts XVI, die Papst Franziskus geerbt hat.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Wie diese Reformen von Europa bewertet werden, wird die kommende Woche zeigen, wenn der Hl. Stuhl dem MONEYVAL- Komit&#233;e des Europ&#228;ischen Rates den zweiten Bericht &#252;ber seine Finanzen pr&#228;sentiert. Bisher hat Europa immer positiv reagiert.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Allerdings wird der Charakter des Staates nicht nur einfach mi&#223;verstanden, er wird auch ignoriert. Was die Finanzen angeht, wird der Hl.Stuhl mehr als eine Art Konzern, in dem aufger&#228;umt werden mu&#223;, beschrieben als ein Staat mit einem eigenen, besonderen System. Auf diese Weise wird der Vatican-Staat selbst in Frage gestellt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Wie der Stato Citta del Vaticano in Frage gestellt wird</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Zur selben Zeit wird der Vaticanstaat zunehmend auf internationaler Ebene in Frage gestellt. Der Hl. Stuhl hat viele UN-Konventionen unterzeichnet und war oft unter den ersten Unterzeichnern, soda&#223; er die Entwicklung internationaler Prinzipien f&#246;rdern konnte. Wenn ein Land eine UN-Konvention unterschreibt, mu&#223; es &#252;ber die Umsetzung der Konvention berichten und die UN-Kommission macht auch Vorschl&#228;ge. Nichts ist bindend.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Aber was den Vatican angeht, verwandeln sich diese Komit&#233;es oft in einer Art von "Laien-Inquisition".</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Das passierte z.B., als der Hl. Stuhl dem Komit&#233;e f&#252;r die Rechte des Kindes berichtete. Das Komit&#233;e griff den Hl.. Stuhl an, klerikale P&#228;dophilie zuzulassen und verlangte eine &#196;nderung des Kanonischen Rechtes, w&#228;hrend es die Praxis der sakramentalen Beichte als " Schweigeregime" beschrieb.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Dem selben Drehbuch folgte das Komit&#233;e f&#252;r die Antifolterkonvention. Und diesem Textbuch wird auch in den n&#228;chsten Tagen gefolgt werden. Der Hl. Stuhl hat gerade &#252;ber seinen Fortschritt bei der Implementierung der Konvention zur Abschaffung der Rassendiskriminierung berichtet.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Das ist der Grund, da&#223; Erzbischof Silvano M. Tomasi, Beobachter des Hl. Stuhls bei den UN in Genf, seinen Bericht mit einer eingehenden Erkl&#228;rung &#252;ber den Unterschied zwischen &nbsp;dem Hl. Stuhl, der Katholischen Kirche und dem Vatican-Staat begann.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der Hl. Stuhl- sagte Erzbischof Tomasi- " als ein Mitglied der internationalen Gemeinschaft ist auf getrennte und abgegrenzte Weise mit dem Vatican-Staat verbunden, &#252;ber den er die Herrschaft aus&#252;bt. Seine internationale Rechtsperson ist niemals mit den Territorien, &#252;ber die er Rechtshoheit aus&#252;bt verwechselt worden."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der Hl. Stuhl implementiert Basis-Prinzipien und authentische Menschenrechte, die in der Konvention der Territorien des SCV &nbsp;anerkannt sind ( SCV wurd 1929 gegr&#252;ndet, um eine sichtbare und absolute Unabh&#228;ngigkeit des Hl. Stuhls zu sichern und seine unbestreitbare Souver&#228;nit&#228;t f&#252;r die Verwirklichung seiner weltweiten moralischen, spirituellen und religi&#246;sen Mission zu garantieren.)</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Erzbischof Tomasi erkl&#228;rte dann, da&#223; die Katholische Kirche "&#252;ber die Welt verteilt ist- &#252;ber die der Hl. Vater als Bischof von Rom gem&#228;&#223; dem kanonischen Recht Autorit&#228;t hat, eine spirituelle Gesellschaft ist, die sich aus den Personen zusammensetzt die-durch eigene Wahl- frei, der von der Katholischen Kirche gelehrten Doktrin, Moral, Disziplin und ihren Sakramenten und religi&#246;sen Praktiken folgen."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Erzbischof Tomasi spezifizierte, da&#223; der Hl. Stuhl religi&#246;se Autorit&#228;t hat, aber die " Jurisdiktion der nationalen Autorit&#228;ten der L&#228;ndern in denen Mitglieder der katholischen Kirche leben anerkennt. Und deshalb- "ohne Vorbehalt anerkennt, da&#223; die Personen, die in einem bestimmte Land leben, unter der Jurisdiktion der legitimen Autorit&#228;ten dieses Landes stehen und so Rechtssubjekt des heimischen Gesetzes und der darin enthaltenen Konsequenzen sind, die Staatsautorit&#228;ten sind verpflichtet, Personen unter ihrer Jurisdiktion zu sch&#252;tzen und ev. zu verklagen." und am Ende "Der Hl. Stuhl hat keine zivile Jurisdiktion &#252;ber jedes Mitglied der katholischen Kirche."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Versuche den Vatican-Staat zu delegitimieren.</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Diese Erkl&#228;rung war n&#246;tig, um zu verstehen, da&#223; viele der gegen den Hl. Stuhl vorgebrachten Beschuldigungen keine theoretische Grundlage haben. Entweder werden die Vorw&#252;rfe aus Ignoranz vorgebracht oder b&#246;swillig. W&#228;hrend der Vatican-Prozess- als "fake-trial" beschrieben wird und der Vatican-Staat als "klerikal" delegitimiert wird, ist bemerkenswert, da&#223; ein gro&#223;er Teil der in die leaks verwickelten Dokumente von den externen Beratern stammt, also von schlechten Ratgebern, die oft ihre Aufgabe, als klar umrissenes Mandat einen Konzern zu "verbessern" angesehen haben &nbsp;und nicht als ein Mandat im Dienst eines Staates.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Es ist ebenso bemerkenswert, da&#223; die Dokumente, die vorher durchsickerten ( bei Vatileaks 1 und 2009) aus dem schmuddeligen Netzwerk stammten, das versuchte die Verwaltung des Staates zu unterwandern, als diese Verwaltung noch neu war und sich entwickelte, und w&#228;hrend sie noch professionell wurde. Obwohl dieses Netzwerk haupts&#228;chlich aus Italienern bestand, betrifft es nicht die italienische Pr&#228;senz in den vaticanischen R&#228;ngen. Es betraf haupts&#228;chlich den Prozess der Etablierung eines Staates, ihn mit einem juristischen Rahmenwerk auszur&#252;sten, das mit dem internationalen Recht &#252;bereinstimmt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Zur selben Zeit versuchte die Universale Kirche, ihre Institutionen zu optimieren, soda&#223; sie den neuen missionarischen Anforderungen entprachen und sie tat das durch eine Reform der Kurie und der Staatsorganisation. Zugleich intervenierte der Hl. Stuhl auf internationaler Ebene durch Diplomatie und brachte sein Engagement f&#252;r einer integrale menschliche Entwicklung und das Gemeinwohl voran.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>Warum diese Angriffe?</b></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Warum also diese Angriffe? Am Ende zielen sie auf die Souver&#228;nit&#228;t des Hl. Stuhls. Die Angriffe kommen augenscheinlich aus einem italienischen Umfeld. Deshalb ist es &#252;berraschend, da&#223; italienische Beh&#246;rden sich &#252;ber eine mangelnde Vaticanische Zusammenarbeit beschweren-aber gleichzeitig ein italienischer Minister, der im italienischen Parlament spricht, den Vatican f&#252;r seine Zusammenarbeit lobt.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Wer l&#252;gt? Das ist Grund zum Nachdenken. Bevor er nach Afrika aufbrach, nahm der Papst die Situation in die eigene Hand. Er ging pers&#246;nlich zum regul&#228;ren Treffen des IOR -Rates der Superintendanz und k&#252;ndigte die Ernennung des neuen Generaldirektors an.Der fr&#252;here Generaldirektor war Rolando Marranci, der aus dem Kreis der externen Berater kam.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Der Papst ersetzte ihn durch Gianfranco Mammi, der seine ganze Karriere hindurch innerhalb des IOR gearbeitet hatte (er war 1992 als Kassierer eingestellt worden). Papst Franziskus kennt ihn pers&#246;nlich. Mammi war verantwortlich f&#252;r S&#252;damerika und er war es, der den IOR-Plan entwarf, um der Erzdi&#246;zese Buenos-Aires, die vom Bankrott bedroht war, zu helfen.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Mammis Ernennung repr&#228;sentiert das Ende der &#196;ra der externen Berater. Soweit die Wahl neuer Bisch&#246;fe und die Richtlinien f&#252;r neue Priester betroffen sind, hat Papst Franziskus seine eigene Linie, und er hat sie nicht ge&#228;ndert. Aber er ist Schritt f&#252;r Schritt gezwungen worden, seine Ideen dar&#252;ber, wie die Kurie und die ihr verbundenen Institutionen zu handhaben sind, zu &#228;ndern.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Er hat verstanden, da&#223; Professionalit&#228;t erforderlich ist, aber sie mu&#223; dem Vatican-Staat treu sein. Deshalb geht das Profil &#252;ber das der "Alten M&#228;nner der Kurie" hinaus, die Papst Franziskus zu Beginn seines Pontifikates pries. Das Profil der Alten M&#228;nner der Kurie w&#252;rde den Vatican ins Zeitalter der schmuddeligen Beziehungen an der Italienisch-Vaticanischen Grenze zur&#252;ck versetzen. nachdem ihn seine Gro&#223;w&#228;hler anscheinend mit dem Kommando allein gelassen haben, k&#246;nnte der Papst seinen Blick auf den "verborgenen Vatican" lenken, weil der "verborgene Vatican" die Reformen immer eher mit Aufmerksamkeit f&#252;r die Institutionen als f&#252;r pers&#246;nliche Beziehungen ausgef&#252;hrt hat."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: inherit; font-size: x-small;">Quelle A. Gaglarducci, Monday in the Vatican</span></div>

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<div class="item feed-13f9da30 feed-charlottewasboth" id="item-ccd47c18">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Charles de Foucauld</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Charlotte was Both</a>]</span>
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<p>Charles de Foucauld December 1<img alt="" border="0" height="1" src=";blog=1204303&#038;post=12849&#038;subd=amywelborn&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" width="1" />

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<div class="item feed-5386bfc9 feed-catholicsacristan" id="item-260f0f52">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Advent(ure)</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a>]</span>
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Why not take on a new direction this Advent? Why not jump in that rubber raft and paddle a different, wilder river? Get off that couch and go for a walk and smile at and say 'hello' to a few people.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Feeling exhausted, like you cannot take on one more thing? Too inhibited by fear or anxiety or shyness to risk a little insignificant failure whilst in the pursuit of meaning?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Remember, Mary, with child, journeyed with Joseph some 120 kilometres from Narareth to Jerusalem and another 10 kilometres or so from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, no stroll in the park, to give birth in a stable. A wife would be right to remind her husband to stop complaining when asked to take out the trash. And, dear brother in Christ, give your wife a little extra attention like Saint Joseph surely gave the pregnant Mary during what was probably a minimum four day journey on foot.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><div style="text-align: justify;">People always find the energy, when motivated by one form of pleasure or another, to go "one mile" farther: a favourite rock band is coming to town and, despite low funds, the avid fan digs into that rainy day fund to buy a ticket or two; the indulgence of an irresistible dessert after a filling meal; purchasing an irresistible travel package to a favoured vacation destination; purchasing that highly prized gadget made slightly more affordable on Black Friday or Cyber Monday; waiting hours at an airport for a dear friend whose flight has been delayed. Where there is a will, there is a way.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><a name="more"></a><br /><div style="text-align: justify;">Here's an advent(ure): turn off your cell phone or other device. Buy some silence by investing in a reduction of needless activity. Spend more quality time with the kids. Spend additional time with friends; host a potluck dinner. Aim to be less distracted by getting to bed earlier for some much needed rest. If you're feeling detached or out of sorts, volunteer at a soup kitchen and get in touch with reality. And, even if you're not motivated by the avoidance or correction of what you understand to be burdens, do the same kinds of things mentioned above for the better reason of fostering communion between people and God. Be an intercessor. Ask God for the grace to be a better instrument of His divine will.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Stop contributing to the chaos and confusion. Make healthy silence. Be still. Sneak in the reading of a little Scripture every day. Pray. Learn from Saint Joseph.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: center;"><a href=""></a></div><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;"><i>Pope Benedict XVI exhorted the faithful to cultivate a spirit of interior recollection after the example of St. Joseph. The Holy Father delivered this address on December 18, 2005 before reciting the Angelus.</i></span></blockquote></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;">[ZENIT, December 18, 2005]</div></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;">Dear brothers and sisters!</div></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;">In these days of Advent, the liturgy invites us to contemplate in a special way the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, who lived with a unique intensity the time of waiting and preparation for the birth of Jesus. Today I want to direct our gaze toward the figure of St. Joseph. In today's Gospel, St. Luke presents the Virgin Mary as "betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David," (Luke 1:27). Yet, the one who gives the most importance to the adoptive father of Jesus is the Evangelist Matthew, emphasizing that, thanks to him, the Child was legally introduced into the lineage of David, fulfilling the Scriptures, in which the Messiah was prophesized as the "son of David."</span></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;">But the role of Joseph could not be reduced to this legal aspect. He is the model of a "righteous" man (Matthew 1:19), who in perfect harmony with his spouse welcomes the Son of God made man and watches over his human growth. Hence, in these days the precede Christmas,</span> <b>it is particularly fitting to establish a kind of spiritual dialogue with St. Joseph so that he helps us live to the fullest this mystery of faith.</b></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;">The beloved Pope John Paul II, who was very devoted to St. Joseph, left us an admirable meditation dedicated to him in the apostolic exhortation "Redemptoris Custos" (Custodian of the Redeemer).</span> <b>Among the many aspects that he emphasized, he dedicates a particular importance to the silence of St. Joseph. His silence is permeated with the contemplation of the mystery of God, in an attitude of total availability to the divine will.</b></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><b>In other words, the silence of St. Joseph does not demonstrate an empty interior, but rather the fullness of faith that he carries in his heart, and that guides each of his thoughts and actions.</b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;"> A silence through which Joseph, together with Mary, guard the Word of God, known through sacred Scripture, comparing it continually to the events of the life of Jesus; a silence interwoven with constant prayer, a prayer of blessing of the Lord, of adoration of his holy will and of boundless confidence in his providence. It is not exaggerated to say that Jesus will learn &#8212; on a human level &#8212; precisely from "father" Joseph this intense interior life, which is the condition of authentic righteousness, the "interior righteousness," which one day he will teach to his disciples (cf. Matthew 5:20).</span></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><b>Let's allow ourselves to be "infected" by the silence of St. Joseph! It is so lacking in this world which is often too noisy, which is not favorable to recollection and listening to the voice of God. In this time of preparation for Christmas, let us cultivate interior recollection so as to receive and keep Jesus in our lives.</b></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: xx-small;">[Translation of the original Italian by ZENIT]</span></blockquote></div>

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<div class="item feed-3a435afe feed-rss" id="item-48001452">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Theory of Laughter</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RSS</a>]</span>
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<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"> <p><img alt="" class="media-image" height="320" src="" width="480" /></p>
<p>We laugh at all sorts of things besides jokes.&#160; The most popular explanation is that laughter arises from the perception of incongruity.&#160; Maybe so, but I think there is more to be said.</p>
<p>In the first place, some incongruities are more laughable than others.&#160; Have you noticed how much laughter arises just from the mismatch of <em>level </em>&#8211; from incongruity between the glorious and the base, the lofty and the low?</p>
<p>For instance, someone may laugh because things turn out to be more wonderful than he had expected:&#160; &#8220;When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.&#160; Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy.&#8221;&#160; On the other hand, someone lofty may laugh because of the follies of those beneath him:&#160; &#8220;Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain? ... He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision.&#8221;</p>
<p>Congruities and incongruities also come in layers.&#160; The laughing cynic says &#8220;That was worse than I expected &#8211; but after all, I <em>expect </em>to find things worse than I expected!&#8221;</p>
<p>Yet I&#8217;m not convinced that even layered incongruity catches all of the causes of laughter.&#160; For don&#8217;t we sometimes laugh from bleak bitterness?&#160; &#8220;Just as I thought, there&#8217;s no justice!&#8221;&#160; Or from sheer exaltation?&#160; &#8220;It&#8217;s just as lovely as I had expected!&#8221;&#160; Laughter of these kinds seems to erupt from the perception of <em>congruity, </em>not of incongruity &#8211; from a match, not a miss.</p>
<p>Back to the drawing board.</p>
<p>In the meantime, as to you cavilers, carpers, and crabs of condescension who ask, &#8220;Doesn&#8217;t it miss the point of laughter to theorize about it?&#8221; &#160;To you I say, &#8220;Ha!&#8221;</p>
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<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-295d2490">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orl&#233;ans</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="302" /></a></div><span style="font-size: small;">The father of the revolutionary Philippe &#201;galit&#233;, and grandfather of Louis-Philippe, The Citizen-King. <a href="" target="_blank">From Madame Gilflurt</a>:</span><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq"><span><span style="font-size: small;">Today we welcome <i>le Gros</i> Louis to the salon, a man as illustrious as he was plump. Louis lived a  life of wealth and privilege, but his personal life was somewhat less  than perfection.<br /><br />Louis d'Orl&#233;ans was born in the glittering  surroundings of the Palace of Versailles, the son of Louis, Duke of  Orl&#233;ans and his wife, Johanna of Baden-Baden. Immediately upon his birth  the infant was given the title Duke of Chartres and he grew up at a  somewhat precocious rate, mixing with the royal children of the ruling  house of Bourbon.<br /><br />When Louis Philippe was just fifteen his friendship with his cousin, <a href="">Princess Henriette</a>,  blossomed into something more than playmates and the youngsters  declared themselves in love. Representatives of the houses of Bourbon  and Orl&#233;ans met to discuss this proposed match and though the idea was  given careful consideration, it was not to be. Cardinal Fleury, the  influential and powerful minister employed to advise <a href="">Louis XV</a>,  counselled the king against giving consent for his daughter to wed the  young duke. After all, he pointed out, would this not bring the already  powerful Orl&#233;ans dynasty within a whisper of the throne itself? At this,  Louis XV's initially positive take on the match soured somewhat; he  refused his permission and young Princess never married anyone.<a href="" target="_blank"> (Read more.</a>)</span></span></blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-b24c7d21">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Crusades, Again</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><i>President Obama, like many nowadays, think it&#8217;s fair to equate Islamist terrorism with the medieval Crusades. It&#8217;s not.</i> From <a href=";utm_campaign=3385616a89-RSS_DAILY_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-3385616a89-83776781" target="_blank"><i>The Federalist:</i></a><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">Western scholars have often characterized this clash of cultures  as an Islamic Golden Age versus a European Dark Age, but Stark  demolishes this as a myth. He says the best of the Islamic culture was  appropriated from the people Muslims conquered&#8212;the Greeks, Jews,  Persians, Hindus, and even from heretical Christian sects such as the  Copts and Nestorians. He quotes E.D. Hunt as writing, &#8220;the earliest  scientific book in the language of Islam [was a] treatise on medicine by  a Syrian Christian priest in Alexandria translated into Arabic by a  Persian Jewish physician.&#8221; Stark writes that Muslim naval fleets were  built by Egyptian shipwrights, manned by Christian crews, and often  captained by Italians.&nbsp; When Baghdad was built, the caliph &#8220;entrusted  the design of the city to a Zoroastrian and a Jew.&#8221; Even the &#8220;Arabic&#8221;  numbering system was Hindu in origin. </blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div>And, while it is true that the Arabs embraced the writings of Plato and Aristotle, Stark comments,</div><div><blockquote>However, rather than treat these works as <i>attempts </i>by  Greek scholars to answer various questions, Muslin intellectuals  quickly read them in the same way they read the Qur&#8217;an &#8211; as settled  truths to be understood without question or contradiction&#8230;. Attitudes  such as these prevented Islam from taking up where the Greeks had left  off in their pursuit of knowledge.</blockquote></div><div>Meanwhile, back in Europe was an explosion of technology that made  ordinary people far richer than any people had ever been. It began with  the development of collars and harnesses that allowed horses to pull  plows and wagons rather than oxen, doubling the speed at which people  could till fields. Plows were improved, iron horseshoes invented, wagons  given brakes and swivel axels, and larger draft horses were bred. All  this along with the new idea of crop rotation led to a massive  improvement in agricultural productivity that in turn led to a much  healthier, larger, and stronger population.</div></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div>Technology was also improving warfare with the invention of the  crossbow and chain mail. Crossbows were far more accurate and deadly  than conventional archery, and could be fired with very little training.  Chain mail was almost impervious to the kind of arrows in use  throughout the world. Mounted knights were fitted with high-back saddles  and stirrups that enabled them to use more force in charging an  opponent, and much larger horses were bred as chargers, giving the  knights a height advantage over enemies. Better military tactics made  European armies much more lethal. Stark writes:</div><div><blockquote>It is axiomatic in military science that cavalry cannot  succeed against well-armed and well-disciplined infantry formations  unless they greatly outnumber them&#8230;. When determined infantry hold their  ranks, standing shoulder to shoulder to present a wall of shields from  which they project a thicket of long spears butted in the ground,  cavalry charges are easily turned away; the horses often rear out of  control and refuse to meet the spears.</blockquote></div><a href=";utm_campaign=3385616a89-RSS_DAILY_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-3385616a89-83776781" target="_blank">(Read more.</a>)</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-7942aa63 feed-easternchristianbooks" id="item-230fed41">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Coptic Christianity</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Eastern Christian Books</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Set for release at the end of December is another book introducing Coptic Christianity. We have seen a number of such introductions released over the last decade, but one more will not hurt if it aids even a little bit in continuing to draw attention to one of the oldest aboriginal Christian groups in the Middle East which has suffered so much at the hands of Islam, and continues to do so today: Jill Kamil,&nbsp;<a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1138010138&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=eastern-20&amp;linkId=AWJKHVJYCPP4375Y"><i>Christianity in the Land of the Pharaohs: The Coptic Orthodox Church</i></a>&nbsp;(Routledge, 2015), 336pp.<br /><br /><div></p><p>About this book the publisher tells us:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">The Copts - the indigenous Christians of Egypt - declared their independence from Byzantine Christianity when they appointed their own patriarchs in the sixth century. Jill Kamil has written an angaging and accessible survey of the history of Christianity on Egypt, through its development under Rome, Byzantium and Islam, to modern times.</blockquote>Drawing on personal travel to all the Christian sites of Egypt, and conversations with scholars, monks, museum directors, and scores of lay Egyptians both Copt and Muslim, the author tells us about the fundamental importance of Coptic religion and culture in Egypt. Weaving together historical research with absorbing stories, she explores questions as:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">* How did Christianity suceed in an Egypt that already had an established religion which had lasted for more than 300 years?<br />* What part did Egypt play in the evolvement of the early Christian movement?<br />* Why were there so many Egyptian martyrs?</blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq">Lavishly illustrated with more than 120 photographs, drawings and maps,&nbsp;<em>Christianity in the Land of the Pharaohs&nbsp;</em>offers a captivating insight into a side if Egypt that will be new to many readers. It is ideal not only for students of Egyptian history and Christianity, as well as those with a more general interst in Egypt's past and present.</blockquote></div>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-b6ad4738 feed-teaattrianon" id="item-68b18b5d">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Fasting and Praying</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Tea at Trianon</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><a href=";utm_medium=Social+Adv&amp;utm_campaign=Cora+Evans+-+How+to+Fast+and+Pray&amp;utm_content=John+of+the+Cross" target="_blank">From Cora Evans</a>:<br /><blockquote class="tr_bq">We fast as an eschatological sign.&nbsp; This is a fancy term that means that <strong>we fast as reminder that there is something greater than this world.&nbsp; </strong>There  are great things in this world, food being one of them.&nbsp; But of all the  created things in this world, there is something greater awaiting us-  heaven.&nbsp; Thus we must be willing to give up even the good things of this  world for heaven.&nbsp; This is why a priest or religious sister gives up  the greatest created good- marriage- for heaven.&nbsp; Their sacrifice is a  larger sacrifice that we are also called to take part in; a sacrifice of  something good and real for something even better and even more real.<span style="font-size: 1em; line-height: 1em;">&nbsp; &nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: 1em; line-height: 1em;">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span><br />  <strong>This is what separates Christian fasting from fasting done in  other religions around the world.&nbsp; The recognition that this world is  created good, contains good things, and that creation can point us  towards God is something unique to the Jewish-Christian tradition.&nbsp;</strong> Other religions have varying views of this world, of creation.&nbsp;  Fasting, for many other religions, involves realizing that the created  world is, in fact, not good.&nbsp; However, for the Christian we realize that  the created world is good, in fact is very good in the words from  Genesis.&nbsp; But as good as it is, there is something better.&nbsp; Heaven is  better and in order to realize this, we fast from the goods of this  world for something better. (<a href=";utm_medium=Social+Adv&amp;utm_campaign=Cora+Evans+-+How+to+Fast+and+Pray&amp;utm_content=John+of+the+Cross" target="_blank">Read more.</a>)</blockquote>

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<div class="item feed-0a03ad15 feed-newsong" id="item-b169b729">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Jesse Tree 3: The Tree of Knowledge</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">New Song</a>]</span>
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<p>[From the <a href="">online Jesse Tree</a>.]</p>
<p>A reading from the book of Genesis (3:1-8):</p>
<blockquote><p>Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, &#8220;Did God say, `You shall not eat of any tree of the garden&#8217;?&#8221; And the woman said to the serpent, &#8220;We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but God said, `You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'&#8221; But the serpent said to the woman, &#8220;You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.&#8221; So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.</p></blockquote>
<p>When God made our first parents, he put them in&#160;the Garden of&#160;Eden, where they had everything they could want. The Garden provided food, warmth, and safety, and they could eat from the Tree of Life and never die. But the best thing about the Garden was that God lived their with our first parents. They could talk with him and walk with him there, the way you meet your best friend.</p>
<p><a href=""><img alt="TreeofKnowledge" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1531" height="300" src="" width="203" /></a>To stay in the Garden, our first parents had really to be best friends with God. They had to trust that he knew what was right and wrong, good and bad, safe and harmful. But Satan told them a lie, the biggest lie there is: he told them that God did not really love them, and told them that God wanted to keep the best things away from them so he could have the best things all for himself. First Eve and then Adam believed the lie, stopped trusting God, and&#160;claimed the power to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong.&#160; They&#160;preferred the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil&#160;over being friends with God.</p>
<p>When God came to visit them after that, Adam and Eve didn&#8217;t walk and talk with him. In fact, they hid from him. They were afraid of him! Right away, God saw that they could not live in the Garden anymore. He banished them, sent them away. The world became a sad place for Adam and Eve, a place where they would have to work hard to get their food, a place where they knew they would have to die someday, and a place where God seemed far away&#8212;not because he was far from them but because they were far from him.</p>
<p>Ever since that day, all boys and girls have been born into a world where people are hungry and where people have to die. Everyone has been born into Adam&#8217;s sin, and for thousands of years little boys and girls were born away from God&#8217;s friendship&#8212;away from the Garden of Eden.&#160; But the story of Advent is about how God came to find his lost people.</p>

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<div class="item feed-f50d1a5f feed-korrektiv" id="item-c9d378cd">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">The Deserted Millwheel</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Korrektiv</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><a href=""><img alt="" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-29750" height="375" src="" width="500" /></a></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>For Elizabeth</em></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>I</strong><br />
Immaculately fixed, the millwheel stands<br />
Before encroaching winter, taxed and spent<br />
Dreaming in the water that puts its hands</p>
<p>On verging river banks, and scoured strands<br />
Emerge, whale-like, from gathered sediment,<br />
Immaculately fixed. The millwheel stands</p>
<p>To know the absences which fill the land&#8217;s<br />
Unpeopled parks and drives. Its blades are bent<br />
Dreaming in the water that hides its hands</p>
<p>From streaming prayer where rainbow trout remands<br />
The seal of God&#8217;s alluvial event<br />
Immaculately. Fixed, the millwheel stands</p>
<p>By every creaking turn that time commands:<br />
It&#8217;s dealt in grain and sand with hushed lament.<br />
Dreaming in the water that folds their hands,</p>
<p>The dead will weigh by scales these shifting sands<br />
That silence rotten timber&#8217;s testament:<br />
Immaculately fixed, the millwheel stands,<br />
Dreaming in the water that frees its hands.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>II</strong><br />
Upon this rough and tumble, water&#8217;s slough,<br />
That threads through broken teeth, the queered<br />
And broken planks resist what&#8217;s false and true<br />
Of limb &#8211; accomplishing a circle squared<br />
To what its body takes in and all that give<br />
It out. A breeze alone could bring it down,<br />
But will its peace of soul yet hold its own?<br />
Its augured piles are foot-sure to survive<br />
The play of coon and possum, each a prince<br />
Within its thatch of hair, their residence.<br />
Through millstone heart, the hurried currents crest<br />
And curl around each swollen knee and joist.<br />
Immaculately fixed, the millwheel stands<br />
Dreaming in the water that was its hands.</p>

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<div class="item feed-31b4b35a feed-voxcantoris" id="item-6e2666c8">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Someone hide the Grappa from Pope Francis</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vox Cantoris</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: x-large;">J</span>ust one more because this is just too rich. The Pope's interview on the plane just gets better and better, or worse and worse depending on how we look at it.</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">When asked about condom use to stop the spread of AIDS and the Church changing its teaching, Pope Bergoglio said:</span><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">The question seems biased to me. Yes, it is one of the methods, the morality of the Church faces a bit of a predicament here. The fifth or the sixth commandment: defend life or a sexual relationship that is pen to life. But this is not the problem. There is a greater problem than this: this question makes me think of the question they once asked Jesus: tell me Master, is it acceptable to heal on a Saturday? Healing is obligatory! Malnutrition, exploitation, slave labour, the lack of drinking water, these are the problems. We&#8217;re not talking about which plaster we should use for which wound. The great injustice is social injustice, the great injustice is malnutrition. I don&#8217;t like making such casuistic reflections when there are people dying because of a lack of water and hunger. Think about arms trafficking. When these problems cease to exist, then I think we can ask ourselves the question: is it acceptable to heal on a Saturday? Why are arms still being manufactured? Wars are the leading cause of death. Forget about whether it is acceptable or not to heal on the Sabbath. Make justice and when everyone is healed, when there is no injustice in this world, then we can talk about Sabbath.</span></blockquote><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;">Did Pope Bergoglio just approve the use of condoms?</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br />Someone hide the Grappa.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="400" /></a></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div><br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-31b4b35a feed-voxcantoris" id="item-863acdc7">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Bergoglio on plane: World is committing suicide - not from what you think?</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vox Cantoris</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: x-large;">W</span>ell it could be tens of millions of abortions and soon the&nbsp;implementation&nbsp;of euthanasia in Canada as well as&nbsp;other western lands. It could be the murderous rage of Islamic fascists. Even perhaps a military conflict between Russia and NATO.</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br />Nope, that's in not why the world is heading towards suicide.</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">Jorge Bergoglio has now decided that it is "now or never" and that "we are at the limits of suicide" when it comes to the&nbsp;environment.&nbsp;What a bunch of hooey from a man that knows about as much theology as he does environmental science.</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">Our leaders have swallowed the lie of man-caused climate-change so much so that they had to change the name from global-warming. The climate changes. It always does. It runs in cycles.&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">There are palm fossils in Greenland, does that tell you anything? &nbsp;</span><br /><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;">Here's the Reuters report.&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><br /></span><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;"><a href=""></a></span><br /><br />

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<div class="item feed-ef12a082 feed-communityinmission" id="item-42c7560b">
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<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Five Brief Advent Reflections</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Community in Mission</a>]</span>
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<p><a href=""><img alt="blog11-30" class="alignright size-full wp-image-34386" height="238" src="" width="360" /></a>The following are five Advent reflections I prepared for catechumens and candidates in our RCIA program. (They are also available in PDF here: <a href="">The Season of Advent</a>.)</p>
<p><strong> 1. Advent is witnessed by creation</strong> &#8211; Late autumn and early winter are times of great seasonal change. The leaves turn brilliant colors, then fade and fall. The shadows lengthen as the days grow shorter and colder. Vacations and the warmth of summer are distant memories, and we are reminded once again that the things of this world last but a moment and then pass away. Even so, we look forward as well. Christmas can be a wonderful time of year. Likewise, the winter ahead has its delights. Few can deny the mesmerizing beauty of falling snow and the childlike excitement a winter storm can arouse. Advent draws us spiritually into this season of change, longing, and expectation. As the days grow shorter and the darkness increases we light candles on our Advent wreaths and remember that Jesus is the true light of the world, the light that shines in the darkness. These lit candles also symbolize our ongoing commitment to come out of the darkness into God&#8217;s own marvelous light (cf 1 Peter 2:9).&#160;There is a gospel song says,&#160;&#8220;Walk in the light, beautiful light, come where the dewdrops of mercy shine bright.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong> 2. Longing for Salvation</strong> &#8211; Advent also draws us back to our Old Testament roots. Israel was taught by God through the prophets to expect a Messiah from God who would set them free from sin and injustice. Across many centuries there arose a longing and a yearning for this Messiah. Sin and injustice had taken a terrible toll and so a cry from Israel went up:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><em>O that thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at thy presence&#8211;as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil &#8230; We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. There is no one that calls upon thy name, that bestirs himself to take hold of thee; for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast delivered us into the hand of our iniquities. Yet, O LORD, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou art our potter; we are all the work of thy hand. Be not exceedingly angry, O LORD, and remember not iniquity for ever. Behold, consider, we are all thy people</em> (Is 64:1-7).</p>
<p>In Advent we recall these cries of ancient Israel and make them our own. Surely Christ has already come, yet we know that sin and injustice still have terrible effects on our lives and our communities. We very much need Jesus to be our Savior and to set us free every day. Advent is a time to acknowledge our need for the saving work of God and to long for the glorious freedom of children of God. We know that God has already begun this saving work in us; now we long for Him to bring it to completion. We also await the full manifestation of His glory.</p>
<p><strong> 3. Waiting&#160;for&#160;His Second Coming</strong> &#8211; Advent is also a time to prepare for the second coming of the Lord. We say in the Nicene Creed, &#8220;He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.&#8221; This truth flows directly from Scripture, which clearly teaches two things on which we must reflect. First, He will come again in glory. Second, we cannot know the day or the hour that He will return. In fact, though some signs will precede His coming, the emphasis of Scripture is on the suddenness of the event.</p>
<li>He will appear like lightning (Mt 24:27).</li>
<li>&#8230; with the suddenness of the pangs of child birth &#8230; (1 Th. 5:3)</li>
<li>&#8230; in the twinkling of an eye and the sound of a trumpet &#8230; (1 Cor 15:52)</li>
<li>It will take place when we least expect (Mt 24:44).</li>
<li>Just when everyone is saying, &#8220;There is peace and security&#8221; &#8230; (1 Th. 5:3)</li>
<p>Since this is the case, we must live in constant readiness for that day. Advent is a time when we especially reflect on the necessity of our readiness. An old gospel song says, &#8220;Are you ready? Are you ready for the coming of the Lord?&#8221; Likewise, there is another gospel song that counsels, &#8220;Keep your lamps trimmed and burning. The time is drawing nigh!&#8221;</p>
<p><strong> 4. The Fire Next Time! </strong>&#8211; Some of the images of the last day, images of judgment and destruction, can seem very frightening indeed. Consider, for example, this passage from the Second Letter of Peter:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><em>But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire! But according to his promise we wait for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you wait for these, be zealous to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace</em> (2 Pt. 3:10-14).</p>
<p>Some of the imagery used here is reminiscent of the even more fearsome images of the Book of Revelation! But notice the complete message of this passage and others like it. The heavens and the earth as we know it will pass away, but we who are ready look forward with joy to a &#8220;new heaven and a new earth,&#8221; where the justice of God will reside in all its fullness.&#160;An African-American spiritual summarizes the teachings of the Second Letter of Peter with these classic lines: &#8220;God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, the fire next time.&#8221; Here, too, our first reaction to such phrases might be fear. But in the tradition of the spirituals, this fire was a fire of justice and truth that destroyed the power of injustice and oppression. Another spiritual expresses it this way: &#8220;God&#8217;s gonna set this world on fire, one of these days, Alleluia! [and] I&#8217;m gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days, Alleluia!&#8221; For the slaves, the day of God&#8217;s visitation could only be a day of jubilee, vindication, and deliverance. And so it will be for us if we are ready. But what does it mean to be ready? To be ready is to be living faithfully, holding on to God&#8217;s unchanging hand in the obedience of faith and trust. To be ready is to be living a holy life and a life of repentance. If we do this, not only do we have nothing to fear about the last day, we can eagerly anticipate it and cry out, &#8220;Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!&#8221; (Rev 22:20).</p>
<p><strong> 5. Remember, Repent, Rehearse</strong> &#8211; All of these reflections help to place Advent in proper perspective for us. We are called to remember, repent, and rehearse. We <em>remember</em> that Christ has already come. He has called us to the obedience of faith and promised that He will return in glory. We <em>repent</em> of whatever hinders our readiness for that day. We <em>rehearse</em> for His second coming in glory by anticipating its demands and celebrating the glory that comes to those whom He finds watchful and ready. In a sense, every Mass is a dress rehearsal for the glory of the kingdom. At every Mass the following prayer is said: <em>Deliver us Lord from every evil and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy, keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety, as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ</em>. This beautiful prayer recalls that it is entirely God&#8217;s work that we be ready for His glorious return. Only He can deliver us, free us from our sin and remove anxiety about that day. Only He can give us joy and make us holy. We need only yield to His saving work.</p>
<p>And this brings us back to where we started: longing and yearning for our savior. To yearn for Him is to know how much we need Him. To long for Him is to constantly seek His face and call upon His name. Cry out with the Church, &#8220;Come, Lord Jesus!&#8221; For it is written, <em>The Spirit and the bride say, &#8220;Come.&#8221; And let him who hears say, &#8220;Come.&#8221; And let him who is thirsty come, let him who desires take the water of life without price. &#8230; He who testifies to these things says, &#8220;Surely I am coming soon.&#8221; Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!</em> (Rev 22:17, 20)</p>
<p>This song says, &#8220;My Lord is getting us ready for that Great Day, who shall be able to stand? &#8230; Sinners will be running on that Great Day &#8230; Better get ready &#8230; Who shall be able to stand?&#8221;</p>
<p class="videoWrapper"></p>
<p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">Five Brief Advent Reflections</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Community in Mission</a>.</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-47c64a32 feed-traditionalcatholicpriest" id="item-295dcd2f">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">St. Eligius &#8211; Dec. 1</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Traditional Catholic Priest</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>St. Elegius, &#8220;Bishop of Noyon-Tournai, born at Chaptelat near Limoges, France, c. 590, of Roman parents, Eucherius and Terrigia; died at Noyon, 1 December, 660. His father, recognizing unusual talent in his son, sent him to the noted goldsmith Abbo, master of the mint at Limoges. Later Eligius went to Neustria, where he worked under &#8230;</p>
<p>The post <a href="" rel="nofollow">St. Eligius &#8211; Dec. 1</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Traditional Catholic Priest</a>.</p>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-8026fd27 feed-etnunc" id="item-7b89ae8d">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Gebet christlicher Eheleute</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">et nunc</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="239" src="" width="320" /></a></div>      <span style="font-size: large;">Gott, himmlischer Vater, </span> <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">der du durch das heilige Sakrament der Ehe </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">uns unaufl&#246;slich miteinander verbunden hast, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">da&#223; wir nicht mehr seien zwei, sondern eins: </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">verleihe uns die volle Erkenntnis der Pflichten unsers Standes </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">und eine treue, heilige Liebe, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">damit wir leben wie Kinder der Heiligen, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">ein reines Bild&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">der Vereinigung Jesu mit seiner makellosen Braut,</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">der Kirche, darstellen </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">und der Gnade dieses Sakramentes stets teilhaftig bleiben. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">La&#223; uns, o Vater, vor deinem heiligen Auge </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">in aller Fr&#246;mmigkeit und Ehrfurcht miteinander leben, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">und uns gegenseitig durch gute Beispiele erbauen. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Gib uns Sanftmut und Nachgiebigkeit, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">da&#223; dein Friede unter uns walte. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Sendest du uns Beschwerden und Leiden, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">so gib auch die Gnade, sie in Ergebung und Geduld&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">miteinander zu tragen. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">La&#223; nicht Leidenschaften &#252;ber uns herrschen, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">damit wir den Ehestand nicht&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">zum Deckmantel von Unerlaubtem mi&#223;brauchen, sondern&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">die heiligen Zwecke desselben immer vor Augen halten. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Segne gn&#228;dig die Arbeiten unsers Berufes und la&#223; uns </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">von den irdischen G&#252;tern einen weisen Gebrauch machen. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Gib uns reiche Gnade, unsere Kinder und Pflegebefohlenen </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">als dein uns anvertrautes Eigentum durch Lehre und Beispiel, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">durch milde, aber ernste Zucht&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">f&#252;r dich und den Himmel zu erziehen, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">eingedenk der strengen Rechenschaft,&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-size: large;">die wir einst ihretwegen vor dir abzulegen haben. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">So la&#223; uns in allem Guten treu zusammenhalten </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">und Hand in Hand den Weg zum Himmel wandeln, </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">der du lebst und regierst von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit. </span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: large;">Amen.</span><br /></div>   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <br /><div class="MsoNormal"><br /></div>

<div class="item feed-a1746dd3 feed-brunonis" id="item-19ff821a">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Trockenheit l&#246;st von Anh&#228;nglichkeiten</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">BRUNONIS</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>      <u><span>IL208-Z.22.3a</span></u> <br /><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span>Die ersten Geschenke, mit denen Gott seine Wirksamkeit in der Seele zu beginnen pflegt, sind gew&#246;hnlich die Tr&#246;stungen. Sie haben die Aufgabe, den niederen Teil der Seele zu erobern, den Teil, der mit den Sinnen in Verbindung steht. Diesen sollen sie von den Gesch&#246;pfen losl&#246;sen und mit Gott verbinden. Ist nun dies erreicht, so verschwinden die Tr&#246;stungen, damit die Seele sich nicht bei ihnen aufhalte, denn sie sind nicht Gott. Wenn die Seele sich bei ihnen aufh&#228;lt, hemmt sie jede Arbeit des g&#246;ttlichen Lebens. Die Trockenheit kommt und vernichtet jenes erste Geschenk Gottes.</span></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span>Wenn die Trockenheit ihre Aufgabe erf&#252;llt hat, das hei&#223;t, wenn sie die Seele ausreichend von jeder Anh&#228;nglichkeit an die Tr&#246;stungen losgel&#246;st hat, schickt Gott ein h&#246;heres Geschenk, n&#228;mlich Erleuchtungen, die die Aufgabe haben, den Verstand zu erobern, ihn loszul&#246;sen vom Blick</span></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span>auf das Gesch&#246;pf, und seine Blicke auf Gott hinzulenken. Die Seele erh&#228;lt dann sehr tiefe Einblicke in die Geheimnisse des Glaubens. Wenn sie den Blick ihres Verstandes stark im Glauben gefestigt und von den Gesch&#246;pfen abgelenkt hat, werden die Erleuchtungen vernichtet und es kommen die Finsternisse als eine neue Ent&#228;u&#223;erung.</span></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span lang="EN-US">(Dom Fran&#231;ois de Sales Polien, IL, 20151201)</span><br /></div>   Normal  0      21      false  false  false    DE  X-NONE  X-NONE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <br /><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><span><br /></span></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing"><br /></div>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-31b4b35a feed-voxcantoris" id="item-0c98536d">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Pope visits mosque, bows before the Mihrab</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Vox Cantoris</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<blockquote class="tr_bq"><span><span style="font-size: x-large;">I AM </span>the LORD thy GOD, which have brought thee out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.</span></blockquote><span>So said the LORD to Moses.&nbsp;</span><br /><span><br /></span><span>In the Central African Republic as in most of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Christians both Catholic and non-Catholic&nbsp;have been slaughtered by Muslims.</span><br /><span><br /></span><span>In a <a href="">visit to a mosque there</a>, the Pope said.</span><br /><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-CA"><span>"Christians and Muslims and members of traditional religions have lived peacefully for many years," the pontiff said. "Together, we say 'no' to hatred, to vengeance and violence, especially that committed in the name of a religion or God."</span></span></blockquote><div class="MsoNormal"><span>It is reported that the Pope turned to face the mihrab, bowed his head and prayed. The mihrab is an&nbsp;architectural&nbsp;feature of a mosque. It is a shell shape and richly decorated. It is where the&nbsp;Imam gives his talk and it is where all Muslim bow because it points them to the Kabaa, in Mecca.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span><br /></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><a href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="240" src="" width="320" /></a></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span>The Pope of Rome bowed to the Kabaa and the false god of Mahomet and he bows at Mass after the elevation but he does not genuflect. I imagine that that the inference that Catholics can draw from this is that Jorge Bergoglio believes that there is no difference between bowing to the god of Mecca and bowing to the God of the Universe in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Yet, the Mass requires the priest to genuflect, which he does not do, yet he follows the Muslim command to bow before Mecca.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span><br /></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span>The mosque's chief imam, Tidiani Moussa Naibi, thanked Francis for his visit, calling it "a symbol which we all understand."</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span><br /></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span>Yeah, I bet they "understand" more than we think.</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span><br /></span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span>What did St. Thomas Aquinas say about the god of Mecca and its founder?</span></div><div class="MsoNormal"><span><br /></span></div><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;"><span><span lang="EN-CA">"He (Mohammed) seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh urges us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected; he was obeyed by carnal men. As for proofs of the truth of his doctrine, he brought forward only such as could be grasped by the natural ability of anyone with a very modest wisdom. Indeed, the truths that he taught he mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity.</span>&nbsp;</span></div></blockquote><blockquote class="tr_bq"><span><span lang="EN-CA"></span></span><br /><div style="text-align: justify;"><span><span lang="EN-CA">He did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth. On the Contrary, Mohammed said that he was sent in the power of his arms - which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants. What is more, no wise men, men trained in things divine and human, believed in him from the beginning (1). Those who believed in him were brutal men and desert wanderers, utterly ignorant of all divine teaching, through whose numbers Mohammed forced others to become his follower's by the violence of his arms. Nor do divine pronouncements on part of preceding prophets offer him any witness. On the contrary, he perverts almost all the testimony of the Old and the New Testaments by making them into a fabrication of his own, as can be seen by anyone who examines his law. It was, therefore, a shrewd decision on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest these books convict him of falsity. It is thus clear that those who place faith in his words believe foolishly."&nbsp;</span></span></div><span><span lang="EN-CA"></span><span lang="EN-CA"><div style="text-align: justify;"><i>Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 1, Chapter 6, Art. 4. Footnote: 1. Sura 21:5, Sura 44:14; Sura 16:103, Sura 37:36</i></div></span></span></blockquote>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-790db351 feed-thatthebonesyouhavecrushedmaythrill" id="item-3c2d9c98">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Holy Door Caption Moment</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="364" src="" width="640" /></a></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><b><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: large;">'I came here to preach about mercy&nbsp;</span></b></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: large;">and to insult Catholics.&nbsp;</span></b></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: large;">And I just misplaced my homily.'</span></b></div>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-616ea934 feed-roratecli" id="item-d1091330">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Another Papal interview -- another massive mess</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<div style="text-align: justify;">Pope Francis, in yet another Papal press scrum aboard his plane back to Rome from Africa, has once again put dogma on the table and has caused even more confusion with the Faithful already either completely confused or completely ignoring the eternal Church teaching on the issue of artificial contraception.&nbsp;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Some reports are saying he dodged the reporter's question; some say he was unclear. Some are saying flat out he is supporting the use of condoms to stop disease -- which would assume people like the Africans just can't possibly be taught God's ways of preventing sexually transmitted diseases (Cardinal Kasper would agree, we assume).&nbsp;</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Oh, and dear readers, please understand: Francis despises you, and considers your beliefs -- your <i>sensus fidelium</i> -- "idolatrous." But never cease praying for him.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Via <a href="">Damien Thompson &amp;<i> The Spectator</i></a>:</div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><b><span style="color: #990000;">Pope Francis backs condoms to stop Aids and declares war on Catholic &#8216;fundamentalists&#8217;</span></b></div><br /><a name="more"></a><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">Pope Francis has used another mid-flight press conference to make a statement of significance to millions of Catholics. Asked if the Church should drop its opposition to the use of condoms to stop the spread of Aids (a teaching already modified by Benedict XVI), he effectively declared that the debate was a waste of time. He compared the use of condoms against disease to Jesus&#8217;s practice &#8211; opposed by the Pharisees on legalistic grounds &#8211; of healing on the Sabbath. &#8216;Healing is obligatory!&#8217; he said. Earlier in the interview, the Pope took aim at Catholic &#8216;fundamentalists&#8217; whose attachment to rules was &#8216;idolatrous&#8217;. Here&#8217;s a transcript from RomeReports:</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span></div><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">Question: Aids is a serious problem in Africa, the epidemic continues. We know that prevention is the key and that condoms are not the only means of stopping the epidemic, but it is an important part of the solution. Is it not perhaps time for the Church to change its position with regard to the use of condoms in order to prevent infections?</span></div></blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><blockquote class="tr_bq"><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">Pope: The question seems biased to me. Yes, it is one of the methods, the morality of the Church faces a bit of a predicament here. The fifth or the sixth commandment: defend life or a sexual relationship that is pen to life. But this is not the problem. There is a greater problem than this: this question makes me think of the question they once asked Jesus: tell me Master, is it acceptable to heal on a Saturday? Healing is obligatory! Malnutrition, exploitation, slave labour, the lack of drinking water, these are the problems. We&#8217;re not talking about which plaster we should use for which wound. The great injustice is social injustice, the great injustice is malnutrition. I don&#8217;t like making such casuistic reflections when there are people dying because of a lack of water and hunger. Think about arms trafficking. When these problems cease to exist, then I think we can ask ourselves the question: is it acceptable to heal on a Saturday? Why are arms still being manufactured? Wars are the leading cause of death. Forget about whether it is acceptable or not to heal on a Saturday. Make justice and when everyone is healed, when there is no injustice in this world, then we can talk about Saturday.</span></div></blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">Five years ago Benedict XVI said that the use of condoms to prevent the spread of Aids could be justified in specific circumstances. Francis apparently thinks the debate is &#8216;casuistic&#8217; when Africa is suffering from the plagues of warfare, starvation and slavery in addition to HIV. &#8216;The morality of the Church faces a bit of a predicament here&#8217;, he says &#8211; and it&#8217;s not the only area where he has harsh words for Catholics who apply moral teachings harshly. Elsewhere in the interview he rages against Catholic &#8216;fundamentalists&#8217;:</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span></div><blockquote class="tr_bq" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">[Pope:] In the Catholic Church we have some &#8211; many &#8211; who believe they possess the absolute truth and they go on sullying others through slander and defamation and this is wrong. I say this because it is my Church. Religious fundamentalism must be combatted. It is not religious, God is lacking, it is idolatrous. What religious leaders need to do is convince people who have these tendencies. Fundamentalism that ends in tragedy or commits crimes is a bad thing but it exists in all religions.</span></blockquote><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;"><br /></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #990000;">I think the Pope is right about condoms and Aids; but, considering the interview as a whole (full transcript <a href="">here</a>), I&#8217;m dismayed by his simplistic (and now familiar) analysis of poverty in the developing world, supported by statistics that Francis &#8216;read somewhere&#8217;. Africa is a victim; end of story. As for these Catholic fundamentalists, the question everyone will be asking is: who does he mean? What, precisely, qualifies as Catholic fundamentalism? As I keep having to say after these Bergoglian improvisations, your guess is as good as mine.</span></div>

<div class="time">
<div class="item feed-03887707 feed-barnhardt" id="item-93024eee">
<p class="itemheader">
<span class="itemtitle"><a href="">Stay confessed. Seriously. Bergoglio is now saying terrifyingly evil things.</a></span>
<span class="itemfrom">[<a href="">Barnhardt</a>]</span>
<div class="itemdescription">
<p>Oh my. &#160;This can&#8217;t go on much longer. &#160;Something is going to give.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Here&#8217;s the latest from his airplane presser flying back from Africa:</a></p>
<p><em>&#8220;We Catholics have some &#8212; and not some, many &#8212; <strong>who believe in the absolute truth</strong> and go ahead dirtying the other with calumny, with disinformation, and doing evil.&#8221;</em></p>
<p><em>&#8220;I say this because <strong>it is my church</strong>.&#8221;</em></p>
<p>Um, this sounds an awful lot like Bergoglio denying Christ and declaring himself God.</p>
<p>I&#8217;d like to go on record as believing in Absolute Truth. His name is Jesus Christ.</p>
<p>Dicit ei Jesus: <span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ego sum</span> Via, et <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Veritas</span>, et Vita. Nemo venit ad Patrem, nisi per Me.</strong></span></p>
<p><a href="" style="line-height: 1.714285714; font-size: 1rem;"><img alt="the-crucified-christ" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-2884" height="1024" src="" width="589" /></a></p>


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<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Adelante la Fe</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">AKA Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Andrew Cusack</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Arimathea Atom Feed</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Athanasius Contra Mundum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Australia Incognita</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Barnhardt</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Beiboot Petri</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Biblical Evidence for Catholicism</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">BRUNONIS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Called to Communion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=";rssid464=61">Cardinal Newman Society All Posts</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Faith and Reason - Our Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Catholic Sacristan</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> - Commentary on Catholic News and World Affairs</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> - In Depth Analysis of Catholic Issues</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href=""> &#187;</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Charlotte was Both</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Chiesa -</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA - Daily Readings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA - Saint of the Day</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA Daily News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNA Daily News - Vatican</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Movie Reviews</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Top Stories</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CNS Vatican News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Commentary - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Community in Mission</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Comuni&#243;n Tradicionalista &#171; Comuni&#243;n Tradicionalista</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Corpus Christi Watershed news</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Creative Minority Report</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">CRISTIANDAD</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Cum Lazaro</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">David Scott Writings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Denzinger-Katholik</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Diligite iustitiam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dom Donald's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dominicana</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dominus mihi adjutor</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Dyspeptic Mutterings</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Eastern Christian Books</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Edinburgh Housewife</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Edward Feser</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">et nunc</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ethika Politika</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">EUCist News</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Faithful Answers</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">For the Queen</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr Ray Blake's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Fr. Z's Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Galileo Was Wrong</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Gratia Super Naturam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">History of Interpretation</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">I Have to Sit Down</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">iBenedictines</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">IDLE SPECULATIONS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ignatius his conclave</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Il Blog di Raffaella. I Papi, il Vaticano e la Chiesa Cattolica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">In the Light of the Law</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Incarnation and Modernity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Infallible Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Instaurare Omnia in Christo - The Blog</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Jimmy Akin</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John G. Brungardt, Ph.L.</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">John V. Gerardi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Just Thomism</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">katholon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Korrektiv</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laodicea</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Laudator Temporis Acti</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Le blog d'Yves Daoudal</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lectio Divina Notes</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Lex Christianorum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Ley Natural</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Little Flower Farm</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">LMS Chairman</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Loved As If</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">marcpuck</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mary Victrix</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Mathias von Gersdorff</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Musings of a Pertinacious Papist</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Liturgical Movement</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Sherwood</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">New Song</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">News - thomistica</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">NICK'S CATHOLIC BLOG</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">One Mad Mom</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">OnePeterFive</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Opus Publicum</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Oz Conservative</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Paths of Love</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Psallam Domino</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RORATE C&#198;LI</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">RSS</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Sancrucensis</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Scholastiker</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Semiduplex</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Siris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Spirit of Teuchtar II</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">St. Peter's List</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Steeple and State</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Symposium</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">T&#281;sknota</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Taylor Marshall</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Tea at Trianon</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The American Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Badger Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Dormitory</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Catholic Thing</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The City and the World</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Daily Register</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Deacon's Bench</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Divine Lamp</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Eponymous Flower</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The hermeneutic of continuity</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Jesuit Post</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Josias</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Lepanto Institute</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Low Churchman's Guide to the Solemn High Mass</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Paraphasic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Prosblogion</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Rad Trad</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Remnant Newspaper - The Remnant Newspaper - Remnant Articles</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sacred Page</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The Sensible Bond</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">The TOF Spot</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Theological Flint</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">totaliter aliter</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Traditional Catholic Priest</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Transalpine Redemptorists at home</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unam Sanctam Catholicam</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Unequally Yoked</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Voice of the Family</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vox Cantoris</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Vultus Christi</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Whispers in the Loggia</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>

<tr class="feedsrow">
<td><a href="">Zippy Catholic</a></td>
<td><a class="xmlbutton" href="">XML</a></td>
<td>13:00, Friday, 04 December</td>
<td>14:00, Friday, 04 December</td>


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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-15.html">15</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-02-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2015</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2015-01-25.html">25</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-07.html">07</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-21.html">21</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-28.html">28</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-12-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-11-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-05.html">05</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-12.html">12</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-14.html">14</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-03.html">03</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-08-31.html">31</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-13.html">13</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-07-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-06-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-04-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2014</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">24</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-03-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-16.html">16</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-02-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2014</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-26.html">26</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-29.html">29</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2014-01-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-22.html">22</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-12.html">12</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-11-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-10-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-08-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-07-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-06-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-05-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-04-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2013</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">25</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-10.html">10</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-03-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-02-24.html">24</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2013</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2013-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-09.html">09</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-13.html">13</a></td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-12-28.html">28</a></td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-06.html">06</a></td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-11.html">11</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-20.html">20</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-11-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">October 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-01.html">01</a></td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-05.html">05</a></td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-11.html">11</a></td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-15.html">15</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-22.html">22</a></td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-25.html">25</a></td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-10-30.html">30</a></td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">September 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-26.html">26</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-27.html">27</a></td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-09-30.html">30</a></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2012</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-06-17.html">17</a></td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">May 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-05-31.html">31</a></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-03-21.html">21</a></td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">February 2012</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2012-02-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2011</td>
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<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-12-24.html">24</a></td><td class="cal-day">25</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-11-09.html">09</a></td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">July 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-07-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">April 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-04-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">March 2011</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2011-03-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-11-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">August 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-08-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">June 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-03.html">03</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-04.html">04</a></td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-06-23.html">23</a></td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">January 2010</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-02.html">02</a></td><td class="cal-day">03</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-14.html">14</a></td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2010-01-16.html">16</a></td><td class="cal-day">17</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td><td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td></tr>

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<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">December 2009</td>
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<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td><td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-07.html">07</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-08.html">08</a></td><td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-10.html">10</a></td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td><td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-17.html">17</a></td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-18.html">18</a></td><td class="cal-day">19</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-12-20.html">20</a></td></tr>
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<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td><td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day">31</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td></tr>

<table class="calendar">
<tr class="cal-head">
<td class="cal-prev"></td>
<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">November 2009</td>
<td class="cal-next"></td>
<tr class="cal-days">
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">26</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">27</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">28</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">29</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">30</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">31</em></td><td class="cal-day">01</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">02</td><td class="cal-day">03</td><td class="cal-day">04</td><td class="cal-day">05</td><td class="cal-day">06</td><td class="cal-day">07</td><td class="cal-day">08</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">09</td><td class="cal-day">10</td><td class="cal-day">11</td><td class="cal-day">12</td><td class="cal-day">13</td><td class="cal-day">14</td><td class="cal-day">15</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">16</td><td class="cal-day">17</td><td class="cal-day">18</td><td class="cal-day"><a class="cal-link" href="index-2009-11-19.html">19</a></td><td class="cal-day">20</td><td class="cal-day">21</td><td class="cal-day">22</td></tr>
<tr class="cal-week">
<td class="cal-day">23</td><td class="cal-day">24</td><td class="cal-day">25</td><td class="cal-day">26</td><td class="cal-day">27</td><td class="cal-day">28</td><td class="cal-day">29</td></tr>
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<td class="cal-day">30</td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">01</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">02</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">03</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">04</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">05</em></td><td class="cal-day"><em class="cal-othermonth">06</em></td></tr>

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