""" dated-output plugin for rawdog, by Adam Sampson Needs rawdog 2.5rc1 or later, and Python 2.5. Rather than writing a single output file, this plugin splits the output into several files by date. The "pagedateformat" strftime format is used to generate the filenames; it'll switch to a new output file when the date that produces changes. The newest output file will get the default name, and older ones will have a "-date" suffix inserted before the last ".". Various template bits are produced for navigation between the generated pages: - __dated_output_pages__ is a simple unordered list, in the same format as the paged-output plugin. - __dated_output_calendar__ is a calendar for the current month. - __dated_output_calendars__ is a series of calendars for all months that contain at least one page. These configuration options are understood: - "pagedateformat" is the strftime format used to generate filenames. - "calendarmonthformat" is the strftime format used for month headers in calendars. - "calendardayformat" is the strftime format used for day-name headers in calendars. - "calendardateformat" is the strftime format used for dates in calendars. It is assumed that you're using rawdog's default article sorting mechanism. If you're using another plugin that orders the articles differently, this will not work very well. """ import os, time, datetime, calendar import rawdoglib.plugins from rawdoglib.rawdog import DayWriter, write_ascii, format_time, fill_template, safe_ftime, encode_references, get_system_encoding from StringIO import StringIO def safe_strftime(obj, format): """Call the strftime method on an object, and convert the result to ASCII-encoded HTML.""" u = unicode(obj.strftime(format), get_system_encoding()) return encode_references(u) class DatedOutput: def __init__(self): self.page_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" self.calendar_month_format = "%B %Y" self.calendar_day_format = "%a" self.calendar_date_format = "%d" self.output_files = {} self.current_date = None self.current_fn = None self.f = None self.dw = None def config_option(self, config, name, value): if name == "pagedateformat": self.page_date_format = value return False elif name == "calendarmonthformat": self.calendar_month_format = value return False elif name == "calendardayformat": self.calendar_day_format = value return False elif name == "calendardateformat": self.calendar_date_format = value return False else: return True def generate_list(self): """Generate the list of pages.""" f = StringIO() # Sort and reverse the list of dates, so we have the newest # first. dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() f.write('\n') return f.getvalue() def generate_calendar(self): """Generate a calendar for the month containing the current date.""" t = time.strptime(self.current_date, self.page_date_format) this_month = datetime.date(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, 1) # Find links to the previous and next months, if they exist. prev_date = None next_date = None dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() for date in dates: t = time.strptime(date, self.page_date_format) that_month = datetime.date(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, 1) if that_month < this_month: prev_date = date if that_month > this_month: next_date = date break f = StringIO() self.generate_one_calendar(f, this_month, prev_date, next_date) return f.getvalue() def generate_calendars(self): """Generate calendars for all months.""" f = StringIO() last_month = None dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() for date in dates: t = time.strptime(date, self.page_date_format) month = datetime.date(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, 1) if month == last_month: continue last_month = month self.generate_one_calendar(f, month, None, None) f.write('\n') return f.getvalue() def generate_one_calendar(self, f, this_month, prev_date, next_date): """Generate a calendar for a given month.""" cal = calendar.Calendar() f.write('\n') # Print the previous/month name/next bar. f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n' % safe_strftime(this_month, self.calendar_month_format)) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') # Print the day-names bar. f.write('\n') for day in cal.iterweekdays(): # Find a date that corresponds to the day number we # want to print. I don't see a better way to do this # in datetime... date = datetime.date(1981, 9, 25) while date.weekday() != day: date += datetime.timedelta(days = 1) f.write('' % safe_strftime(date, self.calendar_day_format)) f.write('\n') # Print the weeks of the month. for week in cal.monthdatescalendar(this_month.year, this_month.month): f.write('\n') for day in week: date = safe_strftime(day, self.page_date_format) f.write('') f.write('\n') f.write('
') if prev_date is not None: f.write('<' % os.path.basename(self.output_files[prev_date])) f.write('%s') if next_date is not None: f.write('>' % os.path.basename(self.output_files[next_date])) f.write('
') if day.month != this_month.month: f.write('') after = '' elif date == self.current_date: f.write('') after = '' elif date in self.output_files: f.write('') after = '' else: after = '' f.write(safe_strftime(day, self.calendar_date_format)) f.write(after) f.write('
\n') def write_output(self, rawdog, config): """Write out the current output file.""" bits = rawdog.get_main_template_bits(config) bits["items"] = self.f.getvalue() bits["num_items"] = str(len(rawdog.articles.values())) bits["dated_output_pages"] = self.generate_list() bits["dated_output_calendar"] = self.generate_calendar() bits["dated_output_calendars"] = self.generate_calendars() s = fill_template(rawdog.get_template(config), bits) fn = self.current_fn config.log("dated-output writing output file: ", fn) f = open(fn + ".new", "w") write_ascii(f, s, config) f.close() os.rename(fn + ".new", fn) def set_filename(self, rawdog, config, fn): """Set the output filename. If it changes, switch to a new output file. If set to None, close the current output file.""" if fn == self.current_fn: return if self.current_fn is not None: self.dw.close() self.write_output(rawdog, config) if fn is not None: self.f = StringIO() self.dw = DayWriter(self.f, config) self.current_fn = fn def output_write_files(self, rawdog, config, articles, article_dates): config.log("dated-output starting") # Extract the prefix and suffix from the configured outputfile. outputfile = config["outputfile"] i = outputfile.rfind('.') if i != -1: prefix = outputfile[:i] suffix = outputfile[i:] else: prefix = outputfile suffix = "" # Figure out the output filename date for each article. article_fn_dates = {} self.output_files = {} for article in articles: tm = time.localtime(article_dates[article]) date = safe_ftime(self.page_date_format, tm) article_fn_dates[article] = date if date in self.output_files: pass elif self.output_files == {}: # First output file: use the configured name. self.output_files[date] = outputfile else: # Otherwise use a dated name. self.output_files[date] = "%s-%s%s" % (prefix, date, suffix) # Write out each article. for article in articles: date = article_fn_dates[article] self.set_filename(rawdog, config, self.output_files[date]) self.current_date = date self.dw.time(article_dates[article]) rawdog.write_article(self.f, article, config) self.set_filename(rawdog, config, None) config.log("dated-output done") return False p = DatedOutput() rawdoglib.plugins.attach_hook("config_option", p.config_option) rawdoglib.plugins.attach_hook("output_write_files", p.output_write_files)